The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 16, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 10

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

I would like to thank my good friend Bill H. for the editing work he did with my story.

From Chapter 9....

Ryan drives home and he is so excited, he cannot wait to tell everyone about the house he found. He's just outside of Dallas when he notices a black car following him. He slows down to let the car pass but it slows also, and pulls along side of him. He looks over and he notices it is Andrew Carter, who is motioning him to pull over. He slows to a stop on the side of the road, and Andrew pulls in front of him.

"You think you're a smart little fucker," Andrew says to Ryan. "I horsewhipped that pansy Justin into telling me what happened today."

"You had no right to interfere with my personal business Andrew, especially revealing my personal life," Ryan shouts at him.

"Listen you homo, I don't care if you did raise my grandson, you are probably the reason why he is like he is," he says angrily. "Once I have him away from you and that little homo he thinks he loves, he will see the right way to live life."

"Why you bigoted old man, no wonder people despise you. What makes you think that he will even consider going to stay with you?" Ryan says ready to strike the fool.

"Well as I see it, you are the only obstacle in the way, you and your homo lover. Once you are out of the picture, the others will be taken care of also," he says pulling a gun on Ryan. "Now get in my car homo and drive," he says. Ryan's mind is racing; he thinks 'I need to remain calm' as Andrew pokes him in his ribs with the gun, and marches him toward his car. He has him get in behind the wheel to drive, as Andrew gets in the back seat behind him.

"Now drive boy, I'll tell you where to go," he says. "It's a little place called Lost Canyon Mines," Andrew says.

"How fitting for my life to end, in the same place that took his son's life," Ryan says to himself. "My only regret is that I cannot say goodbye to the ones that I love."

They drive for what seems hours before Andrew tells him to stop.

"Andrew please, can't we be adults about this?" Ryan asks.

"Shut up and get out homo." He gets out and they start to walk towards the mine and twenty plus years come flashing back. They get to the entrance of the mine, and Ryan hears the click of the gun's hammer.

The gun misfires and Ryan takes off running, and he runs into the mine.

"You can't hide from me you homo," Andrew yells, coming after him. Ryan runs down the shaft that is dark as night, and feels his way along the wall. He knows he can't hurry for he knows that there are deep pits, so he inches his way along. He can hear Andrew behind him and he sees the light of a flashlight shining his way. He follows the beam as it lights his way, and it catches a sight he does not want to see. There in the dirt, are the rotted remains, of what was once Lawrence Carter. Ryan freezes in shock, as his heart does a leap, and his brain dashes back to the past. The light is getting closer, and Ryan is still frozen to the spot.

"There you are. Thought you could out run me," Andrew says then spots the remains. "Well looks like you'll have company," he says looking down at the remains. "I wonder who he pissed off," he says bending down to pick up an old wallet with the gun still pointed at Ryan. He stands and he opens the wallet, and freezes as his eyes see the name. His eyes gloss over as he glances from the wallet to the remains.

"No Lawrence," he says as he kneels forgetting that Ryan is there. Ryan kicks the gun and the flashlight, and he runs for the opening of the mine, he notices that he is not being chased, as he secures the car and gets in. He starts the car, takes off, and goes to the nearest service station. He calls the police, and they soon come to where he is. He tells them what has happened and that Andrew Carter is at the mines still. He gets in with the police, and they drive to the mines. They are perhaps half way in when a gunshot goes off. The police hold him back and they pull their guns, as they slowly begin to go forward. The officer in the front is shining a flashlight forward, and it soon shines on Andrew as he is slumped on the ground. The gun is still in his hand, and he is lying against the remains of his son.

"My God George," the cop says, "he blew his brains out."

"Yes, but who is that beside him?" the other cop asks.

"Looks like someone from years ago. Maybe he was feeling guilty about a past murder and couldn't live with himself anymore," the first cop says.

"Hey the remains belong to his kid, George. I thought he disappeared in a boating accident," the cop says reading the identification in the wallet.

