The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 2, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 2

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

From Chapter 1

The funeral was very sad and Nancy did not do well. She lost control several times and had to be consoled. I left the following day assuring Dan that I would keep him informed about the investigation, and to let me know if they needed anything. My train got into Boston Station at shortly after twelve in the morning. I arrived home and Martin informed me that all was well at home, and I went upstairs and collapsed in bed from exhaustion. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"Mr. Strathmore sir, Mass. General is on the line. Would you like me to take a message sir?"

"No Martin, I will take it," Ryan says getting up and crossing the room to the telephone. "Hello, Ryan Strathmore speaking," Ryan, says. "I am on my way," he says and hangs up and rushes to dress.

Ryan gets to the hospital and Dr. Smyth meets him in the ICU.

"Sean was rushed into the operating room a little over an hour ago. He developed a collapsed lung and internal bleeding again. I hope that this is the last of that poor young mans troubles," the doctor says.

"Is he still in a coma doctor," Ryan asks.

"He is semi-conscious, Ryan. He drifts in and out of consciousness, but he is no longer considered comatose."

"That is good news, is it not," inquires Ryan. "He is at least awake some of the time."

"Yes, now if we can stop the internal bleeding and stabilize him, he just might have a fighting chance."

"That is most encouraging doctor, most encouraging," Ryan says with a smile.

"Oh, here is the doctor that operated, Ryan, Dr. Jameson."

"Dr. Jameson, this is Ryan Strathmore of Strathmore ..." but he is interrupted.

"I know Ryan, his father and I go way back together. How are you young man," the doctor asks shaking Ryan's hand.

"I am fine doctor, but the question is, how is Sean doing?"

"You know this young man, Ryan," the doctor asks looking a bit puzzled.

"Not personally, I am assisting him financially in his medical care Paul."

"That is most benevolent of you Ryan. He is still in serious condition, but at the moment, I feel he is out of the woods. We fixed his lung and we found the source of his bleeding, so now we have to just wait and pray."

"Well thank you Paul for all you have done."

"How is your mother since your father passed, is she keeping busy?"

"She keeps herself busy with trying to find a wife for me," Ryan says laughing. "She feels that time is passing me by and that I will soon no longer be marriage material."

"Did I not read recently that you made Man of the Year and the Most Eligible Bachelor," he says slapping Ryan on the back. "Pretty good for someone approaching the age of being no longer marriage material. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to check on my patient. If you would like he will be in ICU in about an hour and you may see him then Ryan," he says shaking Ryan's hand again then leaves.

Ryan glances at his watch, 3:58 am, I might as well stay, Ryan says to himself as he goes into the solarium, stretches out on the sofa, and soon drifts off to sleep.

"Mr. Strathmore, are you awake sir," a nurse asks.

"Yes, I am now, what is the matter," Ryan asks jumping up.

"Nothing sir, the young man is awake and Dr. Smyth mentioned that you had wanted to see him," the nurse says as Ryan sits up.

"Thank you, I will be right there." He stretches as he stands and fixes his clothes, and he goes to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He then walks down to the pod where Sean is, and sees that he is awake.

"Good morning young man," Ryan says as he walks in to Sean's pod. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Like I got hit by a fucking freight train, pardon my French sir," he says groggily. "May I ask you who are you?"

"My name is Ryan Strathmore, Sean, I read about your accident in the paper."

"Then you know about my mom and dad then huh," he asks and his gorgeous blue eyes tear up Ryan notices.

"Yes Sean, and I am so sorry for your loss," he says putting his hand on Sean's. "I understand though that you are going into the Army," Ryan says hoping to change the subject.

"Was going, past tense," Sean says. "The recruiting sergeant came by yesterday, told me that because of my leg injury, I would not be able to go into the army," he says.

"Well maybe once you have recovered you might still be able to enlist in the Army."

"Dr. Smyth told me that I would have a slight limp for the rest of my life, so there goes any career in the army. He is a great doctor, and I don't know how I will ever be able to pay for all these medical expenses," he says looking so worried.

"Well I would not worry about that right now if I were you, Sean. I would concentrate on recovering and getting out of here as soon as I could," Ryan says smiling at him.

"Are you the Ryan Strathmore of Strathmore Industries, Ryan," Sean asks.

"Yes Sean I am, why?"

"Why are you here visiting me then, I am a nobody, compared to your world, Ryan," he says looking rather small in importance.

"Sean, no one is a nobody, especially you. I read about your accident in the paper and wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well that was very kind of you Ryan, and I really appreciate you taking the time to see someone like me."

"I will hurt you even more Sean, if you do not stop putting yourself down as if you were a common criminal or worst," Ryan says shaking his fist at him and smiling.

"Ok man, you win. I have no way of defending myself yet, but just wait 'til I am better Ryan, I will whip your ass," he says with a slight smile.

"Fair enough Sean, now you get your rest. I have to go but I will come by and see you later, ok," Ryan asks hoping to see if Sean would like to see him again.

