The Submissive Streamer

By Duncan Jules

Published on Jan 13, 2024


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This third chapter in the series is it all fiction is some of it non-fiction I will leave that to your imagination Sir. If it is true names have been altered.

The Submissive Streamer: Chapter 3

Dylan was frustrated it had been another week abd still Master hadn't contacted him he was horny hurt and angry. Today he had decided to move on after a night getting drunk the previous night he disabled the cameras and got back in bed. He logged on to the camera app and changed the password and sat there looking around. Looking for something to do.

Grabbing his phone he decided that he was horny enough to create an alt on X. Creating it's own e-mail address he quickly tapped away to creating an account name. UKGaymer he tried and failed after trying a few more he finally found UKSubGamer and began to type his first post, `So bored and horny this morning.'

Dylan got up and put on his wrestling singlet and took a photo of himself and then he place his profile picture of his arse. Even he had to admit it looked amazing in that picture.

Before long he noticed it was time to stream and he loaded up his computer and sat there in his comuter chair in just his singlet. Groping his package he sent yet another Snapchat to `Master' which would undoubtedly be left on unopened.

His heart sank and he got changed. The stream had generally gone well and after four hours Dylans mood had decreased to very low. Taking a can he began to drink as he loaded on to Facebook. Bobby was online. He dropped him a message, `Hey it's been a while friend.'

A few hours passed and after many messages and many drinks later the messaging heated up.

Bobby, `Heard you split from your ex. I am sorry about that but it might mean I get to wreck your hole like I should have at school in the showers.'

Dylan, `Thanks I wasn't sure back then so I prob wouldn't have been interested'

Bobby, `Who says I was giving you an option?'

Dylan, `Sir please that would be'

Bobby, `Your ass looked like it was begging for it back then'

Dylan, `It might have been but'

Bobby, `Do you want me to come up there and breed you when I get some time off, boy'

Dylan stopped and thought about everything and after a few minutes without replying he looked around the room and closed down the computer.

Climbing into bed he fell asleep generally quickly.

As Dylan slept his mind races to an image of being cornered in the shower at the age of fifteen and all the lads in his form fucking his hole his mind ached for it. Bobby was smiling down on him and said sadistically, "I told you, you would love it boy."

With that in his dream his cock exploded as Gavin had his nine inch cock in Dylans arse and Michael had his six inch cock down Dylans throat.

The dream went on and all the lads had a go in Dylans arse and mouth and then he was left in the shower to be discovered by Mr North the PE teacher. However in the panic of the dream he woke up. He looked down. His body felt wet and sticky it was and as he looked down he felt his sheets sticking to the cum his cock had poured out as he slept.

He immediately got up took a shower and put the washing on. He looked around and then went to the computer. Logging on in just his pyjama bottoms and white socks the internet browser offered to recover the pages he had last opened agreeing to this Facebook popped up. It was a message from Bobby, `Boy, did you pass out.'

Dylan just typed a message back, Yeah, sorry about that thanks for the chat was lovely catching up Sir.' He then paused a moment after he sent it, You could come up if you want, I always have an open house policy I am not going to let you fuck me tho.' Dylans tent raised in his pyjamas as he then added, `Well perhaps but not like guaranteed. Sir.'

Something bugged Dylan about what he had discovered last night and in the morning haze of the sun coming through the window he decided he had the balls to ask, `You know when you offered me a job and a place to live above the bar, was that just cause you wanted to have a fuck piece. How did you know I was like I am?'

Loading up Pot Player and The Witcher on his Playstation he looked at his Alexa show and up flashed a picture of his ex. His guilt ridden heart after seeing these pictures made him twinge slightly but that's why he kept them been shown not only did he still deeply love them it was one of the only things stopping him going full prostitute at times.

The stream came and went and another crate of Carlsberg disappeared that night and Dylan checked in on Facebook Bobby had replied, `I don't care if you don't want to give it to me. You always gave off those submissive vibes. I just could never corner you and didn't have the self belief back then that I do now boy. If you leave me on read again you will be punished do you understand.'

Dylan gulped, `Yes Sir'

Good now what have you been upto today boy.' Bobby posted back, Don't spare the details explain everything.'

`I woke up and did the washing the sheets, snapchatted a few people looked through X, streamed some Witcher 3 finished Blood and Wine and then got drunk, Messaged my ex and now talking to you.' Dylan replied as he took another drink.

`You forget something boy.'

`Sorry Sir please don't punish me.'

`Is that everything, why did you need to wash the sheets so early in the morning.'

`I needed to give them time to dry, Sir.'