"That was the theory then," George says. "But I guess that's not what really happened."

"Why did he bring you out here?" he asks Ryan.

"Probably for a witness, to have someone to bring them both back for burial," George says.

"He mentioned something to me about seeing that I told the authorities, but he didn't make any sense to me," Ryan says thinking how lucky he is.

"Well let's get you back, and get the coroner's office out here," George says looking at Ryan. "We will need to take a statement from you."

They take his statement back at the station, then take him to his car and he drives back home. He runs in the house into Sean's arms, and he cries uncontrollably.

"Ryan love, what is the matter?" Sean asks. Ryan explains to Sean and David, what has happened. David looks shocked as he turns to the window, and Ryan goes over to him.

"I am so sorry for your loss, son," Ryan says.

"Yeah, I just bet you are," he says bitterly. "Why is it that every time I lose a family member, you are somehow connected?" he says as he turns to Ryan.

"David, please son, I told you how this happened today," Ryan says to him.

"Yeah you did, but we have only your word on it, don't we Ryan?" he says instead of dad, and Ryan steps back in shock.

"The police heard him fire the gun," Ryan says pleading with David.

"David, apologize to your dad," Sean says. "He has never lied to you son."

"Well Sean, there is always a first time, isn't there?" he says as he turns and walks out.

Both Ryan and Sean stood there shocked and hurt, as David stormed out the door. Kevin comes downstairs wondering what's going on.

"What is going on down here? I could here you up in my room," Kevin asks.

"I think we just lost a son," Sean says and he sits down and cries.

"What are you talking about Sean? Ryan, please someone tell me," he pleads.

"David has accused me of being responsible for the death of his grandfather," Ryan tells him.

"His grandfather is dead?" Kevin asks.

Ryan tells Kevin everything that has happened, and how David stormed out of the house. Ryan got up and walked to the phone, and he dialed the realtor's number. He told Justin to cancel the sale of the house, and he called and he booked two flights to Boston. That night in his room, he sat staring out the window at the stars.

"How fitting Andrew, in life I stole your son from you, and in death you steal mine from me," he says to himself and he cries.

The next day Tyler and Troy take them to the airport, and they try to talk them out of leaving.

"Ryan, Sean please, I can't help feeling that you're making a terrible mistake by leaving," Tyler says. "Just give him some time to cool down, he'll see how much he has hurt you."

"Not this time Tyler, I fear that he has gone too far for even him to recover. If you do see him, tell him that we still love him and that we do forgive him. I love you both so much Tyler, I wish you and Troy the best."

"Same here," Sean says obviously a broken man.

They boarded their plane and found their seats.

"Are we making a mistake Sean?" Ryan asks.

"Not this time love, he's a grown man, he knows the difference between right and wrong," Sean says. "If he listens to his heart, he will know the truth, but his head will lead him astray."

The plane took off and so they left their hearts in Texas.

Meanwhile, David has gone to his grandmother's house. His sister was there comforting their grandmother.

"I just don't understand Andrew," Marie says. "Why did he kill our son, and then himself?" she says to them.

"Guilt is strange grandmother," Jeanne says.

David sat there, he knew the truth, but he also knew the truth about Lawrence and his grandfather.

'Where did his allegiance lie?' He thought to himself. 'Why had his dad told him?' He wished he had never known. It was not Ryan who had told him, but Dan, Kevin's dad had started it. Still his grandmother's heart was breaking; he had the power to put to rest her pain. However, he also knew that he would be committing Ryan to death, for killing Lawrence. Moreover, what of the other lives he would destroy, if he brought out the truth now. Tyler, Sean and Kevin, they all knew and would be implicated, and it would bring back no one. How had he hurt the two men he loved most, the pain he saw on their faces. He had never seen Sean cry before in his life, and Ryan he totally destroyed. Still it seems that whenever he loses someone, Ryan is always involved somehow. Is it just coincidence or is it on purpose that he is always there? I need to get a handle on my feelings here, before I go insane.'

