The Survivors Original

By Douglas DD

Published on Oct 30, 2002



The Show This story contains sex between minor boys and teen-agers. If such things offend you, or you are not at least 18 years of age, then please don't read on. This story is not true, but who knows, maybe some day it will be.

Douglas woke up Wednesday morning before his alarm clock went off. He looked at the time. Still another hour until he had to get up. He turned and tried to go to go back to sleep. But his brain was spinning a million miles an hour. Mr. Z said he and Robert Charles would both be able to give a short campaign speech at the start of class. He turned on one side, then the other. He kept trying not to think about the election and all the things that happened the last few days. Finally his mind settled on a happy thought - Scooter. Suddenly the alarm went off. Douglas shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He was so nervous he didn't even have a morning boner. He got up to shower.

After his shower and getting dressed, he stopped to pick up Scooter. They walked up the corridor together to breakfast. When the got there none of the other boys had come yet. They found an empty table and sat down.

"Well, Scooter. Do you think I can beat him?"

Scooter pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket. "It depends." He showed Douglas what he had written down the night before. Douglas studied the sheet of paper.

Douglas for sure. Douglas, Scooter, Travis, Mike, Ryan, Stevie, Alex, Jim Robert Charles for sure. Robert Charles, Jordan, Lisa, Carmen, Matthew Not sure. Braden, Jeremy, Michelle, Felicia.

"All you need is one of the not sures, Douglas. Just one and you win."

"Jeremy would be with me if not for the Mike thing," Douglas said. "And I just don't know about Braden. The two girls..well..i haven't done much about going after the girls."

Just then Braden and Jeremy came in. Jeremy had gone to pick up Braden. They went on to another table, but Braden stopped long enough to whisper something to Douglas.

"What did he say?" Scooter asked.

"Said he was behind me. Maybe that is the vote we need. I guess we'll find out soon."

Jeremy looked at Douglas and Braden. He asked Braden what he said. Braden told him. Jeremy said he liked Douglas, but anybody who broke down and cried when things got tough was not somebody he could vote for. And besides, there was the Mike thing.

After breakfast everybody headed for the ship's school. Mr. Z greeted them. He told them that the election would be right after everybody's final speeches.

Robert Charles went first. He told about how he was trained in leadership. And the things he had done already, like getting the spa and getting the auditorium for Alex and Stevie's show (That's a big lie, Alex thought). He told how he was experienced at leading and how Douglas obviously did not know how to get things done. He didn't talk about who was behind Mike, but he did hint. He said he knew all those who were trustworthy and solid people would be behind him.

Douglas told how he was his school's president. How so much of the class had become his friends, and how he worked to come through not only for his friends but for anybody who needed him. Douglas sat down knowing what he said was lame, but he figured he had his 9 votes no matter what, and he wasn't going to get the other side all upset.

Mr. Z. passed out the ballots. Two names were on them with a box beside them. Douglas and Robert Charles. All they had to do was X in the box of the person they wanted.

The students made their X's.

Robert Charles. X Robert Charles Douglas X Douglas Scooter X Douglas Travis X Douglas Jordan X Robert Charles Lisa X Robert Charles Stevie X Douglas Alex X Douglas Jeremy X Robert Charles Braden X Douglas Mike X Douglas Jim X Douglas Michelle X Douglas Carmen X Robert Charles Felicia X Robert Charles Matthew X Robert Charles Ryan X Douglas

Mr. Z. collected the ballots and put them on his desk.

"Aren't you going to count them?" Alex asked.

"At break I will. You guys can wait a while longer. I want to count them in private."

"Why, sir?" Alex asked. "Any class vote I've ever seen the teacher counted right away." Alex had a bad feeling about this.

Mr. Z looked at Alex but didn't say anything.

"I agree with Alex, sir," Mike said. "I think they should be counted now."

"Mike, everybody knows how you feel. Everybody knows how you don't like Robert Charles. And everybody knows how you try to threaten your classmates...and worse."

Mike felt his cheeks burning. He was ready to say more when Mr. Z. looked at Alex. "And are you accusing me of something, young man?"

