The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on May 31, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

All of us enjoy the stories posted here so please support Nifty. I appreciate you reading my stories and Nifty appreciates your support.

This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter Two

Things were hectic when I arrived home. Numerous calls to high school friends, making plans to get together and chat about our new college experiences. Well, not all of them of course. Getting Christmas shopping done, visiting with relatives, Christmas parties. All the activity kept my mind of the last few days in the dorm and my interactions with Frank and the football players. Christmas Eve just as we were headed out to church I got a text from Frank. First time I had heard from him since he went home. I imagined he was just as busy as I was or at least I hoped that was the reason I hadn't heard from him. It simply said "Merry Christmas". I returned his text, "You as well my friend". I wanted to call him and chat but we were running late and had to leave. Christmas Day was a relaxed and comforting time, opening presents, sharing a bountiful Christmas dinner, friends and relatives stopping by with holiday greetings. The first few days after Christmas were quiet and boring. High school friends were off doing other things and my brother had returned to his home a few towns over. My mother called to me on the third day and told me the Dean of Students was on the phone for me. This was unusual to say the least. Had Jake, the football player I interrupted having sex made some kind of complaint that I had entered his room without permission? Did Frank wanting to change roommates? I ran to take the call trying to imagine why the Dean was calling me.

"Mark, this is Dean Anderson. A pipe had burst and flooded some of the rooms, including the one you and Frank share. I was wondering if you could return to school a few days early to assign you a new room and get a few things straightened out. I've already contacted your roommate Frank and he will be arriving here on the Thursday before classes resume. It would be good if you could arrive then as well."

"Yes, Dean Anderson, that would be fine. Will we have new roommates or still be roomed together?"

"We'll discuss all of that when you get here. That's why I want the two of you to arrive early. Come to my office at 10:00 AM "

"Ok, I'll see you Thursday at 10."

I hung up and started panicking that Frank and I would be split up. I had been nervous about who I'd have for a roommate but Frank and I had hit it off better than I could have ever imagined. I was about to call Frank when my cell phone rang. It was Frank.

"Hey, did you get a call from school about our room being flooded?"

"Ya. Did the Dean ask you to come back to school early?"

"Sure did. I wonder what is up? I would have assumed they would just assign us another room, like they did back in September."

"You don't suppose they'd split us up do you?"

"They fucking better not. It took me long enough to break you in as a roommate," Frank laughed.

I was glad to hear him say that. I almost said I'd have to break in a new roommate to give me blow jobs but I decided against that.

"We're a team and they better not even try to separate us."

"We'll see what it's all about when we get back. It will be good to see you again."

"Same here, dude. It's been boring as hell around here this week."

As I disconnected I felt relief that what happened just before break hadn't screwed up our friendship. Knowing how he felt suddenly gave me feeling about him that I never thought I'd have towards another guy. Not really sexual in nature, but a kind of a longing to be with him again, soon.

On the Wednesday before we were to return to school, I had all my things packed and ready to go. I didn't sleep too well that night, waking up every hour or so to see if it was time to get up and shower. My alarm clock finally went off and I sprang out of bed, showered in record time and grabbed a muffin and a drink to go. Arriving on time, I approached the Ad Building and saw Frank coming up from the other direction. He ran to meet me, dropping his bags and giving me a big hug.

"Damn, I've missed your ugly face."

"And you're a sore sight for my eyes as well, asshat."

We both laughed, picked up our bags and headed to the Dean's office.

"Come in boys, glad you could come back early so we can get this straightened out. A pipe had burst over the holiday and flooded your room, the rooms on either side and the rooms on the floors below, all the way to the basement. It is going to be a major hassle relocating everyone. Some have to triple up in a double room. Uncomfortable but unavoidable"

"Is that why you called us in early?" Frank asked, clearly nervous about the answer.

"Well, sort of. You see, Ralph contacted me and he is taking the spring semester off. His mother is not doing too well fighting her cancer and he is going to stay by her side. I told him of the flood and he offered a suggestion. When this dorm was built the room Ralph is assigned was intended as an RA's suite to house two students. As time went on these suites were altered to only house one person. It's bigger than a typical room but still only set up as a single. I know the two of you have been filling in for Ralph since Thanksgiving as the floor's RA and he suggested the two of you take the position officially for the rest of the year. As well as you two got along he figured you be fine doubling up in that room."

A sigh of relief came over us both. We looked at each other with shit eating grins on our faces. Still roomies but with a bigger and better room. We both responded at the same time.

