The Survivors Original

By Douglas DD

Published on Mar 27, 2003


This story contains sex between minor boys and teen-agers. If such things offend you, or you are not at least 18 years of age, then please don't read on. This story is not true, but who knows, maybe some day it will be.

AUTHORS NOTE: This is the last chapter, the end of The Survivors. I want to thank all of you who stayed with it and read the entire story. I hope it was worth your time. I also want to thank all of you who wrote me such wonderful e-mails. And on the topic of e-mails, I give a special thanks to fellow Nifty authors Jevic and John T. for their many e-mails and support, as well as to Gilles for the beautiful drawing of Mattoo and Enghar he sent to me. I wish I could make it the background for this chapter. It was great having you on the journey with me.

I also want to give thanks and a big hug to John, the Old Goat, for enouraging me to post The Survivors, and for having it on his website until it was shut down, as well as for his proofreading the first part of the story. Thanks also to my dear friend and love, the real Scooter, for patiently checking each chapter for errors, as well as keeping track of the timeline. (For those who want to know, the story started on March 1st and ended on January 22nd.) A huge thanks to Robin, who, after I started posting on Nifty helped proofread and edit. His many suggestions for improving the story were invaluable. And finally, a big hug to Mike, who is without a doubt the Best Supporting Donkey in a gay Sci-fi story.


CHAPTER 55 Meshannas

by Douglas DD

Captain Parrish and Secretary Manning left Dralkan and Trundall at Scooter's house and headed for the airfield to get back to their jet. Their next stop was to see Mike and invite him to join the mission to Inferno.

Mike was home at his dad's house when they got there. He was up in his room. He heard the doorbell and quickly pulled on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. He was surprised to see the two men. He invited them into the house. He took them into the living room. Ryan was sprawled on the couch taking a nap. The TV was on. He was wearing nothing, his bare butt hanging along the side of the couch. Mike blushed. He had forgotten Ryan was in there.

Captain Parrish and Secretary Manning were starting to get used to naked boys after being around the two Hakaan boys and their visit to Scooter's. Dralkan and Trundall had lived with both of them over the month they had been on Earth. They had both found the alien boys to be interesting, and they become accustomed to Hakaan dress, or more accurately, undress.

Secretary Manning had to get used to one other thing. Dralkan and Trundall came to live to live with Secretary Manning two weeks after their arrival on Earth. It had been two weeks of whirlwind interview, parades, and special appearances. They said nobody ever made a fuss like this on Hakaan. The Secretary said that Earth liked to make a fuss about anything it could make a fuss about. The Manning's adusted quickly to having two boys whose preferred form of dress was not to dress at all.

What was more of an adjustment for the Secretary was the realization his son, Conner, was no longer a little boy. Conner was 12, blonde, blue-eyed, slender, quiet, but confident. In those first two weeks Secretary Manning learned a lot about Hakaan culture. He wondered whether to let the two boys go in their traditional undress or have them wear clothes. Intitially he wondered how Conner would react to them. He wondered if he would be curious about the kind of sex Hakaan boys enjoyed. For a couple of days he considered either taking away his invitation, or having Conner visit his grandparents.

Instead he talked to his son. He talked about Hakaan culture, which Conner was already hearing a lot about. He warned Conner not to let himself be talked into something he didn't want to do. The discussion was pretty much one-sided until Conner finally spoke up.


"Yes, son?"

"Can I go naked with them while they're here?"

That was just the question Secretary Manning was afraid of. But he had already decided on the answer.

"If that is what you think you need to do to be a good host, then it is okay with me. But do it only if it's what you want."

"It is," Conner said blushing slightly.

The Secretary took a deep breath and then asked, "Do you want to do more?"

Conner blushed again. His dad didn't push it. "Just don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with," he said.

Conner assured him he wouldn't. And he didn't. And when the two weeks were over Conner knew more about sex with boys than he ever thought possible, and felt comfortable with all of it. Secretary Manning and his wife knew what was going on up in Conner's bedroom and quietly looked the other way. Conner had never seemed happier. Meanwhile, the Secretary was pleasantly surprised to discover that awareness of what was going on upstairs heighened his own interest in sex, as well as his wife's, and the two had been experiencing sexual fulfillment they hadn't experienced since before Conner was born.

Now Secretary Manning and Captain Parrish had a naked boy sitting with them again. It was beginning to seem almost normal and natural.

"What brings big time people like you here?" Ryan asked. Ryan was not happy at being awakened from his nap.

"Ryan," Mike chided, "these are important guests." Then he turned to the Captain and the Secretary and said, "But what ARE you doing here?"

Captain Parrish did the talking, since he knew Mike best. "Mike we understand you are going to skip the quality prep school education offered you here."

"I am. School isn't for me. I want to be on the frontier. I'm joining my brother Brad on AO IV."

"But if you complete the education requirements you will get a guaranteed spot in the Space Academy. Which will give you the chance to explore beyond the frontier."

"I understand that, Sir. And that's fine for some people who are more patient than me. After what happened the past few months, I just don't see myself sitting in a classroom for the next six to seven years."

"I think you will grow up to regret that decision."

"That might be true, Sir. But it's my decision to regret. Nobody else's."

"What if I gave you the chance to not have to regret it?"


Captain Parrish told Mike about his upcoming expedition to Inferno, and how he had already asked Scooter and Douglas to go and would love to have Mike go too. It would give him two things, a chance to go back into space and to the "frontier" and also would earn him classroom credits counting towards prep school. He could make a more informed decision on the prep school

"That way, when you are old enough to enter the Academy, your decision will be based on whether you want to go then. You can at least decide. If you don't have the proper credits the decision is already made for you. I'm offering you both worlds. You get a semester's credit at the prep school by doing this, and you can take more time to decide. I think you will make a fine Astronaut someday, Mike. I hate to see you be in a position where you can't succeed."

"Did Scooter and Douglas agree to go?" Mike asked.

"Yes. All they need is their parent's approval. Which I think they will get." Captain Parrish hadn't told the two boys that he had already talked to their parents. He understood they would feel better if each boy thought he had talked his parents into agreeing. The parents were fine with it as long as their boys were.

"I'll go under one condition," Mike said.

Ryan felt his heart thump hard. He had kind of lost Travis, and would lose him for good when he left for AO IV. Now he was going to lose Mike too. He suddenly felt lonelier than before he boarded the "Starkeeper".

"What's that?" Captain Parrish asked.

"That Ryan come too."

"I don't believe that's possible..." Secretary Manning started to say. Captain Parrish cut him off with a quick glare.

"Done. We leave in two weeks, if your father approves." Captain Parrish already knew the answer to that one too. What he didn't know was how to get permission for Ryan. He would leave that one up to Secretary Manning.

"How long will the voyage take?" Mike asked.

