The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 19, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 11

This is a work of fiction. The names are in no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I want to give a special thanks to Bill H. for editing this chapter of my story.

From Chapter 10.

"I was so hoping that we would have a sunny day," Ryan says looking at the sky from their bedroom. "I wanted to use the gardens for our guests to roam in."

"As long as the rain holds off love, it should be alright for them to visit," Sean says.

"Well I have you and that's all that really matters," he says kissing his man.

"If you keep that up you will get something else up," he says moving Ryan's hand to his crotch.

"Does my cowboy want a rodeo?" Ryan asks undoing Sean's pants.

"Now babe, we don't have time for this you know, we have guests downstairs," Sean says trying to pull away.

"I can't have my cowboy walking around all tensed up today," he says as he pulls Sean's pants down. He drops to his knees and pulls Sean's underwear down, then takes his cock into his mouth. Sean lets out a moan when Ryan swallows his cock, burying his nose in Sean's bush. Ryan drinks in the scent of his man, as his throat muscles massage Sean's cock. Ryan's hands gently massage his balls as he goes up and down on Sean's throbbing cock.

"Fuck babe you got this cowboy so close," Sean says as his pleasure builds. Ryan slows his sucking to prolong his own enjoyment of the taste of Sean's cock. Sean moans more deeply as his climax builds, and he holds Ryan's head in his hands.

"I'm cumming babe," he calls out as he spurts his first shot, deep down into Ryan's waiting throat. Volley after volley he gives Ryan of his sweet seed. Ryan moans in pleasure as he swallows. He is sucking on his man's cock until he has no more to give him, when the door opens, and there stands David.

"Oh fuck dad, did you have to do that now?" he says a bit embarrassed as he sees Sean's cock buried in Ryan's mouth. "You have guests downstairs asking for you," he says as Ryan drops Sean's now soft cock.

"Just taking care of some important business son," Ryan says with a cum-covered smile.

"Well wash your face dad, and join us please, and nice cock dad," he says to Sean.

"Pervert," Sean says to David, "You shouldn't be checking me out," he says to his son.

"Can't help it dad, it was just hanging there," David says leaving and closing the door.

"My God my dad has one fucking big cock," David says to himself. No wonder dad is smiling every morning. I would be too if I was getting fucked by that."

Ryan and Sean join the guests and they make their rounds with the guests telling them how beautiful the house is. There is a sudden rumble like the sound of a freight train, as the lights suddenly go out. The walls and the ceilings start to come apart and the guests start to scream.

"Tornado," yells someone as the building starts to collapse, and screams and cries of pain are all one can hear.

The sounds of people crying and yelling out for help were deafening, as the mansion lay in ruins. David could feel his legs had something holding them, as he tried to get out of where he was lying. He felt a hand beside him, it felt cold and there was no pulse.

"Kevin where are you?" he yells out, but no answer does he receive. "Dad can you hear me?" he yells again and still he gets no answer.

"David is that you?" a woman's voice calls out. "It's me," his sister, Jeanne Marie calls to him. "Grandmother was with me and now I can't find her," she says.

"Stay where you are, I don't know how safe it is to move around," he says to her. "Are you all right?" he asks her.

"Yes I think so, but I think my arm is broken," she says.

"Help should be coming soon," he says hoping he is right. "I wonder how bad it is out there."

"Kevin babe," he yells again, and this time he hears a moan. "Kevin where are you, I'm coming," he asks and he hears the moan again.

"David don't move, please love," Kevin says. "The place may fall even more. I can't move, my leg is broken I think," he says.

"Where are you babe? You were right beside me before the tornado hit," David says.

"I don't know, I think I am still close by you. Your voice sounds real close, but there is a part of the floor missing love," he tells him. They suddenly hear the sound of sirens, as help starts to arrive.

"Dad can you hear me?" David yells again, and still there is no answer.

"David," Kevin says now in shock. "There is something sticking out of my side," he says.

"Don't touch it babe, wait for help to arrive," he tells him.

