The Survivors Original

By Douglas DD

Published on Oct 25, 2002


CHAPTER 8 Decisions

The lunch was noisy and fun. Robert Charles asked Jordan about gauges. He asked him if an alarm goes off when a gauge gets into the red. Jordan told him all the time, that there was always plenty of warning. Robert Charles seemed satisfied with that and went back to talking to Lisa. Within a few minutes he forgot all about the jumping gauge.

After lunch they were all back in class. Mr. Z had their test scores and assigned them to their computer programs. He was there to help if it was needed. He told the class he would be back in a few minutes and that Robert Charles was in charge. He left and walked up the hall. Robert Charles's father was waiting for him in a side room.

"I want to thank you for making my son your leader. Like I said, I can help you out a lot, either on Alpha Orion IV or on Earth with a good position."

"That's not why I appointed him. I thought he was the best candidate."

The Governor looked at Mr. Z. with a look that said, Yeah right.

"Has anybody decided to run against him yet?"

"Not yet. They're thinking. And usually nobody runs against who I appoint. I pick my class leaders carefully and the rest of the class usually sticks with who I appoint. They don't want to chance crossing the teacher. The only one I can see running against him has been discouraged from doing so."

"Good. And if you can discourage anybody else I would appreciate it. I want my son in leadership positions. I really want him in this one."


Robert Charles sat at the front of the room looking important. Mike looked up from his computer and glared at him. He would do anything to take the smug smile off his face.

"You have some kind of problem, Mike?"

"Yeah I do. You."

Fifteen other heads looked up. This was sounding interesting. A lot more interesting than what was on their computers.

Robert Charles stood up. He was a big kid. Mike stood up. Mike was a big kid too. Every other kid was quiet and looking at the two largest kids on the ship glaring at each other.

"You really want to get yourself into trouble don't you? Let me remind you who got put in charge here."

"It sure as hell wasn't by any of us," Mike retorted.

"Let me tell you two things, butt breath. Thing number one, I've seen big mouthed jerks like you before. And like you they're all nothing. Number two, like I told you before, you try anything against me you will spend two months locked in your room. Trust me on that.

"And second don't you even think about running against me. Because you don't have a prayer of winning. You might have Ryan fooled, but you don't have too many others fooled." He looked at the rest of the boys all staring at the two of them. "And the rest of you can forget it too. Not only do you not have a prayer, but you will be very sorry you even thought about crossing me. Because after I beat you, I won't forget."

Right then Mike decided he'd had enough of this big headed, big mouthed asshole and it was time to shut it. He took two steps toward the desk when Mr. Z. walked into the room.

"Something wrong here?" he asked.

Robert Charles looked at Mike and grinned. "No, sir," he said. "Mike was just telling me what a great job I was doing as class leader and how he hoped nobody would run against me because there was no doubt I was the best. Right Mike?" He smiled his evil grin at Mike.

"Whatever you say." Mike was so mad he could kick a hole in a wall, but he was also smart enough to know he was being baited and he was going to have to wait. He hated to back down in front of the class, but doing something right now was exactly what Robert Charles wanted.

After school almost everybody headed for the games room. Ryan and Mike got together and talked.

"Don't let that big goon get to you, Mike. He's not half the person you are."

"You must really believe it wasn't me who hit you."

"I more than believe it, I know it. I think somebody needs to run against that big butthole."

"I agree," Mike said. "And I know it can't be me."

"Why not?"

Just then Alex and Travis wandered over.

"What's going on?" Alex asked.

"We were just talking about how Mike should run against Robert Charles for room leader."

"I like that idea," Alex said. "What about it Mike?"

"I think it has to be somebody else. Not everybody believes it wasn't me. I bet I wouldn't get a single girl vote to start with. It needs to be somebody else."

"Then who?" Alex asked.

"Let's go to my room and talk about it," Ryan offered. "Where it's private."

The four boys agreed it was a good idea and headed for Ryan's room. Jeremy was with Braden and saw them leave. He wondered where they were going. Then he went back to playing pool with Braden, Stevie, and Jim.