"Yes, Dean, that would be more than OK with us. Anything to help with this situation."

"Good, I knew I could count on you. One more thing. Some of the students change room assignments unofficially and move to another room. That sometimes leaves only one person in a double room. Do you know of any of your floor?"

Jake didn't have a roommate any more but neither Frank nor I wanted to give him up. His roommate from last fall was academically unable to play any sports so he quit school. He enjoyed having a room to himself now and I imagine it would stifle his love life, as it were, with a new roommate.

"No, I don't", I offered up.

"Neither do I", Frank concurred.

"Ok, well if anything changes, please be sure and let me know. One last thing. Ralph, as are all the RA's, was getting a stipend of $500 a month from the college. Between that and the various scholarships was the only way he could afford to attend here. He wanted to know if that could be split between the two of you for filling in for him. It will be put in your student draw account for you to use as you see fit. Our insurance company has also determined that you will be paid $5000.00 each for damages to your personal property in your room. Does that seem fair to both of you?"

"Not at all," Frank spoke up first, shocking the Dean. "We had both taken our laptops, clothes and most of our personal effects home when we left for Christmas. There really wasn't that much of any value left in the room."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"The insurance adjuster found text books, a stereo system, a TV, a mini fridge and some other things in the rubble. That was the figure they came up with and I assured them it would be sufficient. And you think it's excessive?"

"Those text books were old ones my brother gave me in case they would be useful. And all the other things in the room were his. Hand me downs that functioned but not new or state of the art by any means."

"Well, I'll be. Ralph was right about you two. You're both straighter shooters. The insurance money will also be placed in your student draw account."

I snickered at that comment and looked at Frank. He turned red in the face and knew I was referring to me shooting my cum on and in him.

"You boys can get along and get settled into your new room. Ralph said you had a key. There's not much we can do right now about converting that back to a double room so you'll have to make do as best you can."

"What would be different?" I inquired.

"Well for one thing, the twin beds were removed and a queen size bed was put in. We will have a shortage of twin beds as we reshuffle students so we can't change that right now. The bathroom was altered to put in a bathtub/shower combination and in doing so they had to enlarge the bathroom and remove the door and part of the front wall. Being a single, privacy wasn't an issue."

"We appreciate you situation and we'll make the best of it. Anything to help out."

"Thank you boys."

Little did he know, we had no privacy issues anyway. We spent most of our time in our room naked, we showered in the communal showers and there was a couch in the room that we could use as a second bed. Having a shower and toilet to ourselves in our own room was freaking awesome. The only problem we could foresee was not having a hookup room. But the bedroom was separate from the main room and a blanket or curtain of some sorts could provide all the discretion a horny college couple would need. We grabbed our bags and headed to our new room. We dropped our bags in the room and went to check out our old room. It was a complete disaster area. The ceiling had come down, the rug squished when you walked on it and it smelled of mildew. There were two workmen in there pulling down what was left of the ceiling and trying to clean things up.

"This used to be our room." I explained to them when they told us we couldn't be in there.

"Oh, well it's not anymore," the younger one of them laughed. "At least not for a long time."

"Ya, you boys better stay out of here. Not sure how long these wet walls will stay up. And the insurance regs won't cover you if you get hurt," the older one warned us.

"Ok, not problem. We let you get back to work."

We got back to our new room and the first thing I did was to get undressed. Frank smiled as he saw me naked.

"New room, same old perverted habits, huh? I thought Santa Claus might have brought you some new pubes for Christmas," he laughed as he also stripped down but leaving his boxers on.

"Hey did, but I returned them for some new razors. Hey, you were the one who started me on this naked thing. And what's with you? Getting shy now, leaving your boxers on?"

"I'm guess I'm just not comfortable yet in the new room. Besides, as the 'official' RA's you never know when someone might come knocking on our door."

"The floor is deserted except for us and those two workmen. And the door is locked to we can always put something on if anyone does come knocking. If it bothers you, should I put something on as well?"

"No you're fine. It's just me."

I wasn't sure what was really up with Frank so I put on a pair of boxers anyway and got my stuff unpacked. Next I was going to take a shower.

"I'm going to christen our new shower. You can be next."

I went in and washed, enjoying the peace and quiet of our own shower. I dried off and walked out of the bathroom naked, forgetting about Frank's aversion.

"Oh damn, I'm sorry, Frank, let me put my boxers back on."

"Don't bother. You going to find out soon anyway," he said as he lowered his head.

"Find out what? Remember the total honesty thing?"

