The Survivors Original

By Douglas DD

Published on Feb 16, 2003


This story contains sex between minor boys and teen-agers. If such things offend you, or you are not at least 18 years of age, then please don't read on. This story is not true, but who knows, maybe some day it will be.


Round Ears

by Douglas DD

From the starship, Ryan did the talking to the "Survivor" on the radio. Scooter was on the radio in the shuttle. Jim was using the amazing telescope on the navigation panel. Looking in the view screen, Jim could follow the shuttle's descent on the high-resolution telescope. The telescope locked into the shuttle's radio beacon and automatically tracked the shuttle throughout its descent. Visual contact was lost only when the shuttle disappeared behind a cloud.

After the aborted landing, Scooter told them they had radio contact with some Hakaanen and he would get back to them. Jim followed the shuttle as it headed northwest, circled around, and then started its approach to the runway. The sky was partly cloudy, but he could see the "Survivor" land. Immediately after what looked like a safe landing, he saw an explosion and fireball. Involuntary reflex action forced him to close his eyes to protect them from the intense brilliance of the explosion. When he opened his eyes he could see nothing on the ground. Billowing smoke shrouded the scene below.

Ryan got on the radio. "This is the 'Paxton' calling the 'Survivor'." There was no answer. He tried again and still got no answer. He looked over at Jim. Jim's face was totally white. The console beeped, and Jim looked at the view screen. The screen was blank, except for a message that read, "NO SIGNAL".

"I think we lost them," he said. "I think they crashed."

All the boys were on the bridge. And all of them felt sudden fear and emptiness. If Jim was right they were alone in space. They were the last survivors.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thraller heard the chat between the "Survivor" and the "Paxton." He couldn't understand any of it. It was one thing that it seemed to be a boy with a weird accent talking, but now the radio had boys talking a language he had never heard before. And why were children flying the shuttle. The voices sounded like teenagers at best. What was going on? he wondered. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Alex, Scooter, and Travis were blinded by the explosion ahead of them at the end of the runway.

"What the FUCK!!!" Alex screamed. "They're trying to kill us!"

Douglas was standing at the open cockpit door looking at the huge fireball rising up into the sky. "No. I don't think so," he said.

"NO? Are you nuts, Douglas?! That was almost us being blown up!. And if nothing else they tried to blind us! I'm getting us out of here!"

"To where? This is the only runway we've found. We have no fuel. And besides, they weren't trying to kill us. That part is obvious."

"Not to me it isn't," Alex said as the shuttle came to a stop. They looked at the burning hulk in front of them. They saw it was the old shuttle they had seen at the end of the runway that had just blown up. "Explain please." Douglas could see that Alex was shaking with anger.

"Well, first, let's taxi to the terminal. We need to get off of this runway. And turn off the trasponder!"

"No taxiing until you tell me how we're not in danger," Alex demanded.

"Alex, either you taxi to the terminal or Travis will. But we're going to start taxiing now, and that's an order. We need to get off this runway fast." `Sometimes you just have to kick Alex in the balls to get what you want', Douglas thought at Scooter, who quickly hid his smile. Douglas knew what had happened at the end of the runway, and he knew for the plan that was unfolding to work they had to clear the runway fast. "I'll tell you while we head there."

For the second time in two days Alex glared at Douglas. He liked him better when he hadn't been so sure of himself. Now he seemed to be full of himself. He had forgotten that Douglas had been the same way when he led them from the "Moonduster" to the big valley. The difference now was Douglas was confident in his leadership abilities and acted quicker and more decisively than he had then. When things were safe and comfortable, Douglas lay back and acted like a Student Council president. But when the group was in danger, Douglas took complete control. It was Douglas, after all, who had decided to exile Robert Charles.

Alex took a deep breath, switched off the transponer, and turned the shuttle around and taxied it toward the terminal. "So, explain this mess, before we get to the terminal and get attacked."

"Quit being paranoid, Alex. Think. If they wanted to kill us they would have just let us land on the first runway we tried to land on. Why wave us off and give us a smooth runway to land on? No, there is some weird shit going on here, but it doesn't have to do with killing us. I think we're safe. In fact, look over there." Douglas pointed to one side of the terminal. A Hakaan lady was waving lights at them, just like at an airport.

