The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 8, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 6

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I wish to thank my good friend Bill H. for editing my writing of this chapter.

This chapter also contains some graphic rape scenes.

From Chapter 5 .

Beth comes in the room and quickly turns to leave.

"Beth love, wait," Ryan says taking her in his arms. "What has happened to you is not your fault. I can help if you will let me love."

"Ryan that's ok, nobody wants damaged goods anyways," she says with a distant look in her eyes, then turns and walks away.

"My God Nancy, she used to be so vibrant and full of life," Ryan says. "This is not right, he should be made to pay for his crimes."

"I'm just glad that my Daniel isn't here to see what has become of his sunshine. She was always his sunshine he said. Well I must go and attend to the baby, Ryan. I will be back in a few minutes," she says and leaves.

Ryan goes to the telephone and places a call to Mario. He gets him at home and he tells him about Beth.

"Is there anything your connections can do to rectify this horrible crime?" he says in Italian.

"Yes my friend, I have many connections in Dallas, my brother Raphael lives there and he owes me many favors. I owe you for what you have done for my son Julian, Mr. Ryan. Let me make my call and I will call you tomorrow."

"Mario, I will call you instead, I'm in Houston, and it might be hard to reach me."

"Ok Mr. Ryan, you call me tomorrow after twelve Boston time."

Ryan hangs up, he hears a gunshot, and runs towards the sound.

"No not you too," Ryan hears Nancy screaming.

Chapter 6 .

Ryan rushes into the room, and Nancy is holding a baby. She is bent over Beth, who lies on the floor bleeding, from a gunshot wound to her head. Ryan rushes to the telephone and calls for an ambulance then rushes back into the room. He takes the baby from Nancy, who falls on Beth and cries. The ambulance arrives and Ryan leads them to Beth, but it is too late to save her. Nancy collapses as they take Beth away, and they come back and take Nancy. Ryan just stands there holding this baby, wondering what he should do. He calls home to Sean and he speaks to him, explaining all that has happened.

"Please don't say a word yet to Dan, have Marge get him a ticket for Houston. No, you had better make it two; Tyler should come with him for support. God babe, I sure could use you here right now," he says to Sean. He hangs up and after a while Matt, because he needs someone for the baby.

"Matt, this is Ryan calling; I have a big favor to ask of you." He explains what has happened and Matt is shocked, and he asks how he can help.

"I need someone who can help with the baby until I can make other arrangements," he tells him.

"I know just the lady. She's my neighbor, and her husband died a few years ago. Give me your number there and I will call you right back."

A half hour goes by and the telephone rings; its Matt and he has good news.

"She's on her way over Ryan, she should be there any time now."

"Thanks Matt, I owe you a big one," he tells him and hangs up. He's holding the baby who is looking at him, and he notices the cute little face. He looks like Beth did as a young child, the same blue eyes and blonde hair. David. what a beautiful name for such an innocent little angel, he thinks to himself. He sits and rocks the baby for some time when the doorbell rings and he answers it.

"Are you Ryan Strathmore?" the lady asks. "Matt sent me, I'm Mrs. Martinez."

"Yes I'm Ryan, please come in," he says. He explains what has happened and she is nearly in tears. She is holding and kissing the baby. "I have to go to the hospital, I don't know when I will be back," he tells her. He shows her around the house and gives her Matt's number, and then he leaves for the hospital. He gets there after much confusion in trying to find his way, and is directed to the emergency room.

"I am here for a Mrs. Nancy Cooper," he says. "They just brought her in, not more than an hour ago."

"Please have a seat sir, I will get her doctor," the nurse tells him. He takes a seat across from the nurse's station and he waits for the doctor to arrive.

"Mr. Cooper, I am Dr. Alexander," he says thinking that Ryan is Nancy's husband. "Your wife has suffered a heart attack sir, I'm afraid she did not survive," he says. Ryan is in shock as the news hits his mind, and he sits down hard in the chair. "Can I get you anything sir?" the doctor asks. Ryan just shakes his head no. He gets up and wanders off towards the elevator, as the doctor calls after him.

"Sir, Mr. Cooper," the doctor calls out. "We need to know what to do with your wife sir."

"I will make arrangements," Ryan says as he gets on the elevator. His mind is racing in a million directions, and he wishes that Sean were here. He drives home in a daze, thinking about all he has to do, and he almost runs a stop sign. He gets home and calls Sean and he breaks down crying, no longer able to contain his emotions.