"No sir, I'm not. I just think we all would like to know now, sir. This is important to us."

"Then, if you aren't accusing me of anything, it really doesn't matter when I count the votes, does it?"

"Yes, sir, it does. Unless you have some reason for not wanting us to watch you count the ballots, I think they should be counted here in front of us, sir."

"Well, I think you are totally out of line Alex."

"Can we have a student watch you count, sir?"

"That is enough! It is a secret ballot and nobody but me sees them."

"Also, sir, I think what you said to Mike was totally out of line."

"No, YOU are totally out of line! And one more word you leave for the day!"

"That would be a pleasure, sir."

"OUT! I will see you in my office before class tomorrow, SIR!"

Alex got up to leave. Mike got up too.

"And where are you going?"

"I'm going with Alex. I think you are being totally unfair, sir."

"And I think you're having enough troubles without walking out of class."

"This class is a joke, sir." Mike walked out behind Alex.

Douglas raised his hand.

"Oh, somebody polite. Yes, Douglas?"

"Mr. Z., it wouldn't hurt to have a student help count. It would make somebody feel good and part of what is going on. Kind of like getting a special job."

"Douglas, that is a nice thought, but I think I can take care of it myself. That's what they pay me the big bucks for." He paused like he was waiting for a laugh. Nobody laughed so he went on. "Robert Charles, what do you think of this whole issue?"

"I think you're the teacher and you should count the ballots any time you want without anybody saying anything."

"Thank you Robert Charles, I like your attitude. Okay, let's work on your computer assignments."

While they were working the Recreation Director came in with a notebook. Mr. Z. talked to him a while and signed something and then he left.

The morning went slowly for Douglas. He wanted the official count, not his own count which might be wrong, because some people didn't tell him for sure, and some might even change their minds. Whatever, he didn't trust Mr. Z. Alex was right. There was something fishy about the way he wanted to count the ballots later and in private. He looked at Mr. Z. who was at his desk, and walked over to talk to him

"Mr. Z., I don't want to sound disrespectful, but I think the best thing for everybody would be if you counted the ballots here in class now. It's not that I don't trust you, but Alex made a big issue out of it and maybe somebody might think it was rigged or something. That way if Robert Charles wins everybody would respect him even more because...."

"I think I've heard enough, Douglas. Of course you're right. And I apologize for upsetting everybody. It's no secret that I want Robert Charles to win. Just because I think he is more mature and can be a stronger leader. That's no offense to you. I think in a couple of years you could be doing things on Alpha Orion IV."

All Douglas could think was that Mr. Z. was a slimy liar, but he didn't say anything. Mr. Z. took the ballots off his desk and called Robert Charles over.

"Do you boys mind if the count is public? If you don't you can watch and I will put it on the board. I want there to be no doubt about who the true winner is."

Douglas and Robert Charles both agreed that a public count was okay. But Douglas was suspicious about why Mr. Z. suddenly changed his mind. One minute he is kicking Alex out for wanting the count to be public, and the next he is saying a public count would be a good thing. Mr. Z. agreed that someone could see the ballots as he called them out. Both boys agreed to have Michelle be the person, since she didn't seem to be good friends with either side. Scooter was picked to put the marks on the board.

Mr. Z. started flipping and calling out the ballots while Michelle watched. "Douglas, Douglas, Robert Charles, Robert Charles, Douglas, Robert Charles, Douglas, Robert Charles, Robert Charles, Robert Charles, Douglas, Douglas, Robert Charles, Robert Charles, (eight votes for Robert Charles...Douglas needed the rest) Douglas, Robert Charles, (nine votes...Douglas felt like he was hit in the stomach), Robert Charles." Ten to seven. Douglas thought for sure it would be by one vote.

The whole class went ohhhhhhhhh. Mr. Z. said, "Robert Charles is the winner. Congratulations. A good choice. And a good hard fought campaign by Douglas. Time to break for lunch."

Douglas and Scooter walked to the lunchroom together. Scooter was near tears.

"You had him beat. Somebody cheated."

