The Submarine Chaser

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 19, 2004



The Submarine Chaser,


Dawn broke on the long cold trip North into the frigid Arctic waters as the convoy sailed slowly towards the Russian Port of Murmansk, our speed governed by the capabilities of the slowest merchant ship under our protection. This meant a sluggish 12 knots as the slowest vessel was an ancient cargo ship built before World War one, the S.S. Cargyle a 6000 ton coal burner, showing every long year of her life at sea, rust showing through the multitude of coats of paint. She rolled and rocked her way through the mounting seas her tall funnel belching thick black smoke signaling to the world our course as we lumbered along.

I am the captain of a sloop, a lieutenant commander, I have been in command of this vessel since she was commissioned. I was an officer in the naval reserve before the war and was called up when it was declared. I am single, 6foot tall black haired, a swimmer's build, which I used to maintain by copious amounts of exercise, both swimming and playing soccer before the war. I went to Oxford and graduated at the top of my class and took a position in one of the top legal firms in London. War put a stop to my work and I am now commanding this small unit in the mighty British Navy. I was a lieutenant when I first joined her and after convoy duty around the British coast where I sank a submarine and two E boats, fast torpedo launches, I was decorated and promoted to my current rank. I was offered a Tribal class destroyer but preferred to stick with my current command, she was dear to my heart.

Our ship, a sleek naval sloop built only three years ago, after that megalomaniac house painter Adolph Hitler decided he wished to rule the world and invaded Poland causing England and France to declare war trying to save the Polish people from his jackbooted storm troopers. A heavy cruiser, 4 destroyers, 3corvettes, 2 armed trawlers and our sloop patrolled the outskirts of the long columns of transports carrying war supplies to the Russian armed forces.

Our job was to protect the freighters from the hidden threat of the U boats and the bombing attacks of the German bomber force, the insidious submarine threat that lay in wait along the convoy routes, our warships sounded the depths with our asdic pulses waiting to pick up the bounced return signal showing a U boat was nearby. The weather was deteriorating, the wind increasing and spray was flying through the air, freezing as it touched our ships, they all looked to be coated in icing sugar as the white crystals built up on everything in sight. Periodic use of steam hoses dissolved the ice and lightened our top hamper, as it had been known that ships had turned turtle when over loaded with this icy coating.

You couldn't touch any metal on deck with bare skin as it would freeze you to the steel and to free your hand meant tearing off several layers of skin, the conditions were deteriorating further as night approached. The wing was increasing and the temperature was well below freezing as we ploughed on through the frigid seas, we prayed that no submarines were near as if they sank any ships the crews in the water wouldn't last more than a few minutes before their bodies froze. The thought of being torpedoed sent shivers through my spine as I thought of being immersed in the almost black foam laced water.

The sun was low on the horizon when we heard the drumming of aircraft engines approaching, I peered through my binoculars into the dull sky and finally located the author of the sound, a large four engined Condor, the German Air Force's long range bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, my hackles rose as I saw the evil machine, I knew her radio would be chattering busily sending our position to the waiting U boats. I wished we had an aircraft carrier with us to send up fighters to chase and destroy the patrolling pest; she stayed at an altitude where she knew our guns were useless and literally thumbed her nose at us.

We cursed our luck that she had found us just before dark, a few more minutes and we would have been hidden in the welcome darkness of the long Arctic night. The leading destroyer signaled us to be on our toes and warned that we may soon be fighting for our lives. I said a quick prayer then grabbed the microphone and warned the crew to be ready as the action alarm bell shrilled throughout the 'tween decks for the sundown action stations. The crew hurried about donning their heavy arctic clothing and pulled their steel helmets over their balaclavas as they hurried towards their action stations. The gun turrets swiveled about as the guns trained up and down testing their circuits as the reports of the stations being manned crackled around the bridge.

My runner, a young newly joined seaman just 17 years old, was standing to attention behind my bridge chair ready to do my bidding if needed, I turned and smiled at him to allay the fear I saw in his young eyes. I said, " It's ok Rawlings were just getting ready in case they attack us on dusk. You know we always go to action stations at dawn and dusk."

The lad smiled tentatively back and said, " Do you think they will sir?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said; " We'll soon know if the wolf pack is nearby we'll hear from them any time now, although these rough conditions may make it too difficult for the U boats to fire their torpedoes successfully."

I saw him shiver and his protruding Adam's apple bobbed in his young throat, as he held onto the back of my seat as we rolled heavily and the bridge windbreak was sprayed with salt water from a huge wave that crashed aboard burying the deck under at least a couple of feet of foaming water. The sloop shook herself like a dog after a swim as she shed tons of water overboard through her scuppers, we rolled again and it was obvious that the night was going to be horrendous. We were shipping them green over our decks as the ship buried her bows on the approach of each wave, our small sloop was not really designed to handle these seas. She was too small to battle the huge gray bearded slavering monsters found in these waters, the trawlers even though they fished up around the area were now in danger of foundering as they tried to maintain the convoy speed.

We were near Bear Island and the S.N.O, Senior Naval Officer on board the heavy cruiser, signaled for our ship and the two trawlers to leave the convoy and sail for Bear Island and take shelter there until the weather abated. I acknowledged the signal and we turned away accompanied by the trawlers and headed down wind towards the distant island. The convoy was soon swallowed up in the gloom and spray, we sailed through the darkness and after a short time we heard the dull thumping clang of a torpedo strike sound through our hull. I looked at my runner and said, " There goes some poor bugger into the depths, that was a torpedo hitting a ship in the convoy."

The lad crossed himself and shivered then said, " Poor men they wont last too long in these temperatures and the escorts can't stop to pick them up can they sir?"

I shook my head and said, " No we can't stop in case they send a fish up our skirts too."

We then heard the reverberations of depth charges exploding through the water, I said, " Well at least the lads are giving those damned subs something to think about. I'm amazed they were able to hit anything in this weather it must have been a lucky shot."

