The Stone Files

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jan 13, 2017



Nifty is a great site, that's why you're here. It's given you a lot of orgasms, you can give it a few dollars. Donate here -

Jared felt like he had figured his life out. His freshman year had been rough. Without the structure and supervision of his parents, he had found it hard to stay on task. It wasn't like he was partying more than average; most of the time he skipped class, he just stayed home to play video games. Jared's grades suffered. He got close to being kicked out of school.

But this year was different. The first semester of his sophomore year had gone well. He kept his nose down and got decent grades. Not stellar ones, but good enough to keep his head comfortably above water. He felt like he was figuring out how to coast to safe B's and C's and still have time to himself, and time to party on the weekends. It was a valuable life skill he thought, one that would serve him better than the lessons in most of his classes.

Jared's newly found slacker sensibility is what led him to go to Professor Stone's office hours. Stone was an intimidating figure. A good teacher, but a harsh grader. All of the psychology professors were harsh graders though. All the better to encourage students to volunteer as subjects in their psych studies.

It was only a few weeks into the semester, but Jared wanted to get into the best studies and score plenty of extra credit early in the year. That way he could calculate the exactly how little he had to do to pull a low B in the class.

"Hi Professor, do you have a few minutes?"

"Hello . . . Jared was it? That's what my office hours are for." Stone gestured for Jared to take a seat and then went back to grading his papers.

"Thank you. I was just wondering if there was any extra credit available this semester?"

"I put a number of options in the syllabus. Your grades don't look too bad though, I wouldn't worry. Just study a little more and I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I saw those options, but I thought I would talk to you and see if you had any other options for me. I'm always up to help the cause of science!"

Professor Stone looked up from his papers, which had been his primary focus in the conversation so far. Looked Jared up and down, and gave a slight smile. The boy had a puppy-ish look about him that appealed to the professor.

"Well, I do have one study. It is a sex related study and will require a physical examination. It requires 6 office visits. One every week for the next 4 weeks, then two more follow-up visits after weeks 7 and 11. Additionally, you will follow some simple instructions during the semester. But being a subject does have it's benefits. It would be worth 30 percent."

"That sounds like a lot of work for just 30 points."

"Not points. Percent."

Jared did a double take. That would turn a low C into an A+, with points to spare.

Many students would have taken this as a red flag. But Jared only saw an opportunity. He could ignore whole projects and still keep his B. Maybe even make it through the class with an A and get a GPA buffer for some other classes. "I'm in!"

"Perfect. We can get started right away them. Let me just set things up in my lab next door while you sign these consent forms for me, and follow the directions on this cover sheet. Think you can do that for me?"

"Yes sir!" Jared said enthusiastically. Stone disappeared through the door into his adjoining lab, while Jared got to work signing the documents. There was a hefty stack of them, but Jared wouldn't let them come between him and an easy grade.

"Full Disclosure: The aim of this study is to . . . blah blah blah - signed."

"Medical Waiver: I hereby declare that I have no relevant medical . . . blah blah blah - signed."

"Liability Release: I agree to waive my rights to . . . .blah blah blah - signed."

He read the cover sheet for instructions. It instructed him to download an app, so he did. It had just finishing installing when the professor appeared at the door. "I'm ready for you now."

Jared got up and came into the lab. It was rather small, and dominated by a strange contraption in the center of the room. It looked a little like a dentist's chair, but cluttered with various wires and apparatus. The professor noticed Jared's skepticism. "This is much simpler than it looks like. Basically you will just sit back and watch some footage through these VR goggles. Everything else here just measures your responses. Even the pills are harmless. "


"You really should read things before you sign them, son. Here is your bottle. Take one for me now, and then take one every day at the same time."

The pills made Jared slightly nervous. "I thought this was a psych study? Are there any side-effects?"

Professor Stone put a hand on Jared's shoulder reassuringly. "The pills will have no medical effect. They have no bioavailability, they will pass right through you. But on the way, they help us see more of what's going on inside you. However -" Jared got ready for some bad news. "You will have to be naked for this part of the study. There is a modesty screen over there if you want to use it, but most don't. You'll be in the chair naked anyway."

Jared smiled, relieved. "Oh, I don't mind that!" He started getting undressed.