"Ya, you're right. When I was home on break I hooked up with an old girlfriend from high school. We went to a movie and then back to her place. No one was home so we were getting pretty hot and heavy. It was the wrong time of the month for sex so she offered to suck my cock. When I dropped my pants she took my cock in her mouth but then began to gag on my pubic hair. That was the end of that. Not even a hand job. When I got home I had to jerk off to release the tension in my balls. I could see myself in my bedroom mirror. Damn, I was a hairy bastard. After I shot my load all over my stomach and chest I went to take a shower. It was then I got the bright idea that I should shave my cock and balls like you do and then I get more head. Did not go well at all."

Frank pulled down the front of his boxers and his junk really looked like junk. There were cuts and nicks in various forms of severity and stages of healing.

"What the hell? Did you try to cut your pubes with a lawnmower? Don't tell me you used the same razor you've shaved your face with?"

"I'm new at all this. How the hell am I supposed to know how to do it?"

"You wait and ask you best roomie for advice and maybe even a helping hand."

"I'd be too embarrassed."

"And this makes you proud? I asked pointing at his mutilated privates and laughing.

"It's not funny, you asshole."

I know, I'm sorry", trying to stifle another laugh. "It's fucking hilarious!" breaking out laughing and falling backwards on the couch. "You're lucky you didn't cut off anything important."

Frank came towards me with his fists tightened up but he had a little smile on his face. He still had the waistband on his boxers pulled down under his balls, leaving everything hanging out.

"Ok, ok, pull you shorts up and cover than mess. It will be our secret and I won't let on anything about your self mutilation," still snickering.

"You better not or my first official job as an honest to goodness RA will be to report you to the Dean for sexual harassment."

"No worries. I'd be afraid to tell anyone, you might take that old rusty dull razor to town on me and cut my tongue out." More belly laughs as I rolled off the couch and onto the floor holding my sides. I got up and put my boxers on as Frank headed for the shower.

"You don't have to cover up, you're fine staying naked." Frank commented over his shoulder.

"Naw, it's more fun when we're both naked. Besides, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Frank turned around and came back and gave me a prolonged hug.

"You are the best roomie. Thanks."

It was a good thing I had put my boxers on. The hug from Frank and our hands on each other's bare backs made me start to chub up. Whoa, what's with this? Frank went to take his shower as I sat on the couch looking at the rising bulge on my shorts and getting nervous about why it was happening.

The no naked rule was in effect for a couple of weeks until Frank was fully healed and felt comfortable showing his body again. Frank was off to a lab class and I was just coming back to the room. As I put the key in the lock, I heard a long crash and a lot of cussing and swearing coming from our old room. I went and looked in the door and then was Kyle, the younger of the workman, sitting on the floor soaking wet and covered in debris from some wall material that had collapsed.

"Are you all right?"

"No! I'm soaking wet and smelling like the bilge of a fishing boat."

"Oh damn, that stench is putrid!" as I gagged on the heavy odor.

"Yup, that's what wet mildew covered sheet rock smells like. And now me. My boss left me here to work on this while he went to another job today. Could you do me a tremendous favor?"

"Sure, as long as I don't have to get too close to you," laughing at his predicament.

"Funny man. I have a change of clothes in my van. I freeze my ass off if I go out in this weather to get them. If I give you my keys can you go get them for me?"

"I'll do that. But you'll still stink to the high heavens just putting on dry clothes. Do you want to go down to the shower room and wash up?"

"I'd love to but the boss has a very strict policy about things like that. I even have to go use the visitors men's room in the next building."

"Man, that's strict. But I feel really bad for you so tell you what. You're boss is gone, my roommate is in an all afternoon lab so you can use the shower in our room and no one will know."

"You do that for me?"

"Hey, you're fixing up our room aren't you?

"Sweet. But how do you guys get a shower in your room?"

I explained it all to him. He gave me his key and he shed his wet clothes. The hallway was empty so I went ahead and unlocked our door and he quickly scooted in. As he passed me in the doorway I got a good look at his naked body. He was a few inches shorter that I was, I few pound lighter and had a very muscular build from all his physical labor and a flat stomach. His brown hair came to just under his ears and was wet and stuck to his head. His cock was uncut and swung from side to side as he ran in the door. I closed the door and led the way to the shower.

"You don't know how great this is. Not only do I get clean and dry but now I can tell my friends I have run down the hallway of a dorm stark naked, just like a regular college kid."

"That does happen . . . and more." I grinned to him. "I'll be back in a few with your clothes."

"Thanks. I'll be quick."

