The Sweet Life on Deck

By colton henry

Published on Mar 17, 2009


Disclaimer: I do not know Cole or Dylan Sprouse or their sexualities. I also do not own the suite life on deck. This is a purely fictional story made from my imagination. It involves gay sex with minors, so if that bothers you than stop reading.

E-mail me at for suggestions, comments, or concerns.

Cody glided his moistened dick out from in between Zack's lips. His older brother had just let another boy fuck him for the second time in his life. Jealousy struck Cody like a tidal wave, and the only way he could show his frustration was to absolutely go to town on Zack's throat. Cody looked down at his brother trying to keep up with the increasingly powerful thrusts. A look of pleasure and fear began to be expressed in Zack's face as slight gurgling and gagging noises filled the room along with Cody's soft moans.

"You like my cock Zack? You want some more of me? You like it, I know you like it more than that douche bag."

Zack just gurgled a moan of approval. Cody reached down and placed his hands on Zack's face, squishing both sides inwards, making a fishy face on Zack. His cock was pressed in on all sides now. Since Cody liked the feeling so much, he continued to squish his older brother's cheeks and he pulled out and pushed back in again. Zack was now a little uncomfortable, but he knew he had to make up for what he did to his younger brother. He loved Cody, and no one else. His own cock was to blame. It always wanted to fuck anything and sometimes it betrayed Cody.

Zack sped up his tongue action, but it was hard in the cramped space. Cody smiled and laughed a little at Zack's pain. It was a slight vengeance to what Zack had did to him. But no matter what Zack did, Cody always loved his brother and he never wanted to hurt him. But he knew Zack would try and make it up somehow and that they would never be able to go back to normal unless Cody had done that something and got back at Zack.

"Ah, good." Cody moaned, praising his twin on the immaculate job he was doing. He took his hands off Zack's cheeks and began playing with his semi-long hair and ran it through his nimble fingers.

Zack meanwhile decided to make the most of the situation and began to rub Cody's ass. He felt goose bumps begin to form at Zack's touch which made him smile inside. The feeling started feeling a little too good for Cody and he pulled out a little too fast. His cock slipped from between Zack's swollen lips and smacked him on his chin. Cody laughed and Zack started to giggle as well.

"You enjoy that huh slut?" Cody asked.

Zack just continued to laugh as his abdomen bounced up and down which lifted Cody's ass up and down. Cody then got a slightly naughty idea and with his left hand he held the back of Zack's head and his right hand held the base of his now 6 inches of cut steel. He slapped it against Zack's chin again which caused Zack to make a huge grin. The salivary cock slopped against Zack's cheeks, nose and forehead next. He shut his eyes tight as the slapping noises against Zack's face grew in the room. Once Zack's face was covered in his own spit, Cody pushed his cock back onto Zack's unsuspecting tongue.

"Fuck yeah." Cody screamed. Sex always brought the darker side in Cody the rest of the world never saw.

He leaned over his brothers face so that the entire weight of his pelvis crushed Zack's face.

"Mpph!" Zack let go as the first shot of cum hit the back of his throat. He gagged it up and could not swallow because of the intensity and speed of which the shots were flying at him.

More of the creamy goo dribbled out the sides of his mouth as more of Cody's essence found its self in a familiar location. Once the initial spasm and ceased, Cody pulled his dick out so that just his purple head was in Zack's mouth and squeezed his shaft like a tube of toothpaste to extract all the cum from his balls to his twin's stomach.

"Mmmm, awesome Cody." Zack said licking his lips for the escaping sperm. He smacked his gums enjoying the pungent taste of boy seed.

"Thanks, Zack, I guess we are cool now." Cody said as he smacked his limping cock on his brother's chin a few more times before un-straddling Zack's neck area.

"Wrong, Cody." Zack replied as he sat up for the first time in several minutes. "I really feel bad. I want you to do something really bad to me so that we can really call it even."

Zack had a depressed, serious face. He really did feel bad for betraying Cody and he knew he would have many sleepless nights unless Cody got back at him somehow.

"No, Zack, even though you would do that to me, I forgive you. I know you love me. But I would never dream of doing anything like that to you. I just cant." Cody said looking his brother in his blue eyes.

"Please, Cody, for me?"

