The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 13, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 7

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

A very special thanks to Bill H. a good friend for the editing work he did on this story.

From Chapter 6 .

The next day they are at the recruiting station. Ryan sees Dan and Tyler with Kevin, and goes over to see what they are doing here.

"Dan, Tyler, why are you here?" he inquires.

"Kevin got drafted by the Marines," Dan says. "His bus leaves for Parris Island today. Why are you here?" Dan asks.

"David enlisted with the Marines, his bus also leaves today."

"That bastard is going to be with my son at boot camp?" Dan says, as Kevin looks at him. "I will see about that," he says walking away towards an officer with a clipboard.

"What did he mean by all that dad?" Kevin asks Tyler.

"Nothing son, now go and find out where you need to be. I am so sorry Ryan, I cannot tell you how happy I am that the boys will be together there. I know that Dan will not like it, but at least they'll have someone they know there."

"This hatred he carries, he has to let it go Tyler. It's not healthy to carry it as he does. The boy is dead that caused all this trouble, if he does not let it go, it will kill him also."

"I know Ryan, and I have told him so. He just tells me that it is none of my concern, and personally, it's driving us apart. Look the boys are lining up, we better go."

Dan is angry as hell that he can do nothing about Kevin going to boot camp with David. Ryan and Sean say their goodbyes and tell David to write.

"David, you watch out for Kevin, he is a good man."

"I will dad, and you two take care of each other and don't worry. I love you, dad," he says and gets on the bus.

"Kevin, stay away from David, he is trash and I don't want you near him, do you hear me?" Dan says and walks away angry.

"Kevin, don't listen to him, David is a good man, watch out for one another. He is not trash son, he is .... well.... is good. I love you son and please be careful," Tyler says as Kevin gets on the bus.

Chapter 7 . "Hey Kevin," David says pushing over to give him a seat.

"David, I was so surprised to see you here today," Kevin says sitting down beside him.

"Yes I bet! I enlisted last week. My dads were even more surprised when I told them," he says.

"Well I am glad that we are going to be together in this, I hate to think what this is going to be like," he says still thinking about his dad, Dan.

"I will watch your back and you can watch mine," David says hitting Kevin's shoulder.

"You bet buddy, thanks for saving me a seat."

The trip down to Parris Island is long, but the boys got the chance to know each other. They knew about each other growing up, but because of Dan's bitterness for David, they never got together except when Tyler and Ryan ran into each other with them.

"Out of bed ladies," shouted the drill sergeant as the lights went on, blinding everyone. David looked at his watch, five am what an hour he thought. They got up and dressed and ready for inspection.

Their asses were dragging as they got in from their ten mile hike later that morning. They fell on their bunks and David thought to himself why had he ever enlisted. They were undressed and headed for the showers. The hot water felt wonderful on his sore muscles. He looked over at Kevin who was standing under the water, letting it run down his head and back.

"This feels so fucking good," Kevin says to David.

"That hike I thought would never end. At least we are developing some fine muscles from all these exercises," David says. "You have put on a few inches in muscles," he says looking over at Kevin.

"Yeah I have, but so have you Dave, we were both so fucking skinny when we got here," Kevin says turning off his shower.

The basic training finally ended and the graduation ceremony was being held in a few days.

"Are your dads coming for the ceremony?" David asks.

"Yes, and I need to speak to you about that," Kevin says a bit seriously. "When my dad, Dan is around, would you mind not coming around me?" he says to David. "For some reason he doesn't like you."

"So I have gathered," David says. "Don't worry Kevin, I will be busy with my own dads, so I'll be careful to avoid your dad. I do wish I knew why he dislikes me so," he says to Kevin.

"Who knows with him? He is so mysterious about his feelings," Kevin says. "Besides, you're my best bud, Davy," Kevin says throwing his arm around David's shoulder as they walk out to the mess hall.

"You are mine also, Kev," David says.

"Well isn't this cozy, a couple of flamers," Jake, a fellow marine says, seeing the two walking.