I grabbed my jacket and locked the door behind me as I left. He was right. It was freezing outside. His clothes would have frozen to him if he came out here wet. I found his van and retrieved his change of clothes. As I approached my door, one of the students on the floor approached me and asked me some questions about the cafeteria. When I had finished with him I unlocked the door and went in. To my surprise Kyle had finished his shower and was sitting on the couch on his towel slowly jerking his now stiff cock.

"Sorry, Mark, but you were taking too long and I thought I could finish before you got back."

I dropped his clothes on the couch next to him. Now that he was fully erect, he has a very impressive cock, longer and thicker than I would have imagined from the size of the rest of his body. Watching his stroke it and the head disappearing in and out of his foreskin had a strange effect on this heterosexual guy. A pronounced bulge appeared in the front of my sweat pants.

"Looks like someone would like to join me," Kyle grinned and patted the couch net to him.

It took me a while to get used to jerking off with Frank in the room This guy was a total stranger. But he had just used our shower, he was sitting on our couch naked and he did have a sweet looking body and appealing cock. Wait. Did I just say an appealing cock? Before I could give this anymore thought, Kyle patted the couch again and I sat down, sliding my sweats down to my ankles. My stiff cock sprung to attention, already showing a drop of precum at the tip.

"See, you're ready." Then Kyle took a good look at my shaved cock and balls. "Did you misplace your pubes somewhere? You're naked down there as well."

The whole swim team and blow job deal was explained in great detail as we both stroked our cocks.

"You cut off your foreskin and your pube. Good thing you stopped before you cut off anything else." Kyle laughed loudly. "You really get more action looking like a ten year old?"

"It's not so much the look as it is the feel. No hairy teeth either."

"Damn, I never seen anyone shaved before. You say it's the feel? May I?"

Before I could answer he reached over and pushed my hand off my cock and wrapped his around it. He rolled to his side and his other hand massaged my balls.

"Hot damn! That does feel really nice."

I was taken aback by his hand on my cock. The only other guy who had done anything physical to me was Frank the night of the drunken blowjob. Kyle was right, however, it did feel really nice. And I'm referring to his hands on my cock and my balls. I lay my head back and closed my eyes and enjoy the feeling. My eyes shot open as I felt his warm and wet mouth engulf my cock.

"You're right about this as well. No hairy teeth." Then back to work he went. I was getting so aroused I reached over and took a hold of his stiff cock and stroked him as he sucked me. "Oh yeah," he mumbled with a mouth full of my cock. Now you're getting the idea."

I was getting more and more into stroking his cock as he sucked mine. Running my hand up and down the side of his body, then moving it to the back of his head. I ran my fingers through his damp hair, not pushing him deeper on my cock, if that were possible, just holding him steady so he didn't pull off. He was running his hands all over me, up inside my thighs, grabbing and massaging my ass cheeks, tweaking my nipples, back down to my inner thighs. It was almost as if he had four hands he moved so fast in so many places, each place resulting in a moan of approval from me and my body responding in kind. My mind was a blur of emotions from his touch and his mouth sucking my cock. He would back off a little and use his tongue to swirl around my cock then plunge down taking my cock as deep as he could, feeling it slam against the back of his mouth and more, then applying suction as he withdrew back to swirl his tongue again. Kyle moved from being on his side to being on his hands and knees leaning over me. I think he may have been moving into a position where we could '69. But I wasn't ready for that yet. Hell, I wasn't ready for this! I was still stroking his cock as I felt myself getting closer. I sped up my hand on his cock and warned him I was close. He mumbled something and actually added more suction to his technique. I was at the point of no return. I tried to pull my hips back to get my cock out of his mouth but he grabbed my ass with his free hand and pulled me tight. As I shot my load into his mouth, the orgasm was so intense I stopped stroking his cock and just squeezed it tight. His added suction made quick work of swallowing every drop of cum I expelled. He sat back with a huge smile on his face and commented,

"Damn, college boy cum is the sweetest stuff ever!"

I lay back trying to catch my breath and looked over at him. He had also laid back and once more stroking his stiff cock.

"Sorry I didn't finish what I started. I'm totally new to all of this and not sure of the protocol involved in who gets off when and how."

"No worries, Mark. I'll finish up and then get back to work."

I looked over at him stroking his cock, his arm muscles straining as he held his cock tight. His legs were out straight spread open to let his balls slap up and down in rhythm with his cock. My breathing was starting to return to normal but my cock was still standing erect watching Kyle. He continued to stroke until he closed his eyes, threw his head back and released on his stomach. As he caught his breath, he ran his finger through the puddle on his stomach and brought it to his mouth.