"It hurts David, so much," Kevin says. "It's a long piece of wood," he tells David.

"Babe you are going to be all right," David says now close to panic. "I love you Kevin," he says.

"I love you my love," he says as his voice gets weaker.

"Kevin stay with me babe, please don't leave me," he says trying to get free. "Kevin talk to me," he says, but now he gets no answer. "Kevin please babe, don't leave me." His heart is breaking as his thoughts flash back to the times he almost lost his love.

"David is that you?" Sean calls out as he comes to his senses. "Son where are you?" he asks.

"Dad I'm over here, Kevin is hurt bad and I'm afraid dad," he says crying. "Where is dad?" he asks Sean.

"I don't know, he was right beside me," Sean says. "I'm pinned by rubble, son."

"Yes help us," yells David to the rescuers. "We're over here."

"Please do not move, the place is unstable," the rescue worker says. "We will get to you as quickly as we can."

"Ryan," Sean calls out and gets no answer and he feels around with his hands. He feels an arm and it's cold, as he searches for a pulse. There is no pulse, and his heart breaks as he cries for the man of his life.

"David I think he's dead son," he says crying. "I can feel his hand and there's no pulse."

"No dad, please God," David cries out, "Not my dad."

"Hello," shouts a voice from outside. "Can anyone hear me?" it asks.

They worked for hours, and the time seemed like eternity to those trapped inside. Finally, they reached David, and he had several broken bones.

"Please over there, Kevin is seriously injured," David says in tears.

"Are you talking about the man with the wood stuck in his side?" the fireman asks. "I'm sorry son, he didn't make it."

David breaks down in tears as they carry him away to a waiting ambulance. He turns his head and sees his Kevin as they lay him on the ground.

"Stop please," he yells but they refuse to stop, and he rolls off the stretcher. They pick him up as he struggles with them and he asks to be taken to Kevin. They quickly bring him over to Kevin, his lifeless body lying on the ground. They put the stretcher down beside him, and he reaches out to touch him.

"Kevin wake up, you came back once before," he says through tear filled eyes. "Don't leave me like this, I need you my love," and his heart breaks for his man.

"I'm sorry kid, but we have to take you," the attendant says to David.

"No! Please, check him," he pleads. "I know that he's not dead."

An attendant kneels with a stethoscope, and listens for a pulse.

"I'm sorry son, but he's dead," the attendant says, "he has no pulse at all." David lays back and he loses control as he screams out with the pain in his heart.


The next day at the hospital, Sean is wheeled into David's room.

"David, how are you doing son?" Sean says taking his son's hand in his.

"Dad my heart hurts so bad," he says looking at his dad crying. "Tell me please, who else died," he asks. Sean's eyes well up as he hangs his head, his hand grabs tight to David.

"Dad didn't make it son," he says and lays his head on the bed and cries. David rubs his dad's head for he knows his pain, as they share their common bond. After a while, Sean composes himself and he looks at his son.

"Troy and Tyler are safe, they suffered several broken bones. Your sister is fine, her arm is broken, but your grandmother died in the crash of the building son. Julian died also in the aftermath. He was trying to get out and the rubble fell and crushed him son. I guess it's just you and me."

"Dad I am so sorry for you. I know how much you and dad loved each other," he says. "I miss my Kevin dad, but I miss dad more."

They went home from the hospital, and they buried their dead, as their tears fell like rain. Sean and David could not be comforted, as hard as Tyler and Troy tried.

"I don't know how I can go on," Sean says to Tyler, who is mourning also Kevin and his mother. "David moves like a zombie these days, just going through the motions of living."

"I know Sean, but with time our scars and pain will heal," Tyler says being held by Troy. "We must be thankful for those we still have."

"Oh I am Ty, I am so thankful that I have David," Sean says. "I know how hard it must be for you, with Kevin gone, and your mother."

"It's very hard, but I still have Troy, and my memories of Kevin," he says and silently cries with tears rolling down his face.

"Let it out babe," Troy tells him, "you haven't cried that much since that day,"

"I have, but when I'm alone dear," he says with a sad smile. "I don't wish to burden those others who hurt also."