"David, are you all right? You seem a thousand miles away," Jeanne asks.

"I was just thinking about things," he says.

"The funeral is going to be on Friday," she says. "Could you please tell your dads?" she says.

"Yeah sure, when I go home tomorrow," he says rather distantly.

"Are you sure you're all right?" she asks. "You are starting to worry me now," she says taking his hand.

"Jesus Christ, why doesn't everyone leave me the fuck alone," he shouts as he pulls his hand away and runs from the room.

"David, please come back," she calls after him as he runs out the front door. He gets in his car and he burns rubber as he leaves the yard, he is so confused as to what he wants.

"Damned if I do, and damned if I don't," he says aloud trying to make sense of his feelings. " I have hurt and lost the two most important men I have ever loved in my life. I have found a family that I never knew existed and now I am losing them. I don't even know if I want the man I have fallen I love with, or if he even wants me anymore. When did my life become so complicated? When did I stop caring?" he says.

He drives for hours until his car runs out of gas, he gets out and he sticks out his thumb. A trucker stops and David climbs in, and David asks where is he heading.

"Eventually California kid," the trucker says looking at David. "What's your name?" he asks David.

"Michael, Michael Evans," he says. "Nice rig you have here," he says.

"My name is Henry Burrows, but my friends call me Hank," he tells David. "You're welcome to ride to California if you like."

"Great, that's just where I was headed," he says. They ride for hours talking about different things, nothing of real importance. Hank pulls into a truck stop and he offers to buy David some dinner.

"You look like you haven't eaten in a while kid," Hank says. "How old are you anyways?"

"Twenties, why?" he asks.

"Don't want no underage runaway getting me in trouble with the law," he says smiling.

"Don't worry about that Hank, I am free, white and over 21," he tells him.

"Well let's go eat kid," he says walking towards the restaurant. They sit at the counter, Daisy the waitress comes over, and she smiles at Hank.

"Well got another pup I see," she says looking at David.

"Maybe, now don't go talking like that Daisy, what you got for today's specials?" he asks.

"Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy, with a side of green beans," she says.

"Make it two, and coffee," he says looking at David. "Hey Mike you do drink coffee don't you?" he asks.

"Yeah sure Hank that's fine, black please," David says.

"Manners to, I'm impressed Hank, he's worth keeping," and she walks off.

"What did she mean by a pup?" David asks Hank.

"Ah nothing Mike, just flapping her jaws," he says looking at David. Daisy brings them their dinners and drinks and they eat. When they're finished Hank pays the bill and leaves Daisy a nice tip.

"Time for some shut eye kid," Hank says getting up from the counter.

"Where do you sleep?" David asks.

"Why in the back of my rig, it's a sleeper," he says. "It will sleep two nicely," he says slapping David on the back. They walk back out to the truck and get in. Hank opens the curtain separating the front from the back compartment.

"Hop on back kid," he tells David. David climbs back and Hank is staring at his ass. Hank locks the doors, climbs into the back, and he closes the curtain.

"Not much room for two people back here," David says feeling a bit nervous about the situation. "I don't mind sleeping on one of the seats up front," he tells Hank.

"Don't be silly kid, there's more than enough room for two of us. Just remove you clothes though, those are clean sheets," Hanks says starting to undress. David starts to undress and he notices that Hank isn't wearing underwear, as he drops his pants to the floor. He lifts the blankets and motions David to climb in.

"Hey the underwear kid, no clothes on the clean sheets," Hanks says and David slowly takes them off. He climbs in the bed and Hank climbs in beside him, and they are touching belly to belly.

"Now I told you there was enough room for two," Hank says as his hand roams over to David's hip.

"What are you doing?" David asks him.

"You know what I'm doing kid, it's either ass or gas," Hanks says letting his hand feel David's ass. "Seein's how you're broke, I assume ass is your choice."