`Boy are you lying to me and yes to your question that's why I wanted to hire you so I could fuck your brains out in the cellar, on the pool table and anywhere I pleased would you have liked that. BOY.'

`I had a wet dream Sir;

`Oh you slut, what was it about?'

`You and the whole class taking there turns fucking my holes and then I woke when Mt North walked in as I could hardly move after been so full of cum sir'

`So it wouldn't have been rape, you want it don't you boy! Admit it.'

`Yes Sir.'

Dylan looked down at his Alexa and saw an image of his Ex when they was at the Chinese Takeaway it helped him pull away from what he was currently typing and out this situation because this wasn't happy Dylan this was depressed Dylan who would allow anyone to fill him up.

`I need to get some sleep I have to go to town tomorrow.' Dylan sent before he closed down his computer.

Dylan didn't wake up till midday the following day and as he looked around he noticed that he had left the curtains wide open again, it was rarer that he closed them unless he was having a wank. Yet Dylan got up and set to work moving the desk and the bed around while in just a pair of grey joggers and socks and trainers.

After he finished he turned on his computer he opened a browser and tabbed up several of his friends. Dylan then opened Facebook this was the first time in years he had used Facebook three times in a row and noticed a message from Bobby, `Boy, hope you are ok in town today. Add me on Snapchat'

Dylan picked up his phone and quickly added Bobby on Snapchat before he quickly washed and threw on his jeans and t-shirt. He picked up a can and quickly downed it to lessen the social anxiety and then he glanced at his arms the marks from the worst of his days was fading and he then glanced at the impliment that he had placed on his second desk which now looked directly out the window. He smiled today was not a day he was going to think about that it was going to be a positive day.

Taking the short walk to the bus stop he walked past a couple of older teens who was dressed in grey tracksuit bottoms and he couldn't help but stare at the second of them who had a black quiff, he had the dimples of Asher Angel and the eyes of Asa Butterfield but most of all his joggers looked very well filled out.

"You want a picture fag." The older teen spat.

Dylan taken a back spluttered, "Sorry, sorry Sir I..."

"What a fag, bet he would suck us off just here, bet his micro dick is all hard now."

Dylan was rock hard he couldn't deny that fact he was unable to think straight he shook his head as the younger of the two teens who was far from miraculous unlike his friend turned and walked towards Dylan. Dylan stepped down the alley and then he felt the intrusion of the lads hand, "He's hard as a rock."

Dylan gulped before trying to say, "Yes Sir, please."

"I recognise you now, you're on Grindr!" He paused, "You have your main picture of you on your knees with your hand behind your head. Show us now and we might, just might give you a present later."

Dylan went to fish his phone out before the younger lad replied, "No get on your knees and put your hands behind your head. Then tell us where you live."

"Number 9 South Street Sir." Dylan said as he dropped to his knees and placed his hands behind his head.

Dylan could hear the engine of the bus stopping at the one before his stop.

"Go bitch, we might surprise you one day." Dylan paused a moment he got onto his feet and run to the bus stop. He was hard and horny and the bus was arriving.

Getting on the bus he spoke hushed, "Day Rider Sir." He scanned his card as the driver who looked hardly old enough to drive looked at Dylan before the ticket came out the machine and then he quickly went to sit near the back. He was ashamed why was he calling everyone Sir!

He opened Grindr and a message from the older lad appeared, `You really are a horny bitch number 9 the one with the dog right.'

`Yes Sir.' Dylan messaged back before he got several notifications from Snapchat.

Bobby had sent him a message, `Be good in town, if you can't be good be bred.'

`Thank you, Sir.'

It was then the second notification came through and Dylan clocked who it was from, `Master.'

Dylans heart raced as he read the message, `Sorry, I was in hospital you really did spam me didn't you. Your links are hot. WUU2 now.'

`Just going in to town Sir, I need to go to the Supermarket and get some animal treats.' Dylan smiled to himself Master hadn't forgot about him he felt an overriding sense of joy.

`So where are you right now. Can you get your cock out for Sir, you want to make me happy right.' Dylan looked around after reading the message. He pulled out his cock as no one was near and took a picture he saved it on to the camera roll of his phone and added Bobby as another individual who would receive the image of his cock hard leaking cock on the bus.

Putting his cock back he sat back and breathed replacing his phone into his pocket he then looked out the window.

As they pulled into town Dylan quickly went around and did the shopping placing it into his backpack before settling for a pint in the pub by the bus stop. It was generally a busy bar of all types of people but today the pool table had been conquested by a group of scally lads and the older generation was not to be seen.

