The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 4, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 3

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

From Chapter 2 .

Ryan looses control and begins to cry, and now it is Sean turn to console. He pulls him in close, holds him tight, and tells him to let it go.

"As you told me Rye, let it out. It is not good to hold these things in, especially secrets. I know my friend, I too have held in my secret for many years. I know the hurt and pain of secret love, and being unable to share that love. Tell me your feeling and I will share mine," he says as he raises Ryan's head up by his chin.

"Sean I fell in love with you, the first time I saw you in the ICU at the hospital. I wished to God that you would feel the same, but my subtle signs seemed to go unheeded. I am sorry if I have put you on the spot Sean," he says and starts to cry again.

"Rye, look at me, and dry your eyes, your love has not gone unheeded. I too have fallen in love with you, but was afraid to tell you. We come from two different worlds, and I knew I didn't belong in yours. I am not as refined and educated as you are, and my family doesn't have the social roots of yours. I guess what I'm saying Rye is I am ashamed to say I love you, because of who I am."

"Please Sean, do not ever be ashamed of who you are. You are a fine young man, I am proud to know you and more proud to have fallen in love with you. I do not ever want to hear you put yourself down again, love. I love Sean, and I will never be ashamed of you, so do not ever be ashamed of yourself," Ryan says and he lifts up and kisses Sean on the lips for a brief moment.

Sean takes Ryan into his arms and he kisses him hard, as a man that has worked hard all his life would. His tongue parts Ryan's lips and enters his mouth and their tongues do the dance of first love. Ryan pulls away and looks at Sean, and lifts his hands to his lips, his kisses each one and then says to him.

"Sean, I love you and I want to make love to you, but under your current condition that is not possible. I think we should wait until you have healed, and you can enjoy it also," Ryan says.

"I can enjoy it with you Rye, there is just some things I can't do right now. Lets just do what we can and wait for what we can't," Sean says and pulls him in for another kiss. He kisses him hard and long and Ryan moans softly as he surrenders to Sean's passion. He gets up and wheels Sean over to the bed, and helps him get out of the chair. He sits him on the side of the bed, kneels and removes his shoes. He stands and unbuttons Sean's shirt, he removes it and tosses it to the floor. He gently pushes him on his back, as he undoes his belt and pants, and removes them. He takes the underwear off and throws it aside, and he stands, and just looks at his man. He cannot get over that this god is in his bed, and he desires him. Sean holds out his hands to Ryan, he helps him up, and he slowly undoes Ryan's shirt. He pulls back the shirt over his shoulders, and he kisses his chest, he lets the shirt fall to the floor. He sucks on Ryan's nipple as he undoes his belt, and then he unbuttons, and unzips his pants and they too drop to the floor. Ryan steps out of them and he pushes his boxers down, and those he kicks aside. He pulls away and he drops to his knees, in between Sean's spread legs. He gazes at his cock, like a jewel of great worth, and he takes it in his hand. He takes the head into his mouth, and Sean lets out a moan and a sigh, as he is taken for the first time. Ryan runs his tongue around the base of the head as Sean's hands take hold of his head. He runs his fingers through Ryan's hair, as Ryan slowly swallows his cock. He takes every inch all the way down, until his nose is buried in Sean's pubic hair.

"Oh fuck Rye, the feeling you give me, I have never before felt like this," Sean cries out in bliss.

Ryan's hand takes Sean's balls and he tenderly plays with them, rolling them softly in his hands. He goes up and down on his manhood, and he feels his balls begin to pull up. He knows that he soon will be coming, so he pulls off his cock for a while. He gets up and lies down beside him, and they kiss, letting their tongues fall in love.

"Come up here Rye, and sit on either side of my chest," Sean says to Ryan.

"No Sean, it might hurt you, I can wait until you are better." Ryan moves down to Sean's nipples, and he tenderly bites on each one. Sean lifts his back in ecstasy as Ryan sucks on them tenderly, and he nibbles on them again. He kisses his way back down to his cock that is dripping from the excitement to come. This time he takes his cock and he swallows it down, and Sean's ass lifts off the bed. He pushes up to meet every time Ryan goes down and he soon is about to come.

