The Sweet Life on Deck

By colton henry

Published on Aug 10, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know Cole or Dylan Sprouse or their sexualities. I also do not own the suite life on deck. Nor do I know any other character's (and their actors) sexual orientations. This is a purely fictional story made from my imagination. It involves gay sex with minors, so if that bothers you then stop reading.

E-mail me at for suggestions, comments, concerns or ideas.

"How did my brother land a chick like Bailey?" Zack thought out loud.

"Hmmm, I don't know. I've been trying to get him to tell me all his babe-getting secrets!" Replied his bushy haired friend Woody who greedily took another slip on his smoothie.

Zack continued to stare at the couple holding hands over by the ship's railing. Cody and Bailey were watching the sun set periodically giggling over a nerdy joke Cody would make. Zack's heart felt heavily and he was oblivious to the surrounding customer demands going on around him. How could he concentrate when Bailey was dangling his brother, best friend and lover right in front of him?

"Two banana mango smoothies." Said someone as Zack snapped back to attention.

It was Cody who ordered the drinks. Zack smiled idiotically at his brother admiring the especially glamorous way the setting sun beamed off his golden hair and brightened up his face. Zack made the drinks but then excused himself for a bathroom break so he wouldn't have to watch Bailey cling to Cody like a loose tee-shirt.

"Fuck" Zack said as he kicked the toilet and closed the stall door behind him. He put his face in his hands as tears began to form. Cody had been spending less and less time with him every since he and Bailey were going regular. Was this the way Cody felt every time Zack had fooled around with another guy? Zack hoped not because the nauseating feeling was getting to be a little more then he could handle. Wiping his eyes, he decided to call in sick for the rest of his shift and get to bed early.

"Thanks for taking me to that movie tonight Cody, it was so romantic" Zack could hear Bailey say from under the door. Cody's room was just across the hall and Zack has had to hear them say goodnight, every night, for over a week. "I never knew my guy could be so romantic."

"Blah" Zack whispered as he heard that. Nothing pierced his heart quite like Bailey walking Cody around as her guy. If she only knew what Cody really liked. The soft smacks of lips on lips could be heard followed by low moans. He heard her footsteps trail off down the hall then a sharp knock at his door.

"Zack, open up." Cody called to his older brother.

Zack thought about not answering the door but an unknown force was causing his slippers to scuff across the carpet towards the door. Cody smiled and pushed Zack back towards the bed. He lent in for a kiss, and even though Zack bended over trying to get out of it, Cody got his way. Zack could still taste the watermelon lip gloss Bailey must have been wearing tonight on his younger twin. Outraged, he pushed Cody back.

"What, Zack?"

"Watermelon, dear brother?"

"Oh, come on, it's not my fault she kisses me." Cody smiled at how conceited he sounded.

"Well when you get her to stop, then come and talk to me." Zack replied folding his arms and sitting down on his bed."

"Zack, you're not made at me are you? I'm bi Zack, you know that. Seeing Bailey is a good way for us to keep our secret away from everyone else. Just because I like and kiss her doesn't mean you're not my favorite man in the world. I love you Zack."

Zack almost feel in love with Cody all over again. His soothing tone and handing holding as he looked Zack right in the eyes made that same nauseas feeling come over him again, but this time it was a good nauseas feeling.

"Besides, you flirt with girls all the time too. How do you think that makes me feel?"

Zack starred down at the floor. He knew Cody was right. Cody and his scientific brain could almost always make Zack see how he is right. Cody smiled and lifted his twins chin up towards his puckered lips. Zack gave in this time as his back fell to the bed and Cody swung his other leg over Zack's mid section to straddle him.

Both boys hard members screamed for attention through their boxers as they attempted to thrust against each other at the same rhythm. Cody grabbed Zack's wrists and held them above his head. Zack could easily get free, but the slutty side of the blond twink was coming out and he let out a loud moan as Cody began to nibble his ear lobe.

"Plus, Bailey won't do anything sexual with me, so that's where your ass and cock come into play." Cody whispered deeply into his brother's ear.

Cody let go of his grip on Zack's hands so that both boys could stand up and quickly remove all the unnecessary clothing, leaving both twins smooth, toned skin glistening in the moonlight. Zack was sitting on the end of the bed and placed both hands on Cody's firm ass cheeks and pulled his younger twin down on top of him.

Both cut cocks were gushing pre cum making it easier for the two boys to slide their members against each other while they darted their tongues back and forth in their mouths. Cody slide up his brother and Zack humped upwards trying to get as much pleasure as possible. All the jealousy and hatred was gone when he was joined with his brother in this beautiful act.

