The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 7, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2

Chapter 5

This is a work of fiction. The names are in no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I wish to thank my good friend Bill H. for editing my writing of this chapter.

From Chapter 4 ...

"Good night Dan," Ryan and Sean say as he gets up to go to his room. "We shall see you in the morning."

"Good night Ryan, Sean," he says. "What time should I be up?" he asks.

"Martin will get you up at eight. That way you will have time to bathe and dress before breakfast," Ryan tells him.

A while later Sean says to Ryan,

"Well love, shall we go up? I would think he is asleep by now."

"Yes babe, I have something special that has been waiting for you," Ryan says with a sexy grin.

They go up and lock the door behind them when they enter their room. They undress and get into bed.

"I love you babe," Ryan says to Sean as he kisses him passionately, letting their tongues meet.

"Not as much as I love you," Sean says and he kisses his neck. Sean kisses his way down to Ryan's nipples, and gently nibbles on them. Ryan moans out softly as he gives himself to Sean. He then spreads his legs and Sean moves between them, taking Ryan's cock in his mouth. He slowly sucks it down until his nose is buried in his pubic hair, drinking in the scent of his man. He goes up and down on his cock, and soon Ryan is close to cumming.

"Sean babe, fuck me now, I am so close babe," he says.

Sean sits up, grabs the ointment, and prepares Ryan's hole for his love. He moves close and aligns his manhood, then gently pushes in. Ryan lets out a gasp as the head enters, and they wait as he relaxes from the assault.

"Ok babe, I'm ready," he says as he pulls Sean in for a kiss.

Sean slowly pushes in until he is balls deep in Ryan, and he lets out a moan of delight. He slowly pulls out almost completely and then pushes back in with a thrust. Ryan pushes his hips up to meet each of Sean's thrusts, and he moans as Sean's cock rubs his prostate when he pushes in. Ryan looks at his man as he fucks him, with the moonlight shining on him. It gives his hair a shimmer, and his eyes seem to glow as they reflect the moon's light. He senses he is close and he calls out to Sean, "Fuck me babe, I'm cumming," he yells, forgetting that Dan is in the next room. He shoots his load all over his chest and stomach as his ass tightens around Sean's cock. Sean's cock starts to swell and he starts to shoot, blasting his seed deep into Ryan's ass. He is pounding away as he feeds his love to the man that he loves. He falls onto Ryan and they join in a kiss, as the light in the room comes on. They turn their head and there standing in the doorway to the adjoining room is Dan.

"Oh my God Dan," Ryan says, as Dan turns and goes back into his room. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

"I forgot about that door, Ry," Sean says as they get up and put on robes. They go to Dan's room and he's looking out the window. He turns slightly as they enter the room.

"Dan, about what you just saw in there," Ryan says walking over to Dan, putting his hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry that you saw it."

"I heard someone yell and I thought something was wrong," he says turning to face Ryan. "I should have knocked first, Ryan. I'm the one who is sorry."

"Come and sit down Dan and let's talk about this," Ryan says, "I need to explain this to you."

"It's none of my business, Ryan, if you and Sean are . well it's none of my business," he says.

"Yes it is now, when you walked in it became your business Dan. We do need to talk about it, please Dan."

"Are you two in love?" Dan asks moving to the sitting area. "I mean is that what you call that kind of thing?"

"Yes Dan, we are in love, and we are a couple, but not in the sense that society would accept as a couple. You see Dan; our kind of love is not accepted yet as healthy or viable to society. We love each other as a man and a woman would love each other, but we are two men in love instead."

"Does your family know about it?" he asks.

"My mother does, and she accepts it. She was not sure at first, but she came around eventually. We don't openly display our love for one another in public, but we do when we are at home. We have been careful not to while you have been with us, up 'til now. I'm sorry that you saw us like that."

"Don't be Ryan, I don't want you to be different because of me in your own home. I will not say anything to anyone, I promise Ryan," he says and he starts to cry.

