The Summer of Love

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 2, 2004




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Carmen was singing to the tune of "Blowing in the Wind" but the words were not those of either Bob Dylan or Peter, Paul and Mary.

"And how many more times must young men die,

Before war is forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,

The answer is blowing in the wind."

She strummed a few more chords on her guitar and ended the song.

All of us sitting around the campfire nodded. Applause wasn't called for, but one word certainly was.

"Cool." one of the group said.

We all chimed in, "Yeah, cool, cool, real cool." The word went around the group as a soft murmur, like the rings of water when you throw a stone into a still lake.

There were quite a few of us, even though it was still mid-morning and the concert wasn't scheduled to start until the afternoon. But this was the way these things worked, people drifted in during the days before the event and would drift out, some people had been here for three or four days, and there would be people, a few anyway, here some two or three days after.

A year later, an event rather like this one only larger--a lot larger and known as "Woodstock"--would get out of hand and the backlash would end the idea of the free concert in the field. Townspeople became too afraid of the concerts after Woodstock. But this was 1968, the summer was only well-started, warm enough to drive across a few states and spend a day or a week or a month (who counted days?) to attend a concert of the artists who eschewed the establishment, who created songs on the spot, who spoke not to the almighty dollar, but to the soul!

Someone handed me a lit toke but I passed it on, I didn't need it, I was high on the entire experience. We were the New Generation, we were going to change the world, filled with love and peace, all mankind living in harmony, and we were going to do it by our example.

So when the Volkswagen van pulled up, decorated with flowers and Peace signs and psychedelic designs and the guy leaned out the driver's window and said, "Hey, man, can we, like, camp here with you?" they were welcomed. Even when the back opened up and all the others got out. We had a pot of soup boiling (vegetarian, of course), and the newcomers and we shared it. They didn't have to ask; this was the dawning of the Age of Aquarius (yeah, I really thought like that back then!) and we were all children of the Age together.

Then one of them sat down next to me and I got a really good look at him as I lifted a spoon of soup up to my mouth and I looked at him as I blew on the spoonful of soup.

And blew so hard I splashed it onto the hand holding the soup, and it was still hot enough after that to make me wince. The guy grinned at me and I was smitten, I mean really 100% in lust with this guy.

He was going for the Native American look, and while his skin was white, his hair was long and black. A brown band held it in place. He had a soft deerskin vest, with long fringes that swung with every movement of his lithe body. With his tan jeans, he was a swirl of warm brown shades. When he lifted the soup bowl to his face (he had no spoon) and took a careful sip of it, his body was a symphony of movement, like he was in tune with the earth and with his spirit, and with himself. Drew in a sharp breath, smiled (God, his teeth were like the sunrise, sharp and clean and bright!) and said, "Whoo, that's hot!"

"Yeah." I said and lifted another spoonful to my face, this time I was able to blow across it and then place it in my mouth.

When I took the spoon out again, he said, "Let me borrow your spoon, just for a moment?"

"Sure." I said and handed him the spoon. He just wanted to eat a bite or two with it, and would give it back to me, sharing a spoon was part of the experience, for weren't we all one?

He took the spoon and placed it in his mouth, sucked on it and said, "Nice." And only then did he dip it into his bowl and lift out a spoonful, blow on it and then eat it. Done, he handed me back the spoon. "Your turn."

I guess in his way, he was asking me...well, you know.

Did I take the bait? You'd better believe it! I put that spoon in my mouth, still moist from his lips and pretended I could taste him on it. I couldn't, of course, but that wasn't the point, I closed my eyes blissfully and took my time, then I took the spoon back out and scooped up some of my soup. Ate it and gave it back to him. That was my answer, and no more words were needed.

We kept that up the entire time our bowls of soup lasted. The others were noticing, but nobody did anything but smile approvingly. We were the future, the way things were going to be, and loving whoever and whenever you wanted was a part of it.

When the soup was finally done, I said to him, "My name's Dan."

He smiled at that, didn't answer.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Names are square, man." he said to me disapprovingly. "What are names, but the label your parents hung on you to show that they own you? Nobody owns me."

"Hey, that's cool." I said, conciliatory and contrite. "You're right."

He paused, then said, "You can call me Eagle. I like eagles, so free and beautiful."

"Okay, Eagle." I said. I would have followed with where he was from, but figured such a question wasn't a good idea. But then, what would I talk to him about? It took a moment, then I continued, "Going to be a groovy concert."