Cody stared at Zack for a few minutes before letting out a deep sigh. "Fine, you know I would do anything for you. How do you suppose I `get back' at you?"

"I suppose, Cody, that you would need to get with another guy...besides me." Zack said looking down.

"No way! You know I don't have any courage. Who would I even get with? No way Zack, there's got to be another way."

Zack continued to push the idea. Not only would it allow Cody to get back at him, he had always secretly enjoyed the idea of Cody fucking another boy or man besides him. Even if he didn't get to watch, he would still be able to get off on it.

Cody struggled with the idea for quite some time. He felt self conscious about his body but he knew it made no sense to feel that way. He though Zack had an amazing body and he was his twin. But just to cheer Zack up and not have him pester him anymore, Cody agreed.

"Yes!" Zack screamed in excitement. Cody looked at him suspiciously and Zack covered up his outburst of emotion.

"Zack leaned over to the bed side table, still naked, and retrieved his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until Justin's name and number came up.

"You already have his number?" Cody asked in amazement.

"Cody, you gotta keep up with today's fast beat." Zack laughed.

Zack sent Justin a text saying Cody wanted to see him. While they were waiting for the response, Zack and Cody got dressed on either side of the bed. The phone vibrated on the messed up sheets and Zack dove for it with only his green spotted boxers on to quickly find out the response. It only had a time and place. 10am tomorrow. Your room.

"Oh come on Cody, cheer up. You get sex."

Cody cracked a weak smile. He knew he had to do it to make his brother happy, but in doing so, he would be hurting himself and his own ethics deep down.

Cody left Zack to finish their project in the library. It was the one place he never thought about sex or thought about it at the bare minimum. Zack flopped back down on his bed and sighed a breath of relief. He was finally going to get his wish of witnessing another cock pleasure his brother. He had of course rented out Cody's ass once before to a couple of boys to make a quick bucks, but that was against Cody's will. This time would be different because there would be only two boys locked in an embrace of a young, lustful fuck.

It was 9:30am and Cody was in Zack's room feeling nervous. He wanted to just have sex with his older brother right there. Why did he have to wait for some boy he didn't know? Zack was trying to pick out a wardrobe that said he was ready for sex. If Cody was dressed right, then maybe his attitude would change. Eventually, the twins decided on Cody's tight, white work jeans, red and blue stripped boxers and a simple polo shirt with the top two buttons not fastened.

"Zack, I've been thinking." Cody said with only 10 minutes to go. "I know you want to watch this, but I would be much more comfortable if you left."

Zack's mouth dropped. He had to watch this. This was his room and bed! How could Cody do this to him? Cody, however, stood his ground and proceed to banish Zack from viewing the festivities. Zack opened the knob of his cabin and got ready to exit the room but saw Justin standing there just about to give the door a knock.

"Oh, Justin, right on time, I like that I a guy." Cody said moving Zack out of the way so that Justin could step around him.

Zack stood at the doorway with a sad puppy face on in a final attempt to get Cody to cave. Cody responded with a door slamming in Zack's face. Heart-broken, Zack, slowly limped in the direction on the boat deck. He felt like a knife was ripping through his heart and abdomen. Is this what I've been doing to Cody all these times? He thought perhaps the fresh sea air would be able to calm him down, after all, this was his idea.

He walked around with his head sunk between his shoulders, half way between a state of crying and not crying. He eventually looked up and found himself outside the library. He door creaked as it opened and an image of his creaking bed instantly sprang to his mind. Zack left out a soft moan of discontentment and walked in to find a secluded area where he could sit and maybe fall asleep.

Making his way through the long alleys of books with no real point of direction numbed the pain. His semi-hard dick was unhappy with the lack of action but also excited knowing it's twin was busy. All of a sudden, someone bumped into him going the opposite direction. They collided and books and pens went everywhere.

"Cody?!?" Zack yelped with amazement.

"Zack? What are you doing in the library?"

"Here's a better question: Why aren't you with Justin?"

" know..." Cody stammered.

Zack just looked at the pitiful attempt of Cody trying to make an excuse. Cody never thought fast on his feet like Zack. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion as Cody still kept on talking.

"Oh, alright Zack. You got me. I just could go through with it. We made out for 3 minutes then he went for my package. Truth is I wasn't hard. I can only get it up for you. You are the only boy I love. I don't know why you can't see that.

