The Story of Two Subs

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 2, 2023


Roland knew that there was absolutely nothing that Daddy Marc wouldn't give to him - if he asked the right way. The incident with the hair coloring was an example: roland hadn't asked for permission, so even though it was something that Marc really, REALLY liked (he wouldn't let roland wash the color out), he had caught it big time for not asking. So, when his creative mind started turning to something new, he waited for the right moment to ask... Sex talk was getting more common around the apartment: not just with Marc and roland, but also with Nate and sebby. The afternoon English lessons were proof that roland and sebby had a thing for each other. There had been a couple of "play dates" where Nate and Marc just sat back and watched the two of them. Sometimes they'd wrestle, which always turned into a fight over who got tickled. They were both horribly ticklish and that's where they'd each attack. It was interesting because, as a dancer, roland was faster, and more wiry, but sebby was just heavy enough with just enough upper body strength to make things... interesting. Sometimes, both Marc and Nate were sure that roland was throwing the matches, because while they were both bottoms, roland was MUCH more of a bottom than sebby. Remember: before sebby met Nate, he had topped. roland, on the other hand, had never had his cock in anyone. Wrestling wasn't all they did when the Masters/ Daddies were around. Sometimes there were foursomes: Nate got to play with roland, Marc got to play with sebby, and that showed different sides too. Marc was rough, but with roland, he could be tender, and a downright softie. Not when he played with sebby: with sebby, it was conquest and takeover, all the time. Nate loved watching his boy get plowed by Marc, especially when he was getting to do the same to roland. Was roland learning any English during the lessons with sebby? Some. He learned a lot of idiomatic expressions about sex, for sure. More than learning vocabulary, he was learning listening skills. So when he heard Marc talking about his blue collar fantasies, he was able to figure out: he didn't mean roland in an oxford blue shirt (although he DID fuck roland hard enough when roland wore one). The dirty minded Frenchman began to form an idea.

One morning, when Marc was giving him a last minute cuddle before he got up to go to work (roland would sleep in for an extra hour), roland asked him: "Daddy, would you mind if I bought myself another costume." Sir Marc smiled, and stroked roland's chest. "Hmmmm. Why would you want another costume? Don't you already have five superheroes? "Six Daddy, but this isn't a superhero costume. I don't want to tell you because... well, I want to surprise you. I promise: you'll like it, but if you don't, I'll bring it back." Marc laughed. "Well, ok. I can't wait to see what this is. " "Thank you Daddy. I love you so much." "I love you too, pumpkin. Now let me go fight for corporate America."

