The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 15, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 9

This is a work of fiction. The names are in no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I would like to give a special thanks to my friend Bill H. for his hard work in editing this chapter.

From Chapter 8 .....

David and Kevin drive home, happy that they are finally back together and David has his family. He gets back to Troy's house and he calls his dad.

"Dad is Sean there?" he says to Ryan.

"David what is it son?" Sean asks getting on the phone.

"I am so sorry for hurting you," he says. "I knew after I hung up, that I had hurt you when I called you."

"Yes son you did, but that's part of being a dad," he says with pride. "I never needed to forgive you, you did nothing to be forgiven for."

"I love you so much and I am so proud to be your son," he tells him. "Kevin and I are together again. I took him to my grandmother's and I told her all about me and how I grew up and about dad and you. All she said was that she already knew dad."

"I take it then that you have reconciled yourself to who you are son," Sean asks.

"Yeah dad, I know who and what I am, and have no plans for changing."

"Son, want some good news?" Sean asks. "Ryan and I are coming out there to shop around for a place to buy."

"Really dad? You aren't kidding me, are you?" David asks.

"No son we really are, we are flying in on flight 2698 tomorrow, arriving at nine-thirty. Wait, your dad wants to say hello."

"David, isn't that great news son?" Ryan says all excited. "Did you work out your problems son?"

"Yeah dad I did. Grandmother is just great and guess what? I have a natural sister," he tells him.

"A sister?" Ryan says, "When did this come about?"

"She happened like me, except her mom is still alive, and was born one month before me," he tells Ryan. "So dad, you probably did Texas a favor," he says to Ryan.

"David please, I still am haunted by that, but I am happy that you have someone that is family."

"You and dad will always be my family dad, don't you ever forget that. I love you more than any flesh and blood relative."

"That makes me so happy son," he says. "Well we have to finish packing, so we will see you tomorrow babe. Oh it is American Airlines son, dad forgot to tell you the airline."

"I love you dad, see you tomorrow."

David told Kevin about his dads coming out and how they were going to look for a place to buy. The next day they were up early, and headed to the airport. They parked the car and went inside.

"Their flight is coming in on gate 17." They waited patiently for the flight to arrive and then they heard the announcement.

"Will those people waiting for passengers on flight 2698 arriving at nine-thirty, please come to passenger services located on the main concourse," the female voice announced.

"That's us," David says, "I wonder what is going on? Maybe they're running late." They made their way to the passenger service room and were ushered in. They were asked to take a seat and that someone would be speaking with them shortly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention. At approximately eight this morning, flight 2698, originating in Boston and arriving here at nine-thirty, went down in the mountains over Tennessee. As far as we have word, there are no survivors," the attendant said. "We will provide you with more information once it becomes available. I am sorry for your loss, and American Airlines extends its deepest sympathy."

"My God, Kevin my dads," David said in shock. "No not my dads, not now," he says and he bursts into tears. Kevin takes him in his arms and comforts him, but it is to no avail. His heart is breaking and he refuses to be consoled. He cries out in pain as the room fills with the sounds of crying.

"Why Kevin, why my dads?" he cries. Kevin just holds him as he cries; he doesn't care who may see his tears.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, it has been confirmed, flight 2698 has crashed and there are no survivors," the attendant says. "The National Guard is on the scene, bodies that are recovered will be identified, and families will be notified. Again we are sorry for your pain and loss."

"Come love," Kevin says, "lets go home." He takes David home, and Kevin calls the family doctor. He comes over and gives David a sedative to help him sleep.

"My God, Sean and Ryan gone," Tyler says. "That poor boy has suffered so much loss."

"Dad I need to call his grandmother, she is expecting us for dinner tonight," Kevin tells Tyler. "Can you keep an eye on him for a moment please.

"Sure son," Tyler says as Kevin goes out to the other room to call.

"Hello, the Carter residence," the maid says.

"May I please speak to Mrs. Carter," Kevin asks.

A moment later, "hello, this is Mrs. Carter, who is speaking?"