"I think I would rather get out Hank," David says trying to get up.

"Well the way I see it, you still owe me for your ride from Texas to New Mexico, and of course there's dinner," he says. "So why don't you go down on me and lets get this payback going kid?" David now realizes what a pup is as he sits up between Hanks legs. He bends down and he takes the head of his cock into his mouth. Hank is in a hurry and he pushes his head down, shoving his cock down into David's throat. He starts to pull off his cock, but Hank holds him down, and he gags as his nose hits Hank's bush.

"That's it kid, suck that big cock," Hank says letting him up. "Lay on your back kid," Hank says to David, and a chill runs through him. He has never had a man fuck him before, now a stranger was about to.

"I have never been fucked before Hank," David says hoping that Hank will back off.

"Well mercy me, a virgin," Hanks says as he reaches for some Vaseline. He greases up his cock and then he does the same to David's ass, as he positions himself to David's hole.

"Now kid, I will be as gentle as I can," Hank says. "When I push in, you push out and that way it won't hurt as much." He pushes against David's virgin hole, as David pushes back. The head of Hank's cock pops in, and David screams out in pain.

"Please Hank, that fucking hurts man," David says crying.

"Stop crying pussy boy," Hank says and shoves his cock in all the way. David again screams out in pain, and Hank slaps his face. David just lays there as Hank now starts to pound away on his ass. Hank is holding David's legs up as he slams his ass, and the pain is intensifying. David starts to push to meet Hank's thrusts, as he now gets into the fucking.

"That's it kid, ride Hank's big cock," he says as he fucks David. He keeps pounding away and finds David's prostate, and David soon is shooting his load. He shoots Rope after rope of hot cum all over his stomach and chest. He can feel Hank's cock swell and he knows that he's close, and Hank picks up his rhythm of fucking.

"Fuck kid your ass is so fucking tight and hot, I'm cumming," Hank shouts. David can feel Hank's cock as it shoots its seed, filling his ass to overflowing. He keeps pounding away until he has filled David's ass with every last drop of cum he has. He falls down on David and he gives him a kiss, invading David's mouth with his tongue. His whiskers rub David's chin and they burn him as Hank kisses him.

"Fuck kid, you ain't no virgin now," he says pulling his cock out of David and getting up. "Let's hit the showers," Hank says throwing on his clothes. David gets up and he dresses, and off to the showers they go. He lets the hot water slowly wash away the stench of Hank from his body. He is standing under the water, when a hand feels his ass.

"Nice ass pup," he hears and turns to see another man standing there naked. "Hank said that I could have ya."

"You and nobody else is going to have me," David says putting up his fists.

"Hey guys, we got a scrapper here," the guy says and three other men enter the showers. "He says no one is going to have his cute little ass."

"Well we'll see about that," this big burly guy with a beard and belly says coming at David. They grab him and take him into the back of the locker room. It's darker and out of view of the main entrance. One of the men stuffs a rolled up pair of socks into David's mouth to shut him up.

"Seeing how I did the work of getting him down, I guess I get first crack at that fine ass of his," the burly one says. He rubs some liquid soap on his cock and he pushes it into David's ass, and David raises his head in pain. They have him on a bench with his legs in the air, and the big burly guy is fucking David showing no mercy. He isn't a big man, in cock size, but he slams his ass for what seems like eternity. When he finally cums, he lets out a loud grunt when he fills David's ass. He pulls out and a skinny guy gets between David's uplifted legs. He doesn't use soap he just aims and pushes, until he's all the way in. David is close to passing out from the pain as the guy fucking him starts to cum. He pumps David's ass and pulls it out to shoot it all over David. The next guy pushes his cock deep into David's abused ass and David no longer feels anything. The fourth guy pulls the sock from David's mouth replacing it with his cock. He is fucking his mouth as the other is fucking his ass, and David finally passes out.