"Four weeks. That includes a stopover at Alpha Orion IV to pick up Dr. Larson. She is going to use her knowledge to help with the terraforming on Inferno. Quite a few more improvements have been made on the Starr Drive. The 'Starblazer' has the latest equipment installed in it. Some of it is still experimental and we learned not to put any new stuff on a passenger ship until we've used it extensively. It also has warp radio, the Hakaan ship to ship kind, which is the only kind we know, of course. Even with our stop over, we will get to Inferno about the same time the 'Starfinder' gets to Hakaan."

"So Jim will be going too?" Ryan asked.

"No. We can't take everyone in your group you know," Secretary Manning said.

"But Dr. Larson is Jim's Mom. He's leaving on the 'Starkeeper' in a couple of days."

Captain Parrish and Secretary Manning both looked embarrassed. Finally the Secretary spoke up. "In all that was going on we had forgotten about that. But he is living with an Aunt and going to school. She is his guardian for now, and I think she would prefer Jim stayed on Earth and attended school if he can't rejoin his mother."

"I think you should let Jim decide that, Sir. I think you will find that his Aunt is a bitch." Captain Parrish opened his mouth to speak. "Sorry about the language, Sir, but it's true. You just said yourself that we will get a Prep School education in space, and Jim is going to a regular high school right now. So let's add Jim so he can be with his mother and be where he is happy."

"His Aunt will refuse to let him go."

"Find a way around her then. You guys should be able to."

"You're right," the Secretary said. "I think we can find a way. And we'll find a way to get Ryan on that ship too." He looked at Captain Parrish. "That tutor you're taking might as well earn his keep."

The two men got up and shook hands with the boys. After they left the house, Secretary Manning said, "Those are some head strong boys."

"That they are. But remember, they are teenagers. And they have become used to making their own decisions for survival. Adults don't intimidate them." He chuckled, "Even big time adults like we are." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scooter, Douglas, and the Hakaan boys were lying naked on Scooter's bed. The last couple of hours had been exhausting. They had poured everything they had into wild, hard sex. Now they were relaxing and talking.

They were talking about how the "Starkeeper" and the "Starfinder" would be leaving in a couple of days. The group of boys who had come back on the "Starfinder" would probably never be together again.

"Why not?" Dralkan asked. "What's wrong with tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Scooter answered. "That's a bit short notice. And where would we have it? It wouldn't work."

"Well, it sure won't work unless we try," Douglas said. "We know people in high places. We're celebrities. And Dralkan and Trundall are big time celebrities. So we should get the ball moving."

Douglas got up and got a slip of paper off of Scooter's desk. Before anybody knew what was going on he was dialing the number Secretary Manning had given him. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next afternoon found the four boys flying to a government retreat. They would soon be meeting the rest of the "Starkeeper" group. It could be a long time before they were ever together as a group again.

Secretary Manning wondered why they didn't think of a meeting earlier. But things were happening fast, and he seemed to be getting good at overlooking things. Which wasn't what he was being paid to do. He had had a busy day after Douglas's call. First he had to find a way to get permission for Ryan to on the mission to Inferno. That ended up being easy, since Mike's dad had just become his temporary guardian that day, something neither Mike or Ryan had know. Getting Jim free to go was harder. Mike had been right. His Aunt was a bitch of a lady to deal with. But he convinced her that Jim would receive the kind of education he needed on the mission. He assured her they really were going to pick up Jim's mother, so she finally gave in.

Only Jim's aunt and the twin's parents were reluctant to have the good-bye reunion. The twin's parents had some concerns regarding the sexual issues, but the Secretary told them it would be a great experience and maybe their last chance to be with the boys who had saved their lives. They finally gave permission.

Douglas and his group were the first to arrive. The four boys started setting up the meeting room in the retreat. They had picked up some decorations, and started hanging paper and banners and other things. They had chosen a bon voyage theme.

Soon the other boys started arriving. There were hugs and laughs and kisses and tears. The staff gave the boys privacy. There were no chaperones. Their clothes came off fast, and the bedrooms they would be sleeping in later soon had a lot of action going on. The good-byes were wild and sexual.

The jet Travis was on carried Captain Parrish part of the way. He sat next to Travis and talked to him. They had a good talk. One of the things he found out was that Travis just wasn't ready to leave yet. He said he was helping his little cousin with some issues and if he had a little more time he could leave feeling better about things. He also told him how great it would be to fly with his close friends like Douglas, Scooter, and Ryan before they left on the last part of their mission. By the time they landed where Captain Parrish's destination, the Captain had agreed to let Travis go to Alpha Orion IV on the "Starblazer". Travis was more than happy. But he would miss Nipper badly.

The next morning after showering and eating, the boys leaving on the "Starkeeper" were driven to the space port to catch their shuttle. The good-byes were filled with tears, and kisses, and hugs, and a few gropes. The odd thing was that even with the "Starkeeper's" almost two week head start the "Starkeeper" and the "Starblazer" would end up getting to Alpha Orion IV at close to the same time. The brand new Starr Drive in the "Starblazer" was the fastest yet by far. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next two weeks were hectic. Jim's Aunt seemed to lose interest in him when he got permission to leave her. She called him an ungrateful little animal and said she was happy to get rid of him. Jim was happy to leave. She gave him permission to spend the two weeks with Travis. Jim had never been happier to leave a place in his life. And the two weeks he spent with Travis were heaven. He found out that he had much more in common with Travis than he thought..

They never got tired of talking, or of having sex. And Nathan found himself the center of attention of both of them. It didn't take long for Nathan to learn about anal sex. He learned from watching and doing with them. Their nights were usually spent three to a bed. Jim ended up loving little Nathan as much as Travis did. They both were going to miss the little horndog.

Douglas and Scooter both spent the time with their families. They knew their parents were making a big sacrifice letting them go again after they had been gone for so long. And they both would miss their parents. But they were happy that their parents saw them as being grown up enough to go off on the mission. Their parents did see them as different than they were when they left.

That wasn't true for the twins. Their parents treated them like the little kids they had been on the "Starkeeper". They almost didn't let the twins go to the bon voyage party because they were afraid for them, even though the boys at the party had saved their lives and brought them back. The twins had been part of the great adventure. Now they were just little kids again. It was one more reason they enjoyed being in each other's beds. And a reason they wish they could see their brother Jason, who they knew would treat them like they were much more grown up.

Mike and Ryan started getting ready to leave. They even had a chance to pay a visit to Alex and Stevie. It was kind of emotional for Mike and Alex.

On the first night, after a loving session in bed, they had a long talk in bed.

"I love you, Mike. I'm going to miss you. We were great together."

"You were great, fly boy. You brought us down safely more than once. But that first time....shit, what a landing!"

"We all walked away," Alex said, giving Mike a kiss.

They hugged and made love again and slept one last time in each other's arms.

When it was time to leave, Mike gave Stevie a big hug. "You take care of flyboy for me now," he told him.

"He needs me more than ever," Stevie said. "And by the way, you're new boy friend? He's great in bed." Stevie smiled and squeezed Mike. Then Mike turned to Alex.

