The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 5, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 4

This is a work of fiction. The names are in no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I would like to thank my good friend Bill for editing my work.

From Chapter 3 .

"Wait a minute Dan, I would like to speak with you. You know that your father was murdered right, and that a man was arrested for his murder?"

"I knew he was murdered Ryan, but we didn't know that someone was arrested."

"Yes someone was, and he will be prosecuted. I also told your mother that I was going to pay your expenses to attend Boston College."

A long pause and then Dan says, "Are you sure Ryan? I can't thank you enough. You don't know what that means to me sir."

"I will set up your interview and send you a train ticket. I want you to stay at my home, as my guest, while you are in Boston."

"Thank you so much Ryan. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I have something to tell you and well ... I can't wait to see you."

"The interview period is usually in May, so I will set it up and I will see you then Dan. Now give my love to your sister and mother, and take good care of them."

"I will Ryan, and thank you again. Goodbye."

Ryan closes up his office and heads home for the day, anxious to see his Sean. He says goodbye to Marge who is still cool to him, but he figures that's just her way. He takes the elevator down to the ground floor and as it opens, the elevator car is sprayed with gun fire .

The gunfire went on for what seemed like an eternity, as the doors to the elevator closed. The elevator rose to the top floor, and Marge screamed when she saw the sight. She rushed in and she tried to help Ryan get to his feet.

"Marge, call the police and an ambulance," Ryan tells her, then passes out and falls against the wall.

He comes to as an attendant is working on him, and Brian is asking Marge questions.

"Brian," he calls out weakly, "those men, did they hurt anyone else?"

"Ryan lay still, you have lost a lot of blood," Brian tells him. "I had Marge call Martin and tell him what has happened to you, and your mother also," and Ryan's face shows his panic. "What's the matter babe?" Brian whispers to him. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

He pulls Brian close and he whispers to him, "I have someone at home that I have fallen in love with and he will not know what to do, Bri," Ryan says.

"You have? When did this happen?" he asks.

"That's not the point Bri, he's recovering from an accident himself and can't get around. Please Bri, help him love."

"I will see what I can do, but I can't make any promises," he says and Ryan senses his jealousy.

"Bri, please, don't be jealous, I really love this man and he loves me. Please, I'm begging you."

"Ok Ryan, I will go and talk to him. Is he a cutie?" he asks and Ryan briefly smiles before passing out again.

Ryan comes to three days later, and the first face he sees is Sean.

"I must be dead, because I see an angel looking at me," he says smiling up at Sean.

"Hey babe, I thought l lost you," he says with tears in his eyes. "Dr. Smyth said you lost a lot of blood and that the bullet missed your heart by a fraction of an inch," he says looking around and then bending down and kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Now I know I have died and gone to heaven, because that angel just kissed me."

"Your mother is downstairs getting tea, she should be back any minute," he says.

"Oh my God, my mother. How did you explain your presence to her? I mean ." he is interrupted by Sean covering his mouth.

"Ryan, she knows about us, love. I told her when I thought that I would lose you."

"What did she say? Was she upset?" he asked as she is standing in the doorway.

"Of course I was upset! What would you expect me to be with some strange man telling me my son is in love with him and he with my son?" she says coming into the room like a summer storm off a lake. "But watching him with you these last few days, well only love would take what he took from me and stay. He never left your side once son, even when I threatened him with the police. It was Martin who talked to me and made me understand, how much you two really meant to each other."

Ryan reaches out to his mother and takes her hand, and then he takes Sean's hand.

"Mother you don't hate me then?" he asks, looking at her with tears in his eyes.

"Ryan, you are my only child and I will always love you son, I do not understand this kind of love that you two have. I only want your happiness Ryan, and if this young man makes you happy, then he is most welcome in my family," she says giving Sean a hug and then a kiss on the cheek.

"Mother thank you so much for that, you have made me so happy," he says kissing her hand. "Sean did Brian come by and speak to you the day of the shooting?"

"Yes he did, and he was a bit standoffish," Sean says. "I asked him why and he said to ask you. Why Ry?" he asks.

"You remember me telling you about me losing a love to fear? He was that love Sean."

"Now it makes sense," Sean says as Brian comes in the room.

"Speaking of the devil," Ryan says. "Have you got any good news for me?" he asks Brian who is busy looking at Sean and Ryan's mother.