"What's your fucking problem, Jake?" David says.

"You faggot, marines don't have homos in their ranks," he says.

"We are no more a homo than you are dick wad, so fuck off," Kevin says.

"Yeah you want to make me homo?" he says coming up in Kevin's face.

"Private Brewster, about face!" shouts a drill sergeant. "What seems to be your problem?" he barks in his face.

"These two homos sir," he says looking at Kevin and David. "They were walking with their arms around each other, sir."

"And that makes them a homo in your book, private?" the sergeant says.

"Yes sir," Jake says.

"I will put my arm around my best friend's shoulder sometimes, when we walk, does that constitute me a being a homo also?" he asks Jake.

"No sir," he replies turning red.

"I would suggest that you apologize to these men, your life one day could depend upon them," he says.

"Yes sir, sorry men," he says with a glare in his eyes.

"Now I recommend you find something to occupy your time with, private."

"Yes sir," he says and walks away.

"Now men, why don't we be a little more discreet about our affections towards one another," he says to the boys.

"Sir, Kevin here just had his arm resting on my shoulder sir, he meant nothing by it," David says a bit embarrassed.

"I realize that son, but some marines take that as a sign of affection between two men, as private Brewster just did. Let's try to be a bit more careful in the future ok?" he says.

"Yes sir," they both say in unison.

Two days later their dads arrive, separately.

"My how handsome you look in your dress blues," Ryan says to David. "Your hair, your lovely hair, it's all gone," he says feeling the top of David's head.

"Yes son, you are handsome standing there. You make us so proud son," Sean says giving his son a hug.

"It will grow back dad, besides with the heat and humidity here, it's cooler this way."

"Have you found out where you are going next, son?" Sean asks.

"Vietnam more than likely," as Ryan covers his mouth.

"Look at our young man, isn't he so handsome all dressed up in his uniform?" Tyler says to Dan.

"Yes he is Ty, he is the finest looking Marine I have ever seen," slapping Kevin's back.

"Thanks dads, I appreciate you coming for my graduation ceremony."

"We would not miss it for the world son," Tyler says. "Is ....." and he stops and changes the subject, "there going to be a lot graduating today son," he says glancing at Dan.

"Almost ten thousand of us, dad."

"Where do you go from here, son?" Dan asks.

"They haven't told us yet, but most of us know it will be Vietnam. I guess they feel it's better we don't know the exact location until we get there," he says. Dan sees a colleague from Boston and he excuses himself for a moment to go talk.

"Kevin is David graduating today?" he asks keeping an eye on Dan.

"Yes dad, I picked up on what you started to say, we are both headed to the same place."

"Promise me son, that you two will stay together. I want you two to take care of each other. I know how your .... is sure humid down here," he says as Dan approaches.

"Yes dad, very humid," he says looking at him and he gives him a slight nod yes. "Well I need to go, we have to get in formation for the ceremony. I will see you after," he says as he leaves.

"I will talk to you after dad, I have to go for formation, the ceremony will be starting in an hour," David says as he leaves.

The ceremony began and the boys looked great marching beside each other. From where Ryan and Sean were sitting, they could see that Dan was not happy about the boys being together.

"Did I or did I not tell Kevin to stay away from that boy?" Dan said fuming about seeing them together marching.

"Dan please, they are just marching, they can't help where they are placed," Tyler says. "Besides, this is his day please don't spoil it for him, or so help me you will regret it," Tyler says looking straight at him.

"Alright, I won't say anything, but I don't want to see or talk to that kid, do you understand me?" he says still fuming.

"Learn to get over it, this has gone on long enough," Tyler says firmly. "I think you have carried that hatred with you for far too long. It wasn't David's fault that his dad did what he did."

"No, but he was the fucking by product of the fucking rape."

After the ceremony, the families gathered for pictures and refreshments. It was inevitable that the two families would meet.

"Dan, Tyler how nice to see you," Sean says extending his hand.

