The Survivors Original

By Douglas DD

Published on Nov 23, 2002



First Contacts

by Douglas DD

This story contains sex between minor boys and teen-agers. If such things offend you, or you are not at least 18 years of age, then please don't read on. This story is not true, but who knows, maybe some day it will be.

The Hakaanen man pulled Matthew out of the buried tent. He laid him out on the sand and gave him some water. He only had enough to help get him home, so now he would have to share it. Plus he had some water for his unicorn, but they were bred to not need a lot. They were a little like camels in that way. He could see the boy was thirsty and weak and hurt. He wondered how he ended up here buried in the sand. Who could be so hurtful to leave a young one behind like this? Young ones were to be treated with loving care. They must be like the Shkah who treat their young as if they were their property. He had seen Shkah children beaten. This was even worse. Leaving a young one to die was the most horrible thing he could imagine.

He lifted the little body of Matthew onto the saddle. He held the boy close and started the beautiful black unicorn back to the valley. The unicorn could travel fast, even in the sand when he needed to, and this time he was put to a fast pace. He would be into the valley in two days going through the North pass.

He wondered who the little one was and where he had come from. He looked so strange with his rounded ears and no mane. But he had seen that the young one was a boy, looking like the boys in the valley except he had no skin across the head of his penis. He rode until meal time, then shared his food and water with Mathew. He promised that if he ever found out who did this to him they would pay.

He got out his water bottles, made sure Matthew had plenty to drink, then started up the North pass. Matthew leaned back against the strange man with the pointed ears riding the weird horse. The man hugged him to keep him safe on the unicorn. Matt wondered where his friends were. He remembered the storm and the tent getting blown down, and the wind stopping, and then hearing voices call his name, but he thought he was in a dream.

Matthew was still hurting a lot, but he was awake. The strange man would talk to him, but he couldn't understand him. He was scared. He didn't know where he was going or what would happen to him.

When the Hakaanen man came over the last hill into the valley Matthew was asleep. But he felt the unicorn stop and opened his eyes. In front of him was a beautiful green valley with blue sky and white clouds. He figured either he was dead and this was heaven, or he really did see a green valley when the "Moonduster" was landing.

They soon were down in the valley riding through forests and fields.Not too far into it they were met by a coach pulled by two unicorns. Matthew was lifted into it. He could look out of the window. Sometimes he saw a house and people who looked like the man. Most weren't wearing clothes. A couple of times they met other men riding or in wagons who stopped to talk. Hardly anybody seemed to know he was inside. Soon they were in a small town. They came to a large building. The man picked Matthew up and carried him inside.

They went into a room and the man put Matthew on a bed. Soon another man came in. Matthew could kind of tell he was in some kind of hospital and that the man was a doctor. He was just wearing a white jacket.

"Well, Mokan, what have you brought me? It looks like a young one. But looking much different. So this is who you radioed us about."

"It is, Doctor. He is not of this planet or any other one we know of. But he is a young one who has been treated badly by his people, left to die in the desert because of his injuries I suspect."

Matthew couldn't understand a word of what they were saying, but he knew they were talking about him.

"Word is spreading quickly about this young one. How did he get here on this planet? This is all very strange. We need to learn how to communicate with him."

The doctor started to examine him. "Well, he seems to be very much the same as us. All the parts are there."

He called for his nurse, and soon gave Matthew a complete physical. When he was finished he set to work on fixing Matthew's broken leg. It had to be reset. As far as the doctor could tell he had nothing else wrong with him except he needed lots more food and water. For now he would stay in the hospital, but he was going to need a place to stay after. And they would need to find out about him somehow. Who he was, where he came from, and who had so cold bloodedly left him behind.

Matthew soon found himself in a bed. He had a cast on his leg ,but he was in a soft bed with fresh clean sheets. He tried to remember the last time he had been in a bed, way back on the "Starkeeper". He couldn't remember how long ago that was. But it felt so good. He feel asleep until somebody woke him up. It was a nurse with dinner. Matthew ate like he hadn't in so long. It smelled good, tasted good, and was a hot meal. Matthew almost wanted to cry from happiness. He didn't know much about these people, except they seemed extra nice.