Just then the radio sounded. "This is the 'Paxton' calling the 'Survivor'."

Scooter got ready to answer. Douglas stopped him.

"Don't answer!" he commanded.

"Why not? They're worried about us. We haven't talked to them since we aborted the first landing attempt," Scooter said.

"Because we blew up when we landed here!"


"What do you think that explosion was about? That's our shuttle at the end of the runway."

Scooter understood what Douglas was saying. He looked at him and smiled. Alex and Travis had it figured out. too. The situation on Hakaan was not what it was the last time Inferno had had contact with it. It appeared the present situation meant it was important to hide them from somebody, most likely the government of the planet.

They heard the "Paxton" on the radio again, but they ignored it. They were almost at the terminal.

The lady guided them and they turned into a space next to the terminal. There was a hangar in front of them that was covered with trees and other plants. Alex folded the wings and guided the shuttle through the door.

Outside, the runway cover was moving back into place. But part of the cover was different. It had broken trees and tire tracks that led right to the burning hulk. It looked like the shuttle had hit the runway too late and had gone off the end of it.

Alex stopped the "Survivor" inside the underground hangar and shut off the engines.

"So, who is going to surprise the two ladies outside?" Douglas asked.

"Surprise?" Mike asked. "What to you mean, surprise? You mean because we're naked?"

"They would be more surprised if we were dressed," Travis said. "I think he means our ears and bare backs."

"Oh. Duh. The Donkey wasn't thinking too good on that one. I got too used to being just one of the guys on Inferno. But I think us two big guys, me and Jeremy would work out just fine. First Earthlings to set foot on Hakaan. What do you think, Jeremy? Give it to the two thugs?"

Douglas kind of wanted the honor for himself, but he nodded okay. After all, he was still the leader. Let his friends get the glory. If there was ever going to be any glory.

They saw a set of stairs moved up to the door of the shuttle. Mike opened the door, and he and Jeremy stepped out onto the stairs. Corrinna, Dralkan's mother was the first to see them. When she got a close look at them, she put her hand to her mouth in surprise. The boys she saw were certainly not Hakaanen boys. And if they weren't Hakaanen, who were they? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dralkan contacted his dad on his radio. His dad had seen the smoke rise from where the old space port was. Dralkan told him that plan A had been put into motion. He instructed Dralkan, Trundall, and Shamene to meet him at the end of the runway farthest from the terminal. Dralkan knew which one he meant, but he didn't know why they should meet there.

The three boys stood at the end of the weed covered runway. The sun was beating down on them. Suddenly, they heard a humming noise above them and saw a flyer, just like in the history books. It had to belong to The Ancients. They were about to bolt into the woods, but the flyer came down too quickly. Dralkan stood there, frightened, but he wasn't sure why. It wasn't illegal to play in the old airport. Kids hung around there all the time. Still, seeing the flyer land made him quiver with fright.

The three boys froze, watching to see who would come out of the flyer. They knew running away would probably make things worse. The Ancients and their police knew how to find people. But instead of men in police uniforms, a naked man appeared at the door. It was Dralkan's father, who lowered a ladder.

"Quick son, we have no time. All three of you get on!" his dad yelled.

The three boys climbed up the ladder and the flyer lifted straight up and shot off.

"Wow! Where did you get this dad?" Dralkan was impressed.

"It was an experimental flyer, one that can hover land land and take off vertically. When the Ancients started taking away the machines, your grandfather confiscated this one. He found there was no record of it existing because it was experimental, so he kept it for himself to be used at a time when it was really needed. And that time is now."

Dralkan saw that dad's Meshanna and partner was on board. And so were a couple of other men he recognized.

"Where are we going?"

"To the old spaceport. I heard what you did. That was very brave of you. You were cool under fire."

Dad doesn't even know the half of it, he thought, thinking of himself standing in the middle of the runway waving off the landing shuttle. Now that was scary.

The flyer raced low over the tree tops heading for the old space port. Endron, Dralkan's dad, had heard from Corrinna that something strange was going on at the space port, but she wouldn't say what. She would only say there was something strange about the kids on the shuttle. She did sound very aggitated. Why, he thought, was a shuttle from one of the lost colonies being piloted by children?