"I remember Ryan told me once when I asked him what he liked most," Sean says with a look of remembrance on his face. "He said 'the smell of flowers before you see them, and the rain at the end of a picnic.'"

"I remember him saying that once while we were walking across Boston commons. He stopped me and said 'Tyler, can you smell the roses?' I looked everywhere for the roses and there where none to be seen. He smelled them and then around the corner of the next building there they were, roses by the dozens."

"Are you staying here in Texas Sean, or going back to Boston?" Tyler asks.

"Well we do have to go back for the will, David and I are the heirs," he says. "I have nothing left to stay here for now," he says looking off as if seeing something that only he can see. "David mentioned going back also. What about you two?" he asks.

"No we're staying here, our loved ones are buried here and this is where I belong."

"I will bring my Ryan's ashes home and bury them in the family mausoleum with his parents," Sean says. "We'll be leaving tomorrow at nine-twenty," he tells them.

"So soon love, we had hoped you would have stayed longer," Tyler says putting his hand on Sean's hand.

"Too many memories here for me and David, we need to move on Ty," he says getting up. "I'm tired, I think I will go and lie down a while."

"Ok. I'll wake you for dinner," Tyler says. Sean starts to walk away then stops and turns and says.

"You know the worst part of losing my Ryan, is the empty feeling he left in my heart," he says and his tears start to run down his face again as he walks out of the room. He walks up to his room and passes David on the stairs on his way down.

"Where are you going dad?" David asks.

"I'm tired son, I'm going to lie down for a while," he tells him. "I love you so much, my most precious possession," he says as he takes David in his arms and hugs him tight kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you too dad, you sure you're all right," David asks looking at him concerned.

"Just missing your dad son, just deeply missing my Ryan," he says and he starts to cry. David takes him in his arms and he helps him to his room and lays him down on the bed.

"Sleep for a while dad, I love you very much dad," he says kissing his dad on the forehead. He leaves the room and pauses at the door, as he gets a strange feeling. He just stands and stares at Sean lying there, as his thoughts reflect back to his childhood. How happy he made him this man he called dad, now he needs him more than he needed his dad. He went downstairs to discuss the plans for going back to Boston with Tyler and Troy.

"I have a company to run now," he tells them. "My sister and I have joint shares in my grandparents holding, so she is going to run the companies from here."

"Will you ever be coming back down here?" Tyler asks.

"Oh yes, there will be business that she can't do alone, that both of us will need to be present for. Besides, I still have two of my favorite people here," he says looking at Tyler and Troy.

"You know David ." but Tyler is cut off.

"Please don't say it Tyler," he says as his eyes well up. "I know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it, please," he says.

"But David, Kevin would want you to move on and find someone to love again, son," Tyler says putting his hand on David's knee. "He wouldn't want you to be alone in life."

"I can't right now, I love him too much to think about someone else," he says. "I will never find a man to love me like Kevin loved me," he says and buries his face in Tyler's chest and cries.

Later that afternoon they had dinner and Sean said his goodbyes to his friends.

"We are going to stay at the new hotel at the airport tonight," he tells Tyler.

"Why do that Sean? We were planning on taking you to the airport tomorrow," Troy says.

"It will be better emotionally for all of us this way," he says with glossy eyes. "I am not just thinking of myself and David, but also of you two."

"Troy, he's right," Tyler says stopping Troy from arguing the point. "Sean, I will miss you so much. You have been like a brother to me through the years. I can't help feeling that this will be the last time we will ever see each other my dearest friend," he says as he gives him a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you my friend. You take care of yourself and David."

"It's more like he takes care of me," he says. "But in all truth my dear Tyler," he says holding both of Tyler's hands in his, "I will be taking you with me in my heart dear friend. Your love through the years Tyler has held our two families together, and it was your love that brought our boys together. That love is what I will take home with me my friend," Sean says giving him a kiss on the lips back. They hug each other tight as they start to cry, both feeling that they may never see each other again. David walks in the room as he surveys the sight, and he tears up as he loses control.