About a quarter mile away, a similar "wake-up" was happening in Nate and sebby's apartment. Except it was a little more serious. Nate was a jealous man: maybe even more jealous than Marc was. He had trust issues with sebby, and he would periodically inspect sebby's cell phone. Now, to be fair to sebby, Nate would tease him: "clean up your filthy texts to anyone but me because I'm checking tonight." The night before, without warning, he had said, as sebby came in from tutoring: "sebby, let me see your cell phone." The way sebby blushed, Nate knew: he had something to hide. Sort of. There were all kinds of texts going back and forth between sebby and roland, about how the first chance sebby had, he was gonna fuck roland harder even than Marc did. The first texts were just amusing, but then... there were the photos of roland's ass, photos of sebby's cock in its cage, and the texts became more and more exclusive.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO?" Nate raged. "Sir, it's really nothing. We both know our place. We...." "When did we have a discussion about this, sebby?" "We didn't Sir. I just..." "Take your coat off, And sit. NOW. I'm getting the ropes. " "yes sir," sebby said very softly. His necktie was already off since he had been tutoring, and his sleeves were rolled up. "LOTUS POSITION. NOW" "Gulp. Yes sir." Being tied up in the lotus position was painful. Nate used it on sebby when he was punishing him. And he was getting punished BIG TIME tonight. Nate tied his wrists behind him, and then formed a rough rope harness around his body, before he tied sebby's legs in the lotus position. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH. YOU'RE GONNA TAKE MY COCK." "Yes sir." sebby thought he was gonna get away with just bondage and a blow job. Not so. Nate fucked his face right to the edge, and then he sneered as he pulled out. He shoved a wad of a used sock into sebby's mouth, and then ran a roll of duct tape around his mouth, three times. He moved sebby to the floor, and then he took off his shoes. He brought out two small vibrators, and the hitachi , and more tape. Soon, there were two vibrators attached to sebby's two feet, and the hitachi positioned at his caged cock. Sir Nate wasn't done yet though. He stood over sebby, and pulled out his hard cock. "LOOK AT ME BITCH." sebby held up his head. He was scared. He didn't need to be scared, but.... Nate shot a wad all over him: his hair, his face, his clothes, everything. "We're not done yet, cuntboy. He opened more of sebby's shirt buttons and he attached a pair of clamps. "You're gonna wear those until I finish the paper. "SHIT." thought sebastian. "It's Wednesday. The big daily paper. "Maybe I'll read a medical journal too." "FUCK. He needs two hours for the Lancet. Easily." As sebby sat there and moaned, Nate methodically made his way through the paper. He would stop occasionally and read a story out loud that "You might be interested in." sebby thought he was gonna read the entire arts section out loud to him. Finally, Nate finished with the paper. The stimulation on his dick from the hitachi made sebby need to pee, badly. And the vibrators had done a job on his soles. He could barely walk. But Nate wasn't finished. "Go and pee. DON'T TOUCH THOSE CLAMPS. You can button up your shirt, but you keep them on until you finish making dinner. " "Yes sir." sebby was glad dinner that night was not that complicated. But now, he had a dilemma. If he kept on the white dress shirt and stained it, there would be more trouble. If he put on a t shirt, it would press the clamps closer. He bit the bullet and changed. Nate smiled. He watched as sebby's ass shook while he was making the dinner. He could see the clamps under the t shirt, and he was getting... rigid. He came up behind sebby and surprised him. "We'll go out. After... " sebby felt Nate's mouth on his ear, and his stubble on his neck. "Yes sir. Yes sir." Nate got the t shirt off of him and pulled off the clamps. "Next time, it's gonna be MUCH WORSE boy. We've been together a while, but don't you forget who calls the shots, and who's on top." "I won't Sir. I'm sorry. You won't hear anything about a topping fantasy from me again. " He said that just before Nate ripped off his jeans and SLAMMED his cock into sebby. No lube, no eating him out, nothing. Just a raw, power fuck. "It was worth it," sebby thought afterward. Especially when Nate said "Nah, no spooning tonight. Cuddling, " and he got to fall asleep on his lover's chest.

roland called sebby the next day and was surprised when he didn't pick up the phone. He eventually sent a text: "hey studly one. I have to cancel my English lesson today. I'm making a surprise for Daddy. xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo" Sebby texted back "Ok," and then deleted the text. He wasn't going to get in trouble again, even if it meant the sex was as hot as it had been the night before. It was another day when he was glad most of his work involved standing and walking, rather than sitting. Somehow, Nate had forgotten to do what he frequently did after these incidents, and fit him with a butt plug. He smiled. Maybe it was coming later. Meanwhile, roland was out buying the costume he had chosen. After he had learned about blue-collar, one day, he and Daddy Marc were watching a movie - not a porno, just a regular movie on tv. The plot, somewhat involved, had a very handsome actor involved in a kinky affair with a woman. He worked at a "Petrol stop" as roland called it. Both Marc and sebby had corrected him to "gas station," but he liked petrol stop better. In one scene, his girlfriend chained him to some equipment in the store, and began opening his working jumper. "DAMN. I always wanted a grease monkey," Daddy Marc had said, as he held roland next to him "Grease monkey? What's a grease monkey Daddy?" Marc smiled, kissed roland and explained the slang. "That one is HOT for sure Daddy. Not as hot as you." "Or you sweetums. I'm trying to imagine you as a grease monkey. It's not working." roland was quiet. That's when the plan began to form in his mind. And he began shopping.

