The Story of Two Subs

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 15, 2023


roland knew he had to tell Sir Marc about having met Sebastian. He'd find out eventually because, well, roland was, as Sir had said, roland was a "chatterbox." That was a word they hadn't covered in English lessons, so Marc had explained it to him - while he hand gagged roland before he fucked him. It was true: roland couldn't keep a secret, and if Daddy gave him a drink stronger than wine: sometimes, he was happy that Daddy liked gagging him, because it kept him from saying something he might regret later: because Daddy remembered EVERYTHING. Shortly after Marc had brought roland to the United States, he made the boy tell him everything about his sex partners. Marc asked questions and, if roland had liked what had been done to him by others, Marc would be doing it to roland - weeks after he had said something. So, he knew: even if it were clear that he and Sebastian would probably kick each other to death in bed, Daddy had to know. Marc was usually up and out of the house for a few hours by the time roland woke up. He didn't mind that roland slept in: he used to laugh and say "that's what kept boys do," but on the days, especially Sundays (Marc didn't work on Sunday) that Daddy slept in too: while the cage kept him in line, roland could feel his dick getting fatter from thinking about the long mornings of sex and love making, followed by brunch somewhere. The rest of the week, Marc would try to get as much time as he could to talk with his European clients. Most of them were in France, but he had a few in Germany and a few less in Italy. As roland learned, Marc spoke all of them: he spoke French the best, but no one could make fun of his German or his Italian. As with most things, Marc was very rigid about his schedule. He would arrive home, every night, at 7. If he were delayed, he'd call roland so that he could wait to make Marc's evening cocktail: it was one of the first things roland had to learn how to do. He never came home early, so it was a surprise when Marc called that afternoon.

"Frenchie, it's me. " "DADDY! This is a surprise." "And I may be deaf," Marc laughed. "I'm coming home about an hour early today, so get the drink ready. Also, I bought you a present." He paused and lowered his voice. "And the thought of you wearing it is getting me VERY excited." "OH DADDY! You shouldn't spend your money on me. But I'm glad you did. Daddy, can I talk to you about something tonight?" "Is something wrong, roland?" "No Daddy, I just..." "I gotta go. We'll talk tonight." roland wondered for the rest of the afternoon: what did Daddy get him? It was something to wear, and something that was getting Daddy excited. roland laughed a little: he wasn't used to a man fucking him as vigorously six months after he had met him as he did the first time, but it seemed that Daddy couldn't get enough of him. He was inside roland at least once a day, sometimes twice, sometimes even three times. He wished that Daddy weren't as possessive, and that's what worried him about his encounter with Sebastian."

"Roland, Mr. Marc is on his way up." "OH. THANK YOU ," roland had asked the doorman to let him know so he could be ready. The martini glass was chilled, the drink was mixed, and ready. roland had changed to a clean shirt and red shorts, and he had made sure that his face was clean. He heard Sir Marc's key in the door, and he stood at the base of the three small steps that led into the apartment, hands behind his back the way Marc liked things.

"Welcome home Daddy." roland felt Marc envelop him, taking his small wrists in one of his big hands before he kissed roland. "How are you Frenchie? You miss me." He smiled and pushed his hips into roland. "Yes Daddy. I miss you every day." roland looked up, closing his eyes. He knew that Daddy's tongue would be in his mouth next. "MMMMMMMMMMMM. As sweet as French chocolate." "Merci Daddy. Merci." "Let me have my drink. Sit next to me. Dinner can wait." "Yes Daddy, yes." roland got the drink poured into the glass, put it on a tray and brought it out to where Marc was sitting. He indicated a place for roland to sit next to him, and when he did, Sir Marc put his arm around roland, as he put his feet up on the table. "Well?" "Oh, Sorry Daddy." Sir Marc wanted a foot massage. roland had learned to give them in France, and when Marc learned that he knew how to do it, well, he would use them as an aphrodisiac. He sat back, eyes closed, smiling, as roland got to work, pressing his knuckles into Marc's soles, rubbing and stroking his feet. Marc's eyes were closed, so he didn't see roland staring at the lump that was rising in his pants. He opened his eyes and took a sip of his martini.