"This is why we are staying at the Sheraton," he says giving Tyler a hug. "I will miss you so much 'dad', he whispers in his ear, as he cries on Tyler's chest.

"My Kevin loved you so much," Tyler says. "Take his love with you son. I know you told me not to say it but I do hope you find love again someday. I love you my boy, as I did my Kevin, and I am sorry that you two didn't have longer together. Just remember David, he goes with you in your heart," he says as he holds him tight kissing his forehead.

Troy and Tyler take them to the hotel later that evening, and the goodbyes are just as tearful. They fly out the next day for Boston, David looking out at Texas as he is leaving. The arrival at Strathmore Estate in Boston is quite sad; the house is silent and lonely. Sean wanders around as if looking for his Ryan, as David just watches his dad.

"Would you like to go out to dinner?" David asks because they no longer have servants. Their servants went with them when they moved to Texas, and all but one died in the tornado.

"No son you go," he says in a quiet voice. "I'm not hungry son."

"Dad you have to eat or you'll get sick," David says to his dad.

"The funeral service is tomorrow," Sean says completely ignoring what David has just said. "I want to be cremated and put next to my Ryan someday son," he tells his son.

"Sure dad, but you have a long time before that day," David tells him, but he wonders about him.

"I know son, I love you," he says touching David's face. "You know how much your dad loved you," he asks. "He loved you so much that once when you had the mumps as a child, he slept on the floor beside your bed. I bet you didn't know that."

"No I didn't dad, thanks for telling me," he says leading his dad to the sofa and the both of them sitting.

"I remember how he didn't want you to ride a bike. He was so sure you would kill yourself on it," he says smiling looking off into another realm. "That was long before they had helmets and things like that. Do you remember the time, no maybe not, you were only six then, when you came in our room one night because your stomach hurt. All of a sudden, your voice came out of nowhere saying 'how come you are sucking on daddy's peepee?' Well your dad was so embarrassed as he pulled off my cock and it squirted everywhere hitting even you in the face. You took the come that hit your face and put it in your mouth. You made a face that said it all son, and Ryan could have died.

'Sean are you crazy? Put that thing away,' he yelled at me. Well you forgot about your upset stomach. Are you sure you don't remember that son?" he says looking at David.

"No dad, I must have been too young like you said," David says worrying about his dad's mental health.

"Then there was the time that we had taken you on a cruise. We had been drinking a bit too much and Ryan wanted to go back and fool around. I told him that I had to find you first and make sure that you were all right and I would meet him in bed. Well I went looking for you and found you with this boy in the bathroom with no clothes on. He was kneeling down sucking on your cock and you just stood there. I walk in and you don't bat an eye, as the kid jumps fifty feet. You say hey dad look just like you and dad, and you kneel down and start to suck on this kid.

"I remember that dad, I was about nine, I think. The kid's name was Jason or Jacob something like that. I remember he wanted to experiment and I told him I knew how to do it. If I remember right you almost busted a gasket dad."

"I was not happy son, seeing my nine year old son sucking cock. I made you two get dressed and marched you to your room."

"What happened with dad?" David asks chuckling a bit.

"Oh he fell asleep waiting, too much booze. The next time I caught you was when you had that kid from school over, I forget his name. He was the only kid you ever brought home."

"Oh that was Brian Richards, he was so fucking hot. He was the quarterback on the football team and we had the hots for each other."

"Well your dad tells me to go check on you, because it has been quiet for quite a while upstairs. I go up and as I go into our room, I notice the door between the two rooms is slightly open. I look in and there the two of you are, naked on the bed. You are fucking that kid's ass to beat the band. His legs are in the air with you holding them by the ankles, as you're slamming his ass for all you're worth. Your cute little ass is moving in and out as Brian's face shows the pleasure that you are giving him.

