The Suite Saga

By Sam Bam

Published on May 8, 2017


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"I don't want to get between you and DeShawn but I like you." George says to Dylan as they sit out the front of the house looking at the ocean.

"Why couldn't you have worked that out last summer?" Dylan asks.

"I was blinded by Blue. I only just knew I was gay and I knew Blue would be kind to me." George says.

"I have wanted you for a long time. You know that but I don't know about more. I love DeShawn and don't want to fuck it up with him." Dylan says.

"If I were to transfer to somewhere in Boston? Would you consider me?" George asks.

"No question but you have a scholarship and friends and I'd not want to take you away from that." Dylan says.

"You really like me." George says.

"I love DeShawn. Would you consider joining us like Deke did?" Dylan asks.

"No. I am super picky with guys you know that. I know I'm not pretty or handsome enough to be the way I am but it is the way I am. I kind of think maybe I can only ever like one guy at once." George says.

"I love your honesty. I'll think about it seriously. Its funny if I loved DeShawn fully then I'd not be thinking about you at all. It might be that we've had a week apart. It might be I'm thinking with my dick and wanting to get my hands on your beautiful squishy butt. I don't know." Dylan says.

"You want to take me for a test ride?" George asks.

"Yes but I won't. This is the first time I have ever, ever, turned down an ass that I really wanted. But I don't want to fuck you over." Dylan says.

"The other night felt like you were inside me." George says.

"I know, it was amazing. It'll be even better when it happens for real." Dylan says.

"I am really good at waiting. Thanks for not laughing in my face." George says.

"I'm not that guy any more. If I was you wouldn't be here asking for your chance." Dylan says and kisses George lightly on the lips.

For the first time Dylan sees a real future with a man flash before him. He sees George the nerd in their house surrounded by tech equipment, headset on designing his video game, playing another games and taking a conference call simultaneously. He sees himself stood in the doorway in his suit, just home from work smiling indulgently at his boy and telling him dinner will be arriving in 15.

He never dared dream a long term future with John and he knows DeShawn will hit the big time and leave him behind. George could be the one. George wants to be rich and he will work hard and even though he'll probably get a bit fat and have bad hair Dylan knows his dick will still get hard for him. He is strong enough to deal with George when he's being a dick and George will call him on his shit.

Dylan lies back on his bed shocked at himself. He thought he just wanted to tap George's ass but he wants so much more. Graduation is right around the corner and he has a job offer, a great job offer. But George is an offer too. No he can't fuck himself over over a guy. Especially not a guy as unstable as George. But he wants to call up DeShawn and end it and call up his future employers and start looking all over again. Fuck Dylan calm down he tells himself.

"Can I come in?" Andy asks sticking his head round the door.

"Yeah please." Dylan says.

"Not like you to duck out of a party." Andy says.

"Or you." Dylan says.

"Out of options. It is hard seeing Spence and Blue all wifed up. I am super happy for them but I want something too." Andy admits.

"You'll get it. George asked me to consider dumping DeShawn for him." Dylan says.

"Is that why you're up here?" Andy asks.

"Yeah, I love DeShawn but we'll be over in May. I mean we could try long distance but he'll go pro and leave me behind. I see myself with George, its pure fantasy but I see a future just a hint of it and I want it." Dylan says.

"George is a fucking nightmare as a boyfriend." Andy says.

"I know he was for Blue but I am stronger. I might be inexperienced in the gay world but I have had a lot of relationships with girls and I know George's issues and he knows them. I'd be stronger than Blue." Dylan says.

"Just go for it. If you fall on your ass so what? Like you said you and DeShawn will be over soon anyway." Andy says.

"I don't know. Thanks for being here for me. I know things are really tough for you right now." Dylan says.

"All my own doing. I have been a dick. I need the new freshmen because my dick is tired of everyone right now." Andy sighs.

"I thought you'd spend the summer in Deke." Dylan says.

"Nah. Not feeling it right now. The kid needs to explore a lot I think." Andy says.

"But if you're horny he'll do." Dylan laughs.

