The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 28, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 1

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

Ryan Strathmore sat in his den before a blazing fire. He was drinking a glass of vintage wine all alone on a cold winters night. A cold north wind blew outside, but the fire was warm and inviting. He sat mesmerized by the dancing flames as they played about in the fireplace. On the table beside him was a copy of Life magazine, with his picture on the cover. He had made the Man of the Year, and the Most Eligible Bachelor for 1930. He picked up the magazine and turned to the article. A full size picture of him standing with his dogs and below a caption that reads:

Ryan Allen Strathmore Born August 7, 1905 Resident City: Boston, Massachusetts Vital Statistics Height: 6'5" Weight: 220 lbs. Hair: Auburn Red Eyes: Brown Awards: 1930 Man of the Year, 1930 Most Eligible Bachelor Parents: Robert K. and Martha J. Strathmore Newport, Rhode Island

Where do they get this information, he thinks to himself. Well it should give his mother more ammo now to use to find that perfect mate for him. He tosses the magazine back on the table, gets up and stirs the fire. He walks to the window and looks out at the storm that is blowing and his manservant, Martin, comes in the room.

"Looks like a real nor'easter Martin," Ryan says looking out into the night.

"Yes is certainly does sir. Will you be needing anything else sir before I retire Mr. Strathmore," Martin asks.

"No Martin, I am good for the evening, have a good night Martin," says Ryan.

"Thank you sir, good night to you also." Martin says leaving the room and closing the door behind.

Ryan went and sat down and watched the fire, still pondering his life. He felt alone, he knew his parents wanted grandchildren; his dad had always stressed the importance of heirs. He got up and stirred the fire one last time, making sure it was good for the night. He finished his wine, and then headed off to bed, tomorrow he had to meet with his board of directors about a replacement for Lawrence Chambers who had died. He was the board chairman and a new one must be elected and a new member installed to replace the vacancy. His life was dull, he thought as he got in bed.

The next day the sun was out and a fresh twelve-inch blanket of snow covered the ground. Ryan woke when Martin entered the room and opened the drapes.

"Good Morning Mr. Strathmore," Martin says placing the morning paper on the bed. "You coffee and Danish sir," he says and sets the tray over Ryan's lap.

"Good Morning Martin, how much snow did we get," Ryan asks hoping to avoid today's meeting.

"Twelve inches sir according to the wireless," says Martin referring to the radio.

"That's to bad, I assume the meeting shall have to be postponed," Ryan says with a smile just vaguely on his face.

"One would assume sir," Martin says leaving the room.

Ryan did not look forward to an argument with Richard Farnsworth about placing his son in the vacant position. His son was just a puppet for his old man and lacked any sort of backbone. Ryan wanted Miles Johnston, a long and trusted friend of the family. He could be a strong ally when needed, especially against old Farnsworth. The phone rang and Martin answered it and a brief conversation ensued.

"That sir was your secretary, Mrs. Beatty," he says. "She was calling to inform you that the meeting is still on but has been moved to four this afternoon, sir."

"Shit, I was so hoping that it would have been canceled."

"So much for assuming, sir," Martin says and leaves the room.

Ryan finishes his coffee as he scans the morning newspaper. The news is all the same, economy this, and economy that, he says to himself. He is about to put the paper down when his eyes catch a brief story buried at the bottom of the page.

Boston. Massachusetts General Hospital A local boy, Sean Donahue 22, is in critical condition following a one car crash last evening that claimed the lives of his parents. Their car lost controll and hit a tree. He is in intensive care. His outlook is unknown.

My God how tragic, Ryan thought. He pondered the outcome of the kid's injuries and decided to look into how he might help. He rang for Martin and asked him to get the head of Mass. General on the line.

"A Dr. Smyth, sir," Martin tells him.

"Dr. Smyth, Ryan Strathmore speaking. How are you this morning?" Ryan says in greeting to the doctor.

"Very well Mr. Strathmore, and what do I owe this honor on this bright morning sir," he asks.

"I was reading in the Boston Globe this morning about an accident victim and I wanted to help in his recovery and monetary assistance," Ryan informs the doctor.

Dr. Smith asks, "How so Mr. Strathmore?"

"Please sir, call me Ryan, it is less formal. I would like to pay for his care and any doctors he may need. I would also like the best that money can get, and his hospital bill also," Ryan says.

"That is very generous of you Ryan, do you know the young man," he asks.

"No doctor, I do not. I just felt that in these times of financial troubles, he might be able to use all the help he can get, considering the loss of his parents in the crash," Ryan says.

"He is not doing so well at the moment, but is in stable condition. He has several broken bones and is in a coma. He is not even aware yet that his parents did not survive the crash," the doctor says.

