The Story of Two Subs

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 27, 2023


Sir Marc and roland got to Nate and sebastian's home. It was a house that looked small, but it stretched out behind the small door. Nate came to the door, with a big smile on his face.

"MARC! MON DIEU. How long has it been?" He embraced his old friend. He had met Marc some years ago, after he knew that his uncle Bill and his husband joey were all set, and joey could handle any issues with Bill's kidneys which, fortunately, seemed to be alright for now. He didn't stop worrying, but he went off to medical school. His nursing school background was a big help and now, he was a successful internist. When he despaired of finding the man of his dreams, Bill had suggested he try the same approach he had used to find joey. It worked. sebastian had been with him for about 7 years. He kept sebastian on a "tight leash" because the boy had, well, Dom and Top tendencies that Nate was working to eradicate. Later that night, after the party, they were going to have to discuss a post that sebastian had made, which Nate saw: in the post, he said his preference would be to sub for a week, and to be a Dom for three. Nate laughed at that, and wondered if this was an attempt to goad him. Whether it was or not, sebastian was NOT going to be doing any topping or domination. Unless... he took a look at roland.

"So, you must be the man who stole my buddy's heard. roland?" "Oui, Monsieur. Merci for inviting me to your soiree." roland used a very throaty, almost dramatic voice. Marc laughed. "He uses that voice when he's trying to be flirtatious. " He put his hand on roland's neck. "Are you flirting with my friend boy? Am I not enough for you?" roland blushed at being caught out so quickly. Nate, in his opinion, was not nearly as sexy or as hot as his daddy: his hair was receding, there was some grey in with the reddish brown stuff, and he clearly spent less time at the gym than Sir Marc did. Still.. he must have... something , because sebastian was so handsome. He wouldn't have stayed unless he were getting something he really wanted. roland had his ideas about that, but he kept them quiet.

"I do not know what you mean, Daddy. And c'est vrai: you are so much more than enough for me." "SEBASTIAN! You can put down the drinks for a minute and come out and meet our guests." They had moved to the foyer.

came out, a little flush. His sleeves were rolled back and, like roland, he was in a white shirt and a necktie, only his was a standard American tie, loosened, and his sleeves were in a classical roll up. He had on blue khakis. In short, a more casual form of what he wore to work. He smiled at roland but, knowing his place, he assumed a servile position with his legs spread, his head down, and his hands behind his back as he greeted Marc.

"It's good to see you again Sir Marc. It has been too long. " He did raise his head a bit to look at roland. "roland is very lucky to have found you." Marc laughed. "Well, thank you boy, but I think I'm the lucky one. A hot little sub like this doesn't come along that often." He looked at Nate. "You think we got the last two?" "Accurate Marc. Dead on accurate." He handed the package with the costume in it to roland. "You're gonna need this later. Maybe sebastian can show you to the bedroom? No need to change.. yet. " Nate smiled. "This IS gonna be fun. sebastian, serve drinks first, then go off and show roland where you gals will be changing." "yes sir." sebastian headed back to the kitchen. "Monsieur, I believe I should be with sebastian in the kitchen." Marc smiled. "They haven't seen each other for three days. I imagine they have lots of gossip to catch up on. Indeed they did. They switched to French, but spoke in low voices. sebastian told roland about the guy from that tour he saw, who had been back three times, looking for sebastian. He actually found him once, in of all places, a lavatory, and it was only when a custodian came in that sebastian avoided being assaulted. He smiled. "He was hot though. It might have been fun." "So, what is this about your post? You want to TOP most of the time?" sebastian looked down. "You'll make me blush roland. When I came to Nate, I was a top. Exclusively. Nate made clear that the deal wasn't going to work if I insisted on being the Top, so.... I flipped. And I was ok with that..." Now he really blushed. "Until I met you." "sebastian? I think I understand what you're saying, but I'll ask. When you saw me, you wanted to top me?" "Oui. I still do." He looked at roland. All those energies came out again. Last night, when Sir Nate was fucking me, I closed my eyes and all I could think of was having my cock inside you." "WOW. That is something I did not expect sebastian. I haven't even thought about it. I don't think Daddy Marc would permit it. Last time he thought I LOOKED at someone, my butt didn't stop burning from the spanking for a week." sebastian looked at him. "Would you be interested, roland?" "I don't know. I just don't know sebastian. "