"Dan what is the matter? I'm so sorry that I have caused you such pain."

"It's not that," Dan says when he finally stops crying. "I have had the same feelings for some time, and have had no one to talk to," he says and he runs into Ryan's arms.

He cries for a while as he lets out his pent up emotions. He has held in his feelings of love towards men for so long, he is about to burst. Ryan holds him as Sean goes and gets them something to drink.

"Ryan, I have had these feelings for so long now, but I've had no one to talk to."

"Is there anyone at home that you have feelings for Dan?" he asks.

"Tyler Barkley; he was the guy that got the scholarship. I fell in love with him last year and I could've died when he was around me. I wanted to go to bed with him so badly, but he was all man."

"Where is he going to college?" Ryan asks.

"Same as me...Boston College. That's partly why I wanted so badly to go there."

"Have you ever had sex with a man before?" Ryan asks.

"Are you kidding me Ryan?" he says in shock. "I'm from Texas. They would string me up by my balls if they knew I liked men."

Sean comes back in the room with some brandy and pours each of them a glass. It warms their insides as it goes down, and it gives Dan the courage to proceed, "Can I ask you and Sean something and I will understand if you say no?" he says going red in the face from the brandy. "Could I go to bed with you two, and have my first time with you?" he asks and lowers his head.

"Wow, talk about catching one off guard," Ryan says.

"Listen I'm sorry I asked. Please forget I asked ok?" he says.

"Give us a minute Dan; we need to discuss this between us. This is not a decision that only one of us should make," Ryan says as he takes Sean into their room.

"Sean what's your opinion about this babe?" he asks.

"I don't know Ry, he caught me off guard also with that request," he says. "I guess if you think it's ok, then I don't mind."

"Maybe his first time should be with someone who will take their time and be gentle with him," Ryan says. "I just don't know if this is the right thing to do though."

"It is your call, love. I agree that someone gentle and loving should be with him for his first time."

"I would hate to think of someone being rough and just using him, as his initiation to man sex. That could really scare him for life."

"So what do you think?"

"Well maybe just this once and it will be just once. We will not be doing it again, our love is for each other and not for sharing," he says kissing Sean.

"I agree love, I hate the thought of sharing you with anyone, but Dan is not just anyone. His first time should be special and a time that he will remember always."

"Dan, would you come in here please?" Ryan calls out to Dan. He enters their room looking lost and his head is hung towards the floor.

"Dan we are willing to do this with you this one time. You must understand that it is only going to be a one-time event. Are you okay with that and understand?" he asks.

"Yes Ryan, I understand."

"We both feel that your first time should be tender and loving, and with someone that will be gentle with you. There are going to be times maybe, that you meet someone who is not gentle, who may like to be rough and a bit demanding with you. It's your choice whether you do it or not, but your first time shouldn't be that way," he says as he takes Dan into his arms and kisses him lightly on the lips. He pushes his tongue in to touch Dan's, and parts his lips to invite Dan in. Their tongues do a dance of first kiss, as Dan gives a sigh of delight. Ryan turns Dan to Sean and their lips meet as they kiss and Dan's passion builds. They break their kiss and stand back, and the men start to undress Dan. The moonlight hits his body, and highlights his muscles and curves. His hair is aglow with the light as it shimmers and his eyes sparkle from the reflection of the moon's light. They lead him to the bed and lay him down, with one of them on each side of him. They gently caress his nipples, softly biting and sucking on them. He moans out in pleasure as Sean kisses him, their tongues searching each other's mouth. Ryan takes Dan's cock and puts it in his mouth, sucking and licking around the head, and Dan lifts his ass to give him more. Ryan runs his tongue around and under the corona, and then slowly goes down on the cock. He swallows Dan's cock until there's none left, and he smells the boy's scent and drinks it in. Sean sucks the boy's balls, one at a time, gently rolling them around in his mouth. Dan's head rolls left to right, as his passion grows more intense, his hands gripping Ryan's head. Sean lifts Dan's legs and buries his tongue deep into Dan's tender rosebud.