"That would be so nice Ryan, I have no one left now," he says and starts to tear up again.

Ryan puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "Sean, I know it may not feel like it now, but time will heal your broken heart. I lost my dad a little over a year ago and I still miss him. Now I focus on the good times we had, but mostly how on how much he loved me."

"Thanks Ryan, I know things will improve with time, but right now I can't see that silver lining, just the dark clouds."

"I know bud, get your rest, I will be back later this afternoon, ok."

"Ok Ryan, later then," Sean says and closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep. Ryan stares at his handsome face with those full lips and wishes he could kiss him. It breaks his heart, the pain Sean is feeling over his parents loss. He turns and leaves thinking maybe this could be the man that he has been looking for. He goes over to his office, and he gets there before Marge. He goes into his bathroom, draws a bath, and gets in and relaxes. His mind drifts back to Sean and then onto Dan.

"I must call Brian when I finish. I need to know what the coroner found and what I am facing here," he says to himself.

He finishs his bath, dresses, and then calls Brian.

"Brian, what did the coroner say," Ryan asks.

"Well good morning to you too," he says. "Well, he was definitely murdered. He was dead before he fell into the pool."

"No Brian, murdered why," Ryan, asks.

"My guess would be the contents of the briefcase is my educated guess. Just what was in that case Ryan?"

"Plans for my new refining process. It will revolutionize the oil industry Brian. I have the original plans here in my possession and they are under lock and key."

"Have you been to the patent office with them yet," he asks.

"Oh yes, three months ago, and the process has already been approved."

"But that wouldn't stop someone from selling it on the black market would it," Brian asks. "Would it be of any good to someone else?"

"The Arabs for sure, if they have the ability to engineer and implement the process. I have my security on that now, watching the Arabs. I want to know when they make, change or ask about any process changes. This process has a new bi-product that has a very strong future."

"A new bi-product Ryan, are we talking something that everyone can use here," he asks.

"Yes Brian, even the military possibilities are staggering," Ryan says.

"How can a commoner such as I get in on this babe," Brian asks.

"You really want in Brian, you have money to invest," Ryan asks.

"Some, not much. Can I ask what this new bi-product is called Ryan," he asks.

"I have to swear you to secrecy Brian, I mean it. It seems to have cost one man his life already."

"Come on Ryan, you have to ask me that. You know I would never betray you babe, but for the record, you have my word."

"Plastic, the new bi-product is called plastic. You would not believe the shit this stuff can do. I have already approached the military with it and they are definitely interested. It can be made so transparent it will replace glass someday, because it is stronger and safer."

"What a strange name, plastic. I want in babe, really. I still have the stock you gave me when . well I still have it. I would like to buy more."

"Just don't buy to much to fast, as to draw attention to yourself. This kind of information is considered insider trading and it is illegal."

"Insider what?"

"Just buy a little here at a time and a little there at a time, no big blocks of stock. Brian I cannot emphasize this enough, you cannot tell anyone about this, not even your current lover."

"I won't babe, I promise you."

"Brian, if you must, come to me and I will give you the stocks you want and you can pay me. You can put them in a safety deposit box for safe keeping," Ryan says.

"Are you home tonight Ryan, I want to bring over a copy of the coroner's report and a few things we found out at the hotel."

"What time do you get off today, Brian?"

"I should be done by six and could be at your place by six- thirty."

"Make it seven, I will have Martin make dinner and we can discuss the report, ok."

"Sounds good, and Ryan," he says asking. "I don't have another man, just wanted to see your reaction, sorry babe."

"That was mean of you Brie, it really was, but I guess I did deserve it though."

"No Ryan, you did not deserve it, I was just bitter I guess. Will you forgive me, babe," he asks.

"You know I do, you big fucking lug, see you tonight."

Ryan hangs up and Marge comes in, surprised to see him there.

"Hey boss, what time did you get here," she asks.

"Around five, I couldn't sleep. Would you bring me a coffee and something sweet to eat please."

He spends his morning going over important matters concerning this new process with his production managers, Bob Hartley, Carl White, and Joe Stone. He told them about Dan and how his death was a murder, and he stressed the importance of their secrecy. He called in Mathew Hornsby, Dan's right hand man and told him that he was being promoted to Dan's position if he wanted the job. Mat was a single man and moving was not a problem for him. He jumped at the opportunity and asked how long he had before he needed to relocate.

"I would like you down there as soon as possible, Mat. The sooner we have someone in position the better it is for the team there," Ryan told him. "I know it is short notice and the company will pick up all expenses for moving and relocating you to Houston, Mat."

"I want to thank you for you confidence in me Mr. Strathmore, I will not let you down," he says standing to leave. "If there is ever anything I can do for you sir, I owe you bigtime."

"I know you won't Mat, and please call me Ryan, Mr. Strathmore was my father. You are older than I am, and calling me mister is a bit to formal, and you don't owe me anything."

"Thank you Ryan, I will be ready to go in about two days if that is acceptable with you."