"Nah it wouldn't be fair. I fucked him over last summer. I have to hope someone at the retreat wants a pounding or there was this one guy in the village, if he is back I'll get my balls emptied." Andy says.

"You'll pull someone out the closet." Dylan laughs.

"I'll do okay. See you tomorrow." Andy says and kisses Dylan goodnight.

"Blue I hate to do this to you but I need my room back." Dylan says the next morning over lunch he knows he's going to take a risk on George.

"Can you take mine for a bit I want to avoid Justin?" Gervais asks.

"No I can't be in the suite. Why don't you go and stay with Jesse for a bit, have Elliot take your room." Dylan suggests.

"Works for me." Elliot says.

"Jesse and I broke up." Gervais says quietly and Elliot snorts.

"Well that was a five minute wonder." Blue says amused.

"You can come in with me. I expect you'll be at Birch's and I'll stay with Magnus often enough." Spence says.

"Yeah it'll be fine." Blue says.

"Are you not jealous?" Gervais asks Birch.

"Of Blue sharing a bed with Spence? A little, Spence is hot." Birch says with a grin.

"A fourway is in our future." Spence grins back.

"Oh yes." Birch grins back.

"Please make it five." Andy grins coming in and grabbing some food.

Spence's family have left and the cleaning crew have finished. Blue has made a lunch of leftovers, soup and bread which the guys are devouring to soak up their hangovers. It's raining and they're all too tired to do much.

"My mom was so impressed with you. If you're ever in need of a job you could make mint in her set." Spence says.

"Good to know. Catering is something that makes sense as a sideline while I get my other business up." Blue says.

"Why are you in college and not just getting on with it?" Grant asks.

"I want to get my education, I love to study and learn and the accounting and chemistry classes all have parts that I will use when I'm out there in the real world." Blue says.

"Blue is this weird creature who loves to study. He and George are the superbrains of our group." Dylan says.

"Could say the same about us. We could be taking private classes and skipping all the history and ceramics that we'll never use." Birch says,

"I guess. I toy with it at times. End of the day we're in school so we can fall back on teaching during hard times," Grant says.

"But you're wealthy. You'll always have family to fall back on." Birch says.

"Sure Magnus will always give me shelter but our parents are tight, I'm not Spence rich. I'm lucky my grandmother is paying for my school and our apartment." Grant says,

"Did she enjoy last night?" Blue asks not wanting to get in to a conversation about wealth.

"Yeah she did. She made quite a big deal over Spence too, just to get on our dad's last nerve. Your mom was nice to me Spence, and your brothers." Magnus says.

"I've made a coffee cake for you to take back for her and a milk loaf. Tell her the cake will freeze well." Blue says handing a large paper bag to Magnus.

"Uh giving away cake?" Andy asks.

"You've had enough, Need to get you exercising again." Blue says.

"True, true." Andy shrugs.

"Me too, I need to get back in shape I feel lumpy." Robin says.

"You look pretty great naked." Grant laughs.

"I can look a lot better. I want to be back in cheer shape." Robin says.

"We should try sports again." Blue laughs.

"No, you suck." Robin grins.

"You should come back to yoga." Gervais says.

"I think we need Spence to run a boot camp for us." Blue says.

"I am so up for that." Spence says honestly.

"Be cool when we have the houses, you lot exercising on the front lawn and me watching out the window." Andy grins.

"I'd drag you outside to join in." Spence laughs.

"You all living together again?" Grant asks.

"Not Jesse or Elliot but Birch is joining us." Blue says.

"I'll be in the dorms again too." Deke says.

"Really? I thought you'd take one of my rooms. You can bring a friend too." Blue says.

"Thanks." Deke says.

"I cannot wait to live in a warm dry house with my bright studio." Birch says.

"You'll have a studio? Can I move in?" Grant asks.

"Thanks for leaving me high and dry." Magnus says.

"Magnus can live with me as Blue will be in his house and Blue has room for Grant if Birch is okay with it." Spence says.

"Great give the rich boys rooms and leave me homeless." Jesse who has been sulking in the corner all morning says.

