The Story of Two Subs

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 22, 2023


roland was out for his Saturday morning run. He liked running He hadn't needed to do any kind of cardio in France because he was dancing so much. Now, though, as a Daddy's boy, he had to find a way to burn energy and calories. American food was richer than what he was used to eating back in France, and while Sir Marc kept him busy, it wasn't the kind of exercise he was used to. Sir Marc actually wanted roland to gain a bit of weight all over: he didn't much care if roland developed big muscles or not, but he didn't want him to look like he was starving all the time. roland wasn't starving. He wasn't starving for sex, that was for sure. As he ran, he smiled: there never seemed to be a day when Sir Marc didn't want him: either his mouth, or his ass, or both. And.. he smiled again. However imaginative sebastian's Dom was, he was convinced HIS Daddy was more creative He felt his piece stir as he thought about that night when Sir Marc brought home the black stockings and the garters. He had made roland wear them during sex a few times. Then, just a couple nights ago, Sir Marc came home with new superhero costumes: one of robin and one of flash. They hadn't used them, yet, but roland got even harder thinking about them. If only Daddy had gotten a Batman costume, or even better: a villain costume. When he had opened the packages, roland was excited, and he fell asleep that night, in Sir Marc's arms, dreaming about being robin, captured by a villain in a big black cape, who had him spread out, and gagged, and who spoke, behind a mask:

"Batman's not gonna rescue you boy. And that's fine with me, cause the only one I'm interested in, is you," before he spread "robin's" legs and fucked him hard. "ALLORS! " the dream had been so vivid that roland had woken up, waking up Sir Marc with him - never a good thing. "What the fuck are you doing, boy?" Sir Marc reached up from his sleeping position and grabbed roland's hair, pulling back his head. "Daddy... the costumes. They made me so excited. I... I was dreaming of being robin and being your prisoner and...." "In the fullness of time, roland. In the fullness of time. Now go back to sleep. We're going to Nate's place this weekend. I want you fresh and sweet." He flipped roland on his back and got on top of him. "Now who's my sweet little French pastry?" "C'est moi Daddy" roland smiled as Marc's mouth found his neck. "I should fill you, just like a profiterole." "Oui Daddy. Oui." Sir Marc had fucked him so thoroughly that night he didn't think his Daddy had anything left, and in fact, Sir Marc fell asleep right after that. roland smiled. It meant there would be more for him on Saturday.

He had one more mile to go. When roland wanted to, he could run with a fierce kick and he could go under 6 minutes for one mile , but no longer. He did that now. The weather was beautiful, he was going to spend time with his Daddy and with Sebastian - and ANOTHER Daddy that night, and he was excited. He pumped as hard as he could as he got back to the apartment door. Sir Marc had left that morning to finish some work at the office, so he was alone.