Douglas was sitting on a couch watching a vid. Scooter was playing a video game on the other side of the room. They were ignoring each other, while at the same time wanting to be together in the worst way, but afraid to make the move. Douglas knew Scooter was falling for Jordan, or Jim or both. Scooter knew that Douglas didn't seem to like him much and had been saying bad things about him and his dad. But in their hearts, they didn't really believe those thoughts. Their minds weren't ready to follow their hearts yet.

Up in the crew area Jordan was with Matthew. He was showing him his collection of coins and stamps from the different planets. There were 15 colonies so far and 6 planets far enough along that they were independent and had their own government. Alpha Orion IV was the newest colony. Very little of it was developed so far and only a few thousand people lived there. It was still hard living, especially for the farmers. But ships like the "Starkeeper" were bringing more and more all the time.Living on the "Starkeeper" Jordan had seen a lot of them. He loved collecting stuff from them. There were 5 exploration ships that were looking for new planets to turn into colonies. Jordan thought it would be real cool to be on one of those ships and go places nobody had ever seen before.

Jordan let his hand est on the 11 year old's knee. Matthew looked at him but didn't move. Jordan's hand crept up the boy's leg until it was resting right next to Matthew's crotch. Matthew still didn't say anything, but Jordan could feel his body tense up. He let his thumb slide over until it was right next to Matthew's cock. Matthew's eyes were open wide and he was staring out straight ahead. He knew what was going on and wasn't sure what to do about it.

Jordan let his hand slide over Matthew's crotch and laid it on his dick. It was hard as a rock. He started rubbing along it through Matthew's pants. Matthew was totally tense now.

"W..w..what are you doing?" he whispered.

"Shhhhhh," Jordan said. "It's okay. This will feel good. You will like it."

"'re touching there," he stammered.

Jordan kept rubbing it, only a little harder. Both boys' hearts were pounding hard. "Does it feel good?" Jordan could hardly get the words out he was breathing so hard and deep.

Matthew didn't say anything. He just looked at Jordan with big eyes, breathing hard, his heart racing. His whole body was tense and not moving.

Jordan started unbuttoning Matthew's pants. Then he slowly pulled down the zipper. Matthew knew he was supposed to stop him but he couldn't do it. He just sat there and let it happen. Jordan started rubbing Matthew's hard boner through his bright red briefs. Matthew started squirming. It was feeling so good. But he shouldn't let Jordan do it. But he couldn't stop him. It felt too good.

Jordan kept rubbing Matthew's hard dick through his briefs. Then he started tugging at his pants, and Matthew lifted his butt so Jordan could pull them off. Now Matthew was sitting in his shirt and briefs and socks while Jordan kept rubbing him and feeling up his balls. Then Jordan slid his hand inside Matthew's waistband and down to his little puppy boner, which wasn't even 2 inches, but hard as rock. Matthew couldn't believe what he was feeling, what Jordan was doing. It was the first time he ever even really thought of anything sexual let alone doing anything. And Jordan was close to puberty and already feeling his hormones. Jordan thought about sex a lot, not only what he wanted to do, but also the things that he did and the things that happened to him. He played with Matthew's dick and balls, then started sliding down his undies.

Matthew lifted his hips again. He didn't even know why or care anymore. He just wanted it to keep going on. He was wearing just a shirt and socks now. Jordan pulled off the little boy's shirt. He played more with Matthew's dick, then stood up and started undressing himself. Matthew's eyes were glued to the older boy as he pulled off his shirt, unbuckled his belt, opened his pants and unzipped, then pulled his pants down, his undies tented out. Matthew's eyes bugged out when Jordan pulled down his briefs and his almost 4" dick popped up. Jordan knew what he wanted now. He looked at the cute, skinny, naked 11 year old boy with the beautiful little puppy boner, went to his dresser and got out some Vaseline.

Matthew was shaking. He had an idea of what was going to happen. He wanted to run but couldn't.

"It's okay Matthew. It's okay. This will be good. It won't hurt. You'll like it. I love you."