Endron knew that he had to get to the other spaceport quickly, because The Ancients would soon have a flyer heading that way to investigate. The good news was theirs couldn't land, because this was the only flyer ever made on Hakaan that could land and take off vertically. Endron didn't know that the engineers on Inferno had retrofitted their flyers to do the same just after communication ended between the two planets.

The flyer got to the field and they could see the cover was over it, and at the end the old shuttle hulk was still burning. He headed for the terminal. He needed to get the flyer landed and into the hangar right away. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thraller sat with Hamnod, one of the Ancients. He told him about the strange things he heard on the radio; the unfamiliar language and the fact that all the voices belonged to boys.

Hamnod agreed with Thraller; a flyer needed to be sent immediately to the scene. The situation had to be investigated throroughly and any surivors taken into custody and permanently isolated

Thraller radioed to get a flyer ready. He was going to be on it. If anybody was left alive, he was going to see to the capture personally. He had no problem in his mind about killing any of the crash survivors if a capture couldn't be made. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Corrinna looked at the two strange looking boys at the doorway. . She didn't know what they were, but they weren't Haakan. They were naked boys, they were wearing Hakaan belts, but they had round ears and no mane down their backs. The shuttle was Haakan. She could tell by the writing on the sides. The boy doing the talking on the radio as the shuttle landed, spoke Haakan, though he had a strange accent. However, there was do doubt these boys were some kind of alien species, and not Hakaan. She didn't think twenty-five years would change the appearance of Hakaanen that much.

Mike and Jeremy walked down the stairs, and behind them came three smaller boys, followed by another somewhat bigger boy. They all seemed to be smiling as they came down the stairs. A small dark haired boy came forward and gave the Haakan sign of greeting.

"Shamra Morna," Douglas said. It was the most formal kind of Haakan greeting.

She was surprised that this strange looking boy knew the Haakan greeting. But then there must be a Haakan there somewhere, because whoever was on the radio could speak the language perfectly, though with an accent..

Scooter came up to her next. "Shamra Morna."

Corrinna looked at the boys. She had fear and anger in her eyes. "Who are you? Where are you from?"

"We are from a planet called Earth. We became stranded on your colony of Inferno (Scooter used the Hakaan name for it)."

"Then how did you find your way here?"

Scooter started telling the story. But Corrinna stopped them and asked them to return to the shuttle. She was afraid of the strange boys and wanted them in the shuttle until Endron got there. Not wanting to create any trouble, Douglas led them back up the stairs into the shuttle. They needed the help of the Haakanen who rescued them in order to survive.

Scooter turned to the two Haakan women. "Lasherra." Thank you.

The boys went into the shuttle and sat in the cabin. "Why did she send us back?" Jeremy asked.

"She's scared," Douglas answered. "She's waiting for help to come. That's what I think."

Everybody agreed with him. Now it was a matter of waiting to see what was going to happen.

"Should we call the 'Paxton'?" Jeremy asked.

"No," Douglas answered. "We don't want anybody picking up our radio signal. It looks like our rescuers want it to look like we crashed. Until we find out differently, we're going to play along with it."

"But they're going to worry."

"I know. But for now we need to stay silent."

Outside, a flyer landed next to the terminal. Corrinna opened the hangar door and it was moved inside. The boys on the shuttle looked out the window as the flyer was pushed in. They watched four men and three boys exit the flyer. They talked to Corrinna, who excitedly pointed to the shuttle. One of the men left the group and climbed the stairs into the shuttle.

"We need you to all come with us. Now!" Then he walked back down. The boys looked at each other after Scooter translated. Most of them understood what he said. They'd learned a lot of the language in school. Scooter merely confirmed it. What they didn't like was the tone of voice the man had used.