"I love you, you big donkey," Alex said. "I think you got a winner in Ryan. And I know Ryan got a winner in you."

"I'll see you again, love."

"Maybe. You as a Captain. Me as the helmsman. Ryan and Stevie at our sides as we go exploring the galaxy. I like that idea."

They kissed and hugged and dropped a couple of tears. They had been friends and lovers and more. Separating wasn't easy for either of them. Mike was quiet and sad all the way back to his dad's, and Ryan knew enough not to disturb him. He just held his hand and touched him. More comforting would come later.

For all of them, the two weeks were soon over. Jim and Travis had a wild final night with Nipper. Nipper sucked them both off at the same time, trading off one for the other, back and forth until they both cummed in his mouth and on his face almost at the same time. Nipper was going miss the older boys. And Travis was going to miss his little cousin who he had come to love so much.

The next day Travis, Jim, Mike, Scooter, Ryan, and Douglas met at the Nevada terminal. They looked out at the shuttle "John Glenn" which was sitting outside the terminal.

"I can't believe I'm leaving Earth and leaving Dad already," Scooter said.

"Me either," Douglas replied. "I'm even more surprised Mom and Dad let me go away."

"Dad said he was happy I was safe. And he I think he understood that what happened to us on Inferno has kind of changed us from being little kids."

"Same with my parents. I was afraid they'd think I was the same immature kid who was on the 'Starkeeper'. They said this was going to be a bigger opportunity then school could be. But they would miss me a lot."

"That's what Dad said. That he really wanted me to stay with him, but that he knew how much going back meant to me. And he was proud that I was brave enough to go back."

"Well, it's not all that brave. No offense. Once we found the Big Valley we had friends and help and....."

"...and battles and a revolt and RC. And all the things we went through from the landing to finding the valley. Going back is kind of scary to me."

"I'm sorry my love." Scooter felt Douglas's thoughts echo through is mind and smiled.

"Nothing to be sorry for. I love you."

"I love you." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The "Starblazer" was in orbit around Alpha Orion IV. It had taken them almost seven months extra, but they had finally arrived. In six hours she would be heading for Inferno. Douglas and Scooter had gone down to the planet on the " Valentina Tereshkova " and met Brett and Jeremy who had arrived the day before. They were amazed at how fast the "Starblazer" had made it to Alpha Orion IV. It looked like the days of long trips to the colonies would soon be gone thanks to the Starr Drive. It took a week to get from Earth to AO IV. It would only take three more weeks to get to Inferno. The "Starkeeper" made the trip to AO IV in three weeks, which already was slow compared to the "Starblazer." But they both were so much faster than what the "Starkeeper's" original trip would've been when the boys first went on her.

Seeing Jeremy and Brett was great, but they only had time to get a tour of the main city on Alpha Orion IV, Kennedy. They had hugged Travis good-bye, and even sneaked in a kiss. Mike and Ryan stayed on the ship. Travis left with his parents and Scooter and Douglas left with Brett, Jeremy, and Brett's Dad. Kennedy was the only real city on the planet so far. When they got back to the terminal, Jim and his Mom were there. And so was Travis.

"Hey, T!" Douglas said. "Did you come to tell us good-bye?"

Then he saw the long, sad look on Travis's face. "What's wrong?"

"Dad saw you guys kiss me. We was just starting around the corner. Somebody told him about the Hakaanen ways. He said if that's the way it was, I could go join them and you."

"I thought that attitude was ancient history," Scooter said. "I mean I know not everybody likes gays and stuff, but they put up with them. And gays have legal protections."

"Then you better tell my dad. Because right now I don't have a home. And I sure don't want to stay here. I'm sorry I ever left my Aunt and Uncle and Nathan." And suddenly tears started flowing down his cheeks. Travis rubbed them off in a hurry. "Sorry guys," he said, sobbing a little. "But I just don't know what to do."

"Well, I can tell you this. You do have a home. And it's with us," Douglas said.

Two hours later Jim's Mom suddenly found herself going from having one teenager to two of them as she became Travis's legal guardian. Travis rode the " Valentina Tereshkova " back to the "Starblazer". He was on his way to Inferno. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ During the trip to Inferno, Travis found himself getting closer and closer to Jim. At first it bothered him seeing how close Ryan and Mike were. But Jim told him one night about how he felt when he first saw Douglas and Scooter together and how it hurt even though he hadn't seen Scooter in years. But then he found Stevie and it started hurting less. With Travis he had even more going for him.

"I love you, T. I don't know why we didn't figure it out before."

"I guess it wasn't meant to be until now. But I know I love you, too, Jim."

In the three weeks it took the "Starblazer" to get to Inferno the relationship between Scooter and Douglas became even more solid. Ryan and Mike realized they were interconnected. And Jim and Travis were unquestionably in love. Jim's mother was totally accepting of all six boys and happy that they were happy. She found herself really liking Travis and was happy Jim had such a great friend, or maybe more.

The "Starblazer" had been in contact with both the "Starkeeper" and the "Starfinder" on the way to Alpha Orion IV. On the way to Inferno they kept talking with the "Starfinder". When the "Starfinder" left warp to orbit Hakaan they lost contact. Captain Parrish didn't try contacting any more ships. He was preparing for getting in contact with Inferno. He and his whole crew, along with the six boys, were getting ready for whatever happened when the ship dropped out of warp.

What the Captain didn't plan on was getting a radio message from the "Paxton". The Hakaanen had kept the name the Earth boys had given it in honor of what they had done to help the Hakaan people. They had a hard time saying the name, though. It kept sounding like "packton", but Douglas thought it was great that they kept the name.

The "Paxton" was going to the other colony to let them know that the home planet was back in the space business, even if they only had the one starship. However, they believed the starship which had been sent to the colony was still in oribit there, and that would give The Hakaanen two starships. The ancients had destroyed all the rest of the Hakaan fleet. After visiting the colony they planned on warping to Inferno. Whether they would get there before the "Starblazer" left to return to Earth was something they didn't know yet.

Lieutenant Commander John Woods was assigned to the "Starblazer". He told the boys how happy he was the six of them were on the mission. And how glad he was that they and the Hakaan boys had been accepted for what and who they were.

"Well, not totally," Travis said sadly.

John ruffled the boy's hair. "Sorry, T. But you have Jim and his Mom now. That's got to make you happy."

Travis smiled and looked at the officer. "Yes, sir. It does." And he turned and kissed Jim. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The "Starblazer" came out of warp with the familiar jolt. Scooter wondered if it seemed stronger because of the Starr Drive warp enhancer, or if he was just imagining it. The boys looked at the barren brown planet through the view port with mixed emotions. They all remembered the first time they had seen it from the "Moonduster", wondering if they could land there, and if they could, if they could survive there.

Douglas heard somebody come into the lounge. He turned and saw that it was Captain Parrish and Lieutenant Commander Woods.

"Not a very inviting place," the Captain said, putting his hands on Douglas's shoulders while gazing out the viewport. "It looks even more forbidding than I thought."

