The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 14, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 8

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

A special thanks to my good friend Bill H. for his editing work with this story.

From Chapter 7.

"I love you my lover, my man, my life," Kevin says.

"You are my world and my love, to you I give my heart, forever my love, my babe." They just lie there holding each other as if time has stood still for these two lovers. The two weeks pass quickly when you are two hearts in love.

They are soon once again in war reality, searching for enemy soldiers that are hiding in tunnels. They are searching a group of tunnels when out of one a Viet Cong rushes them, plunging his knife deep into Kevin's chest.

"Medic!" David screams. "Medic!" Kevin opens his eyes and looks up at him, staring straight into his eyes.

"It looks like we had a short love life babe," Kevin says and his breath is short and shallow. "I love you babe, and will for all eternity my love."

"No Kevin, hold on babe, please do not leave me," David says with tears in his eyes. "Medic!" he screams again. "Kevin stay with me babe," he says.

"Davy, we both know that I'm dying," he says. "I need you to tell my dad that I love him also, love. Davy, find someone to love again babe," he says and gasps for a breath. "Davy, hold me tight babe and kiss me," he says. David lowers his lips to Kevin's and he kisses him softly as Kevin's life leaves him.

David holds Kevin tight, and he cries hard, his tears falling onto Kevin's face. He feels his heart breaking as he holds the man he loved in his arms. The medic comes, takes Kevin from him, and feels for a pulse.

"Quick I need a stretcher here," the medic yells.

"What do you mean?" David asks.

"He's still alive, but barely," the medic tells David and his heart leaps.

David follows the medic to the helicopter as they put Kevin in. They are securing Kevin when they are attacked by gunfire. They pull David into the helicopter as they take off. A bullet hits his leg and he cries out in pain.

"He's been hit," the medic cries out to the others on the chopper. "Looks like an artery," the medic says as he puts a tourniquet on David's leg. They are flown back to Saigon and rushed into the operating room. Several hours later David wakes up. His leg is bandaged, and he is in pain. A doctor comes over to him to examine his wound.

"Doctor, how is Kevin," David asks.

"He is one seriously hurt man, soldier," the doctor says. "The knife missed his heart, but it punctured his left lung. It also severed several of his blood vessels, causing him to bleed internally."

"Will he make it doc?" David asks.

"I think so, but he will have possible complications later in life," he says. "He may always have a shortness of breath if overexerted."

"Where is he sir?" David asks excitedly.

"Second one on the right," he says and points over to where he is.

"Doc, we grew up together, would it be possible to be next to each other?" David asks.

"I don't see why not, it might help in his recovery," the doctor says." An orderly comes over later and moves David beside Kevin, who is still out cold. When Kevin finally comes to, he turns his head, sees David in the bed beside him, and starts to cry.

"I thought I lost you," David says reaching out his hand towards Kevin. "Please don't cry," he says to him.

"You did there for a moment, loose me," Kevin says. "But something pulled me back. It was our love David," and his eyes are still filled with tears.

"I love you so much Kevin, please don't ever leave me again like that," David says as his own tears roll down his cheeks.

"I felt those tears when you held me out there where I was wounded," Kevin tells him.

"How could you Kevin? I had lost you already," he tells him.

"It was those tears that called me back. They were like a song, singing to me, calling my name to come back to you."

"Kevin I don't know how or why, but I know that I have you again, and I will never let you go."

Kevin and David finally recovered enough to go home with a medical discharge.

"Sean what have you got going today," Ryan says feeling a little depressed. "I don't want to be alone again love. I cannot take not hearing from David, I don't know if he is alive or dead."

"I have several clients that I should meet with," he tells him as the doorbell rings and Danbury answers it.

"Sirs, its for you," Danbury says.

Ryan and Sean both go to the door and standing there in his uniform is David. He drops his bags as he runs to Ryan's open arms and cries. Ryan wraps him tight in his arms and kisses his face, as his own tears flow like rain.

"I love you dad, and I forgive you for everything," David says as he cries on Ryan's shoulder. He lifts his head after a bit and says. "Can you ever forgive me for the way I left you hanging?"

"David my son, I forgave you the minute you walked out that door love. I am so happy that you made it home to us, son," he says as he kisses him again.

"Dad," David says as he turns to Sean, who takes him in his arms. "I love you dad, and forgive me dad, for the pain that I caused you."

"I have son, many times over, my love for you is more than enough to cover anything you do," Sean says as he kisses his son and holds him tight.

"Oh I almost forgot, I want you to meet the person that I am in love with," he says walking to the door.

Ryan and Sean both look at each other then turn towards the door. David goes outside, reaches his hand out, and says to both his dads.

"Dad, this is the person that I have found, that has made my life complete," and he pulls on the hand and Kevin comes into view.

"Oh my God, Kevin," Ryan says. "When did this happen son?"