"Fuck guys," Dan cries out, his passion overwhelming him, as Sean continues to fuck him with his tongue. Ryan can sense that he is very close, so he pulls off his cock. He moves to Dan's lips and he gives him a kiss, as Sean inserts a finger in Dan. He moans in his pleasure as Ryan sucks on his tongue, and Sean puts another finger in. Dan is now thrashing in ecstasy, as Sean prepares his ass. Sean sat up and grabbed the ointment, and applied it to Dan's rosebud.

"Are you sure you want this?" Ryan whispers to Dan, as Sean is ready to enter his treasure.

"Yes! Please take me, I need you inside." Sean positions himself and tells Dan to push out when he feels him starting to push in.

"It's going to hurt the first time Dan, but Sean will be gentle. He will stop and wait for you to adjust to the feeling of something inside you," Ryan tells him.

Sean starts to push in as Dan pushes out, and his cock's head breaks through the ring. Dan screams out in pain as the head breaks through, and Sean stops to give him time to adjust. When Sean feels Dan relax, he pushes slowly in, until he is all the way in. Dan's eyes roll back into his head, and he lets out a sigh of relief and pleasure. Sean slowly starts fucking, taking short, gentle strokes, careful not to cause much pain. Then Dan begins to meet Sean's pushes, so he finds a rhythm to his fucking. He is soon fucking him with a faster pace, and Dan is meeting his every thrust. Ryan takes Dan's cock deep into his mouth, and swallows it deep down into his throat. Dan is now moaning and thrashing about, as his passion is bringing him close.

"I'm cumming Ryan, fuck me harder and faster Sean," he cries out, as he shoots his come deep into Ryan's waiting throat. He shoots rope after rope of his sweet boy cum, the first time he has ever done this. His ass tightens around Sean's cock, and causes it to explode. He shoots his hot seed deep into Dan's ass, as he pounds it with all the force he can muster. He keeps pounding away until he has drained himself dry, and Dan has stopped shooting his load. Ryan moves up to Dan and gives him a kiss, while Dan lies there in a sweet afterglow. The three of them cuddle and they soon fall asleep, spooning each other.

The next morning they wake well before Martin comes in and Dan says to Ryan and to Sean.

"Thank you guys for last night, that was the best time I ever had in my life. Will it always feel that good?" he asks them.

"It should, but that will depend on the man you are with. You should be with someone you love Dan, and not just someone for the sex of it," Ryan tells him. "Remember, last night was a one time only. Sean and I don't like to share our love. We only did last night for you because we wanted your first time to be special, and gentle."

"I know Ryan and Sean. I really appreciate it. You know Sean, I can still feel you inside me," he says squirming around.

"That feeling will go away once you bathe," Ryan says.

"I don't want it to go away, I like that feeling Ryan."

"I think you created a bottom boy Sean," Ryan says laughing.

"A what?" Dan asks looking puzzled.

"A bottom boy is someone that likes to get fucked instead of being the one doing the fucking," Sean explains.

"Yeah, that's me, you sure can fuck Sean. Your cock felt like it was in my stomach," Dan said and they all started to laugh. They decided to get up before Martin came in, discovering Dan's secret. They bathe and go down for breakfast; sex has made them hungry this morning.

Ryan and Sean take Dan for his interview, and go shopping while he's at the school. Dan is very nervous as he waits to be seen for his interview, when to his surprise, who should walk in, but none other than Tyler Barkley.

"Dan Cooper, what are you doing here?" Tyler asks going over to shake his hand. "I thought you weren't going to college."

"My plans changed," he says shaking Tyler's hand and electricity races through him at the touch. "I got a scholarship to go from a family friend."

"That is so fantastic, man," Tyler says. "I was so worried about not knowing anyone up here and being from the south. Where are you staying?" he asks.