"You can't screw Blue over and expect a room." Elliot says. He's fascinated by Grant and Magnus. Magnus is straight out Of a boarding school catalogue and Grant might as well have rich kid rebelling on his forehead. But they both seem really nice, fun guys and accepting of everyone.

"I did nothing to Blue that he didn't do to me." Jesse says.

"You weren't friends when Blue dated Gervais and they weren't in your face it was different." Elliot says and Jesse shrugs.

"You're all free to date Gervais. I just don't have to house any of you if you do." Blue says quietly.

"Exactly. Same goes for me with Andy. You can all date him but don't expect me to be your friend or let you live in my house if you do." Spence says.

Andy looks at Spence and smiles.

"Good job you're living with me." Andy grins at Gervais.

"I'm lucky your mom loves me else you'd no doubt have cut me out." Gervais says.

"I think I'm safer in the dorms. I love you guys but I'd feel like I might be homeless if I look at someone wrong." Deke says.

"I'm sure there will be a lot of house swapping before and after we move in." Blue says.

"Yeah we'll all just show up and sort it in august." Andy says.

"Except me and Elliot who really need the help." Jesse says.

"What do I owe you exactly?" Blue asks.

"You offered and took it away. You shouldn't have done that." Jesse says.

"You shouldn't have accepted it if you couldn't be civil to me. I was doing you a favor. I wasn't asking for unending gratitude but I expected you to remain respectful. You didn't. So you can fuck off." Blue says and gets up to clear his plate. He's not eaten anything being around so much tension.

"I love this assertive Blue. Birch is very lucky." Andy says joining Blue.

"I am lucky too. I think he's a good guy but my perception is often off on that score." Blue grins.

"No it isn't you just make excuses and forget to listen to yourself." Andy says.

"We're okay right? I mean I know you've been trying to sabotage me and Birch but that's over? You're supportive now?" Blue asks.

"Fully supportive. I was a dick and I'm sorry. I love him for you, for now." Andy says.

"For now?" Blue asks-

"I still see a future for us. I'm not going to wait around for you and I'll not interfere with what you have. But I still feel it." Andy says.

"What happened to you wanting me back with Gervais?" Blue asks.

"He imploded any chance of that. You'd be a nervous wreck if you took him back. Look at what he did to Jesse." Andy says.

"Do you think I should offer Jesse a room again? I kind of feel bad but also used' Blue says,

"Hang on to that used feeling. Jesse is poison." Andy says.

"I need to put my instincts about people ahead of my need to fix things for people." Blue sighs.

"Exactly. But please don't write me off." Andy grins.

"I always liked you even when you were being a pain in the rear. You should talk to Gervais about your mom. He knows what it's like to be rejected by a parent. Jesse and Elliot too I suppose." Blue says.

"I don't feel I can talk to Gervais right now. He's a mess and I know I shouldn't abandon him but he has been so, so bad to you that I just can't look at him." Andy says.

"The Justin thing is scary though. Someone needs to be looking out for him. I'll talk to Robin." Blue says.

"Thanks. I like the idea of Grant and Magnus joining us next semester, they seem cool and like to party." Andy says.

"You like the idea of two guys who will contribute." Blue grins.

"Contribute to the eye candy. Man that Grant is cute." Andy grins.

"He sure is. Hey once I transfer I should be able to introduce you to other guys." Blue grins.

"I'm hopefully leaving too. I kept it quiet as my grades are not top stuff like you and Gervais Clara and Roe suggested it, they don't want me to be a potential target for Chris and Bea. Clara is being really great to me you know, helping me with Katelyn's trust and covering my school costs." Andy says.

"You're family. Neither of us have extended families, well if I ignore my hell-trips side." Blue laughs.

"Yeah. I thought Roe and Clara might get it on but they are more like sisters than girlfriends at times." Andy says.

"But they are having sex. I mean they are right?" Blue says.

"Oh yeah. They have angry sex, makeup sex and why won't you marry me sex." Andy howls with laughter and Blue joins in.

The two men share a big hug happy to have made each other feel better. Birch looks at them and smiles and then joins in. He knows he needs to clear the air with Andy himself.

"Its still raining. Time for indoor sports?" Birch asks looking at them both expectantly.