"Fuck Rye, don't stop love, I'm coming Rye, suck me faster and harder Rye," he cries out in pleasure as his cock shoots forth his sweet treasure. Shot after shot, he shoots into Ryan's throat, and Ryan swallows as fast as he can to keep up. When Sean finally slows down, he pulls off some, so he can taste his sweet come. He keeps on sucking until he has none to give, and he lets it drop to his balls. He crawls up to Sean's lips and he gives him a kiss, and they kiss a kiss that is passionate and full of love. They cling to one another as two in a forbidden love, for theirs is one that is not accepted. They hold on as they cry for they know what they share, is a love that cannot be expressed.

"I love you Sean Donahue, and I know that we cannot ever say or show it in public. I vow to you my love, my heart and my life, forever and ever."

"I love you Ryan Strathmore, although we share a love that most people would have us put away for. I would face a thousand asylums for just one moment with you. I pledge you my love, my heart and my life, although love we will never marry. I will be married in my heart for the rest of my life because when two hearts race, both win my love."

They kiss to seal their secret love, as illicit as the booze of the day. Ryan helps Sean get up, he gets him a robe, and he puts it on him. He grabs one for himself and he wheels him into his bathroom. He gives Sean a sponge bath because he cannot get his cast wet, and Sean fondles Ryan as he does.

"If you keep that up I will shoot all over," Ryan says.

"That is the idea, Rye. Why should I get off and you don't," Sean says playing with Ryan's cock.

"I can wait until you leg is mended," Ryan tells him pulling away.

"That is another four to six weeks Rye, your balls will be the size of balloons by then. Here, sit me on the commode, Rye," Sean tells him.

Ryan helps him sit figuring he has to use it. He puts his hands on Ryan's hips and pulls him in close to him. He takes his cock into his mouth and he swallows it down his throat, gagging as it hits the back.

"You don't have to do this Sean, this is your first time, babe."

"I don't care, if you can do it, then I can do it," he says. "Just tell me what the secret is to swallowing."

"When you feel it hit the back of your throat, start swallowing and it will slide right down. Remember also to breathe through your nose," Ryan tells him and Sean takes his cock in his mouth again. He slowly starts to go down on it and when it hits the back of his throat, he starts to swallow. He swallows like crazy and Ryan's cock slides right on down his throat, and his nose is in his pubic hairs. He breathes in Ryan's scent and he smells of the rich, of herbs and expensive soap. He drinks in his scent and he makes a memory of the scent of his man. He slowly mimics what Ryan did to him, as this is his first time to do this. He goes up and down slowly on his cock, as his hands play with his balls. He rolls them and squeezes and Ryan yells out in pain, as he squeezes a little to hard. He goes up and down, as he soon has a rhythm, and Ryan is moaning in pleasure.

"Oh fuck Sean, you suck so fucking good babe," he says. "If you keep up like that you will have my come soon."

Sean just keeps on sucking and he reaches up and he pinches Ryan's nipples. That was all it took and he shoots his load before he can worn Sean. Rope after rope of hot come he shoots down Sean's willing throat he shoots and Sean keeps swallowing to keep up. He pull off some to taste his come and he likes the taste, and keeps sucking until it's to sensitive and he lets go. He helps Sean to stand and he holds him up, and they kiss, as he tastes his own come on Sean's tongue. He helps Sean to bed and he helps him to dress so they can go down to eat. When they are both dressed, and he wheels him to the door and Sean asks.

"Does Marty know about you, Rye?"

"I really do not know Sean. I have never asked and he has never said anything about it to me. I do lock my door if I am going to do anything though, he has complete access to every room in my house, unless it is locked," Ryan tells him. "That is why if I am going to do anything, I will lock the door first. He will never knock unless it is an emergency, why"

"I was just wondering what he knew and didn't know," Sean says. "I don't want to say or do something that I shouldn't, unless it is alright to do so."

"I have never done anything inappropriate in front of Martin, not even a hug or kiss," Ryan says. "I do not know where he stands on gay love."

"I understand Rye, and I will respect your rules," he says.

They go down stairs to the drawing room, and they wait for dinner.

"What would you like for a drink," Ryan asks.

"I thought liquor was outlawed," Sean asks.

"Well technically it is, but there are ways around it," Ryan says. "So what would you like my fine Irish lad."

"Would you have a good Irish whiskey," Sean asks.

Ryan pours him one and a gin for himself and they sit and talk for a while.

"Tell me about yourself Sean, what do you do," he asks.

"What do you mean, as in regards to, work," he asks.

"Yes, what have you been educated in for work?"