"Well, as I said Doctor, just be sure he has the best care that money can buy, and bill it to me."

"Thank you Ryan, and I will see to it personally," he says as they say their goodbyes and hang up.

"That was most generous of you sir," Martin says with a slight tear in his eye, as Martin goes in to the master bathroom and draws Ryan's bath. Ryan finishes his coffee, gets up, and goes in for his bath.

After his bath, Ryan dresses, and gives Miles Johnston a call.

"Miles, Ryan here, how are you today my friend," Ryan asks. "You heard about old man Chambers I presume, well we have to replace him today, and I was hoping to get you nominated and elected to fill his vacancy Miles."

"Hello to you also Ryan, and I did hear about Lawrence Chambers, poor man. To die like that, and in his mistress' bed, never mind you," he says. "That had to go over big with the family and all. I appreciate your vote of confidence but what about old Farnsworth, Ryan, won't he try to get that spineless son of his in also," Miles asks.

"He will try, but I think I have the votes to win you in."

"I would really like that position Ryan, and my wife would be thrilled at the social climb it would provide her," Miles says.

Ryan asks Miles, "Why do women only see the social value in things, Miles?"

"I really cannot answer that one friend, you would have to ask a woman for that answer. So what time is the meeting or are we looking at tomorrow now because of the storm," he asks.

"No old Farnsworth insisted on today hoping I would not make it in, and he could have the votes to get wormy in," Ryan says and they both laugh. "So lets meet at three at the club and we can have a drink before the meeting," he says and they hang up. Ryan got his papers together that he would need for the meeting and asked Martin to have Leonard bring the car around. Ryan went downstairs and told Martin that he would not be home for dinner that he would have dinner at the club. He went out and Leonard was just driving up. He got out and opened the door for Ryan saying,

"Good Morning sir, are you headed to club this morning?" Leonard says to Ryan.

"Yes Leonard, but first I would like to stop at Mass. General and check on some business I have there. I should only be a short while and then on to the club."

They leave Strathmore Estate and drive to Massachusetts General Hospital. He has his driver wait as he goes in to find Dr. Smyth. He locates the good doctor in his office on the third floor and they chat about the young man that was in the accident.

"Well Ryan, he is still in a coma, but the doctors are optimistic that he may recover. He seems to be showing signs of coming out of the coma and his vital signs have improved greatly since we spoke this morning."

"That is good news doctor, I do hope that he is getting the best care and when it is time to move him have him put into my private suite."

"Yes Ryan, that is no problem. I have personally called in a neurologist that is tops in the country. He happened to be in Boston for a seminar and I persuaded him to take on Sean's case. You are probably not aware of this, but young Sean is very poor. His parents had borrowed the car from a neighbor to take him to the train station. It seems he was leaving for the army today."

"Thank you for the information doctor, I was not aware of that. I do hope that he does make a full recovery though. Has anyone notified the army recruitment office," Ryan asks the doctor.

"Yes, someone has called and we are doing our best Ryan for Sean. If I may ask Ryan, why this young man and not someone else," the doctor asks.

Ryan says, "No particular reason, I just happened to read about him as I was about to put down the paper and felt that it would be the right thing to do to help him out. He will have enough to deal with when he learns of his parent's death and all."

"Yes you are right, that will be quite traumatic enough for him," Dr. Smyth says. "Well at least he will not be facing large medical bills, thanks to you, Ryan."

"I would rather he not know that I had anything to do with this doctor," Ryan tells the doctor. "I would like to remain anonymous."

Dr. Smyth told him, "I can assure you that your name will not be mentioned to the young man at all, Ryan."

Ryan thanked him and told him that if he needed anything to feel free to call him. He said goodbye and left for his club. Leonard pulled up in front of the Old Boston Gentleman's Club and asked what time he would need the car.

"I will call Martin, Leonard. I suspect the meeting will take the better part of two to three hours, at best if old Farnsworth has his way. Leonard, I will get word to you through Martin as to the time to pick me up," Ryan tells him.

Ryan goes into the club, he checks his coat and hat, and looks for Miles. He finds him speaking to two of the current board members and goes to join them.

"I still say that Junior is to much a puppet for his dad," Thomas Stone is saying to Miles. "He could not make his own decisions if the answer were staring him in the face."

"You are quite right, Thomas," Michael Clark, another board member agrees. "I have seen first hand how his dad manipulates that boy of his. Just last month he told his son that he was to propose to the Jenkins girl, my God have you seen that girl? There is not enough money in the world to make anyone in their right mind marry her willingly," he says. "To think that nature could turn out something as ugly as that."