"We confessed our love to each other one night almost eight months ago in a fox hole. We didn't know if we would make it out alive so I told him how I loved him."

"I told him I had loved him also that same night," Kevin says.

"I am so happy for the two of you," Sean says hugging them both.

After the initial greetings are finished, Kevin asks Ryan,

"Ryan do you know where my dad lives? I went to my house and someone else lives there now."

"He is living with us son," Ryan tells Kevin. "Ever since that fateful day he came back with us. Your dad, Dan, suffered a heart attack and died shortly after you boys left that day. Tyler has not been himself since," Ryan says holding Kevin's hands. "He is upstairs in his room, son, the second one on the left," he tells him.

Kevin takes David's hand and they go upstairs, to the room that Tyler stays in. They softly knock and they listen as he says.

"Come in Ryan, it's open," Tyler says thinking that it's Ryan. Kevin opens the door; Tyler is sitting facing out the window.

"Good morning dad," he says and Tyler quickly turns, covering his mouth with his hand. Kevin rushes inside, and he takes his dad in his arms, kissing him on the face.

"I love you dad, I've missed you so much," he tells him as the tears start to fall. David softly steps back out into the hall and closes the door, to give them time alone.

"When did you get back son?" Tyler asks.

"This morning, our plane got in an hour ago," he tells him sitting beside him on the sofa. He has his arm around Tyler and he is holding him snugly, kissing his dad's head.

"I suppose you know of your dad's death," Tyler says looking up at his son.

"Yes dad, I heard shortly after the fact, you wrote me," he tells him.

"He died a lonely, bitter man son, no matter how much I tried to get him to shed that hatred...." and he can't say anymore. "I guess you know that David must have been killed in the war son," he says to Kevin. "His dads never got a letter the entire time that you've been gone."

"He didn't die dad," Kevin says getting up and walking to the door. He opens it and motions David inside, and Tyler starts to cry.

"My God son you're alive," he says as he rushes to give him a hug. "We thought that you were dead, when we never heard from you son."

"I was as wrong not to write home, as wrong as Dan," David says holding Tyler's hands. "I let bitterness and lack of forgiveness keep me from the ones I love," he says to Tyler. "But forgiveness did lead me to the one that I fell in love with."

"I am so happy for you son," Tyler says. "When may I meet this lucky person that has captured your heart?"

David takes Kevin by the hand and says. "I would like you to meet the man that I will spend the rest of my life with, Kevin Barkley-Cooper."

Tyler bursts into tears, and hugs the two of them as Ryan and Sean come in the room.

"I always knew you two would someday find each other. Now let's all go downstairs, I want to hear everything from the very beginning," Tyler says with his arms through each of the boy's arms.

They all go downstairs; the boys give them the complete story of what happened to them from the time they left Parris Island up to the present.

"I am thankful I didn't know of your injury," Tyler says. "It would have killed me, to think of losing you also."

"I thought I had lost him forever," David says kissing Kevin's hand. "I am so thankful that God gave him back to me," he says as they kiss.

"Well what are you two going to do now?" Sean asks.

"We have not given that much thought," David says. "I would like Kevin to go to college, if he wants to, but whatever he decides I will support his decision," David says giving Kevin a kiss.

They enjoy a wonderful lunch, catching up on what has gone on at home. Later that evening, David and Ryan are alone, talking.

"Dad...." he says pausing. "I would like to find my real father's family. I would like to know if I had any brothers or sisters," he tells Ryan.

"I always wondered if you would want to know what your real family was like," Ryan says. "I can help you son," he says taking his hand in his. "Of course you know, that they must never know what happened to Lawrence," he says with a heavy heart. "I will always regret not stopping Matthew from killing that boy," he says as tears come to his eyes and he turns from David.

"Dad don't do this to yourself, it's in the past," David says turning his dad to him. "I forgave you, now you must forgive yourself, dad."

"I know son, but I robbed you of your natural father," he says trying to smile. "I don't know if I can ever forgive myself."

"Dad he was evil, look what he did to my mother," David says. "I could never love a father like that. You and Sean have been more of a father to me than any blood father could have been," he says kissing Ryan on the cheek. "I love you and dad so much, and I would not trade you for any natural dad."

"Well tomorrow I will call the agency I use, and have them locate Lawrence's family. I know he came from the Dallas area, but that is all I do know. Your father's surname was Carter, his father was a cattleman up in the Dallas area."

"Then that's where we should start," David says. "Now dad, I have a very handsome man waiting for me upstairs that needs my loving," he says getting up and kissing his dad goodnight.

"As do I son," Ryan says taking David's arm as they go upstairs.

The next morning Sean is off to court, and Kevin and Tyler go shopping for new clothes. Kevin and David have both outgrown their pre-marine ones, and need the current styles. Ryan and David are sitting together as Ryan makes a call.

"Hello Gary, this is Ryan Strathmore calling."