"You have to tell Dan babe, what has happened, but only that his mother has died. I will tell him the whole story, when he gets here, I do not need him more distraught than he will be."

"I am coming also, love," Sean says. "You need me there with you, and I need to be there for you."

"Thank you babe, I do need you so much."

He calls Mario, even though it's not the next day. He gets him and he almost loses control.

"What has happened my friend?" Mario asks. Ryan tells him the entire story from the beginning starting with the rape, up to the death of Beth and Nancy.

"I want him brought to me, Mario. I want him to suffer like they did," he tells him. "I will pay whatever your brother wants, but I want to watch him die, as I watched those that I loved slowly die."

"I will call you back in one hour my friend," he says. "Please give me your number there." Ryan gives him his number and he hangs up. He goes up to the nursery and looks in on David, wondering what will become of him. He sits in the rocker and starts to rock, and soon he is fast asleep.

"Sir, Mr. Strathmore, sir," he hears a woman's voice. "There is a phone call for you sir," and he jumps up and heads to the phone.

"This is Ryan," he says.

"This is Raphael, Mr. Strathmore," says a strong Italian accented voice. "My brother Mario has told me about your problem, sir. I have your solution."

"Sir, I told your brother that I would pay you whatever is your price," Ryan tells him.

"There is no price, sir," Raphael says. "This favor squares me with Mario, sir. Now I will have your package for you, tomorrow by twelve. I will deliver it to wherever you would like me to bring it," he says.

"Sir, I am from Boston, and I do not know your area," he tells Raphael. "Could you suggest a place that I can use that I can also dispose of my package once I am through with it," Ryan asks.

"Do you think you could find the Lost Canyon Mines, sir?" he asks.

"If I can't, I know people that can direct me, yes," Ryan says.

"Then meet me tomorrow at twelve at the mines, sir," and Ryan hears the telephone go still. Ryan calls Matthew and asks for directions to the Lost Canyon Mines.

"What do you want with that worthless piece of real estate?" Matt asks.

"Matt, please don't ask me any questions from this point on," Ryan says. "It is for your own protection and good."

"Ok boss, I can draw you a map better than telling you," he says. "I will bring it by in about an hour."

"Thank you Matt, just leave it on the table on the porch, and Matt, this conversation never took place you hear?"

"Hear what sir, all I hear is static sir," he says wondering what his boss has gotten himself into.

"Thank you Matt." He then called Martin, who told him that the three guys left early that morning and should be there in two days. He went up stairs, took a long hot bath, and then fell right in to bed.

The next morning he arose to the baby crying; he ran in to find Mrs. Martinez changing him. She had him all bathed and changed, and she was getting ready to feed him.

"Would you like to feed him sir?" she asks.

"Do you think he would mind?" Ryan asks.

"He won't mind who feeds him as long as someone does, and does it quick," she says handing him the bottle. He takes the baby, sits in the rocker, and puts the bottle in his mouth. He instantly stops crying and starts sucking on the nipple, as he holds Ryan's little finger.

"After he takes half the bottle you have to burp him," Mrs. Martinez says.

"You have to what?" he says looking at her in fear.

"It's quite easy," she tells him. He feeds him until he takes half of the bottle, then he pulls the bottle away. David starts to cry and she tells him to lift the baby and put him on his shoulder.

"Now lightly but firmly tap him, just above the small of his back." He does this for a few moments, and the baby lets out a big burp. He lays him back down, and gives him the rest of the bottle. When the bottle is finished he burps him again, and he falls asleep in the crook of Ryan's neck. He lays him down in his crib, covers him as he watches him sleep, and he bends and kisses his head.

"Sleep tight sweet prince," he says as he gently brushes the baby's hair aside.

He looks at his watch, it is a quarter of ten, and so he leaves for his trip. He is not sure how long it will take, Matt said about two hours. He finally arrives, sees a black car, and he parks beside it. There are three men with guns standing guard, and one comes towards him.

"Are you Ryan?" he asks with a heavy Italian accent.

"Yes, I am Ryan," he says to them in perfect Italian. A fourth man comes out of the entrance to the mine, wearing a black business suit.