"Well did he propose," Thomas asks.

"Of course he did, her dad owns half on some utility company called AT&T," he says. "He thinks that being an only child that his son will get his hands, thus his hands, on her dads shares when he dies. Here tell he is quite ill with heart trouble they say."

"Gentlemen, I see we are still spreading the gossip," Ryan says making his presence known. "I have it on good authority that her dad is not ill and he can see right through old Farnsworth's plan, the girl turned Junior down."

"Ryan, did you just arrive," Miles asks.

"Yes, I had to make a stop at Mass. General first," Ryan tells them.

"Is everything alright Ryan," they all ask in unison.

"Everything is quite fine gentlemen, just some business matters I needed to address. Now what is everyone drinking?"

They spent the next hour talking about the vacancy of the board and how to spearhead old Farnsworth. Ryan looks at his pocket watch and notices it is going on four.

"Gentlemen, I would suggest we adjourn and move upstairs for our meeting. I would not leave Farnsworth alone to long with the rest of the board. He can be quite intimidating and personally I just don't trust him," he tells them and they take their drinks and go towards the elevator.

They enter the one of the great rooms of the club and they see Richard Farnsworth and his son Junior, as he is referred to because he is named after his dad, having a conversation with some of the other board members.

"Good Afternoon Gentlemen," Ryan says entering the room. "I see Richard has started the meeting without the full board yet assembled," he adds.

"Why Ryan, now you know I would never do such a thing," Richard says rather coy. "We were just having a friendly conversation about poor Lawrence."

"Well why don't we call this meeting to order now that we are all here and begin our new business."

"That sounds good, I second that motion, all in favor." Richard says. "Good lets begin then," he says.

Thomas read the minutes of the last board meeting and then moved to the new business at hand.

"Do I have a motion for nomination for the vacancy left by the death of Lawrence Chambers," Thomas asks.

"I would like to nominate for the position, my son, Richard L. Farnsworth II," Richard says.

"Are there any other nominations gentlemen?"

"Yes, I would like to nominate for the position, Miles Johnston," Ryan says with a smile.

"Is there anyone else, gentlemen?" There is a pause as Thomas looks around the room at the gentlemen.

"Very well, we will have a show of hands vote gentlemen."

"I oppose a show of hands, I propose a secret ballot instead, Mr. Secretary," Richard says objecting.

"We have always had a show of hands Richard, and there is no precedent for a secret ballot now," Ryan says in protest to Richard's objection. "The rules of election clearly state that all, and I stress all, elections shall be made with a show of hands," Ryan says quoting the board's book of rules.

"Your father wrote that book, and it is bias," Richard says.

"My father owned, and now I own, this company Richard. The rules stand as long as a Strathmore owns Strathmore Industries," Ryan says with great authority to his voice. "Now gentlemen, if no further objections hinder our vote, I move that we take a show of hands vote on said position."

"All in favor of Richard Farnsworth II for filling the vacancy please raise your hands," Thomas asks. "Very good, we have eleven then," he says counting the raised hands.

"And those in favor of Miles Johnston for filling the vacancy please raise your hands," he asks a second time. "Very well, we have nineteen, Mr. Miles Johnston is elected to fill the vacancy left by the death of Lawrence Chambers," he announces. "Will someone please ask the two parties to please come in and join us."

Michael rises and goes to the waiting room and invites the two candidates in. Young Richard comes in rather arrogantly and strides over to his dad who is looking quite beside himself. Miles enters last and looks for Ryan and he gets a wink from Ryan letting him know that he has won.

"Mr. Johnston, the Board of Directors for Strathmore Industries would like to inform you, that you have been elected to the board of directors to fill the vacancy left open by the death of Lawrence Chambers. Congratulations to you, Mr. Johnston on behave of the board." Thomas says and sits down catching his breath. The room erupts in applause and the current members get up to express their congratulations to Miles. Ryan stands back and lets Miles have his glory for a moment.

"Now Gentlemen," Thomas says trying to get their attention, "we have the matter of Chairman of the Board to elect. Rules dictate a secret ballot on this particular vote." Thomas says as Michael passes around a ballot slip to each of the voting board members. "I would have you write who you would want for chairman. The votes will then be counted and he with the most votes will be chairman."

The members wrote their choose for chairman and folded the ballot in half and placed it in a special box. When all were finished, Thomas and Michael opened the box and started to record the votes. When they had finished it was thirty-nine to one in favor of Ryan for Chairman of the Board. The one vote went to none other than Richard Farnsworth, who upon hearing the outcome was livid.