"It was the only place we had to land. It was that or drift and die in space. And the fact it had a breathable atmosphere meant we had a chance."

"Didn't you find the fact that it had a breathable atmosphere somewhat strange?" Woods asked.

"Sure. Most of us figured it meant there had to be some kind of life there. And whatever happened, if we could land our shuttle, we had a chance."

"Alex did quite a job didn't he?"

"He did an awesome job. He's going to make a great pilot."

"When we have a chance, I would love to see the route you took to safety. If you guys are willing to show me," Captain Parrish said.

Douglas gave him a wide grin. "We'd love to." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The " Valentina Tereshkova " was ready to be launched from the "Starblazer". The crew consisted of a pilot and a copilot. Captain Parrish was on board, as was Commander Woods, since he had become such a good friend to the boys. There were two representatives of the Space Exploration Office. Jim's Mom was on board. And of course, so were the six boys.

The shuttle was launched and began its descent into Inferno's atmosphere. The boys were thinking again of the first time they tried to land and how Alex had to abort the entry into the atmosphere and try again. They thought of how scared they had been. Even when Alex landed the "Survivor" it was a little scary because he wasn't an experienced trained pilot, but nothing compared to the terror of that first landing.

Now a pair of professional pilots were landing them and it had gone from an adventure to being routine. Douglas looked out the window at the deserts of Inferno. The planet had been their home, both good and bad. He never thought he would be coming back, especially this soon. He wondered who would be at the space port to meet them. He was sure Matthew and his family would be. He figured the Governor would be. He was hoping his Hakaan friends would be there. It turned out he wasn't even close to guessing who really would be there.

Douglas watched the barren brown ground come closer as the shuttle headed for the Big Valley. It brought memories roaring into his head. Suddenly, the shuttle was going over the small valley of the Shkah. They were almost there. Brown hills flew under them and then they were over the Big Valley. Douglas could feel his heart thumping as he looked at the green fields and forests that had meant so much to them at the end of their long trek across the desert and mountains of Inferno.

"We're over the valley," he told Scooter. Scooter leaned over him to look out of the window.

"It's still beautiful," he said.

The ground was close. They were almost ready to touch down. Just as they got over the end of the runway the boys saw something that took their breath away. People were lining the length of the runway to the terminal and beyond. The shuttle hit the ground smoothly and raced by them.

"Everybody on the planet must be there," Douglas said. This was so much different then their landing on Hakaan. This was a huge welcome home reception.

The " Valentina Tereshkova " taxied to the terminal. The pilot brought it to a stop and shut down the engines. Douglas had been looking out the window hoping he could recognize somebody, but the crowd was mostly a blur. He realized that was because he was crying.

They had already agreed the first to leave the shuttle would be the boys. Workers wheeled stairs up to the shuttle and then the door was opened by Commander Woods. Douglas was the first person at the door. As soon as he stepped out, a gigantic roar started from the huge crowd. It went on and on and on. The tears that had just stopped, started over again. He stepped down and aside so that the other boys could enjoy what was happening. Scooter, then Mike, Ryan, Jim, and Travis stepped out, and with each boy the roar started anew.

Two small figures started across the tarmac. Douglas could see that it was Matthew and Enghar. The two boys started going from a fast walk to a run. The boys on the steps started down. Suddenly the whole group of them were in a massive hug, laughing, yelling, crying, hugging, and loving, with the whole planet looking on and cheering.

Douglas looked at Matthew and realized he'd been growing. His arms and legs were getting long and lanky. Then he smiled, because his butt was still the fine firm bubble butt he remembered. Like the boys in front of him, Douglas and the Earth boys were in Hakaan dress. Meaning they were naked. The rest of the people on the shuttle were dressed in Earth garb.

They were led up to the balcony at the top of the terminal. A microphone was set up. Governor Andorn made opening remarks, welcoming the boys, and welcoming their new guests from Earth. The Governor was especially pleased to see Douglas, Scooter, and Mike, whom he saw as the leaders of the group.

Scooter was the one selected to speak for the Earthlings, since he was fluent in Hakaan. He wished it was Douglas speaking. Douglas was a better speaker, but could only speak passable Hakaan. Scooter's speech was written down, and Douglas assured him he would help him mentally if he needed it. Douglas reminded Scooter that his thoughts would be with him all the way.

Scooter looked out at the big crowd and started shaking. Then he caught his breath and let it out slowly and started talking.

"Citizens of Shakaman Prol (Fire Planet, Hakaan for Inferno) we are happy to return to you, our friends." A huge roar went up. Scooter waited nervously for the noise to abate. "We couldn't all make it back to you, but six of us are here. And we brought the people to help start the rebuilding of the Big Valley and your planet." More cheers. "And soon a Hakaan starship will arrive...." Huge cheers. Inferno, Shakaman Prol, was going to survive. They were going to survive. Scooter was shaking like a leaf. He couldn't get his closing going.

You're doing great, Douglas told him. They love you. Their minds were connected. That was all Scooter needed. He went on with confidence. "The starship will get here after it visits Ghermesh (the other colony) and restart relations with your home planet." More cheers erupted. "We're back here with our friends. We love our friends and family here. We love Shakaman Prol. We love all of you!" The crowd exploded. It roared.

Fantastic, My Sweetness. They love you, Douglas told him.

Scooter waved his friends to the throng and all six boys waved to the huge crowd. The crowd started chanting, "Earth! Earth! Earth! Earth!" All six boys smiled and felt waves of emotion surge through them. After ten minutes of cheering and shouting and waving the boys were finally led off the balcony and down the stairs to the ground floor.

"Looks like being a speaker is pretty exciting for you Scooter," Mike chuckled. Scooter had sprouted a boner from the excitement. "Looks like he got more than chills down his spine." Scooter turned red, thinking that sometimes being naked in public wasn't always the best way to go. But he also knew Hakaan boys got boners just like Earth boys and weren't embarrassed when they happened in public. Scooter had seen boners and gotten boners when he was going to school on Inferno. He was glad it didn't start building until after his speech, and when it did he could hide behind the other boys.

The boys were loaded onto the only bus on Inferno. Like everything else on the planet that was mechanical, it was old and rickety and was only used when it needed to be. But it worked. The six Earth boys boarded the bus, along with Captain Parrish, John Woods, and the two Ambassadors. Matthew, Enghar, and their family came on board and so did Bandar and Hajo. The shuttle crew was staying with the shuttle.

They drove to the Governor's mansion. Governor Andorn had a banquet laid out for the guests and they ate the best meal they had had since leaving Earth, which was saying a lot because the food on starships was excellent. After the dinner he gave his real speech, his welcome speech to his old friends from Earth, and to those he hoped would be his old friends from Earth. He had known in his heart that someday Douglas and the roundears would return to Inferno with help.

After the banquet, and some Pahkah for everybody, including the boys (a small amount though) the adult members of the Earth party were shown to their rooms. The Earth boys and the Hakaan boys were taken to a large recreation type room at the back of the mansion. There were chairs, couches, temporary beds, and games. It was their room for the night.