"Mrs. Carter, this is Kevin," he says.

"Yes Kevin, what's the matter, I was expecting you this evening."

"Well we won't be coming ma'am. David's dads were killed in a plane crash this morning," he tells her.

"Oh my God, not the one on the news," she asks.

"Yes ma'am, it went down around eight in Tennessee. The doctor has given him a sedative and he is resting now," he tells her.

"How can I help sugar?" she asks.

"I really don't know, this is the first time we have encountered such a tragedy," he says. "I will tell him that you have offered to help."

"Please do and keep me posted on his welfare."

"I will ma'am, goodbye." The men sat and talked for hours while David slept. He awoke and came downstairs and he looked like zombie.

"I need to go to Tennessee," he says to Kevin.

"They won't let you near the place love; they will notify us when the bodies have been identified."

"I can't just sit and wait for someone to call me," David agonizes. "I will go crazy with this pain if I don't do something."

"You should call home and tell the staff," Kevin says.

"They'll have already have heard," he says. "I cannot believe that Sean got dad on a plane, he is so afraid of them."

"Come and let me make you something to eat," Kevin says.

"Eat! I can't eat anything at the moment."

"David come and sit with me," Tyler says. "I want to hold you son and tell you how much your dads loved you."

He goes and sits with Tyler, and he puts his arms around David.

"You know son, they loved you so much," he says stroking his hair with his fingers. "Ryan fell in love with you the first time he held you. Did you know that he said you fell asleep in the crook of his neck the first time he held you, and he refused to put you down for the longest time?"

"No I didn't know that," David says as the phone rings.

"I'll get it," Troy says getting up.

"He also had to be instructed on how to burp you," he says. "Troy what is it?" Tyler says looking at Troy who is as white as a ghost.

"Its for you David."

"Who is it," David says. "I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now."

"You will want to talk to this person son," Troy says.

"Hello," David says.

"Hello son," says Ryan.

"Dad!" he yells out. "How, why, when?" he says confused.

"Sean heard about the plain crash, and we thought we should call you. We just found out ten minutes ago, son. I know you must have been in a nightmare of a time."

"Dad I am so glad you're alive. Where are you?" he asks.

"We are in Mississippi and should be in tomorrow some time. I had a bad feeling about the flight, so I made Sean cancel and we drove down."

"I love you dad! Hurry and get here," he says.

"They're alive," he shouts has he hangs up. He grabs Kevin and he kisses him hard.

"David call your grandmother, I called her to cancel when I thought your dads were dead."

He calls his grandmother's house and can hardly contain his enthusiasm.

"Hello grandmother, they're alive," he tells her. "They decided to drive down instead. They will be coming in tomorrow some time."

"I'm so happy for you grandson, I want to have a celebration for all of us to meet one another," she says. "How about day after tomorrow?" she says. "Is that a good date for you? If not call and we can set up something else."

"That's good for me grandmother, thank you for your kindness. I love you," he says.

"I love you also grandson, now see you then sugar, goodbye."

The next day they all waited as his dads finally pulled in. When David sees Sean and Ryan get out of the car, he dashes for them and gives them a hug and kiss.

"I thought I would never be able to do this again," he says kissing the two of them. "I love you both so much."

"Well I love you too son," Sean says. "I know it must have been quite traumatic for you."

"Dad I never want to experience that again," he says and hugs him again.

They all went into Troy's place, and what a celebration they had. David never left his dad's side the entire day.

"Dad we are invited tomorrow over to grandmother's for dinner and a get together, to meet my sister and grandfather," he tells them later that evening.

"Oh my son," Ryan says. "I don't know about that, I don't know if I could face them."

"Dad they don't know what you did to their son," he says.

"I know that son, but I do," Ryan says.

"He's right son, that's asking an awful lot from him," Sean says.

"How do I explain to them that you didn't want to come, dad?"

"I don't know but we will have to think of something," he says. "I cannot face his grandmother knowing that I raped and allowed her son to be killed. It would show all over me."

"You are eventually going to have to meet her dad, she is a very persistent lady," David tells him.