Richard Sr. and Junior both stormed out of the meeting quite upset by the turn of events. As Junior passes Ryan, Ryan grabs his arm and whispers in his ear,

"If you ever decide to grow a set of balls, Junior, come look me up for a job," and he chuckles as Junior quickly hustles to catch up with his dad.

"Well gentlemen, first I would like to thank you for your vote of confidence, secondly I suggest that we adjourn this meeting and go downstairs for refreshments. All in favor." and the room empties as they head downstairs. Miles takes Ryan by the arm pulling him back and says to him.

"You may have made an enemy today, kid. Richard gave you a look that had you dead and buried," he said to Ryan. "I would be watching my back in the future if I were you, Ryan."

"Miles, thanks for the concern. I have no intension of letting old Farnsworth intimidate me. I still own this company and I will fire his ass so fucking quick his head won't know what hit him." Ryan tells him. "Now lets go have a drink my friend, I want to speak to you about a matter of importance."

They go downstairs to the clubroom, get a drink, and find a quiet table.

"Miles," Ryan asks, "did you happen to read the globe this morning?"

"No I did not, Missy used it for that damn puppy," Miles says referring to a new puppy the kids have. "If I do not get to it first, she grabs it and lays it out for that fucking pooch," he asks.

"There was an article in there about a family that were involved in a serious car accident last evening. The parents were killed and their son is in Mass. General in a coma. He has several broken bones and some internal injuries." Ryan tells him. I have decided to take on the cost of his medical care."

"What on earth for, Ryan? Do you know what you are doing," Miles asks. "That boy could end up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs, and for what, a stranger," he says.

"Why Miles, you fucking snob. I have more money at the moment than the fucking government, and why not help out a fellow human being in need," he says to his friend.

"Ryan I am sorry, I am not a snob, and I know that you are right, that is the humane thing to do. He will have to face the loss of his mother and father, as well as insurmountable medical bills. Those of us that have the means at this time, we should be looking out for our fellow man."

"I not doing it for fame or publicity, Miles. In truth, I have asked that my name not be mentioned at all to the young man or anyone else involved in his case."

"You are a much better man than I am, Ryan," Miles says raising his glass to Ryan. "I drink to you my friend."

The room erupted with "here here, when they saw Miles lift his glass to Ryan, thinking him toasting his election. Ryan placed a call to Martin and had Leonard come to pick him up. Martin informed Ryan that a Dr. Smyth had called and had asked that he call him back. Ryan tried several times but his service kept saying that he was in intensive care attending a patient. Ryan said his thank you and goodbyes to his board members and friends and met Leonard as he pulled up. He motioned Leonard to stay in the car, and opened the door and got in.

"Mass General Leonard, thank you," Ryan says rather urgently.

"Are you alright sir," Leonard inquires of Ryan.

"Yes Leonard I am fine, just some urgent business I need to attend to. I do not know how long I shall be, but wait for me and do not leave," Ryan tells him.

"Very well sir, I can find a place close to park or I will drive around until you come out," Leonard says.

Leonard pulls up to the front door, there is a parking place in the front, and he pulls into it. Ryan gets out and hurries into the hospital. He takes the elevator to the floor for the intensive care unit and sees Dr. Smyth. Dr. Smyth sees Ryan getting off the elevator and hurries towards him.

"Ryan please come with me," the doctor says as he takes Ryan's arm guiding him towards an office.

"What has happened doctor, is he dead," Ryan inquired.

"No Ryan, he is alive. He had some internal bleeding that we missed until his blood pressure dropped. He has just gotten back from the operating room and his condition is still serious. The next twenty-four hours will determine his fate Ryan. He has the best doctors working on him."

"Please keep me posted doctor. Have you been able to locate any relatives at all?"

"The neighbor that owned the car came in and told us that he had no known relatives except his parents, of course you know their fate."

"May I see the young man please, I would like to have a face to go with the name, doctor."

"Of course, Ryan. Come on I will take you. Now he still looks a mess, with the tubes, wires and all his cuts. But his face seemed to escape injury, he must have used his arms to protect his face in the crash."

Dr. Smyth leads Ryan to Sean's pod in the ICU. When they walked in the doctor was right, he did look a mess. He was hooked up to machines and IV's fed his veins with medicines to keep him alive. The thing that caught Ryan's attention the most was Sean's handsomeness. He had reddish blonde hair and he did not know what color eyes, though the doctor did say when asked, they were blue. He had a splash of freckles across his nose and tops of his cheeks, and a cleft in his chin. Ryan could not get over how handsome he was and remarked that he was lucky that he had not been cut in the face. He again reminded the doctor to keep him posted as to the boys condition, and said goodbye. He got home, told Martin about Sean, and went upstairs to retire. He got into bed and just stared at the ceiling thinking about Sean. All he could see was his handsome face.