The boys had their Hakaan belts off almost immediately and went from almost naked to completely naked. Enghar has gotten a small line of pubic hair, but Matthew was still smooth. There was a lot of chat and small talk and big talk. Matthew asked about his parents and wondered if they sent anything for him.

"Let's talk about that tomorrow," Douglas said.

Matthew had a pretty good idea of what that meant and got a sad look to his face. Enghar put his arm around him and hugged him close.

"I love you, Mattoo. You are my Meshanna and mine forever."

"I love you, Enghar. More than anybody in the world." The two boys kissed and hugged.

From there it didn't take long for the group of boys to get hard and start kissing and hugging and groping and cumming. One thing that Scooter noticed was that the sex between Matthew and Enghar was free and easy and full of fun. It sometimes seemed Hakaan boys were sometimes more concerned with their sexual tricks and having a wild orgasm then they were with making sweet love to a partner. But that didn't seem the case with Matthew and Enghar. Their sex was like the two of them were made to have sex together. It reminded him of Douglas and himself. Scooter wondered if it was because Enghar and Matthew were Meshannas.

When they finally tired out and slept, Scooter ended up cuddled with Enghar, Douglas with Matthew, Jim with Bandar, Travis with Hajo, and Ryan and Mike ended up together. But that was after they all had multiple orgasms rolling around with each other.

The next day they all got up late. They had morning erections and all wanted to mess around more, but they knew they had to get going. After quick showers they were all served a huge breakfast in the banquet room. The rest of the Earth contingent was there. They already had meetings planned to discuss trade and commerce and to discuss Earth helping Inferno get back on it's feet and progress in terraforming the planet.

Jim's mother was already at meeting with the Engineers. She was amazed to see some of her ideas being used. She knew Jim had talked to the Chief Engineer and was amazed and what her Jim had been able to show him. She was very proud of her son.

After breakfast the boys were taken to their old school where they were treated like kings. The boys at the school all crowded around the Earth boys wanting at least to touch them. The boys talked to each of the classes about what Hakaan was like and about their trip home.

Then they were taken back to the mansion. Governor Andorn asked them questions about Hakaan and what happened there. The boys spent the whole afternoon telling their story. They told about landing on Hakaan and getting the warp radio from Endron. They told about the Ancients and Endron's coming to power. And finally they told about Dralkan and Trundall going to Earth with them and how Earth reacted to meeting their new friends in space.

"No wonder help never came," Andorn said. "The dirty Shkah. The Ancients weren't true Hakaan. I don't see how they ever stayed in power."

"People there were frightened," Douglas said. "The Ancients kept them frightened until we came. And then they saw they had nothing to be afraid of."

"And they got the dirty Shkah to help them. The Shkah here are back in the small valley and seem happy. A couple of them are tired of the attitude in the small valley and have moved over here to the Big Valley and started some new farms. We're happy to have them."

When the meeting was over Mike, Ryan, Jim, and Travis went with Bandar and Hajo. Scooter and Douglas went to spend the night with Enghar and Matthew. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Enghar's parents had a great dinner for the boys, cooked outdoors over a fire; a Hakaan barbecue.

That night the four boys had a tumble on Enghar's bed. It was actually Enghar and Matthew's bed now. They were Meshannas and lovers and everything to each other.

While the sex between the four boys ended up being incredible, the talk afterwards, with the four of them cuddled up in the bed meant more.

"So my Mom didn't miss me?" Matthew asked.

Douglas gave the little boy an extra tight hug. And he isn't so little any more, Douglas thought. His arms and legs were growing, and up close he could see a few tiny little hairs at the base of his penis.

"I think she did," Douglas lied.

"She doesn't love me," Matthew said. "She never did. She loved my sisters but never me. Did she send me anything?"

There was a long silence after the question. Douglas didn't know what to say.

Hug him hard, my love, Scooter said in his mind.

Douglas gave Matthew an even harder squeeze than before.

"I didn't think so," the boy sobbed. "Not even a card. Not even a letter." Tears started dripping down his cheeks. Douglas held him close.

"We love you," he whispered in Matthew's ear. "We do love you so, Mattoo. I'm so glad you made me keep you here."

"I'm glad you did. This is my home. Enghar is my Meshanna. I was the round eared Hakaan boy," he chuckled through a sob. "I so love my family here. They are my family." He wrapped his arms around Douglas and kissed him. It didn't take long for Scooter and Enghar to be sitting on the bed jerking off and watching Douglas slide his hard boner up Matthew's rounded rear and make sweet love to him.

After their second cum the subject was Meshannas and Scooter told Enghar and Matthew how lucky they were to be able to be each other's Meshannas.

"Why don't you try asking if you can be Meshannas?" Matthew asked. "You two would be perfect."

"But we're both Earthlings," Scooter said. "The priest already said we couldn't."

"Things change," Enghar said. "I bet after what happened last night, he would let you if you could get through his questions. Ask the priest. The worst that could happen is he says no. But I think you have a chance. There were a few who thought you would never return, no matter what happened, but most of us had faith. And you did return. You proved yourself. You're Hakaan at heart." Matthew said. "Go for it."

As the boys started drifting off, Enghar and Matthew cuddled on one side of the big bed and Scooter and Douglas on the other.

"Let's ask," Scooter said. "You know we can pass the test. You know what our love is like. We are Meshannas already except for the ceremony, and we don't need a ceremony to prove our love for each other."

"You're right, my love. But let's see if we can do it. That would be so perfect for us. Let's ask tomorrow." He kissed Scooter's cheeks, and the four boys were suddenly all asleep. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next day the boys weren't able to see the priest, however. Captain Parrish had arranged for a flyer to fly them along the route that the boys had followed from the "Moonduster" to the Big Valley. The flyer was the last working Hakaan flyer. They took off from the Big Valley and flew over the mountains and the desert. Captain Parrish and Commander Woods were on board with the six boys plus Matthew and Enghar. The flyer was full.

Nobody said much as the flyer flew around looking for the wreckage of the "Moonduster". Douglas thought he had a good idea where it was, but they had a hard time finding the fuselage. Finally Matthew yelled out, "I see something! Look out the right side!"

The flyer made a turn and everybody on the right side saw a little scattering of wreckage buried by sand.

"I didn't realize it was destroyed that badly," Commander Woods said. "How did you survive that?"

"It wasn't. It looks like somebody did that after we left it," Douglas said. "The fuselage was smashed up but it was still pretty much intact."

"But who would do that? And why?" Captain Parrish asked.

"My guess is Robert Charles. And because he could. Just to make sure we could get nothing from it, ever."

The flyer was brought in for a landing next to the wreckage. They got out of it and were immediately hit by the desert heat and the strong sun. The heat almost knocked them out.

"Is this what it was like when you started your trek?" Captain Parrish asked.

"Yes, Sir. It was like this from the moment we landed." Mike answered.