"Two days is fine Mat, now see Marge about what you will need to make the transition smooth from Boston to Houston. She will obtain your train tickets and hotel accommodations for you also in Houston. Welcome aboard Mat," Ryan says shaking his hand and leading him out to Marge.

Ryan finished his few loose ends and was confident he had covered all his bases. He phoned Martin and told him that Brian would be there for dinner at seven. He closed up his office around three, and headed over to the hospital. He was looking forward to seeing Sean, and getting his mind off Dan. He walked into the ICU pod and found it empty and panicked. He hurried to the nurse's station and inquired about Sean.

"He was moved this afternoon, Mr. Strathmore. He is in your private suite on the fifth floor sir," the nurse told him.

He took the elevator to the fifth floor and he walked down the hall to the elevator taking it up to his suite. The suite was originally his father's, but he kept it for his use if he ever needed it. He knocks on the door and he hears.

"Come in please. Ryan walks in the room and Sean calls out to him, "Ryan, it's so good to see you. I have been so bored here doing nothing but counting those fucking holes in the tiles on the ceiling," he says pointing at the ceiling.

"Well I can see you are feeling somewhat better, Sean."

"So Sean, I do not mean to depress or upset you, but have you given any thought to your parent's funeral," he asks sitting in a chair beside the bed.

"No I haven't, I really cannot afford much. I guess the state will give them a paupers burial," he says as his eyes fill with tears.

"Listen Sean, I have decided that I will pay for their funeral. They deserve a decent Christian burial."

"I couldn't let you do that sir, I hardly know you."

"It would be my pleasure Sean, as I said, they deserve a decent burial." Sean seems to loose concentration and Ryan notices it as Sean says.

"I feel kind of dopy with all these medications I'm taking. My leg will be awhile before it heals completely, and my internal injuries should be fine before my leg heals. Other than that I guess from what the tell me, I am one lucky man," he says looking anything but lucky.

"I know Sean, I know," Ryan says holding Sean's hand in his. Sean glances at Ryan's hand holding his and then at him.

"I sure do appreciate you helping me out like this. I will repay you for every penny it cost you Ryan."

"What makes you think I had anything to do with any of this, Sean," Ryan asks trying to look puzzled.

"Come on Ryan, this room for one. The plaque on the wall is dedicated to your dad. The doctors alone are the best in the country, a no... person like me does not get that kind of treatment these days," he says correcting his self- opinion.

"Sean I did not want you to know I had anything to do with your medical care. I do not expect you to pay me back either. I did it because it was the right and humane thing to do Sean," Ryan says still holding Sean's hand and slightly rubbing it. Sean moves his hand, rubs his hair, and puts back down on his stomach this time.

"Have you given any thought as to where you will go, when you are discharged from here," Ryan asks.

"I have some, but I really don't have a place to go. You see we were living with the people that we borrowed the car from. We had just moved here from upper state New York, where my folks lost their farm. My dad and Hank, the people we lived with, new each other growing up. He said he could get my dad a job so we came here two weeks ago."

"Well I want you to give this some thought, you do not have to make up your mind today Sean. I would like you to come stay at my home until you can get back on your feet," Ryan says looking at Sean.

"I don't know what to say Ryan, you have done so much for me already."

"Like I said just think about it, you are not going anywhere for awhile Sean."

Ryan stayed until six-thirty and then left because Brian was coming to dinner. He got home ten minutes before Brian got there and he greeted him at the door.

"Come on in Brie, it has been a long time since you have been here."

"Yes it has babe," Brian says and gives Ryan a kiss. They go into the library and Ryan pours them a drink.

"Are you still drinking Morgan on the rocks," he asks.

"Been in love with the captain for years, you still drink that gin shit."

"You know I love my gin and tonic," he says a bit snobby. "So what have you got for me Brie? I have been dealing with the aftermath of Dan's death all day."

"Well according to the coroner, he died from a blow to the back of the head, and it was made by a blunt object and not a fall on the cement. The lungs showed no signs of drowning proving he was dead before he entered the water. When my team did an examination of his room, blood was found on the rug and in the bathroom. He was probably killed there and somehow brought down to the pool and dumped. Upon further investigation, we found a laundry cart that had signs of blood in it. We surmise that his body was moved, from his room to the pool with the laundry cart. We are looking for a maid that has seemed to disappear from her job there."

"Wow, you have been busy, Brian. I can only imagine the pain and fear he must have felt before he died. His wife is not doing at all well Brian."

"Have you any idea who may have wanted to get their hands on these plans, Ryan," Brian asks. "If you could put together a list of people who knew about this project, then we will have a place to start."

"I will sit with my production managers and draw up that list for you tomorrow."

"Gentlemen, dinner is ready and will be served in the main dining room," Martin announces.

"Lets eat Brie, I missed lunch and I am famished," Ryan says.

"I know what you mean babe, I have not eaten since last night."

"Why do you still call me babe, Brie," Ryan asks.

