The Story of Two Subs

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 9, 2023


"OK. OK. I GIVE. I GIVE! I SUBMIT!" sebby was moaning and struggling in the hold roland had on him. He couldn't move, and the way roland was pushing his legs back further and further... all the yoga in the world wasn't gonna help him with those stretches. "I SAID I GIVE. YOU WIN. YOU WIN." roland began releasing the hold. "That means I get to tie you up. AGAIN." sebby grunted out "Yeah, you do. Next time you're mine." "Ha ha. We'll see sebby the sub."

roland was staying at Nate and sebby's apartment. Nothing had gone amiss with Daddy Marc, it was simply a business trip to France. Another one. This was the third time he needed to go to France since he had taken roland to the United States. And it was the third time roland couldn't go with him. Marc had gotten roland out of the country "unconventionally." He had been told, however, by HIS lawyer, that if he took roland back to France, there was a good possibility that the French authorities wouldn't let him leave, and an even better one that the American authorities would deport roland, and might very well arrest him.

"Well, we've got to think of SOMETHING" Marc had told his lawyer that week. roland was with them. He had put on a shirt and tie - as directed by Daddy Marc - and he was sitting there. His English was barely good enough to understand what was being said, but he did. "I want you there roland, because I know how angry you get when I leave, and I want you to hear what the lawyer says." "YOU'RE A LAWYER DADDY. WHY CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING?" "I'm a different kind of lawyer roland. Just like you're not a ballet dancer, but a different kind of dancer." That turned out to be the wrong thing to say. roland began to cry. "I'M NOT A DANCER AT ALL. I WAS A GOOD DANCER IN FRANCE. NOW, I CAN'T EVEN DANCE IN PUBLIC. I SHOULD NEVER HAVE COME." Indeed, there were times when roland thought: exactly WHAT had happened in France? He had stepped out of the theater, there was a handsome older man standing there, and then he held out a leash and collar and said to roland "HERE. NOW. DON'T MAKE ME WAIT." And roland hadn't. And he went. He went to a man he had never seen before, and in a matter of a week, he had become his sub boy. What did that man know about him that he didn't? roland was blissfully happy with Sir Marc until these French trips came up. That's when he realized he hadn't seen his family in months, he hadn't done any dancing, and he had really become Sir Marc's houseboy. He LOVED subbing and bottoming for Marc. Indeed, it seemed Marc DID know him better than he knew himself: roland knew he was a bottom, he never thought he'd accept submission as easily as he did. He LOVED being seen around town with Marc. He LOVED cuddling with his Daddy. He LOVED the bondage games, and their sex, but he HATED HATED HATED it when Marc went back to France without him. Even Sebby and Nate could go to France. He, the only Frenchman, was the only one who couldn't. It was at that meeting that Marc's lawyer had said to him. "Roland, this is very rude and I apologize, but could you leave me alone with Marc for a few minutes? I would appreciate it." roland did NOT like being excluded like this, because he felt like they were deciding his life. Didn't he have ANYTHING to say?

After about 15 minutes, he heard the door open and Marc come out. He was smiling and he was shaking Ron's hand. "Thank you. That was really, REALLY good advice Ron. " He turned to where roland was sitting. roland couldn't read his face: was it lust? Was it anger? Was it concern? "Let's go roland. " "Oui Sir," roland got up and put his hands behind him as they walked out. He wanted to ask what they had talked about , but he knew that wasn't his place. As they got to the street, Sir Marc stopped for a minute. He looked at roland. "You know I love you more than anything in the world, mon coeur?" roland blushed. "I know that Daddy. Thank you." "I really, REALLY thought I was just bringing home a living souvenir. I was wrong. GOD, not only do I love you, I want to MAKE love to you, right now." roland grinned. "Do you mean you want to FUCK me daddy? Because that's what your eyes say." "HELL YEAH I do. When you dress up.... I get hard as a rock." "My man pussy is waiting monsieur." In the elevator up to the apartment, Marc took roland's necktie, bound his wrists with it, and then retied them to the top of the bed as he undressed and climbed on top of roland. He unbuttoned roland's shirt, and ran his hands all over the slim young man. "GOD. OH, do I love this body." He bent down and began chewing on roland's nipples, as roland moaned, and mewed. "OH MY DADDY. OH GOD. DAMN. I think of you all day. OH, DO I THINK OF YOU." He couldn't say anymore as Marc covered roland's mouth with his, and kissed him while he undid roland's pants. "I'm keeping you tied up, boy, so I guess I have to hold your legs up myself. " "NON, monsieur. I have the strength." He did. roland could keep his legs up in the air without Marc holding them, and he did, as Marc got his own pants down and rammed his cock into what roland had called his "man-pussy." It was the last time he'd get to fuck roland for at least a week , because he was leaving for France the next day. He wanted roland to remember him and he pounded his ass, slamming in, pulling out and repeating it, over and over again. "MON DIEU. Daddy has the demon in him tonight. " "And my angel is suffering for it." "Who is suffering Daddy? WHO? Not me. GIVE ME MORE." Marc did. roland's bed talk was arousing him more and more, and when he couldn't hold it, he gushed into roland. He fell on top of him. "I'm going to miss you mon cher. Not just the fucking. But YOU. I wish this were different." roland smiled. "You and Ron will find a way. I know you will."