He smiled at that. "I heard maybe Joan Baez is going to be here, if she can make it."

"Cool." I said to that. "I love her music."

"Me, too." he said.

"Carmen can play like Joan Baez when she wants to." I said, gesturing to the girl who had been playing before Eagle and his friends showed up.

"Heavy." He said. "Say, can you lay it on us?" he asked Carmen.

She smiled and picked back up her guitar, strummed it and launched into her song with a vigor very unlike her slow melody of before and very unlike Joan Baez:

"Oh, we're meetin' at the courthouse at eight o'clock tonight,

You just walk in the door and take the first turn to the right,

Be careful when you get there,

We hate to be bereft,

But we're taking down the names of everybody turning left!

Oh, we're the John Birch Society!

The John Birch Society!

Here to save our country from a communistic plot!

Join the John Birch Society,

Help us fill the ranks,

To get this movement started, we need lots of tools and cranks!"

Carmen never did like it when someone would stick her into a category and this was how she answered it!

Everyone was laughing hard when she was done and Eagle laughed so hard he fell over onto my lap. Turned over so he could look up at me, his head pillowed on my thigh and he said, simply, the way a flower child does it, "I'm glad I found you."

"So am I." I said and reached down to stroke his cheek. "So, Eagle, what do you want to talk about?"

The next hours were golden for me. I spent the time talking with Eagle, and while we never mentioned our pasts, our homes, our families except in how they touched our lives, we shared everything else, our dreams, our hopes, our future plans.

More people were arriving for the concert, but we were well back from the stage, so were basically not bothered, except for people walking nearby, either arriving or going about their business. Other people joined us from time to time, but they didn't matter and would leave after a while. I only had eyes and words for Eagle and him for me, we didn't ignore the other people, but they usually figured out pretty soon we weren't looking for conversation.

The concert was supposed to start at 5:00pm, but it was closer to 6:00pm before they got things going. But hey, that was cool, right? A friend of Carmen's came over and dropped some sandwiches on us, which we accepted with the calm equanimity it was due. After all, we were all in this world together right? And when you see two people falling in love, it's only right to make it easier for them to keep right on falling, right?

Then the concert started and it was begun by folk singers (like Carmen, which is why I ended up at the concert two days early, hitching a ride with her and her friends). Soft, smooth songs. The sort to get a person settled down and feeling mellow. If you knew the words, you could sing along and feel part of the community.

After darkness fell, and the children were all put to bed over the other side of a small hill, then came the rockers. No "Blowing in the Wind," now it was music like the Doors and the Animals, the Kinks, and the Who, the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. No, those groups weren't there, but their music was, done ably by groups that probably hadn't paid for the right, but hey, we were all above such mundane things as copyrights and royalties, there was music and there was joy and there was life and there was love.

I danced with Eagle, the wild, gyrating dances where you didn't touch, and yet it drew me closer to him, it was like our bodies were moving together, and when a slower dance came along, he moved into my arms or I moved into his (I forget now which it was), and we were touching, we were moving together, and all around us was nothing but approval and understanding, love unbounded and uncircumscribed, when it came to love and peace and understanding, everything was permitted.

Done, I was breathing a little heavy and so was Eagle, and I don't think it was the fatigue of dancing. His eyes shone with a light that was something else than light, and I knew what it was but didn't have the word for it. But it was there, and it drew me with him as we went back towards the van.

There was no privacy, and none was required. Couples were kissing, couples were holding hands and talking, couples were dancing (a few of them were naked, letting their bodies be free to experience everything, and Eagle and I were in among them and it was better than privacy, it was being a part of something bigger than yourself, a part of something new and important and it meant freedom in a way freedom had never been spoken before, freedom not just from tyranny, but freedom from the rules that even the liberators felt constrained by, we were free to make our own rules and be what we wanted to be, and grow in the way we wanted to grow!

I think Eagle wanted to get into the van he and the others had driven up in, but that was covered with four people, two asleep and two of them not.

The front had a girl leaning in and kissing the guy in the driver's seat, but neither of them were the ones who had driven up in the van. Bushes looked to be full of people, too.

"Now where?" I panted. I'd been patient, I'd waited throughout the day as Eagle lay with his head in my lap, while we'd talked, while we'd touched, I'd waited for now, for tonight, and the desire had been building up inside me for hours and hours and I was tired of waiting. "Go out into the other field?" We weren't supposed to go there, it belonged to an unfriendly neighbor who threatened to shoot any hippies he found in there.