"I am Raphael, Mr. Strathmore," he says in Italian. "Your package is just inside the mine, sir." They walk toward the mine and he can see the outline of a man. He is tied, gagged, and lying on the ground, with fear in his eyes, as Ryan gets closer. "One Lawrence Carter sir. What you do with him is up to you. According to all facts, he went missing this morning in a boating accident while fishing," Raphael says as he walks off. The four of them get in the black car and they drive away. Ryan walks back to the entrance of the mine, and looks at the frightened boy. The fear in his eyes says everything; Ryan has no sense of remorse, as he looks down at him. Ryan stoops down beside him, and sits him upright, looking straight in his eyes.

"So you like to rape poor defenseless girls, do you?" Ryan says and Lawrence's eyes widen, as he shakes his head no. "My Beth never had a chance with a man your size, now did she? Now we're going to see how you like to be raped," he says just inches from Lawrence's face. He tries to mutter something, but the gag has him mute, as Ryan undoes Lawrence's pants. He removes them and takes his underwear off, and tosses them into the mine. He goes and gets a blanket from the car, and spreads it out on the ground. He lays Lawrence down on his back, because he wants to see his face while he rapes the boy, and he unties the rope binding the boy's legs. He stands and removes his own boots and pants, and then he removes his underwear. He kneels down just inches from Lawrence's face and he shows him his big piece of meat.

"You see this cock Lawrence?" Ryan says. "In one minute it will be up your ass, and I'm not going to use anything to make it easy for you to take it." Lawrence's eyes get wide as fear hits him hard, and Ryan lifts Lawrence's legs. He positions himself at the kid's virgin hole and then gives a great push. Even with the gag, Ryan could hear his cry of pain, as his cock sank all the way in. He didn't bother to wait for him to relax; he pulled out completely and then slammed it in again hard. He pounded his ass hard, never showing any mercy, and never once taking his eyes off Lawrence's eyes. Ryan could see the pain in the kid's eyes, as he rode his ass for more than a half hour, listening to his muffled cries of pain.

"I bet you would like me to cum, so you could be done with this, wouldn't you?" he says and Lawrence shakes his head yes. "Did you show any mercy to my Beth, Lawrence?" Ryan asks and the boy shakes his head no. "I thought not." Ryan kept on pounding away on his ass until he finally felt his cock swell and he knew he was about to cum.

"Here it comes Lawrence, I'm going to fill your virgin ass with my seed. I'm going to pump you full of my hot cum pussy boy," Ryan says and shoots his cum deep into Lawrence's ass. He keeps pounding and pounding his ass until he has no more to give, then pulls out.

"How did that feel Lawrence?" Ryan says bent next to his ear. That was just the first round pussy boy, I have many more to give your sweet pussy boy ass." Ryan gets up, puts on his pants and reties Lawrence's legs, then goes out for a walk.

"I am sorry Beth that this happened to you. I will avenge your death, and that of your mother." He says to himself.

He walks around for almost an hour before heading back to the cave. Lawrence shows fear as he approaches, and he moves to get as far as he can from Ryan.

"Where do you think you're going pussy boy?" Ryan says pulling him back onto the blanket. "My cock wants more of that pussy of yours," he says, as Lawrence shakes his head no. "What, you don't want to fuck my cock, pussy boy?" Ryan asks him. "Would you rather suck my fat cock pussy boy?" Ryan says and slaps his face hard. Lawrence shakes his head yes. "I will remove this gag pussy boy, just give me a reason to use this," Ryan says pulling a revolver from his backpack. "Do you understand me pussy boy?" and Lawrence shakes his head yes. Ryan removes the gag and Lawrence tries to talk, but Ryan slaps him hard across the face.

"Did I tell you to speak, pussy boy?" Ryan asks and he shakes his head no. "That's better. Now kneel down and suck my cock; if you give me one bit of pain, I assure you, you will not feel this bullet enter your skull," he says. He stands and Lawrence kneels. Ryan puts his cock into his mouth and shoves it all the way in. Lawrence is gagging but the pressure of his gagging feels good on Ryan's cock. He pulls out, and then quickly shoves it back down, and he does this several times. Lawrence is gagging and about to pass out, as Ryan starts to shoot. He holds Lawrence's head tight on his cock, as he shoots his hot come down his throat. He pulls out and shoots the last of his load all over his face. When he has no more he makes Lawrence lick his cock clean, then slaps him and shoves him down. The hate and contempt that he feels for this boy, he can hardly contain. He looks at the boy as he lies on the ground, and Lawrence is silently crying to himself. Is this what my Beth did when he was through with her he wonders? He points his gun at the boy and he freezes, unable to pull the trigger.