"I'm staying with family friends here in Boston," he says. "Where are you staying?"

"At the YMCA down the street," he says. "It's ok, but you have to share a bathroom and the men there are kind of creepy."

"A Mr. Daniel Cooper," a secretary announces. "The president will see you now, young man."

"Hey wait for me, and we can talk after," he says getting up to go for his interview.

"I have my interview after yours, so you will be waiting for me buddy," Tyler says.

Later that afternoon after both of them had their interviews and placement tests, they are walking out to meet Ryan and Sean, when Dan spots them over on a park bench waiting.

"There are the friends that I'm staying with," he says pointing to Ryan and Sean. "Come on and I'll introduce you to them."

They walk over to the guys and Dan has a smile as wide as the state of Texas.

"Ryan, Sean, this is Tyler Barkley. He's the guy I told you about that's going to Boston College," he says beaming as he introduces Tyler to the guys.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Tyler," Ryan and Sean say. "Where are you staying here in Boston?"

"At the YMCA," he says a bit embarrassed.

"Oh my," says Ryan, "that's not a very good place at all. How long are you in town for?"

"I'm here until I can find a place to live, then my parents are going to pay the rent," he tells Ryan.

"Well we can't have a friend of Dan's staying at the Y, now can we?" he says looking at Sean.

"No we certainly can't, Ry. I guess we will have to invite him to stay as our guest along with Dan," Sean says to Ryan.

"So what do you say, young man, interested?" Ryan asks looking at Tyler.

"If you're sure it will be no inconvenience, sir, I would be delighted to accept your hospitality."

"There's only one condition, I'm Ryan and this is Sean, ok?"

"Ok, and thank you sir, err, Ryan."

They walk over to the car and Leonard takes them to the Y, so Tyler can get his belongings. He, like Dan had been, is taken aback as they drive up to Strathmore Estate.

"Fuck," Tyler says then quickly apologizes. "I have never seen a place this big before."

"Wait," Dan says, "until you see the inside." Tyler is totally taken in by the grandeur of the house as Dan gives him the grand tour.

"Why don't we show you to your room Tyler?" Ryan says.

"Ah, Ryan, would you mind if he stayed with me in my room? I have a big bed and I would like to have someone to talk with, if he doesn't mind," he says turning to Tyler.

"Hey I don't mind, I would love to have someone from home that I know to talk with. Besides, we were on the football team together, bro," he says punching Dan lightly in his arm.

"No problem then, you take him up and get him settled in," Ryan tells Dan. Dan grabs a bag and Tyler follows carrying two others as they head towards the elevator.

"He has an elevator too," Ryan hears Tyler say.

"Do you think it was a good idea letting Tyler bunk in with Dan?" Sean asks. "You do remember that Tyler is Dan's love interest don't you?"

"Yes I do remember, I just thought he could use a little help in moving Tyler along. Did you see the glances he gave Dan when he thought Dan wasn't looking?"

"No I missed that. Shit, what did he do?" Sean asks.

"He just looks at him like a lovesick puppy, or maybe it's just the romantic in me," Ryan says. "Well by morning we shall see, won't we?"

"I guess we will, but you do know we will have to be quiet ourselves tonight love."

"I know, but it's so hard when you are pounding me with that fat cock of yours," Ryan says. "Let's go up and see if the boys want to go out for dinner."

They go upstairs and open the door to Dan's room, and are shocked by what they see. Dan and Tyler are lying on the bed kissing and holding each other tight.

"I'm so sorry guys," Ryan says as Tyler jumps to his feet and his face turns red. "I should have knocked first."

Dan starts to laugh and Tyler turns to him in shock.

"I ... please ... forgive me Ryan," he stammers.

"Tyler," Dan says as he gets up and takes Tyler into his arms and kisses him again. Tyler breaks away in shock and says to Dan.

"What the fuck are you doing Dan? Are you crazy? In front of Ryan and Sean?" he says and he starts to cry.