For dinner, Nate permitted the subs to be at table because, as he said

"they're so cute they whet your appetite" which made Marc laugh, and roland blush. sebastian seemed use to that kind of talk, and just continued to eat. After he and roland had cleared the dishes, and washed them, they joined their Doms in the living room. Sir Marc preferred to lock roland into his legs, sometimes running a foot along roland's thigh. Nate had sebastian on the floor to his left side, his hand on his neck, stroking it gently, as sebastian rubbed his head against Nate's leg. Nate was thinking, all the while "This is the boy who wants to TOP? " He smirked and then spoke. "So, should we begin the evening entertainment, Sir Marc?" Marc smiled. "I think that's a capital idea." boys, it's time to change. You each have a superhero costume. Change into them, then come out here. Keep in mind, you've just been captured by dark forces who aren't really interested in what information you have, but..." he smirked. "How much FUN they can have with you." sebastian looked at roland. "Who are you tonight?" "Je ne sais pas" "I don't know" was roland's answer. When they got to the bedroom, they found that roland was going to be the Flash, and sebastian was batman. "Sir likes me as batman. I have to wear this a lot. Either this, or the white shirt look, or naked. " "They all sound like good looks to me," roland smiled. sebastian looked at him. "I was serious roland. Do you think we could propose a show for our DOMS where I topped you?" roland was trying to figure this out. Could he ask to top sebastian in return? He really didn't want to. He had never topped, he wasn't interested in it, and it just felt wrong. As for being topped by sebastian, he was handsome, but.. he couldn't get the idea of Daddy Marc out of his head. "I have to talk about it with Sir Marc, sebby. I just don't know if he'd be into it." They finished dressing and walked out. When they came out, they saw that Marc and Nate had also put on masks, and capes, to try to look "sinister." They both seemed to think it wasn't going to work, and got out of them. "Well, well, well. Look at our little superheroes. Got in over your heads, didn't you?' "LET US GO" sesbastian growled. Clearly he was used to these scenes. roland followed. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS." Nate looked at Marc and handed him rope. "You wanna take robin? I'll take Flash." "Sounds good to me." "WAIT" roland was thinking "You're letting someone else tie me up! WAIT. I didn't sign up for this." He felt Nate grab his wrists roughly, and begin wrapping them with the cords. It was a silkier rope than Daddy Marc used, and to behonest, Nate's hands were sure, and his knots were tight. roland liked being tied up, period. When the bondage top was really good at it - and Nate was - it was even better. sebastian was feeling the same thing as Marc got to work. Not only did he tie sebastian's wrists, but he bound his elbows together, and then ran a line of rope between the two of them. "roland is a lucky guy" he was thinking.

"Now isn't THAT pretty. Two pretty boys, totally helpless." Nate looked at Marc who gave assent, and he lowered the zipper on roland's jersey. roland's thin, shaved chest was exposed. Meanwhile, sebastian's costume didn't have zippers, but Marc was busily finding ways to expose sebastian's body. He was wearing a pair of rough gloves, and he ran his hand over "robin's" ass. "This is fine merchandise, boy. FINE merchandise." He heard a whimper, and turned to see Nate working on roland's nipples. roland was feeling his cock get more and more swollen in his cage, a feeling that sebastian was experiencing too, as Marc slid down his shorts, and began rubbing the glove on his ass. "This is gonna feel MUCH worse on your feet, robin. MUCH worse. THIS WAY." Both boys felt strong hands on their arms, as they were led to bedrooms. Marc and Nate had planned to spend as much time as they could tormenting the other ones' boy, but not fucking them. They'd just get them all hot and bothered for the TRUE Dom to have his boy afterward.

Sir Marc had looped another rope around sebastian's ankles, and tied them to his wrists. He began pulling the boots off. "Please SIR. NOT THAT. PLEASE.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." sebastian was VERY ticklish. Nate had told Marc that and now, as Marc's fingers began playing over sebby's feet, sebastian kept on thinking "poor roland. Does he get this every day?" At one point, he got a look at Marc's crotch, and thought "LUCKY roland if he gets that every day."

Nate was in the middle of pulling roland's boots off as well. The zipper on his Flash costume went down to his crotch, so it gave Nate the chance to reach in and feel roland's locked cock and his shaved balls. "PLEASE SIR. DON'T TAKE THEM. PLEASE. TAKE ANYTHING ELSE, NOT THOSE." Nate was thinking DAMN. I COULD take his ass. But we have an agreement. "Anything else, huh boy?" "YES SIR. YES. YOU WON. I'M YOUR CAPTIVE. " "I think I want kisses. LOTS of kisses." Marc had told Nate about the way roland kissed. He was right. Nate did his best not to fall on the boy and jizz, but the kisses were... DAMN. sebastian didn't kiss like this. "I could collar you, and add you to my zoo of superheroes, studmuffin. No one would ever see you again. " "Yes sir. Yes you could. I'll do whatever you want if you let me go."

