The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 20, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 13

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

A special thank you to my friend Bill H. for the editing work that he did on this chapter.

From Chapter 12 .

A few weeks later Jeanne Marie enters the hospital to be artificially fertilized. She spends overnight in the hospital and it was a successful procedure.

"Now young lady we wait," Dr. Thomas says. "I will see you back in six weeks."

She meets the guys downstairs, and they are all excited with anticipation.

"It was a success," she shouts and they go wild with joy.

"Now Jeanne Marie, I want you to take it easy for the next nine months," David says helping her into the car.

"Listen brother, I am pregnant, not some china doll. I will not break if I do things. The doctor told me that I could resume my everyday routine," she tells him.

The weeks fly by and Jeanne Marie goes for her first check up. The doctor examines her and does an ultra sound after having some concerns.

"Please get dressed Miss Tremont, and I will see you in my office once you are dressed," he says rather seriously.

"What is it doctor?" she asks noting his change of demeanor.

"Like I said, once you are dressed meet me in my office."

She got dressed and she met Dr. Thomas in his office. He still had that serious look on his face.

"I know that you are a single woman, Miss Tremont. I also know that you are carrying this pregnancy for another couple. I was not sure during my initial examination so that is why I did an ultra sound. You are carrying twins Miss Tremont," Dr. Thomas tells her and she sits back in her chair.

"Twins, like in two babies," she says.

"That is usually what twins mean, two babies Jeanne Marie."

"Wow, I wondered why I was gaining so much weight so fast," she says. "Two babies, they are going to be so excited," she says.

"Well I hope so, it's too late now to do anything about it," the doctor says. "I will see you again in four weeks."

"Thank you doctor, four weeks," she says and leaves.

That night at dinner, she is keeping the boys in suspense.

"Well, what did the doctor say sis?" Bret asks all excited.

"Everything is fine," she says rather nonchalant.

"We bought a room full of nursery furniture today," David says all excited about their purchase. "Everything is neutral in color so if it is a boy or girl, it will go," he says.

"How many cribs did you buy," she asks.

"Well one crib of course, what a stupid question," he says then looks at her. "Why, what are you not telling us, Jeanne Marie?" he asks.

"You might want to go out and buy another, because it's twins," she says and everyone yells out in excitement.

"Twins oh my God, David, two babies," Bret says. "Did he say what they are Jeanne," he asks.

"No not yet; the doctor said it was to soon to tell," she says. "The next visit he should be able to, I guess."

The guys went out, got another crib, and set up the nursery. They told Tyler about the twins, and he was excited for them. The weeks went by and Jeanne went for her next visit only this time David went with her.

"This is my brother Dr. Thomas," she says introducing David to the doctor. "He is my support during the pregnancy."

"That's good to have a support partner," the doctor says. "Why don't we get you ready for the examination and he can wait in the waiting room."

"Can he come in for the ultra sound, I would like him to be with me for that," she says.

"Well after the examination he can come in and we will do the ultra sound." They do the examination and all goes well then he calls David in. Jeanne is on the examining table and the doctor is ready to run the ultra sound. He spreads the gel on her belly and then turns on the machine.

"Well let's see if we can see today if it's boys, girls or both in there," he says maneuvering the wand around on her belly. "Well there is definitely one boy," he says and David smiles at Jeanne. "Come on little one move just a bit more, there we go, yes another boy," he says. "Congratulations two boys by the looks of it," the doctor says wiping the gel off Jeanne's belly.

"Wow two boys," David says with a grin. "Won't Bret be surprised and excited?"

"I will see you in another four weeks Jeanne," the doctor says. "It was nice to me you David."

"You also doctor, and thank you," David says as he and Jeanne leave the examining room. He is on cloud nine as they drive home, and he can hardly contain his excitement.

They drive over to Tyler's house to tell him the news, and Bret is there waiting. As they drive up Bret comes running out shouting at them wanting to know what sex.

"Wait until we get inside," David says to him grinning.

"That's not fair, you already know," he says sulking.

David pulls him in for a kiss and then whispers in his ear,

"Its two boys babe, one for each of us," he says.

He jumps up and down with excitement as he runs into the house.

"Its two boys dad," Bret says unable to control his excitement and he kisses David on the lips.

