The Substitute

By Onatangent

Published on Oct 26, 2020



The Substitute


If you like this and want more, you can see other work by me if you search my email address on the site. I don't tend to do chapters.

I tossed another handful of pretzels into my mouth and finished off my second beer of the night, trying to focus on my latest TV binge while trying not to get too annoyed by my roommate Bird halfway across the room fiddling with his phone. Another Friday night, I sighed.

Bird, as he liked to be called. Wouldn't even know his real name if we hadn't signed the lease together. He was unlikely to stick around long into the night. Ever since he'd broken up with his last boyfriend about four months ago he took to the hookup apps and hard. Seemed to enjoy everything about them - the profiles, the swiping, the chats. And of course the sex. His being a fairly, let's say, stout bottom bear like myself hadn't kept him from finding a partner every single weekend for the past several months. Often two a weekend. Sometimes during the week these days.

I couldn't stand the apps myself. I'd tried, but every part of it felt like pulling teeth. Besides, I knew that what I really wanted was something more regular. I gave up after the third blowjob in a row flaked on me. God I needed to get fucked.

"Oh, shit." he said, tapping at his phone.


"Well, I had this guy lined up for tonight... I was just about to go get ready. But this other guy I've been trying to meet for weeks just messaged me - he's only available tonight!"

"What a quandary" I couldn't help but roll my eyes a little.

He thought a moment, staring at his phone. Then he looked up at me. "Hey, you don't think you... I mean, it's been a while, right? You want to take the guy I had lined up for tonight?"

I sat up straight on the couch. "What, just... take your place?"

He nodded "Yeah... he only now asked for face and nude pics. We could just send yours instead. He's not even gonna know."

I stared at the wall a moment. Seems dishonest but... damn, I'd had enough hearing him through the wall or wondering what his night was going like. My turn!

"Alright... alright I'm in! I don't have any nudes on hand though."

"That's okay. He had some requests for them anyway. Oh, I should say - he had some kinks he wanted to do. You okay with kink stuff?"

I shrugged "Uh, yeah, sure... leather and that sort of thing. I've done that before, sure." Or at least seen it on the internet before. Close enough. Man I could really use a cock.

He jumped out of his chair, seeming excited. "Alright, this is going to be fun! We don't have too long so get going - shave your balls and meet me in my room and we can take the pictures."

My eyes went up. "Shave my balls?"

He nodded "Yeah, one of the requests. And get one of your plugs." I blushed a bit "Don't be coy, you haven't had sex in months. I know you have a favorite plug, I can hear you when you use it." I coughed a little, nodded, and got off my seat to head to the bathroom.

In the bathroom I stepped in the shower and cleaned myself, front and back. Gotta be clean for the night! Then with a deep breath I reached for the small scissors and razor by the sink and sat down in the shower, shearing the hair on my balls short and then running it clean with the safety razor. I'd shaved my balls before, more out of curiosity than anything else, maybe five years ago. It felt as strange as I remembered as I rinsed the last of the hair off the blade. The smoothness surprised me as I stood up, every time my balls rubbed against my sack as I walked.

I dried off and was about to wrap the towel around my waist before remembering what I was about to do anyway, leaving it behind. I headed to my room and opened the drawer of toys. They'd been getting a little more use recently than they had in the past. At least tonight it would be a toy AND something else. I picked out a hard glass plug, five inches long, and carried it with me to my roommate's room.

He was rummaging in his own things when I came in. He turned around and smiled "Looking nice and smooth!" He chuckled, taking this all very casually. He took out his phone and wagged a finger at me, telling me to turn. I did and struck a little pose while he took a picture. I turned back around and he leaned in a little closer. "Oh good... we're about the same size. Not quite five inches. And you're not, like, a 'grower' or anything right?"

I blushed a bit "No, no that's it."

He grinned "Perfect! I was worried it might not fit." He picked up from inside a box a small metal dome-looking thing. "His second request. This is my old one but you can have it if you want."

I blinked "Is that a chastity device?"

He nodded. "Yeah. He was pretty specific about it."

I cleared my throat. I'd never seen the appeal of them but... fuck, I tended to go soft when I got fucked anyway, right? What would it hurt? "Okay..."

He nodded "Good!" He kneeled down in front of me and, working quickly, he lifted my balls up and pulled them through the device's ring, then pushed it closed. He guided the head of my cock into the small metal cage, which restricted it to a little under half its length. I could feel part of my cock slipping into my body. He put a key in the latch and turned it, then pulled it out. The key had a long chain on it, which turned out to be a necklace, which my roommate slipped over my head.