I then said, " If the weather abates in time we will head for Murmansk and we might find the crew in the lifeboats, we can then rescue them as the U boats will be far to the North chasing the convoy."

We sailed on into the pitch-black night, smashing through the building seas and I couldn't see the trawlers even though they were close by. Daylight broke and we could see the black gloomy shape of the island looming through the flying spray, snow covering the land what a terrible place in a terrible sea. We steamed around the island into the lee shore and dropped anchor in the protection of the land; lying close to the shore was the hulk of a merchant ship listing to starboard where she had settled on the bottom. The ship was a victim of a previous U boat attack on a convoy some time before, a gaping hole was to be seen in her forward hold where the torpedo had exploded on impact.

Her crew had been rescued long ago and she was left there deserted to slowly rust away in this God forsaken spot, her demise there may be useful as she would provide shelter if any survivors ever reached the island by lifeboat. We sat there waiting for the weather to abate and the wind howled across the rocky island blowing snow thickly into our faces as we swung on our anchors. The blizzard finally eased and the wind dropped, maybe the weather conditions had helped protect the convoy from most of the hungry U boats, at least I hoped so.

We pulled anchor and set off after the convoy now three days ahead of us but probably not too far in distance due to the foul weather, it must have slowed the ships down considerably. We rang for revolutions for 12 knots as the trawlers couldn't handle any faster in the still heavy seas and sailed after the Convoy. The lookouts scanning the lumpy seas in search of smoke or any lifeboats adrift after sinkings, we cruised north and passed through an area littered with wreckage and saw a single lifeboat drifting. A trawler steamed to the lifeboat and examined the occupants then sailed on signaling that the crew was all dead frozen stiff sitting on the thwarts huddled together.

We sailed on into the steaming seas, not heat steam but vapor rising from the frigid waters, the port lookout called, " Ship on the port bow."

I swung up my binoculars to see our old friend the S.S. Cargyle slowly steaming along, we headed towards her flashing signals asking her condition, and she didn't answer so we sped to within hailing distance. I called across, " What is your condition, why have you left the convoy?"

Her captain replied, " We broke down but have now got steam up and can do 5 knots, should we head back to England or on to Murmansk?"

I replied, " We will escort you to Murmansk, turn north."

He nodded and the lumbering old scow swung her rusty hull to the North, we took up the lead and the two trawlers fell in on her flanks as our mini convoy sailed towards Murmansk at the snail's pace set by our ancient charge.

The slow trip passed quietly until we turned east on the last leg, the sun had just risen and we would have been easily visible through a U boat's periscope, I was stamping up and down the bridge trying to get the circulation in my feet going, young Rawlings was standing by my chair holding a steaming cup of kai ( hot sweet tea) when I heard the lookout call out, " Torpedo off the port bow."

I called out, " Full ahead, Hard- a- port, Sound the siren."

The helmsman spun the wheel fast and the bow began to turn slowly answer the rudder as our siren hooted a warning to the rest of the convoy. We were traveling too slowly, I ran to the bridge windbreak to see the white track heading for our port quarter as we slowly turned towards it. My knuckles white as I gripped the rail along the wind break; I glanced at Rawlings to see him standing there with his blue eyes closed praying with his hands clasped together. I turned my eyes back to see the track disappear below our still slewing bow as the props thrashed the water trying to accelerate the ship, I braced myself and told the bridge crew to grab hold of something and waited for the explosion that would blow the ship out of the water.

Nothing happened and I saw the white bubbling track reappear to starboard and speed on across the surface into the distance, the torpedo had been running too deep and had passed under our keel. I believe the U boat captain thought we were a destroyer drawing more water than our smaller sloop; I thanked the Lord for saving us and told the helmsman to steer down the fading trail towards the sneaking submarine. Our asdic set pulsing through the inky water searching for the dangerous iron cigar like hull skulking under the surface, we found nothing the first search then we began to do a square search while the trawlers escorted the old merchantman away from the area.

Time passed and we were just about to give up the search when we heard the second ping of a faint return over the bridge speakers, the asdic operator passed on his directions and we steamed down the invisible line to where the sub hid. We were up against it hoping for a resolution as one ship was pushing it when attempting to sink a wary and wily submariner. We passed over it's position and as the pings met we dropped four depth charges in our wake, the evil barrels sank down to our estimated depth and exploded sending a large mushroom bubble of foam to the surface. We spun about tracking him on the asdic and ran down on his position, ping---------ping, ping------ping, ping----ping, ping---ping, ping--ping, then ping-ping away charges, again they sank into the dark depths, the set depth reached the firing pins clicked and BOOM the eruption of explosive power released. The pattern of charges had surrounded the fleeing hull and they shook and severely damaged its steel hull, the captain blew his tanks and headed for the surface.

He was going to attempt to save his craft and challenge us with his deck gun; we heard the rush of compressed air and slowed circling as the damaged U boat struggled to the surface. The evil wet black shape broke surface in a hurry and men ran from below to man the 4 inch deck gun, heads appeared on the bridge of the boat as the captain watched us through his binoculars. I ordered my gun crews to line their guns on the stricken sub and called through the loud hailer for them to surrender, their gun crew fired off the first shot as the sub rolled throwing off their aim, the shell passed close overhead and landed some miles away sending up a geyser of spray. I ordered the pom pom gunners to open fire on the deck gun and their fire laced with tracers flailed across the deck killing the gun crew immediately tossing their bodies over the side into the frigid water.

The Germans lay there silently as the stricken hull began to get lower in the stern, water gushed into the hull from the depth charge damage, a second crew of men made a break for the deck gun and I ordered our main guns to open fire, two 4inch shells hit the sub below the bridge opening the hull up completely and throwing the men from the bridge into the freezing water as the pom poms wiped out the men around the gun. The submarine began to sink quickly as the sea gained entry through the massive hole in the pressure hull, it rolled over then turned bow down raising it's stern high in the air exposing it's props, rudder and the aft torpedo tube to our view. She hovered there for seconds then as air burst through the damaged stern sending up a plume of fine spray, she then nose dived taking those trapped below decks with her into the crushing depths.