"I haven't at the moment, but I have got something that may be connected," he says looking at Ryan. "It seems that junior is missing and his dad doesn't even know where he is."

"Junior is missing, and why is that connected to me?" Ryan asks.

"When I asked if he knew anything about the attempted murder on you, he said, and I quote, 'Fuck! They missed the fucker in that small of a box.' unquote."

"How did he know I was in the elevator?" Ryan asks.

"He claims he heard it from someone in your office. Now the only people in your office are you and Marge, correct?" he asks.

"That is correct, and Marge hates that prick, sorry mother, as much as I do."

"Well he is bent out of shape over his son; he wants to know what we are going to do about it. I told him that he is a fugitive on the run, and the instructions are to shoot to kill if he gives anyone a hard time. You should have seen his face; he gave 'a white man' a completely new meaning. So until we find junior, I'm putting a police guard on your room twenty-four seven."

"Thank you officer," Sean says.

"And you would be who?" Brian says in a sarcastic tone hoping to instigate a fight.

"He would be my new son," Ryan's mother says putting her arm around Sean who is now beaming.

"Your . you . Ryan and you?" and he is without words. "You couldn't say anything when we were together and you can with this . this misfit."

"Brian if you can't show proper respect here, then please leave. He is my man and I will not tolerate any disrespect in front of me. Do you understand me, Brian?"

"Besides I was the one who told Mrs. Strathmore about us, not Ryan," Sean says looking at Brian.

"I'm sorry man, for any disrespect. I really loved that man at one time, and I guess I still do. I wish you both the best guys, and Sean, no hard feelings?" he asks holding out his hand.

"None man," Sean says and shakes it.

"Ryan man, get well buddy. I will keep you up to speed as to what's happening. Mrs. Strathmore it was nice to meet you," he says and he leaves.

"Well Ryan, I really do think you chose the better of the two," she says smiling at her two boys. "Dr. Smyth says that you can go home in a few days son, but I don't think that's a good idea. Oh, and before I forget, someone named Mario is coming to see you tonight. He said that you would know what it was about. Well boys I'm tired, so I'm going to have Leonard take me home. I will see you tomorrow Ryan, and Sean you I will see later, yes?"

"Yes Mrs. Strathmore."

"Listen young man, you had better start calling me mum. Mrs. Strathmore is too formal for my new son to call me," she says as she leaves as abruptly as she arrived. Sean wheeled himself over to the door and locked it, then wheeled himself back to Ryan's side. He pulled himself up onto the bed and sat beside Ryan, then leaned down and gave him a kiss. He kissed him softly and passionately, holding his face.

"I love you Ry, I cried so much when I thought that I had lost you too."

"I nearly did die babe. I never stand in the corner of the elevator; I always stand front and center. That day I was tired and I was leaning against the wall next to the panel with the buttons. When the guns erupted I instinctively hit the top button, and clung to the wall. Just as the door was closing, I felt a bullet hit me in the chest, and I hung on until the doors opened on my floor. I remember Marge coming in and then seeing your beautiful face babe," he says as he pulls Sean down for another kiss. When did you tell my mother? Was she mean to you my love?"

"Well I wouldn't call it mean, more protective. She came in from the station directly here, and she saw me give you a kiss. She just about had a stroke, Ry. I mean she came at me and demanded to know who I am. I told her the only thing I felt I should. I told her that I was the man that her son loved, and that I loved him. She did not take that at all well. I was trying to explain everything that had happened over the past few weeks, when Marty came in. She turned around and demanded of Marty an explanation of what exactly is going on at Strathmore Estate. Marty took her for a walk and when they came back, she was a little better. She didn't talk to me at all, but she watched me like a hawk. I just kept acting as I was doing, sitting and holding your hand. I would talk to you and every so often, I would rub your forehead, always under her watchful eye. She even told me that if I did one thing wrong she would have me arrested."

"I am so sorry you had to go through that alone babe. I never meant for you to tell my mother. That was something I was going to do. I am so thankful that she likes you though, I did tell you that she would."

Around six that night Mario came to see him, and he had a hard time getting past the police guard. Ryan finally told the guard that he was a friend and that he was expected.