"You, uh, wear these a lot?"

He nodded "I wear whatever the guys want me to wear" he smiled. "It's surprisingly popular! Now stand sort of, like, at attention"

I stood straight with my arms at my sides, the key and cage very visible. He took another picture, full body. Then a few more for angles.

"One more picture," he said, "let's get one of you putting the plug in. Be sure to use plenty of lube, too, you'll be having that thing in for a while."

I stared at the plug again "He wants me stretched out and ready huh?" My roommate nodded. I certainly wasn't going to say no to being plugged up. I hadn't brought in lube but of course my roomie had an endless supply in a giant hand-pump bottle. I squeezed it all over and knelt while he moved around behind me and took a few pictures. I grunted and leaned on the plug, feeling it part me. My cock twitched against my cage, making my face red and my cock strain harder. Oh man... that's going to take some getting used to. I leaned back further on the plug, my hole slipping looser around it like it did nearly every night these days. I breathed in and out and opened up further and further. My hand instinctively grasped at my cock to jack off, but it found only metal with an angry little cock underneath.

I moaned loudly when my hole finally slipped over the widest part of the plug. Resting a moment on the ground, my shaved balls slowly rising and falling against the short-cut rug.

After waiting there a moment, having to remind myself three times not to try to jack off. Alright... I should eb going, right? I got to my knees and then my feet. In the meantime my roommate had visited my room and returned with my pair of very short, very tight shorts from Pride, and a tank top. He handed them over. "He liked the pics. Said to wear something like this, and only call him Sir."

I nodded, face still red, and got dressed. Sir. I shuddered a little bit as I walked, the plug moving just a tiny bit with each step. I really hoped I wouldn't have to bend over - I'm pretty sure in these shorts the base of the plug would be visible. I headed out, roommate already back on the chair and texting with the guy he'd be going to meet instead.

I had to check the address twice. I'd expected to show up to some guy's apartment but the address was for a fairly nice restaurant. I looked down at my hot pants, definitely not dressed for the occasion.

But that's what he'd said to wear, right? I took a deep breath and stepped into the restaurant. The waiter at the counter looked me up and down, smirked, and nodded "I was told to expect you. Right this way." I let out a deep breath, now very glad for the chastity device. The combination of hte plug and the rush of what was happening would certainly have me sporting a tent otherwise. I just hoped I wasn't leaking too much pre.

He led me to a series of semi-private tables in the back, little curtains separating them, round tables with a circular bench all around, and motioned for me to sit. I did, and he left. I looked across the table, realizing I hadn't even asked to see a picture and feeling very slutty. I saw a smiling bearded bear across the table, dressed in a suit, thick arms crossed as he leaned on his elbows, smiling and looking me over. "Uh... hello Sir." I said.

"Hello boy." He said, his voice deep and smooth. It took me back how it felt like it shook through me. I felt about four inches tall, staring up at a giant. My cock tried to get hard very badly and I couldn't help but squirm in my seat, the plush leather adding pressure to the plug.

"I, uh, thank you for invit..." he shook his head and smiled, putting a hand out on the table. "I can see you're nervous. Don't worry. I don't expect you to speak unless I ask you a question. I can do the talking for you. You're very grateful to meet me, I can understand that. You're very excited for the part of the night where I fuck you and use you as I like."

I swallowed and nodded. He had me down. I appreciated not having to talk, both because of the nerves and also because it just let me hear him talk more.

"You've played a bit with this sort of thing but never met someone like me before. You're clearly not the person who messaged me. He wasn't nervous. Also he had a tattoo on his arm, dummy. You're a friend probably. He chickened out or something. But honestly I don't give a shit. After all, I am the personality here. You are a toy. Interchangeable. I'm actually tickled by the fact that you seem to think of yourself as interchangeable too."

My heart beat a lot faster and my eyes went wide. The fucking tattoo. I calmed, though. He didn't care... was I interchangeable? I swallowed hard. I wanted to object but wasn't supposed to talk. The idea was at first offensive but just looking at the way he calmly and forcefully looked my way and watched me silently process... I liked it.

The waiter came in with one beer and set it in front of Sir. He took the glass but didn't look up. "Now come over here next to me. Yours is locked up and I don't want you to forget what a cock is like. You may come next to me and grope me while I drink."