"Nothing really, I have been a farm boy all my life. That is why we came to Boston, my dad lost his farm and we came here to find work," he tells Ryan. "I did graduate high school, but I never went to college though, we never could afford it."

"If you could go what would you like to take up," he asks.

"Law has always fascinated me, Rye. I always wanted to be a lawyer or maybe someday a judge."

"A very commendable choice, Sean. I have pull with Harvard; my family has donated some very large sums each year to the alumni fund. I think I could get you in for the fall semester, that is, if you are interested."

"Interested, you bet I am, but Rye, I can't let you pay for me to go to college," he says. "It wouldn't be right, and people would talk. When people talk, people usually find out secrets that are well hidden, if you know what I mean."

"Let me worry about that, love. I will speak to the president of Harvard and see what I can work out."

"Gentlemen," Martin says, "dinner is served."

They go into the dinning room and sit to an old fashion corn beef and cabbage dinner. Sean is almost in tears from the sentiment of the meal.

"Marty this is the best I have had since my mother herself made it," he says and his eyes fill with tears.

"Coming from you master Sean, that is the best compliment I have ever had, sir. Thank you very much."

They finished their dinner and Ryan brought him upstairs, he was tired from the day's excitement. He helped him get undressed and he put him in bed, and he lied with him, kissing until he fell asleep. Ryan got up, went to his room, and made a telephone call.

"Brian I hear that you arrested Richard junior."

"Yes Ryan, he has been arraigned and made bail," Brian said. "The witness picked him out of a line up and we booked him on the spot. His fucking old man went through the ceiling at the station."

"He came to my office and threatened me also, but I put him in his place. Without mentioning names, for your sake, I have a meeting on Monday with someone that may be able to locate my missing papers."

"I do not want to know Ryan, but if you do get anything legit I can use I will take that info."

"I will for sure pass that on to you, my friend. I will anyways keep you informed as to what I find out, Brie. Love you friend."

"You too, babe, later."

Ryan sat back and wondered how he could get junior aside by himself, without his old man around. He knew that if he could question him alone, he could make him talk. He knew that once this plastic deal hit the streets his company stock would skyrocket. He had to find those plans before someone else could get them and implement them. He shut the light on his desk and went to check on Sean. He was sound asleep and he looked so handsome as he bent over him and gave him a kiss. Sean moaned slightly as Ryan kissed his lips softly and he smiled as Ryan looked at him. He went into bed and closed the light, and he thought about Sean in the next room. He fell asleep and he soon awoke as Martin through open the drapes in the morning.

"Good morning sir, did you sleep well," he asked as he started to walk from the room.

"What is this Martin, no coffee or Danish, and where is my morning paper," he asked.

"I assumed that with master Sean you would be down to dine, and your paper is down there also. If I am mistaken I can go and get your coffee and Danish, and your paper I can bring up also."

"No you are right Martin, I forgot about our house guest, I will check and see if he is awake. If he is, we will be down momentarily for breakfast."

Ryan got up after Martin left the room, and he walked over and locked the door. He walked into Sean's room and he was still sleeping, as he quietly crawled into bed with him. He kissed him softly on the top of his head, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning love," Sean said as he stretched lifting his arms into the air. "Is it morning already," he asks.

"Yes babe," Ryan says giving him a kiss softly on the lips. "I can let you sleep longer if you are still tired, babe."

"No, I'm not tired," he says cuddling into Ryan throwing his arm around him. "Just in love with you, Rye," he says and gives him a kiss. Ryan takes him in his arms and kisses him hard and long, searching his mouth with his tongue.

"I love you too, Sean." Ryan sits up and he turns around, putting his cock above Sean's face. He takes Sean's cock into his mouth and swallows it down his throat. Sean takes Ryan's cock and does the same, remembering to swallow as his cock hits the back of his throat. They both slowly suck and within minutes, they erupt, spewing their seed down each other's throat. Ryan turns around and gives Sean a kiss, as they taste each other's come.

"What a nice way to wake up," Sean says cuddling into Ryan's arms. "A guy could get use to this, if he wasn't careful," he says to Ryan, looking into his eyes.

"Get use to it babe, my home is yours now," he tells him. "I would like you to live with me always babe."

"What would people say," Sean asks. "Martin, especially, he would guess after awhile."