"Hello Ryan, I recognized your voice sir," Gary tells him. "What can I do for you, sir?"

"I have a project Gary, my adopted son would like to find his natural father's family," he tells him.

"Well have you got a name for me or a town to start with," he asks.

"Both," Ryan says. "His name was Lawrence Carter, and he came from the Dallas area. His family was in the cattle business there."

"Well that makes my job easy," he says. "Give me a couple of days, and I will get back to you Ryan."

"Well son, the ball is rolling now," he tells him. "Are you excited son?"

"Scared is more the word. I cannot forget the reason I am on this earth, dad. His family may not want to meet me after all the pain involved," he says.

Two days later Gary calls back with the facts he found.

"Ryan, I have located his family in Dallas," he tells him. "He has a grandfather and grandmother alive, and no other living relatives. It appears that Lawrence was an only child for the couple. They are a very respected and well to do family in Texas. I have an address and telephone number for you," he tells Ryan.

"He is going to be so pleased, Gary. Thank you for your hard work," Ryan tells him. "Can you have a courier bring the information over to my home today?" he asks.

"Yes sir, I have business in your neighborhood, so I will drop it off myself," Gary says and they hang up.

Later that evening at dinner, Ryan gives David the package with the information in it.

"This is all the information that Gary found on your father's family, son," Ryan says handing David the envelope. David opens the envelope and takes out the papers.

The Gary Sinehelm Detective Agency. To: Mr. Ryan Strathmore

The family of Lawrence Carter II Seven Oaks Farm Dallas, Texas Grandfather: Andrew Carter Grandmother: Marie (Henderson) Carter No other siblings known. Telephone: 214-555-9863

The Carter family is a well-known and respected cattle and banking family. Their estimated net worth is in excess of 998.6 million dollars.

"My God dad, this man is quite something in Texas," David says passing the letter to Kevin. "How should I precede now dad?" he asks Ryan.

"That is totally up to you son," Ryan says. "I would probably call and talk to the family first, before traveling out there."

"What if they don't want to meet me"? David asks.

"Well that's their choice, is it not?" Ryan says. "Besides, I can't imagine anyone not wanting to meet someone as handsome as you."

That night in bed, David and Kevin are discussing the matter.

"What do you think babe," David asks Kevin. "Should I pursue this?"

"How bad do you need to know, love?" Kevin asks.

"I need to know what kind of people I come from. I know what my father was like, but that doesn't necessarily mean his family was the same," he says.

"My grandmother is still living in Texas. Why don't we go for a visit and you can look up the Carter's." Kevin suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea, we can take your dad along," he says. "My dads could use some time together alone. Now, how about us making some time together sexy man." David says climbing on top on Kevin. "I have a Marine that is itching for a barrack to cuddle in."

"Oh do you now?" Kevin says reaching to turn out the light.

"Oh what a soldier," Kevin says as David invades his ass. Their lips meet and they kiss, that kiss is exactly like the one they shared the first time they kissed. It brought them to a place that they shared with no other on earth, alone in their own time. David rhythmically fucks Kevin in no hurry to climax, as their hearts sing a song to each other. Their bodies are one as they are joined together, riding the waves of their love.

"David you fill my heart with so much love, as you love me with all of your being," Kevin says.

"You give to me your heart and your soul babe, as my man you have made me complete."

They slowly and rhythmically ride up and down as they soon reach their climax together. As Kevin shoots forth his seed between them, David sends forth his into Kevin. They ride back and forth, as they share their love's high, slowly coming down to their selves.

"I love you so much my lover," says Kevin.

"I love you more than my life," replies David. They kiss as they hold onto each other so tight, as if letting go they might lose each other. They lay side by side, as they soon fall asleep, David holding Kevin tightly in his arms.

The next morning they share their news with their dads.

"So dad, what do you think?" David asks Ryan.

"It sounds like a good idea son, besides your grandmother would love to see you again," Ryan says looking at Kevin.

"You would like to go also dad, wouldn't you?" Kevin asks Tyler. "You haven't been home in years, and grandmother is getting on in years," he says to Tyler.

"Yes son, I guess now is as good a time as any," he says remembering the circumstances in which he left.

"Good, I will call Blanche and have her make the airline arrangements," Ryan says referring to his personal secretary. "What a difference traveling is now that we have air travel. When do you plan on going?"

"Well if all are in agreement, this Saturday would be nice," David says looking around the table at everyone.

Everyone agreed and left on Saturday. The flight saved them two days compared to train travel. Carl picked them up at the airport.

"Grandmother," Kevin said as he gave her a hug and kiss. "I have missed you so much."

"Well not so much that you waited nine years to come and see me," she says in a scolding voice. "But you are here now and that's what matters."

"Hello mother," Tyler says somewhat coolly. "How have you been?"