"Well let me think about it overnight," he says.

The next day Mrs. Carter calls to verify the get together, and Ryan just happens to answer the phone.

"Mrs. Carter how nice to speak to you," Ryan says starting to sweat.

"Ryan, you have done a marvelous job raising David, you and your Sean," she says. "I must commend you on how refined and educated the boy is. He does resemble my Lawrence, he has so many of his features."

Ryan is sweating profusely now as he talks to her, thankful that she can't see him.

"I look forward to meeting you and Sean this afternoon," she says. "We'll see you about two," she says and hangs up before Ryan can say another word.

"Damn," he says as he hangs up the phone.

"Is everything all right love?" Sean asks coming out to the hall.

"No everything is not all right," Ryan says. "I have no reason now for not going, I will have to go and hope I can keep it together long enough to get through today."

"David and I will be with you love, just lean on me," he tells him.

"I just hope that she doesn't bring Lawrence up as some kind of saint," Ryan says. "If anyone does, well just stand by to take me out of there quickly babe."

That afternoon they gather on the patio, and wait for David's sister to arrive. His grandfather comes out and he has quite a presence, as David's grandmother introduces him around.

"David, this is your grandfather, Andrew Carter," she says.

"A pleasure to meet you sir," David says shaking his hand.

"Well that is to be determined," he says and his wife cuffs him on the side of the head.

"Remember Andy, what I told you about your manners," she says. "These gentlemen, are Sean Donahue and Ryan Strathmore, of the Boston Strathmore's," she says. "They raised David while he grew up."

"A pleasure gentlemen, I would like to talk business with you, sometime," he says as he shakes Ryan's hand and then Sean's.

"This is Kevin Barkley, of the Houston Barkley's, he is David's friend," she says.

"Your grandmother wouldn't be Beatrice Barkley would it," he asks.

"Yes sir, do you know her?"

"Hell man, who doesn't know that woman," he says with a smile on his face. Just then, David's sister walks in and she could pass for his twin.

"David sugar, come and meet your sister," his grandmother says. "Jeanne Marie this is your brother David."

"My brother, you never told me I had a brother," she says giving David a firm hug and kiss. "I'm so glad to meet you David," she says.

"I'm sure glad to meet you also Jeanne, grandmother told me so much about you." She takes David's arm and they walk towards the garden as she leads they start to talk.

"David, did you come about like me?" she asks holding his arm tight. "Who is that nice guy with you?"

"That's my boyfriend Kevin," he says stopping to look at her. "I hope that doesn't bother you, sis," he says.

"Not at all, I have a brother who is gay also," she says.

"Besides me?" he asks.

"Yes David, besides you. His name is Brett. I have three brothers and a sister on my mother's side."

"You are lucky, I always wanted a brother or sister growing up," he says. "Now I have one finally," he says pulling her close.

"Your dads look like very nice men," she says. "It must have been different growing up in a gay home."

"No more so than a home with a mom and a dad," he says. "I had all the same love and affection you would have had. I got the same things growing up you must have."

"How did you explain two dads to your friends?" she asks.

"I never had to. I never brought friends home really, I never wanted to."

They strolled and talked, getting to know one another. She was a teacher and longed for marriage, but had not found the right man yet. He was looking for a place to settle, that he and Kevin could call home.

Back at the house, Ryan and Andrew were talking about their business dealing. Ryan told him about how he had developed a market in the plastic industry, while Andrew spoke of banking.

"We are looking for a house down here," Ryan says to Andrew. "We've grown tired of the cold in New England and decided on a more temperate climate."

"Really, moving down here," he says looking perturbed by the news. Well let me give you my realtor's name; I'm sure he could find you a nice place. Where are you interested in living?" he asks.

"We're not sure, either Houston or Dallas," Ryan says.

"Dallas area is a great area, and of course my bank would be glad to handle all your banking needs," he says. "Would you be transferring your funds from your current bank, to one that is local for you?" he asks.