Jordan started rubbing the Vaseline over Matthew's butt, fingering his hole. Matthew moaned, it felt good, better than he thought. Then Jordan rubbed it over his hard cock, rubbing it in, making it feel good. He looked at Matthew's smooth round butt. All he knew now was he wanted it. He wanted to be inside it. He wanted it knowing it would be tight and warm.

He got Matthew face down on the bed, a pillow under him, his white bubble butt sticking up at him. He pushed his hard rod up against Matthew's virgin hole, then pushed it in. Matthew cried out, then started crying a little.

"Please stop, Jordan, it hurts."

"It will stop. It will be ok. I promise. It will be ok. I love you." He started humping Matthew's butt. It felt so good. Matthew moaned. For him it hurt. He didn't like this. He wanted to get back to his cabin.

Jordan was in a rhythm, lost in what he was doing. Lost in thinking about the "StarArk" when he was 9. Remembering Chief Engineer Nelson. His father was the Second Engineer, one rank behind the Chief Engineer. He loved hugging Jordan when he saw him, and Jordan loved his hugs. He remembered going to the Chief's cabin, the Chief undressing him, playing with him, making him feel good. He remembered the Chief's hairy body and how he didn't like it. He remembered the Chief making him suck his huge hard hairy dick, and how he would shoot so much cum into his mouth.

And most of all he remembered the Chief sticking it in his butt and how much it hurt. And through all of it telling him to never tell his dad. Telling Jordan that if he did everything the Chief asked him to, his dad would become a Chief Engineer. But if he didn't, then he would see that his dad never would. He remembered the Chief telling him what a good boy he was and how much he loved him, and how he would do anything the Chief said, just like now Matthew would end up doing anything he told him to. He remembered how it hurt sometimes, and remembered all the cum he swallowed, and when he was 10 his dad became a Chief Engineer and he knew somehow that what he did for Chief Nelson helped. Chief Nelson had loved him.

Matthew's moans brought his mind back, that and the feeling building up inside him as he fucked the cute boy underneath him. He felt everything welling up inside him, his body shook, his dick felt like it would explode, and he jammed it hard into Matthew's butt and had the hardest dry cum he ever had in his life. His whole body felt weak, and he slipped out of Matthew's butt and fell on the bed.

Matthew lay on his stomach, his dick soft, a few tears in his eyes. Jordan caught his breath. "God that was awesome. You're great, Matthew. I love you."

"It hurt. It was all feeling good and it hurt when you did that."

Jordan leaned over Matthew and talked into his ear. "You have to do what I say, or everybody is going to find out you like taking it up the butt. And they won't like you. But I will never tell if you are good. Your secret is safe with me."

"I don't like it," Matthew said. "You made me."

"No. You liked it. You wanted it. And it's okay. We'll do it again and nobody will ever know. I love you Matthew. I won't ever hurt you." He kissed Matthew's cheek, rubbed away the little tear, just like the Chief did for him. "I love you." He turned Matthew over on his back, took is puppy cocklet in his hand and made it hard. He started stroking it and even though Matthew didn't want it to, it got hard. And it started feeling good again. Jordan rubbed it between two fingers because it was so small, and Matthew started moaning again. It didn't take long until his back arched and he shook and he begged Jordan to stop because something very strange was happening and then he shook harder and had his first orgasm ever. He fell flat on the bed breathing hard.

"What happened?" he finally asked.

"You had a cum," Jordan explained, "an orgasm. Felt good huh?"

"Yeah," Matthew admitted.

"I will make it good for you. And you for me. Just do what I tell you and it will be good for you and me. And nobody will find out what you liked doing."

Matthew was confused about what Jordan was saying but he knew he wouldn't tell about what happened. He liked some if it but not what happened in his butt. It hurt and was sore and he didn't like it. He didn't like it when Jordan said he liked taking it up the butt.

The boys got dressed and Jordan walked Matthew back to his own cabin. Matthew decided to keep all of this to himself.


Travis, Ryan, Mike, and Alex were sitting in Ryan's room talking. Ryan and Travis were sitting on Ryan's bed while Mike and Alex were sitting on Jeremy's.

"Somebody has to run against Robert Charles," Alex said. "Somebody who can win."

"Who?" Ryan asked.