"Tyler," Ryan says taking him in his arms. "You are among friends buddy, you are free to show your affection for Dan here," he tells him holding him close. "Sean and I are lovers also Tyler and we have no problem if you and Dan want to show your love for one another."

"Really! You two are really lovers?" he asks looking at Sean and Ryan. "You really scared the shit out of me just then when you came in. They would have beaten me and Dan until we died if we were in Texas," he said walking over to Dan's open arms. "I have loved Dan since our freshman year, but was afraid to move on it. He just told me how much he loved me also."

"Well like I said, you are free to express your love here, only there are a few rules. First, no affection in front of the staff, we have to respect their values. Secondly, what happens here stays here. Is that understood?" he says and they both nod yes. "Lastly, no one forces the other to do something that he does not want to do. If you both can live by those rules I see no problems for you staying here."

They both agreed and they hugged Ryan and Sean.

"One last rule, before I forget. We, the four of us, will always knock before entering a closed door."

"We understand," Sean, Dan and Tyler all said in unison. "Now how about dinner out tonight? I feel like dressing up and doing the town," Ryan says.

"That's fine for you two, Ryan, but we don't have dress clothes," Dan says.

"That's no problem, Tyler is about the same size I am, and you are Sean's size."

They all get dressed up, head out to eat, and have a great time. They call it a night around one and head back home where they say good night and go to bed.

Ryan and Sean are cuddling, and they can hear the boys in the other room.

"It sounds like someone is having some fun," Sean says.

"I bet Dan is in heaven with his cowboy fucking him tonight by the sounds he's making."

"Talking about making sounds cowboy, why don't we have our own rodeo?" Sean asks rolling on top of Ryan. Their lips meet in passion as their cocks swell, telling each other they agree. Sean is soon pounding away at Ryan's ass, as Ryan reaches his climax. They cum together and fall into each other's arms as they ride out the afterglow of their love.

1940 .

Time passes and school begins for the boys, and Sean begins law classes at Harvard. Ryan is busy with the new plastic product he has developed and is making a great profit. Mario comes to his office one morning and he wishes to meet with him.

"Mario, my friend, how are you today?" Ryan asks. "It has been a while since I have seen you."

"I have a favor to ask of you my friend, and I am ashamed to even mention it. I have a son, my only one, who has brought my family great shame."

"Come now my friend, nothing can be that bad," Ryan says. "Tell me what it is you wish of me."

"My son, Julian, is in Italy at the moment, and he wishes to come to America. He has brought me shame over there Mr. Ryan, and I am afraid to say it to you. If he were not my only son I would have him put away for ever," Mario says with contempt in his voice. "He was caught in bed with the . no I cannot say it my friend."

"It cannot be as bad as you make it out to be Mario. Was he caught with a woman?" Ryan asks.

"No my friend, a man," he says and he loses control and starts to cry. He cries for some time and when he gains control, he says to Ryan,

"Mr. Ryan, if he could stay with you and maybe you could have a job for him please," he says and Ryan knows how hard it is for him to ask this of him. "I cannot look at him no more, my friend, even if he is my son."

"After all you have done for me Mario, this is the least I can do for you. You write for your son and have him come to America; I will put him up and will give him a job. What does he do, Mario?"

"He is an engineer in Italy, he was working for the oil companies there. That was until he was caught with the foreman in bed doing things no men should do."

"Well my friend, some men have a way of loving that is different from what society says is acceptable. That does not mean they are wrong or bad my friend, just because they are different."

"I have my beliefs and I cannot change them, but I love my son. It will take me some time to understand his way of thinking Mr. Ryan. But I thank you for doing this for me."

"Don't mention it my friend, just let me know when he is to arrive. I will meet him and get him settled here in a new job."

"If he disrespects you sir, you tell me and I will take care of him. You understand me Mr. Ryan?"

"I think we will get along just fine. Does he speak English, Mario, if not my Italian is very good."