Eagle pulled me against him. "No." he said, breathing as heavy as ever, maybe more so. "Here."

I crushed myself against him which slammed him against the van's front. Fortunately, there are few things flatter as the front of a Volkswagen, all he did was go "Oof!" and then he was kissing me back, his strong arms were around me and we were kissing and I felt the hard throbbing organ in his jeans pressing against my leg and I tasted his lips and his tongue, tasted the sweet sweat of his cheek, tasted the tender nectar of his neck, nibbled the strong sinews of his shoulder, slavered my saliva upon the broad breast, an ecstasy of the expanse of his body, the narcissus blossom of his nipple's bulb, all of it was Eagle, his hands found my shoulders and pressed down, begging rather than forcing me, further down, further down!

Now I abandoned my desires upon his abdomen and tucked my tongue into the nexus of his navel, sidled through the scraggle of his pubic hair while I fought the buckle of his hip-huggers, the burst of warmth as I got them open, oh, God, the aroma of him! Not the faint scent from a man who washed every time he felt the slightest burst of perspiration from his pores, this was the strong raunch of a man who lived in his clothes and on the road, this was an overpowering explosion of effluvia and it was like I was drowning in his essence, my head swirled as I breathed it in, and then he reached down and tugged at himself and his cock burst out of its trap down one of the legs, and it slapped me on my cheek like an insolent snake and hissed its arrogance at me, demanding attention.

I pounced upon that daring dong, I plunged upon it and let it sink into my mouth where it seethed in its potency, the heady ambrosial scent engulfed me once again, this time my nostrils inhaling it in reverse, my exhalations around this turgid tube sent the fumes up into my brain and it was all my world!

"Oh, man, oh, man!" Eagle breathed as I held his manhood and his life in my throat. "Yeah, man, do it, do it, man!"

Pulling upon that length and that power was intoxicating in the way that hemp could never match, I nearly swooned as the cock repaid my efforts by bleeding out pungent fluids that bathed my tongue and sunk into my taste buds, all of it, all of it, Eagle, Eagle!

"Ooh, ah, yeah!" Eagle sighed as I held but his cockhead upon my lips and then I sent him back into me. He was lit mostly by moonlight as I looked up at him from my place of worship, staring up as a petitioner before a god, and his body was shining in the moonlight, pale and white and gloriously pure! All around me were the sounds of music in hard, pounding rhythms that basted my brain, and the music was tempered by the sounds of lovemaking and happy people all around, which heterodyned and punctuated the beat with softer sounds, dischordic harmony, two sounds which, at odds with each other, create in their antagonism a new effect by their very battle.

The beating was my heart and the moaning was my breath and they fought within me and my life and my love was full and strong, and they mixed, they merged, they overwhelmed my senses and now I was a manic devourer of souls, I pumped at Eagle's proud pud, I sucked at his sweet schlong, it gushed at me and I drank it all as it came, and wanted more, more!

"Oh, ah, yeah, man, yeah!" Eagle crooned, and these were the words of my generation and my hope, given new life by this our lovemaking, and I knew no greater joy than to be a part of it, of all of it. How could I return to my former life now that I had tasted this happiness, found this man, and knew that the road I was traveling had reached, if not its goal, at least its signpost, I was on my way!

The glory of sucking Eagle taunted my body as he writhed above me, my energy I diverted into his service, and he was thrashing out his spirit and his life, and his groans now were unintelligible gibberings, for he was no longer able to make sounds and sense, for I had drunk it all from him.

His cock was his center now, the very center of his soul, and I ministered to it with unceasing motions, and Eagle's moans were more urgent, louder, they mixed now into the very beat of the music around us, drowned out the other lovers about us, he was shouting now, shouting out his joy and as his joy reached it height, there it was that he exploded and I felt the essence of his spirit flood into me in his come, hot salty splashes of jism poured into my mouth and my throat and it was as strong as Eagle's scent, the power of youth, the virility of our dreams and the potency of our visions, all that was in his seed as it wended its way into my body and filled me with its power.

Drained, exhausted, drenched with the sweat of his ecstasy, Eagle sagged down as his pud relinquished its strength and his strength failed not only in his prick, but in his body, and he ended up sitting on the ground, his back against the Volkswagen van's front bumper, and I was looking into his face, his passion spent and his eyes glazed, and again I knew that look and for my life, could not enunciate what I knew. It was soft and it was understanding and it was like it made me his partner in a way that wasn't sexual or friendship, but more.