They left the shuttle and followed the Haakan into the terminal. It was time to tell their story, and hope that their rescuers wouldn't turn on them because they were aliens. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Thaller looked out of the window of his flyer. The wreckage of the shuttle was still burning and it looked completely destroyed. He could see the tire marks on the runway. It looked like the runway was too overgrown to land on and the landing had gotten out of control. He didn't see how anybody could survive the crash and explosion. He was actually hoping to find some survivors so he could send his soldiers to find out what was going on. But it looked like all they would find were burned bodies. There was no way he could land and he would have to return to the base and make the journey by land. He ordered the pilot to return to Kana. He took a last look at the burning shuttle. He still had three questions in his mind. What was the strange language on the radio? Why were children piloting the shuttle as well as doing the talking from whatever starship was in orbit?

And finally, why had the shuttle suddenly aborted its landing on the rough runway of the main airport and flown to the rougher runway of the old spaceport? The runways of the airport could still be easily spotted from the sky, but the runway of the old cargo port was much more difficult to make out. Unless somebody knew it was there it was almost impossible to see it from the sky. Since it was in the middle of a forest, the runway was in worse shape then the one at the main airport. So why abort a landing on a runway they could see and that almost looked good enough to land on for a runway that was in worse shape and was practically hidden?

He got on the radio and sent a message to Hamnod. He told the Ancient in his opinion it might be a good idea to send patrolmen to the old spaceport. Something didn't seem right. Hamnod received the message, and acted on it right away He ordered Thraller and his men to head for the cargo port as soon as possible. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The six boys from the "Survivor" went into a large room with the Haakanen. Endron, Corrinna, Trundall, Shamene, and Dralkan all sat down. Corrinna's partner stayed in the front of the old terminal to keep watch for anybody coming.

Endron stared at the six boys. Their round ears and bare backs made it obvious they weren't Haakan. Other than that he could see little difference. They were even naked like Haakan boys, with Haakan pocket belts to hold what they needed. They were the same size and weight as Hakaan boys.

Their faces were smooth and their wide, clear eyes sparkled exaclty like Hakaan boys in their early teens would look Some of the boys were slight, while the musculature on others had begun to noticeabley develop, exactly as on pubescent Hakaan boys.Some of them had pubic hair, while some of them didn't, but this too, was not unusual. What was unusual was that only the penis on the small blonde boy resemebled a Hakaan. The other's penises were different, lacking the normal skin over the head. His mind was full of questions. How did they get here in a Haakan shuttle? How did they learn the language? Where were they from? What did they want? And could they be trusted?

Dralkan was amazed at what he saw. He knew that the shuttle was being flown by boys from the voices on the radio. But he never imagined they were boys like this. Alien boys from some alien world. The excitement of seeing them couldn't be denied. Dralkan often dreamed of the stars and space travel, and of the days Haakanen traveled to the stars. What was happening now was beyond his wildest dreams.

Scooter, the small blonde boy with the normal penis, did the talking for the group. He explained that the other boys could understand and speak some Haakan, but he was the only one who could speak the language fluently. While it seemed that he was the one doing all the talking, what the Haakanen didn't know was that he was in constant mental contact with Douglas, who fed him instructions. The Earth boys knew Douglas would be doing a lot of the talking through Scooter because they had discussed possibility before landing the shuttle.

Scooter started telling Endron and the Haakanen their story of how a ship full of boys ended up crash landing on a lonely desert planet. He had gotten to the start of their trek across the desert to the mountains when they got an alert from the front of the terminal. A flyer was approaching. Endron motioned to everyone to follow him. They went to the front of the building and looked at the flyer circling the field. It was obvious it was observing the crash site. Then it flitted away over the trees.

"We're safe," Dralkan said. "We fooled them. The round ears are safe too."

"For now," Endron said. "We have to get them out of here as soon as possible. Our little ruse won't fool them for long I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised to see soldiers by tomorrow. If they could land vertically like us they would be here within a couple of hours. Fortunately they never learned how to build a flyer that could do that."

Scooter and Douglas thought that was strange. The Hakaanen could conquer the stars, but never invented a way to land an aircraft vertically? They didn't even have helicopters. They both thought about the flyer on Inferno, which could land straight up and down. They didn't realize that the flyer on Inferno had been modified by Quan and his men after the last starship had come. We had that technology long before we ever went into space, Douglas thought. Douglas was willing to bet the Haakan probably invented some things that Earthlings never thought of.