He thought. Before he could get to the bathroom to shower, he felt an arm encircle his middle. roland was still breathing hard, and now that he smelled the distinct aroma of his Daddy, he began breathing harder. "How many men you cruise on your run, slut?" Marc whispered into his ear, as he tightened the grip on roland's middle. "NONE DADDY. NONE. I only think about you." He felt Sir Marc's fingers digging into his ribs, tickling him. "You think I believe you, whore? I think you need to learn your position. AGAIN." Sir Marc's grip loosened as he pulled roland's arms behind him. "You look like some kind of fucking hot French soccer player. One who's ass is about to get reamed the way it should." The cuffs went on roland's wrists, and he pushed him into the bedroom. "You're gonna need to do laundry tomorrow roland. You're so fucking sweaty all the bedding's gonna need washing." "Yes Daddy. MMMMMPH." Sir Marc had picked up his ball gag and shoved it into roland's mouth. "Doggie style. Get on your knees. " "mmmmmmmmmph. " roland did what he was told. He LIKED getting it doggie style. He LIKED getting it missionary style. He just liked, no he LOVED, Daddy's cock. He felt Marc's finger in the waistband of his shorts. Then the cool air of the bedroom on his nearly naked ass: the jock he wore was not that big. He felt Daddy pulling that waistband up, tormenting him with a "wedgie": something he had not known about back home. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of roland, and then he felt the jock pulled off. He felt Daddy's lips at his ass. Was he.. was he going to eat him first? Not today. Marc just spat a huge glob of spit into roland's ass, and then pushed it in with his thumb. As roland moaned, he heard Sir Marc chuckle. "FUCK, you sweat so much I don't even need the lube. This may be too easy for you. Gonna have to think about a dildo up your ass tonight." Sir Marc then began power fucking him. His cock was fully engorged and fat. roland had enough body control to try to push back to get more. Sir Marc noticed, and pulled out. roland heard the sound of his Daddy taking off his belt. Then he felt the WHACK. "DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TRY TO PLEASURE YOURSELF, BITCH?" roland tried to shake his head no. It was in a position on the bed that made it difficult, but he tried. "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION CUNT. DID I? " The belt came down faster, and harder. roland almost cried. He pushed his head up as best as he could to show he was shaking it no "DON'T DO IT AGAIN, OR YOU'LL BE SEEING YOUR PAL WITH 13 INCHES UP YOUR ASS." "this is a threat?" roland thought to himself, and now he tried NOT to laugh . Sir Marc went back to his power fuck, and roland did his best to keep his ass totally motionless. Daddy felt SO good in him. It was very rare that he was home on Saturday, and so this little bit of afternoon delight was a treat to roland. He felt his Daddy increasing the pace of the fucking, getting faster, and faster. The inside of his ass was so wet that roland could hear Daddy's cock sloshing around. He dug his elbows into the mattress because Daddy was getting close, and he really didn't want to upset him by moving his ass. He tried to grit his teeth but the ball gag stopped him. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' Sir Marc screamed and roland made the best smile he could. He had pleased his Daddy. That meant, maybe... cuddling? Sir Marc took off the handcuffs, and the ball gag. "Merci Daddy c'est magnifique" roland smiled, batting his eyes at Sir Marc, who smiled back. "My little cornichon. My little piglet. Come to Daddy." He pulled roland into him. roland loved sex. He probably loved this more. He rested his head on Sir Marc's shoulder, as Marc played with his hair. "Smartest thing I ever did in France, was go to your show. MMMMM. " "I'm so glad you did Daddy. " roland wasn't sure Marc heard (he did), because he had drifted off into a nap. roland closed his own eyes. The run had tired him out, and they would probably be out late that night at Sir Nate's house. He slept, curled up in his Daddy's arm.

At Nate and sebastian's apartment, sebastian was sitting in the bondage chair. His hands were tied behind his back, and he had a big cloth gag over his mouth. Sir Nate had just begun opening his shirt to put nipple clamps on his boy , when the phone rang. Nate had a position at the local hospital and he got called to the phone a lot. This one was taking a few minutes. sebastian squirmed. He wanted those clamps. Sir Nate had been very busy over the last week - HOW many people had had kidney trouble? It meant that sebastian was getting less sex than he wanted - but then again, if Sir Nate fucked him twice a day every day, it still wouldn't be enough. sebastian had come to Sir Nate when his stipend wasn't enough to finish his graduate work. He had heard rumors, for years, about undergrads essentially becoming live in "boy toys" for a year in exchange for a wealthy man paying their tuition and taking care of them. It had all been rumor, until he began asking if anyone knew about the program. sebastian knew he was good looking, and he thought it was worth a chance. He also knew that, as a graduate student, he was older than the boys who were usually picked up this way. Also, he wasn't a jock: he was an intellectual. What were the chances? Nate got in touch with him. His uncle had apparently met his husband through this kind of program: an Italian guy appropriately named Schiavo - slave. "I got here too late" thought sebastian, because in his ideal relationship, HE would be the slave. He had always been submissive: from the day his mother had hired a nanny, through his undergrad days when he really WAS "the class bitch" as someone had called him, until now - when he COULD have sex, because graduate school was tough. He remembered Nate asking him. "Understand something, sebastian. I'm looking for someone to be my boy - not my lover, not my friend, my boy. There's bondage involved, there's probably going to be some pain, and I make the rules. No discussion. That's what I'm looking for and I've always found it. I'm just getting too busy to look for it. You in or out." sebastain looked down, and said very softly. "I'm in Sir." They moved sebastian in two days later. When the year ended as per the contract, sesbastian went to Nate one day. He spread his legs, and put his hands behind his back. "Sir. I know the deal is complete in a week, and I hope I've made you happy. I would appreciate a chance to continue to make you happy." Then he broke down. "I don't want to leave Sir." He remembered how Sir Nate had put one of his glorious fingers under his chin, lifted up his head, and looked at him. "What gave you the idea I was letting you go? " sebastian didn't answer and Nate continued. "Don't just stand there. Your Master is in front of you, he's hard. What do you do?" "Get to my knees Sir" "And?" "Relieve him Sir." "Then why aren't you?"