Dylan was watching intently as he drank and it wasn't long before three pints had vanished and he was walking back to the bar, his phone vibrated and he smiled as he rested both arms on the bar and he read the message from Master, `Where are you now, send me a snap of you stroking..'

Dylan smiled walked to the toilet he pulled his jeans down to his knees pressed the record and held it as he wanked his cock hard and fast. He panted and moaned as he did all the while thinking of the lads from earlier.

`Do it again this time I want your jeans all the way by your ankles.'

Dylan immediately complied horny, unable to concentrate his moaning was growing worst the precum poured out his cock. "Please Sir use me."

He moaned as he realised he had gone into two snaps but sent it anyway.

`Single Snaps I can't save it otherwise do you understand.'

Dylan text his reply as he pulled up his jeans, `I am sorry Sir I didn't realise.'

That's two things you will be punished for now. Do you understand.' Master replied. Reply with a video of your face telling me you understand.'

Dylan turned the camera to look at his face and started recording, "Yes Sir, I understand I am to be punished as I am a loser who cannot follow simple instructions."

Sending it Dylan felt shame as he hid in the stall and water began running from the sink. Had he been heard?

As he put his phone back in his pocket he ordered another drink and went to sit back down near the pool table his cock was painfully hard in his jeans.

`Bitch what are you wearing?' Masters next message said to Dylan.

`Jeans, T-Shirt and top Sir.' Dylan said before he put the phone back into his pocket. He felt like he was sweating more and more.

`So no boxers? Or was you lying to me.' Masters quick reply stated.

I am Sir I am sorry.' Dylan remembered his rather plain boxers that he was wearing, Socks and Trainers to Sir.'

`That's three punishments now. Go to the toilets take off your jeans and boxers and throw the boxers into any liquid on the floor. You can decide if you want to wear them after or you want to put them in your pocket.'

`Please Sir, I will take them off but I can't do that.' Dylan protested.

`You want to make it four punishments, now we know you always do this. I can't do that dance but you end up on your knees grovelling so do it now bitch.' Dylan couldn't believe his eyes. He knew it was true and downing three quarters of a pint he walked to the toilet as his phone vibrated.

He checked his phone it was another message from Master, `NOT IN THE STALL.'

Dylan felt uncomfy it was like Master had guessed his plan but deciding not to anger Master more he kicked off his trainers quickly and the damp piss covered floor felt horrible under his socks. He then fished off his jeans and finally his boxers he quickly pulled his jeans and trainers back on his socks only slightly damp and filmed himself dropping the boxers into the puddle under one of the leaky urinals.

Sending the video he picked up the boxers and put them in his backpack in a separate pouch. Dylan went back to the bar ordered another drink and then sat back down it wasn't till Dylan was another three to four in before his phone vibrated again as the video was saved to camera roll.

`Why was your jeans on in the video when you dropped the boxers. Can you not follow simple instructions. Think about your actions I have family here now you have thirty minutes to record something and email me it. If you fail to please me you will be punished.'

Dylan looked around and after finishing that drink the scallys left. Dylan decided it was time to leave and glanced at his watch he had another ten minutes to try to please Master.

`Seven Minutes, I bet you are short of ideas whore. Go ask a homeless man if you can blow them or even better if you really want to impress me have one fuck your arse raw.'

Dylan started to type, `I can't do...' before he deleted it knowing he had been called out on that and buzzed from the alcohol he walked up the street and then he saw a thirty some year old man sat outside the bank. He started to record as he approached, "For Five Pound will you judge my Arse."

The homeless man looked up, "Okay money first."

Dylan passed the man his money he felt shame, "So slap or ram..." Dylan blushed.

"Pull the back of your clothes down and lift your top." The homeless man knew he was embarrassing Dylan and could only assume he was going to be used for content on TikTok or another social media. Dylan complied, "Slap it I am not gay but it's not the worst arse I have seen."

It was then the sound of skin on skin sounded through the streets as people had stopped to look on some had even started filming the homeless man had slapped Dylans arse harder then Dylan had ever felt before. A tear trickled out of his eye as a large red hand mark appeared on his white arse.

"Have a good day now leave me be." The homeless man declared looking at the cash.

Dylan quickly sent it to Master looking at the time it had been 30 minutes on the dot he just prayed his internet would be strong enough to send it in time and as he scuttled off to the bus he knew that the slap would be with him for atleast this ride.

I really hope you enjoyed and remember if you did then you can contact me and discuss this or other things I enjoy writing I do when I have the inspiration and your kind feedback previously helped with that.

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