They returned to the big room in the back. Scooter finished telling their story. Endron still wasn't trusting the boys a lot. When he heard of the role of two of them in the Shkah rebellion he had even more reason not to trust these strange boys. The Shkah on Haakan were working for the Ancients, and could not be trusted at all. He almost ignored the part about their role in bringing down the Shkah on Inferno and seemed only to hear the part about Robert Charles and Jordan aiding them.

Finally, Scooter talked about Matthew. He told how he and Enghar became Meshannas, and how all of the boys were at the Joining to witness it.

"Wait!" Endor said. "You mean to say a Haakan boy became the Meshanna of one of your kind? And you all witnessed a Joining? Where is that boy now? Up in the starship?"

"No. He stayed behind to be with his Meshanna and his Hakaan family."

Endor was stunned. "This boy, this Mattoo, decided to stay behind with his Meshanna? He picked a Hakaan boy over his own kind?"

"Yes. Yes, he did," Scooter said.

Endor looked closely at Scooter, locking eyes with Scooter and giving him a penatrating gaze. Endor saw no hint of deception in Scooter's eyes. At the same time Endor felt something inside himself. It was something he couldn't describe, but his fear of the boys ebbed and he viewed them with new respect. If one of these round eared boys could gain the approval of a Priest to take part in a Joining with another Hakaanen, the perhaps these boys could be trusted. Perhaps these boys were what they had been waiting on for twenty-five years. He told Scooter to go on with his story.

Scooter told of how the machinery was wearing out on Inferno. He told of their own desire to see their own families and their home. He told of how hard it was to leave Inferno despite that. They had grown to love their Hakaanen friends and families. But the Hakaanen on Inferno needed parts and new machines, or someday they would lose to the forces of the planet. Inferno wasn't conquered yet, and without the atmosphere machinery the planet would end up winning.

Endron told Scooter what had happened on Hakaan during the last twenty-five years. He told them it looked like the home planet would not be able to help the lost colony of Inferno. The Ancients had seen to that. It was all they could do to keep even a little of the once great Hakaan technology alive.

"If we could find a way back to our own home maybe we could bring our own technology to help Inferno," Scooter suggested. Douglas had sent the idea to him, and Scooter thought it was a good one.

"You would need an entire load of warp fuel," Endron said. "We don't have any at all. One of the first things the Ancients did was take all the fuel from the spaceport."

"We would need rocket fuel too," Scooter said. "We need to get the shuttle back into space, as well as being able to refuel the rockets on the starship."

"Rocket fuel we have. We have a supply stored in underground tanks. We can fuel your shuttle. But rocket fuel needed special tanker shuttles to get it up into space. "I don't know if there is any warp fuel left on Hakaan. And if there is, it would be well guarded by the Ancients Shkah police."

The more Endron talked to Scooter and the more he saw of the other boys, the more he liked what he saw and heard. The boys were smart. They had to be to get this far. Incredibly smart. They obviously liked each other a lot. They had to be able to work together to get as far as they got. Their long lost colony respected them. One of them became the Meshanna of a Hakaanen. That probably said more than anything. In fact looking at them, at their eyes and how they talked to each other, he could see that some of them could easily become the Meshannas of each other if their culture had such a thing. The leader, Douglas, who had to be very strong to get them all this far, and the little blonde haired boy doing the talking, were two boys who had the look between them that almost all Meshannas had.

Endron told the boys he needed to talk to his friends and family alone for a moment. The Hakaanen left the room and gathered in the front room with the view. They could see that the fire in the old shuttle had almost burned out.

"I don't know about you, but I like them and I trust them. I didn't at first.," Endron said. "It's a shock to find out that the Haakanen are not the only intelligent beings in the galaxy like we thought. But if we are going to have galactic visitors, I can't think of better ones to have than those boys in the back. I want to know what you think. I truly believe they were sent here with a purpose."

"I think the blonde one doing all the talking for them is sooooooo sexy," Dralkan said, and the entire group laughed, including Trundall. And he's the only one who doesn't have a strange looking penis, Dralkan thought. It was pretty obvious what Dralkan thought by just looking at his still rock hard erection.