"Not as sweet as college boy cum, not a bad second." Smirking in my direction.. "Want a taste?"

My post orgasm let down hadn't fully kicked in yet as I reached over and scooped a finger full of this stranger's cum and put it in my mouth. I had tasted my own cum out of curiosity when I first started to shoot cum in middle school. It was gross. But this wasn't so bad. Not exactly something I'd look for on the menu at a fine restaurant. But not as gross as I had remembered.

"Well, thanks for the shower . . . and the cum" Kyle laughed. I have to get back to work before I get fired. If you ever want a repeat performance or include your roommate next time, just let me know. I'm just down the hall." He got dressed and left.

I picked up the room and got my books for a late class I had that day. As I was changing my clothes I wondered how or even if I should tell Frank? Honesty is our policy but this happened behind closed doors. And I never had a chance to tell him about walking in on Jake. Should I come clean on all of this? I noticed Kyle had left his backpack for his clothes when he left. I'd drop it off to him when I went to class. I went down the hall and poked my head in our old room.

"Hey Kyle, you forgot something."

"What, the after sex kiss?" he laughed.

A kiss? What, no! Hell no!" That's not my thing I assured myself as my face turned red. Then why the hell am I chubbing up at the thought of kissing this hot body guy? And so soon after cumming? All this made no sense.

"No, your backpack, you asshat." As I threw it in the door at him.

"Oh, ok, thanks."

As I walked out of the dorm and into the cold winter air, I was running with sweat. Not from the physical exertion I had just gone through but what had just happened with Kyle and the thought of kissing him. I hurried along to class, saying hello to everyone I passed whether I knew them or not to take my mind of everything. My mind was still going 90 miles per hour and it was a waste of time going to my class.

As I came back to our floor after class I saw Jake talking to Frank at the door to our room. This might be trouble. Or might not. I was such a wreck from earlier I just mumbled hello as I walked past them into our room. Jake had his head down and mumbled "hello" back to me.

"Hey Mark, don't be anti-social. Come back here and join the conversation." Frank invited me.

"No, that's alright. I have to going anyway, Frank. Thanks for the chat." Jake said as he quickly headed back down the hall to his room.

"What was that all about? You two beefing over something"

"No. What did he want? Was he talking about me?"

"Of course we were!" Frank laughed.

"Seriously, what did he want?"

"Man, you seem spooked about something. I've known Jake since when my brother was here. He's a really good guy. I think he must have been concerned about us telling the Dean he didn't have a roommate anymore and he wanted to keep the room to himself. He knew I wouldn't tell anyone but he kept asking me if you were a good guy, trust worthy and could keep a secret. When I told him about our honest policy in the room, he got a little worried but I told him it was only between you and I and we both already knew he was a single."

"And that was all?"

"Yes. Why, is there something else?"

"No, nothing. He just makes me nervous that's all."

"No need. He can keep a secret as well. To show him how good you were as keeping things close to the chest, I told him about your shaving your pubes and why. Hope I wasn't out of line?"

"No, that's fine. It's really no secret. Anyone using the showers when I do can see that. I'm going to turn in early tonight after a quick shower."

"No problem. I'm going out with some of the guys from my lab class for supper and drinks downtown. Want to join us?"

"Thanks, but I'm beat. Need a good night's sleep."

"Suit yourself. See you in the morning."

I took my shower and got ready for bed, all the while the encounter with Kyle weighing on my mind. I know I shave so the girls will be more willing to give me head but this is the second guy to suck my cock in the last month. And I really did enjoy it both times, once I got over the shock of it. And now Jake is asking about me? I know he's not wanting to give me a blow job, but is he wanting to beat me up to make sure I don't say anything about the encounter in his room before break? I was tossing and turning and not really asleep when Frank came back from his night out with his friends so I woke up when he opened the door.

"Did you have a good time tonight?" I inquired.

"Oh shit, sorry to wake you. Ya, had a real good time. Great bunch of guys."

"I wasn't really sleeping anyway. Too much on my mind tonight."

"Care to share?"

"Kind of awkward, but I want to get it off my chest." I told him about Kyle and how he ended up sucking me off.

"Wow, who would have thought?"

"Thought what, that Kyle would have sucked me off or that I would have let him?"

"Both. But that shaved cock of yours is so fucking inviting, who could resist" Frank laughed hard. "But I suppose the fact you liked it only goes to prove that a mouth is a mouth no matter who it's attached to."