"Sean how nice it is you guys," Tyler says shaking Sean's hand. "Dan isn't nice to see our friends again."

"Yeah, great," he says ignoring Sean's hand. "Where is Kevin?" he asks.

"He will be along, they are doing their pictures," Ryan says touching Dan's shoulder.

"What are you doing," Dan says shrugging Ryan's hand off. "Let's not get too cozy here."

"Dan please, let's try to be pleasant for the boys' sake, if only for today," Tyler says grabbing Dan's arm.

The boys come walking up together not expecting to find their dads together.

"Shit David, this doesn't look good," Kevin says looking at Dan.

"Yeah my dad looks like he could kill at the moment," David says looking at Ryan.

"Hey dad," they both say together, "how about some refreshments?"

"We are leaving, now," Dan says grabbing Kevin's arm.

"But dad, I have things I need to do first," he says in protest. "Besides, what's the big hurry anyways?" he asks.

"I guess I am," David says looking at Dan. "I can tell when someone hates me."

"David please, he doesn't hate you," Tyler says in defense trying to defuse the situation.

"Well at least the kid isn't stupid," Dan says giving David an evil look. "He knows when he's not wanted, more than I can say for his dad though," he says looking at Ryan.

Sean is holding Ryan back as he tries to attack Dan.

"You know Dan, he has never done a thing to hurt you, and how dare you say those things to me. I don't mind that you lash out at me, but when you attack my son, well you are lower than the .... well you know what you are lower than."

"Shall I tell him what I am lower than, Ryan? Shall I tell him the truth about his birth?" he says with an evil grin.

"Dan please, you promised me," Ryan says with tears in his eyes.

"Yes well I never thought that he would someday be a threat to my son," he says.

"How is he a threat to Kevin"? Tyler asks.

"What truth dad"? David asks looking at Ryan. "What is he talking about"?

"Tell him about his father, tell him what you did to him you monster," Dan says grinning.

"Dan please, not here, not now," Ryan pleads.

"Daniel Cooper, if you open your mouth I will never speak to you again, do you hear me? We will be through," Tyler says, now very angry.

"Dad I want to know what he's talking about," David insists. "I have a right to know if it involves my real parents."

"When we get back home son," Ryan says.

"Come on Davy, let's go and get our things together," Kevin says pulling on his arm.

"Kevin you stay with us, you hear?" Dan orders.

"No dad, David is my best friend and I will not stand here and let you treat him like this," Kevin says.

"He's nothing but a bastard son of a rapist," Dan says. "His father raped my sister and she killed herself because of her shame. Her suicide caused my mother's death."

Sean comes at Dan and he punches him, sending him flying to the ground.

"Sure hit me you fucker, will you have me killed like you did his father, Ryan?" he says as Sean punches him again.

David is standing there in shock, and Ryan is crying as the MP's come running to break up the fight.

"What's going on here?" the MPs asks.

"Nothing sir, just a misunderstanding," Kevin says. "It's all under control now."

"Well make sure it is, corporal," they say as they walk away.

"Dad is what he's saying true?" David asks looking at Ryan. "Did my father rape his sister, and did you kill him?" he asks looking into Ryan's eyes.

"David lets go back to the hotel and talk about this son," Ryan says. "This is neither the time nor the place for it."

"Tell him how you raped him repeatedly before you killed him also," Dan says as he gets up.

"Dan we are through," Tyler says. "I have lived with your hate filled heart for far too many years. Sean could I travel back home with you and Ryan"?

"Of course you can Tyler," Sean says looking at Dan as if he could kill him.

"Come on son, I will tell you the whole truth from the beginning," Ryan says. "I just pray that you don't hate me after I tell you."

"Kevin son, please come with us," Tyler says. "Dan I hope that you are happy with yourself," he says as they all walk away.

"Well fuck you all, I don't need any of you," he says as he grabs his arm.

They get back to the hotel and they all sit down, as Ryan stands before David.