We steamed across to find the bridge crew and haul them aboard if they were still alive, we reached them and saw two were alive; the others were gone into the depths joining their shipmates. We pulled them aboard and hustled them below decks to the sick bay, the orderly got them undressed as Rawlings and I walked in. One prisoner was a lad about Rawlings age very young and very scared the other looked about my age, early thirties and was possibly the captain. They were blue with the cold and shaking from head to toe as their teeth chattered in their mouths, the orderly began to rub the older man down with a towel and I told Rawlings to dry the young guy off.

He acted with alacrity and began briskly toweling the lad, I leant against the operating table watching the proceedings, after some minutes of heavy rubbing the prisoners' circulation began to return and I could see the pain as their extremities returned to life. The young German was beginning to get excited from Rawlings attentions and his shriveled penis began to appear, his helmet rising from his heavy blonde bush as the blood pumped into the spongy muscle. I saw Rawlings eyes lock onto the fast erecting tool as he continued to towel the lad; the older man was standing there with a surly superior expression on his arrogant face, as the orderly finished rubbing him dry. He then handed the man a pair of pajamas to wear and directed him to one of the cots in the sick bay and turned to see how the younger prisoner was. He saw the erection and grinned at me saying, " Oh to be a teenager again, with all those irrepressible hormones raging rampantly through my body."

He handed the young man a second pair of pajamas and thanked Rawlings for his help, Rawlings turned to me and I couldn't help noticing his uniform trousers tented out obscenely. I stared in wonder at his huge bulge and I looked up to see him watching me perving on his manhood. I blushed to the roots of my hair and coughed saying, " Well lad we'd better get back to the bridge, I need to set a guard on the sick bay we don't want the krauts running wild on board do we?"

He smiled at me knowingly and said, " No sir we wouldn't want that would we?"

We headed to the bridge and I called the master at arms to the bridge, he marched onto the bridge stamping to attention and saluting briskly I returned his salute and ordered him to set armed guards on the sick bay to ensure the German prisoners behaved themselves. He saluted and marched off barking orders as he went below, I sat back on my bridge chair and thought about the events of the day so far as we steamed off fast after our small convoy, Rawlings standing at my side smiling secretively to himself.

The smoke of the old freighter stained the sky as we came over the horizon our signal lamp flashing to allay any fear the trawlers might have in case we were the enemy. We steamed past them and took up position in the lead again our asdic pinging merrily, the day passed quietly as we crawled towards the port of Murmansk. Dusk saw us at action stations again but all was quiet and soon darkness shrouded us from prying eyes. We sailed through the darkness and as dawn broke we heard aircraft approaching and cheered to see planes of the Russian Air Force fly overhead on patrol, we were nearly at our long journey's end and we sailed into the port and berthed alongside.

The rest of the convoy was almost ready to depart and we had to refuel and load stores while the old Cargyle was unloaded, I reported aboard the cruiser to receive my orders and to tell the admiral of our sinking the submarine and capturing the captain. He shook my hand and said, " Keep the prisoners on board until you return home, we are departing in an hour you can follow on with your mini convoy when you are ready. Can you handle that?"

I saluted him and said I could handle the assignment, he nodded and said, " Well commander you had better get back aboard or you will have to sail with us."

I saluted again and hurried ashore almost running to my ship in excitement, I hurried aboard saluted the quarter deck then returned the officer of the day's salute and went below to my cabin. I opened the door to find young Rawlings stretched out on my bunk wanking his fine tool; I stopped dead in my tracks as he sat up in a flurry caught in the act. He blushed bright red and stammered, " Ah, ah sorry sir I thought you'd be away longer."

I stood there entranced by his lithe young body, his unblemished skin and his almost hairless appearance, he was well endowed to say the least at least 7 inches of virile penis thrusting from his small neat bush standing tall above a swollen pouch containing two large ping pong sized balls. He saw my reaction and noticed my swelling man hood as he licked his sensuous lips, my thoughts turned to picturing that sexy mouth wrapped around my cock. He lay there languidly as he studied my clothed body, I moved as if in a dream towards my bunk, he didn't move a muscle only his eyes moved as he watched me approach him.

He lay back exposing his perfect youthful body as I stood between his wide spread thighs, his hands moving continuously, one caressing his pectorals and pinching his aroused nipples the other squeezing his genitals wrapped around the base of his tool and ball bag. The squeezing hand made his cock stand taller and firmer as his balls stretched the fine luminescent skin of his scrotum, my mouth watered as I longed to taste this wondrous display of virility. He lay back, eyes half shut in erotic pleasure as his moist tongue moved sensuously back and forth across his pink lips. I was shaking with excitement watching this young man playing with himself deliberately, tempting me to join him in his sexual bliss. The slight sensuous smile curling the corners of his mouth made me feel incredibly like pressing my lips to his and my lips trembled, I slowly, as if in a trance, bent to his face I could feel his warm sweet breath wafting across my face as I inhaled deeply.

My senses reeled and I almost staggered and fell on top of him, my hand went out to steady myself and I grasped his slim muscular thigh. Rawlings tensed slightly at my touch then relaxed and sighed deeply as the hand that had gripped his swollen turgid manhood slid onto my grasping hand, his touch was electric sending highly charged tremors through my already highly strung body. My penis leapt erect and filled the front of my uniform trousers as I reveled at his contact, he ran his hand up my arm brushing up the serge material of my uniform jacket till he reached my shoulder.