"Shut up, asshat. I didn't shave it to attract guys, just girls. And who said I enjoyed it?"

"Well you didn't shove him off you did you? And you said you were stroking him too?"

"I guess you'd know about the mouth being a mouth theory now, wouldn't you." I retaliated with. Frank's face turned red and he glared at me. Maybe I had gone too far? But he had that one coming.

"Ok, truce. But why did you feel you had to tell me? What you and Kyle did has nothing to do with me."

"I guess it's that honesty pact we agreed to the beginning of the year. Or the fact that the whole thing just weirded me out and if I told someone I wouldn't feel so strange. It's not the thing that you bring up in general conversation but you and I can talk freely with one another."

"Hey man, I appreciate that you feel we can share shit like this. And no judgement on what went down, even if it was Kyle." Again a smirk and a laugh at his own innuendo.

I decided to keep going, somewhat.

"The real reason I was nervous about what Jake was asking was because of what happened before break. I had stayed here Friday night and was going to do the room check Saturday morning when I was sure everyone had left the floor. I took a shower and then went checking rooms, not bothering to get dressed. When I got to Jake's room and opened the door I was shocked to find Jake still there. He was on his bed stroking his cock. I just stood there for a few seconds until he looked over at me and gave me shit for spying on him. He saw I was shaved and called me a faggot and screamed at me to get out of his room. I tried to explain to him I was just doing the obligatory room check and didn't think he'd be there but he started to get up and I decided it was best to just get out of there before the situation escalated into me catching a beating. I went and put sweats on to continue checking the rooms. Jake passed me as I was finished and going back in our room. He just glared at me as he passed."

"Oh my God, that is so fucking hilarious! You caught the Mr Macho jacking. Does he have a big cock?"

"I wasn't looking at his cock. I was looking at the anger boiling up in his face. And watching my life flash before my eyes."

"He didn't mention anything about that but I guess that's why he was so interested in your discretion. He wasn't as concerned about his room status as he was about his macho status. And me telling him why you're shaved hopefully put his mind at ease that you're not a pervert," Frank laughed. "Although if you keep bringing strange men to our room for sex when I'm not here I may have to rethink that." More smirking and laughter.

"Maybe I will have to rethink being so honest with you from now on," I angrily replied to him.

"No man, just busting your balls. I'm glad we can still be this open with each other. People say the friends you make in college are like no other friends you'll have later in life. I guess this is why."

"Thanks, I'm glad I got it off my chest."

"You're just glad you got it off, didn't matter where or with who," still joking around.

"Fuck you! You're just jealous because I didn't invite you to join our man on man sex fest," trying to get away from any more serious discussion. "But thanks for listening. I can sleep better now. See you in the morning."

"Wet dreams, Mark," he winked and walked back to the bedroom laughing. It was his week for the bed and my week for the couch. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but it was better than the floor. As I put my head down to doze off my mind went back to being on the same couch with Kyle a few hours ago. I felt my cock start to stir at the thought but I fought hard not to keep going that way.

We were settling into our new room and all the perks that went with it. The only glitch was the weekly rotation was not working out. Some times when it was my week for the couch I had an early class the next morning and wanted to turn in early but Frank wanted to stay up and watch television. That and Frank's back didn't take well to sleeping on the couch. Always woke up stiff and sore the next morning. But he wasn't going to whine about it. He just made the best of it. I had taken the bed this particular night to turn in early and left Frank watching TV. I woke up the next morning to find Frank on the other side of the bed sound asleep. My cock was rock hard and anticipating its usual morning relief. But I wasn't about to jack off with Frank on the other side of the bed. On the other side of the room was ok but not in the same bed, I quietly got out of bed and relieved myself in the shower and headed off to class. We'd have to discuss the sleeping arrangements when I got back. Frank had left for his classes when I returned so the discussion would have to wait.

It was around supper time when Frank got back to the room. He said he had something he wanted to discuss with me and felt we should do it over a pizza and some beer.

"Sounds good. I have something to discuss as well, maybe the same thing."

Frank looked at me with a questioning look. I had assumed he wanted to talk about him ending up in the bed last night. I was hoping it wasn't going to lead to something else he had on his mind. Frank ordered pizza and went out to pick it up along with some beer. He returned with a case of beer instead of the usual six pack or two. This must going to be a serious discussion. We ate and drank, Frank drinking a little more than usual. I was going to remind him what had last time he had too much to drink but decided against going there.

"So Frank, what was it you wanted to discuss?"