"I do not want you to interrupt me once I start to tell you," he says taking David's hands in his. "First of all son, I want you to know that I have loved you since the first time I held you. This not something that I ever planned on sharing with you, but now that it has been let out, maybe it's best that I do. Yes, your real father raped Dan's sister Beth; she was seventeen at the time. It was a shame that was more than she could bear. I had gone to Houston on business and decided to stop buy and pay Nancy, Dan's mother, and Beth a visit. When I got there, I could sense that something was wrong; Nancy was a little put out that I was there. Well I found out about the baby and the rape. It was then that Beth shot herself. I made Nancy tell me the father's name that raped her daughter. Reluctantly she told me his name, Lawrence Carter, from the Dallas area. Well I made some telephone calls and one thing led to another and your father was delivered to me tied and gagged. I was alone with him and yes; I repeatedly raped him, as he did to Beth. It was that shame she held on to that made her take her life. When I was done I held my gun to him, but I couldn't pull the trigger. It was then that one of my employees, who is dead now, came by. He told me to go home and that he would finish what I couldn't do. He also raped him and as I was driving away, I heard a single gunshot and I knew he was dead. I told this exact same story to Dan, the next day. He agreed that I had done the right thing, even though I had second thoughts as to that, but he didn't want you. He couldn't look at you and wouldn't have anything to do with you, even though he was your uncle and Beth was your mother. So son, that's the true story about you." Ryan says and tears run down his cheeks.

The room was deathly quiet, as David got up and walked to the door. He turns and looks at those in the room with tears in his eyes, and he opens the door and leaves.

"David please come back, please talk to me," Ryan pleads as David walks down the stairs. He just keeps on walking until he reaches the road, and he sticks out his thumb for a ride. The second car to pass David stops, and he gets in, as Ryan stands there watching and crying. He goes back inside and he runs into Sean's open arms.

"I have lost him forever, Sean," he says sobbing violently. "That's the price I have to pay for what I did to his father."

Tyler comes over and puts his hands on Ryan's back.

"He just needs to sort things out Ryan, he knows you love him," Tyler says. "You just dropped a lot on the kid."

"He will be back love," Sean says. "Wait and see, we did a good job raising him, he will see that what you did was out of love for his mother and grandmother."

"Uncle Ry, I will talk to him when I see him," Kevin says kissing him on the cheek.

"Please tell him that I love him so much, that I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused him, and that I never wanted to hurt him," Ryan says and cries harder into Sean's shoulder.

David and Kevin shove out for California first on their journey to Vietnam.

"David I know this is none of my business, but you have got to talk about it buddy," Kevin says.

"I know I do, but it hurts too much to talk about it, Kevin. How could Ryan do that to my father?" he says.

"David, Ryan is still your dad, he is the only one you have ever known. Your real dad was a monster for what he did to your mother. It also caused your mother to kill herself and your grandmother to have the heart attack that killed her."

"But did he have to rape him?" David asks. "That makes him no better than that guy. He didn't have to kill him either did he?" he asks if trying to justify it to himself.

"I can't answer that Davy, only he can," he says. "He was dealing with a lot of pain and anger at the time. Look at what all that anger and pain did to my dad, he was no better than yours, really."

"I need to think this through a lot more, I can't seem to get that picture out of my mind of my real dad lying there waiting to die."

"Well you need to do something fast Davy, because I need your head on straight for this war. Remember, I'm here for you," Kevin says as he puts his hand on his shoulder.

"I know you are bud, I really appreciate that, and I really appreciate how you stuck by me with your dad also," David says. "I love you for that bud," he says looking straight in Kevin's eyes.

They arrive in California and they are soon shipped out to Vietnam. The fighting is intense and the casualties are high. They find themselves in a foxhole one night, as they wait for the battle to come.

"Kevin, if I don't make it home," David says. "I want you to do me a favor."

"Don't talk that way, Davy, we are both going to make it home," Kevin says.

"Well if I don't, tell my dad that I forgive him and that I love him, would you do that for me?"