He gently grasped the back of my neck and exerted slight pressure on me pulling me gently down; I bent completely under his spell till our lips touched softly. His mobile tongue ran across my slightly parted lips seeking entry to my mouth, I gasped in excitement his tongue eagerly entered my salivating mouth swirling about tasting every part of my orifice. Then began to stroke about mine till they were dancing together, I was lost to the world, the sounds of the ship and the wharf alongside faded to nothing as my mind concentrated on the erotic stimulation I was experiencing. Our breathing sounded loudly in my ears and the wet sounds emitting from our mouths ruled the cabin as we kissed passionately, his other hand moved from his chest to grasp my swollen member trapped inside the heavy serge trousers.

He stroked me and squeezed my cock constantly and I could feel my underwear becoming damp with my oozing pre cum fluid, I felt him let go my turgid penis to fumble with the fastenings of my trousers, my braces were unbuttoned flipping up to my shoulders under my jacket, he then began to unbutton my strides fumblingly button by button. The feeling of his hand groping about my groin caused my cock to stiffen even more with excitement, he finally freed my trousers and I felt them slide down my legs as he pushed his hand inside the fly opening of my underwear.

His slender fingers groped through my pubic bush as he felt and played with my wiry hair, then he closed around the thick base of my straining tool and slid up the pulsing shaft to locate my slippery knob. He gripped my shaft below the flared head and his thumb wiped across my oozing slit, I groaned heavily as my cock leaped to his touch, I felt close oh so close to firing off my semen. I was beginning to gasp heavily, he knew he had me almost there and he grinned into my face saying, " Oh captain, I guess I'm in command here eh?"

I nodded frantically trying not to climax at his words, my whole body wracked with trembling erotic charges ass he gently squeezed me, his other hand wrapped around my balls pulling them down from their position, snuggled up close to my cock, I grunted as he forced them down then wrapped his hand around my scrotum pushing my swollen nuts down into the bottom of my extended bag. He pulled on my swollen aching agates dragging me up so he could lick the stretched shiny skin holding my balls; his wet tongue laved my sensitive balls causing me to moan loudly. He then sucked them into his open mouth, the warm wet orifice and tickling tongue nearly caused me to explode, only the stranglehold he had on my balls stopped me climaxing.

He toyed orally with my agates for some time as I trembled and moaned frantically, my cock raging hard pressed hear against my stomach desperate to pump out my elixir but he wouldn't allow me to orgasm. Finally he let one ball at a time slip from his obviously experienced mouth, the last popping out with an obscene slurping sound, I heard him gasp for air and then he pulled my balls upwards and I felt his wet tongue slide onto my hairy perineum as he began to lick me wetly. I bucked and nearly fainted as his warm wet tongue slowly licked its way towards my tight ring, the first contact of his slippery appendage to my anus sent me wild as I threshed around frantically groaning and swearing like a lunatic.

He gurgled happily as he ate my ring, my anus began to slacken as he licked and slurped on it, he soon was inserting the fantastic tip of his tongue inside my virginal hole, my head was thrown back as I writhed about wildly, completely out of control, my usually staid calm personality was lost, submerged like the sunken submarine, as he tortured me sexually. I was completely under his control he could do as he pleased with me, and my raging writhing body, I had lost my speech only garbled foul language emitted from my mouth as I raved dementedly. Even though the cabin was almost at freezing temperature I was perspiring as if in the tropics, our sweaty bodies slipped about on one another adding to the sensuous eroticism of the moment.

Rawlings slid out from beneath me and pushed me down onto the bunk on my belly, my rock hard tool pressed to the coarse blankets leaking fluid onto my bedding, he pushed my legs apart opening my behind to his ministrations. He again licked the length of my spread crack, and then tongued my hole again teasing my palpitating muscle with his wet tip, he worked me up again till I was panting and lifting my arse up off the bunk. His tongue deserted my hole so he could push a finger deeply into my rectum, I squeaked in pain at the rough invasion but as he worked it about touching wondrous parts of my internal anatomy I began to enjoy his manipulations. A second finger sneaked inside my hot arse hole joining its compatriot and the two began to do their dance in my colon, the stretching spreading effect opening my muscle wider as it relaxed, soon he had three digits embedded up my hot hole. Rawlings was digging them into me frantically as he murmured, " Oh so hot, so tight, so deliciously fuckable, your arse is mine sir, I'm going to enjoy your hidden treasures as I fuck you hard."

I lay there quivering in another world way out in orbit as he pulled his spread fingers from my stretched pliable ring, he wriggled up closed to my bum and I felt the spongy blunt knob of his cock push into my slightly parted arse lips. I immediately tensed up so he slapped my arse cheeks hard saying, " Don't tighten up let me into your sweet guts."

I grunted in pain and opened momentarily enough for him to seize the opportunity and ram his tool deeply into virgin territory, I was shocked at the pain of his plunging pole as he filled and stretched my poor tunnel. I whimpered and groaned as he pushed hard up my guts till I felt his pubes tickling my arse, I knew he was there and it wouldn't get any worse. How wrong I was as he pulled back it felt as if he was dragging my guts out with his fat fuck pole, he paused at my gateway then rammed back rearranging my intestines in a brutal invasion. I cried out, " Please, please be gentle not so hard it's my first time you animal."

Rawlings laughed but slowed his pace to a level I felt comfortable with and I began to enjoy the feelings his cock was generating deep inside my body. He humped my bum at a gentle pace until he felt me loosen up more I said, " Ok I can take more now go harder."

He fucked me harder, faster and soon was driving my body up the bunk till my head reached the wooden paneling covering the ships side, I pushed my hands against the paneling to stop bashing my brains out and Rawlings fucked me harder. I felt him stretch me more as he rammed up my battered bum and spewed his semen in red-hot floods into my sore aching rectum. He fell on top of me sweating and panting as my cock erupted under my stomach flooding my juices onto the rough blanket.