"Good Lord." Captain Parrish had a great amount of respect for what the boys had done, and it was now growing even more.

They poked through the wreckage for a while, but it was hot and there wasn't much to see. Most of it was buried in the sand, and what was left was mostly small pieces. Douglas was sad that Robert Charles ended up deciding to blow up the "Moonduster". It seemed a waste of time and energy to do it. The "Moonduster" had been one of his homes during the adventure. Maybe not always a real happy one, but it got them to safety.

They got back in the flyer and traced the route to the mountains. Douglas pointed to the area where they lost Matthew. Parrish and Woods could see how lucky Matthew was to still be alive. Then they landed at the fork where Douglas sent the exploration parties to look for a way over the mountains. Douglas told again about Brett's hiding the recharger and about how he exiled Robert Charles from the group.

Then the flyer flew to where the "Sundancer" had crashed. There wasn't much to see there either. Captain Parrish said that the remains of the dead crew men would have to be gathered sometime and returned to Earth, or they at least would need to get a proper burial on Inferno.

They took off again and flew over the mountains. They looked rough and forbidding from the air, but the boys knew that they were even rougher at ground level.

Matthew almost screamed when he saw the his horsey with the valley behind it. "That's it!!!! The horsey!" He was laughing and crying almost at once. It was the first time he had seen the huge rock since the crash landing of the "Moonduster."

"It's real! I mean I knew it was real! But now I know it's real!" Matthew went on.

"I think you're babbling some, little brother," Mike said with a chuckle.

Matthew blew Mike a kiss. "Your staying with me tonight, big brother."

Mike grinned a huge grin. "My pleasure."

The flyer was soon flying back over the Big Valley, coming over it at the lake where the Earth boys first met the Hakaan boys. After circling the lake it returned to the space port and landed next to the " Valentina Tereshkova ."

The boys got out and stood on the tarmac. It was hot in the valley, but the climate was controlled there and it wasn't uncomfortable. Not like it had been in the desert.

Captain Parrish faced the boys. "Douglas. Boys. A most remarkable journey. Most remarkable. And then to top that off by flying a starship between star systems. I keep thinking I can't get more amazed by what you did, yet I always seem to. You are all to be commended."

After that they all went off to the places they were staying that night. Douglas, Scooter, and Ryan went to stay with Bandar. Travis and Jim were going to stay at the Governor's mansion. And Mike ended up enjoying a loving sexy night with his little "brother" Matthew. Matthew had an extra tender spot in his heart for Mike, who had rescued him from his depression on the "Starkeeper." He loved Mike like a brother and more. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The next day the boys had an appointment with the priest. They wanted to find out if it was possible for two non-Hakaanen to become Meshannas and to go through the joining.

The six boys and the priest were crowded into the little office. Douglas acted as their spokesman, and in his broken Hakaan told the priest what they wanted. Scooter helped him when he could, mostly through his thought projections. He explained the closeness he and Scooter had developed, from the first moment they met. He told how Mike and Ryan had found themselves acting as one since they got back from Earth. And he told how Jim and Travis connected after Jim moved in with Travis.

"I guess why I'm telling you this is that we want to know if it is possible for us to go through the joining and become Meshannas," Douglas said.

"None of you are Hakaanen," the priest said sternly.

"We know that," Douglas said. Like, duh! he projected to Scooter. "But we have lived and loved with Hakaanen. We have taken part in the Hakaan way of life. One of our own kind has become a Meshanna with a Hakaanen and has shown himself to be a loyal and loving one, just like any Hakaanen would be. He has shown a human can go through the Joining. And we came back to this home of ours after we returned to our own home planet. We came back because it IS a home for us. We brought back the help we promised to the people we love."

"You are serious about this? Absolutely serious?" the priest asked.

"Absolutely. All of us." The other boys all nodded.

"I had heard this question was coming from you. So I have already prepared my answer."

Scooter and Douglas looked at the priest with their hearts beating. They both wanted the Joining in the worst way. In ways they couldn't even begin to describe.

"I have one question to ask before I give you my ruling. The ruling the Great God Jeswa would approve of."

The hearts were still thumping as they awaited the question.

"Have any of you asked your partner formally to take part in the joining?"

The question was a surprise. It certainly wasn't what they expected. They were ready for a question on respecting Hakaan values and culture or something. But not a simple one like this. All six said no at almost the same time. Douglas was afraid that somehow they had blown it.

"That is good. It shows you respect our culture. That you didn't do something you didn't understand."

Douglas breathed a sigh of relief. They had answered correctly. The main reason he hadn't asked Scooter was that he didn't remember the entire ceremony from their short time at school and didn't have a chance to ask Matthew about it. But part of it was also that they didn't feel right asking each other formally until they knew if it was the right thing to do.

"Since you were found here on Shakaman Prol you have respected us and our culture. You have helped us overcome many perils. You helped our home planet over come evil. And perhaps the biggest thing is that you came back. You not only came back, but you came back with the same respect for our culture. And you came back to ask to be a part of that culture.

"I do not feel that the Joining should be open to alien beings. But you Earth boys of Shakaman Prol are not alien beings to us. You are Hakaanen, Hakaanen in every way but in your genes. I look at you in your Hakaanen dress today and I feel right in saying that any boys of your group may take part in the Joining. Of course that is if..."

But he was interrupted by cheering. The serious old priest fought back a smile and raised his hand to get silence. "That is if you pass the Joining test. I will see each pair in four days to decide. Before you come to my office you must complete the formal asking." With that he dismissed them from his office.

"I guess we better see Mattoo, Enghar, Bandar and Hajo and get some lessons," Mike said. "Because I have a feeling if we don't do this right, we won't get a second chance. Us aliens might be getting a break here, but I don't think the old priest is going to put up with any fuck ups."

Four days, Douglas thought. Four days and I get to find out if Scooter and I can become joined. Four days to pass the test. And for some reason, I have a feeling that test will be much harder for us than for a couple of Hakaan boys. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Scooter, my love of our youngness, I ask you, with all my heart, all my soul, and all my spirit, to be my soulmate and my heart's love for life. I ask you to be my Meshanna." Douglas had practiced it since talking to Enghar about the exact words, which were said in the Hakaan language.

"Douglas, my love of my youngness, I answer your request by saying I will take into my heart, my mind, and my spirit your love and I will give you my answer at the time of decision." They knew they had to wait at least three days before the time of decision. Since their appointment was in three days they had to give the decision in the minimum time. Not like that was going to be a problem. Scooter could have given it in three seconds.

The three days seemed to take forever to go by. But the boys were busy. For one, their tutor had been brought down in another shuttle and he put them to work studying. For another they were fitted for new ceremonial robes. And they also got to sit in on meetings with the adults because of Scooter's ability to speak Hakaan fluently.

One time they went with Jim's mother as she flew to check the atmosphere readings and saw some parts of the planet they'd never seen before. Douglas could see that if they had gone the wrong way on their trek they never would have recovered.