"Let's talk about that. It shouldn't be that hard to beat him. He's an asshole," Alex said.

"We've all studied history," Mike said. "We know that assholes win elections."

"Then let's figure out who can beat the asshole," Alex said. "First, we can eliminate Lisa. She has the hots for Robert Charles. As for the other girls, they all strike me as too ditzy to ever want to run. They would rather giggle and talk about boys than do anything, at least Felicia and Carmen. Michelle doesn't say anything to anybody. So that leaves out the girls."

"So do we sit here and run through all the boys?" Mike asked.

"Not yet. Let's talk about how many votes we think Robert Charles will get first. I'm talking about right now. He has the four girls and himself. That's five votes. He needs nine to win. Jordan is tight with him. That's six."

"And Matthew follows Jordan," Travis said.

"Yeah, but we don't know yet which class he will be in. But if he stays in the upper group then that is 7. If whoever runs is too close to Mike, then Jeremy and maybe Braden will vote for Robert Charles. And that is nine votes to eight. We lose. What we need is somebody a couple of girls will go for, or somebody Jeremy trusts."

"I can work on Jeremy," Ryan said.

"Now for who runs. Start with you Mike. I think you would be good. But you have that thing with Ryan on Mars hanging over you. Plus bad blood is brewing between you and Robert Charles. That's going to turn off the girls totally. They all seem to have a thing for Robert Charles. They are acting like girls, of course." Alex was on a roll. "Ryan and Travis are both too quiet. The girls will want somebody with a little more pizzaz. I think you both would be good. I just don't think you can win."

Travis was a little hurt, but he didn't say anything. Ryan kind of agreed and didn't say anything.

Alex went on. "Stevie is too young to stand up to Robert Charles. Jordan is getting close to Robert Charles, and we don't like him either, anyway. Jim is too new. He missed the bullshit at the start of this trip. And we all don't know him that well yet. Scooter is a good candidate. He is pretty friendly to everybody and doesn't seem to want to fight. But that is a problem. You need to want to fight some, and I don't mean fists Mike, to win this. Douglas has experience but he doesn't seem interested at all. He doesn't even like being with us it seems. So that leaves nobody to run."

"Don't write off Douglas," Mike said. "He stepped in pretty good with me and Ry."

"And he helped me with a .....problem," said Travis, who looked quickly at Ryan. Ryan saw the quick look but didn't know what to make of it. All he knew was he wanted to spend a lot of time looking at Travis.

"You left out somebody pretty important," Mike said.

"Who would that be?"

"You, Alex."

"Nonsense. I'm a musician. I'm not a leader."

"You are. Look how you ran this little meeting. Besides nobody holds anything against you. And even if you weren't, all you have to do is keep things in line in the classroom sometimes. There is nothing to it."

"Keeping Robert Charles in line is the thing. He will be trouble. And my solution would be to kick the shit out of him. If somebody beats Robert Charles it has to be somebody who is used to leading. Douglas is and we have to persuade him to do it. Besides I can't win. I don't like girls at all and they know it. If we need any of their votes, I don't know if I could get them. Douglas has been elected before. I think he could get them. And I know something he did for us very quietly, which I will tell you about later."

Mike was chuckling. "What's so funny, Mike?" Ryan asked.

"I was imagining little skinny Alex kicking the shit out of Robert Charles."

"It's not as funny as you think," Alex said. "Me and Stevie took martial arts lessons after....something...something unfortunate happened to us. I could do it." Looking at the feisty look on Alex's face, none of them doubted it.

They finally all agreed that they would try talking Douglas into running, and if he refused Alex said he would consider it, but that there would be bloodshed if he did. The four boys decided Douglas was going to be their choice.

Alex, Mike, and Travis got up to leave the room. Ryan asked Travis if he could stay a moment. After the other two left Travis sat on Jeremy's bed.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just wanted to talk. I guess I was hoping we could be really good friends during the trip. I really like you." Ryan's heart was pounding. He was hoping Travis wouldn't take that in the wrong way. Or maybe he was hoping he would.

"That would be cool," Travis said. "I like you too."