A wave of pleasure washed over Zack. He was the only person Cody could get hot over. He bent over to help Cody pick up his things and walked a slowly sobbing Cody back to his room. Zack had a huge grin on as his wrapped an arm around Cody trying to make him feel better as they navigated the corridors of the ship.

"I'm sorry, Zack, I wish I could have done what you wanted." Cody said. "that's why I wanted you to leave. I knew I would have been able to do it: physically or mentally."

"Cody, stop crying. I love you. I'm sorry I tried to make you do something you didn't want to do." Zack said. He then with his index finger, brought Cody's chin up and kissed his younger brother. Zack began to taste the reminisce of Cody's salty tears. Cody the broke a smile as Zack pushed hard against his face. Zack smiled too and the twins shared a passionate, meaningful kiss to rectify their situation.

"Cody, you wanna?" Zack said motioning toward the bed.

"You never have to ask that question, babe." Cody said smiling again. His eyes still swollen from the crying. That was not the only thing that was swollen for Cody.

Like many teenage boys, Zack never made his bed. The twins kicked off their sneakers and jumped into the layers of sheets. He also never washed his sheets which made Zack's bed smell like every sex session the boys had ever had. Shirts, pants and boxers all were flying from the sides of the beds as they attacked each other with their mouths.

"I wanna fuck you Zack, no playing around." Cody said with confidence in between pecks.

They scrambled vigorously and made their ways so that Cody was on the bottom and Zack could impale himself. Cody loved to watch the initial entry. The moment when his cock first began to make it's way into Zack was always his favorite. A loud squish sound was heard as Zack could feel Cody's balls supporting his ass. Cody smiled and looked up at a grimacing Zack.

"Ahh, wow Cody. Nice." Zack managed to get out. Pleasure was always getting in the way of him speaking right.

He was still waiting for his ass to get adjusted and ready for an ass fuck. But Cody could not wait, especially with the feeling of warmth surrounding his intruding phallus. He started to thrust upwards if though Zack wasn't ready. The twins normally agreed to let the top twin control the rhythm, but not when the bottom one was extremely horny like Cody was this morning.

Zack groaned in a mixture of pleasure and disapproval.

"Oh, yah!" Cody let out. He reached out for Zack's jutting cock which slowly slapped his tummy every time Zack made the long trip up and down Cody's cock. He spat in his hand and quickly gave Zack some strokes for doing such a great job. Zack had finally gotten into it enough so that Cody didn't have to do any of the work, but every once and a while Cody's hips were mean and sprang upwards to embed Cody's dick deeper within Zack.

Zack whimpered slightly as his prostate was being massaged by his younger twin's cock. He was leaning forward with his arms on Cody's shoulders for support with his eyes closed. Cody continued to jerk Zack off and milked his prostate at the same time.

"Get ready for the orgasm of your life, Zack."

"Oh, god...fuck." Zack yelled as Cody took control and slammed into Zack at a much faster pace. Cody's balls could almost not be seen separately as they slapped against Zack's crack.

"Blhmdg!" Cried Zack as the first spurt of cum shot it's way from his cock head. It landed just above Cody's belly button. Shots two and three had much more force and landed on Cody's face. He stuck out his tongue to collect the milky concoction.

Zack's sperm was amazing. It had an awesome taste and was the right combination of fluidity and white solidity. Cody never failed to admire the testicles that made such the perfect nectar. Zack's orgasm had caused his ass to clench tightly around Cody and the next few pumps were a struggle through the tight canal.

"Special delivery, Zack." Cody moaned into Zack's ear. He had flopped down on Cody's chest for a well deserved rest.

Cody reached his arms around Zack's back, holding him in place as his seed rushed into Zack's ass. Zack was held in place and he shot his eyes wide awake as the warm feeling of cum coated his bowels.

Cody made a few more thrusts into the air as the final moments of his orgasm subdued. He let out a sigh of relief and so did Zack. Zack closed his eyes again as his body got used to the feeling of a hot anal canal. He sucked on his brother's neck and licked some of his sperm off that had collected in the area.

"Well that was amazing" Zack said after a few minutes of silence.

"Like always, I presume?"

Zack just smiled and kissed Cody softly again before whispering in his ear.

"I love you."

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Next: Chapter 7

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