But then when it got dark he thought about his friends. He wondered what happened to them.

He knew they weren't on a soft bed with clean sheets eating delicious hot meals and drinking sweet fruit juices. He didn't know why he was left behind, but he he was sure it wasn't on purpose. He knew the voices he heard had to be his friends looking for him, not some dream. He missed them and wanted them back. He fell asleep dreaming of naked boys with pointed ears.


Robert Charles hung on for dear life to the man on the unicorn. The man wasn't quite sure what he had come across. It was a young one from another planet is all he could figure out. And a male. He gave him some water. Somehow he was going to be able to use him for something. He had come over the pass to mess up a weather station, but it had been moved again. Instead he found something even better. He rode up the North pass, then turned west and headed for the little valley that the Shkah lived in.

Robert Charles was pretty much out of it. He got just enough water from the man who took him into the valley. He took him to a small cabin and put him on a bed. He gave him water and food and left him alone to have a meeting.

"So, Bazel, what have you found out in the miserable desert? An interesting prize it looks like."

"Yes, Arkron. He came from somewhere other than here. There may be a wreck somewhere. That means machinery. Maybe weapons. Things we can use against the hated Hakaanen fools in the big valley. We must learn to communicate with this young one. He can give us much. We have waited long enough. The time to settle our battle and win back the valley is near, and your young treasure might have just what we need to get what we want."

"Our time is near Bazel. We soon will be ruling the Hakaanen fools. We've built up our strength for ten years. Maybe the last thing we need is something this young one has."

Bazel stood up. "The Shkah will rule soon, great leader." He saluted and walked out, his blue and green mane flopping behind him.

By the next day Robert Charles was feeling better. He didn't know a lot about the people who rescued him, but he was surprised to see how poor they were. They had small farms and cabins and not a lot of machines. He expected people who made a colony on a planet to have much more. But it looked like Douglas was right about Matthew. There was a green valley. He wondered if Douglas and his group would find it. Probably not. They were a bunch of weaklings and cowards. They already lost Matthew and tried to kill him because they knew he was the only one who was strong enough to lead him.

He sat up on his hard bed. Somebody was coming into the room. It looked like a boy his own age. He saw he was wearing only a cloth around his waist and nothing else. The boy gave him some food and some juice. He sat on a chair next to the bed and waited for Robert Charles to finish. Then he took the dishes away. He came back for all the meals. The next day Robert Charles was out of bed and feeling good. The boy made motions for Robert Charles to follow him. They got into a wagon and headed up a long road. Robert Charles felt a little nervous. He had no idea where they were going or what this was about. The boy seemed really friendly. Once they left the village he took his cloth off and was naked. He looked just like any Earth boy down there. Robert Charles took off the cloth that they gave him and they both sat there naked. The boy smiled as he drove the cart up the road.

After a couple of hours they got to the top of a hill. Out ahead of them was a huge green valley, with large seas, and forests and farms. So this was the main colony. The people who rescued him weren't part of it, it looked like. They had their own poor little colony. This was getting interesting.

The boy pointed to the valley and turned his thumbs down and frowned. Then he pointed back to where he lived and turned his thumbs up and smiled. If all that meant the same that it did on Earth, then it meant he was with the good guys, and whoever lived in the valley were the bad guys. Robert Charles grinned at the boy telling him he understood. This was his kind of thing. He was ready to help his new friends in any way he could. They rescued him and saved his life. Now he would pay them back.


Matthew woke up in the bright room. He was feeling so much better. His leg hurt some, but the rest of him felt good. He wished he had a Vid or a book. He was bored all of a sudden.

Then he heard the door open. A boy who looked to be his age, around eleven, walked in. Matthew could see that hewas beautiful. He was naked, with golden hair, smooth pointed ears, and a light golden mane of hair that went half way down his back. Matthew could see he had a small smooth penis and marble sized testicles that looked like the ones on any normal Earth boy. He remembered seeing most of the people and all of the children naked when he rode in the coach.