"Well it would be sensible to have our funds handled by a bank that is near our home," Ryan says. "I'm sure you have such a bank in mind, Andrew," Ryan says looking at him with a smile.

"Well yes I do, the First Bank of Texas," he says rather proudly. "My father started the bank in 1857," he says, "and it survived the great depression also."

"Well when it comes time, I'll certainly call you," he says shaking Andrew's hand.

"Come now gentlemen, enough of this business talk," Marie says. "It's time for dinner, and we do have other guests," she says taking Ryan's arm and leading him into the house.

"You have such a beautiful home," Ryan says, "you must give me a tour some time."

"I will Ryan, after dinner," she says.

They all sat and had a delightful dinner, talking about how much David and Jeanne looked so much like twins.

"Every time I see David I am reminded of my Lawrence," Marie says looking off as if remembering. "He has his facial features and hair, and Jeanne could pass as David's twin."

Ryan feels a twinge in his stomach as his mind flashes back, and he glances at Sean who knows exactly what he is thinking.

"Marie, do you do your own gardening?" Sean asks hoping to change the subject.

"Yes I do Sean, gardening is my passion," she says with a proud smile. "My mother got me into gardening when we lived in London when I was a young girl."

They finish their dinner, and then go into the den.

"Come Ryan and Sean, let me show you my home," Marie says. The three of them go off leaving the others to talk.

"This home dates back to pre-civil war times," Marie tells them. "I have kept it true to the period, except the kitchen and baths. Back then they had outhouses, and well, I do like my conveniences. You have seen the parlor and dining rooms and den. This is Andrew's study," she says.

"My what a stunning portrait," Sean says gesturing to a portrait hanging over the fireplace.

"That was my Lawrence," Marie says and her eyes tear up. "That was done just one week before he went missing," she says putting her hand to her mouth. "I know he was not a good boy, but I do so miss him. See how much David looks like him?" she says." Ryan goes white with guilt and nearly passes out. He sits hard on a chair and Marie rushes to him.

"Are you all right Ryan?" she asks taking his hand.

"It's just one of my migraines," he says closing his eyes. "I'm sorry Marie, but I must get home so he can take his medication and lie down," Sean tells her.

Sean helps Ryan out to the foyer and David comes out.

"Dad what is wrong?" he asks.

"Just one of my migraines; I need to go son," he tells him.

"I'll go with you," he says.

"No you and Kevin stay, I'll be fine. I just need to take my medication and lie down. Stay and enjoy yourself, I'll see you when you get home," Ryan says.

Sean and Ryan leave, and Ryan is still pale.

"My God Sean, I thought I was going to pass out," Ryan says. "That picture of him with those eyes, they were looking right at me."

"It only seemed that way," Sean says. "The artists paint them to follow the people looking at the painting, so it appears to be looking at you no matter where you are in the room."

"Well all I saw was his eyes and they looked like they did that day in the desert. I will never forget those eyes of his."

"I know you saw just the eyes love, but did you notice how much David looks like his father," Sean asks.

"Yes I did. He is almost a carbon copy of him, only a much nicer man."

"That's because of Beth's side of him," Sean says. "Her genes gave him his ability to love."

Later that night when David and Kevin came home, he had that same picture with him. He came into the room where Ryan and Sean were sitting and showed it to them.

"No son, take that away please," Ryan shouts turning from the painting. "Why have you got that painting," he asks.

"My grandfather gave it to me; he said that I should have it as a remembrance of my father. Why dad?" he asks.

"Son can we go upstairs and talk, alone, you and me?" Ryan asks.

They go up to Ryan's room and they sit by the fireplace.

"David, why I hate that picture so much is because it reminds me of what I did to your father. The eyes are a haunting reminder of that day, son." Ryan tells him.

"I never gave that any thought dad; does it still haunt you after all these years?" David asks.

"Yes it does son, and it will until the day I die. What I did was wrong and I was just as bad if not worst than he was," Ryan says with tears in his eyes. "When I look at you son, I am reminded of what I did, it is the love I have for you that makes it possible to overlook the guilt I feel when I see you. But that picture is not something that I can overlook son, it is a constant reminder of a part of me that should never have been let out."