Jared wasn't terribly athletic. As he peeled off his clothes, he didn't reveal a perfect six-pack or chiseled abs. He was slim, but not quite skinny. He was very cute in that puppyish way that only a 19 year old can be, full of youth and potential. Hairless except for the slightest line of hair leading down from his belly button. Professor Stone was enjoying the show.

When the boy removed his boxers, the professor instantly saw why the boy was not shy about being naked. Jared's dick was flaccid in an unkempt tangle of puclic hair, so length was hard to judge, but the head of the boy's cock was eye-catchingly broad. The boy was packing some girth.

Stone was smart enough to stop staring and put on a professional demeanor. "Perfect, now if I can get you to lay back in the chair for me, we can set you up."

Jared laid back, feeling the exam table paper crinkle against his skin as he settled in. The professor got to work hooking him up to all kinds of devices. First there was the heart rate monitor that clipped onto his finger. Then a few pads were applied on his sides, a few inches under his arms. "These will measure galvanic response. Basically stress, or arousal," the professor explained.

"Now this might be a little heavy, so just rest your head back." Jared felt a thick hemet get placed on his head. He could something moving around inside it, back and forth. It felt a little like having a printer strapped to his head. "This allow for some simple transcranial brain imaging. It will basically scan and let me know how focused your attention is at any given time."

"This is the awkward part," Stone said warmly. "Open you legs a little wider please? This will go around your genitalia." He held up what looked like a miniature blood pressure cuff. "It measures the blood flow you see." Stone wrapped the cuff around the boy's penis carefully.

"One last preparation. It's a perfectly natural reaction for you to want to touch yourself during the experiment, but we can't have that as it will skew our data. So I'm just lightly restraining you. It's only velcro, so it's more like a reminder than a restraint. You can pull away any time you want or need. However, touching yourself will ruin the session and may result in you being expelled from the study and losing you extra credit. Do you understand?"

"That makes sense professor."

"Perfect. So how are you feeling Jared?"

"I can see why the extra credit is so generous." Jared chuckled. Stone joined in politely, but Jared had no idea what the grade would cost him yet.

"And now for the fun part! You get to watch some porn!" Stone put the VR goggles and headphones in place and started the program.

It started mildly enough. Landscapes and classical music. Stone watch the readings, using this control period to calibrate the devices. The subject showed a few signs of nervousness and just a slight arousal. Base levels for 19 year old really. Then the program started in earnest.

First there were short clips of men and women, various body shapes and sizes, in various states of undress. It became clear quite quickly that Jared was straight, with next to no reaction to the men. The visuals became more and more graphic. Couples, straight, gay, and lesbian appeared. Jared was certainly aroused, the professor didn't need his lab equipment to tell him that. Jared's penis was standing straight up now, displaying its full, impressive girth. It head purple and swollen.

The program continued, showing various fetishes and more kinky. The more normal porn was interspersed by scenes of bondage sex, whipping, electro play, and more. Stone carefully monitored the readings. The subject was less aroused by these kinky clips. The boy was straight and quite vanilla too. No matter. He had the baseline data he needed now. He turned on the transcranial magnetic stimulation. The magnets in the helmet activated, targeting very specific portions of Jared's brain. These jolts of stimulus were timed to sync up with the porn and the eye tracker, prompting the subject's brain to release hits of dopamine, norepinephrine, and melanocortins. In other words, every time Jared's eyes locked on to a man, or a kinky act, his brain got a tiny hit of chemicals making him very slightly more turned on. It was an elegant idea, but would it create lasting changes in practice? The professor was excited to see if it would work.

As the program reached it's climax, Jared wanted to as well. He pulled against the restraints a little knowing he could break free if he needed to. The sounds of men and women achieving orgasm came to a close and the screen went blank. Professor Stone replaced his leering grin with a more professional demeanor, and removed the helmet.

"See? Not so bad, was it?"

"No, I guess not." Jared laughed awkwardly.

"One last thing before we're done for the day. We will be needing a sperm sample. From the looks of you it shouldn't take too long for you to produce one for me. Again, there is the privacy screen over there if you want it. But no one uses it. We're all adults here." The professor pressed a specimen cup into the boys hand.

Part of Jared felt very awkward jerking off in front another guy, especially an older man. But he was so close already and delayed gratification was not a natural talent for him. A few strokes later, the specimen cup was littered with ropes of fresh jizz.