"We will have to face that once we are faced with it, babe. I lost a love once, because I let my fear get the best of me. He walked away because I would not stand up for him and our love together, and I will not loose you to fear, babe."

"I do not want to loose you either Rye, but you know we will face a lot of hate. You could even be hurt in your business dealings, if your competitors found out."

"I am not saying we have to announce it to the world, but my family will know. I want my mother to know that I love you, and Martin must know. If he would rather leave me than be employed by me, I will have to under-stand."

"I don't want our love to ruin you Rye, you mean to much to me. You have been to kind to me, for me to let this love destroy all you have accomplished."

"Let us not talk about that babe, we have found love now lets enjoy it together," Ryan says pulling him close and kissing him passionately as if for the last time.

Ryan gets up and dresses, then helps Sean to get dressed. He wheels him down to the elevator, then down the hall to the dining room to have breakfast together. Martin brings coffee in to Ryan, and looks to Sean and asks.

"What would be your pleasure this morning, master Sean," he asks.

"Could I have a tea with lemon, Marty," he says with a smirk, knowing the joke between them.

"Of course, master Sean, tea with lemon coming right up," he says with a wink. He brings in the tea with lemon a moment later, and Ryan says to him.

"Martin, would you mind having a seat for a moment. I would like to have a talk with you," Ryan says seriously.

"But of course, sir," he replies and sits down.

"You have been my manservant now for how long, about eleven years is it," he asks.

"Twelve sir, and fifteen before that for your parents sir," he replies.

"Twelve right, well are you happy with me Martin?"

"Of course sir, why would you even ask, sir," Martin asks with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, what I have to tell you might change your mind about me, and your employment for me," he says looking at him. "I, rather Sean and I ." he pauses, "are in love, Martin. I know that this is not the accepted norm, for the society we live in today Martin, but I felt you should know," he says still looking directly at him. If you feel that you would rather not work for me knowing this, Martin, I will completely understand."

Martin is quiet and stares about the room as if searching for words in a long pause.

"Mr. Strathmore sir, I do not intend to leave your employment, sir. As to yours and master Sean's persuasion, that does not bother me either. I have known of your persuasion ever since you and Mr. O'Malley were involved, sir. Now if there is no further discussion needed sir, I have duties that need to be attended to," he says getting up.

"Martin, thank you for being so understanding. Can I ask you one more question before you leave," he asks. "How do you think my mother will handle this, will she go off the deep end or accept it," he asks.

"That sir, I cannot say. You are her son, I cannot imagine a mother rejecting her own child because of a sexual persuasion, sir," he says and then leaves the room.

"I wish you would have told me you were going to say that to Marty," Sean says still red from earlier. "You really caught me off guard with that love, and I think Marty also."

"I did not know I was going to say anything, it just happened. I am glad now that I did, at least I can be comfortable in my own home," Ryan says touching Sean's hand.

They ate their breakfast and relaxed, spending a leisurely Sunday reading and listening to the radio.

Monday morning Ryan was up early and ready for the office. He went in to see Sean before leaving, and kissed him awake.

"I am leaving for the office babe, you have a good day. I will call Harvard and talk to President Fitzsimmons today, and see what he can do. He owes me a few favors and I know with the alumni fund raiser coming up he will be very agreeable. I love you babe," he says and they kiss as Sean pulls him onto him and holds him tight.

"I love you also, my lover, call me if you can," he says letting go as Ryan rises.

At the office, Marge greets him with coffee and Danish, and tells him he has to cut back on the sweets.

"You are going to put on weight sir, if you don't cut back on those Danish," she scolds. "Someone has to look out for you, heaven knows you aren't," she says sternly. "Tony will be in around nine sir, and he is bringing a Mr. Santiniello with him."

"Who is he," Ryan asks.

"You really do not want to know," she says walking away with her hands in the air.

At nine-fifteen, Marge buzzes him, and announces that Tony is there.

"Send them in please, Marge, and hold all my calls please," he says to her getting up to go to the door.

"Gentlemen, please come in," he says as he offers his hand. "Ryan Strathmore is the name," he says as he shakes both of there hands.

"You no me," Tony says looking at Ryan. "Ryan, this is Mario Santiniello, he is a very close friend of mine."

"It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Santiniello, may I offer you gentlemen a drink," he asks showing them to the seating area.

"Please sir, you may call me Mario," he says. "Do you have any scotch," he asks with an Italian accent.