Ryan relaxed and smiled. Travis smile back. Ryan thought of Jeremy jacking off on top of that bed and wished it was Travis doing it. The boys got up and headed for the games room. It was time to talk to Douglas. But Ryan and Travis had made the decision to be friends.


After dinner everybody in the upper class was in the games room except Michelle. Alex and Travis were working on a meeting of most of the boys together, telling them it was very important. Alex had even arranged a meeting place. He had tried talking Marie into letting them have the spa on deck 5 to themselves. There were three spas on the ship. Usually they were set aside for adults, but Douglas had decided on the tour to see if kids could get a chance to use one of them sometimes. He had talked to the recreation director who said it was okay for them to use a spa as long as they arranged it ahead of time. Douglas was going to tell everybody in class the next day, but Alex and Stevie had both been close enough to overhear Douglas arranging it. It was something that convinced both of them that Douglas would be a good choice for leader. He was doing something very quietly for them on his own. But Marie said they couldn't get the spa until tomorrow afternoon, that they needed more time to get it reserved. So Alex got the ship's theater instead, but he did get the spa reserved for after school tomorrow.

Robert Charles, Jordan, and Matthew weren't invited. The three of them and the three girls in the games room noticed everyone leave. Robert Charles and Jordan were upset because they had a pretty good idea what it was all about. Matthew was disappointed that he wasn't invited. He was realizing that while hanging out with Robert Charles and Jordan was getting him some privileges it was also losing him friends. The girls watched them go and shook their heads. Lisa was hanging onto Robert Charles, but the other two girls wanted one of those boys and were sorry to see them leave.

Jordan walked over to Robert Charles. "I think they are working to run somebody against you."

"I think so too. And they are going to be very fucking sorry if they do. This is our ship Jordan and it looks like they need to be shown who is running it."

Jordan shook his head. Robert and Charles and Jordan made the decision to be sure that no matter what happened Robert Charles would be in charge after next Wednesday.

The ten boys sat in the theater. Alex stood up to talk to them. He noticed how the seating was arranged. Jim, Stevie, and Scooter sat together. So did Travis and Ryan. Braden and Jeremy were together. Mike sat by himself and so did Douglas.

"The reason I wanted us to meet it to talk about the class leader. Some of us don't want Robert Charles. We want somebody to run against him. Mike, Travis, Ryan, and I met this afternoon just to talk about it. First we want to know if anybody wants to volunteer."

Jeremy spoke up. "I'm not volunteering, but I don't see what is so bad about Robert Charles. He's a little pushy at times but he gets things done." Braden nodded in agreement.

"Maybe he would be less pushy knowing that we all are willing to stand up to him and run somebody against him," Mike said. "Besides some of us think he was the one who slugged Ryan."

"And some of us don't," said Jeremy staring right at Mike. Mike glared back at him.

"Any volunteers?" Alex asked again.

"What about you?" Braden asked. "You seem to running things right now." Jeremy smiled at Braden. His little buddy was speaking up. He liked that.

"I'm not interested. I'm a singer and not a politician. I'm just doing this because nobody else but Mike will speak up, and some of you still don't believe Mike."

"So what did you guys decide behind our backs then?" Jeremy asked.

"We didn't decide anything. We just talked it over. It's up to the whole group. We came up with a name of somebody I think we could all agree on. He's already done some cool things for us. And that somebody is Douglas." Alex reminded them how he got Mike and Ryan talking, then told them about the spa. Douglas blushed. He didn't know anybody knew about that yet.

"I appreciate that you guys want me," Douglas said. "But I'm not running. This is just a short trip and it doesn't really mean that much. Let Robert Charles have his fun. He can't hurt any of us. And I'm just not interested in getting involved."

Scooter spoke up. "I think Douglas would be a great choice. Maybe he should think about it real hard overnight. Sleep on it. Then tell us in the morning."

Travis and Ryan both spoke up in agreement. Finally, Douglas agreed to sleep on it and tell them in class.

The meeting broke up. Braden headed back for his own cabin. The rest of the boys headed for the games room. Scooter caught up to Douglas and touched his arm.