'What is the matter with me,' Ryan thought to himself. 'I have never felt like that about another man before, not since...'

The next day Martin comes in like clock work and throws open the drapes and then goes and places the tray with the coffee and this morning a hard boiled egg and bran muffin over his lap.

"Good morning sir, your paper," he says as he hands Ryan the Boston Globe. "What is on your agenda today, sir?"

"The office I suppose Martin, I really do wish I had something else occupied my time. I do tire of the same routine day in and day out."

"There are a lot of people that would gladly trade places with you sir," Martin says in a rather scolding tone.

"You know Martin, you are like having my parents here, but all in one person," Ryan says.

"I do apologize sir," he says as he leaves.

He eats his breakfast and goes for his bath, dresses, then heads for the office. He goes over his schedule for the day and he notices that he has a meeting with his vice president in charge of his refineries in Texas. He has not seen him in at least three months and production has been faltering lately.

"Good Morning Mr. Strathmore," Ryan's secretary Margaret Beatty says.

"Good Morning Marge," Ryan says. "Any messages," he asks.

"No sir, Dan Cooper is waiting in your office, sir."

"Thank you Marge, could you have coffee and Danish sent in please," Ryan asks.

"Good Morning Dan, how the fuck are you," he asks reaching out to shake Dan's hand. "You had better have some good news about my refineries Dan."

"They are back on line Ryan and at full production," Dan says. "We had a hard time getting those parts put we finally located some in Brazil and now we are up and running."

"Your coffee and Danish sir," Marge says bringing in a tray and setting it on the table.

"Thank you Marge, and please hold my calls please." Ryan says as Marge is exiting the room.

"So Dan how is Nancy and the kids these days?"

"Nancy stays busy with her volunteer work, and Dan Jr. is hoping for a football scholarship to college. Beth is a junior in high school, and quite the young lady."

"Is he that old Dan, and I bet Beth has all the young men at her feet." Ryan says.

"He just turned eighteen last month, and he is over six feet already. I don't know which side he gets it from. Beth just had her cotillion last month."

"They grow up so fast, and then they are gone," Ryan says.

"Too fast my friend, too fast," Dan says.

"I have put together a program for the refinery for producing that new bi-product we discovered. I think you will find it most demanding at first. But as you will see as you study the proposal, things will level off over the next three to six months," Ryan tells him. "Did Nancy come up with you Dan?"

"Not this time Ryan, she had to much she had to do."

"Well then, how about dinner at the club with me. We can review the outline for the refinery and catch up on what has been going one with one another," Ryan says.

Dan says, "Sounds good to me, as long as I am back to call Nancy by nine, Texas time."

"That would be ten ours, correct," he asks.

"Yes sir, by the way how is your mother these days," Dan inquires. "I bet that she is still trying to get you married off isn't she."

"You know her all to well, Dan. She is fine, although she has not been match making in the last month or so. Must have run out of debutants," Ryan says laughing.

"How about you take these outlines with you and have a look at them. I will pick you up about four and we can go to the club and have a working dinner. Dan, please be careful with those plans, they are top secret and I would not want them to fall into the wrong hands."

"I will guard them with my life, Ryan. See you then at four, and thanks for your help last week. I cannot tell you how helpful you were in getting those parts up here Ryan. I could not get those people to move their asses for nothing. How the fuck did you motivate them?"

"Lets just say that you should not have anymore problems with that company anymore, Dan. I bought the fucking company right out from under that fucking old man. He thought he could hold my parts ransom for more money, well I found out who owned the place, made him an offer, and fired the fucker as soon as the ink was dry."

"You are kidding right, Ryan," Dan asks.

"Dan, do I kid about things like this," Ryan says giving him a look that is serious.

"No boss, I have never heard you kid about business."

"I will see you then at four, and Dan, remember suits and ties. This is not Texas."

Dan leaves and Ryan busies himself with other demands of his time. He keeps working until Marge reminds him that it is three-thirty and he still needs to change for the club. He goes into his private bathroom and draws a bath. He takes a quick bath, dresses, and Leonard picks him up and they are off to get Dan at his Hotel. He is nowhere around and Leonard goes in to inquire and is gone awhile. He comes out and he instructs Ryan that he is needed inside. Ryan enters the hotel and the manager leads him into his office.

"Mr. Strathmore, we have some disturbing news to tell you. A Mr. Daniel Cooper was found dead this afternoon at the bottom of the pool. He had accidentally slipped and hit his head and fell into the pool and drowned," the manager said.

"You have to be mistaken, I just spoke with him not less than five hours ago. When was this suppose to happen," Ryan inquired.