They all agreed they liked and trusted the round eared boys. Like the Hakaanen on Inferno, they saw that the Earth boys could help their cause. But without warp fuel, the question was, how? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Shkah patrol was gathered inside the walls of the Ancients' capitol building. Their vehicles were ready and loaded. In the morning they would be leaving over the old highway to the spaceport, which was still useable. A lot of Hakaanen had their vacation homes out there, including at the spaceport. They went in their carriages and carts pulled by unicorns.

Thaller looked at his map. He looked at the roads going to and from the old spaceport. He had long suspected that the people making their vacation homes out there were supporters of technology, which means they were not friends of The Ancients. He looked at the old roads, trying to figure out if anybody was trying to escape from the spaceport which road they would take. And everything in his mind pointed to the mountains to the west. There were caves, old cabins, old mines, and other hiding places up there. The map showed only one road up there. He looked at the map and checked out the connecting roads. He decided to play a hunch. He decided to take one of the vehicles and set it up off the mountain road. Just for a few hours. Just in case his hunch was right. He looked at the map again. It was a good hunch. And he was going to take his vehicle and men and leave now and travel overnight. He wanted to be up the road long before anybody else had a chance to go up.

Something wasn't right with that crash. The rebel group saw the shuttle as a way to get ahead, he was sure. But he saw it as the opposite. They thought they had fooled him and would be more in the open. And that was going to destroy them. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After dinner Endron asked the boys about who was left on the starship. Scooter told him and told him how they didn't answer their radio call after they landed. Endron nodded. They are just as smart as I thought they were, Endron thought. They knew not to give themselves and us away.

He told them how their own radios couldn't be detected by The Ancients, as long as the broadcasts were short, and offered to let them send a quick message to their starship.

Douglas sent it. "Hakaan to 'Paxton'. We are safe. Please don't answer this. We'll tell more later. Digi out."

They had agreed before the shuttle left that if Douglas called himself Digi then everything was okay. The worried boys on the "Paxton" all started breathing normally again. They didn't know what the explosion meant, but they did know that their friends and lovers were safe.

The Earth boys were given rooms with beds. The old terminal had lots of bedrooms. The apartment owners were all part of the group that was against the Ancients.

Mike and Alex had a room. They ignored the second bed and crawled into a bed together. More than sleep was on their minds. It wasn't long before Mike found himself inside of his lover, Alex, pounding on his ass.

Jeremy and Travis shared another room. They started out in separate beds, thinking of their own boy friends. But they both were horny, and they both knew that their lovers wouldn't mind their getting off with another member of the family. Jeremy came over to Travis's bed, and the two boys were soon started on what would be two sessions of hot oral sex.

For Scooter and Douglas the story ended up being a little different. They were just getting ready for some lovemaking when there was a knock on their door. They opened it. It was Dralkan. The Hakaan boy was hard again, and he could see right away that the two strange looking round eared boys were too. He had been very nervous coming up to the door, hoping that since they had lived on the Haakan colony, they would look at sex the same way the Hakaan did. He wasn't disappointed. Seeing the exotic strange looking penis on the dark haired boy made him even more excited.

Douglas and Scooter had both thought Dralkan was hot when they first saw him. But at that time they were concerned with business. Now they looked at the horny Hakaan teen, and business was the farthest thing from their mind. By the time the three boys fell asleep, Scooter and Douglas had both drilled Dralkan's firm tight ass, giving him exactly what he wanted. He couldn't wait until morning to tell Trundall that the round eared boys had no problem with sex, and were, in fact, excellent love makers. He wondered if there would be a chance for all four of them to do something in the future. Maybe he could even bring his little brother, Shamene. He had thought that the round eared boys were sexy. And he was right. They were very sexy. They even knew how to use his mane to make him feel sexy and good. It was obvious he was not the first Hakaan boy to have sex with them. He found out after they were done that he was right about that. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When morning came the three boys, Scooter, Douglas, and Dralkan were squeezed into the bed, tight, cozy, and cuddled. They got up when Shamene came in without knocking and told them breakfast was ready.

He looked at the three boys on the bed. "I know what you did," he said smiling. His little dick was very hard.