"Why you no tell me you speak Italian, I like it better than English," he says to me in Italian.

"I'm sorry, I thought Tony told you and you preferred English," Ryan says in return in perfect Italian.

Mario leaves and Ryan sits and tries to decide the best place to use Julian. What a find, he thinks to himself, to have an engineer already trained in the oil industry. Maybe Matthew can use him. He picks up the phone and gives Matt a call.

"Matt how are things going in Houston for you?" Ryan asks.

"Fine when I can keep this fucking engineer from drinking," Matt says. "Which most of the time is impossible."

"Well you may be in luck, my friend. I have an engineer coming from Italy in a few weeks who is trained in the oil business. He speaks little English though, how is your Italian?" Ryan asks.

"Not as good as my Spanish. I spent a few years in Spain and picked up the language, the two are very similar they say."

"That's good. I will call you as soon as he is ready to be sent down. I think I'll make the trip also, I have some friends I would like to see."

"Sounds good boss, now to just keep Carl sober until this kid gets here, then his fucking ass is out of here," Matt says.

"That's your call Matt, I have faith in your decisions," Ryan says. "I will be in touch Matt, just hang in there buddy," he says and hangs up.

Julian arrives three weeks later, and Mario brings him to Ryan's office.

"Julian, this is Mr. Strathmore. He is going to be your boss man," Mario says in Italian.

"Julian, it is a pleasure to meet you son," Ryan says in Italian shaking his hand.

"My pleasure sir, you speak my native tongue Mr. Strathmore."

"I learned it in college, and please call me Ryan, Julian."

"I am sure that my father has told you of my shame sir," he says lowering his head. "I assured my father and now you that I will not bring it to your house sir."

"Yes he has Julian, and we shall speak on the matter later. Now I would like to go home, so Mario my friend, I wish you a good day."

"A very good day to you, Mr. Ryan," he says and then turns to Julian. "Remember your word, you do not bring disgrace to his house," he says.

"I will not Papa," he says as his father leaves. He stands there alone and he looks so scared, he is only twenty-four. To make matters worse he knows that Ryan knows about the shame he brought to his family. Ryan walks over, closes the door and locks it so they will not be disturbed.

"Have a seat Julian," Ryan says. "I have a few things to finish up and then we can go." Ryan finishes his work and then looks at Julian, who is sitting there tall and proud. He is around six two, about one ninety-eight, with black hair and eyes. He is built quite nicely with lots of muscles and Julian notices Ryan looking at him.

"Ryan I know what my father told you, and I won't try to deny it. I have always loved men ever since I was a young boy, and I am sorry for putting you in the middle of my family shame."

"Julian," Ryan says coming over to stand in front of him. "I understand exactly how you feel."

"Please sir, do not patronize me, my shame is enough without you adding to it," he says. "I know how you Americans are; you look down on us men who love men."

"Please Julian, I assure you that I too have a lover."

"You shame me more sir, why do..." and he is interrupted as Ryan takes him in his arms and kisses him passionately, letting his tongue search Julian's mouth.

"Now is that a kiss of one who would patronize you?" Ryan asks breaking away.

"No it is not; that is a kiss of one who knows how to love another man," he says and kisses Ryan back but Ryan stops him.

"Julian listen to me, I only kissed you to make a point. I have a lover and I love him very much. I don't want you to kiss me anymore, please understand," he says.

"I am sorry sir."

"That's fine, I just wanted you to know that you are among friends Julian, all of us that you will meet, except the staff, are like us. They have partners though, so you will be alone and unless invited, please do not try to force yourself on them, ok?"

"Ok sir, I will respect their relationships. If I am invited though, I may go, yes?"

"Yes, if invited you may join them. But you may not tell another person, even your father, what you see at my house, ok?"

"I give you my word, sir."

Ryan tells him about Texas and the engineering position there. He calls Matt and lets Julian speak with him, and they hit it off right from the start.