"Hey kid," David hears as he opens his eyes, "you all right?" the state police officer asks him.

"What happened?" David asks.

"That is what I need to know," the officer asks him.

"I was taking a shower, when four guys jumped me," he tells the police officer. "They raped me and I must have passed out," he says.

"Well let's get you dressed and see if your story checks out kid," he says and David feels the officer doesn't believe him. David finds his clothes and dresses as the officer talks to another trucker.

"Well it looks like your story checks out kid, what's your name?" he asks. David quickly debates if he should give his real name, then Hank comes into the locker room.

"Hey Michael where the fuck you been kid?" he says to David. "Is he in trouble officer?" he asks him.

"You know this trucker?" the officer asks David.

"Yeah I'm his driving partner, I was taking a shower while he had his dinner," David says to the officer.

"Ok, I guess you can go, but I would be more careful in the future," he tells him. David leaves with Hank and they walk to his truck.

"What the fuck was the idea giving me over to those guys?" he yells at Hank.

"What guys?" Hank asks with a smirk on his face.

"I was just jumped and raped by four fucking truckers in the showers," he tells Hank.

"Oh that, kid. I owed them money, and your ass paid them in full," he tells David laughing. "Now get your fucking ass in the truck or stay here," he says.

"Go fuck yourself Hank, I would rather walk then take a ride with your fucking sorry ass," David says.

"Suit yourself pup, thanks for the fuck," he says and gets in his truck. He drives off and David is just standing there, and he slowly walks out to the road. He's walking for maybe an hour, when a cruiser pulls up along side of him.

The cruiser pulls over and the officer gets out of his car.

"Hey kid, I thought you and that trucker were partners," the officer says when he stops. "Now you want to tell me the truth?" he says to David. David starts crying and this catches the officer completely off guard.

"Hey Michael is it?" he asks, "You want to sit and tell me your story?" He takes David and they get into the cruiser, where David unloads himself. He tells him everything he is feeling about himself, leaving out the crimes of his dad.

"Shit kid, that's one fucked up head you're dealing with," he says. "So where are you from Michael?"

"First my name is really David, and I'm from Boston."

"Boston!" he yells, "How the fuck you get to New Mexico?" he asks.

"Well my family is in Texas at the moment."

"Who is your family?" he asks.

"Well two, the Strathmores of Strathmore Industries, and the Carters of Dallas," he tells the officer.

"Wait a minute," he says and he checks his reports. "Yeah here it is," he says. "I have a missing persons report on you David, came in last night," he says.

"By who?" David asks.

"Let's see," he says checking his report. "A Mr. Kevin Barkley from Houston," he says. "You know him?" he asks.

"Yes, he's my life partner," he says with pride.

"Well we need to get you back home son," he says to David. He takes him to the station and David phones Kevin.

"David where are you babe?" Kevin asks.

"Just outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico," he tells him.

"David why, what's wrong babe, was it me," Kevin asks feeling he has lost his man.

"Kevin its not you, it was me, babe. Can I talk to my dad?" he asks Kevin.

"Ah Kevin, your dads went home, babe. They were so devastated, David, by the way you treated them," he tells him rather coldly. "I really can't blame them David, I have never seen Sean so destroyed, and Ryan looked as if his heart had been torn out of his chest."

"Thanks for making me feel better Kevin," he says.

"I was not trying to make you feel better. Before I take you back you need to fix yourself and those you have destroyed David," Kevin says and hangs up. After he hangs up the phone David hangs his head. For the first time in his life, he feels totally alone and doesn't like the feeling. He starts to cry as he sits in the corner resting head on his knees. The officer comes over, sees him crying, and kneels down beside him.

"It can't be that bad David," he says putting his hand on his shoulder. "Tell me what's wrong?" he says.

"I really fucked up a lot of lives," he says. "My dads are destroyed because of me. My grandmother is probably wondering where I am; today was my grandfather's funeral. I guess I should have kept going with Hank instead of staying," he says crying again.