We lay there completely satiated and exhausted until the chill temperature began to seep into our now clammy bodies, we rolled apart and Rawlings said, " Thank you captain that was unbelievably great, I've been bottling my load up since we left England, I thought I was going to burst if I didn't climax soon. I hope you enjoyed our little tryst?"

I lay there looking into his eyes and said, " Oh yes Rawlings that was my first homosexual experience in a long time, I'm glad it was with you as you seem to know what you are doing in the cot."

He grinned at me and said, " Yes captain, I've been having male sex since I was 10 years old my brothers all had me in their beds every night they were good teachers I can tell you. When they grew up and left home I found sex in the public toilets around my home, I was always popular with the men there. "

I looked at him in amazement saying, " You really were first fucked at 10? Didn't it hurt you at that age?"

He nodded and said, " Yes it did the first few times but my brothers loved it when I cried out in pain when they hurt me."

I kissed him and said, " I'm sorry to hear that Rawlings they shouldn't have hurt you at that tender age."

He laughed and said, " No it was fine even though it hurt like the dickens I really loved their fat cocks pushing into my little boy hole."

He began to dress himself as the cold caused goose bumps to appear on his smooth flesh, I dragged up my underwear and my trousers as the chill ate into my bones. He looked at me then said, " You know the young German boy we saved? Do you think we could get him in here somehow? I'd love to get him naked so we can have fun with him, I'm sure he is a virgin the way he got excited when I dried him off."

I thought for a minute and replied, " Yes of course I will bring him up here for questioning, then you can do your work on him, if he complains no one will believe him because he is a Nazi prisoner. I'll order him brought here tomorrow before we sail Ok?"

Rawlings smiled gratefully and said, " Would you like to fuck his tight arse sir? I'd love to see you do him and I could suck his cock while you fuck his arse."

He turned to leave the cabin when the mood was shattered by the wailing of air raid sirens, I hurriedly donned my duffle coat and helmet and ran for the bridge, on arrival I could hear the anti aircraft guns firing around the snow covered town, the low clouds gray and threatening loomed overhead as the guns nearby began to fire. Our crew already at action stations manned the guns and searched the sky for the raiders, out of the gloom a flight of Heinkel 111 bombers appeared heading for the docks trying to destroy the supplies unloaded there from the convoy. The air pock marked with the red and black flowers of destruction, as the shells burst amongst the speeding planes, they roared across the wharf area and unloaded their cargo of death and destruction, the black bombs wobbled as they exited the open bellies of the planes then steadied as their fins gripped the air and whistled down amongst the warehouses, transport and shipping. Two German planes erupted into flames and falling debris as shells exploded around them, the rest fled back into the leaden clouds and vanished from sight, another trailed smoke from one engine as it climbed into the cloud base.

The wharf area erupted into smoke and flames as the bombs detonated in the crowded area, one landed in a warehouse full of ammunition and a massive explosion erupted spewing rubble into the air. The shock wave caused our ship to list over and all the bridge crew were thrown off their feet to roll into the corner on the deck, the thick glass windows of the windbreak shattered and a hail of glass shards flew through the air, luckily we were on the deck or some of the crew would surely have been injured or killed as it was two men received knife like shards embedded in their limbs.

The ship rolled upright again and we staggered to our feet completely deafened by the explosion and we staggered about dazed. I saw the wounded lookout and signalman and ordered stretchers to the bridge to get them below to sick bay for attention to their wounds. This meant that the prisoners would have to be taken from the sick bay and locked in the brig, where they couldn't escape and would only need one guard on duty, I ordered the transfer immediately and then examined the damage to my ship.

Apart from the smashed windbreak the funnel had been peppered with shrapnel and had the appearance of a colander, several crewmen above deck had been injured by flying debris and shrapnel and needed attention so it was organized. We had been lucky we were far enough away from the explosion, I looked down towards the area and saw the top hamper of one of the Russian tugboats protruding from the murky river she had sunk at the wharf and the small coaster in front of her had been virtually demolished from the deck upwards. Where the warehouse had been there was a massive smoking crater and three buildings on each side of the crater had been leveled, how many people had been killed was unknown but it would run into hundreds. The force of the explosion had thrown a 3-ton lorry up on top of the warehouse next to our mooring; the driver was hanging from the smashed windscreen killed instantly.

The sluggish river flowed slowly past littered with bodies and wreckage as it swept the remains out to sea, those few bombers had done incredible damage in such a short time, they would get iron crosses for sure on their return to base. The Russian dock workers were staggering around and gradually things returned to normal and life went on as they cleaned up the mess and continued to unload the poor old Cargyle, she looked even more battered now after the bombing, shrapnel had ripped through her above decks and her tall funnel was bent in half by the explosion. Her captain staggered out onto the bridge wing and stood there cap in hand as he scratched his untidy gray hair, his pipe gripped between his teeth as he puffed on it like a steam train.

I waved to him and he waved back then ordered some men up to inspect the damaged funnel. I looked at my bridge and thought what an unpleasant trip home we would have with no windbreak; the bridge would be open to the full force of the wind, spray, ice and snow. We would have no hope of getting it repaired in Murmansk and it would be a long cold trip back to home base where it would be replaced. I called up the engineering officer and he stomped onto the bridge in his immaculate white overalls, he looked askance at the damage ashore and said in his broad Scottish accent, " Och captain, what a mess what happened?"

I briefly told him what had occurred and asked him if he could jury rig some protection to the windbreak. He checked the damage and said, " I can board the area up for ye, and there are some small glass sheets in the sick bay which we can let into the wood so you can see ahead. It might last the trip home if we have calm weather but if we get any big seas on board they will demolish it most likely."

I said, " Great chief can you get right on it now, we will be sailing in the morning."

He dashed off to organize the repairs, some of the engine room crew were up checking our funnel to ensure it was ok and they gave it a clean bill of health and went below again out of the freezing cold.