"Wow, man, that was the most!" Eagle said to me.

I got to my feet and undid my fly, after all our talking, I knew Eagle well enough to know how he'd respond to it and he did, he simply smiled as I took out my prick and sat up straighter when he caught hold of it so he could take it easier. I leaned my hands against the van and as Eagle's mouth engulfed me, I closed my eyes and shuddered then opened them again to see not one or two, but six faces crowded in the window, watching me.

And you know, that didn't matter! Not that I was putting on a show or that they were being voyeuristic freaks, but that we were all sharing this time, they'd made love or were about to make love, and I was making love and it was all connected, all together, I was one with this group of people and I didn't know their names, but as Eagle had said, what are names, it's the spirit that counts.

So I smiled at them and let them watch my face as I was sucked by Eagle, beaming my bliss at them, letting them be one with me, all of us were one!

It was like I was feeding from their energy, that we were connected and sharing and they were all in my mind with me, and I felt that energy bubble through my body and into Eagle through my cock, and we were one, we were the children of the new age and it was going to be beautiful, all of it, all the bad vibes and bad feelings that had chained the human race for so long had been at last cast aside, we were new and we were going to rebuild the world with love and peace and understanding.

And in that understanding my climax seized me and I felt my spirit soar out of my body and above and I could see everyone, not just the people dancing and the musicians playing and the lovers loving each other, but also the people in the farms nearby and the towns beyond and the cities too, and that was my orgasm, that was my crowning ecstasy, I threw myself upon the world and it was with me, and I was one with it and I loved it all, even the dirt and the grime and the people who hated because they were afraid, I knew then that all hatred arose from fear and once you remove the fear and replace it with love, everything will be beautiful!

And then crash! I was back in my body and my orgasm was bursting out of me, I reveled in the mundane, human joy of ejaculation, pouring my seed into my new lover, being one with him and he one with me and us one with all our friends, the children of the new era of mankind!

Eagle choked as he drank down that heady mixture, coughing a bit as he managed the last of it, and I was human and alone once more, stuck inside my own body and I knew now why so many sought their liberation in drugs and drink and all they had to do was what I did, release your inhibitions, be one with the cosmos, and then, in that happy state, find one to share your love with.

That was it, the ultimate answer, and my greatest revelation I won during those days.

I sank down to join Eagle on the ground, and the ground was soft and warm and the grass was supple and sweet, and we kissed there, my lips tasting the salt of his mouth that was my jism and he tasting his upon mine.

"Man, you are the most!" he said to me again.

"Let's be together." I said to him. "We'll travel around and soak in the vibes of the world."

I felt him stiffen some, then, and then he said, "Let's find a blanket to sleep on."

"Nothing wrong with the ground." I said but I followed him and took over guiding him, for I had a bedroll and we lay upon it together and the lights of the stars lit us when the lights of the concert were doused and the children of the new world slept all around us.

In the morning, my friends were getting ready to leave. I couldn't find Eagle at first, but then found him sitting by the pond, watching the people bathing there, men and women and children all together, all naked and all happy, living and loving together.

"My friends are ready to leave." I said to him. "Do you want to go with them or us go with your friends or what?"

He shook his head. "I can't, man." he said.

"What?" I was puzzled. "Why?"

"I have to go back home now." he said.

"So I'll go with you." I said. "The world is my home."

Eagle smiled and touched my face. "I wish it were that simple." he said. "But it's just not possible. Please don't ask me to explain."

You didn't ask people to explain when they didn't want to. "Okay." I said dolefully. "But will I ever see you again?"

"Maybe, someday." Eagle said.

I gave him my full name and address, and he wrote it on a piece of paper he got back at the van, and then he left with his friends. I waved happily at him, but that was a fake, I didn't want him to see me as anything but a smiling face.

I still wonder what it was that kept Eagle from staying with me. It may sound like a simple fling on a hot summer night, but it was more than that. I know that whatever reasons Eagle had, they had nothing to do with not wanting to see me again.

Those days have passed into history, and it's a history that people often laugh at. But I often wish that the younger people today could experience the freedom I had that summer night, when I shared my love with a kindred spirit, two souls uniting in the dawn of a new age.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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