"Go home boss," comes a voice from behind him. He jumps and turns, and there stands Matthew. "Let me finish this piece of shit for you, Texas style," Matt says looking down at Lawrence. Lawrence looks at Ryan and his eyes plead for his life.

"Please sir, forgive me, I will never tell anyone what happened here," Lawrence begs and Matt kicks him hard.

"Matthew, I can't; this is my affair," Ryan says with tears in his eyes as he looks at Lawrence.

"Listen Ryan, you took a chance on me, when I was a nobody fresh out of school," Matt says. "Then when Danny died, you took another chance and gave me his position, this will square us Ryan, now go," he says pulling his own gun from the back of his pants. "But first I think I might have some fun with this pussy boy if you don't mind," Matt tells Ryan. Matt drops his pants and he shows Lawrence a ten-inch cock just itching for his ass.

"Now pussy boy on your back," Matt says as Lawrence lies on his back and starts to cry. He knows he is going to die and his eyes find Ryan's eyes. "Ah boss, I don't need no audience, go home," as Ryan is still standing there, staring at Lawrence.

Ryan cleans himself up and dresses, as Matt starts to slam Lawrence's ass. Lawrence is crying out in pain, as Matt pounds his ass, but his screams go unheeded in the desert. Ryan gets into his car and starts it, unsure that he has done the right thing. As he slowly starts to drive off, he is maybe a mile away, when he hears a single gunshot, and he stops, hangs his head seeing Lawrence's eyes, and cries. He gets home and bathes, and he cries even more from the hurt, the pain and the shame. He lets out a scream that brings Mrs. Martinez running and knocking on the door. He assures her that he is ok, as he continues to silently cry.

Later that day Matt calls and tells him that the matter has been taken care of.

"That is one body they will never find, Ryan," Matt says.

"I am so sorry you did that Matthew, I should never have let you do that for me, I still wonder if it was the right thing to do," Ryan says.

"Boss I owed you big time, and now we are square. He deserved to die after what he did; he caused two innocent people to die. Besides, I did it because I love you guy, I know your secret and now you know mine. Oh, and thanks for the nice Italian lover also, he and I have hit it off right from the start."

"Thanks again Matt, and Matt," Ryan says. "You be good to that young man, his dad is a very good friend of mine."

"Don't worry Ryan, I love that guy big time, I don't give my ass to just anybody," he says and they hang up.

Ryan sits for hours, ashamed of what he has done.

"I am no better than that boy," he says to himself. "His one act of rape has cost three lives."

Sean and the boys get in late in the evening the next day, and Dan is a mess. Ryan takes him in his arms and comforts him. He takes him aside and tells him the entire story from the rape up to the death of Beth and his mother. His pain is unbelievable and he cries for hours as Tyler holds him tight. Tyler never leaves his side and he comforts his man, but the hatred is building deep inside Dan.

"I need to find that man," Dan says. "I want to punish him and see that he dies."

"Ryan come with me," Ryan says to him. He takes his hand and he leads him upstairs, asking the others to wait downstairs.

"What I am about to tell you is for your ears only," he tells him. "You must promise me that you will never repeat what I am about to tell you."

"What is it Ryan, is it that bad?" Dan asks.

"Yes Dan, it could send me to the electric chair, kid," Ryan says and Dan goes white.

"I promise Ryan, I give you my word."

"The boy that did this was brought to me yesterday. I raped him repeatedly, then I had someone else rape him, and then that person killed him and disposed of his body."

Dan's face went white with shock; he could not believe that this man before him could be so cold blooded.

"Ryan, you did this for my sister and my mother?" Dan asks.

"Yes Dan, I saw the pain that was in your sister's eyes. I felt the hopelessness that your mother felt. I had to do something. I held your sister as she took her last breath," Ryan says and Dan burst into tears again. Ryan grabs him into his arms and holds him tight, and whispers softly in his ears.

"Your mother asked me to tell you how much she loved you. She was sorry she wouldn't be around to see you graduate, or to see you someday when you marry." Ryan knew he was lying but Dan needed to hear this, and the words were a comfort to him.