The boy started talking to him, but Matthew couldn't understand him. The boy pulled back Matthew's blanket and looked at him. Matthew nodded yes, hoping it meant yes to the boy. The boy hesitated.

"Enghar," he said pointing to himself. "Un bona Enghar."

Matthew looked at him and thought, well we have to start somewhere. He pointed to himself and said, "Matthew. Un bona Matthew. My name is Matthew." Matthew smiled and pointed to the boy. "Engar." Then he pointed to himself. "Matthew."

The boy did the same thing. He pointed to Matthew. "Mattoo." He couldn't seem to make the th. Then he pointed to himself. "Enghar." They both smiled.

Enghar went back to pulling down the blankets, revealing Matthew's naked body. He went to the sink and filled a pan with warm soapy water. Then he came back and got some towels under Matthew. Then he gently washed Matthew's body. When he got to his dick and balls, Matthew found himself getting hard. Then he was turned over and Enghar washed his back and his ass. Matthew found himself involuntarily humping the towel under him lightly while the alien boy did that.

Enghar turned Matthew over. He took the towels off of the bed. Matthew could see that Enghar had a boner as hard as his own. Enghar pointed to the bed. Matthew nodded yes. Enghar got in, lay next to Matthew and kissed him lightly on the lips. Matthew felt a shiver go through him as he and the alien boy made full body contact, their warm naked skins rubbing. Matthew opened his mouth and let Enghar's tongue in. First contact was being made between the two alien species, and it consisted of two young boys full of desire They kissed harder, and deeper, realizing that the other boy, though alien, tasted good and sweet. Then Enghar looked at Matthew and pointed down. "Mattoo. Blesow?"

Again Matthew nodded yes, as he had a pretty good idea of what the alien boy watned.. Enghar started tonguing him, licking his neck, his shoulders, his nipples. He kept licking down. Matthew squirmed. He hadn't had anything like this in so long, and the alien boy really knew what he was going. Matthew shivered and shook with sexual excitement. Enghar kept licking him down.

What an interesting race, Matthew thought. He is doing this like it happens all the time. This is so awesome, so sexy, so wonderful.

Enghar could tell Matthew was loving his. Matthew's race was like his, he guessed. He was going to make this strange alien boy feel very good and welcome. He kept licking down to his belly button. Matthew groaned. It looked like whatever made a Hakaanen feel good made this strange looking boy feel good too. He kept going down to his hairless pube area, licking down to the hard hairless dick on front of him. Strange that it doesn't have any skin, Enghar thought. It looks very weird. He went passed it and started licking his balls. No difference there. They were the right size and tasted nice. Then his tongue moved up the Earth boy's shaft, licking up and down. Matthew squirmed and groaned. Enghar licked up the shaft, and finally licked the naked dick head. Matthew almost howled it felt so good. Then Enghar let Matthew's small hairless dick slide into his mouth and Matthew moaned again, arched his back, and rammed Enghar's mouth, and dry cummed so hard he almost knocked the Hakaanen boy off the bed. Matthew collapsed on the bed, breathing hard.

"Mattoo," Enghar smiled.

"Wow, Engar, that was awesome."

Enghar pointed to his own hard 3 incher. Matthew nodded yes. Because of his cast, Matthew couldn't move easily, so Enghar got over him and eased his dick into Matthew's mouth and started humping it. Just then the door opened and the nurse and the doctor came in.

Oh, shit, Matthew thought. He almost bit Enghar's cock he was so shocked. I'm in trouble now.

They're going to kill me.


Robert Charles followed the Shkah teen across the village. He thought his name was Vordkan, but he couldn't be sure and he didn't care all that much. He is an alien after all, and not even human. I just need to play it cool, he thought, and see how all of this can help me.

They went into a barn and climbed up a ladder. Robert Charles wasn't sure what was going on this time, but he followed Vordkan wherever he went. He was even learning a few of their words. They climbed up into a loft, and there he saw a gorgeous teen girl. Her hair was light brown, with her pointed ears to each side. She was naked. She looked like she might be 13 if she had been an Earth girl.