When Marc came in the apartment that night, he was met by roland in an olive green jumper, two big patch pockets at his pecs, and large buttons that he had opened three down. "BOING", Marc felt his cock get even harder. He had been planning to perhaps edge roland that night before he nailed him, but now... "I apologize Sir. When we moved your car today, we scratched it. " Marc picked up. He got right into the scene. "YOU WHAT? YOU SCRATCHED MY NEW CAR." He tossed off his coat, loosened his tie, and started walking with purpose toward the "grease monkey" that was roland. "It was an accident Sir. Of course we'll repair it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKK" Marc had his arms pinned behind him. "DAMN RIGHT YOU'LL PAY FOR IT. AND YOU'LL START PAYING RIGHT NOW.... " "NO. SIR. SIR. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT BUT...." "SHUT UP." Marc had to keep from laughing. There was a jar of lubricant on their bed table, and roland had covered it with a label that said "ball grease." "He probably meant ball joint lubricant" he thought, trying not to laugh, and trying not to spoil the scene. "I'm gonna get my good work clothes spoiled because you're a fuck up? Well.... we'll see about that." Marc pulled roland's hands behind him and held them there with one hand . He ripped off his necktie, looped it loosely around roland's neck, and pulled his head back. "We'll see what this grease monkey gets. It's gonna be more than a tip." He began dry humping roland, because there was no way to get to his ass through the jumpsuit unless he rolled him over. "Please Sir. Please. I'll make it up to you any way I can. " "SHUT UP AND HAND ME THE.... Marc had to stop because he wanted to laugh. "The ball grease. A monkey like you should be able to take lots. NOW ROLL THE FUCK OVER." "Yes sir . I'm so sorry. I'm.." "You're awfully fucking lippy for a grease monkey. One more word, and I'm gonna shove something in your mouth." With roland on his back, he was able to get the jumper down and then off over roland's bare feet. He pushed roland's legs into the air, and put a big wad of "ball grease" on his thumb. He shoved it into roland who began to moan. "Please Sir. Don't fuck me. I have a Daddy who's very jealous, and..." "GOOD. Maybe we should call him and he and I can see if a smart ass like yours can take two cocks. Marc smiled. "This... this is gonna be the biggest tip you get all day." He began to slide into roland, and as he did, he was thinking: he knew about the "chipmunks" as he and Nate called them, and Nate had let him in on the texts. Marc wasn't as bothered by it as Nate seemed to be, but maybe that's because roland had no desire to top anyone. Now, Marc began to think: "maybe they could set up an evening: sebby always wore those blue suits to work. Could HE play the executive, and do to roland what he was doing to him now. " "YES. YES. FUCK ME DADDY. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD...." roland had fallen out of character because Marc had gotten so into the scene that he was pounding roland like mad. His fantasy of a gas station attendant. The uniform. And this pretty boy from France, who set it up for him. Marc didn't usually feel sentimental, but he was now: a mixture of crazy horny and sentimental. The horny won out at first, and his jizz poured into roland. When he was done, and he saw how roland was smiling. He looked down at his boy. "You did good Frenchie. You were listening, and you did what I had fantasized about." "You think I don't know when you listen to me Daddy? When something shows up in the house that I mention? Or there's a note on the table. "Sorry I couldn't say goodbye this morning? Get yourself something pretty? Daddy... you take such good care of me. I LOVE being your boy." MMMMMM." Marc lay down next to roland, and played with the young man's chest and nipples. "How'd you like to do that scene with sebby? It'll be his car. "OH, DADDY! Sir Nate will NEVER let us do it. " Marc laughed. "Sure he will. Just let me talk to him. He's just upset he didn't know about this. That and the idea of sebby trying to be a top again." "Daddy, I SWEAR. The only person sebby wants to top is me. He knows his place. " "Ha ha. I know that, and you know that. But we gotta convince his Sir, don't we?" "Yes Daddy, we do. "I'm gonna figure out how. You just send sebby a photo of your new outfit. I'll do the rest.