"I am so happy for both of you," Tyler says. "Have you got a name for them yet?" he asks.

"We have thought it through and the only names we seem to agree on are, Sean Kevin for one and Ryan Tyler for the other," David says.

"Your dads would be so proud son," Tyler says as tears fill his eyes. "This seems to be my day for surprises," he says looking at the boys. "Brian called to tell me that he retired from the Boston police force and is coming out for a visit," he says.

"I never thought Uncle Brian would leave Boston," David says. "Is he going to be staying with you dad?"

"Yes I told him that I had plenty of room and insisted that he stay with me. After all, I would like the company," he says as David and Bret look at each other. "Now don't go getting ideas boys, he is only coming for a visit, and he is only a good friend," he says with a hint of a smile.

Tyler makes them dinner and they talk well into the evening as they decide to stay instead of going home.

"Are you sure you don't mind us staying dad?" David says.

"It's been a long time since I had company overnight," he says getting fresh towels for the guest room bath.

"That will make it easier on me tomorrow. I have to go to the refinery in the morning and you are much closer to it."

"I have to go over and do some business at Dallas First National Bank," Bret says. "There seems to be a discrepancy in what I have in our checking account and what the bank says we have."

"Well you do have problems with keeping that thing balanced," David says. "Do you remember to deduct each check?"

"I have an easier method, if I write a check for 8.99, I deduct 9.00. That way I don't have to worry about all those cents; it can be very confusing," he says.

"You can't round off bud, no wonder our check book is off balance," David says looking at Tyler. "From now on let me take care of the checking account," he says.

"No David, I'm a big boy, I have to figure this out," he says. "Besides, when they send the statement I just write what they say we have at that time as my new balance and go from there," he says as David slaps his forehead and moans.

"You can be so blonde bud," David says taking his hand leading him into bed. "Here let me lead you to bed so you don't get lost along the way," he says looking at Tyler who is chuckling to himself.

"I'm quite sure I can find my way to bed asshole," Bret says turning into Tyler's room.

"Ah sweetheart, this is our room," David says chuckling.

"I knew that," Bret says as he walks past David and pokes him in the stomach. "See if you get any ass tonight wise ass," he says as he goes by David.

In the room, David sucks up to Bret who is clearly perturbed with him.

"So I'm not the smartest one when it comes to keeping a check book," he says sarcastically. "Do you have to make it so obvious in front of your dad?" he asks.

"I'm sorry baby," he says kissing Bret's neck. "I was just kidding with you."

"No you were not. You were serious about that fucking check book, then to make matters worse, you made me look like a complete idiot leading me up the hall to bed like I didn't know my way," he says rather pissed.

"Well you did turn into my dad's room," he says.

"That was to get away from you fuck head."

"Oh don't be mad at me baby, I love you my little blond stud."

"And stop calling me that, I hate you calling me your little blond stud. I am not little, and I am not yours at the moment."

"Then I guess a blow job is out," David says rolling over in bed putting his back to Bret.

"Why you asshole, you insult me and then you think you are going to get a blowjob," he says rather hysterically.

"No I was going to give you one to make up babe," David says knowing that what Bret said was true.

"Oh babe, you were? That is so sweet of you," Bret says as he kisses David's neck. "Just because you thought of me like that, you are the one that deserves the blowjob babe, now roll over cowboy," Bret says as he gets in between David's now spread legs.

"You really don't have to bud, I should be the one to make it up to you babe," he says knowing that his scheme worked as he gets a grin on his face. Bret takes his cock into his hand, and he runs his tongue around the head. He drives his man crazy when he does this and right now he wants to pleasure his man.

"Oh fuck babe I love how you send me when you do that to me," David says.

Bret swallows David's cock right down to his base and he takes in the scent of his man. He lets out a soft moan drinking in his scent, while he sucks slowly on David's cock. He goes up and down, ever so slowly, running his tongue along the veins.

"Oh babe I'm so close," David calls out, and Bret pulls off his man's cock.

"Good! Now finish it yourself asshole. Thought you had me where you wanted me didn't you?" he says and rolls over and goes to sleep. David just laid there feeling ashamed, as he pulled his cock to a climax. He shot his load all over his stomach, then got up and cleaned himself off. The next morning Bret was very cool to him as they got up to start their day.