"Ryan my friend, I know who did this, and they are no longer around," he says in his broken English. "About the other matter we spoke of, I have that spoiled brat junior. He is singing like a canary. Now the good news my friend, the papers are in his fathers safe at his home. Junior told me this morning when he was facing some things, let us say, that can change a man's mind. My little friend of persuasion was able to get the combination out of junior. Now my friend, what I want from you, do I have my boys go get the papers or do you have the police get them? Let me tell you first that unless they have probable cause, they cannot go in to get them. My boys, they always have probable cause."

"Mario, just get me those papers, I don't care about cause or not. I will fire his fucking ass when I get back to my office. You said you knew who shot me, do you also know who was behind it, Mario?"

"Lets just say Ryan, that your enemies after tonight shall be taken care of my friend." He holds up his hands to stop Ryan from talking and says, "Now ask no more questions my friend, that way you don't have to lie. Get well my friend, and I will be watching your back," he says and he walks out of the room.

Ryan falls to sleep and is wakened the next morning when Marge comes through his door.

"Well isn't this just like you to be lying around when there is work to be done," she says opening the drapes.

"Good morning Marge, it's so good to see you on this side of heaven," Ryan says.

"Boss there is so much to tell you, I hardly know where to begin," she says so excitedly.

"Why not try with good morning and a coffee, love."

"Nice try boss, I know your restrictions. Well guess what showed up on my desk this morning?" she asks.

"My coffee," he says, knowing it was the papers.

"Cute boss! No, the missing papers that Dan Cooper got killed for. They were sitting there in a plain manila envelope marked TOP SECRET in big bold letters."

"You're kidding me, Marge," he says acting so surprised.

"Wait, it gets better, or worse, depending on how you look at it. Guess who they found dead in his swimming pool this morning?" she asks and can hardly contain herself.

"I don't know, the pope?" he says and smiles but she smirks.

"No not the pope, Richard Farnsworth Sr. it seems he was swimming and he drowned last night."

"You have got to be joking Marge," he says, thinking he should win an academy award for his performance. "How awful! Did they find his son yet?"

"Not yet, but they think he may have fled the country," she says. I put those papers in your special file sir."

"Marge you have brightened my day. Why don't you take the day off, with pay, and enjoy yourself."

"Are you serious sir? I have so much work to do. I would if I knew the boss would not be in today, but one can never be too careful."

"Marge, I am most serious here. I order you to take today off. Call it celebrate Farnsworth Day," I tell her and she shoots me her look.

"Now lets not speak ill of the dead sir, even if he was a thorn in our side. You know this means you will have another opening on the board sir. Have you anyone in mind for the position?"

"As a matter of fact I do, and I'm looking at her. How would you like to be the first woman to sit as a board member?" he asks.

"Saints be praised sir, you are serious, aren't you?"

"I am most serious Marge, you know my business as well as I do. I want you to think about it, I won't be up and around for at least another two or three weeks."

"My God, will I be getting your salary for doing your job boss?" she asks and she laughs. "You deserve the rest, I only wish that it was under better circumstances."

"Me too Marge, me too."

Marge left and Sean showed up not more than ten minutes later. Ryan told him all about what Marge had related to him. Sean was no longer in a wheelchair, but on crutches now.

"The bed was cold and lonely without you babe," Sean says as he gives Ryan a kiss. "I miss not having your warm body to keep me warm."

"I missed you too babe, I woke up so horny this morning and wished that I was at home with you."

Sean goes to the door and locks it, returning to the bed. He pulls back the blankets and the sheet, lifts up Ryan's gown and he takes Ryan's cock into his mouth. He slowly swallows the head and gently runs his tongue all over it, then takes it down into his throat. Ryan moans out softly as Sean pleasures him, his cock is throbbing in Sean's mouth, and they both know he will not last long. Ryan raises his hips as he feeds him his cock and he feels his cock swell.

"I'm going to cum Sean," Ryan cries out.

He shoots his hot seed deep down Sean's throat, as Sean keeps on sucking for more. Ryan fucks his mouth to give him all he has, until he is spent and he softens.

"My God Sean, I fucking needed that babe," he says trying to catch his breath. "Stand up beside me and let me suck you," he says.

"Not now love, the door has been locked too long and I want to wait for when you come home."