"If that's not too weird for Blue." Andy says not wanting to sound as eager as he is.

"Can I speak to Birch a sec?" Blue says.

"Yeah I'll go to my room." Andy says hopeful that he's about to have two of his favorite partners ever back in his bed.

"Is this not a bit weird?" Blue says.

"You want to right?" Birch says.

"Yes but why do you?" Blue asks apprehensive.

"I need to clear the air with Andy. I want a threeway and I know despite everything you trust him and finding someone both of us is attracted to will never be that easy." Birch says.

"Do you wish you were still friends with benefits with Andy?" Blue asks.

"I want you. I'm not tired of you or bored by you or anything. I just like group stuff and am very horny and the opportunity is here." Birch says.

"Okay. Just checking this wasn't a way to secretly have sex with Andy because I'm too boring." Blue says.

"No fucking way. You are first with me, always. Andy still gets me going and we both get him hard. No games, no conspiracy just sex." Birch says.

"Okay. I so want to." Blue grins and they go to find Andy.

"Wow you were confident." Birch says as they open the door, Andy is naked and hard on the bed.

"Just anticipating. If you didn't arrive I'd get off imagining you were." Andy says.

Blue grins and lies next to Andy and kisses him. Birch lies the other side of Andy and kisses him too.

"Get naked boys. I need to see those booties." Andy grins.

The pair do happily and soon the trio are licking and sucking each other and Blue groans in happiness, he loves this whole situation.

Blue tops Birch and Andy tops Blue all three are in heaven. Birch has wanted more of Blue's cock and loves looking back and seeing two happy faces. They switch and switch again. All three loving every position, loving trying to make the other two feel amazing.

Afterwards they lie back panting and giggling. Super happy.

"What is going on with you?" Robin asks Gervais as they take a walk on the beach when the rain stops.

"I just can't stop messing up and hurting everyone. It is what I do." Gervais sighs.

"You get that Blue is done with you?" Robin says.

"He's not. He was emailing the dean about Justin and asking Brad how to approach campus security for me. He still cares." Gervais says certainly.

"I wouldn't count on anything else from him, ever. You ducking out of your summer trip really hurt him on top of whatever that was with Jesse. You saw how Jesse set on him as soon as you two hooked up, just like before. Honestly everyone's patience has worn out with you." Robin says.

"So what? Everyone is so fake anyway. They have all used Blue and Spence and me, all of them and yet they get pissy with me when they're just as bad. Andy has been awful to Blue and to Spence but he gets a break. Elliot tried to get me and Blue and George chucked out of school and he's still here. We're fucking transferring because of him and Chris. I've had that to deal with, my breakup, that weird Justin stalking me and you're all dumping on me but Elliot and Andy are let off scot free." Gervais complains.

"I know you don't have it easy. I get that I do but Blue has been there for you more than anyone and he was just getting over you being with Chris and you throw Jesse in his face and act like it's no big deal. You know how much he's struggled to get over you, he's almost there and you pull another stunt, you never give him a break." Robin says.

"You need to step off. I know we're friends but you need to step off." Gervais says.

"We won't stay friends if you carry on like this." Robin says.

"Blue and I are off limits okay? Do you really think I don't know I've messed up? Any conversation about it will be me and him not you or Andy or Spence. I can not deal." Gervais says.

Robin looks at him mad as hell then sees just what a mess his friend is.

"Is this because my mom let you down this week?" Robin asks.

"No, I never expected anything to come of that." Gervais says.

"Are you sure? Mom is working on finding people, talking to them. She will come through." Robin says.

"I know, she's in touch all the time. Your mom and Clara call or email me more in an average month than my dad did my entire life." Gervais says.

"Try not to push them away too." Robin says his mom's warnings sticking in his head about looking out for Gervais.

"I won't. I'm sorry. I was doing better, Blue and were friends again and I dumped Chris but then the tribunal and Justin and my brain f with Jesse. Every time I clear the deck more s rains down." Gervais says.

"Yeah the Justin issue is hard to comprehend. He seemed normal enough to start with." Robin says.

"I was hoping to use Dylan's room for a bit, to be away from the suite. I'm scared Robin." Gervais admits.