"You said you had something too so why don't you go first."

"Ok. I woke up this morning and found I had company in the bed with me. What's up with that?"

"Oh yeah, that. My back was really bothering me last night after watching TV and I didn't think I'd get any sleep on the couch. I looked in the bedroom and you were way over on one side of the bed and I figured there was plenty of room for me to get in without getting too up close and personal with you. I guess it worked because I never even heard you leave this morning. Hope it didn't freak you out."

"No, just surprised me, that's all. I wasn't expecting company. I was just worried there might be more to it than that."

"Dude, no way. We're tight friends and I would never make a move on you. What the hell am I saying, I'd never make a move on any guy, period. Not my thing at all."

In the back of my mind I still had thoughts of his drunken blowjob but that was behind us, way behind us.

"Ok, good. I suppose in the interest of being a good roomie we could share the bed and have neither one of us stuck sleeping on the couch. The bed is a queen size and way too big for just one of us."

Great! I'm glad we can get along like this. I thank you and my back thanks you." Frank reach over to give me a fist bump.

"No problem. Now what was it you wanted to discuss?"

"I need another beer first, You want another?"

"Maybe I better if you feel you do," I laughed at him. But inside I wasn't' laughing. We were usually pretty open and honest with each other but Frank seemed really nervous about whatever he wanted to talk about. We finished our beers and Frank cleared his throat and turned to look at me.

"You know Cathy I've been dating?"

"Ya, seems like a really nice girl. And hot too! Nice personality, cute face and killer body. Wait, you're not going to marry her, drop out of school and go home and have a zillion kids with her are, leaving me here all by myself?" Trying to lighten the mood.

"Hell no. I ain't marrying anybody until I'm finished with school and I'm not leaving you alone to enjoy that huge bed all by yourself." A quick smile but then back t his serious face.

"She's a virgin and wants to save it until she gets married. Old fashioned I suppose but I can respect that. But she wants to really get into oral sex, both ways. For now it's just been her jerking me off and me fingering her to an orgasm. Now she wants more. But she thinks I'm too hairy for her to enjoy sucking my cock. And guess what, she's heard about some swimmer guy on campus that shaves himself bare just so the ladies can enjoy sucking his cock. Now thanks to you if I want her to go down on me I have to be shaved. The good thing is that she said she'd shave herself as well so I don't have to eat my way through her bush."

"That's great. You'll love the feel. And the sex."

"I didn't have the nerve to tell her I already tried the shaving thing and how it turned out. But you've seen the results. I'm really nervous about this."

"You just didn't have the right equipment or technique. You'll be fine this time."

"That's the thing. Having gone through this once. I'm scared shitless to try it again. I figured seeing as you're the reason she knows about this shaved cock thing that just maybe I could count on my super roomie to give me hand with this, literally."

"I'd be glad to advise on what and how to do it."

"No, I don't want advice. I want to get in the shower, get wet, close my eyes and when I open them again, you've shaved me clean." Frank's face turned red and he dropped his head to look at the floor.

"Are you seriously asking me to get in the shower with you, lather you up and take your cock and balls in my hands and shave you myself?!?"

"I know it's a lot to ask of you and I hope you're not pissed at me for even asking. But I really want to have her suck my cock and let me eat her pussy. It will only be this once and then I'll try to do it myself." Frank could see my face showed no expression so I wasn't pissed but I wasn't jumping up to say 'sure' either. "Knowing what a great friend you are I went to the store today and purchased a new razor and some shaving cream just in case I could count on your help." He looked up with puppy dog eyes looking like a kid that was asking his parents to take him out for ice cream. Still seeing the blank look on my face, he continued. "And now that we're sharing the same bed wouldn't you sleep better knowing that I was getting some action and not going to bed horny?"

That broke my resolve at being stoic about this.

"You could get blown in the morning, laid at noon time and jerk off after supper and I still may not be safe in bed with you with out chain mail underwear on."

Frank broke out in a huge smile and a sigh of relief that he hadn't screwed up our friendship.

"So, you'll help me then?"

"Let me think on this for a while. I think I need another beer."

"Me too. Then I'll be ready." Frank gave me a punch on the shoulder as he got up to go get two more cold beers. We downed those pretty quickly in anticipation of what we were embarking on.

"You better go get in the shower before we have any more beers or you might look like you did before when I get through with you."

"Awesome, dude. I don't know how I'm going to repay you for this."

"Oh, it will be big, really big." I giggled as Frank went to get in the shower.