"But dad, it was grief for those you loved that made you do those things," David says. "You would not have done that any other time in your life, and you were not the one that killed him."

"Grief or not, son, I was wrong and took revenge into my hands and judged and allowed another to punish with death another human being."

"I'll destroy that painting dad, then you shall never have to look upon it again."

"No son, please don't destroy it. That was your father, good or bad, he was still the man who gave you life. Just put it away until you have your own home someday to hang it in. Just tell me where it is so I don't have to look at it again, ok son?" Ryan says hugging David. "I love you David and I want your happiness. Knowing that you have a family now, and a blood sister really makes dad and I very happy."

"You will always be my dads, no other person can ever take that place from you," he says wrapping his arms around Ryan and crying on his chest. "I love you so much dad, with all my heart."

Ryan held him and rubbed his back as he cried in his arms.

"Come son, let's go down and join the rest of the family. Tomorrow I'm meeting with a realtor to shop for a house."

"You two are really going to leave Boston?" David says as they walk downstairs.

"It's time, most of my business is in Texas, mother is no longer with us, and Sean can start a practice anywhere," he says. "I can't take the winters up north anymore. Have you decided where you two will settle down?"

"We haven't really talked about it," he says. "Now that his dad and Troy are together, Kevin feels more at ease finding a place for the two of us, but where we haven't decided yet. I now have a sister and grandparents, so I am considering here, and if you two are moving here, then I will also."

They talked awhile then they all went to bed. It had been an exciting day. Ryan had a date with the realtor at nine to look at a place in Dallas. The next morning he was up early to go to Dallas, he was excited to shop for a house.

"I hope that this realtor has some nice places to see," Ryan says all excited. "I wish you were coming with me Sean, I hope I like what he shows me."

"Well he knows what we're looking for, Andrew told him exactly what we wanted in a house," Sean says as he kisses Ryan goodbye.

"Well if I find something, you will just have to trust my judgment," Ryan says and kisses him again.

He gets to the realtor's office and a very handsome man meets him.

"Ryan, I am Justin Howard. Mr. Carter told me to take very good care of you," he says. "He also said that you are interested in a four or five bedroom, house."

"That's right, and we would like at least a private bath for the master bedroom."

"Well I have several that are in your category, and one that is quite something else," he says.

They spent the next five hours driving from house to house, looking at and discussing each one.

"Now Ryan, the piece de resistance," Justin says as they drive up a long oak shaded drive. "This is known as Grey Manor Estate, because General Elliot Grey built this house for his fiance‚ in 1845. It has been in the Grey family until recently. The last of the Greys died last year, and the place is up for sale."

"Tell me about the place some."

"Well as I said it was built in 1845, it has twenty two rooms, and seven separate servant cabins," he says raising his eyebrows.

"You do not mean slave quarters, sir?" Ryan asks. "Because I do detest that term and system."

"Ah no sir, sorry. It has three floors, and has been updated to include inside plumbing. It has five full baths, and two half ones. The first floor features a grand ballroom that can accommodate one hundred and fifty guests.

"My that is impressive," Ryan says.

"And it comes completely furnished with all the furniture that you will see, and the art work," Justin adds.

They pull up in front of the home, under a grand portico. Justin motions Ryan to wait as he runs around to open his door. Ryan gets out and he follows Justin up some steps to a grand double door. Justin unlocks the door and he steps aside, motioning Ryan to step in. He enters a grand foyer, with a circular staircase straight ahead. The floor is Italian marble, and the chandelier is from Austria. Ryan gasps at the beauty as he enters; he turns and smiles at Justin.

"Oh Justin, you greatly understated the grandeur of this place. If the rest of the place is anything like this, you have a sale, young man," he says. Justin leads him around the house and Ryan is speechless, each room is better than the last. They finally have gotten to the end of the tour, when Ryan turns to Justin and asks.

"You have shown me so much Justin, but where is the master bedroom," Ryan asks.