"I'm so sorry babe for the way I acted towards you last night," David says taking Bret into his arms.

"You should be, and I guess I forgive you," he says. "I just hate it when you make me look stupid in front of other people," he says with his arms around David's neck. "I'm sorry for leaving you hanging on the edge also babe," he says and they kiss to make up. David drops to his knees and he takes Bret's cock into his mouth, and swallows it down his throat. He then slowly moves up and down on it, caressing it with his tongue. He sucks it more quickly as his lover starts to moan. He is soon shooting his hot liquid deep down David's waiting throat. Bret's hands gently hold David's head, as he fucks his lover's mouth.

"Oh babe your mouth is so hot," as he gives him the last of his come. He pulls David up and he gives him a kiss, letting their tongues tangle in love's sweet embrace.

"I love you my love," David whispers to Bret. "You are my sweet little horny blonde."

Bret looks at his lover and he cannot help himself as the tears start to run down his face.

"You just make feel so loved babe, that I can never stay mad at you," he says as he passionately kisses his man.

"We better break this up or we will never get our work done today," David says looking at his watch. "I have a little over an hour to get to the refinery for my meeting," he says to Bret.

"Just drive carefully babe, I will see you at our house tonight," Bret says kissing him goodbye.

David leaves for the refinery and his mind is on who he is going to hire to replace Joe Perkins who retired last month. He was a cracker-jack of an engineer and he had three prospects today to interview. He gets to the refinery and Mike Brady the acting engineer meets him. He was offered the job but he is semi-retired and likes it that way.

"Mike nice to see you again," David says shaking Mike's hand. "Have you had a chance to review these prospects that I'm interviewing today?" David asks.

"Yes boss I did, and in my opinion Joshua Bradley seems to be best qualified. He graduated tops in his field from MIT and he is twenty-four with his masters already. The others have only a bachelors and finished in the top ten percent," he says.

"Joshua Bradley, why does that name ring a bell," David asks.

"His family is the Bradley's of Hyannis, boss," he says.

"Of course Martin Bradley and his wife Martha," David says remembering them from a sailing trip one summer. "I remember them now, I met his parents many summers ago when Kevin and I were sailing up in Hyannis, nice people."

David goes to his office and he conducts the interviews, until it's finally time for Joshua.

"Joshua, please come in young man," David says shaking his hand. "How are your mom and dad?" he asks.

"You know my parents sir?" Joshua asks, shocked that a Texan would know someone from Massachusetts.

"Your parents are Martin and Martha Bradley?" David asks.

"Yes sir they are. How may I ask is it that you know them sir?" he asks looking at David with a puzzled look.

"I met them about twelve years ago when I was sailing up in the Hyannis area off Cape Cod, son."

"I thought you were a Texan through and through, sir."

"I was born and raised in Boston, I moved here a little over ten years ago," he tells Joshua. "Now about this job, I have looked at your credentials and I am quite impressed. Tops in your class from MIT, and your Masters already at twenty-four. I did notice that you are married, will your wife be coming with you?" David asks.

"About that sir, if I may explain," he says getting red. "I am not really married. I have a life partner sir; I'm gay. I will understand if you don't wish to hire me. I have lost chances already because of my orientation, but I believe in being up front and open sir," he says as he starts to get up.

"Sit down Joshua and relax," David says. "I too have a lover and am gay. I don't look at a person's sexual orientation as a qualification for employment, but rather if they can do the job or not. Do you think you can do this job son?" David says looking at Joshua.

"Oh yes sir, and I will not disappoint you sir with my performance on the job," he says beaming at the chance to prove his worth.

"Good! When can you start son? My current man is semi- retired and wants to resume his leisure time." he asks.

"Will Monday be too late sir?" Joshua asks.

"Monday will be fine, I will have you meet with Carol in Human Resources today and fill out the necessary papers. Then I will bring you out to meet with Mike Brady the one I mentioned and he will show you around. How did your parents react to your being gay?" David asks.

"My dad disowned me, and mom sneaks around to call me," he says. "Clay, that's my lover, Clayton Marks, he has had a run of bad breaks, but he's trying to clean up his act. His parents are both dead."