For this trip, roland was spending nights at Nate and sebby's home. roland was used to being alone during the day, so none of that changed: he'd go to the gym, or spend time at some museum, take care of anything that needed to be done at home. Then, when it was time for his English lesson with sebby, he'd pack up an overnight bag. No, he didn't share a bed with Nate and sebby: that was something everyone agreed to: he slept in a guest bedroom, but.... it didn't stop things like what had just happened, from happening. sebby remembered that night at Marc and roland's house. It had brought out that top man streak in him. Nate was NOT pleased, and he wanted to snuff it out. He just had a feeling: sebby had always been a student, and roland, well, as a dancer, and as a regular gym goer, so he had made the rules. "sebby, you can fuck roland, if you can overpower him. Wrestling or whatever you like. BUT..." he smiled. "If roland wins, he gets to do whatever he wants to you. Is that a deal?" Roland smiled. "It is Sir Nate. " Wrestling was what they had chosen that day. The day before, it had been a tickling contest: which one of them could hold out longer . Roland had won that one, but just barely. The first day it had been wrist wrestling and roland had won that too. Now, frustrated, sebby was submitting. He knew what that meant. It meant that roland would tie him up, and then tease his body parts: he'd flick his ear, maybe run a finger down his soles, whatever came to his mind. And roland had the most devious way of binding him. sebby was still breathing hard, as roland finished a very intricate torso harness, and then tied sebby's ankles. They were both shirtless, and the sweat was pouring from sebby. "Allors," said Nate, using the one word of French that he knew. "roland, I know fucking sebby is not in your repertoire, but..." He handed him a vibrator. "Use it on any part of his body you want." Nate laughed when he saw the dirty look sebby gave him. "You want me to gag you tonight, boy?" "Sigh. No sir. " And... I have another idea." He handed roland a set of black felt eye blinders. "Now he wont' see where it's going. roland smiled. "Monsieur Nate, this sounds like so much fun." "FOR WHOM?" sebby yelled, just before a dirty sock got put in his mouth and his pants got lowered. roland had certainly learned about hot spots from what Marc did to him. He smiled as he heard sebby moan. roland could feel his cock hardening in his cage- Daddy Marc had made sure it was locked tight before he left - and he knew sebby was locked. "Take his gag out roland. sebby is gonna take care of daddy." "Oui monsieur. " "Just one minute. I wanna take a photo and send it off to Marc. I want him to know that his boy is misbehaving." He sent it just before Nate shoved his cock into sebby's mouth. Marc got the picture and smiled. Then he pulled out his cock and jerked off, imagining what fun was happening without him there. He missed it. He went to all the places he had gone to on prior trips to France. They weren't the same. He had enjoyed them before but now... he felt like a part of him was missing. DAMN he wanted roland with him. Soon. Very soon. There were no meetings tomorrow afternoon, and he had some shopping to do.

"DADDY! This is a surprise! HOW ARE YOU? I THOUGHT YOU WERE WORKING?" "Well, roland, the meetings ended faster than I thought they would, and I'm calling from the airport. I should be home , I guess it would be later today for you. "OH, I AM SO HAPPY DADDY! Should I meet you at home?" "No, I think stay there. I am going to leave my bags home and then.. I want to go out to dinner with the three of you. I have souvenirs for all. "OUI DADDY OUI. Which restaurant?" He laughed. "The only place I could think of, is Carla's" "OUI OUI OUI! I love Carla. I just LOVE CARLA DADDY." "Well, let's meet at Nate's and then we'll get into a car, and have a meal." After that call, Marc made a call to Carla's. He was asking for something special. "OH MARC. OF COURSE. BUT OF COURSE. I will see you there. I will make sure that we have champagne."

"DADEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" roland jumped into Marc's arms when he walked into the apartment. He came at Marc so hard, he almost dropped the bag he was holding. He started to laugh as roland began kissing him all over. "MON DIEU. I haven't been kissed like that since I met my friend's chihuahua." "Chihuahuas are horny dogs daddy. So the choice is apt. " roland smiled. "Can we have dinner tomorrow, daddy?" "No mon cher. Tonight. It has to be tonight. Now, let me just pick up the bag." Nate smiled and gave him a big hug. "Welcome home you stud." He whispered. "I thought he was going to try to cut his cage off, he was so lonely. " "Didn't seem that way from the photo you sent." "OH, being around these two rodents while you were gone. Geez. No three ways but I got exhausted just watching them play." sebby and roland held hands when they walked to the cab, and from the cab to the restaurant. "I am trying to make Daddy jealous," he told sebby. "I looked at his face, roland. You don't have to worry about making him jealous. " He paused "You're gonna be sore tomorrow, mon ami."

Carla herself came over to the table. The boys had the night off and had gone to see a show, so she served the champagne herself. Now, there were FOUR people speaking French, and Nate just laughed. "I guess I'm going to have to take a night class or something?" "OH NO, Daddy Nate." roland realized his slip and reddened, while everyone laughed. "I mean, SIR Nate, I will teach you to speak French." "You will do NOTHING of the sort," sebby answered, sliding closer to Nate. "He's absolutely right. You'll do nothing of the sort." Marc looked at roland, who caught his gaze. "I missed you more than I ever have roland." "Kiss me then daddy." They did. "Now, I brought back some souvenirs from Paris for all of you. First, sebby": a big new coffee table book on the artist sebby had used for his dissertation had come out in France, but not the US. It must have weighed 10 pounds. sebby's eyes went wide. "OH. MY. The museum just told me they were NOT ordering this for the shop. Sir Marc. Merci, merci." "And for my good bud. What else would do but..." It was another book: this one was also in French, but it didn't matter. It was a collection of erotic prints. Nate opened the first page and.... blushed. "How did you know about this?" he asked Marc "YES. How DID you know about this?" sebby asked. "Oh, this very cute French dancer told me about it. " He looked at roland. "And yes, of course I have gifts for you at home, but this one... I can give you here." He handed roland a small, unmarked box. roland was confused, but thought "there's a surprise in here." He opened the box, and he found a small tin of his favorite violet candies - also not available in the US, and illegal to import. Marc had taken a risk. Before roland opened the tin, Marc covered his hand. "Wait. I brought something sweet back. This is the second time. The first time, the sweet I brought back was YOU roland. To this day, I can't believe that you came to me when I held out the leash, took my collar, and became my boy. " Marc's eyes were filling up. "I want more. Open the tin, roland." roland did, and his eyes got wide and his mouth dropped. "DADDY. DID YOU? DID YOU?" There were two wedding rings in the tin. "I did. Marry me roland. S'il vous plait?" "OH DADDY . DADDY OUI OUI OUI. Please. Put it on me. Put it on me the way you collared me." roland put out his hand and Marc slipped on the ring. "Now... " Marc gulped. He put out his hand "Collar me roland." roland was shaking as he put the ring on Marc's finger. Then, Nate turned to sebby. "You know, we never did the formalities, boy." "I know, Sir." "You wanna?" Now, sebby started crying. "YES SIR. YES. I DO I DO." Nate had a pair of rings that Bill had given him. Bill had inherited a lot of jewelry when his mother died. He and joey had one set of rings, and now, Nate and sebby had the others. "I believe you'll be needing an officiant fellas." Carla came over.

She had kept her license pending. It only took a few minutes, and then... four had become two. Marc was holding roland's hand tightly. "Now, you can come with me to France whenever we want to go." roland smiled. "There's one place I want to go with you tonight Daddy. Just one place." You can guess where that was. Marc took the day off from work. "Jet lag" you know.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Next time around, folks, we're gonna wrap up this story. If you were around for it, hope you've had fun.

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