"I have saved the best for last," he says as he throws open a set of French doors. The doors open into a room, which is decorated right out of fifteenth century Europe. From the furniture to the tapestries and drapes, the attention to detail is superb. Justin takes Ryan's arm and leads him to another set of French doors that open onto a private patio. They step outside and the patio overlooks, a beautiful formal garden. Ryan closes his eyes and inhales a deep breath, as he takes in the scent of the roses.

"Justin draw up the contract, consider it sold," he tells him. He closes his eyes again to smell the sweet smell, and then it happens. Justin takes him in his arms and he kisses him, passionately and long. He forces his tongue into Ryan's mouth, as his hands run down to his ass. Ryan breaks away and he slaps his face, as he points his fist at him and says, "How dare you take such liberties with me, Justin?" Ryan yells, "Where did you get the idea you could do such a thing?" Ryan asks.

"Mr. Carter told me that you were accustomed to that kind of treatment and that you would expect it from me," he says all red in the face. "I am so sorry sir, I would have never considered such a thing on my own," he says and starts to cry. "I will be fired now that's for sure," he says losing total control.

"Justin listen to me, are you gay son?" Ryan asks.

"Not really sir, it took me all afternoon to work up the courage just to do what I did," he tells him. "I would never have done that to a man, sir. I do not find this very amusing."

"Neither do I Justin, let's pretend it never happened, ok?" Ryan asks. "I will never tell if you don't."

"I'm sure not saying anything, no way I am getting branded one of those," he says, then realizes he shouldn't have. "I guess I did it again didn't I?"

"Why don't you quit while you're ahead, Justin. For a guy that doesn't do these kinds of things, you are a great kisser, and ass grabber," Ryan says patting him on the ass as he goes inside.

"I suppose you don't want the house now do you?" he asks.

"Well how far would you be willing to go to sell this place, cowboy?" Ryan says playing with his head.

"Ah how far would I have to sir? That's up to you," he says going various shades of red. Ryan undoes his pants and he lets them drop, then he pushes down his underwear.

"How about kneeling down and showing me how much you want this sale, Justin," Ryan says. Justin stares at him for a long moment as if thinking, and then he drops to his knees. He stares at Ryan's cock before him, and then looks up at Ryan and says as he stands.

"Sir, if selling this house means selling my soul, then I guess you lost yourself this house," he says and starts to walk out and Ryan grabs his arm.

"Son you just made a sale. If you had taken my cock into your mouth, I would have walked out and you would have lost a very big sale," Ryan says pulling up his pants. "I don't know what Andrew Carter told you son, but I assure you that he is greatly mistaken."

"I can tell that you are a true gentleman sir, and I thank you for being so frank and open with me," he says. "Mr. Carter told me that you were nothing but a Yankee homosexual sir, and frankly, I beg to differ with him. You have been a perfect southern gentleman in every sense of the word."

"Let's do keep this between us please Justin?" Ryan asks. "I will deal with Mr. Carter myself."

They went back to the office, and Justin drew up an intent to purchase agreement. Ryan gave him his deposit and inquired of him.

"You do realize you have three business days to change your mind sir," Justin tells him.

"What bank does Mr. Carter not own in this city Justin," Ryan asks.

"Well there are seven major banks in this city, and he owns six of them. The Dallas First National Bank is the only one he doesn't own, why?" Justin asks.

"Because that is the bank I am going to do business with," Ryan says. "I told you to leave old man Carter to me."

"I am so glad that you are not mad at me sir," Justin says. "Will you be financing this purchase sir?" he asks.

"By all rights kid, I should be," Ryan says, and Justin hangs his head. "But you son, were a perfect gentleman and great kisser, and so this deal is strictly cash," he says and Justin turns red about the kiss comment. "If you would please let me know when and where for the final signing Justin, I would appreciate it. Now which way to this bank," he asks. He gives Ryan directions and Ryan drives over to the bank. He walks in and finds a guest service attendant and inquires of him, "Excuse me young man, would it be possible to speak to the bank manager please."