"Matt, give me a couple of days to square things away here and I will ship him down to you. Have you got a place for him to stay until he can find one of his own?" he asks.

"He can bunk at my place; I have more than enough room. It's just me and my dog, so the company will be most welcome," he says.

Ryan hangs up and they leave. He tells Marge that he needs two train tickets for Houston, one round trip and make them for next Saturday," he tells her.

"Your usual sir?" she asks.

"Yes Marge, my car will be sufficient."

They arrive home and he introduces Julian to Sean and the boys, and to Martin and the staff. When alone with Sean and the boys he says to them, "Julian is Mario's son and he is staying with us for a week. He is unable, for personal reasons, to stay at home at the moment. He is of like mind as us," he says looking around at the others. He knows that we are couples, and he is respectful of this. He will not bother any of us unless he is invited to join us," Ryan says.

"Julian, welcome man," Dan and Tyler both say shaking his hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Julian," Sean says, "I hope you enjoy your stay with us."

"I want to thank you all so much for allowing me into your home and among you," he says in broken English.

"He will be going to Texas on Saturday, and I will be joining him. He will be working for Matt and I want to check in on Dan's family while I'm there," Ryan says. "I was hoping that you could come with me, Sean, but I know that with classes you can't afford to lose the time."

"I would love to go, love," Sean says. "But you're right, with everything that's going on in my classes I would fall too far behind. Maybe next time love," he says as he gives Ryan a kiss.

Julian notices the open affection that is shown among the men. He wishes that he had a man of his own and he sits quietly in the chair and just watches everyone.

Dan and Tyler say their goodnights and head upstairs. Sean watches Julian as they hold hands while leaving, and he notices his face. Ryan looks over at Sean, who motions to Julian in the chair.

"What's the matter my friend?" Ryan asks Julian.

"It is nothing," he says, but his face betrays his heart.

"I know how you feel, I too once felt that way, wishing I had someone to love."

"I have not been with a man but once, and that was interrupted," he says. "We were caught as my father has told you, and that is the shame I brought to my family."

Sean looks at Ryan and his heart starts to melt, as he motions with his head towards Julian.

"Are you sure babe?" Ryan whispers into his ear.

"Only if you don't mind love."

They both rise and walk over to Julian, and take him by each arm.

"Come my friend, tonight you shall be our guest. To you I offer my invite." Julian's face lights up as he knows what this means, and they lead him to their room.

"Remember this is only for one night Julian, it is not an open and ongoing invitation."

The three of them begin to undress and Julian smiles in delight. They get in the bed, Sean kisses Julian, and it is a kiss of passion and lust. Ryan is sucking Julian's nipple and fondling his manhood. Julian lets out a moan of delight as Sean moves to his other nipple. Julian knows just what he likes, as he climbs on top of Ryan. He kisses him hard and long; letting their tongues do the dance of passion. He quickly moves down to Ryan's hard cock and swallows it down to the base. Ryan lets out a deep moan as he is soon brought close to the edge. Julian can sense that he is close and he pulls off and lifts Ryan's legs. He glances at Sean for permission, Sean nods his head yes. Sean hands him the ointment and he prepares Ryan's ass, then puts some on his cock. He moves up closer and positions himself, and gently pushes his cock in. Ryan cries out a little as the head enters, and Julian waits to let him relax. When he feels that he is ready, he starts to fuck and he soon finds his rhythm. Sean moves his legs to either side of Ryan's chest, and he gives his cock to Ryan. Ryan slowly swallows Sean's cock, until he has all of it down his throat. Sean starts to fuck his lover's mouth as Julian is fucking his ass. Julian is pounding away without mercy now, and Ryan is desperately close. Sean is fucking away at Ryan's mouth and he is so close that he shoots down Ryan's throat. Ryan starts to gag so Sean backs off and he shoots the rest in his mouth. Ryan swallows taking all he can get, tasting his lovers sweet cum. Just as Sean finishes shooting his load, Ryan moans out and loses his own. Sean turns around and takes Ryan's cock swallowing it deep into his mouth. Sean swallows his cum as he shoots until he has no more to give. Ryan's climax causes Julian to erupt, and he shoots his hot seed deep into Ryan's ass. He pounds and he pounds blasting away, his seed is dripping out of Ryan's ass there is so much. He collapses on Ryan and kisses him as he rides out the afterglow of his lovemaking. The three of them now lay side by side, still trying to catch their breath.