"I am just about to leave when he cries out, fuck David I'm cumming and I can see him shoot his cum everywhere. His cock shot rope after rope of that sweet boy cum, as you pounded his ass. It was not a minute later that you cry out to him; fuck Brian I'm cumming too. Your ass is going a hundred miles an hour, as you fill that boy's ass with your seed. I silently tiptoe away from the door just as you fall on his chest."

"Why you pervert dad," David says softly hitting his dad's shoulder. "Did you get off watching your son have sex?"

"I went downstairs and attacked your dad, I did. He never knew what I saw upstairs, he would have branded me a pedophile or something if he knew."

"Well dad, it's getting late," David says. "Lets get you up to bed. We have a big emotional day tomorrow." He takes his dad by the arm and they walk upstairs, and he leads him into his room.

"You all right to get in bed dad?" David asks.

"Of course I am Ryan," Sean says. "You think I'm some two year old or something?"

"Goodnight dad," David says as tears form in his eyes.

"Goodnight babe, don't be late coming to bed," he says getting in bed naked.

David climbs into his bed and stares at the ceiling as he wonders about his dad. How can a man so much in his prime, be lost so much in his mind. He listens as his dad cries in his room, and he thinks of the pain that he feels. He goes to grab a robe and as he is putting it on, he hears a strange noise from his dad's room. He rushes in to find his dad standing up beside his bed. He turns and looks at David as he comes close.

"Ryan I was just going to find you babe," he says taking David in his arms. "The bed is cold without your warmth to warm me," he says as their lips meet in a kiss that is forbidden. David parts his lips as Sean's tongue seeks his out, and they wrestle for dominance. Sean moans out in pleasure as he holds him tight, David's mind is not sure what's happening.

"I love my babe, my sweetheart my man," Sean whispers into David's ear. "Ryan you have made me the happiest man, my life with you is complete," he says and they kiss again and he removes the robe letting it fall to the floor. Sean leads David to the bed and gently lays him down crawling on top of him. Their lips meet in passion as David now surrenders to his dad's visions. Sean breaks the kiss and kisses his way down as he moves in on David's nipples. He softly nibbles on each of the nubs, as David arches his back. He moans out in pleasure as his dad sucks his nipples and he feels that what they are doing is not wrong. David runs his fingers through his dad's hair, as his dad caresses each nub.

"Love me Sean, my lover, my man," David says to his dad.

Sean kisses his way down to David's cock and he takes it into his warm mouth. David lets out a sigh as he feels the warmth and the wetness of his dad's mouth. Slowly Sean swallows David's cock, until his nose is in his bush. He moves up and down lovingly on his cock, and he soon has David close to the edge.

"Sean my love, slow down, I'm so close," he says knowing he won't last much longer. Sean pulls off his cock and he sucks on his balls, taking them one at a time into his mouth. He gently rolls them around in his mouth, as he makes love to them with his tongue. He lets them go and lifts up David's legs holding them by the thighs. He runs his tongue around David's rosebud, and David lifts up his hips in pleasure.

"Oh fuck Sean that feeling you give to me," he says as he grabs the sheets with each hand. Sean plunges his tongue in and it makes David moan, while he fucks his ass with his tongue.

"Fuck me Sean, I need you deep in me babe," David cries out in ecstasy. Sean sits up and reaches for the lube, then lubes David's ass and his own cock. He positions himself and then leans in for a kiss, whispering, "You ready Ryan, for your cowboy?"

"Yeah babe, ride your bronco cowboy," David says feeding his dad's fantasy. Sean tenderly kisses him as he slowly pushes in, and David pushes out. He shudders from the pain that his dad's cock gives him, but he lies there and says not a word. Their tongues are still dancing as Sean finds his rhythm, and he fucks his lover with all his heart.

"I love you my babe," he whispers in David's ear as he slowly keeps fucking his son. David is holding his dad tightly in his arms as the tears flow from his eyes. He knows that his dad is in love with his Ryan, and knows that it is he in his mind that he is making love too. He tenderly caresses his dad's graying hair, as Sean lovingly fucks his ass. He feels his climax building within, and he searches for Sean's tender lips. They join in a kiss that is tender and warm, as he shoots his hot seed between them.