"You don't know that Scooter. It didn't look good, but Michelle was looking at the ballots, and I really don't think she is a big fan of Robert Charles or me. The ballots were on Mr. Z's desk the whole time so they have to be the right ones."

"You told me in class that Braden said at breakfast he was going to vote for you. That makes nine votes."

They got to a table and sat down. The waiter gave them menus. Douglas's dad was at another table and came by.

"How did it go, son?"

"Robert Charles won, dad. By three votes."

Doug's dad ruffled his hair. "Sorry son. You'll catch him next time when we get to our new home."

Doug got a sulky look on his face. "Yeah, right. Our new home. I know where my home is and it isn't there."

Scooter could see Doug's dad get a hurt look on his face. He ruffled Doug's hair again and walked away.

"That wasn't a nice thing to say, Douglas."

"Well, it's true!" Douglas felt near tears. Then he looked at his friend and saw the love in his eyes. He took a deep breath. "You're right, Scooter. I'll apologize this evening."

Scooter reached over and grabbed Douglas's hand and squeezed it. He whispered, "I love you."

Douglas squeezed back. "I love you, Scooter."

The rest of the class started coming in. Travis, Jim, Stevie, and Ryan sat at the table. They all talked about the election. They wondered who voted for whom. To them it all came down to one person, Braden. He told Douglas he was going to vote for him and Jeremy probably got to him and changed his mind. Stevie wanted to have a talk with him, but Douglas told him not to. It wasn't going to do any good, and besides, they weren't totally sure that's what happened.

"Maybe not," Stevie said, "but can you think of any other way?"

Nobody could, though none of them knew how Michelle voted either. After all, Robert Charles did get ten votes. Just then Robert Charles, Jordan, Lisa, and Matthew came in.

Robert Charles walked over to their table. "Tough luck, Douglas. Maybe someday you'll grow up enough to get some respect. I'll give you some credit though, you made it close. So I hope, we can work together. Do lots of fun stuff in the time left." Robert Charles stuck out his hand. Douglas had to shake it or he would look like a bad loser. So he did. Robert Charles grinned. He looked at Stevie.

"Sorry about your show on Friday."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh. You didn't hear. The auditorium was mis-scheduled. I guess Barney the comic had both Friday and Saturday nights."

"We were told that Friday was a movie night and we could have the auditorium."

"Oh well, mistakes happen. See me after school is out. Maybe I can do something to help out. After all, I am the leader and I should be able to help my friends." He smiled at Stevie.

"I'll come with Alex."

"I don't want to talk to Alex. He pissed me off this morning. I'll deal just with you. Alex comes and the whole deal is off."

Stevie was getting mad. But he could see he had no choice. And right now Alex wasn't around to help him. In fact, he wondered, where was Alex? He thought for sure Alex would meet him for lunch.

Robert Charles ruffled Stevie's hair. "See you later, kid." He walked away laughing.

"I can't believe he got ten votes," Stevie said. "This whole thing was rigged."

"You can't go there alone," Douglas said.

"I have to. You heard him."

"You're right. I did. He said you couldn't bring Alex. He didn't say you couldn't bring anybody."

"He's right," Travis said.

"So who is coming with me then?"

"Well," Douglas said. "I might not have won, but it was close. After all, a leader should be able to help his friends." Douglas smiled, and the whole table laughed. Douglas might not have won, but they were all friends and were beginning to all love each other. Robert Charles winning wasn't going to change that. Together they would have fun and they would stand up to anything Robert Charles tried to pull on them.


Mr. Z. was having lunch in the crew dining hall. The Recreation Director had brought in the other set of ballots. It was smart of him to have them marked with an X instead of having the kids write the names so that they could be switched. When everybody was working he had switched the real ballots with the fake ones. He knew Douglas was going to get a lot of votes, so he didn't want to make it too far off. And he wanted Robert Charles to win by more than one. Ten to seven sounded just right. The real ballots were in the bottom drawer of his desk. He would destroy them later.