Vordkan pointed at himself and then at her. Robert Charles pointed down to his rising cock. Vordkan nodded yes. Robert Charles walked up to the girl and kissed her.


Matthew woke up in the strange new room. He thought about the day before and how he got here. He remembered the doctor and the nurse walking in while Enghar was humping his mouth. He knew he was dead. He knew Enghar was in trouble. They would kill him for what he was doing. But they just smiled, said something, and walked back out. Then Enghar smiled at him, and pushed his hard little cock back against his mouth. Matthew remembered opening it again and letting Enghar finish what he started. He remembered Enghar firing a couple of drops in his mouth that were the sweetest things he have ever tasted. He wanted to keep it in his mouth forever. Then he and Enghar lay there cuddling. He kept wondering if something would happen to him for what he was doing with Enghar but the adults didn't upset or surprised by what they had seen.

Well, something did happen. The doctor and a lady came with a wheel chair the next morning. Enghar was with them, naked and smiling. They got Matthew into the wheel chair and then into a car. This surprised Matthew because he had seen mostly carts and carriages pulled by unicorns. He rode to the edge of the town and then was put back in the wheel chair and pushed into a nice house. It didn't take him long to figure out that the house belonged to the doctor and the lady, and that Enghar must be their son. He couldn't figure out how it was they could be caught doing what they were doing, but he gets brought home to their house. These people were way different from anybody he knew. At first he was scared that he was in trouble. Now it looked like what he did didn't make any difference. Like it was normal.

He was given his own room. He figured it must be a guest room or something.

But he barely got settled in when Enghar came and wheeled him into his own room. spent. Enghar showed him some of his games and using sign language and a few words he showed Matthew how to play. Pretty soon they were playing like they'd been friends forever. That night Enghar came into his room and they did the same things they had in the hospital. Enghar stayed and slept with him. When Matthew woke up, Enghar was gone.

He couldn't get out of bed and he had to pee. So he finally just yelled, "Hello!!!" The lady who he figured was Enghar's mother came in and smiled. She helped him out of bed and into the wheel chair. H pointed to the bathroom and she laughed. He had no idea how he was going to pee from the wheel chair, but she helped him to get upright, and he was able to pee. He was super embarrassed by it, but she seemed unphased. He hoped Enghar could find a way to help him take care of calls of nature later. Enghar's mother pushed him to a table and brought out a bowl of something that looked like hot oatmeal with some kind of berry on it. Matthew tasted it very slowly. It was so good and so sweet and he was so hungry. He gobbled down the entire bowl and before he could even think of enjoying it, another bowl was put in front of him. He was still hungry so he ate it too. He also had a glass of delicious fruit juice. Well, he thought, if nothing else the food here sure is good.

After eating he was wheeled into the living room where some kind of a vid was on. He watched it. He couldn't understand anything that was going on, but it was something to do. He wondered where Enghar was, but as the day went on he thought maybe he might be in school, if these people had a school.

At lunch the Enghar's father came home. Matthew listened to them talk, and even though he didn't understand a word, he knew they were talking about him.

"This is so interesting, Katja," the doctor said.

"How is that, Mandor?" his wife answered.

"They are so much like us. The blood is a little different. The liver is backwards. But they are almost like us. The genetic difference is tiny. It's amazing how alike we are. I mean I could tell what was wrong with him and I was able to fix him. And from what we saw with him and Enghar he is a very healthy boy. I was afraid their society was like the Shkah that way, but then we caught him on the bed with Enghar feeding his penis into his mouth. I was so happy to see that, even if we did embarrass both of them." He laughed and so did his wife. Matthew liked the sound of the laugh. He liked who he was with.

"How did he get here though? How did a strange alien boy end up buried in the sand on our planet? And what kind of evil people would leave him to die like that? We must find out his story. Enghar is doing well with him. They seem to like each other. This young one, Mattoo seems very nice."

"He must feel very alone. His own people abandoning him and now living with people who are strange to him and that do no speak his language. I hope he realizes we like him and that he has a home here with us."

"So far only a very few people know about him. We're going to have to tell everyone soon. Enghar has been told not to tell his friends yet. But word is already spreading because he has been seen. I just want him to get to know us first and get him well."