"Well if you two need anything please feel free to give me a call. And by the way son, the name's David or Dave not sir," David says as he shakes his hand showing him the way to the HR department.

"Thank you Dave, and thanks for your kindness," he says.

"My pleasure Josh, when Clay and you get settled, Bret and I will have you both over for dinner. There aren't many of us here of our persuasion so we like to enjoy those that we meet."

"That would be great sir. Back at home we have lots of friends and of course in the summer we like to go to Provincetown on Cape Cod. That place is really hopping in the summer David. Have you ever been there?"

"Yes a couple of times, and yes it does hop in the summer. Now lets get you going and get you set up. Where are you staying in town?" he asks.

"We have a room over at the local motel down the road," he says.

"That rat trap," David says. "When do you go back home?"

"My plane leaves tomorrow at two," he says.

"After you are finished here we'll go get your things and you two come home with me. We have plenty of room and Bret will love the chance to entertain."

"That would be great, as long as it is no inconvenience Dave."

"None whatsoever Josh, now here is Carol; she will give you all the paperwork you need to fill out. She'll see that you are brought back to me when you finish."

"Thanks again Dave, see you in a while," he says as he sits to complete his paperwork.

David goes back to his office and calls Tyler's house.

"Hey dad, is Bret back yet," he asks.

"No son, he's been gone for almost three hours now," Tyler says.

"That check book must have been worse than he thought," David says laughing. "Have him call me when he gets in."

"Are you sure he's coming back here son, and not going straight to your house?" he asks.

"I forgot I told him I would meet him at home. Thanks dad I'll call him there."

He hangs up and tries his house and Jeanne answers the phone.

"Jeanne why are you there?" David asks.

"I had some things to drop off for the babies," she says.

"Bret wouldn't happen to be there would he," David asks.

"I haven't seen him, but I just got here an hour ago."

"Could you leave him a note to call me at the refinery before four?" he asks.

"Sure David. Is everything alright," she asks.

"Yes everything is fine, just bringing home a guest and wanted to give him a heads up."

"Ok I will leave him a note on the front door," she says.

He goes back to his work and busies himself until Josh is brought back to him.

"Here is he boss, he's all yours," Carol says as she leaves.

"So Josh, ready to head out to the refinery," David asks.

"Sure Dave," he says.

"Lets go see Mike and get you a tour of the place," he says grabbing two hard hats. "Here Josh, you'll need this once you go through those doors over there," he says pointing towards a pair of brightly painted red doors. "That's an OSHA rule," David says.

They take the walkway out to where Mike is working and David introduces Josh to him. Mike takes the lead and the three of them walk around the plant with Mike explaining exactly what will be Josh's job. David glances at his watch, one fifteen and still no call from Bret. Mike continues on, with the tour and the time moves on as he glances again, three ten.

"Would you two excuse me for a minute? I have a phone call to make," he says and heads to his office. He calls his house and there is no answer, then he tries Tyler's again.

"Sorry son, I have not heard from him since he left this morning," Tyler says. "Maybe he went shopping for the babies or something."

"He would have left me a message dad, if he had a change in plans. We have an arrangement that we call if we are going to be somewhere different from where we told the other. Now I'm getting worried dad."

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation son," he says

"Please have him call if you see him dad, please."

"I will son, let me know if you here from him also."

Mike brings Josh back inside to him and he shoves off for the day.

"Everything all right Dave?" Josh says looking at the concern on David's face.

"Not really, I can't seem to reach Bret and this is not like him," David says.

"Well why don't you leave and I will see you on Monday?" Josh says.

"I hate to ditch you like this but I am really worried about him," David says.

"I know exactly how you feel, so just go; I understand," he says shaking David's hand.

"Thanks Josh for being so understanding. I will definitely make this up to you," he says heading out of the door.

Nine O'clock that same morning.

"Dad I'm leaving for the bank now," Bret says as he leaves for the bank. He gets in his car and drives off to Dallas First National Bank.

"I am here to see someone about my checking account," he says to the service clerk.

"If you would have a seat someone will be with you shortly," the clerk says.

"Thank you young man," Bret says.

He sits there, waits, and soon out comes an older gentleman.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Stone," he says. "How may I help you?"

"Well it's this damn check book, it never seems to balance for me," Bret says.