He left he new razor and shaving cream can on the bed for me. He hollered from the shower he was ready. Question was, was I ready? Contrary to our usual naked casualness in the room we were both still dressed when we ate the pizza and drank ourselves into a state of complacency. I undressed, took the supplies and headed for the shower. It was a tub shower combination so there was enough room for the two of us at the same time. Frank moved to one end of the tub and I kneeled in front of him. He was chubbed up a little but it's easier to shave if it's hard. I told Frank that and told him to think of Cathy shaving him instead of me. That bought an instant reaction. I applied some shaving cream to his cock and his balls, rubbing it in to soften up his soon to be removed hair. As I worked it in his cock was getting harder and harder. But for some reason so was mine. I grabbed the razor and got ready.

"Here we go. Now don't move so I don't knick anything important. Say good bye hair."

"Good bye hair, hello Cathy. Please be careful. I've got two balls but only one cock and it's near and dear to me." Frank joked.

I pulled his ball sack out tight and started shaving. One side then the other then up underneath. Going a little lower I cleaned up his taint. I released his balls and ran my hands over them to make sure I had made them smooth. Then I grabbed the head of his cock and lifted it up towards his stomach. It was hard as nails as this point and I had to apply some pressure to keep it where I wanted it, not to mention how slippery it was with all the shaving cream on it. Frank was twitching and I was afraid I'd loose my grip.

"Hold still, damn it. I don't want it to get away from me."

"Aww, I'll bet you say that to all the boys."

"You're playing a dangerous game busting on someone who has your cock in one hand and a sharp razor in his other hand."

"Ya, sorry. I'll keep my mouth shut and try to stay still."

I shaved the underneath of his shaft then pushed it to one side and to the other as I cleaned it up. Then I pushed it back down so I could get the top of the shaft and the hair above the base so there was no hair left to tickle Cathy's nose. I know he didn't want to be completely bare but I wanted to clear enough to make his blow job a success. As I finished shaving I ran my hands all around to check for any stubble of missed spots. I had done a good job. It felt smooth and velvety, a stark contrast to Kyle's hairy cock, the only other guy's cock I had ever held in my hand. As I was caressing his cock and his balls, Frank started moaning and moving his hips back and forth ever so slightly. I was amused at his reaction to what I was doing now that I was finished with the razor. I tightened my grip around his cock and began a rhythmic back and forth, complimented by the same movement in Frank's hips. His moaning got louder and more pronounced.

"Hope this is alright, I'm just checking to make sure it's smooth enough for Cathy."

"Oh hell yes. You're doing a great job."

Not sure if he meant the shave job or the hand job. But I was too into it now to really care. This was not what I had intended to do but it surely was what I was doing. I tightened my grip on his cock some more and sped up, reaching up with my other hand to cup his balls. I could feel his cock get even harder and his balls suck up to his body. He was ready. A few more tugs and he shot 5 super loads of cum at me, missing my face but hitting my chest. I stood up to rinse his cum off of me and smiled at the goofy look on Frank's face. He rinsed the shaving cream off his cock and looked down at it. He ran his hand over himself and then looked up at me.

"Nice job. Thanks so much."

I wasn't sure if he meant the shave job or the hand job and I wasn't about to ask.

"No problem. Once you're rinsed off you can get out and dry off and I'm going to stay and trim myself while I'm here."

Frank rinsed off and then turned back towards me.

"Man, you are the best roomie ever. You don't know how much I appreciate this."

He came to me and embraced me for a hug. My cock was still hard and was pressed against his flaccid cock as we hugged. It was more than a quick hug and I felt Frank's cock start to chub up again as it pressed against mine. The soapy tub and the amount of beer Frank had consumed made him slip and I had to hold him tight to prevent him from falling. He cock was now well on it's way to another full blown erection. I released him as he steadied himself and looked down at his stiff cock.

"No need to stiffen up again, Frank. You're hair will grow back and need another shave but it hasn't grown back this fast."

"Until next time," he quipped and stepped out of the shower, leaving me by myself.

I lathered up and trimmed myself then took the opportunity to do the same to my stiff smooth cock as I had just done to Frank's. Rinsing the cum and left of shaving cream down the drain I got out, dried off and went to climb in my side of the bed. Frank had his back t my side of the bed until I turned out the light. Then he turned towards me,

"Again, thanks for that. I really appreciate everything."

"No problem. Don't mention it . . . like ever."

Frank snickered and rolled back over and went to sleep. Leaving me to wonder why I felt so content and not weirded out by just giving my roommate a hand job, let alone the shave.

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 3

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