"Thank you Ryan, for doing what I know must have taken a big part of your heart away to do. Thank you for being there for my sister and my mom, when I couldn't be there with them. They are with my dad now, and I know that they are at peace." He laid his head on Ryan's shoulder and cried. "There is one thing I cannot do, and no matter what you say I will not do it."

"What is that Dan?" Ryan says.

"I will not take that bastard son of his," Dan said. "Every time I look at him I will see his father and think of how his father raped my sister. I will not raise him, Ryan."

"Let me talk to Sean, Dan," Ryan says. "If he is willing I want to raise him as our son. Would that bother you, Dan?" Ryan asks.

"As long as I don't have to look at him, you can do what you want with him."

"You know Dan, he is half your sister also. He looks like her when she was small."

"I don't give a fuck who he looks like Ryan, just keep him the fuck away from me," Dan says.

"If we raise him Dan, you must promise me that you will never tell him what I did to his father."

"I told you already damn it, I will not tell him or anyone else Ryan, now leave me the fuck alone," he says, and he runs from the room. Sean comes in a few minutes later, and he wants to know what is the matter with Dan. Ryan sits Sean down and he explains everything that he had just told Dan. Sean just looks at his man and he can hardly believe that his man is capable of the things he just said.

"God Ry, I knew I should have come with you. I should have been the one that took care of this matter, not you love. I am so sorry that you had to endure this, forgive me for not being here with you."

"Sean it's not your fault, none of this. I chose to act on this; I was the one that sought revenge in my heart. I was the one that raped that boy repeatedly and watched the fear in his eyes as I did it to him. I was the one who let Matthew rape and then kill him. It was me Sean, it was fucking me!" Ryan says and he loses control and cries. Sean holds him tight while he cries, and his remorse soon torches his heart.

"How can I ever face that child Sean, knowing what I did to his father?" Ryan says between sobs.

Two days later, the funerals were held, and the crowds that came overwhelmed Dan. He hired a realtor to sell the house, and he sold off the furnishings. Sean and Ryan took the baby home, and Dan and Tyler moved out shortly after. Dan used the money from the sale of the house, to buy a house in Boston. He stayed in touch with Ryan, but he lost that closeness they had, and it nearly broke Ryan's heart. Ryan had a judge that owed him a favor, to make the adoption of David legitimate. Sean graduated from Harvard; he passed his boards and became a lawyer.

It is twenty years later, November 1961 and David is grown. He is already a senior at Harvard. Matthew was killed in an oilrig accident and Julian took over his position. Tyler and Dan are still doing fine, they have a son, Kevin, who is eighteen. Dan talks on the phone with Ryan and Sean, but they seldom see each other. Ryan has retired from taking an active role in the company, and now he just monitors his well-oiled staff. Marge died back in 1958, and Ryan took it hard. He lost Martin in 1957, and Leonard in 1950. He and Sean are now in there fifties.

"Sean have you been following this shit about Vietnam?" Ryan asks. "He is not going to be happy until he has us at war," Ryan says referring to John Kennedy.

"He is just as shady as his father was during prohibition," Sean says.

"I know what you mean love, he is a man on the move. Even congress is backing the guy. Well at least we aren't at war with them, we are only there as consultants."

"If this keeps up we will be in it deeper."

"Did your company get that government contract?" Sean asks.

"Yes we did, it was a fourteen point three million dollar contract. I tell you, Kennedy must have something big up his sleeve, because we have several more in the works," Ryan says.

Sean looks at his watch and says, "Got to go love, got a big case today, see you around four." He folds up his newspaper and he heads for the door. "I love you Ry," he calls back as he walks out.

"I love you too, babe," Ryan says as the door closes.

"Will there be anyone else for dinner tonight?" asks Danbury, Martin's replacement.

"No just the three of us," Ryan says. "Could you have Jason bring the car around, I think I will do some shopping."

"Yes sir, right away." Ryan got up, grabbed his coat, and headed out the door. Jason was just pulling up and he got in before Jason could get out.

"Sir you must give me time to get out and open the door for you," Jason says.

"Nonsense, I have two hands and I am quite capable of doing it myself. Now downtown please, I have some Christmas shopping to do."

Ryan was shopping when he heard a familiar voice.

"What are you getting me Santa?" Tyler says from behind him.

Ryan turns and sees him, "Tyler, how are you love, and how is Dan? My I miss seeing the three of you."