Robert Charles's father came in. He congratulated Mr. Z. on a good job. And told him a good job would be waiting for him real soon. Mr. Z. smiled. He knew another job he was going to get too. This one would be from a very handsome boy.


Alex and Mike were lying naked on Mike's bed. They were sound asleep. Mike woke up and looked at the clock. Shit, he thought, it's lunch time.

"Alex, wake up, my dear. It's lunch time."

Alex woke up and looked at Mike. He shook his head to clear it then kissed Mike.

"I love you, Eeyore."

"I love you, Wol."

Both boys were Winnie the Pooh fans. And Mike was called Eeyore when he was little because he was always so gloomy. It really doesn't fit now, he thought. How can I be gloomy around Alex and the other friends he was around? But then he thought about his restriction and all the crap about him attacking people and started getting gloomy.

Alex kissed him again. That cheered him up, and he knew lunch would cheer him up more. They got out of bed. Alex was so beautiful naked. And he had learned from Alex how wonderful it was to have a lover inside of you. His butt could still feel Alex and it felt awesome.

They got dressed kissed, and headed for lunch. When they got to the dining hall they had been meeting at regularly they saw that everybody was almost finished. They went to Douglas's table.

"Who won?" Mike asked.

"Robert Charles," Travis answered. And they all started telling what had happened after Mike and Alex had been kicked out of class. Both of them were mad by the time they were done telling. And Alex was extra mad about the show. He was ready to head for Robert Charles's table, but Stevie stopped him.

"RC is the leader now, as much as we don't like it. And it looks like he pretty much can get his way. If we want to play for the ship, then we have to dance to his tune. I think he could stop us for good."

"Then maybe I don't want to play for them. Fuck 'em."

"Let's give it a try first, Alex. Please. Let's see what he wants."

"Don't do anything stupid. Don't let him make you do anything you don't want to do."

"Never. But I have to hear him out. Douglas will watch out for me."

"I don't like it. But okay. Just be careful."

Everybody got up and went back to class except Alex and Mike. Robert Charles walked by on his way back to class.

"I guess birds of a feather flock together. Or losers like losers. Take your pick."

Mike pushed back his chair and stood up. He and Robert Charles were the same size. Mike had his fist closed. Alex was up too. He didn't even come up to Robert Charles's shoulder but he knew how to fight.

Robert Charles looked at them and laughed. "Go ahead, start something. Get yourselves restricted to your cabins for the rest of the trip. And never get to see each other. Or any of your faggot friends. Hit me. I'm gonna love it."

Mike wanted badly to flatten his nose, but he knew he was right. He also knew the voyage had a long long way to go yet, and that their chance would come. He looked at Alex who was so mad he was red in the face. Alex nodded and they both sat down. A crew member was already coming their way.

"Is there a problem here?"

"No, sir," Robert Charles said. "Everything is cool. Just letting these poor slobs know who their leader is." He laughed and the crew member walked away. "Laters, losers." He left for class. Lisa had been right behind him and she went with him. She looked at them like they were a pair of snakes.

"Damn, he makes me mad," Alex said.

"It's okay, my love. He'll get his sometime."

"He better not do anything to Stevie this afternoon. Or he'll get his today. I'll kill him if he hurts Stevie."

Mike looked at Alex. He had the feeling that Alex might do just that.


After class started Mr. Z. said he was going to be in his office and Robert Charles was in charge. Then he left.

Robert Charles sat at Mr. Z's desk while everybody worked at reading a story Mr. Z had assigned. It was an article on life on other planets. They had to read it and write a paper on it and be ready to discuss it.

"I can tell you that there is alien life," Robert Charles said.

"Really?" Matthew asked.

"Really. But don't worry, the alien life forms were kicked out this morning." Robert Charles, Lisa, Jordan, and Carmen laughed. The rest of the class looked at Robert Charles like he was totally lame.

I can't believe I voted for that guy, Jeremy thought. Well, he still was better than Douglas. At least he wasn't a crier. He was a leader. But damned he could be stupid sometimes.

After class was over Robert Charles went over to Stevie.

"Let's go meet. Mr. Z. said we could use his office. I'm sure we can get this all worked out."

