The Submariner

By Zarek

Published on Feb 19, 2016


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between older teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it's about their true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door.

I hope you enjoy it and that the story draws you in wanting more. This story was "inspired" by watching a YouTube about submarine life. While some of the ideas are based on the U.S. Navy, the story does not take place in the Navy so some things may not seem exact. If you have any suggestions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me at . Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

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The Submariner


James P. Bolt

The last Typhoon Class submarine has been de-commissioned out of the Soviet Navy. After taking a few years to remove all weaponry, their government decided to put the still functional sub up for auction. An American philanthropist purchased the sub and had it brought to his facilities along the west coast of the United States. The submarine was overhauled and refitted, replacing the engines with newer version nuclear engines capable of going decades on one fueling. Worn bulkheads and hull plates were replaced. Franklin Andrew Frederick IV demanded that the ship be almost brand new when the overhaul was completed, and he had the money to not worry about the cost. Modifications were being made for where the weapons used to be. This sub was going to be a modern underwater research vessel. The missile section was converted into science labs while the former torpedo room was replaced with a dock and tubes for four one-person mini-subs known as sharks. Upon completion, the entire hull would be coated with an alloy paint, sealing it, making the hull impenetrable and having a dark blue hue. Unless a hatch was open, nothing was going in or coming out.

Franklin found a seasoned submariner who had commanded an Ohio Class sub in the U.S. Navy. After twenty years of service, Commander William Tiberius Kirk resigned his commission. Originally, he planned to retire and enjoy a peaceful life, but when Franklin approached him, they started chatting. "Will you be aboard the submarine?" Kirk asked.

"No, while she is at sea, her commanding officer will be totally in charge, I am hoping that will be you. I'll be on land at my lab reviewing the data the sub transmits. That, or selling the information. If you accept the position, she will be yours to command. The person that I hire to run the research will answer directly to you, but ultimately, you are the one in charge. Anything that happens, good or bad, you are the one to answer for it."

"That's the way it was when I was a CO in the Navy and that's the way I like it. My main concern was, if you would be aboard, I wouldn't feel like I was the actual one in charge. I don't mind taking the blame if I am in charge when something goes wrong, but if you were going to be on, well, I think you get what I am trying to say. What about the crew?" Kirk inquired.

"The submarine is still being refitted, so I hadn't selected any yet. I thought that you might want to select your own or at least help select a crew." Franklin gave a grin. "You know more what you need than I do. I believe that the sub can carry a complement of a hundred and sixty personnel, the scientists and researchers will consist of twenty men and women."

"With what you are offering as pay, and complete control, I accept the position," Kirk reached out his hand and Franklin grabbed and shook it.

"Glad to give you command, Captain. You have six months minimum before the refit or overhaul is completed. We can use that time to go over applications, unless you have anyone in mind to fill positions," Franklin acknowledged.

Captain Kirk looked Franklin in the eye, "For the officers, I would like to use former Navy officers who I know are experienced submariners. As to the rest of the crew, I want to follow the Navy's example and take on kids that may be fresh out of high school or thereabouts, maybe eighteen to twenty-five years of age or so."

Franklin smiled, "You can take the man out of the Navy, but you can't take the Navy out of a man."

"One more thing," Kirk started, "Is it possible to get simulators so we can start training these young boys and maybe some girls in the ratings?"

"Yes, I already have a facility set up for training purposes with simulators. And it has several of the Shark mini-subs for training. There is access to the ocean, but until the crew members are somewhat trained, I wouldn't recommend them going out into it. The dorms are set up for three crew members per room and every two rooms share a bathroom, so it can be coed if you wish."

"Excellent, when can we start looking through applications?" Kirk inquired.

"Stop by my office tomorrow, sign your paperwork and your salary will be effective starting today. After that, I will set you up in an office right beside our conference room. Make sure you have your officers lined up first and then start filling whatever ratings you need."

Kirk smiled. He felt like Mr. Frederick had almost everything planned. "I realize that this is a private company, but I would like to organize the crew like they were in the military."

"I thought that you would. I have a chart, including the pay rate for each rank in your office. The officers' ranks will totally be your call, but the crew members will all start at the rank of crewman. You can promote and demote as you see fit, just let the finance office know of the change in status. Pay rate changes will not go into effect until the first of the following month."

"You think of everything?" Kirk chuckled.

"I try, but I am human," Franklin laughed.

Next: Chapter 2

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