"Ryan he is so bitter, even after all these years he still does not want to look at David. It's like he sees his sister's rape in his mind when he does."

"I had hoped that with time he would have softened towards David, he is such a loving boy. Talking about boys, how is Kevin doing these days?"

"He is growing so fast, he wants to go to Yale next year. I just hope that the war in Vietnam doesn't come to our door," Tyler says.

"I hear you, David had to file with the draft board when he turned eighteen, and our hearts just ached with the fear of his being drafted."

"We went through the same thing when Kevin filed last May. Well I must go, I am meeting Dan for lunch."

"Tell him I love him and that I miss him. We must get together over the holidays Tyler," Ryan says and they go their separate ways.

"I would love that, but you know how Dan is," Tyler says.

A few weeks later they are sitting having breakfast, and watching their favorite news program when the president of the United States interrupts it.

"Today I am asking Congress to authorize me to send another 500,000 troops over to Vietnam. We are now involved in war with the North Vietnamese government."

"My God Sean war! That means David may be called to go," Ryan says as his eyes start to tear up. "Not necessarily Ry, he is still in college, and they will take the eighteen year olds first," Sean tells him. "Oh my God Kevin, is now eighteen. Dan and Tyler must be worried to death now. I think I will call them and talk to them about Kevin." Ryan picks up the phone and dials Dan's number; he gets Kevin on the line. "Kevin good morning son, how are you," Ryan says. "Is Dan at home?" he asks. "Yes, Uncle Ryan, he and dad are having a talk at the moment over the president's address. I guess you heard?" he asks. "I will probably be drafted soon, seeing how we are at war now and not just consultants." "Well let's hope not, you are still in high school. Have Dan call me when he is able son, ok? I love you Kevin." "I love you too, Uncle Ryan." Dan calls back a few minutes later and he is in a somber mood. "Ryan what's up? Kevin said you called." "Yes I just wanted to know how the two of you are doing, given the news we heard this morning." "How the fuck you think we're doing, our boy will more than likely be drafted to war," he says in a sarcastic tone. "I was only concerned Dan, I did not mean to upset you. Forgive me for calling you," Ryan says a bit bitter. "Well at least you don't have to worry about your bastard kid going to war, now do you?" he says with hatred in his voice. "How cruel of you, Dan. I cannot believe that you could be so mean and hateful to me. Goodbye," Ryan says and slams the receiver down. Ryan is in tears as Sean comes in and asks what has caused him to cry. "Dan was so cruel in what he said to me about David," he tells Sean. "I still can't believe he holds such hatred in his heart after all these years." "Ryan love, let it go, some people never let go of hatred, they take it to their grave with them. It eats at them like a cancer, until nothing else exists but the hatred." The rest of the year progressed, the New Year came, and with it David's graduation from Harvard. "Sean, look at our son up there, he is so handsome," Ryan says with pride. "He grew up so fast and now he is a man." "Ryan lets face it, he will soon be going out on his own. He won't want to be hanging around with us. He will find his own love," Sean says. "He has never said anything babe, do you think he is gay or straight?" Ryan asks. "I really don't know, love. He has had several girlfriends through the years, but he never did seem to be serious about any of them," Sean says. "However, whichever way he goes we will love him and whomever he chooses to love, won't we?" he says patting Ryan's hand. "Yes we will babe, yes we will." The graduation ceremony progresses and it's finally David's turn to receive his degree. "David Michael Donohue-Strathmore," the president of Harvard announces. David strolls up, receives his degree, and turns to wave at his dads. Ryan and Sean wave at him and are so proud of their son as he walks across the stage. At the same time across town, at Boston College High School, Kevin is graduating. "Dan our boy is finally a man, look how tall he is standing there," Tyler says with pride. "Yes Ty, he is quite a handsome one at that, someone will be lucky to catch that babe," Dan says. "Kevin Jacob Barkley-Cooper," the dean of the school announces. Kevin strides across the stage to receive his diploma. He walks away as a strong gust of wind blows his gown up, exposing his nakedness underneath. He is not alone as several others also are exposed by the same gust of wind. The crowd lets out a gasp of shock as the boy's manhood is exposed. "Oh my God," Tyler says in shock, "what was that boy thinking?" "A chip off the ol' block," Dan says with amusement in his voice. "Daniel