"Habit I guess, and besides you will always be my babe," he says slapping Ryan on the ass as they walk out of the room.

After dinner, Brian asks to see the article about Ryan and he blushes at the mention of it.

"Come on, it is just a bunch of society shit, Brie," he says. "Besides it is upstairs in my bedroom."

"Well lets go get it, I want to see it, babe."

"Well if you promise not to laugh, I will let you read it I suppose, only if you don't laugh."

"I promise." They go up to Ryan's room and they go in as Brian turns and locks the door as he closes it.

"Why did you lock the door, Brian," Ryan asks.

"So Martin doesn't just walk in," he says.

"And what do you not want Martin to see," Ryan asks suspiciously. "I thought that we were over this Brie."

"Come here babe," Brian says holding out his arms to Ryan. "I want to feel you in my arms again babe."

"Is this a good idea, Brie, we will just end up hurting each other all over again," Ryan says standing his ground.

Brian walks over to him, takes him in his arms, and kisses him hard and long, forcing his tongue into Ryan's mouth. Ryan pushes away, turns from Brian, and says.

"Brian I cannot do this, it will hurt to much after," Ryan says as tears start to fall. Brian walks over and puts his arms around Ryan's waist and whispers in his ear.

"Babe, not if we don't let it," and then kisses his neck.

"Please stop, Brie, please go," he says. "I will not do this to our friendship again. I value our friendship Brian, and a roll in the sack is not worth ruining it for."

"I am sorry you feel that way, it could have been great babe," Brian says as he walks toward the door. "Once I walk out this door I will never come back," as Ryan refuses to turn. Brian unlocks the door, opens it, then turns to Ryan and says.

"Goodbye my love, I wish you love and happiness, after this we are strictly business," he says then turns and walks out of the room.

Ryan stands there and cries for almost twenty minutes until he has no more tears to cry, knowing that his decision is the right one, but his heart tells him he is not so sure.

"Brian, I wish you love and happiness babe," he says to himself as he starts to cry again.

He awakes the next morning still feeling the pain of the previous night. He knew his decision was the right one and he needed to concentrate on the matters at hand. He sat and read the copies of the reports that Brian had left him. It was something in them that kept catching his attention, the description of a stranger, that a guest had described, that kept playing on his mind.

"What is it that keeps haunting me about this person," he thinks to himself.

Marge comes in and bringing him his coffee and Danish, and she looks at him and says.

"What has you so perturbed boss?"

"It is this description of a stranger, that a hotel guest saw, around the pool the day of the murder," he says. "I feel I should recognize the person, but I cannot place him."

"Let me have a look at the description, sir," she says. "I have a way of visualizing things like that," she tells him.

He gives her the description of the man and she reads it. Her face has a puzzled look for a moment, and then as if a light went off in her head she says, handing the paper back to Ryan.

"My God sir, you know that person," she says. "That's old Farnsworth's son, junior," she says with a prideful look on her face.

"Your right, I knew I should recognize the person, but I just could not put his name and face together. Would you get the police on the telephone for me," he asks. "And Marge, not a word about this please," he says to Marge as she makes the zipping her lips sign to him. "What the fuck was he doing there that day," Ryan says aloud.

"What is it now, Ryan," Brian says a bit irritated.

"Listen Brie, about last night..." and he cut off.

"Did you call me about that, because if you did I am very busy, Ryan."

"No Captain O'Malley I would not want to take up your precious time, I know who the mystery man was at the hotel. If you would like to know I can tell you, or I could just let our grand police department try to figure it out for themselves," Ryan says just as miserable.

"No Ryan, I am sorry buddy, I should not have acted like that," Brian says. "What have you got for me, bud," he asks much more civilly.

"The man in question is Richard Farnsworth Jr.," Ryan tells him. "His father is on my board of directors and not on good terms with me at the moment."

"Who, the father or the son," he asks.

"Both, really, but mainly the father. He wanted his son on the board and I got Miles instead. He did not like that and when the board elected me chairman, he was livid."

"Oh well now, this puts a completely new spin on things, doesn't it," Brian says. "Give me his name and address, bud, and let my guys take care of this."

"255 Beacon Hill Drive, Brian, Richard Farnsworth Jr. is his name. He is a puppet to his father, no backbone of his own. I would not be surprised if his father is fucking him," Ryan says laughing.

"Ok bud, I will give this to my guys and get back to you when I have something. And Ryan, I am sorry about last night bud, I really am. Are we still best buds Ryan?"

"You know we are you big lug, love ya bud, later."

"Back at you, babe," and they hang up.

Ryan hangs up and calls Mathew Hornsby.

"Mat, Ryan calling. How are things going with your move," he asks.

"Good Ryan, I have most ends tied up and just need to have my furnishing moved," he tells Ryan.

"I have a suggestion, why don't you donate the furniture to a charity, and let the company set you up with new things there. The cost will be about the same, and you will get the benefit of having new furniture."

"That would be ok with me Ryan, if you do not mind."