"The pool attendant found his body about twelve, when he went to clean the pool before the afternoon swim. He must have been going to his room when he had the accident."

"Was his brief case found with him," Ryan asked.

"All he had was his room key, there was no brief case."

"What about in his room, is his things still there," Ryan asked knowing he had the top-secret plans for the refinery in that brief case.

"The maid packed his belongings and the police took them. She gave the police one suit case and that was it," the manager said.

"I cannot believe this, thank you sir, I will talk to the police then and inquire as to Mr. Cooper's possessions, good day to you." Ryan left quickly and instructed Leonard to take him to the police station. When Ryan had gotten to the police station, he looked up his friend captain Brian O'Malley.

"Brian, how are my friend, it has been a long time," Ryan said shaking Brian's hand.

"Ryan, what the fuck brings you down here, you aren't in trouble are ya," Brian asks in his strong Irish accent.

"I have a situation and it could be serious," he tells Brian. One of my vice presidents was found dead today at his hotel," Ryan tells him.

"Ah yes, I heard of that, a Mr. . Cooper I think it be," he says after thinking a bit.

"That's right. He also had some very confidential papers and they are missing. The hotel manager told me that the police took all of his possessions here, would you have his brief case among his possessions, Brian," Brian asks.

"I wasn't the one who worked that case, but lets see what they have. Have you notified his family yet," Brian asks.

"No, I will do that once I get back to my office," he tells Brian. "These papers are very important to my business and in the wrong hands could cost me millions."

"Here is the room that we keep things like that in, would you recognize the brief case," he asks.

"Yes I would Brie, it's a black leather case with a brass plaque and has his name engraved on it. I gave it to him for Christmas a couple of years ago."

"Well this is all we have listed for a Mr. Cooper, Ryan. I don't see no brief case listed," he says. "I need to ask you something, and it may not be to pleasant Ryan," he says a bit nervously. "Is there any reason to suspect fowl play here? I mean, he is relatively speaking a young man, what .. about thirty something?"

"Thirty seven, and quite athletic also. I have begun to wonder that same thing Brie," Ryan says. "Now that the brief case is missing, I really do wonder."

"Let my people look into this, I'll get back to you. How is that mother of yours, is she still trying to fix you up," he asks slightly jabbing Ryan in the ribs with his elbow. "When you going tell her Ryan, the truth?"

"That is my business Brie, and none of your concern. Ryan says giving Brian a sharp look.

"Hey," Brian says holding up his hands, "Put the daggers away kid, I was just asking. Besides we were not right together and you know it kid," he says slapping Ryan's ass.

"Well that's water under the bridge now, Brian. If you can find out anything about Dan I would appreciate it," Ryan says leaving the room. "Oh, as a matter of point," Ryan says turning to face Brian and closing the door, "I was not the one who left that day."

"Ryan, I am never going to be forgiven am I for walking out on our relationship," he says to Ryan with his hands on Ryan's hips. "I have apologized a million times over and you still throw it in my face."

"I know I do, and I have forgiven you, but . well lets just say I will never do it again Brie," Ryan says and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. Brian pulls Ryan into him and kisses him hard and long, there tongues searching and remembering days gone by. Brian lets out a soft moan and then pushes himself away.

"No Ryan, not this time. I will not let you use my emotions against me, to get me back into your bed for a one-night stand and then you are gone again," Brian says.

"Goodbye Brian, let me know what you find," Ryan says turning and leaving the room.

Ryan's heart is racing as he leaves the room, realizing that he was the one who did not have the courage to save their love. He had been the one to afraid of the consequences of revealing a gay relationship to his parents. He turned and went back into the room and found Brian with tears in his eyes.

"Brian, I want to apologize to you. I just realized that I have been such a fool about us. You were never my toy Brie I did love you. I was afraid of revealing our love to my parents and being ostracized from my family. Can you forgive me love," Ryan says holding Brian in his arms.

"I did the day I walked out babe, I knew where I stood with you. I knew you loved me, but not enough to overcome your fears. I have moved on though. I have a man I have been seeing now for almost three months. He is a fellow police officer and it works out better for us," Brian tells him.

"I am happy for you Brian, and I wish you luck," he says and they kiss a light kiss. "Goodbye Brian, I will always hold a spot in my heart for you, love." "And I for you Ryan," knowing he is lying to him about another man.

Ryan left the station and he got in the car and instructed Leonard to take him back to his office. As he sat there, he thought back to when he and Brian had separated.

"When are you going to tell your mother about us," Brian asks.

"It is not that easy Brie, mother is not going to understand that her son is in love with a man. My dad will flip a lid and will probably disinherit me," Ryan tells Brian.