Cooper, you cannot be serious, that is not proper behavior for a man of his standing," Tyler scolds Dan who is still laughing. "Well it's not like he did it alone, it looks like at least ten others did it also. Some of them seem to be pretty well endowed also," Dan says smiling at Tyler. "Daniel you pervert, they are just boys. How dare you make such an observation," Tyler says. "Although that red head did have at least nine inches." "Now who is the pervert," he says laughing at Tyler. Dan and Tyler are sitting on the patio, when Charles, their houseman, brings them their mail. Tyler goes white with fear, as he reads the outside address on the top letter. "Tyler, what's wrong," Dan says grabbing Tyler's hand. "Dan, this letter is from the office of the Bureau of the Selective Service," Tyler says and starts to cry. "Fuck no! Kevin is being drafted," Dan says and he gets up and takes Tyler in his arms. Kevin comes out a few minutes later and asks. "What's the matter with dad?" "It's this son," Dan says handing the letter to Kevin. Kevin sits and opens the envelope and pulls out the letter. He takes his time reading it, and he rereads it before saying. "I am being drafted," he tells his dads. "I am to report to Parris Island in five days, the Marines." "We can get a waiver son," Dan says. "You have college to go to ." but he is interrupted. "No dad, I want to serve. The other guys in my graduating class have enlisted already." "But son, please be reasonable here," Dan pleads. "Dad it's my life now, I'm eighteen, this is what I want to do." Across town, Ryan and Sean are having lunch when David comes out on the patio. "Dads, can I talk with you a minute," David asks looking at Sean and Ryan. "Sure son, sit down," Sean says. "No I would rather stand, what I have to say is hard. I know you're not going to want to hear it, and you probably will be upset with me." "Son we love you and whatever you tell us can never make us stop loving you, now what is it?" Ryan asks thinking he is speaking of his orientation. "Well .I have enlisted in the Marines," he says and his dads go white with shock. "You what!?" yells Sean, "Why the fuck would you do that?" he asks. "Dad please, it's my life and I want to do this," he says. "David! But the Marines son, why them?" Ryan asks. "They are the toughest, and they make men out of boys," he says. "Are you struggling with something that you want to talk about son?" Sean asks. "No dad, I'm not," David says. "I just need to do this." "When do you leave?" Sean asks. "In five days," he says. "I take a bus from the recruiting station on Tuesday," he tells them. "It will take me down to Parris Island for my basic training." "That's tomorrow son, not five days from now," Ryan says. "I know, but I have to report to the base in five days, that's why we are leaving tomorrow dad." They get up, take him in their arms and hug him, and Ryan is crying. The next day they are at the recruiting station. Ryan sees Dan and Tyler with Kevin and goes over to see what they are doing there. "Dan, Tyler, why are you here?" he inquires. "Kevin got drafted by the Marines," Dan says. "His bus leaves for Parris Island today. Why are you here?" Dan asks. "David enlisted with the Marines, his bus also leaves today." "That bastard is going to be with my son at boot camp?" Dan says, as Kevin looks at him. "I will see about that," he says walking away towards an officer with a clipboard. "What did he mean by all that dad?" Kevin asks Tyler. "Nothing son, now go and find out where you need to be. I am so sorry Ryan, I cannot tell you how happy I am that the boys will be together there. I know Dan doesn't like it, but at least they'll have someone they know there." "This hatred he carries, he has to let go of Tyler. It's not healthy to carry it like he does. The boy is dead that caused all this trouble, if he doesn't let it go, it will kill him also." "I know Ryan, and I have told him so. He just tells me that it's none of my concern, and personally, it's driving us apart. Look the boys are lining up, we better go." Dan is angry as hell that he can do nothing about Kevin going to boot camp with David. Ryan and Sean say their goodbyes and tell David to write. "David, you watch out for Kevin, he is a good man." "I will dad, and you dads take care of each other and don't worry. I love you, dad," he says to each one, and then gets on the bus. "Kevin, stay away from David, he is trash and I don't want you near him, do you hear me?" Dan says and walks away angry. "Kevin, don't listen to him, David is a good man, watch out for one another. He is not trash son, he is . well. is good. I love you son and please be careful," Tyler says as Kevin gets on the bus.

This ends the story of the first generation of Strathmore's. We will be beginning the next generation with David. Comments welcomed at

Next: Chapter 7

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