"Douglas is coming with me."

"Oh no. I said nobody but you."

"No, you said Alex couldn't come. That was it. So, Douglas comes."

"Well, then, I guess I can't help you. If you don't trust me as your leader to help you then I guess I can't do much for you." Robert Charles started walking away. "But if you ever change your mind, let me know. I'm always willing to help."

Stevie looked at Douglas. Douglas nodded his head yes. He hated to give in to Robert Charles but he knew how important this was to Alex and Stevie.

Stevie headed to the office with Robert Charles. The office had a desk and a desk chair, two other chairs by the desk, and a couch next to one of the walls. Robert Charles remembered the couch. That was where he made sure he was going to win the election by doing Mr. Z a couple of favors. Now it was time for Stevie to do a couple for him.

Robert Charles locked the door and sat at Mr. Z.'s desk. He told Stevie to sit down.

"I don't know how this got all confused, Stevie," Robert Charles said looking at the schedule for the auditorium. He showed it to Stevie. He knew the Recreation Director had made up a fake one, but Stevie didn't know it. His dad owned the RD just like he owned Mr. Z.

Stevie read it. Both nights said "Barney the Comic". Stevie remembered Alex talking with Marie about getting the theater on Friday. He told Robert Charles that. Robert Charles said Marie didn't have the power to schedule the theater, that only the RD did.

"But Marie talked to him about it," Stevie said. "She told Alex she did. All they had on Friday was a film, because Barney was going to put a show on for the crew."

"Marie was wrong."

"Okay. She was wrong. How can you help us then if it is already scheduled?"

"Well, it's like this. There is only a movie scheduled for the crew the next night. . I bet Barney would move a show if the RD asked him, then do his second show next week. I mean I know how the whole class is looking forward to seeing you guys perform. And, if you're any good maybe you can have a second show or a crew show too."

Stevie was steaming. If you're any good....what a shitty thing to say, he thought.

"So how do we get this messed up schedule changed?" Stevie asked.

"That's where you come in. Doing me a favor. A secret favor I might add."

"What kind of favor?"

"You mean you have to ask?"

Robert Charles got up and went over to the couch. He told Stevie to join him. Stevie had a pretty good idea what was going to happen. He had a good idea Alex would be mad if he found out. He knew that couldn't happen. But he knew he had to do whatever Robert Charles wanted. Alex wanted to perform for the passengers on the ship. He loved being on stage so much. He would do this for Alex and Alex would never know.

Robert Charles opened up his zipper and opened his pants and pulled them down. He had a raging hard on. Stevie looked at it. The head was wet with precum.

"Make it feel good, kid, and I guarantee you will be playing Friday night."

Stevie knelt down between his legs and started stroking him.

"Come on, kid, you can do better than that. Suck me."

Stevie took a deep breath and put Robert Charles's dick into his mouth. It was six inches, a bush of thick pubic hair above his dick, and a very musky odor. He let it slide into his mouth and he started sucking, letting his head bob as he got it deeper and deeper into his mouth. Soon he got a rhythm going, sucking and tonguing. He played some with Robert Charles's balls.

"Oh, man, you're good, kid. I see you've done this before. With that arguing brother of yours I bet. You two are bed buddies aren't you? I know you are."

Stevie had this urge to bite down on Robert Charles's dick, but he knew he couldn't. Instead he kept giving him the best BJ he could. His own dick was hard even though he didn't want it to be. But he wasn't about to pull it out. He didn't want to give Robert Charles any idea that this was making him hard. He didn't want to be hard. He hated Robert Charles and he hated doing this to him.

Robert Charles arched his back, moaned loud, and shot a huge load into Stevie's mouth. Stevie wanted to spit it back out over Robert Charles, but he swallowed it, hoping that would make him happy and give them the theater back.

"Oh shit that was good, kid." Robert Charles pulled his pants back up. He made to effort to try to make Stevie feel better. "I bet your brother just loves having you do that to him. Well, tell him that I will talk to the RD and see about getting the theater back on Friday."