"Did I do ok, Daddy?" He saw Marc smile, and felt his hand tighten on the back of his neck. "You did REAL good. Take a sip." He pushed the drink to roland's mouth. Now, roland did NOT care for martinis, but to turn Daddy down was not an option. He took a small sip. Marc laughed. "STILL don't like it. You like those lady drinks. All the sweet stuff." "Daddy, can I tell you about MMMMMMMMMMPH." Marc's big hand was over roland's mouth. "Chatterbox, you'll tell me AFTER I say you can. Right now, I want you to look in that bag. There's something I want you to wear. NOW" "Yes Daddy." roland opened the bag: he found a pair of long black women's silk stockings, and a pair of men's garters. He was stunned. He knew the stockings: in his company's first season, he had done a number in drag when he wore a pair like this. They were Parisian: had Daddy ordered them from France? roland was confused: Daddy would call him his "bitch" or his "cunt," but he had never shown any interest in roland being in drag. When he finished getting them on, Daddy got up, with a look of complete lust in his face. "The first time I saw you, you were wearing those. That's when I decided I was gonna have you, and now, I can see. It was the right decision." "You were at that first show Daddy?" "I was. And I went to ALL your shows." roland thought back. There was some talk of that "distinguished American being back again," but nothing more than that. "Now let's get you how I like you." Marc secured roland's hands behind his back. He used rope, because when he fucked roland when he was tied up, the handcuffs could hurt him, since Marc took him while roland was on his back. "Now, you're awfully chatty tonight, so, open your mouth." "Yes Daddy. mmmmph." A wad of cloth went into roland's mouth before Marc bound a bandana around it. roland recognized from the taste of the cloth, that it was piece cut from one of Daddy's old jocks. "mmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmph." roland was looking at Marc pleadingly. Something about the way Marck handled him just got him SO hot. His glans was banging up against the tip of the chastity cage, but he didn't care. He wanted his legs in the air, and Daddy in him. roland felt Daddy's big hand on his forearm as he pushed him to the bedroom. "How many men have a hot, sexy, cute, French bitch at their disposal? " He smiled as he began to open roland's shirt. "I doubt anyone has a better one than I do." roland watched as Daddy did a slow "strip tease." He moaned, because while he loved Daddy's cock, seeing Daddy's hairy, masculine chest (roland had always kept his shaved, and Marc continued that), and then feeling it on top of him... was heaven. As Daddy pressed down, roland moved his neck to let Daddy nibble it. roland moaned even more. When Daddy moved up to his ear and began sucking it, while he twisted roland's nipples, roland wished he weren't gagged. He would BEG to have the cage off, he was SO hard. " "One of these days, you sexy fucker, I'm just gonna tie you down like this, and tickle you for an hour. " "MMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" roland shook his head. He HATED being tickled, and because he hated it, Daddy loved tormenting him with it. He wasn't doing it tonight, probably because the silk stocking were turning him on so much. He pulled roland's shorts down and got them off him. "GOOD BOY. No jock. You can wear a thong later, but not till I've had my fill of you." roland always thought that was a strang expression, because HE was the one getting filled. Daddy's cock began to enter him. "Frenchie, you have a HOT man pussy. Yes you do. BAM!!!!" Marc began to fuck roland, pushing his flexible legs further and further apart. As he did, he slid his hands up and down roland's legs, and the feel of the silk was getting roland even hornier. His moans were desperate. As Daddy continued to screw him, he smiled and whispered. "I know what you want roland. You really want it? " roland's head bobbed up and down vigorously. "Ok, handsome. When I'm done..." Marc smiled, because he was doing something that he KNEW drove roland wild. He stopped thrusting, and just held his cock, all of it inside his boy, still, while he tightened and relaxed his glutes. He saw roland's eyes roll around and he heard the helpless moaning, and then, Marc smiled. "Here it comes tiny dancer." He thrust once, hard, and roland felt the flood of the ejaculation. He never tired of it. Yes, Daddy was possessive, but he knew - he KNEW - Daddy saved all of himself for roland. As Marc pulled out, breathing slightly hard, he grinned. "I think I'm gonna keep you tied up for a while. Gagged too. I don't think I've ever heard you cum with a gag on." He produced the key to roland's chastity cage from his pocket, and unlocked it. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." A sound like a kitten getting petted came out of roland. Marc's hands were big enough that he could press his thumb on roland's ass, while his fingers curled around the boy's cock and began stroking it. His second had was playing with roland's hair. "You my Frenchie boy?" A low mmmmmmmmph came out of roland as he shook his head yes. "You like your Daddy's dick?" The nodding was more vigorous and faster. "Daddy likes your ass. He LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES your ass." roland was pumping his hips, pushing them up further and further. The years as a dancer gave him incredible core strength, and he held the arch while Marc jerked him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" was what came out of his gagged mouth as he shot all over himself. Marc had a look of true satisfaction, as he took the gag out, but left roland's wrists tied. "Merci Daddy. MERCI. " roland knew not to ask, but he gave Marc a look that said "please kiss me Sir," and Marc did. His tongue slid down roland's willing throat. When he was done, he kept his fingers tracing roland's nipples. "So, what did boy have to tell me today?" "Daddy, I hate to bother you, but... may I have a sip of water before I tell you? My mouth is very dry." "Hmmm. Tell you what. Get cleaned up. You can take the stockings off. They're only for sex. Come back to the living room. You can tell me during dinner." roland had made a coq au vin with potatoes and haricots verts. As they ate, Marc ran his foot up roland's leg, smiling because he knew it was irritating in an erotic way . "So, what's your news, roland?" "Well, Daddy, I wanted to tell you because I didn't want you to be jealous. When I went to the museum today, I spoke with an American boy who was giving a tour in French." Marc put down his fork and roland saw his face begin to redden. "DADDY. DADDY. NO, IT WASN'T THAT WAY.. HE .. He showed me the rope marks on his wrists from his Master, and... Daddy, I just wanted to talk to someone. I got his card. I'll tear it up if you say so and I'll never go back again." "No. Let me see that card. Now I'm intrigued." roland went and got sebastian's card. He gave it to Marc, who signaled by pointing that he should sit down again. "If you're not eating, put your hands behind your back." "Oui daddy." Marc looked at the card and began to laugh. "Sebastian Fox. SONOFABITCH. He got a job." roland looked perplexed. "You KNOW him Daddy?" "Yeah, I do. I know his Master better. His Master is an old friend of mine. A doctor. Nate Scott. " He shook his head. "Let me tell you some of Sebastian's back story." Marc told him about how Sebastian had run out of money when he was in school. He had heard from his friend joey about a "ring" that joey had used when he was in school: there were wealthy, older men who would pay for your tuition in return for... "favors." At the end of the term you agreed to, you were free to leave. joey had met the man he married that way. Sebastian had met Nate - the nephew of joey's husband - in the same way. And when the term had ended, Sebastian stayed on, and Nate wanted him to. "Yeah, sebastian is a cutie. Not cute like you, but cute if you like an American preppy guy." "OUI DADDY. That's what I thought! I thought he was someone you might like..." Marc looked up. "You can't take me, Frenchie?" "NO. That's not what I meant, Daddy, I meant, well.. what did Brett say 'you can't eat the same thing every day." Marc began to laugh. "Well played, Frenchie, but I'm perfectly happy with this dancer I brought back from France. But you know, you just gave me a reason to give Nate a call."