"So that is all I am. A rich kid's play toy. Ryan we can live on my salary, I am in line for a promotion to captain soon. I love you, babe, and I want to spend the rest of our lives together."

"Why can't it be like it is," Ryan asks. "Why must we upset the apple cart by telling the world about us? This is not something that people will accept, you know. It may be the roaring twenties but there is a limit to what is acceptable to society, love."

"We don't have to tell the world, just your father and mother, that's all. I love you so fucking much Ryan and I hate sneaking around like this, I want us to be able to live together babe."

"Well it has to be enough for now, love. I am not going to loose everything for some illicit love affair," Ryan says and then soon realizes his regret.

"Is that what I am to you, Ryan? I am nothing but an illicit love affair," Brian says and the tears start to fall. "You love your money more than me."

Maybe I was too quiet for to long, Ryan was thinking to himself. I should have held him and told him that he was not my toy or plaything.

"Brian listen, some day things will change, and then maybe our type of love will be accepted. Then we can announce our love."

"And until then, Ryan, what do we do. I am not going to sneak in here under the cover of dark and leave in the middle of the night. If I can't live with you as your life partner, then it is over Ryan."

"You must do what you have to do then Brie, and I must do what I must do," Ryan says turning his back to Brian.

"Then goodbye babe. I hope you find happiness in the life you have chosen. I will miss you love, and I hope that you will someday overcome your fears," Brian tells him and he walks out of Ryan's life forever.

I should have gone after him and never let him walk out, Ryan thought to himself. Well as I said that was water under the bridge.

Ryan got back to his office and told Marge about all that had transpired with Dan. She broke down in tears and he comforted her. He then went into his office and made the call he most dreaded, calling Dan's wife. He had Marge make the connection and he picked up when Nancy was on.

"Nancy how are you, dear," Ryan says soberly.

"Ryan love, it has been so long, how are you doing these days, are you married yet," she asks.

"No not even close Nancy. Listen love, this is not a social call Nancy. I wish I did not have to do this over the telephone. There has been an accident, and Dan is dead, Nancy," Ryan says.

There is a long silence and then Nancy says, "Ryan, I must have a bad connection, I thought you just said that Dan was dead."

"I did Nancy. He fell at his hotel and hit his head and fell into the pool and drowned," Ryan tells her and she breaks out in tears. He can hear a man's voice in the background and he picks up the telephone.

"Hello, who is this," inquires Dan Jr.

"This is Ryan Strathmore, Dan. I had to call to tell your mother that your father died today in an accident," Ryan says.

"Ryan . dad, he can't be dead," Dan says in shock.

"I am so sorry son, he had a terrible accident, hitting his head, and he fell into the hotel pool and drowned."

"Thank you sir, for calling us. I need to go and help my mother," he says and hangs up.

Ryan calls Marge in and instructs her to see to shipping Dan Cooper's body home for the funeral. He is from Texas, and will want to be buried there he tells her.

"Please arrange for me to attend the funeral. I will need train and hotel accommodations, Marge."

"Yes sir, I will get on it right away. When do you suppose the funeral will be," she inquires.

"I will call and see if an autopsy is going to be performed. If it is, it could be sometime next week. Why don't you plan to get me tickets for this Saturday, and I can spend a few days with his family, if necessary. Make it an open end ticket, I don't know when I will be back though," he tells her. "Marge, please keep this between you and I, no one is to know, not even my staff, just the two of us. If necessary I am in mourning for Dan, if you need an excuse."

"I understand sir, do you suspect fowl play sir?"

"Well at the moment it does seem that way. That is why I do not want anyone to know my plans. Also did you make a copy of the plans I gave to Dan?"

"Yes sir, they are in your cabinet drawer marked miscellaneous junk, sir," she says with a smile.

"Why there, Marge?"

"Would you look there for top secret shit if you were a thief, sir," she says with a smirk.

"You are such a clever woman, no wonder I keep you around."

"And do not forget the big bucks you pay me also love," she says leaving Ryan's office.

Ryan calls Martin, tells him his plans, and instructs him to pack for him. He then calls the hospital to check on Sean's condition.

"Dr. Smyth, Ryan speaking. How is our patient doing today?"

"He had a rough night, but is holding his own at the moment," he tells Ryan.

Ryan tells the doctor that he must be gone for a while and tells doctor that he can be reached through his office. The doctor wishes him a safe trip. He leans back in his chair and thinks about Dan.

"I know this was no accident Dan, and I will find the person responsible for your death," Ryan says to himself.

Ryan gets up from his chair and retrieves his copy of the refinery plans. He places them in his brief case, and closes and locks it. He says goodbye to Marge as he leaves and she gives him his itinerary.