The three day waiting period was up. He knew that Mike had asked Ryan and Travis had asked Jim. Today was the say of answering. Douglas and Scooter were in their room in the Governor's mansion, lying together in bed, naked, ready for sex. As dictated by Hakaan custom they had been required to avoid sex during the waiting period, from the time of asking to the time of decision. They were incredibly horny.

The two boys sat face to face, raging hard ons pointing straight up. Douglas was already leaking precum.

"Scooter, my love of my youngness, have you reached your time of deciding?"

"Douglas, the love of my youngness, I have."

"And what be that deciding?"

Scooter didn't hesitate. He looked into Douglas's eyes, love shining between them. "My deciding be that I wish to be in your heart, your soul, and your mind forever. I want us to be one, no matter what happens with our lives. I want to be your Meshanna. I want you to be mine."

"Then let us be joined," Douglas said.

The boys kissed. They cried. Then they made wild mad love. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The same thing had happened in two other bedrooms. The next day they went to the priest for their interviews. By the rules they had to pick an interviewer they had never had sex with. Douglas picked Modar, the tutor who had been their tutor and teacher when they went to school. Scooter picked Governor Andorn as his. Their interview went well and when the priest asked them together if they felt like their minds and souls were one they held each other's hands and said absolutely.

Mike had picked Enghar's father as his interviewer and Ryan also picked Modar, the teacher. Jim picked the Chief Engineer of the terraforming plant and Travis surprised even himself by picking Roobine, the retired shuttle pilot.

When the interviews were over they waited for the decisions to be made. The pairs were called in one at a time. Each pair met with the priest.

"Dooglass and Scoot. You two have carried yourselves well. You will be part of the Joining, the Ceremony of Souls in two days. May you find only happiness as each other's Meshannas."

Douglas and Scooter wiped away some tears, kissed, and went through a back door to the office. Then Mike and Ryan were called in. They got the same speech from the priest and left out of the same door, hugging and kissing Scooter and Douglas when they found out the news.

But when Jim and Travis went in the results were different. "Shames and Trafus, you are fine candidates to be Meshannas. But I cannot approve it at this time. I see your love and friendship, but not the connection that is necessary to become Meshannas. Work to develop it if you think it is there and come back the next time a Joining is called. And if you don't see it then maybe you were meant to be friends and lovers but not Meshannas." The two boys were fighting off tears.

"This is not a bad thing, my sons. You have some of the specialness between you. Being friends and lovers is a high calling. When you are a Meshanna you must have a high understanding of what that means. And you must touch each other's souls. So far I don't see all that is needed for you to be Meshannas. May you have good luck in finding it."

The two boys thanked the old priest and went out the same door. Two Hakaan boys were waiting outside for their interview. The other four boys were sad when they heard the news and comforted Jim and Travis.

"You'll have another chance," Mike said. "Next time you will show them."

Ryan was hugging his former lover Travis hard. "I hope you find the same connection I found," he told him. "I love you."

"I love you, Ryan. I love Jim. I don't know what happened. I don't know why we didn't pass. We love each other. After we leave here, we may never get another chance." He burst out crying. Travis was beside himself. He thought Ryan had been his soul mate. And now Jim, but that didn't pass somebody's phony interview and lousy test. He was feeling bitter. What Travis didn't know then, was that his future Meshanna was his little eleven year old cousin lying alone and lonely in a bed on Earth. And what Jim didn't know was that he hadn't even met his Meshanna yet, but would in just a few short days, and that was going to be at the upcoming Joining, the Ceremony of Souls. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

There were six Joinings scheduled for this Ceremony of Souls. It was decided to have the Joinings of the Earthlings last because of the way everybody on Inferno felt about them. Their Joining was full of controversy in a lot of ways, yet almost everybody on Inferno was happy for them, especially their friends and former classmates. The controversy was their not being Hakaan. But they also knew it wasn't an automatic decision since two of the round eared boys had been turned down.

Jim and Travis had both been disappointed. But they were determined try it again some day. They made love the night before the Ceremony. It was wonderful lovemaking. They still couldn't understand why they were turned down. But they were going to wear their ceremonial robes and be there for the Joinings of the friends they loved so much. Jim's robe was white with blue and gold trim. Travis had had a white robe with orange and green trim. They couldn't have the designs because they weren't Joined or being Joined, but they could have two color trim on the robes.

The first four ceremonies were finished. It was time for Mike and Ryan. There was the drum roll and the call of the horn and Mike was called out to the stage. He was wearing a purple ceremonial robe with gold trim and designs. He called down Captain Parrish to represent his family. Then he called Enghar's parents, Governor Andorn, Roobine, and Modar. After that it was Enghar, Matthew, Bandar, and Hajo, along with the other friends he had made at school. He called his friends from Earth; Scooter, Douglas, Jim, and Travis. Mike thanked them and bowed to them all. Finally, he called his Meshanna to be, Ryan.

Ryan stepped out in a stunning robe of forest green with silver trim and designs. He had a silver comet streaking across his chest. He called down John Woods to represent his family. And as far as he was concerned, John was more family to him then his own family was. Everybody else he wanted on the stage was there and he had them stand up again. Being in front of all the people at the amphitheater made him very nervous, but he worked hard to keep from showing it. Ryan was shy and quiet and all the people there almost made him shake.

Ryan gave his thanks. Then the quiet music played and Mike and Ryan met in the middle and kissed. The ceremony went by both of them in a blur. With Scooter translating, John Woods spoke for Ryan. Matthew was the speaker for Mike, his big "brother". Mike had been his speaker when he was Joined.

The Mashan juice was given. And then Ryan found himself, his shy self, rubbing his body against his love with hundreds of people watching and suddenly cumming over him. He was both aroused and embarrassed, and being aroused won.

But in his mind he heard, Ryan, Ost Lesha Drey just as Mike heard in his, Mike, Ost Lesha Drey. He heard the priest say, "You are now Meshannas," and he collapsed into Mike's arms. Mike carried him off the stage and the crowd cheered for the first round ears to take each other as Meshannas.

Then the stage was cleared and the drum rolled and the horn sounded. Douglas stepped out into the spotlight. The crowd cheered for the leader of the round ears, who they looked upon as a hero. Douglas stood proudly in his light blue ceremonial robe, trimmed with red and with white designs. He ,too, called Captain Parrish to represent his parents and family. Then he called John Woods, Enghar's parents, Modar, Governor Andorn, the Chief Engineer, Roobine, and his Hakaan friends. After that he called his Earth friends down. Ryan had revived and walked down with Mike, his new Meshanna. They both were dressed in their robes.

Douglas gave his thanks. He bowed to them all and thanked each of them. A special thanks went to Mike for being a rock for him to lean on during their trek through the desert and through space. Then he called for his sweet love.

Scooter stepped onto the stage. The light had his blond hair gleaming brightly. He was wearing a beautiful golden robe, trimmed in pink. It had a pink star on the left side of the chest. It was plain, simple, and incredibly beautiful.