"Of course I will, but you'll be able to tell him yourself, buddy."

"There is something else I need to tell you, in case we don't make it through today."

"What's that Davy," Kevin says looking at David.

"I don't want you to freak out on me, but I have to tell you this .... I love you Kevin, and not just as a friend," as he leans forward and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Wow, talk about not seeing that coming," Kevin, says. "Well they say confession is good for the soul. I have loved you since boot camp Davy," and he wraps his arms around him and they kiss passionately.

Just then, the bullets start to fly and all hell breaks loose. They hit the dirt as shells fly into their area, exploding all around them. Then one lands not twenty feet from their hole and David jumps on top of Kevin as it explodes. Dirt and shrapnel are flying everywhere, and David screams out in pain. Kevin flips him off him and David is covered in blood. Kevin yells out for the medic. A medic comes running and jumps in the hole, as another explosion goes off.

"He don't look good," the medic says. "We need to get him out of here and fast."

Kevin and the medic carry David to safety, and he is taken back to the makeshift hospital by helicopter. Kevin goes back into the battle as the day goes on, and eventually they gain more ground. Later that day he makes it back, and finds David in the hospital tent.

"David buddy, you doing' all right?" Kevin says as he kneels by his side.

"Yes Kev, the doctor says that it was just a flesh wound. I should be back in action in a couple days," he tells Kevin.

"We gained the ridge today, and sarge hopes to gain the river bank tomorrow," he tells him.

"Well keep safe, I don't want to loose you now that we found each other," David tells him wishing he could kiss him.

"I will. I love you," Kevin whispers in his ear.

"Same back at you," David says as the doctor comes over to check him.

"He should be back with you by day after tomorrow, marine," the doctor says. "He your friend"?

"Yes sir, we grew up together," Kevin tells him. "We are best buds."

Two days later, they are back together, and the action is fierce. They fight hard for three days trying to gain the river's bank. Finally, their outfit was ordered to pull out.

"Where are we heading now"? Kevin asked.

"I heard sarge say something about another ridge," David says.

"Damn! Why the fuck there"? Kevin asks.

"Don't know and frankly I don't care as long as we're together," David says.

"Hey Davy, have you written home yet?" Kevin asks.

"No, I haven't had time, and when I do, I'm too tired. Have you?"

"Yes, several times," he says. "Just after we landed in Vietnam; my dad died you know," he says looking at David, "just after we left for Vietnam."

"God Kevin, I didn't know, I am so sorry," David says. "I know he never liked me, but he was still your dad."

"Thanks Davy, you have to be the most forgiving man I know," he says. "I wish I could kiss you."

"You can't imagine how much I want to hold you and make love to you," David says looking at Kevin. Just then a marine comes running and jumps in their hole.

"Jake," David says looking at him in shock. "What the fuck you doing here?"

"Sarge says that we're pulling back as soon as it gets dark," he says. "Hey guys," he says, "about what happened back at camp, I am sorry. I didn't know you two grew up together, can we be friends?" he says holding out his hand to them.

"Sure Jake, as long as you don't kiss us," Kevin says and they all laugh.

As darkness fell they start to pull back, and the bullets once again start to fly. They crawl through the mud, making their way towards where they were told to gather. Suddenly bullets fly and a shot hits close to them, and Jake goes still in the mud.

"Jake buddy, you hit?" David says.

"Yeah my chest I think," he says weakly. "Hey David, can you get this to my folks, and tell them that I love them," he says as he pulls out a letter from his coat.

"I'll see that they get it buddy, hang in there," he tells him. Jake lets out a gasp and his eyes close, and David feels for a pulse.

"He's dead Kevin," he says. "We can't leave him here." They dragged Jake's body back to the rest of the troop, he was placed with the dead, and they pulled out later that night.

The war continued on, and finally they got a two week rest and recuperation leave in Japan.

"Where do you want to go for our leave?" Kevin asks David.