"My God Ryan, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced," Julian says with tears in his eyes. "Thank you for sharing your love with me Ryan. And thank you Sean for allowing me to have your man for this very special moment, I shall never forget it my friends," he says and he gives Sean a kiss of passion.

That Saturday, Sean and the boys saw them off at the train station, two days later they arrived in Houston. Matthew met them at the station, Ryan introduced him to Julian, and Matt brings them to his house.

"It's not much, but it's mine," Matt says.

"It is a fine house Matt," Ryan says. After he spends the day with them and at the refinery getting Julian settled in, he leaves for Nancy's house. He arrives and catches her off guard.

"Ryan, what a surprise," she says. "I wish you would have called and told me you were coming, I would have met you at the station."

"I spent most of the day at the refinery, taking care of some business. I couldn't go home without seeing you and Beth," Ryan says sensing that she is not herself, but hiding something. "Is there something wrong Nancy?" he asks.

"Why no Ryan, what would make you think that?" she asks. "Well you seem a bit nervous to see me, and you haven't asked about Dan at all," he says.

"Oh yes, how is my son doing? I hope he has been no trouble for you, Ryan."

"He is no trouble at all Nancy. In fact, he and Tyler Barkley are both staying at my house," he tells her but she doesn't seem to hear him. "Nancy did you hear a word I said?" he asks and she starts to cry.

She breaks down and tells him how a local boy raped Beth just over a year ago. She tells him that Beth had a baby boy, who they named David, and that neither she nor Beth has been the same since. She hasn't wanted to tell Dan for fear he would do something to the boy and ruin his own life.

"My God Nancy with everything you have been through, now a rape and a baby. Have they prosecuted the boy?" Ryan asks.

"No they haven't, he said she wanted to have sex and the police believed him."

"What's his name Nancy?" Ryan asks.

"Why Ryan? There is nothing that you can do. He has ruined her life with his bragging around town, telling his friends how she wanted his manhood."

"I have connections Nancy. What is the shit-head's name?" Ryan shouts.

"Lawrence Carter his father is a big cattleman up in the Dallas area," she says. "He is as arrogant as his son is evil," she says.

Beth comes in the room and quickly turns to leave.

"Beth love, wait," Ryan says taking her in his arms. "What has happened to you is not your fault. I can help if you will let me love."

"Ryan that's ok, nobody wants damaged goods anyways," she says with a distant look in her eyes, then turns and walks away.

"My God Nancy, she used to be so vibrant and full of life," Ryan says. "This is not right; he should be made to pay for his crimes."

"I'm just glad my Daniel is not here to see what has become of his sunshine. She was always his sunshine he said. Well I must go and tend to the baby, Ryan. I will be back in a few minutes," she says and leaves.

Ryan goes to the telephone and places a call to Mario. He gets him at home and he tells him about Beth.

"Is there anything your connections can do to rectify this horrible crime?" he says in Italian.

"Yes my friend, I have many connections in Dallas. My brother Raphael lives there and he owes me many favors. I owe you for what you have done for my son Julian, Mr. Ryan. Let me make my call and I will call you tomorrow."

"Mario, I will call you instead. I am in Houston, and it might be hard to reach me."

"Ok Mr. Ryan, you call me tomorrow after twelve Boston time."

Ryan hangs up; he hears a gunshot and he runs towards the sound.

"No not you too," Ryan hears Nancy screaming.

To be continued .

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Next: Chapter 6

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