Cody slipped up too far and Zack's cock fell in between Cody's ass cheeks, making the boy coo at the warming sensation. Cody lifted himself up so he was upright on Zack's pelvis, with Zack's dick moving around desperately trying to find its home. Cody decided it needed help and began to kneel as he reached around to guide the slick member to his soft hole.

"Oh fuck!" Zack gasped as the head made its way past the tight sphincter.

Cody's mouth was wide open and his face was scrunched up as he continued to lower himself down onto the shaft. Zack put his hands on Cody's hips to steady him. It was the least he could do, thought Zack. Just as Cody was coming down to the last few inches, Zack unexpectedly thrusted upwards and fully embedded his hard cock within his baby brother. Cody let out a loud gasp of pure pleasure. Zack kept his eyes open so he could see what in his mind was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Zack smiled as he was Cody was still hard. Cody's member was bobbing back and forth as he rode vigorously. Zack saw the pre cum was still flowing from Cody's dick like a faucet and he reached down to collect some on his fingers. He first greedily brought his fingers up to his own mouth and lingered blissfully in the salty taste. The warmth hugging his dick made it hard for Zack to concentrate on what he was doing but he brought his fingers to collect some more of the precious juice. He traced his thumb, lubed with a large glob of pre-cum, along Cody's lips as the boy did small bounces on his rod. He then brought more of his fingers to Cody's nipples and rubbed the clear liquid into both brown knobs. Because he was such a slut and was very sensitive, Cody's nipples became erect instantly.

"Fuck, you are too hot Cody" Zack said as he looked up at his open mouthed brother. He began to help his brother by thrusting upwards every time gravity brought Cody's ass closer to Zack's balls because the smaller boy was beginning to tire.

Zack's balls began to get the familiar achy feeling. Cody's twin brain was catching on to what Zack was feeling and leaned forward to rest on his elbows with his sweaty face inches away from Zack's supple lips. Zack began to slam Cody's gaping hole with more velocity. Zack took his hands off Cody's hips and placed them on his brothers head pulling him down for a kiss. Zack took the lead and his tongue began whipping around in Cody's mouth like a fish out of water.

Cody's moaning intensified as Zack's member began to pick up its furious assault to an even faster pace.

"Oh...Cody" Zack let out as he returned his hands to Cody's hips to keep his younger brother in place as his seed began its swim up his tight, warm ass.

"Zack, I love you."

The boys began to plant tender kisses all over each other's faces as they came down from their high. Zack's cum was beginning to make its way down his shaft as he made soft, loving pumps up Cody's asshole.

"Alright, big brother, my turn." Cody said as he lifted himself off Zack's deflated cock and rolled over.

Zack wasted no time in jacking Cody to full hardness and positioning himself between his legs. His mouth wrapped itself around a succulent testicle as his right hand ran itself up and down Cody's shaft. It was slick enough from all the pre-cum Cody had leaked during his fuck, but Zack thought it would be alright if he added some of his own saliva. He spat on the shaft until it was glistening beautifully in the moonlight.

"Open your legs up more, little bro" Zack requested.

Cody bent his knees up and pushed his legs out to the sides to allow Zack's tongue unlimited access to his most tender parts. Zack looked up at his twins face admiring the looks of pure pleasure and small gasps. Zack loved looking at his brother while he slipped into a world of pure bliss. It was moments like this when he loved his brother the most.

Cody's legs were restless as they constantly moved and this toes curled. He let out pleasurable moans of "Zack" and "fucks".

"Come on Cody, I wanna see it shoot." Zack pleaded.

Cody reached down to jack his cock off the rest of the way and arched his back. With Zack's head still in between his brother's thighs, he had the best seat in the house for the show. Cody let out a final grunt as his dick expanded in his hand. Zack reached out and took back control pointing the cannon straight up. Cody's piss slit flared right next to Zack as Cody began to fire his balls up into the air. The first spurt only rose to half the height the next three shots achieved. Three more shots of delicious, bubbling warm cum blasted out of the pulsating piston and down onto Cody's chest, pelvis and Zack's hand.

"Nice, Cody. That was almost too hot" Zack said as he licked up the gooey mess from his fingers.

Cody was panting too hard to respond but a large sigh of relief followed by an angelic smile. Zack finished his bedtime snack and rubbed the finally white globs into Cody's hairless balls and his smooth shaft and chest.

"You know I love you right?" Cody asked looking down at his older twin bother.

"Oh yah, I know that now." Zack replied. "Bailey has nothing on me."

Yah! I'm back. Kinda. I know it's been almost a year since I last posted, but let me know what you think. If you've emailed me before, let me know you still read it. And if you are a new reader, do the same thing. Let me know what you think and offer suggestions. My email is Thanks.

Next: Chapter 10

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