"Not at all Mat. Listen that is not why I called, I wanted to warn you to not to have any contact with either of the Farnsworth's," Ryan, tells him. "Junior is under investigation for the murder of Dan and I think his father is behind him."

"Really Junior, I never liked that weasel anyways."

"Lets keep this between us please, until the police finish their job," Ryan says. "I just wanted to give you a heads up on this Mat, now you have a safe trip. Oh, Mat, please call me when you get settled in Houston," Ryan says.

"I will sir, and thank you again for everything, I really appreciate all you have done for me, Ryan," he says and they hang up.

Ryan finishes some work that needs his attention and passes it on to Marge for processing.

"Marge, I am leaving for the day and will be at home later if you need me. I have some stops to make first so leave a message with Martin in the meantime."

"Yes sir, have a pleasant day sir. Did you take care of that matter concerning the mystery man," she asks.

"I handed it over to Captain O'Malley, he is working on it as we speak. If he should call please have him call me later at my residence."

He closes up his office and takes his leave, saying goodbye to Marge as he goes. Leonard is waiting and he instructs him to take him to the hospital. He takes the elevator to the fifth floor and walks down towards his private suite. He sees Dr. Smyth walking towards him and he stops him to speak.

"Good afternoon doctor, how is our young man today," Ryan asks.

"He is making a remarkable recovery Ryan, at this rate he should be able to leave by this weekend," the doctor tells him.

"That is good news, does he know that yet."

"Not yet, I did not want to get his hopes up, I know he has no place to go yet, so I am waiting to tell him."

"Well I have offered to let him stay at my home until he can get on his feet," Ryan tells him. "I have also offered to pay for his parents funeral because he was so distraught about it."

"Your kindness Ryan is so overwhelming, I just can't believe how kind you are. Most people of means these days are thinking only of themselves and do not give a rat's ass about their fellow man," the doctor says. "I am sorry about that analogy, Ryan."

"Do not mention it, you are so right doctor. I feel that those of us that can afford to help should do so when we can. I feel so bad for Sean now that he is alone in this world, no parents, no future or job."

"Well I am sure he will have a brighter future in your hands now Ryan. I personally want to thank you for all you have done for this young man."

"Thank you Dr. Smyth, now I think I will give him the good news about possibly going home on the weekend, if I may."

"Yes you may Ryan, and with my blessing."

Ryan walks to the door and knocks and he hears Sean say.

"Come in, it's open" Ryan opens it some and sticks his head in and says,

"Want some company Sean," and the kid's face lights up.

"Ryan," he yells, "I have missed you."

"I have missed you also, Sean," he says shaking his hand. "How are you feeling today?"

"Great, but bored silly," he says.

"You are looking much better," and Ryan gives him a look up and down and notices a tent in the sheets. Sean notices that Ryan sees that he has a hard on and he blushes.

"I'm . sorry about that, Ryan," he stammers. "It has been a while since I have had sex," he says.

"Do not worry about it," Ryan says looking at the tented sheet again, "we all get that problem from time to time. I have some great news," Ryan says hoping to take Sean's mind off his erection, "your doctor says that you might be able to go home this weekend."

"That is good news, I guess," Sean says rather sadly, "if I had a place to go."

"Sean, I told you that you are more than welcome to come and stay at my home until you are on your feet."

"How can I get on my feet with no job, Ryan," he asks. "I could not impose on you more than I have already."

"Sean, once you are fully recovered, we can talk about a job with my company. Now as for imposing on my hospitality, I have told you before you are most welcomed. Now I am not going to take no for an answer young man, so just make up your mind that you are coming home with me."

"If you insist Ryan, I accept. I really appreciate this and I will never disappoint you, ever," he says and he smiles. Ryan has all he can do to control his own cock as he looks at that marvelous smile.

"Good, now that we have settled that, are you capable of a tour in a wheel chair," Ryan asks. "I think getting you out of this room for a while will help lift your spirits.

Ryan calls for a wheel chair and an orderly helps Sean into it, and Ryan notices his bare ass as his Johnny separates getting into the chair. Again, he struggles to maintain control of his cock seeing Sean's firm, round ass.

"How about we take a ride down to the cafeteria and have some real food for a change," Ryan asks.

"That would be great, I am so sick of this shit they call food," he says. "I know I should be grateful, but have you ever tasted this shit, Rye," he asks. "Dog food would probably taste better."

"No I have not ever tasted it. The one time I was in the hospital, Martin, my manservant, catered my meals. What is your favorite meal Sean," Ryan asks.

"Corn beef and cabbage, Rye, I'm Irish you know."

"I surmised that by your name, kid. I will have Martin prepare it for you, your first day home, ok."

"I don't wanna be no trouble Rye," he says and Ryan likes the way Sean calls him Rye.

"It will be no trouble at all, my fine Irish lad." They spent the next few hours getting to know one another. Sean liked Ryan's sense of humor, and found him easy to like. Ryan quickly fell for Sean's quick wit and charm, falling hard with his heart.