Marc pulled out his cell phone. "Well there must be a death at the law firm if you're calling me. When's the last time you saw a doctor, Marc?" "Nice to hear YOUR voice too Nate. How are things? How's your uncle? He doing better?" "Yeah, thanks for asking. joey has learned a lot, and he keeps an eye on him. I think he deliberately keeps the sweets away from Bill because he knows he's gonna get punished. What's with you? I haven't seen you since you left for that French trip." "Well, things are great. I'm hoping you and sebastian can come by. You haven't seen the souvenir I brought back. Hold on." He smiled and turned the camera to roland, took a picture and sent it. "NICE. Not my type, but I guess you're ... training him?" "He's pretty much trained. Didn't take much. But I called because... seems he and your sebbie met today. "AH. So THAT's the guy he was talking about. Hang on." Now, Nate sent Marc a picture of sebastian. sebastian was sitting on the floor in a sort of Lotus position. His calves were tied together, his hands were tied behind his back, and a HUGE gag was around his mouth. He was in a black speedo and the white dress shirt he had worn to work, mostly opened. "You didn't trust him either." "NO. I told him no fucking around, and I didn't believe him when he told me that he didn't. He's got a wandering eye you know." "Ha ha. Well, I can assure you: if he were looking for cock from my roland, he was gonna be disappointed." "He told me he wasn't. He insisted. I gave him a good dose of dick to make sure he knew who was boss, and his story didn't change. I guess we both know... " and they laughed together "We're safe." "So, anyhew, " Marc continued. "Since we now have a link we didn't plan, maybe we should get together, let the boys play some bondage games, whatever." "Now THAT sounds like a great idea Marc. Let's look at schedules. We're both busy, but the boys like each other, so..." "Sounds good. Ok, well, you can tell sebastian that, thanks to him, his new buddy is gonna have more cock tonight than he might have thought." "Make sure you drink something roland," he told himself. He knew what was coming. Marc got off the phone, and stood up. He dropped his zipper, but first he showed roland the picture of sebastian. "He looks beautiful Daddy. Just like the saint." "No saints around here. You see my zipper opened?" "Yes Daddy." "What does that mean?" "On my knees?" "Damn right." roland grabbed a sip of water before he got down in front of Sir Marc. The jizz wasn't as plentiful as the jizz that was still in his butt, but it cooled his throat.

Next: Chapter 4

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