"Hello Tyler," She says rather sharply, "and where is that .....that man of yours," she asks bitterly searching for a word.

"He died mother, several years ago," he says looking away.

"Well no great loss then," she says turning and leading the others into the parlor. Tyler stands there and tears come to his eyes, as Kevin comes up to his side.

"He may have had his faults," Tyler says, "but he always loved me with all his heart," and he cries in Kevin's arms.

"I know dad, and I miss him also," Kevin says holding his dad.

"So you are my grandson's love interest, are you," she says sharply looking at David up and down. "I must say he has a good eye for the looks," as she moves his head side to side with her hand.

"Yes Mrs. Barkley," David says.

"Now please, grandmother is good enough young man. So he tells me you are here to search out your family roots," she says pouring her a sherry. "Would you like a drink young man?"

"No thank you grandmother," he replies. "Yes, my natural father came from the Dallas area," he tells her.

"Oh really, and what was his name?" she asks taking a sip.

"His name was Lawrence Carter, grandmother."

"Not of the Seven Oaks Carter's?" she asks.

"Yes, have you heard of them?" he asks excitedly.

"Who hasn't that lives in Texas," she says taking another larger drink. "The family owns most of the land around Dallas, not to mention the banks they hold. The old man has his hands in almost everything in the Dallas area. A real asshole, if I do say so myself."

"What do you mean by asshole?" he asks.

"He gets what he wants and he doesn't care who he steps on to get it. His poor wife is just an ornament to him, someone to fuck when he feels like it. They say his son, your dad, was just like him. Took what he wanted when he wanted it."

"Well I still plan on meeting them," he tells her.

"Why anyone would intentionally want to be a part of that family is beyond me," she says downing the rest of her drink as Tyler and Kevin walk in.

"Well now, feel better now that you got it out of your system Tyler?" she says pouring a sherry and handing it to Tyler. "Here drink it, maybe this will make a man out of you."

"Grandmother please," Kevin says. "We didn't come here to take your abuse. Dad doesn't deserve to be treated like this," he says angrily at his grandmother. "If you can't show him proper respect... well... we will go to a hotel and stay."

"Oh calm your britches grandson," she says. "I'm sorry Tyler, I am happy that you have come home for a visit. It's just that the last time you and Dan were here, well he was so obnoxious and rude about .... well.... I'm sorry son," she says and gives him a kiss and hug.

"You don't have to dance around me, grandmother," David says. "I know how Dan felt about me. I have forgiven him and you should also."

"Well lets have some drinks," she says breaking open the liquor cabinet. I have an old fashioned barbeque planned for dinner tonight, Texas style and a few of your old friends," she says.

They had a marvelous dinner and Tyler saw some of his high school friends, one stayed and talked long into the evening. His name was Troy Grant, and he played football with Tyler.

"It was so nice to see you again Troy," Tyler says. "What have you been doing with yourself since high school?"

"Well let's see. I went to Texas A & M for business, and upon graduation I went into ranching. I have a six hundred acre ranch outside of Houston, with over three hundred thousand head of cattle," he tells him.

"Did you ever marry, Troy," he asks.

"No I guess I never took the time to find the right person, I did have the right person at one time but they slipped away," he says looking down at his lap. "I hear that you kind of found someone to share your life with," he says looking up at Tyler, catching him off guard.

"What do you mean heard Troy?" Tyler asks a bit nervous.

"Well Mark, you know Mark Spencer from school, he went to Boston College for a spell. I guess he never finished," he says. "Well he was saying you were living with this man from down here, a Daniel Cooper, and that you two were.... well....I really can't say it Tyler," he says turning red with embarrassment.

"We were what Troy, lovers?" he asks looking at him in the eyes.

"Well yeah, that was the rumor," he says and looks down. "It doesn't matter to me, who you live or love with," he says looking at him again. "Only that....God this is hard Ty," he says stammering.

"Troy, look at me," Tyler says now going and sitting next to him. "Just say what is in your heart."

"Well I have never been one for rumors Ty, and I hate what damage they can cause," he says now looking right in his eyes. "But, I have .... I .... well I am just going to say it and you can do as you please Ty. I have loved you since we were in high school Ty, and I still do. There, I said it and now I will leave," he says as he stands to leave.

"Why didn't you ever tell me, Troy?" Tyler asks him taking Troy by the hand.

"Well it was not something that a man tells another man back then, and it still isn't," he says. "You must hate me for what I am, Ty," he says and his eyes are wet with tears.

"Troy I do not hate you, I never knew how you felt. I did live with Daniel Cooper, and we were lovers," he tells Troy. "Daniel died several years ago from a heart attack."

"I am so sorry Ty," he says. "Well I will go, I'm sorry for baring my soul to you," he says still teary eyed.

"Troy," Tyler says as he puts his hands on Troy's waist. "I want you to stay with me tonight," he says and pulls him in for a kiss. Troy wraps his arms around him, and kisses him hard and long.