"I will have your things picked up from your previous residence and brought to my place," Ryan says.

"I don't have much, Rye, just a pairs of pants and a shirt and underwear. My mother mostly washed our things each night so we had clean clothes to wear, we were poor," he says a rather ashamed.

"Well we shall take care of all your needs and make a fresh start for you, young man. I do not want to hear another word about it, now you get your rest and I will see you tomorrow, Sean."

"Thanks Brie, I really like you and I appreciate the way you are looking out for me," he says holding out his hand to Ryan.

Ryan shakes his hand in both of his and the warmth fills his senses.

"I will see you tomorrow Sean, now go to sleep and rest, so you can come home by Saturday," Ryan tells him and leaves.

He leaves and Leonard drives him home, and he thinks about Sean.

'It has been two years since he has thought of a man in this way, and he fears Sean is not that way. He gave him some signs but they went ignored, now he has resigned himself to the fact that Sean is straight and he will do what he can to help him move on in life.'

Back at home he tells Martin that Sean will be coming home on Saturday, and that he will be needing assistance until his leg mends. The elevator will get him around the floors, and Martin, you can help with his other needs.

The next day at work was busy, the buzz is how the police arrested Richard Farnsworth Jr., and was charging him with Dan Cooper's murder.

"Mr. Strathmore, a Mr. Farnsworth is here to see you," Marge says over the intercom.

"Please have him come in, please. Could you also bring in some coffee please, Marge," Ryan asks.

Richard charges into Ryan's office with a full head of steam.

"What is the fucking idea of having my son arrested for the murder of Dan Cooper? You know perfectly well he could not have done such a hideous crime, Strathmore."

"First of all you will show me some respect and call me Mr. Strathmore, am I clear here. Secondly, I had nothing to do with your damn sons arrest. According to the police, he fit the description of the man seen by the pool around the time Dan died."

"Who was suppose to have seen my son at this hotel pool," he asks about ready to have a stroke.

"That you would have to ask the police, Richard. They have an eye witness that places him there at the time of Dan's death."

"Well, I know you had something to do with this, if I find out you did so help me I will ruin you," he says and storms out of the office.

"Well he was a bit hot under the collar wouldn't you say, sir," Marge says sitting the coffee down on his desk.

"Marge, have a seat for a moment. I want to run something by you."

"Yes sir, fire away boss, I am all ears," she says.

"Your husband has connections with the lets say . people of influence in the right places," he says. "Would he be able to locate missing papers, for a price, before they fell into the wrong hands."

"Mr. Strathmore," Marge says shocked that he could suggest such a thing, "Tony is quite legitimate and no way connected to those people you suggest."

"I was not saying he was Marge, I was wondering if he knew people that could help me that were connected."

"Well I could ask him, Ryan, but he is very legitimate and no way . " she is interrupted by Ryan.

"I know Marge you already said that, just ask him if he would come in and talk with me please," he asks her.

"I will ask him sir, but I doubt he will want to talk though."

"Just ask him is all I ask."

She gets up and is flustered by the insinuation of her Tony being connected to the mafia. Ryan calls Brian and he is told that he is at court for Farnsworth's arraignment. He gives a message to the police officer and asks that he call him upon his return. He calls Western Union and dictates a telegram to his refinery in Houston. He tells them about Mathew's arrival and that he will be implementing a new procedure for the refinery. He finishes his work that needs his attention and he hands if off to Marge for her special touch.

"I am heading out now, I will see you tomorrow Marge," he says and notices she is still upset. "Marge I am so very sorry if I upset you earlier, I never meant to insinuate that Tony was connected to the mafia," he tells her. "I know that he is Italian, and thought that he might know someone who could help me. My back is against the wall, and I don't know what to do."

"I know sir, I will talk to him. You have a good evening sir."

He has Leonard drive him to the hospital and he goes up to see Sean. He knocks on the door and no answer, he knocks again, still no answer. He opens the door and goes in, Sean is nowhere around. He is about to leave, the bathroom door opens, and Sean comes out on crutches.

"Ryan," Sean says excitedly, loosing his balance and falls forward into Ryan's arms. Ryan lifts him up and they are face to face, and Ryan's heart is pounding away.

"Nice catch Rye," Sean says and steadies himself again with his crutches, and walks to the bed. As he walks the back of his, Johnny is open, and Ryan is staring at his ass. Sean turns and sees Ryan's eyes looking, and he goes red from the embarrassment.

"I hate these things, your ass hangs out for all the world to see," he says.

"I would not worry about your ass showing Sean, it is not a bad looking one," Ryan says and goes red realizing what he has said. "I am sorry Sean, I did not mean it to sound the way it did."

"Don't worry Rye, I know how you meant it, no offense taken," he says as he get back into bed.

"Do you need help Sean," Ryan asks.

"If you could just make sure this silly gown stays down, then pull the blankets up after, I would appreciate it."

Ryan helps Sean get into bed, and as he turns, the gown shifts, showing Sean's manhood. Ryan looks and marvels at the beauty of his cock, then quickly covers it with the gown. He pulls the sheet and blankets up, making sure he is covered.