"Listen kid, I know who your dad is in Boston," he says. "I went to Boston College and I heard of Ryan Strathmore. He was a very generous man. I can't imagine him not wanting his son back home," he says. "Why don't you call him son?" he says. David dials his dad's number and Ryan answers.

"Hello dad," David says and there is a long silence.

"Hello David, what can I do for you?" he says rather coolly.

"Dad please, I need to talk to you. I know that what I did was so wrong and you did not deserve to be treated the way I treated you. I am so sorry dad and I just wanted you to know that I love you and dad, and I don't blame you for not wanting me as your son any longer," he says losing control and hanging up. He gets up and walks out of the station out onto the road. He stands in the middle of the road as a truck sounds its horn. David closes his eyes as the truck approaches and it swerves barely missing him. Officer Barrett, the officer that had been helping him, comes rushing out and grabs him. He takes David inside and calls an ambulance. They take him to the hospital and he is put in a psychiatric ward. He lays in his bed just staring at the ceiling, speaking to no one.

"David can you hear me?" Dr Johnson says. "I have someone to see you," he says, but David just stares at the ceiling.

"David, it's dad son," Sean says kissing his son on the forehead. "Talk to me son," he says and a tear runs down his cheek. "David I love you son please come back to me," he tells him, taking his son's hand in his. David just stares at the ceiling and has no response.

"David I am so sorry for being so cold and heartless to you when you called," Ryan says kissing his boy.

"Doctor will our son recover?" Sean asks.

"It's really up to him. He seems to be in some kind of conflict within his mind," the doctor says. Kevin walks in, walks over to David, and takes his hand in his. He bends down and kisses him on the lips and whispers in his ear.

"Hear my heart as it sings to yours baby, come back my love," he says as he cries, and his tears fall on David's face. Kevin buries his face on David's chest as he cries. David's hand comes up and he holds his man, as tears roll down his cheek.

"Don't cry cowboy," David says rubbing Kevin's back. Kevin looks up at his man and he kisses him with all the passion he has. He takes him in his arms as they cry together, holding on as tight as they can. David looks over Kevin's shoulder, Sean is crying aloud.

"Dad," David says as he holds out his hand, "can you forgive your son?" Sean rushes over and wraps David up in his arms as he kisses his face all over.

"I told you once son, it is part of being a dad, forgiving. I love you David, my boy." He holds him tight as they cry together, then David whispers in his ear. "I don't deserve your love dad, for the way I hurt you, but you have shown me what being a father is by the unconditional love you give to me." and they cry more. Sean gets up as Ryan comes over, and he takes his son in his arms.

"Dad you I have hurt you the most, with my self-centered ways. I realized it when it was too late, that what you did, you did out of love. I also know that I was judging you, when I was no better than you were. I was blaming you for what others did, looking for someone to blame for the hurt I felt. What I'm asking dad is, can you find it in your heart to forgive your son for the sins he committed against you?" he says looking at Ryan as tears fell from his eyes.

"Oh David, you don't have to ask for my forgiveness son, I forgave you so long ago. I knew you just needed to sort out your life and let your heart lead you home. I never stopped loving you, though at times I didn't like the person you were becoming, but I knew your mother in you would come out." They transferred him to a hospital in Houston, so he could be close to his family. His grandmother came to see him with his sister, telling him how much they were worried about him. He finally got out and went home to Kevin.

"Kevin I think it's time we think about finding a place for us to live in," David says one night holding his lover in his arms.

"Really David, our own place?" he says kissing his cowboy.

The next day Ryan, Sean, David and Kevin walk into Justin's real estate office.

"Mr. Strathmore," Justin says coming to shake his hand.

"Justin is the Grey Manor Estate still available?" Ryan asks.

"Why yes it is. Why are you still interested?" he asks excitedly.