"I have wanted to do that for more than twenty years Ty," he says looking in his eyes. "I love you so much and that's why I have never had someone in my life, you were the one that slipped away. I always held out hope that one day this very thing would happen," he says and kisses him again.

Tyler takes him by the hand and leads him upstairstha to his bedroom for the night. They stand near the window as the moon shines in, and it softens the years on the men. Troy slowly undresses Tyler, and he kisses his skin, as he slowly removes his shirt. He kneels down and removes Tyler's shoes and undoes his pants, then pulls them off him. He places his thumbs in the band of Tyler's briefs, and slowly pulls them off. Tyler unbuttons Troy's shirt exposing his hairy chest, and he kisses his nipples. Troy lets out a sigh as he finally experiences his dream, and Tyler lightly nibbles his nipples. He undoes Troy's jeans and pulls them off, grabbing his boxers with them. He kneels before Troy and takes his cock into his mouth. Troy moans out in pleasure as he feels his cock move slowly down Tyler's throat. Tyler swallows it all until he feels his nose in Troy's hair at the base of his cock.

"Be careful there," Troy calls out. "I've never done this and you have me so close love," as Tyler pulls off his cock and they move to the bed. Tyler lies on the bed and pulls Troy down between his legs. Tyler reaches down and positions Troy's cock, and Troy slowly pushes in. Tyler moans out as the head pops in, remembering how good it felt.

"Are you all right love?" Troy asks. "I'm not hurting you am I"?

"No you're doing just fine cowboy," Tyler says. Troy slowly pulls out and then quickly pushes in, and Tyler pushes up to meet him. They soon find their rhythm, and they fuck, two men in love. It doesn't take long and Troy's cock starts to swell, he is close and he wants to know.

"I'm going to cum love, do I pull out?" he asks.

"No cowboy, fill me with your love," Tyler says wrapping his arms around him and kissing him hard. It takes a couple of pushes and Troy soon erupts, and yells out in ecstasy. He picks up his pace as he shoots his seed, deep into the man he loves.

"I love you Tyler so much. I know it may be too soon for you, but would you consider moving in with me? I want to share what years we have left together love," he says and kisses him softly and passionately.

"Can I let you know in the morning cowboy?" Tyler asks.

"Sure enough can love," he says. He pulls out of Tyler and he sits up, looking down at Tyler's cock. He bends and he takes it into his hand, and he puts it into his mouth. He slowly starts to move up and down on his cock, taking more of it each time he goes down. When it hits the back of his throat he gags, pulls off some and then tries again. This time he swallows when it hits the back, and it slides down his throat. He lets out a groan as he starts to suck, pleased that he has the man that he loves. He goes up and down and he soon has Tyler close.

"You might want to pull off Troy, I'm going to cum and being your first time," he says but Troy starts to suck faster. He shoots his load into Troy's mouth, and Troy swallows as much as he can. Shot after shot Tyler shoots, for it has been a long time for him. Troy keeps sucking until Tyler has no more to give, and he lets his soft cock fall from his mouth. Tyler pulls him up and gives him a kiss.

"God that was so good cowboy," Tyler says. "I might keep you around for my own one man rodeo," he says and Troy holds him tight and kisses him just as hard. They move into a spooning position with Tyler's back against Troy, and they soon fall asleep.

"Sounds like dad and Troy found each other after all these years," Kevin says turning to David.

"Yeah it sure sounded like it," David says kissing his man good night.

The next morning they acted surprised to see Troy still there, and Tyler told the boys about the night and Troy's proposal.

"You are going to accept it dad, aren't you," Kevin says.

"Well I wanted to check with you first son. I did not want you to think that I stopped loving your dad, but I need to have someone that loves me and I can love in my life," he tells his son.

"I will make your dad happy, Kevin, I promise you," Troy says to him as he takes Tyler's hand in his. "I have loved your dad since we were in high school, and I always hoped that one day we would be together."

"Dad, you have my blessing," he says giving both of them a kiss. "I know that you will be happy together."

"I knew you two belonged together," Tyler's mother says walking into the room. "Why do you think I invited him over yesterday?" she says smiling at the two of them.

"Thank you mother, you don't know how happy you've made me," Tyler says giving her a hug.

"Yes I do son, I may be a miserable old woman, but I know what love is between two hearts that are meant to be," she says as her eyes tear up. "Can you forgive me for the heartache I have caused you through the years, son?"

"Mother I have always forgiven you, you are my mother, and I love you," he says hugging her tight.

"Thank you son now lets have a drink to celebrate. It has to be twelve o'clock somewhere in this blasted country," she says heading for the liquor cabinet.

David gets up and quietly slips out to use the telephone. He takes out the letter with the phone number on it and dials it.

"Hello, this is the Carter residence. How may I help you," a voice says.