"There you go, nice and snug in bed."

"Thanks Rye, I feel so helpless. I can't wait to get out of here and get some real clothes to wear."

"Speaking of clothes, Sean, what have you got to go home in," Ryan asks.

"Well nothing really, I understand that they cut off most everything when they brought me in."

"Do you know your sizes, I can get you something to go home in."

"Well my waist is a thirty and my inseam a thirty-two. I wear an fifteen and a half with a thirty-three sleeve," he tells Ryan. "Shoes are a size nine. If you just go by my old place I was staying at they should have my change of clothes still."

"Lets not worry about clothes, Sean, I will make sure that you have something to wear when you do go home. Now did your doctor say when you could go," Ryan asks.

"He told me Friday or Saturday, depends on you my doctor told me."

"Well how about Saturday, then Sean," he says in a teasing manner.

"Hey man, Saturday, come on Rye, I am climbing the fucking walls man. Please can I go home tomorrow Rye," he pleads. I promise I will be good and obey what the doctor says.

"Tomorrow is fine Sean, I was just teasing you, and I know how much you want to get out of here."

He motions Ryan to come closer and he gives him a strong hug.

"I love you man," he says. "Nobody has ever cared for me as you have Rye, except my mom and dad," he says and starts to cry. Ryan just holds him and lets him cry, gently rubbing his back.

"Let it out Sean, it is not good to keep it in," he tells him. Sean cries uncontrollably and Ryan just holds him tight. When he finally gets himself under control, he apologizes for his crying.

"I am so sorry for loosing control like that Rye," he says wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I just couldn't hold it in anymore," he said.

"Don't worry about it Sean, you needed to let it out. It is not healthy to hold it in. Now don't you feel better for letting go of all that pent up pain," he asks.

"Yes I do. I have had that bottled up in me for a while now. I usually don't cry in front of people, let alone another guy," he says getting red.

"Sean, there is nothing wrong with crying, we all have to do it from time to time, if not we would go crazy," Ryan says realizing that he is still holding Sean.

"I am all right now," Sean, says, "you can let me go, Rye." Ryan moves back from Sean and is at a loss for words. He feels awkward now, and Sean senses it.

"You all right Rye, you seem quiet all of a sudden," Sean says. "I hope I didn't offend you, man."

"I am fine Sean, really, I have to go. I will be here tomorrow around noon, ok," he says avoiding Sean's eyes.

"Ah, sure Rye, noon is fine. Ryan please man, talk to me, I can't help feeling I have done something to hurt you," he says.

"You have done nothing Sean, I have a lot on my mind. I will see you tomorrow and you will finally get out of here," he says and leaves standing outside the door to collect his thoughts. He finally leaves and goes home, telling Martin that tomorrow Sean will be coming.

The next day Ryan took off from work. He called Marge and told her he had personal things to take care of. She told him that Tony would be in on Monday to talk to him. He had Leonard take him to get some clothes for Sean to come home in. Leonard took him to Sears and Roebucks and he picked up several pairs of slacks and shirts to go with them. He got him some underwear and socks and two pairs of shoes. He did not know if he wore pajamas so he waited on that.

"Maybe he sleeps naked like I do," he said to himself.

He gathered the things he bought and Leonard brought them to the car. He took an outfit for going home with him to bring up to Sean's room. He also bought him a warm winter coat, seeing how his was lost to the accident. With his bundles in hand, he got on the elevator and went up to Sean's room. He heard voices when he approached the door and he softly knocked.

"Come in," Sean said and he opened the door and Dr. Smyth was in there with him.

"Hello Ryan," Dr. Smyth says. "Come to take our patient home finally," he says with a smile.

"If he is ready to be discharged, I am doctor."

"Oh yes Ryan, he is more than ready. He does need to stay off that leg as much as possible, and no stairs," he says looking at Sean.

"Stairs are no problem doctor, I have an elevator in my home," Ryan says and Sean's mouth hangs open.

"You have an elevator in your house, Rye," Sean asks.

"Yes I do, and indoor plumbing also. I have every modern convenience known to man," he tells Sean.

"Well I have much to do Ryan," the doctor says, "here is Sean's marching orders and prescriptions. If you need any- thing call me," he says and shakes our hands.

"Thank you so much for all you have done for me, Dr. Smyth. I could never in a million years, repay you for all you did." Sean says shaking his hand.

"Yes doctor, thank you again for your hard work and time," Ryan says also shaking the doctors hand.

"You are both most welcome, now have a good day," he says and leaves.

"Now my friend, here are your clothes. I guessed on some things, like colors, but the sizes are what you told me."

Sean was so excited about going home and looked at the clothes Ryan had bought him. He took his gown off and stood there naked in front of Ryan. Ryan's eyes went right up and down Sean's body, taking in every square inch of that boy. Sean's cock hung down and to the right over his nice firm balls. He had a bush of reddish blonde hair that match the hair on his head. Ryan could feel himself getting hard as he looked at Sean, so he turned towards the door.