My mind now returned to what Rawlings had suggested and I made up my mind to bring the young German to my cabin after evening mess call was over. I called Rawlings over and told him to organize it and he nodded enthusiastically then saluted me and went below to pass on my orders to the Master at Arms.

The engineer arrived with a crew of men and began to build the wooden windbreak so I left them to it and went below to my cabin, I needed to rest as it might be a long time once we sailed before I would get a decent sleep. I walked to my cabin opened the door and stepped in throwing my duffle coat and helmet onto the chair, kicking off my sea boots and dropping onto my bunk exhausted. My ears were still ringing a little from the blast and it was good to lie back and close my eyes, I must have dropped off because the next thing I knew Rawlings was shaking me awake saying, " Your meal is here captain you had better get it while it's still hot."

I staggered up and moved to my desk, Rawlings had hung my coat and hat up before placing my meal there, I sat down rubbing my tired bristly face and took a big swig of my hot thick tea, it warmed me as it ran down my gullet and I began to wake up, I ate the meal hungrily and cleaned up my plate. Then sat back wearily sipping on my cup, I told Rawlings to sit on the other chair and join me in a cuppa, he sat quickly and poured himself one and stretched out his long slim legs and relaxed.

He said, " I'm really looking forward to that young German boy, he will be really fun to have sex with, I'm positive as I said he is a virgin. It is really good to initiate a young virgin guy into having full sex, their arse, like yours, is so tight and sexy and once they get into it they go ape droppings about being fucked."

I nodded and said, " Do you really reckon he is a virgin? I hope you are correct he is a very beautiful boy, so fair skinned and that blonde hair and blue eyes is enough to make you love him. He is the model for Hitler's perfect Aryan male. "

Rawlings licked his lips and smiled, his eyes gleaming with lust, saying, " Yes he certainly is a great specimen of young German manhood and did you notice how well he was hung, he has a perfect cock at least 8 inches long, uncut and twice as thick as mine. He will be one heck of a mouthful. Not to say a fantastic fucker, once you have had his arse I want him in mine."

I chuckled and said, " You are a lecherous young man, and I think you are insatiable sexually."

He grinned as he sipped his tea then looked at his watch saying, " Oh he will be here soon I'd better get this crockery cleared away."

I nodded and said, " Yes we'd better look official when they bring him in or it will look a bit suspect."

Rawlings cleared away the tray and returned it to the galley, I tidied up my uniform and sat at my desk looking official, there was a knock on the door and I barked, " Come."

The door opened and in marched two armed guards with the frightened young German between them, they stamped to a stop and saluted me I nodded back and said, " Thank you men leave him with me I'll let you know when I want him to return to the brig."

They saluted again and about turned marching smartly out and closing the door behind them. The tall youth stood there at attention shaking in his boots as I ignored him reading a file on my desk, he would be sweating worrying what I was going to do to him. My pistol was in plain view on my desk next to my right hand and he must have been almost crapping his trousers in fright. I finally raised my eyes slowly scanning him from his boots upwards, my gaze crawled up his body lasciviously, I reached his crotch and even in his baggy overalls I could see the bulge of his genitals.

He knew I was staring at his groin, as I was very openly ogling him, I saw the bulge move as he trembled, he shuffled his feet slightly and stood taller. I continued my inspection of him and my eyes crawled slowly up his torso till I reached his ravishingly handsome face, our eyes locked and he knew what I wanted as he dropped his eyes down. The door opened and Rawlings entered walking up behind him and standing very close to him breathing on his neck, I saw the boy shiver as he felt Rawlings warm breath and his penis twitched again. Rawlings stepped around in front of him and leant against my desk, ensuring his fat penis was bulging out the front of his trousers, the boy's eyes flicked down and back up to stare straight ahead again.

Rawlings hand gently reached out and felt his crotch, the boy started and his eyes flicked to mine looking pleadingly at me, I just sat there stony faced and the boy blushed bright red in shame. Rawlings massaged his penis and the boy soon was hard as steel his body shivering excitedly as his breathing pace increased, he was becoming very aroused and it was obvious he was new to being handled by someone else's hand. Rawlings stood up and began to undo the buttons of the boy's boiler suit, sliding it off the lad's shoulders and the clothing fell to the floor puddling around his boots.

He stood there in a white singlet and black baggy underwear his erection pointing straight out from his slim body, Rawlings grasped the huge pole and began to stroke it through his underwear as the boy began to pant faster. It took no time at all till he orgasmed hard his body bending over as he pumped copious amounts of sperm into his under shorts, I could see the material turn darker then the milky white semen leaked through the cloth. Rawlings bent down and engulfed the head of the boy's penis sucking the sweet juices as the lad swooned in ecstasy, Rawlings held him up by the hips as the boy staggered. My penis was rigid under my desk as I witnessed the lad's orgasm, his lithe young body was quivering as his muscles recoiled while his balls emptied.

Rawlings finished sucking him dry then he turned and looked at me eyebrows raised as he opened his mouth showing me the rich milky cream held in his mouth, I nodded and he bent across to me and we kissed sharing the German seaman's semen with relish. The boy stood there still quaking from his mighty climax as he watched us kissing, his brain reeling to see a sailor kiss his captain, the German Navy was much less likely to see that occur at least officially.

Rawlings straightened up and returned to the lad pulling his undershirt off baring his glabrous torso, the beautiful well muscled body with the large soft nipples a cute outy navel above the wet under shorts, The shorts soon joined his other clothing on the deck and we both admired the strong muscled legs leading up to the massive flaccid penis with it's crown of golden curling pubic hair. My eyes lit up as I took in the beauty of this young Aryan god, I wanted him desperately and he knew it from my expression.