In the second bedroom, Marc had picked up on what sebby was staring at, so he was parading around, showing off his hard cock. He was tempted to beat it on sebby's face, but he just got close enough so that sebby thought he could get it in his mouth, but couldn't. "You want it , don't you boy? You want what your bud gets every night." A high pitched sound came out of sebby. "Yes sir. I want it. I want it bad..." Marc leered, and zipped up. "And maybe you'll get it someday. Just not tonight." He looked at his watch. Yeah, the agreed upon time was ending. In the other room, Nate had rolled roland onto his belly, and was squeezing his butt cheeks. "If I hadn't agreed with your DOM. If I hadn't agreed.... " Then he began untying roland. "Got to get back into the living room. Time to get dressed in street clothes. He bent down and kissed roland. "I think he's lucky to have you boy. But don't hurt him. DO NOT HURT HIM. You hurt my friend, part of you will go back to France, but not all of you." roland lowered his head. "I understand you Sir Nate. I ask you to trust me: I thought that a few nights with Sir Marc would be fun. But when he told me we were coming to the US, I didn't think twice. If I hurt him, it'll be accidental, and I hope you'll tell me." Nate looked at roland: he didn't expect that for an answer. "This boy impresses me." He thought. The he had another idea. He saved it for a little later, because he wanted to implement a first idea. "Give me that necktie. I know Master Marc made you wear it. I'll take responsibility." roland was a little hesitant. "IS THAT HOW YOU ACT WHEN A DOM GIVES YOU AN ORDER?" "No Sir. Sorry." roland was shaking when he handed over the necktie. "Now get your wrists behind you." roland winced just a bit when Sir Nate tied him up. "Hey Marc. I have a package for you. In case you wanna.... you know. " He led roland into the room, where Marc was watching as sebby was getting dressed. He smiled. "Well, well, well. What an interesting development for frenchie here. " He smiled, and roland thought he was going to be fucked in front of Nate and sebby. "Fair play is fair play. sebby, get your cuffs." "Yes sir." sebastian answered Nate and went and got them . "Marc buddy, you wanna do the honors?" "BEHIND YOU BOY." sebby smiled and put his arms behind his back, and felt Marc close the cuffs. They left the boys tied up like that, at their feet, while they continued talking, drinking brandy. Every now and then, Nate would drop a finger inside sebby's shirt and tease his nipple. Marc would put droplets of brandy on his fingers, and play inside roland's mouth. Finally, he stood up, dragging roland with him. "NATE! Great evening, but we're gonna head out. I want some time to dick up frenchie here before bed. He untied roland's hands. "Keep them behind you boy." "Yes sir." "Thank your hosts." "Sir Nate, I had a wonderful evening. sebastian, it was good to see you in your home environment. I hope we get to play together again. " "I do too, roland. Shall I see you at the museum next week." roland looked at Marc, and Marc laughed. "When he looks at me like that, I can't say no. Yeah, hang out. OH, hey, Nate, think about something would ya? Brett is a great teacher for roland, but I think he'd learn more if sebby were his English teacher. You think he could come over a couple nights a week, for lessons?" Both of the boys smiled inside. They had what they wanted without asking. "You good with that sebby?" "yes sir. " "FINE. We'll work it out tomorrow. " After Sir Marc and roland left, Nate turned to sebastian. "You're cuffed already. What're you standing there for? Get on the bed. Face up." "Yes sir..." sebastian knew what was coming and he was looking forward to it. He was bursting out of his cage: was this the night that Nate would release him? It wasn't. But Nate was pretty horned up too. He shoved his cock into sebastian, and began banging him hard. "roland is cute. But I like MY boy. MY sub." "Yes sir... thank you sir... please fuck me Sir. Please pound me." As they walked back, Sir Marc grinned, and ran his hand down roland's ass. "Nate really liked you. He wanted you." roland blushed. "Sir. I know. I saw the look in his eye." "sebastian does too." Marc began to laugh when he saw roland blush. "I saw the look in his eye," Marc echoed. I saw the look in yours. Who would top? sebastian lowered his voice. "Me sir." "OH, it might be fun to see that. Lemme talk to Sir Nate. It could happen when they come to visit us. What's gonna happen tonight though... is you're gonna take it doggie style again. " Fifteen minutes later, roland was on all fours. Sir Marc had turned the leather necktie into a leash, and held roland firmly in place as his cock took control of his boy's ass. As he slid back and forth, roland slipped into French, which is what he did when he was overwhelemed. Marc was SO hard, and he was taking his ass SO hard. "I love you Daddy." He whispered, hoping that Sir Marc didn't hear him. He felt Marc's mouth on his ear. "I love you too boy. MY boy. MINE." He shoved one more time and began filling roland again, as roland yelled "TAKE ME DADDY. TAKE MY SUB ASS. TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Two DOMS, and two subs, slept well that night.

Next: Chapter 6

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