I blanched and looked at the waiter, still there, who only giggled. Sir smirked and gestured to the waiter. "Don't worry about him. Owner's son. I fuck him Sundays. He comps this table Fridays." I looked at the waiter in surprise, then slightly down, wondering if that was the outline of a chastity cage in his pants. Then back to Sir.

I gathered my thoughts and slid over next to him as the waiter left. Finally some cock... He took a long draught of beer and I slipped my hand under the table, underneath his belly. I expected he'd be big but I was surprised how large the bulge between his legs was. He smiled, seeing my surprised expression. I wrapped my fingers around the bulge, still inside of his roomy suit pants. So warm. I squirmed a bit, imagining it were the plug. I squeezed it and bit my lip, rubbing up and down its length and drawing a thumb over top. I outlined it with my fingers. I moved underneath to find his zipper but he reached over and pinched my shoulder making me gasp. "Did I say to do that?" I shook my head and continued massaging his bulge, feeling it grow hard, straining against his pants like my cock was straining, although with quite a bit more room to grow.

He finished his beer and, while I continued playing with his cock, moving faster and breathing harder. He wrapped an arm around me and put a finger under the chain around my neck. He lifted it off before I even realized what he was doing and slipped it over his own. He smiled at me, raising an eye, as though to see if I would protest. I wanted to but... but I just kept massaging his cock. My cock strained harder and my mind swam. Like my cock couldn't express itself through being hard so it had decided to worm into my brain. All I could think about was a constant stream of sex and cock. Specifically the cock in my hand.

I kept squeezing, feeling the full hard length squeeze down one of his pant legs, while he stuck two fingers, still faintly tasting of beer, in my mouth, moving around and exploring seemingly out of a sense of being able to. I certainly didn't stop him. I closed my eyes.

I sucked on his fingers, the tips exploring the back of my throat. I didn't mind. I only opened half an eye when I heard a faint clunking sound. Sir's dinner had arrived, the waiter watching with a bitten lip before forcing himself to leave. Steak. Not too surprising.

What was surprising was when he pulled his fingers from my mouth with a pop, then stood, pushing the table back against the other side of the bench, grabbing my arm and lifting me up. "eep!" I managed to squeak out, before shutting up - I hadn't been asked anything!

He tossed me face-down onto the table, landing right on top of the meal, potatoes splattering. I blinked, then looked back over my shoulder. He took the steak knife and grabbed my shorts by the waist, cutting from the waist down to the inseam. There was a deep fire in his eyes and he grunted heavily. I briefly worried how I was going to get home with a messy shirt and no shorts, but I had other things to think about at the moment as he grabbed the base of my glass plug. He gave it a heavy tug, making me squeal - can't help myself! Then another, then on the third it popped out and I felt the cold air in my hole.

Not for long, though. I heard the zipper I'd been stopped from touching come down and the entire thick length laid between my cheeks, reaching to the base of my back. My hole, still lubricated from the plug, quivered underneath it, feeling its heat. It was so big... I couldn't even see it, it just FELT massive.

He leaned over me, his weight on my back, his warmth, his twitching hard cock between us. He grabbed the back of my neck and whispered in my ear. "You're my toy, my doll. You aren't complete without me inside you. I need nothing. But I want this. You need this. What are you worth without my cock? Tell me."

I stammered... "Nothing... nothing..."

He smiled "Tell me what you want."

I paused...

"Good boy. It doesn't matter what you want. Tell me what you need."

"I need to be used... need to be fucked!"

"You were never alive until now, boy." He grabbed my jaw and pulled it open. I opened my eyes to find the waiter pushing a ball gag into my mouth, slipping it over my head. "We do have other guests." he smirked, then walked back off.

Sir pushed my face to the table and reared up, sliding back. His cockhead found my hole and he growled as he rammed inside. I yelled my heart out into the gag. My mind raced. He was right. I was whole. Pre pooled into my shorts as his grinding forward trapped my balls between my legs and the table, adding pressure to them.

Sweat dripped from my forehead while he pulled nearly all the way out and slammed back inside once again. He waited, seeming to see just how it looked for the rippling force to go through my body, wrecked. I let out grateful little whimpers into the ball gag, only to growl with him the next time he rammed inside.

He moved faster, pinching my neck and slamming into me, the table clunking each time he did. My feet were just barely off the ground, held in place by cock and sweat.