Rawlings grasped him and turned him around then pushed his head down till he was bent over showing his tight strongly muscled arse, I couldn't see into the cleavage as he was clenched tightly. Rawlings moved behind him standing to one side and pried his thick cheeks apart opening him to our view, my heart stopped when I saw the pale pink puckered muscle, not a hair in sight just gorgeous pinkish white flesh. He looked so pure and clean I wanted to lick him and taste his hole, Rawlings grinned at me and said, " Is this not perfection I've never seen a finer freckle than this boy's anus, it is absolutely beautiful, I am regretting you having him first, I wish it was me doing him."

The boy was shivering hard with fear, then he spoke, " Please Herr Kapitan, I'm not a boy for the fucking, I'm a good religious Lutheran boy."

Rawlings clasped a hand over his mouth as he picked up the discarded singlet and then stuffed it into the boy's mouth to silence him, the muffled mumbling quietened as he led the boy to my bunk pushing him down on his back then climbing up beside him and pulling his legs up beside his cropped blonde head. The boy's arse opened up fully, his beautiful anus stretched as I buried my face into his wide open cleft, my tongue laved his hole as he groaned and moaned, his hot hole began to twitch as my tongue delved deep inside his hot rectum tasting his musky insides as I went ballistic licking and eating his hole.

His body reacted to my actions and he was soon enjoying the attention to his rectum, as Rawlings removed the gag from his sensuous lips, he pushed his erection into the boy's orifice and the young Nazi was soon gobbling on the fat tool. I moved in and lined my cock up with his wet winking hole and I thrust my helmet into him quickly so the pain would ease quickly, I stayed there and felt his ring squeezing on my shaft, the palpitations sending surging feelings through my groin. I edged deeper into the incredibly hot velvety chute as the boy moaned around Rawlings penis, I soon was fully embedded completely inside his furnace of pleasure.

He began to push back on my penis so I started to fuck him harder; soon I was pounding him as he grunted with every thrust his mouth working frantically on Rawlings sausage as he sucked him hard. We both began to thrust harder and faster from both ends, the lad looked like a pig on a spit as we skewered him mercilessly. His compressed body caused his fat long pole to be squashed up onto his ridged abs as we fucked him, the reaction as we pounded him driving his cock up and down his stomach and chest till the friction caused him to explode like a depth charge his emission pumping out in a flood of pearly cream. The tightening of his body grasped my penis squeezing me tightly increasing the pleasure as I too climaxed, Rawlings joined the fun and drowned the lad's mouth and throat with his seed. We climaxed and shook trembling and pulsating until our nerves calmed and we pulled apart collapsing together on my bunk.

The German lad was exhausted as he lay there limply his body glistening with his load, I bent across and began to lap up the sweet juice as he giggled tiredly from my tickling tongue, Rawlings got up and began to clean out the lad's gaping anus sucking out the tasty cocktail of cum and arse juice. The boy lay there quivering exhausted but seemingly happy with our attentions. I finished licking him clean then kissed him letting him taste his own cum, I whispered in his ear, " Did you enjoy your first fuck? I know I certainly did your arse is so beautiful I could stay in there all day. What is your name lad?"

He smiled dreamily and nodded, " Jah mein Kapitan it vas very enjoyable, maybe ve can do it some more later. Please don't tell my officer about this, he might kill me for being vith you, the enemy. My name is Ludvig."

I told him there was no way his officer would find out unless he told him, and then I asked if it was the captain of the U boat. He nodded his handsome head and told me it was indeed the Kapitan of the U63.

We all three enjoyed a further romp and this time Rawlings fucked Ludwig while I was stretched to the maximum by his huge Austrian sausage, I felt as though he would split my ring in two as he rammed the massive tool deep into my yielding guts and when he climaxed my arse overflowed his fine sauce squirting from my stretched ring as he pounded me when he climaxed. I thought Rawlings was an incredible fucker after his broaching of my virginal stern but he didn't hold a candle to this ideal specimen of a Hitler youth. When he finished rooting my bum I couldn't sit for some time even after Rawlings sucked my chute clean and licked me. I had to have a shower before I felt normal, my ring was stretched aching and very swollen, but the warm water soothed the ache to the degree I could sit and walk almost normally.

Ludwig was taken back to the brig after Rawlings and he had a shower together and the young kraut rooted Rawlings arse, he was insatiable now he had been shown what sex was all about. He couldn't get enough and I wondered if he could control himself in the close confines of the brig with his commanding officer, I hoped the guards were on their toes.

The darkness fell and the snow fell heavier blanketing the ship and the wharves, the sounds of the port muffled by the thickly falling flakes, I checked the ship had a look at the wooden windbreak and peered through the small glass windows the chief had fixed into holes he had cut in the heavy plywood. It looked serviceable although visibility was greatly reduced and I prayed that we had calm weather for the long return trip to the Old Blighty. I checked the watch were awake and on their toes then retired below to my cabin hopefully to get a good night's sleep, we had to get underway at just after dawn in the morning. Rawlings came in with a hot toddy, as I was getting ready for the cot, he grinned and said, " You want company to keep you warm captain? I'd be glad to be your hot water bottle."

I grinned at him and said, " Ok but we are only going to sleep Rawlings, I've got a long sleepless voyage starting in the morning."

He nodded and said, " Yes captain, I'm pretty well tired out after Ludwig this afternoon. I'd be glad to just sleep with you."

We climbed under the blankets still in our underwear and zoned out, sleeping like logs and I didn't stir until the voice pipe whistled over my bunk, the officer of the watch, the gunnery officer, following the orders I'd left to wake me one hour before dawn. I asked him what the weather was like and he said, " Abysmal sir, we can only see about 50 yards the snow is very thick. There is no wind but the temperature is at freezing point."

I thanked him and said, " I'll be up directly get the crew busy readying us to sail, have them steam the decks and rigging to melt the ice off. I want to see the trawler captains on board when I come up thanks guns."

I woke Rawlings and said, " Get up lazy bones and organize me a cup of kai quick I'm going on deck now."