"This is David Strathmore, and I would like to speak to Mr. Carter please," he says.

"I'm sorry, but he is not at home this morning, may I take a message?" the lady asks.

"Is Mrs. Carter at home?" he then asks.

"Yes sir, please hold one minute," she says and sets the phone down.

"Hello this is Mrs. Carter, whom am I speaking to"? she asks.

"This is David Strathmore, and I am your grandson," he says. There is a long silence until she speaks.

"I think you are mistaken young man. I have no children to give me grandchildren," she says.

"My father was Lawrence Carter," he tells her, again there is a long silence.

"Young man, you may think this amusing, but I assure you I do not," she says quite angrily.

"I do not find it amusing. I know that your son is dead. My mother was Beth Cooper, he...." but he is interrupted.

"I know about and who she was," she says sadly. "Where are you calling from?" she asks.

"I am in Houston, ma'am, and I would very much like to meet you and my grandfather," he says.

"He is away until tomorrow," she tells him, "why don't you come over this afternoon," she says.

"That would be fine ma'am, around one if that's all right," he asks.

"One is fine, David," she says. "Do you know where we live?"

"Yes ma'am, I have your address."

"That's fine, I will see you then," and she hangs up. He turns around, Kevin is standing there, and he suddenly breaks down and cries. Kevin takes him in his arms and holds him as he lets it out.

"She wants to see me," he says when he finally stops crying. "I'm going there at one today."

"Do you want me to come with you," he asks.

"No this is something I need to do alone."

He goes upstairs and showers, and then dresses in his best clothes. He gets directions from Troy how to get there, and he leaves. He gets there about a quarter of one, and he sits in the car and waits. He is thinking about what he will say, and he wonders what she will think of him. At one, he walks up to the door and rings the bell, and waits nervously for someone to answer.

"Hello," a gray haired lady says. "You must be David, please come in." He enters and follows as she leads the way into a grand sitting room.

"Please have a seat, young man," she says gesturing to a chair. "May I offer you anything to drink?" she asks.

"No thank you ma'am," he answers, too nervous to drink.

"Well I must say that you caught me quite off guard this morning with that bit of news," she said sitting opposite David and watching him. "You are quite a handsome young man," she says and turns her head hiding her tears.

"I am sorry for upsetting you ma'am, but I have wanted to know who my family was for many years," he says moving over beside her.

"It is that you so look like my Lawrence," she says moving her hand across his hair. "He had blonde hair and blue eyes as you do David, and that same strong chin as you," she says holding his chin in her hand. "He died in a boating accident, many, many years ago. It was not right what he did to your mother," she says holding her hand and a handkerchief to her face. "I told him and my husband that, but they would not listen to me. When I heard that she had a baby, I so much wanted to help her. However, my husband would have nothing to do with the family." and she drifts off in thought. "Now young man, how may I help you?"

"I don't need help, ma'am," David tells her. "I only wanted to meet my family and get to know them."

"Please David, I hope that in time you can call me grandmother," she says, again tearing up. "I had given up all hope of ever having grandchildren, especially when I heard of your mother's death and your adoption."

"I have very nice parents back in Boston Massachusetts," he tells her.

"Oh my, Yankees," she says as if it were a disease. "Not the Strathmore's of Strathmore Industries," she asks.

"Yes ma'am, the same ones. I am the sole heir to that empire," he tells her.

"My you have done well for yourself," she says. "I thought that Ryan Strathmore was a single man," she asks.

He knows he must be careful not knowing her. "He is now ma'am."

"I see, but he was with someone when you were adopted then," she inquires.

"Yes ma'am," he says knowing he is not lying, for he was with Sean, ashamed to mention that they are gay.

"I have a lunch prepared for us David, you are hungry I hope," she says.

"Yes ma'.... grandmother," he says and her face lights up.

"Good lets have some lunch, and you can tell me all about yourself," she says taking him by the arm as she leads him to the dining room. They have a nice lunch and he tells her of his life from the time of adoption up to the present, leaving out about Kevin. She tells him about his father and how his grandfather made him the kind of person he was. It was around seven when he finally decided to leave.

"Thank you grandmother for meeting with me today," he says giving her a hug.

"David please come back, I want you to meet your grandfather," she says. "I know he will fall in love with you just like I did," she says giving him a kiss on the cheek. He leaves and he feels as if a part of him as been found. And yet he knows he still feels ashamed of his lifestyle as he drives home thinking to himself. He gets home and it is late, and Kevin is waiting up for him.

"You all right love?" Kevin asks taking him in his arms as he comes in.

"Yeah it went great today, she is a wonderful woman," he tells him pulling away.

"Did you tell her about us?" he asks.

"Are you crazy," he says looking at him as if he was a lunatic. "I just met the woman, you don't go springing that on them. Hi, I'm your grandson, and I am gay."

"Sorry David, forgive me." Kevin says but he senses something is different.