"Anywhere that I can go to bed with you," he says. They get a room at one of the finest hotels, and they bring a bottle of champagne. They strip off their clothes and they get into bed, and they raise their glasses in a toast.

"Here is to our love, babe," David says looking in Kevin's eyes.

"To us Davy, and to our love," he says and they both take a sip. They put down their glasses and embrace each other, looking deep into each other's eyes.

"I love you, my darling," David whispers to Kevin and he kisses him hard on the lips. Theirs lips part as their tongues meet and dance to their love, and they moan in the pleasure they feel. They have waited for almost six months for this moment of bliss to arrive.

"I didn't think we would ever have this moment," Kevin says to David. "Each day that I was beside you in war, my heart would yearn for this very moment."

David rolled him over and got on top and he slowly and passionately kissed him. Kevin's fingers roamed through David's hair, as their tongues did the dance of love. David slowly kissed his way down to Kevin's soft round nipples; he took them and tenderly bit them. He sucked on them tenderly making him moan, as Kevin's hands continued to caress David's hair. He moved on down to Kevin's hard cock, and took it in his hand. He ran his tongue around the fat head, and then swallowed it down. He took it all the way down his throat until he smelled his sweet scent. Kevin lifted his hips to give David more, as he moaned out in ecstasy. He continued to move up and down on his cock, until he was almost ready to come.

"Not yet babe," he says, "I don't want to come yet," so David pulled off his cock. He lifted Kevin's legs and ran his tongue all around his virgin treasure. Kevin squirmed and moaned as he pleasured him more, then David plunged his tongue into his treasure.

"Oh fuck babe, don't stop," Kevin moans out in lust, as David pleasured his ass with his tongue. "Please fuck me, I can't take anymore, I need you deep inside me."

David sits up and gets the ointment he bought, and he lubes up Kevin's rosebud. He positions himself to the tender spot, and he gently but firmly pushes in. Kevin yells out from the pain that he feels, and David stops for a minute.

"Oh fuck that hurts. Man I didn't think it would be that bad."

Once he feels Kevin start to relax, he slowly pushes more in. He pushes and stops until he is finally all the way in and he waits as Kevin adjusts. He slowly pulls out and then pushes back in, and Kevin's eyes glow as his pain turns to pleasure. He finds a rhythm and they are fucking together, Kevin meeting each push that David gives. He can feel Kevin's cock swell and he increases his pace and Kevin yells out in delight.

"I'm coming my lover, keep fucking me harder and deeper," he says to David.

He shoots his cream all over his stomach and David drops down to kiss him. As Kevin shoots his seed, his ass tightens around the base of David's cock. He soon shoots deep into Kevin's tight ass, his seed of love. He keeps pounding away until he has given all he has to give. They entangle themselves as their lips meet in bliss, and their tongues dance a dance of love.

"I love you my lover, my man, my life," Kevin says.

"You are my world and my love, to you I give my heart, forever my love, my babe." They just lie there holding each other as if time has stood still for these two lovers.

The two weeks pass quickly when you are two hearts in love. They are soon once again in the reality of war , searching for enemy soldiers that are hiding in tunnels. They are searching a group of tunnels when out of one a Viet Cong rushes them, plunging his bayonette deep into Kevin's chest, and David fires his weapon and the enemy drops.

"Medic," David screams rushing to Kevin's aid. "Medic!" Kevin opens his eyes and looks up at him, staring straight into his eyes.

"It looks like we had a short love life babe," Kevin says and his breath is short and shallow. "I love you David, and will for all eternity."

"No Kevin, hold on babe please don't leave me," David says with tears in his eyes. "Medic!" he screams again. "Kevin stay with me please," he says.

"Davy, we both know that I'm dying," he says. "I need you to tell my dad that I love him. Davy, find someone to love again babe," he says and gasps for a breath. "Davy, hold me tight lover and kiss me," he says. David lowers his lips to Kevin's and he kisses him softly as Kevin's life leaves him.

To be continued .

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Next: Chapter 8

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