"Me too. Come in with me for a bit when we get back." Robin says.

"I was thinking of a hotel." Gervais says.

"I'll come too. Not just because I love hotels but because I would worry about you being alone. Given he found you here." Robin says,

"Thanks. I wasn't sure I could ask." Gervais says.

"Hey we're still friends for now. What happened with Jesse?" Robin asks.

"Fergus was flirting heavily, more than that he was pleading to suck me off. I was flattered again and he's so sexy to me and Jesse isn't. I wanted to ask Jesse to join us but I knew it would be a no. He was going on and on and on and I couldn't take it. So I dumped him and went after Fergus." Gervais says.

"Was he worth it?" Robin asks shocked.

"We didn't do anything. The reason he wanted to blow me was he has the clap and didn't want to risk anything else and well STIs are a total boner killer." Gervais says.

"So you lost Jesse for nothing?" Robin asks.

"It was an excuse, I came to my senses that Jesse and I would never work. I know he was saying he had feelings for me all along but that wasn't true, He was always looking round for Elliot. He wants Elliot back, he misses him and I was a trophy substitute. If he didn't make Elliot jealous he won the breakup by getting me back." Gervais says.

"Why get sucked in? Why go to his bed at all?" Robin asks not doubting Jesse's motivations but certain that Gervais had equally rubbish reasons.

"I was horny after that bath with Blue, Jesse was up for it and I thought it would be fun. It was, the sex was great and I stupidly thought Jesse would be a fun safe boyfriend. I thought if we were dating Blue would properly forget me. I didn't contemplate that it would hurt him. I really didn't know that Jesse bugged him that much, they have been friends for a while. I forgot how vulnerable he was last time round." Gervais says.

"You are such a douche." Robin says.

"I am. A totally self-involved prick." Gervais says.

"Are you going to work on that?" Robin asks.

"I don't know that is how I'm being. It just happens." Gervais says.

"You're far worse to Blue than George was." Robin says.

"Give it a rest." Gervais says.

"Sorry I need new hobbies and a girlfriend so I can stop getting in everyone's business." Robin says.

"You're only showing you care." Gervais says with a smile.

"It has been a weird week." Robin says.

"Yeah we certainly bring the drama to spring break." Gervais says.

"Hey last time it was not our drama." Robin grins.

"No. Scary though. I sometimes feel bad about Miles, he was amazing that day." Gervais says.

"He hated me. I'm grateful he helped us out of course I am but he chose not to be our friend." Robin says.

"I know. I just feel bad sometimes. I guess that is what I was getting at before, why are Andy and George forgiven but not Miles? Why am I on the outs with everyone and not just Blue? It is hard to navigate sometimes." Gervais says.

"I guess Miles hurt me and Blue and Dylan in such a deliberate devious way, much like Chris that we couldn't have him back and he didn't want to be back." Robin says.

"Elliot was worse. He was deliberate and devious and nearly got 3 of us pushed out of school." Gervais says.

"Spence is doing a Blue and trying to help rehab him. It was out of character and for sure it was for the money." Robin says.

"Me and Blue sure but with George it was purely vindictive. I actually hate the thought of him being round the kids this summer and told W and AB why." Gervais says.

"You did what?" Robin asks shocked.

"I told them what he did to us. I'm going to take care of the kids for the summer, they love me and I love them and I won't cost anything." Gervais says.

"Is that what this whole conversation was? A way to find out if you'd be shunned or forgiven?" Robin asks.

"Not really. I know I'm doing the right thing. Being around a family for the summer will be good for me and the kids will give me focus. And I won't be around Chris." Gervais says.

"And so Elliot is doomed." Robin says.

"Not my problem." Gervais says.

"No. But he'll drop out, can you really put that on your shoulders?" Robin asks.

"It is on his parents for cutting him off. It isn't on me, he has options. I am not going to feel guilty, he can finish school later he was happy to take the opportunity from me forever." Gervais says.

"Delayed revenge. You are going to be super unpopular." Robin says.

"Will you tell?" Gervais asks.

"Maybe." Robin says.

Next: Chapter 105

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