Sir Nate would tell people "the expression is "sealed with a kiss." We sealed it with a blow job." sebastian heard Nate put the phone down. "AH. Good. Learning patience is a GOOD thing for a bottom." He opened another one of sebastian's shirt buttons. He was wearing a blue one today: during the week, Sir Nate wanted him wearing nothing but white shirts and navy pants. On the weekend, he got to wear jeans, and he could pick his own shirt - subject to Sir Nate's approval. "I like your menu for tonight, boy." He picked up the clamps.' "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." sebastian was trying to say 'thank you sir' "So, you'll get a bit of a reward before I take you to bed this afternoon." He fastened one of the clips, and then the other. "Didn't you tell me that you saw a painting once, where the Roman general had his cloak affixed using nipple clamps? He had them attached to his tits so his cape stayed on?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." "yes sir," was what sebastian was trying to say. It was that painting that had interested him in art history. "Well, maybe when we put YOUR cape on tonight, we'll attach it with clamps." Sir Nate had an evening planned where sebastian and roland would in fact be captured superheroes - that's why Marc had bought the costumes - and he and Marc would then torture them into submission. sebastian had SOME idea that this was going to happen, but not much. He was not as interested in superhero roles as roland was, but since Marc and roland were guests..." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." sebastian felt his cock get fuller and harder as Nate pulled the chain of the clamps up. "You're gagged, so I guess I'll have to do this myself." He put the chain into his own mouth and pulled. He pulled so hard that sebastian began to be yanked out of the chair. That's what Sir Nate wanted: he was going to pull sebastian into the bedroom. He wanted a blow job, and he wanted sebastian's ass. He couldn't remember if it were time to release his boy's cock and let him release, but it didn't matter - that was part of the planned roleplay tonight.

When he got sebastian out of the chair, he switched from his mouth to his thumb and forefinger, pulling the lad with him. "MOVE IT BOY. It won't hurt as much. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" whined sebastian. This was crossing his pain threshold, but his cock wanted more. "KNEES BITCH. ON YOUR FUCKING BOY KNEES." Nate laughed when sebastian dropped to his knees and seemed to forget that Nate was holding the clamps (sebastian didn't forget). His moan of pain was a gorgeous sound. Sir Nate took off the gag. "GET TO WORK. GET ME WET, BUT DON'T GET ME OFF. I'M SAVING MY LOAD FOR YOUR ASS." "yes sir." Sebastian began breathing faster, trying to pull himself together. Sucking and fucking at the same time. He felt really lucky, as he began toying with Nate's cock, licking it, pulling his tongue way, then covering his glans but no more than that. "YES. FUCK. I HAVE THE MOST TALENTED COCKSUCKER IN THE WORLD." Nate closed his eyes and began wondering how they would be able to tell if his boy or Marc's was better at sucking? sebastian sure was an excellent cocksucker. Nate looked down and rammed his whole cock into sebastian's mouth, nearly choking him. "Let's see you do your work, without jerking me, boy. Remember... I cum in your mouth, you stay locked for another week. "mmmmmnnnngnggnggngng" sebastian's mouth was full of cock and he needed to muster all of his skills. He kept his Master hard, but not to the point of jizzing. Nate pulled out, and he pulled the clamps up. "Get out of your jeans. Are you wearing underwear?" "No Sir. You told me not to." "GOOD BOY." "On my back or my belly Sir?" "Lay on your back. And pull up your knees." "Yes sir." sebastian smiled. This was how he preferred to get fucked. Maybe, just maybe.. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH YES SIR" he felt Nate's tongue enter him. "OH FUCK YES SIR. YES SIR. GOD YOU EAT ME SO GOOD. FUCK..."