"Good job. Now just log this ejaculation in your app and you'll be free to go."


"The app you downloaded. You did read the papers you signed didn't you Jared?"

"Of course, I'm just a little drained right now is all."

"Well then, you'll remember that as part of the study, you'll have to log every time you ejaculate in the app."

Jared picked his phone out from the pocket of his discarded pants and opened the Study 230' app that he had downloaded in Stone's office. The app asked him to rate the intensity of the orgasm from 1 to 10, and then asked him to put some notes about what he was looking at and thinking about during the sexual event'. Jared tried to skip past the text entry question, but it wouldn't let him past without at least 30 characters. `VR Session for Professor Stone's study'. He hit submit. Jared vaguely thought he could hear a vibration from the professor's jacket? Was the app reporting on him in real time?

"Excellent, thank you Jared. I'll see you here same time next week."

Professor Stone was confused and disappointed. The experiment was nearly 2 months in, and nothing seemed to be working. And during his time in the chair, everything seemed to be working. The eye-tracking caught Jared looking at men more frequently and showed increased sexual response from kinky images. Stone had even programmed it to try to make Jared attracted to older, dominant men, in what now seemed like a vain hope that he would be able to take advantage of that later. Everything in the lab made it look like the experiment was a total success.

But the reports from the app were disappointing. Sure, the boy was jerking off more and more frequently. Almost exactly in keeping with his prediction. One of the main effects of the pill was to increase libido. It worked overnight to permanently raise a person's baseline level of arousal or `horniness' by 1%. Thanks to compound interest, after 4 weeks the subject should be jerking off about a third more than normal. The subject had self reported jerking off about 10 times per week before the study began. The early app results confirmed that. In week 4 he had achieved orgasm 13 times By week 7 he was at 16 times. A perfect exponential curve. That alone would be a huge success, and likely make Stone a millionaire.

But it wasn't what he was after. According to the survey results, Jared was as straight as ever. He was mildly kinkier, having brief thoughts about bondage, but the most `shocking' fantasy described was handcuffs and using lingerie as a blindfold. Checking the boy's mobile browsing history confirmed it. He was still looking at straight porn. The occasional MMF threesome was as far as he had gone. The professor's greatest hope now was that he could find out what he had missed.

Jared was also feeling confused and disappointed, but for very different reasons. The professor was probably putting in all that kinky gay shit into the experiment just to be `inclusive' or whatever. But it seemed to have stirred something dark and shameful within him. At first he thought it might be a phase, or just some idle curiosity, so he tried to push it out of his mind, and certainly to keep it out of his reports to the professor. But trying not to think about it just made it more enticing. Jared found himself jerking off more often as he tried to fight off the gay thoughts. He had all the time in the world to spend masturbating. He ignored project after project for the psych class, slipping into a low D. It didn't worry him, this experiments would still keep him at an A. Even tanking the final would keep him in the C range as long as he didn't ignore every assignment.

After the weekly sessions had ended, Jared found himself missing the chair in a strange way. The way the straps felt around his wrists, the way the gadgets all over his body made him feel vulnerable and tingly. Jared finally caved and searched for some gay porn in secret on his roommate's laptop.. He found himself gravitating to videos of older men dominating young twinks. Sometimes there was bondage and pain involved, sometimes it was sweet, but there was always a power difference between the couple on screen that seemed to make everything so much hotter. Instead of acting as a release valve though, the new font of porn made him hornier than ever.

Jared showed up for the week 7 follow-up early, trying to hide his eagerness. His `eagerness' was quite noticeable when he undressed however. Jared savored the feeling of the professor's strong hands as they attached the blood-flow monitor around his cock and pulled the restraints around his wrists tight. Stone was oblivious to this however. He had checked out, writing this attempt off as a failure and just going through the motions.

When the VR video started to play though, the results shocked the professor out of his funk. The TMS wasn't active yet, it was still the control phase of the session, but the subject was getting turned on by the men. At first, he assumed it was the pills doing their work, making him more attractive to anything that moved. But his response to the women had actually decreased slightly. The eye tracker showed that he was ignoring them for the men. Especially the older men. Professor Stone tore his eyes away from the data to look at the subject. He seemed to be pulling against the restraints. Not to try to escape, but almost testing them. Savoring them? Could he be imagining it?