"I am here to buy it now," he says. "Please draw up the papers, waiving the three day cooling off period. I also would like you to show my son here and his partner a home for them. They know what the want and put that on my bill also," Ryan says.

"Dad please, we can't let you buy that for us," David says.

"Call it a wedding present," Ryan says taking Sean's hand.

Its moving day and Sean and the boys have still not seen Ryan's dream house. As they drive up the gates have been changed, to a giant D and S on the iron gates. They go through the gates and all heads turn, as they take in the massive gates.

"My God Ryan," Sean says, "these gates look like an entrance to a palace."

"Oh babe, you have not seen anything yet," he says. They drive on up the oak-lined drive. As they approach the estate, Sean's eyes just about pop out of his head.

"When you said a charming little country cottage, you grossly understated it." They go inside and they don't know where to look first, as Ryan leads the tour. He leads them from room to room until he finishes with the master suite; at this he asks the others to wait outside. He takes Sean in and he closes the door, then he takes his man into his arms.

"This is our room my cowboy," he tells Sean as he shows him around the room. They go out on the private patio as he takes Sean in his arms. He kisses him softly and passionately, making love with their tongues.

"I love you Sean Patrick Donahue. I love you with all my heart. Tonight my love as we lay in our bed, make love to me just as you did our first time."

"I love you so much Ryan Murphy Strathmore. You have turned this simple farmer into a man of the world. I owe you more than I could ever repay, but I offer my heart as a down payment." He takes his man into his arms as the tears softly fall from his eyes.

"What is it Sean?" Ryan asks looking at the tears.

"I am so happy! I have you and we finally have our son back," he says as he cries holding on to Ryan. The others come in once they have gathered themselves, and they marvel at the beauty of the room.

"Ryan this is the most elegant room I have ever seen," Tyler says and Troy nods in agreement.

"We must throw a house warming party," Troy says. "I will plan it and it will be the talk of Dallas."

"I will help," Tyler and David say as Kevin comes in the room.

"Help with what? What did I miss?" he asks.

"A party to welcome my dads to Texas," David says. "May I invite my grandmother and sister?" he asks.

"David they are family," Ryan says hugging his boy. "I would be upset if you did not invite them."

The next morning they decided to go shopping for the party. It was a beautiful late November day, the weather was warm and sunny, and the news had said that the president was coming to Dallas.

"Sean we might catch a glimpse of President Kennedy today," Ryan says. "He is supposed to be in town for a function or something and I have not seen him since last summer at Hyannis," Ryan says.

"We could go; I hate crowds though," Sean says. "They always make me nervous, all those people standing around staring."

"Oh please babe, I'll get you something nice after," Ryan says.

"You could give me something nice now upstairs," Sean says smiling seductively.

"One track mind," Ryan says. "Or should I say one track cock," he says reaching under the table groping Sean's crotch.

"And your point is?" Sean asks.

"Did we miss something," David asks as he and Kevin walk into the dining room.

"Your dad's being his usual horny self, that's all," Ryan says smiling.

"It must run in the family," Kevin says squeezing David's ass. "This beast attacked me in the shower this morning."

"And your point is?" David says kissing Kevin and they all laugh.

"We were thinking of going into Dallas shopping, President Kennedy is suppose to be in Dallas today. We thought we would see him before we went shopping.

"Didn't you and dad go sailing with him and Jackie last summer?" David asks.

"Yes we did, we met up with them at Hyannis and had a great day sailing."

They all finished their breakfast and headed to town around twelve. The crowds along the streets were thick, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Kennedy's motorcade. They found a nice spot and waited for the motorcade to arrive.

"Here they come," David calls out.

"Look at the lovely pink outfit Jackie is wearing," Ryan says as gunshots ring out. Panic and pandemonium hit the crowds and motorcade. President Kennedy slumps to his left towards Jackie, as Governor Connelly pitches forward. Jackie panics and crawls out onto the trunk of the car, as a secret service agent comes to her aid. The car speeds away, taking the wounded president to Parkland Memorial Hospital.