"I think you should run, Douglas. I don't even think you should think about it. I think you should just do it."

"Why do you care Scooter? I know how you feel about me."

Scooter looked at Douglas. He could feel a couple of tears coming up. He knew exactly how he felt about Douglas, and he knew Douglas didn't feel that way about him. Maybe Jordan was right about Douglas and all his feelings were wrong. He kept thinking there was something between them, he felt it, and he was sure Douglas did too. Maybe it was time to tell Douglas exactly how he felt instead of hiding it.

They got to the games room and Scooter led Douglas to the lounge section. They sat on a couch.

"I'm going to tell you how I feel about you. I think you are special. I think I liked you a lot when I first saw you. I think the night we spent together was awesome and I want to do it again. I think we might only know each other for two months on this trip but I want to be your very best friend ever for those two months. And I think it's time for you to come out of yourself and to quit feeling sorry for yourself and to start living. I've seen what you're like when you act yourself. And today is the day for you to start doing that."

Douglas looked at Scooter. He blinked his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Nobody except his parents had ever talked to him like that before.

"But Jordan said...."

Scooter interrupted him. "I don't know what Jordan told you. But I know what happened with us was wrong and it shouldn't have happened and it won't happen again. I...I...I want you, Douglas. If you will have me. Jordan told me things about you too."

"What kind of things?" Scooter told him. Douglas looked at him with his mouth open.

"Scooter, I swear I never said those things. Jordan was working to get between us. He's a real butthead. This really pisses me off. Scooter, I feel stuff for you too. I mean I want to be your friend. That night was special for me too."

Scooter and Douglas looked at each other with what could only be called love even if they didn't know it yet.

"Jordan and Robert Charles are tight, Scooter. If they are doing stuff like that to us, then they are going to do it to others too. Robert Charles can't be in charge. If nobody else wants to, then I'm going to run against him. I've decided."

Scooter was so excited he kissed Douglas on the cheek. He pulled back all red with embarrassment. Scooter and Douglas both looked around to see if anybody noticed. They didn't think so. What they didn't see was the Jordan had noticed everything.

"So, are we spending the night together again tomorrow, Scooter?"

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh. I think we have things to talk about."

"So do I."

"When are you going to tell everybody?"

"Tomorrow. Before class."

Jordan walked over to Robert Charles and told him what he'd seen. Robert Charles wasn't happy. Jordan wasn't either. He was trying to split them, but instead they suddenly seemed to be closer. The only question now was whether anybody was going to run against Robert Charles, and if so who?

The games room was closing. Scooter and Douglas were ready to walk back to their cabins together. Robert Charles stopped Douglas on the way out. Jordan stepped around and got next to Scooter.

"Somebody going to run against me?"

"You'll find out in the morning," Douglas said.

"Maybe I want to know now."

"There is nothing to say now. There might be in the morning." Douglas stepped around him. "Now if it's all the same to you I need to get some sleep."

Robert Charles watched Douglas walk away. He made is decision. No matter what, after Wednesday, he would be the class leader. No matter what.

Jordan was walking beside Scooter. "Is he gonna run?"

"You have to ask him."

"I saw what happened on the couch. If he's running he's just kissing up to you to get a vote. He's nothing. Robert Charles is the leader here. Douglas is going to use you then spit you out."

A few hours ago Scooter might have stopped and almost believed him. Instead he turned to Jordan and said, "Douglas is my friend. I am his friend. And don't you ever forget that."

By then Douglas had caught up to Scooter. He gave Jordan a look, and then the two friends walked down the hall together. Scooter made his decision. He could see right through Jordan. Jordan would never get to him again.

Jordan walked with Robert Charles. Matthew was walking behind them.

"I don't know if he is going to run," Jordan said.

"I have a feeling he is. And I can tell you this, if he does he will be sorry. He will not win, and after he loses I can make life really hard for him."

"And I know ways to help," Jordan said. Matthew listened to them talk not knowing what to think.

In their minds Robert Charles and Jordan had made their decision. If there was an election, it would be more than an election. It would be war.

Next: Chapter 9 The Spa

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Next: Chapter 9: The Survivors 9

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