He leaned over once again, not all the way, not slowing his forceful rhythm into me. "This is nothing, toy. This feeling, this cock inside of you. Nothing. This is ten minutes of knowing what it is like to be whole. I can run your life. I can tie you in knots. I can put you in a mask and leash and make you beg for treats." He slammed in once again, making me shudder,holding on to the edge of the table for dear life.

I couldn't even open my eyes. I could barely think. He continued. "I can train you to obey before you even realize you've been asked. I can make you melt with a fucking snap of my fingers. I can ruin you and make you. I can make you forget your fucking name."

He seemed to build his fire with everything he said. He built mine too. My vision was bleary and he was slamming into me, the ball gag muffling my shouts but not the smacking of flesh between us. Pre dripped heavily from the end of my cage and down my legs. I could feel it at my ankles.

His hand darted out and wrapped around my neck, pulling back and making me rear up, arching my back, face red while he grabbed me. He slammed against me three more times before finally letting go and throwing himself on top of me, ramming all the way inside and clenching, growling in my ear and bucking his hips. He shot inside of me I dont know how many times. I could feel it coursing through my insides.

He held my shoulders and stood me up, still inside of me. His sweaty chest rubbed against my back and he breathed hot air against my neck and matted hair. Bits of potato and steak were staining the front of my shirt. We stood there silently, only breathing, his chest expanding and contracting against me. His cock twitched and throbbed, still dripping cum inside of me and making me breathe in sharply whenever it seemed to expand.

I could hear his deep voice once again. "I know the kind of person you are. I can see it. Easy to manipulate. Eager to obey. Nervous when you have to be in charge of yourself. You're someone I can use for my own desires."

I could only breathe, a wet hissing sound as the air escaped around the ball gag. My cock stil dripped pre through its tiny slit, bursting to get out, my mind aching for release, eased only somewhat by what I had just felt. When he came in me it almost took the place of the orgasm I'd wanted for myself. Almost.

"In a minute the waiter is going to come back. He's going to have a change of clothes for you and a little gift from me. He's also going to have another meal for me, which I'll eat while he licks my balls. If he does a good job I'll smack his ass red."

I nodded, looking back over my shoulder at him.

"You're going to leave your actual number, and then you're going to get dressed and go home. Before that happens, you have a choice to make. And I want to be clear that this is the one and only time I'll give a shit what you want."

I swallowed hard. The waiter stepped in carrying a small pile of folded clothes, smiling. On top of the pile was a little box with a pink bow wrapped neatly around it.

Sir took my distraction as an opportunity to pull quickly out of my ass, making me rear up in surprise, then pinched my ass, making me step away from the table and out to the aisle. I turned to face him, looking upwards. He reached for the chain with my chastity key, now around his neck of course. He wrapped a hand around the key and lifted it back off over his head, holding it out to me.

"So what's it going to be? Do you want this thing back, or do you want to see me again?"

Leaving the restaurant I had been shaky and unfocused, fucked within an inch of my life. I was all the more shocked when I finally checked my phone. I'd only been in there an hour. The rideshare home was thankfully quiet. I worked hard to keep the sounds to myself whenever a bump in the road pushed the car seat against my plug - it was back in. It was either that or carrying it in my hand.

I wasn't sure if Bird would be home when I got there or not. But there he was, playing video games in his underwear, his door cracked open and the light sounds of the snoring of whatever guy he'd had over coming in to the living room.

Barely looking up, he smirked "How'd it go man? Gotta say, my night was pretty good. Not big but he knows how to use it." He took off his headphones and looked over, raising an eyebrow. "Uh... where did those clothes come from?"

I looked down. The clothes I'd been given for the return trip at least covered me, although the canary red shorts and button-down Hawaiian shirt read more "Goodwill emergency" than dignifying.

"He uh... spilled some stuff on mine and gave me these."

He nodded. Been there before I suppose. But he came closer. "Wait a minute... what's that thing? And hey... the necklace is gone. You didn't lose the key did you? Fuck, if you lost the key..." I looked towards the hall mirror and my eyes went wide. Around my neck, in place of the necklace key, which I certainly didn't have anywhere else, there was a thin black leather collar. I wasn't close enough to read the metal tag but I couldn't forget what it said. "BOY 26." Another bit of metal dangled on the back of it, on the buckle - a padlock.

I barely remembered making the decision. It had hardly felt like a decision at all. It just felt natural. So natural that in the course of coming home I hadn't even thought about it once. But there it was, around my neck. I certainly wasn't going to forget it.

"No Bird... no, I didn't lose it..."

I smiled.

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