"My God Sean, they shot the president," Ryan says in shock. "Is everyone all right?" he says looking around at the others.

"We'd better get home babe, I really don't feel like shopping now," Sean says. They got home and turned on the television. All the stations were covering the news of the attempted assassination.

"We interrupt this broadcast for an important message, today in Dallas, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. The Dallas police and the FBI have taken into custody, a suspect. His name is Lee Harvey Oswald," Walter Cronkite says. "We now go to the swearing in of the new president aboard Air Force One." The picture shows a justice swearing in vice president Lyndon B. Johnson. His wife is beside him, as a blood splattered Jackie Kennedy watches, stunned.

"My God Sean, look at her look. She is in an almost catatonic state," Ryan says. "My heart goes out to her."

The next four days television stations covered nothing but replays of the assassination of Kennedy and the shooting death of Oswald by Jack Ruby, and the president's funeral.

"Well Dallas will never be the same now," Sean says watching the funeral procession.

Time passed and things got back to normal, somewhat. Kevin and David went ahead with the plans for the party. A decorator was hired to decorate Strathmore Estate. The place had a gala atmosphere, and the guests were arriving for the party. The weather was not co-operating as the skies took on a very pessimistic appearance.

"I was so hoping that we would have a sunny day," Ryan says looking at the sky from their bedroom. "I wanted to use the gardens for our guests to roam in."

"As long as the rain holds off love, it should be alright for them to visit," Sean says.

"Well I have you and that's all that really matters," he says kissing his man.

"If you keep that up you will get something else up," he says moving Ryan's hand to his crotch.

"Does my cowboy want a rodeo?" Ryan asks undoing Sean's pants.

"Now babe, we don't have time for this you know, we have guests downstairs," Sean says trying to pull away.

"I can't have my cowboy walking around all tensed up today," he says as he pulls Sean's pants down. He drops to his knees and pulls Sean's underwear down, as he takes his cock into his mouth. Sean lets out a moan when Ryan swallows his cock, burying his nose in Sean's bush. Ryan drinks in the scent of his man, as his throat muscles massage Sean's cock. Ryan's hands gently massage his balls as he goes up and down on Sean's throbbing cock.

"Fuck babe you got this cowboy so close," Sean says as his pleasure builds. Ryan slows his sucking to prolong his own enjoyment of the taste of Sean's cock. Sean moans more deeply as his climax builds, and he holds Ryan's head in his hands.

"I'm cumming babe," he calls out as he shoots his first shot, deep down into Ryan's waiting throat. Volley after volley as he gives Ryan his sweet seed. Ryan moans in pleasure as he swallows. He is sucking on his man's cock until he has no more to give him, when the door opens, and there stands David.

"Oh fuck dad, did you have to do that now?" he says a bit embarrassed as he sees Sean's cock buried in Ryan's mouth. "You have guests downstairs asking for you," he says as Ryan drops Sean's now soft cock.

"Just taking care of some important business son," Ryan says with a cum-covered smile.

"Well wash your face dad, and join us please, and nice cock dad," he says to Sean.

"Pervert," Sean says to David, "You shouldn't be checking me out," he says to his son.

"Can't help it dad, it was just hanging there," David says leaving and closing the door.

"My God my dad has one fucking big cock," David says to himself. No wonder dad is smiling every morning. I would be too if I was getting fucked by that."

Ryan and Sean join the guests and they make their rounds with the guests telling them how beautiful the house is. There is a sudden rumble like the sound of a freight train, as the lights suddenly go out. The walls and the ceilings start to come apart and the guests start to scream.

"Tornado," yells someone as the building starts to collapse, and screams and cries of pain are all one can hear.

To be continued ....

Sorry guys but I love cliff hangers. Watch and sees who and who does not make it. Just four more chapters until the end.

Comments appreciated at

Next: Chapter 11

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