Robert Charles walked out. Stevie followed him, almost wanting to cry. He felt cheap and like a whore, but he knew Alex would be happy. They were going to do what they loved best, play in front of an audience.


The next two days went by fast. Alex was happy that they were going to play. He asked Stevie how he arranged it. Stevie said he just talked to RC to see if he could help them, since he was the class leader now. Robert Charles talked to the RD, and he talked to Barney and it was all taken care of. Stevie had never lied to Alex before, ever. Alex was his big brother and his hero. He worshipped him. He kept telling himself he was doing this for Alex and it was okay. But in his heart he knew it wasn't. If he had to lie to his brother then it wasn't ok.

Mike was hating his restriction. But nobody said he couldn't have visitors. Travis, Scooter, Ryan, Douglas, and Jim all stopped by. But the biggest visits were from Alex. And on Thursday Brad was out, and they made hard but sweet love to each other.

When they were done, they lay in bed, naked and hugging.

"Well, you have your concert tomorow night, my love," Mike said.

"I like it when you call me that. And yeah we do have the concert."

"Stevie did a good job of talking did he?"

"I think it was more than talk. And that is what worries me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I think Robert Charles made him do something. Like sex."


"And if he did, then Stevie is lying to me. And Stevie has never lied to me. If he did I could forgive him, but I don't know why he would lie to me. He knows I love him unconditionally."

"Maybe RC threatened him."

"Maybe. I dunno."

They cuddled a little more. Then Mike said, "I'm going to miss it you know."


"My restriction."

"Oh, shit, I forgot about that. Well, a donkey can always crash a party."

"I know. But I don't want it extended."

"Hey. If Stevie can get his way, then so can I."

"You're not going to Robert Charles are you, Alex?"

"Fuck Robert Charles. He is an ass kisser and a big phony. I'm going to somebody who really has clout. I'm going higher than him, which believe me, isn't hard to do."

"Good luck my love." Mike gave Alex a deep kiss. They heard Brad come into the cabin. It was time for Alex to get dressed and leave. The boys kissed one more time and Alex left the room, said good-bye to Brad and left.

In the games room that night, just about everybody else was excited about the show. Robert Charles spent a lot of time bragging how he got the mistake changed so that Alex and Stevie could play. It showed what a great leader he was. Scooter and Douglas both could hear him and it made them mad. Robert Charles saw them.

"Did I see you guys holding hands on that couch a while ago?"

"And what if you did?" Douglas asked.

"Then it is one more reason I'm a better leader. You might have gotten seven votes, Dougie, but I think if we voted again tonight you would lose half of them."

"You would be real surprised," Scooter said. And he grabbed Doug's hand making sure Robert Charles saw it.

"And don't call me Dougie," Douglas said.

"Whatever you say, Dougie," Robert Charles laughed. He took Lisa's hand and held it.

"Douglas, I think the smell is getting bad in here. Let's go." Still holding hands the two boys left the room.

Robert Charles looked at Lisa. "Don't see how a faggot boy like that thinks he can lead. This whole group is a bunch of wimps, except maybe Jeremy. When we get to Alpha Orion IV, I'm going to totally own these guys. And then I will have REAL power. A few of them will be sorry they ever crossed me." He looked at the door. "And those two will be the sorriest." He took Lisa's hand and led her to the couch, where he made sure everybody could see him kissing the prettiest girl on the ship.

Scooter and Douglas stopped in front of Scooter's door and kissed. They said good night.

"I love you, Scooter. What you did in front of RC was awesome."

"I love you, my sweet love. You let me take your hand. We were both awesome."

Douglas walked to his room feeling happy. He was in love. And so what that he lost the election. On his new home there would be other elections. And he would have a good reason for running and winning. The reason would be beating RC. Maybe he was going to like his new home. Then his heart sank. Scooter was just on board for the trip, not to live there. In less than two months his love would turn around and go back to Earth. And he wished he was too. Next: Chapter 14 Boyfriends

Constructive comments are welcome. E-mail me at Douglas DD

Next: Chapter 14: The Survivors 14

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