"Well would you please come with me and we shall see what we can do to fix it. Would you like a tea or coffee?" he asks.

"A coffee would be great, I overslept and didn't have time for one today." He shows Bret to the desk and he goes for a coffee, and soon returns.

"Here you go, cream and sugar are on the side," he says.

"Thank you I take it black."

"Now lets take a look at that check book," he says. Bret hands him the book and the last three statements and he glances back and forth. "Well I can see one problem right off Mr. Tremont, these checks you have listed have been rounded off to the next dollar. Take this check for 89.67 written to a local department store. You wrote down in your checkbook for 90.00. That is thirty-three cents difference sir."

"It's so much easier to subtract amounts that way sir," Bret says proud that he thought of it.

"But after many checks like that, it can add up and well, put you in a serious overdraft."

"What is an overdraft," Bret asks thinking it has something to do with a heating system.

"That is when you write checks for more money than that which you actually have in the account sir."

"But my partner and I have close to a billion dollars in your bank sir."

"Who is your partner sir?" he asks getting very nervous now.

"Why Mr. David Strathmore of Strathmore Industries."

"Oh my please forgive me sir, I had no idea who you were sir," he says very apologetic.

"Does this matter sir who we are?" Bret asks feeling quite special now.

"You two are our largest depositors sir."

"Ah Mr. Stone we have a situation sir," a bank clerk says entering with a fearful look on his face.

"What is it Stanley, can't you see I'm busy here?" he says.

"Well now you are really busy mister, get your fucking ass out here now," a masked man says pointing a gun at him. "And you too kid move it," he says motioning to Bret.

They get up from their chairs and head into the main part of the bank. "Now you down on the floor," he says to Bret who instantly lies on the floor. "Don't anybody move and nobody will get hurt," he says.

Another masked man takes Mr. Stone in the back, as the other stands watch over the patrons. Bret raises his head and looks around, and he notices the spurs on the guy's boots walking away. He turns his head just as the masked man kicks him in his side.

"Did I tell you to look around kid?" he says to Bret. "Do it again and I'll blow your brains out."

"Ok I'll obey you," he says quite afraid now.

He starts to sweat as he lies on the floor, thinking of David and the babies. Then suddenly a gunshot goes off and a masked man comes running out of the back with a bag of money.

"Lets get the fuck out of here," he screams at his partner as he runs for the door. "Grab a hostage in case we need one."

"Ok wise ass. You're going with me," he says grabbing Bret by the back of the shirt.

"Please no. Leave me please I have twins coming," he cries out in fear but the robber doesn't care.

"Move your fucking ass or you'll get it full of lead," he says shoving him towards the door.

They shove him into a waiting car, and they take off burning rubber. They turn to see if anyone is following them, then they hit Bret over the head. He is knocked out cold as he slumps in the seat, and the robbers remove their masks.

"We did it Clay," the one in the backseat says to the guy in the front.

"No fucking names you hear? What time is it?" Clay asks.

"Almost ten, why?" the driver says.

"I have to be somewhere later that's all."

"What are we going to do with this asshole," the guy in the back says.

"Hey pull over," Clay says to the driver and he stops along the side of the road. "Deuce throw his ass out," he tells the guy in the back. He opens the door and he pushes Bret out onto the ground as the car starts to pull away. He is lying there unconscious in the dirt and brush as the car drives away.

About an hour later Bret comes to, and his head is killing him. He tries to stand and falls flat on his face grabbing his bloody head. He crawls to the side of the road and he waits for a car to pass. Several pass but none see him, until a cruiser comes by. He quickly pulls over and gets out running over to Bret as he lies in the road.

"Lay still kid," the cop says as he radios in for an ambulance. "I have a kid here on route 67 and he's a mess. An ambulance is on the way kid. What's your name?" he asks but Bret passes out again. "Stay with me kid," the officer says. About thirty-five minutes later, the ambulance arrives and they load an unconscious Bret into the ambulance. They take him to Parkland Memorial Hospital as fast as they can. They take him into the emergency room to clean and stitch up his head, but his concussion has left him unconscious. They move him to a room until they can figure out who he is or he comes to. He's lying there and now it's after three.

"Hello, this is David Strathmore," he says as he calls the Dallas police. "I am calling to report a missing person."