As the test ended, Stone went to release the boy. Jared knew the drill by now and his hand shot to his leaking cock immediately. He noticed details about the professor for the first time. How he towered over him, his strong jawline, his broad shoulders. He imagined the professor strapping him back into the chair, much tighter this time. Was that a bulge in the professor's pants? Jared shot his load examining the outline, almost missing the specimen cup.

"Look like you enjoyed that one."

"Very much so. This is a whole new way to enjoy porn. I think you're onto something professor.'

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, you won't be having another one for four more weeks, not until our final session."

"Wait, what?" Jared was confused.

"You never did read those papers, did you? You agreed to abstain from orgasm for the last period of the study. The next 4 weeks."

"You wouldn't be able to tell though, would you?"

"Of course I would. The pills and your semen samples, remember? They leave a tracer in your bodily fluids so I can see how thing build up in your system. If I don't see 4 weeks worth of pills in your next sample, I'll know you cheated."

"So, what happens if I can't hold out that long?"

"That is your choice, you can leave the study at any time. But you wouldn't do that to me, would you?. It would ruin the experiment. The entire thing would be worthless. And you would lose your extra credit as well, obviously."

Jared started to panic. He was pretty close to an F in the class. They would kick him out of school if he got a D or F. He needed that extra credit. This was going to be a rough month. The panic showed clearly on his face.

"Look Jared, we both want you to succeed, and I think you can if you just try. If you feel yourself start to falter though, give me a call. There might be something I can do to help you." The professor wrote his number on a post-it note and pressed it into Jared's hand. Jared smiled, calm for the moment. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like someone believed in him.

It had only been a few days, but Jared was already having trouble. He was distracted constantly. He couldn't stop touching himself, his hands had minds of their own. He had managed to stop himself from cumming so far, but if it was this much trouble already, what hope did he really have? He didn't want to disappoint Professor Stone, and he really didn't want to have to drop out of school. He dialed the number.


"I don't think I can do it professor. I can't hold out 4 weeks."

"Jared? Look, you can do it. Come to my office hours next week and we'll talk about it."

"Next week? I can't wait that long. I don't think I can make it to tonight! I'm going to get kicked out of school if I don't make it. And part of me thinks it would totally be worth it."

"Ok, ok, calm down. Come to my house then. I'll text you the address."

Jared went to the professor's place immediately. Knocking at the door loudly and constantly until Stone answered it. Stone had obviously been working out. He was wearing a wife-beater that showed off his muscles much better than his suit. The professor's body hair was also visible around the edges of the shirt. But the part that really caught Jared's eye was the basketball shorts. When Stone moved just right, Jared could just see the outline of the professor's cock. The thought of the professor freeballing was more than enough to start Jared's mind racing with sexual thoughts again.

"That was fast Jared, I wasn't expecting you so soon. You might as well come in, I have something for you." Professor Stone guided the boy inside and sat him at the kitchen table. "It seems like you really are having a hard time controlling yourself."

Jared looked down to see that he was visibly hard through his pants. Even though the professor had seen much more of him than this, Jared was mortified. The circumstances were different. That was for science. This was him feeling weak and out of control.

"I think I have a solution for you. In medicine, sometimes the penis has to be immobilized after trauma in order to let it heal. Take off your pants and I'll put it on you. It won't make you less horny, but it will prevent you from getting an erection, touching yourself, or having an orgasm accidentally." The professor pulled out a silicone tube shapes vaguely like a flaccid penis, maybe 2" long. "Take off your pants and I'll put it on you."

Jared slowly slid off his pants. "I'm . . . not sure it will fit right now. Or any time soon."

"Don't worry, I know how to take care of that." Stone went to the freezer and came back with a small bowl filled with ice. Jared took a cube and started rubbing it on his cock. It was cold, but the sensation on his cocks was delicious. The ice melted making his penis slick. This was having the opposite of its intended effect.

"Not like that Jared." Stone scooped up a few pieces of ice in his large hand and quickly placed them on the boy's undercarriage. The freezing cubes on his balls caused Jared to yelp with surprise and discomfort. When the ice settled in against his asshole, the effect was immediate. The boy's priapic cock wilted as they both watched.