"Yeah you know I do," but he does not sound convincing.

"Want to go to bed love? I waited up for you," Kevin says.

"No not right now, you go I will be up later," he says walking away. Kevin watches him and turns to go upstairs, then stops and comes back down.

"David are we all right"? Kevin asks.

"Why the fuck would you ask me that"? he says in a harsh tone.

"Well for that reason for one," he says and his eyes tear up. "I know you're ashamed of us," he says and runs out of the room. David turns to watch as he runs from the room and turns back to think.

'She did make me feel cheap and degraded today about myself,' he thinks to himself. I could not even tell her that two gay men raised me; I was ashamed of that fact. How could I tell her about Kevin'?

He goes upstairs and Kevin is lying on the bed crying. He walks over and sits beside him.

"I'm so sorry babe," he says bending and kissing the back of Kevin's head. "She made me feel like our lifestyle was cheap and vulgar."

"Are you going back?" he asks from the pillow.

"She wants me to meet my grandfather," he says.

"Well if she made you feel that way, how much more will he make you feel"? Kevin asks. "I don't want to come between you and your new family."

"Babe please, I love you," he says kissing his neck. "I am not ashamed of you babe, it was just the way she made me feel about what we do."

"You mean sucking cock and fucking ass, David?" he says turning towards him. "Well here's a wake up call, that is what we do stud, I suck cock and you fuck my ass," he says and gets up and walks out of the room. David sits there in shock; he has never seen this side of Kevin. He falls back on the bed to think and he soon falls to sleep.

The next morning he wakes and he is still dressed. He sits up and finds a letter beside him. He opens it and pulls out the letter.

My Dearest David,

This letter is the hardest thing I have ever had to write. I have gone to stay with my dad and Troy until you can make up your mind about where we stand as a couple. I have never wanted to be an embarrassment to you, but now I feel that we, or rather, our life together is just that for you. I hope that whatever you decide you find happiness in the path that you choose love. My heart will always be yours my darling, but I release you from our bond, so that you may find the life you need.

Your Lover Forever, Kevin.

David sat there staring at the letter, and he wondered what to do. He knew he loved Kevin and he should go after him, but he wanted to know his family also. He lay on the bed and he cried, he cried for almost an hour. When he got up, he called his dads in Boston. He desperately needed their advice.

"Dad I need your help," he said to Sean. "Kevin has left me and I don't know what to do, dad."

"What? When did this happen, son?" he asks. "What happened to cause him to leave?"

"It was me dad, I went to meet my grandmother. She made me feel so ashamed of the lifestyle I'm living, dad."

"David did she say something to you about it," he asks.

"Not directly, she mentioned that she thought that Ryan was single and wondered how he could adopt."

"And what did you say to her about that?"

"I told her that he was now but not at the time of the adoption. Then Kevin asked if I told her about him and us, and I snapped at him about how you don't just blurt that out the first time you meet someone. Then we had an argument about us and how we live, and when I got up this morning he was gone dad."

"Well son, it does sound like you are ashamed of how we all live and love. You even sounded ashamed of Ryan and me son. I recommend that you find your own true feelings. Once you have done that, then your heart will tell you what to do son. I have to go, Ryan is waiting for me to pick him up. Good luck with your decision, and son, I love you no matter what you decide about us."

It didn't seem to help him as he hung up the phone. He thought talking to his dad would give him the answer he was looking for. He knew he had just hurt his dad's feelings also. He went downstairs and Kevin's grandmother was waiting for him in the parlor.

"David come in here and sit with me a spell," she says patting the seat beside her. "The walls are very thin in these old houses, and I don't sleep like I used to. I don't profess to understand the ways of love between two men, but love is love I presume. I know that the two of you have had a lovers quarrel, and he is over at my son's home. So why don't you tell me what is going on, and maybe between the two of us we can work it out?" she says.

David explained everything to her, from his feelings at his grandmothers to his missing Kevin.

"Well it looks to me like these new family members have given you a bad case of self-righteousness," she says. "If they truly love you, as I do my own, then whether you love a man or a woman doesn't matter. What matters is that they love you as you, and accept you as you are. Sugar, don't try to be something that you are not, it will only eat at you like a cancer, until it has destroyed the real you. Just be who you were created to be. Now has any of this helped you love?" she asks.

"Grandmother it has more than you will ever know," he says and rushes out the door.

"Well that was good, now I need a drink," she says getting up and going over to the cabinet.

David drove over to Troy and Tyler's house and he pounded on the door. When no one answered, he stepped back and looked up at the upstairs windows. He could see Kevin standing there in the window, and he stands further back and he yells.

"Kevin Jacob Barkley-Cooper, I love you. You get your sweet ass down here this minute or I will break that door down. I love you babe, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The door opens and Kevin is standing there, and David looks at him. David opens his arms wide and Kevin runs into his waiting arms. David wraps his arms around him and he kisses the man of his dreams.