"Yes I do Mario, a very good twelve year old scotch," Ryan says.

"Make it two," Tony says, "and make mine a double."

He pours the drinks and they get down to business. None of them pretends that no one knows about Mario, and his line of work.

"Mario if I may get right to the point. I have need of your services, as Tony may have told you. I have had some very important papers stolen and they could cost me millions if they fall into the wrong hands," Ryan tells him.

"I like that Ryan, is Ryan ok with you," he asks.

"Ryan is fine Mario, I prefer that to my last name."

"I like to be direct and to the point in my business dealings. May I ask what these papers are or what they involve, Ryan."

"Well ." he pauses then says. "They involve a new refining process I have developed, and more importantly the bi-product of that process. That product could make me millions if I am not mistaken, Mario."

"Other than yourself, you else could benefit from these plans, Ryan," he asks taking a long drink of his scotch. "This is very good scotch Ryan, where do you get it from."

"A local Irish family, Mario. They smuggle it in from Ireland, if you like it I could send you some. Answering your other question, the Arabs would benefit most from these plans if they new about them."

"I have connections in the Middle East, let me see what I can find out. I hear that someone was murdered concerning these papers, and an arrest has been made."

"Yes, my vice president in charge of my refineries, Daniel Cooper. Richard Farnsworth Jr. was arrested for his murder. He made bail and has not said anything about being involved in his murder."

"I know the name, his father is known to be a notorious bastard among my associates," he says. "He is not well liked by us and he is a marked man, if you know what I mean, Ryan."

"Ah . yes, I am afraid I do, Mario. I cannot say that I am sorry to hear that though. He came here last week and threatened me for accusing his son with Dan's murder. I have a feeling that he is behind this whole affair, Mario."

"I will put the word out Ryan, and I will get back to you. Please send me some of that scotch, that is the best I have had since this fucking prohibition shit started."

"I will Mario," he says taking his hand in both of his. "I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your help, sir. Dan left a wife and two children and I cannot tell you how distraught this has left them."

"Like I said Ryan, let me see what I can do, my friend. We can talk price later, ok"

"Ok sir," Ryan says.

Ryan walks them out to their car, and he shakes hands and says goodbye. He goes in and Marge gives he looks at him, and he quickly goes into his office.

"Mr. Strathmore sir, while you were so busy entertaining societies trash, your mother called. She asked that you call her back when you had a chance," Marge says in a very irritating voice.

"Thank you Marge."

Ryan calls his mother and she gets on the line.

"Ryan dear, how is my favorite son today," says asks in that motherly sort of voice.

"I am fine mother, and I am your only son mother."

"Quite right, and you were a handful," she says as if she was talking to someone else. "Anyways love, I am coming to that dreaded Boston for a visit this weekend and I would like for you to have a party."

"A party mother, for what on earth for this time," he asks.

"I would like to have a party just because I want one, dear. I have been in this house much to long alone and need some happy faces to cheer me up."

Ryan thinks about Sean and he is in a panic.

"Mother, you come up, I do not want a party though. I have something that I need to discuss with you and I do not want to worry about a party coming between me and it," Ryan says.

"My are we not being mysterious, all right no party. Would you give me a hint as to what you wish to discuss, son," she asks.

"No mother not on the telephone, I will talk to you when you get here," he tells her. "When will you being getting here," he asks.

"I will be arriving on Thursday of this week son, and I plan to leave the following Tuesday," she tells him. "Is that agreeable with you son, or shall I change my dates."

"That is fine, mother. I will meet you at the station on Thursday, I love you mummy," he says.

"I love you also, Ryan dear, see you on Thursday," and she hangs up.

Ryan finishes up and gives Sean a call, needing to hear his voice.

"Hey babe," Ryan says as Sean gets on the line. "I miss you so much babe."

"I miss you too, love. Marty and I have been getting to know one another, and he is a really understanding man, Ryan."

"Yes he is babe. Listen Sean, I want to tell you something babe. My mother is coming for a visit this Thursday and going home on the following Tuesday," he says.

"Oh love no, what are we going to do," he says in a panic. "This is moving so fast for us."

"What do you mean babe, are you having second thoughts about me," Ryan asks; now he is in a panic.

"No love, not about us, I love you so much Rye. But did you plan on telling your mother so soon," he asks.

"Well not really, but seeing how she is coming for a visit, I might as tell her now as opposed to later," he says. "I will have you there with me babe, she is going to love you just as I do," Ryan says hoping that she understands.