"I'm not bashful," Sean says pulling on his underwear. "Besides we are both guys and we both have the same works man," he says and Ryan can feel his face get warm.

"I hope the clothes fit," he says turning back to Sean as he pulls up his pants. They fit him fine and they hug his ass nicely Ryan thinks to himself. Sean buttons his shirt and tucks it in, and then does up his pants.

"What do you think," he says to Ryan, standing before him with his arms outstretched.

"Nice, like a new man Sean, like a new man."

They leave the hospital and head to Strathmore Estate. As they approach, Sean is in awe of the magnificence of the house.

"You live here all by yourself," he asks. "This place is bigger than most hotels."

"My father built it for my mother, but she never liked living in Boston," Ryan says. "She prefers to live in Newport, Rhode Island, so father gave it to me."

They got to the gate and Leonard entered a code, the huge iron gates swung open. They drove up to the house and pulled under a portico, Leonard got out and opened the door. Martin greeted them with a wheel chair that Ryan had bought, and Leonard helped Sean get in. They wheeled him inside and the grandeur caught him off guard.

"My God Brie, this place is grand," he says looking around.

Martin wheels him into the drawing room, and Ryan introduces him to Sean.

"Sean, this is Martin, he will be assisting you until you can take care of yourself."

"Nice to meet you, Marty," Sean says and Martin raises an eyebrow.

"The pleasure is mine, master Sean," Martin says.

"Master," Sean says. "No one has ever called me master, could you just call me Sean, Marty," he asks.

"Only if you can call me Martin," Martin says.

"Sure and sorry Martin, I forget where I am," he says blushing.

"Marty will be fine Sean," Martin says winking at him.

"Lets show you to your room, Sean," Ryan says as excited as a child on Christmas morning. He wheels him to the elevator and they go up to the second floor, get off, and turn to the right.

"This room," Ryan points to the first room on the left, "is mine, yours is right next to it. There is an adjoining door, so if you need anything, just call me and I will be right there." Ryan wheels him into a room painted a soft shade of blue, with drapes made of a cream and blue brocade. The bed is a Louis the Fourteenth, and matching nightstands and bureaus gracing the room. Rich painting hang on the walls, and oriental carpets grace the floor.

"This room is fit for a king," Sean says looking around in amazement. "I don't know if I could ever fall asleep in a room like this. I am use to a house that is the size of this room alone, never mind a bedroom this size."

"Only the best for you my fine Irish lad," Ryan says.

"You spoil me Rye, I don't know how I can ever repay you Rye," he says looking sad.

Ryan kneels in front of him, takes his hands in his, and looks into his eyes.

"Sean, I have already told you my friend, you do not owe me a thing. I am doing this for you because I like you, it is the right thing to do for a friend," Ryan says. "Now would you like to rest or would you like to do something else," Ryan asks still holding his hands. Sean looks at his hands but he does not pull them away, instead he looks into Ryan's eyes.

"Tell me Rye, tell me the truth about you, please friend."

Ryan can feel his face getting warm, and he knows he is turning red. "What do you mean, the truth about me," he asks Sean.

"I may not come from your world Rye, but I am not dumb either. I can read signs that people make with their bodies, and yours is speaking a lot."

Ryan drops Sean's hands and hangs his head, and he slowly starts to rise. Sean reaches out and takes his hands in his, pulling him down to his knees again.

"Tell me Rye, I won't be angry at you, only if you lie. I know what you hide, it is written in your eyes, they betray your heart my friend."

Ryan looses control and begins to cry, and now it is Sean's turn to console. He pulls him in close, holds him tight, and tells him to let it go.

"As you told me Rye, let it out. It is not good to hold these things in, especially secrets. I know my friend, I too have held in my secret for many years. I know the hurt and pain of secret love, and being unable to share that love. Tell me your feeling and I will share with you mine," he says as he raises Ryan's head up by his chin.

"Sean I fell in love with you, the first time I saw you in the ICU at the hospital. I wished to God that you would feel the same, but my subtle signs seemed to go unheeded. I am sorry if I have put you on the spot Sean," he says and starts to cry again.

"Rye, look at me, and dry your eyes, your love has not gone unheeded. I too have fallen in love with you, but was afraid to tell you. We come from two different worlds, and I knew I didn't belong in yours. I am not as refined and educated as you are, and my family doesn't have the social roots of yours. I guess what I'm saying Rye is I am ashamed to say I love you, because of who I am."

"Please Sean, do not ever be ashamed of who you are. You are a fine young man, I am proud to know you and more proud to have fallen in love with you. I do not ever want to hear you put yourself down again, my love. I love you Sean, and I will never be ashamed of you, so do not ever be ashamed of yourself," Ryan says and he lifts up and kisses Sean on the lips for a brief moment.

To be continued .

There, my readers, no cliff hangers. Tell me if you like it or not. Randy Howard

Next: Chapter 3

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