Matthew thought about his friends. He hoped so much that Douglas and the rest of the "Starkeeper" boys could find the valley. He knew that if they didn't they would all end up dying. "What if I end up being the only human left alive here?" he thought. I better start learning their language, this might end up being my home.


Robert Charles saw the riders come in. They went into one of the huts. Pretty soon Vordkan got him and led him into the hut. The men all pointed to him and said things he couldn't understand. Then one of them got out what looked like a camera. He pointed to a viewer in it. Robert Charles looked in it and gasped. The picture looked like it was taken with a telephoto lens and it showed three naked boys coming down a trail on the side of cliff. He recognized them. At the front was Douglas. Behind him came Scooter and then Stevie. There were some more behind but they weren't in focus and he couldn't tell who they were. He stared at the picture of Douglas. He knew just looking at the picture that he hated Douglas. Douglas liked to say he was the leader because they all wanted him and because he wanted to do what was best for the group. What a bunch of bullshit, Robert Charles thought. He is in it for power just like everybody else. So he found his fucking precious valley, he thought. If he has his new friends figured out it wouldn't do him a lot of good.

He looked at the Shkah men and at Vordkan. He took a piece of paper and pencil. He drew a desert scene and put himself in it. Robert Charles was not a bad artist. The Shkah nodded and smiled and talked. Then he pointed from the camera to the picture and gave a thumbs down gesture. Then he pointed at the camera again and gave a throat slashing gesture. Vordkan repeated the what Robert Charles showed him. Everybody turned and nodded. Robert Charles smiled and nodded yes. It looked like they understood.

Vordkan listened to the men for a moment, then made 13 marks. Boy are they bad counters, Robert Charles thought. He shook his head now and wrote through one of the marks, leaving twelve. Then he pointed to himself and wrote through another one of the marks leaving eleven. There were thirteen of us, he thought. How did they know that? With Matthew dead and him exiled, for now, there should only be eleven. But Vordkan made thirteen marks. How did they know about Matthew? That was the only way they could come up with thirteen boys.

One of the men got up and came back with a map. Robert Charles figured it was a map of the large valley. He pointed to what looked like a town. Then he hammered on it and pounded on it. Robert Charles nodded yes and smiled. Another man brought out a large sword. He pointed to it and then pointed to Robert Charles. Robert Charles figured he was asking if he could get any weapons. He thought about the "Moonduster." He knew that they had been trying to figure out where the weapons were locked, if there even were any. He was sure that the First Officer said there were, but he never said where. Well, he was ready to take his new friends there to find out. And if they found some he had an idea it would put him on the side with some power and meanness. And it would be the start of his revenge.


Enghar came home carrying some books. I was was right, Matthew thought, he was at a school. He wondered if he would be going there soon. But right then it didn't matter as Enghar wheeled Matthew into his bedroom and put him on his bed. Right now the Hakaanen and Earth boys had important things to take care of, and a deep kiss got it started. Enghar was glad his weekend was starting. He would have three long days with this strange but wonderful alien boy who was dropped into his life. He was going to try to find out how this beautiful creature with the round ears ended up on Inferno.


Douglas and Scooter stepped out into the road, ready to make what they thought was going to be first contact. The Hakaanen boys saw the two Earth boys come out of the forest and stared, startled. Then they decided to run and hide someplace fast. Only the two oldest boys didn't move. Douglas and Scooter crossed the road and stood looking at the two naked boys, who looked like they were their age.

"Hello," Scooter said holding his hands out.

"Hello," Douglas said doing the same.

The two Hakaanen boys stood there with their arms folded staring at the two strange round eared boys who had come out of the woods. Behind them six younger boys looked from behind bushes. On the other side eleven boys were looking from behind trees. Nobody moved. Nobody knew what to do next. The four boys stood in the middle of the dusty road, different in their looks, but a like in their nakedness, staring at each other.

Next: Chapter 30 The Big Valley Constructive comments are welcomed. E-mail me, Douglas DD, at

Next: Chapter 30: The Survivors 30

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