"I hope so for your sake love. When are you coming home, I miss you so much."

"Soon babe, I have a few more things to do then I will be on my way home to my lover man."

He hangs up and then calls President Fitzsimmons at Harvard.

"Stewart, Ryan Strathmore speaking. How are you my dear friend," Ryan asks.

"Ryan, I have not heard from you since last year this time. I am fine lad, how are you doing," he asks in reply.

"I am very good. Listen Stewart, I have a favor to ask of you, and it is a big one."

"Anything my dear boy, nothing is to big to our biggest benefactor," he says.

"I have a friend that is interested in law, and I would like him to get into Harvard law school."

"Oh my, that is a big one. Well who is this friend, is he from one of the prominent families in the area," he asks.

"Actually no Stewart, he was a young man that I met recently from an article in the Globe. His family was involved in a car accident and he lost his parents in the crash. He almost died himself, is recovering at my estate, until he is able to stand on his own. He mentioned how he always wanted to be a lawyer."

"Well a nobody, I see," he says and Ryan is furious.

"Listen Stewart you snob, he is not a nobody, he is a human being that had a run of bad luck. Now can you help me or do I have to take my money and him to Yale instead," Ryan says with authority and anger.

"I am most sorry Mr. Strathmore sir, your young man will most certainly be welcomed at Harvard. All I need are his high school records and we can have him take the placement tests," he says his tone changing completely.

"I knew I could count on you Stewart. I will have my secretary get his school records to you, and my donation will follow as soon as he is enrolled."

"Thank you sir, please give my regards to your mother also," he says and they hang-up.

"What a fucking cocksucker he is, God I hate playing suck up to asshole like that," he says to himself.

He calls Nancy in Houston to check on her and the children, and to see if he can help her in any way.

"Nancy this is Ryan, how are you holding up, my love."

"Ryan dear, thank you for calling, all right for the most part," she says. "Dan is doing very well, though he is quiet about his feelings, and Beth is still crying a lot."

"Is there anything I can do for any of you," he asks. "You did get the coroners report Nancy, did you not?"

"Yes Ryan, why would anyone want to kill my Daniel," she asks almost loosing it. "He was such a gentle man, he would never harm anyone."

"I know Nancy, they have arrested someone in his murder, and they will get to the bottom of it soon, I pray. How is that scholarship going for Dan Jr.," he asks trying to change the subject.

"It went to another player on his team, he was quite disappointed Ryan," she says. "I do not know if he will be able to attend college now that Daniel is gone, the money is just not there for college."

"He will go Nancy, I will make sure of it. Where does he plan to go," he asks.

"He wants to go to Boston College Ryan, but the expense is more than I can afford."

"It is not more than I can, Nancy. You have him come up for his interview and I will put him up. I will take care of his expenses, love, that is the least I can do for Daniel."

"You are so kind Ryan, Daniel will be so excited to be able to go to college. I know that my Daniel would be happy to know that you are looking out for us love," she says and starts to cry.

"Now Nancy I did not say that to make you cry," he says and he can hear a man in the background.

"Hello, who is this," comes a young man's voice.

"Dan is that you, this is Ryan," he says.

"Ryan, yes this is Dan. Mother is crying again and is gone to her room. I will tell her you said goodbye."

"Wait one minute Dan, I would like to speak with you. You know that your father was murdered right, and that a man was arrested for his murder."

"I knew he was murdered Ryan, but we did not know that someone was arrested."

"Yes someone was, and he will be prosecuted. I also told your mother that I was going to pay for your college expenses to Boston College."

A long pause and then Dan says, "are you sure Ryan, I can't thank you enough. You do not know what that means to me sir."

"I will set up your interview, and send you a train ticket. I will have you stay at my home, as my guest while you are in Boston."

"Thank you so much Ryan. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I have something to tell you and well . I cannot wait to see you."

"The interview period is usually in May, so I will set it up and I will see you then Dan. Now give my love to your sister and mother, and take good care of them."

"I will Ryan, and thank you again. Goodbye."

He closes up and heads home for the day, anxious to see his Sean. He says goodbye to Marge who is still cool to him, but he figures that is just he way. He takes the elevator down to the ground floor and as it opens the elevator car is sprayed with a hale of gun fire .

To be continued .

Next: Chapter 4

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