Dralkan through his pillow at him. "Get lost and let us clean up!"

Shamene ducked the pillow and ran out of the room laughing.

When everybody got to breakfast they sat down for some serious eating and talking. Endron said he had a couple of ideas. But before he discussed them they needed to get away from the spaceport. He didn't want to take the flyer. If The Ancients were suspicious he didn't want them seeing it. He was willing to risk taking one of their vans, however. The roads were pretty covered by trees and someone in a flyer would have a hard time seeing them.

"Where are we going?" Scooter asked.

Endron pointed to some mountains in the west. "Here. We take this road up into the mountains. There are two mines up there where we have hidden a lot of Haakan technology. And I think the thing we need to help you and us is there just waiting for us."

The boys asked him for details, but he said they would see find out about it when they got there. But for now they needed to prepare to leave right away. He had a feeling the patrol that flew over would be back.

The van could seat eleven in four rows of seats. With Corrinna, her Meshanna, Dralkan's sister, Endron, the three Hakaan boys and the six Earth boys, they were crowded in. Shamene sat on Mike's lap and Scooter sat on Travis's. He wanted to sit on Douglas's, but he knew he was too close to Douglas's weight to sit there for a long trip. Still, feeling Travis's dick up against his butt felt very good.

They didn't pack anything except some food. Endron said they would have everything else they needed up at the old mine. The van pulled out from the terminal.

Thraller had pushed his group all night. They switched drivers every hour. It was just after dawn when they got to the junction with the mountain highway. Thraller had the driver head up towards the mountains. A Shkah village was up in a remote part of the mountains. Thraller and some of his patrol knew the mountain highway pretty well. And Thraller knew just the spot to meet anyone trying to escape into the mountains.

The van took off up the old highway heading west. They drove until they got to the junction with the highway from Kana. As Douglas looked east down that highway he thought something seemed wrong, but didn't give it much thought. Soon they were heading up into the mountains. Shamene said he needed to pee and Endron pulled over.

"Pee stop. Go now. Last stop until we get to the old mine," Endron said.

The nine boys piled out. Travis, Scooter, and Dralkan were fighting boners. Mike had one too from little Shamene sitting on his lap. The road was never used and the boys had no problem standing by the side and peeing, even with ladies there. The Hakaan were never embarrassed about their bodies.

Douglas looked up the mountain rode. Something still didn't seem right to him, but he couldn't figure out what. They all got back onto the van and headed up the mountain road.


A few miles up the road Thraller and his patrol were parked off the road. They had a perfect view looking down the mountain road.

"Why are you so sure they are coming up here?" one of the patrolmen asked.

"Because it is what I would do. The best places to hide are here in the mountains. I think they figured their little trick would fool us for longer than it did. They won't ever suspect we would beat them here."

"They would be riding a carriage or wagon anyway," the patrolman said.

"I wouldn't be too sure," Thraller replied.

Suddenly he saw motion. Thraller trained his binoculars on the highway. It was a van coming up the highway. Just as he figured. These were the rebels they had heard so much about and feared. Now they were about to enter a trap.

The van kept coming up the winding road, sometimes disappearing behind the trees or cliffs then reappearing soon after. Thraller saw it come right underneath them. They would be going around a rock overhang then switching back. And when they did, they would be coming right into his trap. He would have the rebels right where he wanted them. And if his suspicions were right, he would have whoever was on that shuttle too. He wasn't sure how they landed safely, but somehow he was sure they did. Why else would they go to the spaceport to land?

Thraller wheeled his truck out to block the road. The mountains were quiet. I should be hearing the engine of the van. He was about to start worrying when he heard the van coming around the turn. The noise must have been blocked off by the rocks and trees.

Endron steered the van around a turn when he saw the military truck blocking the road. There was nothing he could do. He knew they were caught. He hit the brakes hard and came to a fast stop, kicking up rocks and dirt.

The patrolmen raised their laser rifles. Thraller got out of the truck and walked up to the van. He signaled Endron to open his window.

"Well, well, Endron," he said. "It certainly is a surprise meeting you here."


Constructive comments are welcomed. E-mail me, Douglas DD, at

Next: Chapter 50: The Survivors 50

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