"I need to taste your seed babe, to feel your cock in my mouth," he whines as Sean unlocks the door. A moment later Dr. Smyth comes in and Sean smiles looking at Ryan.

"What is so amusing with you two?" the doctor asks.

"Nothing really, we're just happy that Ryan is doing better."

"Well so much better that he can go home today," the doctor says. "I want you to stay away from work for at least two weeks, though. You hear me young man?" he says to Ryan.

"Yes doctor, two days," he says jokingly.

"I'm serious Ryan, that bullet almost killed you, another fraction of an inch and you would not be here."

"I'll make sure he obeys doctor," Sean says.

"What a turn of events, now the patient is the caregiver. Well you listen to this young man, Ryan. I will have your orders written up and your prescriptions also."

An hour later Leonard is taking the two of them home. Ryan is happy to be out of the hospital and home with his lover man. His mother has had enough of Boston and she is leaving the next morning for Newport.

"Normally Ryan I would be so worried about you. Now I know that you are in very good hands. Sean you make sure that my boy brings you up to Newport this spring. How do I introduce you two boys, Ryan?" she asks.

"Mother, this is not a time of acceptance for our kind of love. We have to hide our love from most of the world. Just introduce Sean as a friend of mine, or however you feel comfortable. We will go along with however you choose. I love you mummy, and thank you for accepting me and Sean," he says and gives her a big hug and a kiss.

"Me too mum, I love you, and I want to say thanks for accepting me into your heart," and Sean gives her a hug and a kiss.

"Well let's stop this before you both have me crying," she says hugging them together. They all go up to their rooms for the night and Ryan locks the door behind him.

"Finally alone at last babe, now get those clothes off." They help each other undress, and Sean kisses the wound where the bullet hit. He redresses the wound as the doctor showed him and he kisses Ryan on the lips. Ryan notices that Sean's cast is a smaller one now, and asks how long it's been like that.

"Dr. Smyth changed it while you were unconscious, I will have this one off in three weeks," he says. "I can walk around without my crutches here in the house, but he wants me to use them if I'm doing a lot of walking." They get into bed and they cuddle up close, with Ryan held tightly in Sean's arms.

"I love you Sean," Ryan says turning his head up to face Sean.

"I love you too, Ry, you have made me so happy love," and he pulls him in closer. Ryan cries out in pain as Sean pulls him in close, and Sean quickly lets him go.

"I am so sorry love, I didn't mean to hurt you," he says.

"I know you didn't babe, I forget about this wound also," he says. "Do you mind if we skip sex tonight babe? I think I need to rest."

"Are you sure you're all right, Ry? It has only been a week since you were shot."

"I'm just a little tired and feel weak, it must be ." and he stops talking.

"Ry," Sean says, and he gets no response. "Ryan, talk to me," still nothing. He turns on the light and they are both covered in blood. Sean quickly calls for an ambulance. He rushes to get dressed and he calls for Martin, who comes running quickly. The ambulance gets there in about fifteen minutes and they rush Ryan off to the hospital. Sean and Ryan's mother are taken by Leonard to the hospital and find that Ryan is in the operating room.

"What happened to Ryan?" his mother asks while waiting for word on Ryan.

"I heard him cry out and I rushed into his room, and I found him covered in blood," he tells her not letting on that they were in bed together.

"I knew he came home to soon," she says. "He always hated hospitals, unless it was someone else in them." They are talking when a doctor comes in looking grim, with his head hanging down.

"Are you here for Ryan Strathmore? I am Dr. Burns," he says.

"Yes doctor, I am his mother," she says. "Is he all right?"

"Well he lost a lot of blood, and we had to give him a transfusion, but he seems to be in a coma at the moment," he says. "This is not uncommon for situations like this, we will continue to monitor him through the night."

"Can we see him doctor?" she asks.

"For a moment, and only family," he says looking at Sean.

"This is my son doctor," she says sternly, "now where is he?"

"He's in his private room, Mrs. Strathmore," he says. "We have a private nurse with him."

They went into his room, seeing that he was hooked to machines. He had tubes running from bottles hanging on poles down to his hands. A heart machine counted every beat, and his color was pasty and gray.

"My boy, look at him, Sean," she says. "He looks so defenseless lying there. I would like to get my hands on the person responsible for this," she says.

"It has been taken care of mum," Sean whispers in her ear.