"Your tickets are waiting for you at the ticket office. You have a private sleeper car with dining and sitting room, sir. I have booked you at the Houston Royal Palace Hotel."

"Thank you, Marge," he says and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I have told Dr. Smyth to call you if he needs to get in touch with me. Please call me if any emergency arises with Dr. Smyth's patient."

He leaves his office and Leonard is waiting downstairs. He gets in the car and over to the police station again. He sees his ex-lover and inquires about an autopsy. He tells him that he has requested one, seeing how certain articles are missing and now it looks like a robbery/murder.

"So you think it is a crime now, Brian," Ryan asks.

"Well after you mentioned the missing briefcase, I had some men go to the hotel and do some investigating. The area around the pool at the time Mr. Cooper was to have slipped and fell was dry, that' one against. Then the head injury to the area of the head seemed suspicious, that is two against. Then his physical condition being so fit, that was three against. I decided I would like the coroner to give me his opinion as to the cause of death.

"Thanks Brian, I owe you one. Brian I was thinking after I left, about us. You were right, I was afraid of telling my parents about us. My fear was greater than my love for you Brie, and for that I am so sorry," Ryan says taking both of Brian's hands in his.

"Ryan, I hope you can find true happiness someday, babe. I only hope that you overcome your fear of being discovered before it robs you of all happiness." They warmly embrace and kissed, a kiss as friends departing.

"I will let you know babe what the coroner says."

"Let my secretary know, I am headed to Texas to see his family and for the funeral. My office is taking care of all expenses for shipping his body home, Brie. Would you please inform the coroner's office and make the proper arrangements," Ryan asks.

"Count on it babe," Brian says and gives Ryan another kiss.

Brian walks Ryan out to his car and says goodbye and Ryan heads home to get ready to leave.

The next morning Ryan is up early and at the train station. He is not looking forward to the long trip. He boards the train and finds his car; Martin puts away his things before he leaves.

"Have a good trip sir," Martin says as he leaves.

"Thank you Martin, and I will call and keep you posted as to my travels."

Two days later Ryan arrives in Houston, Dan Jr. meets his train.

"Mr. Strathmore, I am Dan Cooper Jr.," he says.

"I would not have recognized how young man, it has been so many years since I last saw you. How is your mother and sister doing," Ryan inquires.

"As well as to be expected, I guess. We got a telegram that dad's body will be coming in Wednesday, and the funeral will be Thursday."

"I wish this visit was under better circumstances Dan. I . well just wish they were better circumstances," Ryan says hesitantly.

"Is there something that you are not telling us, sir," Dan asks looking Ryan in the eyes.

"Between us son, the police feel that there might be some kind of fowl play involved. I would not tell your mom until we know for sure," Ryan tells Dan. "My friend on the Boston police force is keeping me informed about the investigation, son."

"Would you let me know when you learn the truth sir," Dan asks. "I need to know the truth about what happened to my dad," he says and tears well up in his eyes.

"I most definitely will son," Ryan says putting his arm around the young man. "Now lets go to my hotel and then to see your mom."

"My mom insisted that you stay with us sir, while you were in Houston. She told me to make sure you came home with me to stay," Dan says.

"That is very kind of her, I do not want to be an imposition at a time like this, son."

Ryan follows Dan to his car and stows the luggage in the trunk and they drive off to Dan's house. Nancy greets them once they are there.

"Ryan love, how sweet of you to come," she says and her eyes are red and swollen from crying.

"Nancy, I am so sorry for your loss. I so wish this was a better circumstance for my visit. How are you holding up love?"

"As well as can be expected, I guess. It was such a shock when you called, and I do miss that man so much, Ryan," she says and she cries again. "I don't know what we shall do without him."

"I am here for you and the children love, anything you need I am here."

"Thank you, Ryan."

The funeral was very sad and Nancy did not do well. She lost control several times and had to be consoled. I left the following day assuring Dan that I would keep him informed about the investigation, and to let me know if they needed anything. My train got in to Boston station at shortly after twelve in the morning. I arrived home and Martin informed me that all was well at home. I went upstairs and collapsed in bed from exhaustion. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

"Mr. Strathmore sir, Mass. General is on the line. Would you like me to take a message sir?"

"No Martin, I will take it," Ryan says getting up and crossing the room to the telephone. "Hello, Ryan Strathmore speaking," Ryan, says. "I am on my way," he says and hangs up and rushes to dress.

Sorry readers, to be continued...

This is my new series and the next chapter is almost finished. I hope you enjoyed it and your comments are most welcome at

Next: Chapter 2

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