"Oh fuck Ryan my love you made me cum," as Sean shoots his seed in his son's ass. He quickly keeps pounding away at David's ass, as he shoots his hot cum deep into him.

"Fuck Ryan, your ass is so hot babe," he says as he pounds away. David can feel each shot that he gets, as his dad fills his ass with his love. He slowly starts to come to a stop, as he drops to David's lips for a kiss. They meet as lovers for a kiss that is as eternal as time, as Sean kisses his man as if it's for the first time. They ride out the afterglow of their lovemaking wrapped in each other's arms. Sean turns David around as he spoons him tightly against him.

"Goodnight my love, sweet dreams," Sean whispers in David's ears. "I love you my man, and I will see you in the morning," he says and pulls David close kissing his neck.

"Goodnight my lover, my cowboy," David says and suddenly he knows. He holds his dad's hand as his arm is draped over him, and he snuggles in close to his dad. They are both soon fast asleep, held in love's tender grip.

He wakes the next morning to his dad still sleeping and he carefully climbs out of bed. He goes into his bathroom and bathes as he thinks of the night before. He knows what they did was not wrong; for to Sean it was Ryan he made love to. He lay there in the tub and he thought of his dad as he silently cried to himself. He got out and got dressed, as he knew he would have to wake his dad shortly to get dressed. He went into his dad's room and he was still asleep so he walked to the side of the bed.

"Dad it's time to get up," David says gently shaking his dad. "Dad, it's David, wake up dad," he says as he starts to worry now. He shakes him more aggressively, and he still will not wake up. He runs for the phone and he calls for an ambulance worrying that his dad is dead. They get there in about fifteen minutes and he leads them to his dad's room. They examine him for a pulse as they prepare to defibrillate him. They try three times to revive him, and they finally declare him dead.

"I'm sorry son, but he's gone," the attendant says. David just stares at his dad lying there, as his tears start to flow from his eyes. He feels so alone dealing with his loss, as they cover his dad with the sheet.

"We need to call the coroner, son," the attendant says leaving the room to place the call. The coroner arrives a half hour later; he examines Sean and declares him dead. As they are about to remove Sean's body, David asks for a moment alone with him.

"Dad I shall miss you the most my friend," he says as his tears start to flow. You have been the most loved person in my life dad, and unfortunately the one that I hurt the most. I know you forgave me, I thank you for that, but please take with you my heart dad. I will no longer need it as long as I live, for no other could I possibly love." He gets up as he softly kisses his dad goodbye, and he walks out of the room. They take Sean's body away to the city morgue for an autopsy.

"What funeral home do you wish to use son," the coroner asks David.

"Byron's Funeral Services sir, he is to be cremated," David says to the coroner. David watches as they take his dad away, and he feels so empty and alone.

"Ohhhhh Daddddddd! He screams out in his pain. He calls Tyler and Troy in Texas, to tell them about his dad.

"Oh David, I am so sorry son," Tyler says ready to cry. "We will leave right away son, and should be there by this afternoon," he tells him.

"Thank you Tyler, I need someone right now," he says as he loses it and hangs up.

Tyler and Troy get there later that day, and Tyler takes David into his arms as he lets go of his emotions.

"Let it out son," Tyler says rubbing David's back. David cries for almost an hour, until he cries himself out.

"Thanks dad, for coming up for me," he says realizing that he called him dad. "I'm sorry Tyler for calling you that."

"Listen David, you have always been a son to me ever since you were little boys, you and Kevin. You honor me calling me that, so please if you want to please do."

They sit down and David tells them about last night, how he and his dad made love. He explained how his dad thought that he was Ryan, and he had not the heart to tell him he wasn't.

"Wow, son," Tyler says. "That is so beautiful to be able to give him that."

"Was I wrong dad? Was it incest to do that with him?" David asks feeling ashamed of himself.

"No son, that is not incest. For one you are not blood related, and you did not seek him out. He thought you were Ryan son, that's what made it so beautiful."