"What do you mean Sean, taken care of?" she asks looking scared.

"Ryan told me that someone told him that the men who did this have been dealt with, and the one that ordered it has also met his demise," he tells her quietly.

"Oh Sean, what has he gotten into?" she asks.

"I don't know, but I hope it's not something he can't get out of."

Brian comes in and is puzzled by what's going on.

"I thought he went home today," Brian says to Sean out in the hall.

"He did, but he started bleeding tonight, and we had to rush him back in."

"Were you two fucking around and he opened up?" he asks.

"No, we were not fucking around as you put it. We were not even having sex at all. He had mentioned that he felt tired and weak, and then he passed out. When I turned on the light he was covered in blood, Brian."

"I bet! He's not conscious to back up your story," Brian says with vengeance in his voice.

"Brian I know you two went together for a while, and I know you don't like me because I am with him now. But Brian, I do love him so much. I would give my life for him."

"I know you would Sean, I'm sorry man. I guess I'm just jealous that he has you and not me. Did he tell you why we broke up, Sean?"

"Yes he did; because he was afraid of his parents and others finding out that he loved a man."

"Yeah, something like that. I walked out on him," Brian says. "That was my mistake, I guess. He must love you very much, because he was willing to risk it all to tell his mother about you two."

"Yes he does, the only thing is this happened to him before he could tell her. That's why I had to tell her, but she had kind of figured it out."

"I do wish you two the best, man. I just hope that some day I can find a guy to love and who loves me like you two."

"Brian, can I ask you something?" Sean asks.

"Sure Sean, what is it?" he says.

"Ryan mentioned that someone told him that the men responsible for shooting him and the one who ordered it, had been taken care of."

"What?" Brian says in shock, "Who told him that, and when?" he asks.

"I don't know, he told me that earlier this week," he said and now realizes he should have kept it to himself.

"Did he have any visitors before he told you this?" he asks.

"Not that I know of," he lies, knowing that Mario had been there. "Maybe I heard it wrong," he says trying to turn it around.

"That sounds more like it Sean. Maybe you heard him say he wants the ones responsible for shooting him."

"Yes that does sound more like it," he says, grateful that Brian bought the lie.

"I know I will not rest until I catch the fuckers who did this to him. I know he loves you Sean, but I still love him also."

"I know you do, I see it when you look at him, Brian. I don't mind, really Bri, I can see how you would still love him."

"Please don't call me Bri, that was his name for me. He was the only one I let call me that, Sean."

"Sorry man, I will never do that again. I just want us to be friends Brian, if only for Ryan's sake."

"Ok, Sean. Truce, no more daggers at you man," he says offering his hand to Sean.

"Peace Brian, I really like you man, and would like for all of us to be friends," he says shaking hands with Brian.

"Nooooooo," comes a scream from Ryan's mother, as the heart machine's alarm sounds sensing Ryan's heart has stopped.

Sean and Brian go running in as doctors come running down the hall. The medical staff crash into his room and pull back the blankets and sheets, preparing to give CPR. They work on him for almost three minutes, then beep, beep goes the machine.

Sean is holding Ryan's mother, as she looks on in fear at her son. Brian has tears running down his cheeks, just as Sean does now.

Beep, beep goes the machine, now in a steady and more rhythmic beat.

"We pulled him back that time," the doctor says. "I think you folks should go home and get some rest now. We will call if anything changes."

The next day the hospital calls to say that Ryan is awake and asking for Sean and his mother. They rush to the hospital and find him in good spirits, but weak and tired.

"Its good to see you back with us, son," his mother says kissing him on his forehead. "You will do anything to keep me in this God forsaken city, won't you?" she asks.

"I am sorry mummy, I didn't know my wound would reopen. You may go home if you wish."

"No son, I wish to be here, with you and Sean," she says taking hold of Sean's arm. "He has been a pillar of strength for me, son."

"I knew you would love him, mum, just as I do," he says smiling up at Sean. "I have missed you babe," he says reaching out for Sean's hand.

"And I you, love," he says taking Ryan's hand in his. "I thought I lost you yesterday, and my heart broke," he says and tears formed in his eyes.

"You can't get rid of me that easily babe, you are stuck with me forever."