"I love you Kevin, please forgive me for the pain I caused you," he says as he starts to tear up.

"I already did love, I love you so my love." They stood there and kissed as their passion grew, and their love grew stronger that day.

"Go and get dressed, I need to take you somewhere," he tells him.

"Where are we going," Kevin asks.

"You will see when we get there, now move lover man," he says slapping his ass.

Kevin got dressed and they left in the car. David drove to his grandmother's home.

"David is this what I think it is," Kevin asks as they drive up to his grandmother's house.

"This is my grandmother's house, I want her to meet you," he says.

"David you don't have to do this to prove anything to me," Kevin says.

"I know I don't, but I have to prove it to myself," he says and he gives him a kiss.

David rings the doorbell and the servant answers it, and shows them inside.

"David how nice to see you again, and who is this young man?" she asks.

"Grandmother before we go any further in our relationship, I want to tell you something about me. This is Kevin. He is the man that I live with and love," he says and waits for a response. "I thought that you should know before you have me waste any more of your time and meet grandfather."

"Wow, talk about coming from left field," she says. "That is not something you hear too often down here in Texas," she says. "I know how much courage it must have taken for you to come here and tell me. I do not understand things like this, nor do I profess to judge them. I learned many years ago not to judge anything. I have always wanted a grandchild, and your orientation doesn't matter to me," she says.

"Well I did get the impression yesterday that it did," he says. "You see, I was raised by two dads," he tells her.

"I figured that much out many years ago," she says as she leads them into the sitting room. "I had an investigator track you down. Your grandfather and I have come to an understanding. He may think he is the head of this castle," she says. "But I am the neck that turns the head. He cost me my son, long before he vanished. He does as I say now, and well, I have you now and now I have two grandsons," she says hugging them both. "You do know David that as the joint heir, you will inherit Seven Oaks someday," she says and he looks at her with a puzzled look. "You do have one other relative," she says, "you have a sister. Like you, she was a product of my son's evil side. Her name is Jeanne Marie Tremont, and she lives in Fort Worth. She is one month older than you are, and she knows only that her father raped her mother causing her to be born. She does not know about you yet, but she does know that I am her grandmother. I do see her from time to time, but she is a very busy young lady. I think it's time that the two of you met."

"A sister," he says looking at Kevin. "I never thought that one day I would have a sister."

"She is coming for dinner tomorrow, so if the two of you would come, that way you can meet her and your grandfather also. And David, plan to spend the night, ok?"

"Yes grandmother, and thank you," he says and gives her a big hug and kiss. "I love you so much," he tells her.

"I love you also, David."

David and Kevin drive home, happy that they are finally back together and David has his family. He gets back to Troy's house and he calls his dad.

"Dad is Sean there?" he says to Ryan.

"David what is it son?" Sean asks getting on the phone.

"I am so sorry for hurting you," he says. "I knew after I hung up, that I had hurt you when I called you."

"Yes son you did, but that's part of being a dad," he says with pride. "I never needed to forgive you, you did nothing to be forgiven for."

"I love you so much and I am so proud to be your son," he tells him. "Kevin and I are together again. I took him to my grandmother's and I told her all about me and how I grew up and about dad and you. All she said was that she already knew dad."

"I take it then that you have reconciled yourself to who you are son," Sean asks.

"Yeah dad, I know who and what I am, and have no plans for changing."

"Son, want some good news?" Sean asks. "Ryan and I are coming out there to shop around for a place to buy."

"Really dad? You aren't kidding me, are you?" David asks.

"No son we really are, we are flying in on flight 2698 tomorrow, arriving at nine-thirty. Wait, your dad wants to say hello."

"David, isn't that great news son?" Ryan says all excited. "Did you work out your problems son?"

"Yeah dad I did. Grandmother is great, and guess what, I have a natural sister," he tells him.

"A sister?" Ryan says, "When did this come about?"

"She happened like me, except her mom is still alive, and was born one month before me," he tells Ryan. "So dad, you probably did Texas a favor," he says to Ryan.

"David please, I still am haunted by that, but I am happy that you have someone that is family."

"You and dad will always be my family dad, don't you ever forget that. I love you more than any flesh and blood relative."

"That makes me so happy son," he says. "Well we have to finish packing, so we will see you tomorrow babe. Oh it is American Airlines son, dad forgot to tell you the airline."

"I love you dad, see you tomorrow."

David told Kevin about his dads coming out and how they were going to look for a place to buy. The next day they were up early, and headed to the airport. They parked the car and went inside.

"Their flight is coming in on gate 17." They waited patiently for the flight to arrive and then they heard the announcement.

"Will those people waiting for passengers on flight 2698 arriving at nine-thirty, please come to passenger services located on the main concourse," the female voice announced.

To be continued .

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