"I felt the love he had for my dad, the way he gently and tenderly kissed and made love to me, he loved my dad so deeply," he says and cries again on Tyler's chest.

"Not many children experience the love that a parent has for the other. You had that special gift given to you that will stay with you forever son. Don't ever look at it as cheap or degrading, it was a moment of tenderness and love, that will forever bond you with Sean," Tyler says rubbing David's back.

"Thanks dad, and you also Troy for coming up and being with me at this time," David says.

"Son we would like you to come back with us, be our son," Troy says. "What is there here now for you, but sad and hurtful memories?"

"I have thought of that, and I will let you know. Thank you for your love and understanding," he says giving Troy a hug. The doorbell rings and Tyler gets up to answer it.

"Hey David, I'm so sorry for your loss," Brian says with red eyes showing that he too had been crying.

"Thanks Uncle Brian, you haven't heard yet, but Sean passed today also," David says rushing into his arms.

"Ah shit kid, I'm so sorry you've lost both your dads. I was so jealous of him for years," Brian says as his tears reappear. "He won the heart of the only man that I ever loved," he says holding David tight in his arms. "I came to really respect and love that man," he says.

"Thanks Uncle Brian, he liked you also. The service is tomorrow, but I'm taking them back to Texas with me for internment," David says. "I want them with me," he says.

"And they should be David," he says kissing his forehead. "I got to get going, I just wanted to stop and see you David."

"Thanks Uncle Brian, see you tomorrow then," he says giving Brian a hug and kiss.

"You bet kid, now take care of yourself," he says. "Nice to see you again Tyler, and I hope all is well with you."

"He lost his son Kevin in the tornado that killed my dad," David tells him.

"Ah God I am sorry Ty, please forgive my ignorance," Brian says.

"Brian you had no way of knowing, but thank you," he says. "By the way, this is my love, Troy," Tyler tells him and the two men shake hands.

"It's a good man you got there," Brian says. "Well I will see you all tomorrow then," he says as he leaves.

"Hey there is someone here looking for you," Brian calls in from the front door. David gets up and there standing at the door is his sister Jeanne. He runs to her open arms and she holds him as he cries.

"When Tyler called me to tell me about Sean, I had to come and be with you," she tells him. "That's what family does for each other, little brother," she says as he cries in her arms. She holds him for quite a while until he cries himself out.

"I really need family now," he says to her. "I'm going back to Texas with Tyler and Troy after the service."

"That's probably best at the moment. We need each other for comfort and support. You can have our grandparents place," she tells him. "It was not touched by the tornado and I think grandmother would have wanted for you to have it."

"It should be for both of us Jeanne Marie," David says. "I can find a place of my own eventually."

"No I could never live there, too many memories for me," she tells him. "You hardly knew them, so you should have it."

The next day the service is touching to all who came. David got up and spoke of the love that his dads had for him and one another.

"In closing ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the greatest legacy that my two dads have left behind is their love. They had a love, not only for each other and for me, but they loved life. My dad Ryan loved the smell of flowers before you could smell them, and the soft rain that would fall when the picnic was over. He would look at me when I felt that I was a failure and say. 'Son there is no excuse not to dream. If you can dream you can accomplish anything in this life'. Then there was the time when we were stuck in an elevator for an hour. He looked down at me holding my little hand and said.

"David you know what we're going to do son? We're going to sing along with the elevator music, and he would start to sing. Before too long the elevator was moving.

My dad Sean once told me something after an argument with my lover Kevin. I had called him and asked him for advice as to what to do. He told me 'to listen to my heartbeat and dance.' I hung up and could not imagine what he meant. However, I went home to Kevin and we made up. As I was holding him, I could hear his heart beating, I started to dance to its beat, and we danced as we have never danced since. So dear friends of my dads, if you take anything away from here with you today, take the love that they had and give it away to someone, for as my dad Sean once told me, 'Sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses.'"

David greeted the guests that came and thanked them, and he finally went home. He put Strathmore Estate up for sale, and he flew out to Texas to live.

To be continued .

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