"Where is he missing from?" the officer asks.

"He had business this morning at Dallas First National Bank and I haven't heard from him since, officer."

"Could you hold one moment please?" the officer asks.

A moment later, "Detective Burns speaking, Mr. Strathmore could you describe your missing person."

"Why what's happened?" he asks, all his old fears come flooding back to him.

"That bank was robbed this morning sir, and a bank officer was killed and a hostage was taken. We also found a man along route 67 unconscious and no identification sir."

"Well he is about six feet blonde hair and blue eyes, muscular build," David says.

"That sounds like the young man we took to Parkland Memorial sir."

"Was he alive officer?" David asks as he panics again.

"He was when they put him in the ambulance, but he had a nasty head wound," the officer says.

"Thank you officer and goodbye," David says and turns to Tyler and breaks down letting his old fears get the best of him.

"Son what is it?" Tyler asks taking David in his arms.

"They found Bret on the side of the road unconscious with a bad head wound," David says crying. "It's like I always feared dad, if I fall in love I will lose them," he says as he lets himself go.

"Now son, he may not be dead, lets go and see," Tyler says as he brings David to the car. They drive to the hospital and ask about Bret.

"We have an unknown man who was brought in this afternoon, his condition is still serious as he has a head trauma."

"Where is he nurse?" David asks.

"This way, I'll take you to his room," she says as she leads them to Bret's room. They go in and David immediately tells her that he is Bret Tremont. He throws himself on Bret and starts to cry, as Tyler comforts him.

"I forbid you to leave me Bret do you hear me?" he says as he calls to his love. "You wake this minute and come back to me darling."

He turns to his dad and he continues to cry, as his fears take over his senses.

"I told you dad, if I let someone into my heart I would lose them," he says with bitterness in his voice. "I knew that once I let Bret in it was only a matter of time before I would lose him, now look what I have done."

"This has nothing to do with you son," Tyler tells him. "This was a random act of violence perpetrated upon him by those robbers. It had nothing to do with loving him or anything of the sort," he tells David, looking at him.

"They could have taken someone else, but because he's loved by me they took him dad," David says.

"That a bunch of fucking shit," Bret says as he wakes and hears David's logic. "They took me because I was a wise ass to them."

"Baby," David says rushing to his bedside. "Your awake you came back to me my love."

"Of course I came back cowboy, you give the best blowjobs a guy ever had," he says smiling. "Now give me a kiss cowboy." David kisses his man and holds him tight, for he fears if he doesn't, he will lose him. They keep him overnight and David stays with him. The next day Tyler picks them up and brings them to his house, so they can get their own car. They drive to their own house and the note from Jeanne is still on the door.

"What's the note for?" Bret asks looking at the note.

"I was bringing home some guests but got sidetracked yesterday."

"Really? Who babe?" he asks.

"The new engineer and his boyfriend from Massachusetts," David tells him. "But they left today to go back and tie up loose ends. He starts on Monday so we will be seeing them sometime in the near future babe."

"I would like to entertain David; it's been a long time since we've entertained."

A few weeks later David calls to tell Bret that he is bringing Josh and his boyfriend Clay home for dinner.

"Ok babe, thanks for the notice. I'll go shopping and prepare something nice. I'll see you at six then," he says and hangs up.

He prepares a nice dinner and he waits for them to arrive. A little before six, David and the guests arrive.

"Babe I'm home," he says as they walk in the front door and Bret comes walking in.

"Hi I'm Bret, it is so nice to have guests," he says.

"Babe, this is Joshua and his boyfriend Clay," he says and Clay looks strangely at him.

"It's so nice to meet you finally, after hearing about your horrible ordeal," Josh says giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah nice to meet you," Clay says rather coolly shaking his hand.

"David, would you take them into the den while I finish up with dinner?" Bret says and starts to turn and notices Clay's boots and freezes.

"What's the matter babe," David says looking at Bret as he stares at Clay.

"Ah . nothing dear . I'll just finish up and we can eat," he says and rushes off to the kitchen.

He goes into the kitchen and picks up the phone and dials 911.

"What is your emergency?" the operator asks as he hears the click of a gun.

To be continued . Comments appreciated at

Next: Chapter 14

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