Time passed, Ryan recovered, and things became calm in their life. Ryan scheduled an interview for Dan with Boston College and sent a train ticket for him to come to Boston. Leonard and Ryan met Dan at the Station and Dan was thrilled to see Ryan again.

"Ryan, I have so looked forward to seeing you man," he says in his raccoon coat, looking so stylish.

"Well look at you Dan, don't you look like the college type?" he says giving him a hug. Leonard takes Dan's luggage and they walk to the car. When they get to the house Dan is in awe of the size of it.

"Wow Ryan, mother said you had a nice house, but she didn't say it was this big," he says looking out the car window as they drive through the gate. "Why are there guards with guns at the gate, Ryan?" he asks turning back to look at a guard.

"I hired them after I was shot back in March," he tells him. "I feel safer knowing I am protected." They go inside and the beauty of the home stuns Dan.

"My Ry, this place is the bee's knees," he says in the latest lingo of the day.

"I'm so glad you like it; let me show you to your room," he says to Dan. They take the elevator to the second floor and Ryan puts him in the room that had once been used by Sean. They go back down stairs and he introduces Dan to Martin.

"Dan this is my very dear friend and manservant, Martin," he says taking hold of Martin's arm. "This is my very special friend and confidant, Sean Donahue," he says as Sean extends his hand to Dan.

"I am most pleased to meet both of you," he says shaking Sean's hand.

"Your interview is tomorrow at eleven, with your placement tests to follow at one," he tells Dan.

"My placement tests?" he asks, "Shouldn't I be accepted first before I take those tests?" he inquires.

"Your acceptance is a given, Dan, I have been assured of that," he says knowing that his donation has secured Dan's acceptance.

"Thank you Ryan, I have always wanted to go to Boston College, my dad graduated from there," he says and his eyes gloss over.

"I know he did Dan. Now how about some dinner? I for one could use some sustenance," he says changing the subject.

They spend the rest of the evening talking about Dan's mother and sister. Around ten they decide that they are tired and they retire to their rooms.

"Good night Dan," Ryan and Sean say as he gets up to go to his room. "We shall see you in the morning."

"Good night Ryan, Sean," he says. "What time should I be up?" he asks.

"Martin will get you up at eight, that way you will have time to bathe and dress before breakfast," Ryan tells him.

A while later Sean says to Ryan,

"Well love, shall we go up? I would think he is asleep by now."

"Yes babe, I have something special that has been waiting for you," he says with a sexy grin.

They go up and lock the door behind them when they enter their room. They undress and get into bed.

"I love you babe," Ryan says to Sean as he kisses him passionately, letting their tongues meet.

"Not as much as I love you," Sean says and he kisses his neck. Sean kisses his way down to Ryan's nipples, and gently nibbles on them. Ryan moans out softly as he gives himself to Sean. He then spreads his legs and Sean moves between them, taking Ryan's cock in his mouth. He slowly sucks it down until his nose is buried in his pubic hair, drinking in the scent of his man. He goes up and down on his cock, and soon Ryan is close to coming.

"Sean babe, fuck me now, I am so close babe," he says.

Sean sits up, grabs the ointment, and prepares Ryan's hole for his love. He moves close and aligns his manhood, then gently pushes in. Ryan lets out a gasp as the head enters, and they wait as he relaxes from the assault.

"Ok babe, I'm ready," he says as he pulls Sean in for a kiss.

Sean slowly pushes in until he is balls deep in Ryan, and he lets out a moan of delight. He slowly pulls out to almost completely and then pushes back in with a thrust. Ryan pushes his hips up to meet each of Sean's thrusts, and he moans as Sean's cock rubs his prostate when he's pushing in. Ryan looks at his man as he fucks him, with the moonlight shining on him. It gives his hair a shimmer, and his eyes seem to glow as the they reflect the moon's light. He senses he is close and he calls out to Sean,

"Fuck me babe, I'm coming," he yells, forgetting that Dan is in the next room. He shoots his load all over his chest and stomach as his ass tightens around Sean's cock. Sean's cock starts to swell and he starts to shoot, blasting his seed deep into Ryan's ass. He is pounding away as he feeds his love to the man that he loves. He falls onto Ryan and they join in a kiss, as the light in the room comes on. They turn their heads and there standing in the doorway to the adjoining room is Dan.

To be continued .

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