sebastian was losing control of the English language, because he was so turned on. He felt the tongue go deeper and deeper, and then the pause when it came out, and Nate's long, serpentine cock started entering him. It was thin, rigidly straight, and long. Nate had maybe 10 inches. When they had first met, sebastian was concerned he wouldn't be able to take it regularly. He had learned. Now, Nate very methodically drove his cock in. sebastian knew: Nate wasn't much for long sessions, and this one wasn't either. Nor was he much on sliding in and out. He pushed his cock in, smiled at sebastian, called him his pretty boy, and twisted the tit clamps. When sebastian moaned, it set off Nate, who blew a load into his boy. When he was done, he took the clamps off and, for added "pleasure," tweaked sebastian's nips for about five minutes. "Get over here sweet stuff. " He wrapped his arms around sebastian. "Know what was the best day of my life, Dr. Bottom?" "No Sir. Tell me?" Nate pulled him closer. "The day this very earnest, very scared young grad student came to my door and said "good afternoon Sir. My name is sebastian. May I come in?" sebastian knew it was forward, but he spoke. "And he never left Sir." "He didn't. And he never will." sebastian fell asleep first there. Nate was thinking about a case he had to handle on Monday that was going to be delicate.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Later that afternoon, after he had showered, and made sure everything looked good, roland was checking with Daddy to see how he wanted him dressed. He came into the room unexpectedly, and saw Sir Marc packing away one of the costumes. He couldn't see which one, but he left the room and did a little bit of a happy dance. He didn't hear Sir Marc come up from behind him and bear hug him. "What's that about, Frenchie?" "You, Sir. I saw that big, strong back and I thought 'that's my Daddy. MY Daddy." "Awwwwwwwwwww. You're such a sweetie." He whispered into roland's ear. "I may be ready to take you again tonight after dinner. Just be ready." "I'm always ready for your cock Sir. That's my job." "Let's get dressed." Sir Marc knew how he wanted his boy to look, but roland had a better sense of quality. When Sir Marc was ready to buy clothes for roland, he would make out a list, and give it to him a few days before. "This is what we're getting. You tell me where we're shopping." sebastian always tried to come up with three choices for each item: he didn't want Daddy to think he was spending too much of his money, but he also didn't want him to think that he thought Daddy didn't have enough of it. For tonight, Daddy wanted roland in a pair of skinny black jeans, a snug fitting white shirt, and a thin black leather tie that was loosened at the top. He was wearing an outfit that always got roland hot: a hand knit grey crew neck sweater over a black t shirt, a pair of jeans that were not custom made but could have been, and his "Daddy beret" as he called it: something a boy had given him in a Parisian bar, many years ago.

As they left the apartment, Sir Marc put his arm around roland's shoulders and pulled him over to him. roland smiled. "DADDY. I LOVE it when you hold me in public. It makes me feel so... OH I don't know the English yet. But I like it." Sir Marc smiled. "Get your hands behind your back." "Yes Daddy." Marc puffed out his chest a little. He never went out with roland without someone checking them out. There were more than the usual number of gawkers out that evening. He pulled roland tighter. Sometimes he wondered "what would I have done if he said 'fuck you' the night I held out the leash?" In deeper moments, he wondered about how, at the start, he was so jealous, and so insecure, he thought about sending roland back to France as soon as possible? He was still jealous. roland knew it, and he loved it because he could manipulate his Daddy by making him more jealous than usual. Sir Marc usually knew when roland was doing it, and he loved that he did. Sir Marc always ran a parallel to his favorite movie "Casablanca" about the time he first saw roland. He smiled "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." His version was "of all the cabarets in all the towns in all of France, I walk into his." He stopped walking. "Something wrong Daddy?" "No. Everything is right. Stand there . I wanna kiss you. Right here in public." THAT got a LOT of gawkers. "We're five minutes away from Nate's place. " He took roland's hand. "Let's go Frenchie." "Oui Daddy."

Next: Chapter 5

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