It didn't take much work to convince Nate. He added a layer which... well, you'll see. They set a night, and they let the subs know what the plot line was: Marc hadn't seen roland that happy since they landed in NYC, and sebby was both exhilarated and nervous: could he perform? Nate and sebby came over to the apartment for an evening of dinner, drinking and... fun first. roland was excited to get into his jumper again: he also had a fantasy of getting taken by one of the workers he had seen around the theater, and had come close to getting very badly hurt once, when he had approached a carpenter at the theater and offered to blow him, so he could understand the fantasy. He also thought that sebby was absolutely stunning in his suit and tie , so the fact that he was coming over, in full "fancy dress" had him excited.

When Nate and sebby walked in the door, roland was in the back, toward the bedroom. Nate put his hand on sebby's shoulder "You know who that is sebastian? That's the guy who damaged your car." "WHAT? THAT BLOND BASTARD? THAT WIMP? YOU'RE A FUCKING MECHANIC?" Nate and Marc looked at each other and the look said everything: was this his suppressed top coming out all at once? If it was...." "No, I'm just the attendant Monsieur. I was moving your car, and... there was an accident. " "ON MY NEW CAR? WHAT DID YOU DO FAGGOT, FUCK IT?" Again , the DOMS looked at each other. Where was this aggression coming from? "Sir, if you would reason, we can come up with a solution." "OH, I have a solution you CUNT. You'll pay for this and more..." He sneered. "Get your clothes off. NOW." Marc was poised to play the manager. "You heard him roland. If you don't pay this one way or the other, it's coming out of your pay." "OK Sir. " He dropped the jumper in front of them. "ON THE FLOOR YOU BASTARD. " Nate had unlocked sebby that night, and began to wonder if that was the right call. "SPREAD YOUR LEGS. IF YOU MADE IT EMBARRASSING FOR ME TO GET AROUND TOWN, I'M GONNA MAKE IT EMBARRASSING FOR YOU TO GET AROUND TOWN." "yes sir," roland said very softly, while sebby began to strip. Marc had never seen his cock before and when he did, he understood why he had been a top in his "past life." He hoped he wasn't going to be too rough on his boy. "SPREAD YOUR GODDAMN LEGS" sebby ordered, and roland said, raspily "Yes sir. I understand." To use an old expression, "sebby was on him like white on rice." He had his dick inside roland faster than Marc ever had. And harder too. "OH FUCK THAT HURTS SEBBY" roland sort of screamed. "SHUT UP AND TAKE IT BITCH. YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT." And roland did. He bit his tongue and took his friends cock . It was actually over very quickly: all that caging had disrupted sebby's fucking rhythm, and he was so horny for roland, he was like a teenager. It was over quick. "Roll onto the floor sebby. You got me too excited. I've always wanted to top a top, and now... I will." Nate smiled. sebby looked at him and was going to say something and decided "No, I've already gotten away with enough ." roland was still locked up and he looked at Marc pleadingly, who shook his head no. Instead, Marc opened his zipper, and looked at roland. "What the fuck are you waiting for? You have one unused hole." "Yes sir." roland got on his knees and started sucking his Daddy while sebby got fucked in front of him. Marc and Nate smiled at each other. They had planned to coordinate, and they did. Both began filling their boys at the same time. At the end, exhausted, Marc spoke up. "roland is the only guy who didn't get off tonight. You want it boy?" "YES SIR! PLEASE." Marc unlocked his cock. "sebby, nice and slow. Milk my French goat." Nate helped Marc hold down roland, who couldn't believe it: sebby was jerking him off! He had dreamed about this and now it was happening. His body was more flexible than most guys, and his hips rose higher. sebby's hands moved with him. "OH GOD SEBBY. YOU'RE SO FUCKING GOOD. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" His jizz shot far up in the air. He tried to catch his breath and he turned to Nate. "Thank you Sir" Then he turned to Marc "Thank you Daddy. I love you."

Everyone got cleaned up, had cocktails, dinner and after dinner drinks. You don't really care about that do you?

Next: Chapter 7

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