Scooter had Captain Parrish represent his family.. He called down Pam, Jim's mother, who he had known since he was a little kid. Then he called down the adults, his Hakaan friends, and his Earth friends. He gave his thanks to them.

The quiet theme started playing and the two boys kissed in the middle.

"Scooter, my love of my youngness, I want you as my Meshanna. My soulmate. My love in my heart, mind, and soul, forever. Please be mine."

"Douglas, my love of my youngness, I want you as my Meshanna. My soulmate. My love in my heart, mind, and soul, forever. Please be mine."

The priest handed both boys the juice of the Mashan root. They drank, kissed, mixed the juices, and then swallowed.

Douglas removed Scooter's robe, marveling at the beautiful naked body of his love. Then Scooter removed Douglas's. They kissed, penises touching. The priest put the black and white ceremonial blanket around the kissing boys.

Then Governor Andorn stood up and told why the boys should be joined. He was Douglas's choice. He told about the leadership the boys showed and the closeness he saw in both of them. He told how they proudly took on the Hakaan ways and culture. After him, Enghar stood up for Scooter and told how proud he was to know both of them. He explained how wonderful is own round eared Meshanna was and how he knew that Scooter and Douglas would find the same happiness.

Then the priest said, "In the name of the Great God Jeswa, I name you Meshannas." He turned the blanket over to the gray side. "Like the stripes on this blanket becoming one color, your souls and minds and hearts are now one. Being a Meshanna is for life and is never ended by distance, partners, or death. Is that what you both wish?"

"It is," they both said together.

They drank their second glass of Mashan juice the same way they had drunk the first. And as the powerful herb washed over their minds, they became totally lost in each other. They kissed. The music, their friends, the crowd disappeared into the background and all that was left in the universe was the other boy's lover. All Douglas could see was Scooter's beauty. All Scooter could see was Douglas. The two boys rubbed against each other, humping, kissing, holding, hugging, shouting with pleasure and joy. The entire universe was them.

Scooter, Ost Lesha Drey. I love you.

Douglas, Ost Lesha Drey. I love you.

And when they finally cummed, their entire orgasm seemed to come from deep with in them and take in every ounce of their beings. The priest was amazed at the intensity of feelings emanating from the boys. The screams of delight filled the amphitheater, and they came in a wild mutual orgasm, cum shooting over each other and themselves. Like Ryan, they both collapsed to their knees. The priest mixed the boys' cum on his index finger and let them taste it.

"You are now Meshannas." Once again the crowd cheered. The priest helped the boys off the stage. Another Ceremony of the Soul was over. Mike and Ryan, Scooter and Douglas were Joined. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After the effects of the root wore off, Scooter and Douglas joined the throngs at the celebration fair. Their robes were off. They held hands and received congratulations from the Hakaanen who saw them. People they had never met came to them and told them how wonderful it was that boys from a different planet thought so much of the Hakaan way that they came across the galaxy to be Joined.

As Scooter and Douglas turned a corner around a tent they saw a surprising thing. Jim was with a Hakaan boy who looked around 11 or 12. He still had his robe on, a plain white one, since he was not yet wet and able to be Joined. The could overhear what was being said.

"I'm having trouble taking my robe off," the Hakaan boy said. "Could you help me."

"Sure," Jim said. Jim's was already off. The boy lifted his arms and Jim pulled the robe off of him. His body was slim, smooth, and sexy. Jim looked at it and almost drooled.

"You want to walk around together?" the boy asked.

"Sure," Jim said again. The boy stuck out his hand. Jim took it. It was a simple, touching gesture.

"I saw you and the ceremony. I couldn't take my eyes off you. My name is Reshada," the boy told him. That was how Jim felt right now. He couldn't take his eyes off the boy. What neither boy knew right then was that in a few months, after Reshada became wet, Jim and Reshada would become the second pair of mixed Meshannas.

That night the new Meshannas bedded down together in their own rooms and made a special kind of love. The return to Inferno had been worth it just for the Joining. But the time was coming to make decisions about what was going to happen next in their lives. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Douglas and Scooter were going to return to Earth on the "Starblazer". Both of them wanted to return to school to prepare for their futures, which they both knew would take them into space. They both knew they would someday return to Inferno. Mike and Ryan decided more ships would be coming and going. They wanted to stay on Inferno for now and help to rebuild. Jim was going to stay on Inferno with his mother for now. He knew he wasn't going to get formal schooling, but he was going to learn a lot about terraforming by helping transform the Hakaan equipment. He already had helped with that some. All three of them knew their futures were in space, however, and they all knew it would mean returning to school.

Travis was going back to Earth too. He saw no reason to stay on Hakaan. From the moment he met Reshada he could tell that he and Jim had some kind of link. And just looking at Jim with the younger boy, Travis knew where his heart really was. It was with his cousin. He knew he had to return to Earth. And he knew deep in his heart that someday he would return to Inferno with Nathan for the Joining ceremony.

Five days had gone by since the Joining. The trade and treaty talks were almost over. Captain Parrish announced that they would leave in two days.

Scooter and Douglas had spent the night before with Enghar and Matthew. They decided they wanted this night to be one just for the two of them. They got a couple of bicycles, backpacks and a sleeping bag. Then they rode to the nearby west cliffs and parked the bikes.

Then they climbed up the cliff trail. The sun was hot, and got hotter as they climbed. They had plenty of water in their packs and on their belts. It was late afternoon when they got to the top. They stood at the edge and looked down into the dark green big valley. A couple of clouds drifted past. They held hands and looked at the sight. They both wondered when they would see it again.

"I'm going to miss Mike, Ryan, and Jim," Scooter said. "I miss the rest of the group so much. We'll be leaving Matthew again, too."

"Well, we have it planned to spend tomorrow night with them. Another special good-bye. And everybody seems happy. Even Jim and Travis after their disappointment."

The talked and held hands and walked. They stopped to set up camp. They laid out the only sleeping bag they needed. They set up a stove and cooked their dinner.

When they finished eating they watched the sun go down, looking at it and then back to the valley as it got dark from the shadows of the cliffs and mountains. The stars came out. Both moons were on the other side of the planet, and the sky was darker then it usually was at night. Because they were above the thick atmosphere of the valley the stars were crisp and clear.

The two boys were inside the double sleeping bag, lying on their backs, bodies touching, holding hands. They were staring up at the bright, sparkling, twinkling stars. Their love for each other was sparking between them. Their hearts were joined, their minds one. Meshannas. They cuddled up close, still looking up at the bright clusters of stars. Both boys knew that their future was in the stars above them. There were stars and planets waiting for them to discover. They belonged to the stars. They looked at the stars, seeing their dance and hearing their song. The light, coming from so far away, was sending its message to the boys. They felt the message was all around them, filling their souls....Ost Lesha Drey.....Ost Lesha Drey....I love you.....I love you.


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Constructive comments are welcomed. E-mail me, Douglas DD, at

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