The professor wasted no time. He went to work fitting the cock ring around the boys genitals, like he had done with the blow flow monitor several times before. Still slick with ice water, Jared's naturally thick penis slid right into the silicone sheath filling it completely. Finally, professor Stone took a cylindrical mechanism and slid it into a hole connecting the tube to the cock ring. He turned it and it made a faint but ominous clicking noise, before a long thin key came out. Jared just watched, fascinated by Stone's deft hands as they locked the cock away.

"There we go. Your `grades' should be safe now. Do you think you can trust yourself with the key, or should I hold on to it?"

"I . . . uhh. I don't think I have the willpower to keep it on me."

"Very well then. I'll take good care of it for you." The professor reached for his keys, hanging on a hook in the kitchen. He twisted the key to Jared's cock into place on his keyring, right next to his house key and car key. Another key, like any other.

"I now I will finish my workout. I suggest that you find something to distract yourself with. I would suggest homework, but that doesn't seem to be your thing. But you will need something to keep your mind occupied. You can show yourself out."

The professor was right. Jared was just as horny as before, perhaps even moreso. Not having a way to relieve it was a blessing and a curse. The frustration was exquisite, there was no end to it except waiting for the full 4 weeks. But on the other hand, he felt safe. There was no way he could lose the extra credit now. His grades would be good enough to continue on in college.

In fact, his grades were more than safe, the actually improved. Jared felt like he had nothing but time on his hands. He found himself no longer able to let his mind wander. His brain used any free moment of thought to conjure more and more elaborate carnal daydreams. The dreams had gone from idle thoughts of naked men, to a darker place. He was tied down in most of them, or dominated and forced to suck cock. Bigger men, older men took control of him and used him for their pleasure. Women had become almost entirely absent from his mind.

To stave off those fantasies, he did his homework. All of it. A first for him. He threw himself into his textbooks, studying well into the night. He let his classes fill up every space they could in his mind. And to keep his dream quiescent he cleaned his dorm obsessively and started to work out. Not with a plan to become healthier or to get bigger, but just to exhaust himself into a dreamless sleep at night.

His plan worked for the most part. The intrusive sexual thoughts only caught him once or twice a day and time flew by until it was time for the final session with Professor Stone.

Jared got to the office early again. This time Stone was early as well. They were both secretly eager for this. They exchanged the usual pleasantries and went to work, Jared stripping off his clothes in record time and practically leaping into the chair.

The professor took his time however, attaching the recording devices slowly and methodically. Jared savored the sensations of hands on his body. There was nothing to distract him right now and his mind took the chance to drift into wild fantasies about Professor Stone, imagining the man naked and looming over him.

Finally, the equipment was in place. Stone took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the chastity device restraining Jared's cock. As expected, it sprang to life in seconds looking like a time-lapse video. Jared's hand reached for his cock forcefully, tearing through the light velcro restraints. Stone caught the arm just before it reached its goal.

"Come on Jared, don't ruin it now. We're just seconds away from the last trial."

"Oh, jeez. I'm sorry about that professor. I thought this might happen. If you look in my pants I brought something I thought could help."

The professor bent over to rifle through the boys pockets. "Zip ties?"

"Yes sir. I thought the velcro might not be enough, but you could use those instead?"

"If that's what you want." Professor Stone looked for something to hook them to that wouldn't break. The bar of the neck rest was the only option that would really work. He gathered his subject's wrists and tied them to the bar, pulling the zip ties tight. Jared tested them. He couldn't move his hands from behind his neck. They were ready to begin.

The professor started the program and eagerly examined the data. A normal subject with such increased libido would be attracted to just about everything equally at this point. But if his treatment had worked, the subject would actually show less interest than normal in his previous preferences (young women and vanilla sex), in addition to an exceptionally increased interest in the target preference (older men and kinky sex). The control data coming in confirmed it. The subject was looking exclusively at men. He's arousal leaped to record levels at pictures of bondage and domination.

Jared was in heaven or hell, and he wasn't sure which. He was moaning with pleasure and desire. The images were playing out some of his fantasies and he couldn't participate. He cock throbbed with pent up desire. Jared tore at the plastic restraints keeping him from his cock, but he couldn't break them. Feeling trapped and powerless made him feel frustrated, but also so very turned on. He would probably be more disappointed than happy if they broke.