He climbed out of the bunk and disappeared into his little cabin off mine where he had a small stove and began to brew up. I hurriedly donned my damp duffle coat put my scarf around my throat, my thick gloves on and my cap on my head, I hurried onto the bridge and found both the trawler skippers waiting there, they were members of the wavy navy, the naval reserve, and had both been captains of the trawlers before the war. They were older men with great experience at sea and I respected them immensely, even though they were senior in years at sea I was their superior officer being regular navy.

They both saluted me in their casual fashion and I returned their respect with polish, they grinned at me and I smiled back, I asked them what they thought the weather would do over the next few days and they said, " Well commander we reckon she will stay like this for at least the next three or four days then she might blow up a bit, but only time will tell."

I thanked them and asked if they were fully coaled and had received their stores for the trip home, they told me they were and would be ready when the time came. I said ok captains you'd better return on board and get steam up we will be leaving shortly, they saluted again and I returned their salute. They swung about and climbed down the bridge ladder to return to their ships I heard the bosun's pipe shrill as they walked down the gangplank.

I ordered the mooring lines singled up and the engine room voice pipe whistled it was the chief engineer reporting the boilers were on line ready to go. The time ticked away and I ordered the lines caste off as I sounded three short blasts on the siren indicating we were going astern to pull away from the dock. I heard the trawlers lighter sirens sound out then the throaty gargle of the Cargyle spluttering telling everyone of her movements. The deck began to tremble as the engines powered up and the wharf seemed to move away from us as we backed into the river, I ordered 1/4 speed ahead and our astern movement slowed then as the propellers thrashed the turbid water we slowly moved ahead giving one long blast on the siren. The land soon vanished in the thick snow as we slowly steamed down the channel sounding the siren every two minutes warning of our position in the swirling whiteness.

We steamed out of the river and turned to port heading along the north coast of Russia, and prayed the conditions, unpleasant though they were would keep up. It was preferable to clear weather with the added risk of both U boats and the Luftwaffe paying us their attention, as long as it snowed like this we were relatively safe although cold and miserable. When the snow stopped we ran into thick fog, the ships closed up to keep station on one another.

The little convoy remained unmolested until we were off Norway, when the fog cleared, the bombers appeared as the weather cleared, they raided us every day sometimes twice a day but as they were bombing from high altitudes they were not very accurate as we weaved about below them firing our guns vainly at the high flying planes. A number of near misses shook us up and the poor old Cargyle was drenched on many occasions as bombs burst alongside but miraculously she survived.

We were soon out of range of the Norwegian airfields and relative peace descended on our tiny convoy; I left the first mate on the bridge after many sleepless nights and went below for some rest telling him to call me if anything occurred. Rawlings came below with me and helped me strip off the soiled clothes I had been wearing for so many days, they reeked of cordite from the guns and sweat from my body. He helped me to the shower and bathed me like a baby till I was scrubbed pink and clean then he dried me off and put me to bed. He then went to the brig and organized that Ludwig was brought up to my cabin where he sent the guards back and brought him to my bunk and the lad stripped off then climbed in front of me and Rawlings climbed in behind me. They spooned up to my body and we slept together for four hours until the change of watch when the bridge pipe woke me from my dreams.

I grunted into it and the first mate told me all was well and if I wanted I could stay below a little longer and rest. I hugged Ludwig to me as my erection nestled into his deep arse crack, he wriggled against me then raised his leg to open his hole a little I pushed into him as he moaned happily. Rawlings was entering my back door as I pushed into the hot hole presented to my penis, we were soon all joined together and enjoying each other's horny bodies. We got the rhythm right and rocked back and forth rutting together joyously, our sighs and moans blending in the song of sex, our climaxes united as we all came together. This would be Ludwig's last chance to enjoy our sex and he was crying as he realized we were soon to be parted and he would be sent to a prisoner of war camp. He was terrified at what might be done to him there but we could do nothing to help him, once we docked in England he and his captain would be whisked away for interrogation then incarceration till the war ended. I gave him my address to memorize so that when he was freed we could hook up again after the war.

We steamed on until we saw the white cliffs of Dover rear above the horizon, and a flight of Spitfires flew over head waggling their wings to our bedraggled little convoy. We finally docked in the Thames and the military police relieved us of our two prisoners, I shook Ludwig's hand and wished him well, there were tears in his blue eyes as he was manacled and marched away to the prison van, the U boat captain arrogant as ever spat at my feet as he passed and I wanted to kick his arse off the gangplank.

We shifted to a repair yard while the windbreak was repaired and the various shrapnel holes were fixed then after a week's leave we were off back to the Russian convoys again.

The war finally came to an end and I was discharged along with many hundreds of thousands of servicemen and returned to civilian life. I returned to my law firm and wondered what happened to the handsome young German after the war; Rawlings was still with me I had got him a job as a law clerk with the firm. We lived together in my old family home; my parents were killed in France early in the war before Dunkirk. Our love affair still flourished and we were still very happy together, then one day we got home and I was checking the mail when I saw an airmail letter with German postmarks. I called out to Rawlings and he came running as I tore the envelope open it was a letter from Ludwig, he had finally returned home and was fine he still remembered our sex together and was coming to England this summer and would love to meet up with us.

I wrote back telling him he was welcome to come and stay with us and if he could tell us the date of his trip we would organize leave so we could spend time together. Rawlings added a few lines and wouldn't let me read them as he sealed the envelope and hurried to the post office to send it on its way.

Ludwig finally arrived and he had grown into a magnificent specimen of a man, he was 6 foot 2 inches tall and built like a brick shit house, his penis was even larger than we remembered and he'd learnt to use it incredibly well. He was now almost 10 inches and 5 inches around, believe me when I say, when he fucked you, you knew you had been fucked. He stayed with us for a month and we could hardly walk when he finally returned to his homeland, he invited us to come across and stay with him next summer. We are already planning the trip and looking forward eagerly to getting together with him again.

The End.

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