"Yes sir, and whom may I say is calling," he asks.

"A Mr. Ryan Strathmore, of Strathmore Industries."

"Oh yes sir, Mr. Strathmore, if you would please have a seat, I will get him immediately sir," the young man says hurrying away. A few moments later, a Mr. Paul Simmons comes up to Ryan and introduces himself.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you sir," he says to Ryan shaking his hand. "If you would come with me to my office, we can talk more freely." Once inside his office the manager offers Ryan a drink and a cigar.

"No thank you sir, I do not smoke, but a brandy would be good," Ryan says. Paul pours each of them a brandy, and they settle down to talk.

"May I ask you sir, why did you choose Dallas First National Bank? This is a rather small bank compared to the others in Dallas."

"Because this is the only one that Andrew Carter does not own," Ryan says with a smirk.

"I see, and you do not wish to do business with his banks?"

"Well let's just say I have my reasons for not doing business and leave it at that, sir. Now what I would like to discuss is a transfer of my funds. I am currently with a bank in Boston and I have purchased a home here in Dallas. I will be moving here permanently in the near future, and wish my funds to be close at hand."

"I see sir, and what did you purchase for a home," he asks. "Will you be financing it with us also, sir?"

"Oh no, I am paying cash for the place, I just bought Grey Manor Estate outside Dallas," he tells him.

"My word sir, and you paid cash for it," he says in shock. "What amount of funds are you looking to transfer to our bank sir?" he asks.

"Well the exact figure I do not have yet, but it will be around 988 million dollars sir," he says and the manager gasps in disbelief.

"Oh....oh my, that is great deal of money sir," he says once he comes to his senses. "Are you sure we are the bank for you?"

"Of course I am, unless you do not wish for me to bank with you," Ryan says starting to get up.

"No sir, that's not what I meant. I am so honored that you have even considered us worthy of your banking needs sir," he says. "I will personally handle your transfer when you are ready. I will need these forms filled out by your current bank and then everything is done behind the scenes."

"Thank you Paul, I'm sure that I will be happy doing business with your bank," he says getting up and shaking his hand.

"Thank you Mr. Strathmore, and welcome to Dallas First National Bank sir."

Ryan drives home and he is so excited, he cannot wait to tell everyone about the house he found. He's just outside of Dallas when he notices a black car following him. He slows down to let the car pass but it slows also, and pulls along side of him. He looks over and he notices it is Andrew Carter, who is motioning him to pull over. He slows to a stop on the side of the road, and Andrew pulls in front of him.

"You think you're a smart little fucker," Andrew says to Ryan. "I horsewhipped that pansy Justin into telling me what happened today."

"You had no right to interfere with my personal business Andrew, especially revealing my personal life," Ryan shouts at him.

"Listen you homo, I don't care if you did raise my grandson, you are probably the reason why he is like he is," he says angrily. "Once I have him away from you and that little homo he thinks he loves, he will see the right way to live life."

"Why you bigoted old man, no wonder people despise you. What makes you think that he will even consider going to stay with you?" Ryan says ready to strike the fool.

"Well as I see it, you are the only obstacle in the way, you and your homo lover. Once you are out of the picture, the others will be taken care of also," he says pulling a gun on Ryan. "Now get in my car homo and drive," he says. Ryan's mind is racing; he thinks 'I need to remain calm' as Andrew pokes him in his ribs with the gun, and marches him toward his car. He has him get in behind the wheel to drive, as Andrew gets in the back seat behind him.

"Now drive boy, I'll tell you where to go," he says. "It's a little place called Lost Canyon Mines," Andrew says.

"How fitting for my life to end, in the same place that took his son's life," Ryan says to himself. "My only regret is that I cannot say goodbye to the ones that I love."

They drive for what seems hours before Andrew tells him to stop.

"Andrew please, can't we be adults about this?" Ryan asks.

"Shut up and get out homo." He gets out and they start to walk towards the mine and twenty plus years come flashing back. They get to the entrance of the mine, and Ryan hears the click of the gun's hammer.

To be continued .

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