Finally, the program came to a stop and Jared felt the professor's strong hands remove the VR mask. The Professor cut Jared's hands free. One grabbed the specimen cup from the table while the other went straight to his cock. Seconds later, prodigious ropes of cum spewed forth from Jared cock. The orgasm rocked his body causing him to squirm and rock in the chair. The jizz went over Jareds head. It seemed to go everywhere except the specimen cup. Stone stoically scooped up a little jizz and placed it in the cup for later analysis.

"I'll let you get cleaned up a little, and then I'll be back for your debriefing."

Jared used paper towels to clean himself off, but was too exhausted to get dressed. He sat back down in the chair to catch his breath. He was just lounging in the chair naked when the professor returned.

"This was a study to see how stable young male sexual preferences are over time, and under stress. During the initial sessions, we used eye tracking, galvanic response, blood flow analysis, and brain scans to confirm that you were bisexual with a slight preference for men," the professor lied not wanting to reveal his role in shaping the subjects new self-image.

Jared was shocked. Even now, fighting a desire to reach out for Professor Stone's cock, he had never considered himself anything but straight. But with all of this equipment, could the professor have seen something he hadn't known about himself? Of course it seemed obvious now, he couldn't close his eyes without seeing naked men everywhere.

"Your preference for male sexual imagery increased over time, despite your self reporting saying that you were looking at female imagery in your own time, which suggests an amount of sexual repression on your part. Finally, during the abstinence portion of the study, you showed a marked increased preference for men, and decline in preference for women, indicating some true preferences revealing themselves under stress. Additionally, you showed quite an interest in authoritarian imagery, suggesting quite a few kinks. I have to ask, did you lie on the reporting at all? You've really not had sexual interaction with men before? Never done anything kinky at all?"

"I guess I never let myself know I wanted it before. I'm really glad I took this study. It's really taught me a lot about myself. I . . . I wonder," Jared blushed as he said it, "if there is anything else you could teach me?" It sounded so cheesy, but Jared couldn't bear the thought of letting a chance like this pass. He reached out and lightly touched the professor on the arm.

Professor Stone shook off Jared's hand. "Having any kind of intimate relation with a student would be highly unethical. However. After your final exam in two weeks, you will no longer be my student. If a former student were to come to my house wearing a silicone chastity device at 7 that evening, there would be nothing unethical of inviting that person inside for instruction." Stone's tone stayed perfectly professional.

The professor gathered his things and opened the door to leave. "Leave the key on the chair. And take the pill bottle in the corner so I know you don't cheat"

Jared was thrilled. The chastity was a little daunting, but he had done 4 weeks already. Another two should be easy he thought as he stuffed his cock back inside the silicone tube.

Jared was incorrect. The next two weeks were much more difficult than the previous four. The anticipation of finally being able to try some of the things that ran through his head was intoxicating. His cock struggled in vain against its enforced chastity every minute of the day. He threw himself into his studies, there was plenty to do with finals right around the corner, but nothing was able to take his mind away from his lurid fantasies about his psychology professor.

Each minute of frustration seemed to take an eternity, but while the minutes were slow, the days flew by. Jared took his finals, and for the first time in his life the tests were painless, his preparation had paid off. He finished his last final, his psych exam, confidently and with time to spare. He rushed home to prepare. He wasn't sure exactly what he should do in preparation, so he defaulted to prepping like it was a good date. He took a hot shower and put on his best clothes before heading over to Professor Stone's house and nervously knocking on his door.

"Come in."

Jared walked through the professor's house again.

"I thought I told you to come wearing the chastity device."

"I am wearing it sir."

"Did I tell you to wear anything else?"

"I . . . I guess not?"

"Then why are you wearing anything else? Strip. Now."

It wasn't a request. Jared stripped off his shirt. Somehow this was different than all of the other times he had undressed for the professor. This time it felt vulnerable, but extremely turned on. It wasn't long before Jared was standing wearing nothing but a silicone tube on his cock.

"Are you going to unlock me now sir?"

"I think you demonstrated that you can't be trusted unlocked. I won't unlock you unless your hands are restrained. Come upstairs and gets tied down if you're so eager to be unlocked."

"And what - what will happen once I get tied up."

"Nothing that you don't want. I will use you for my pleasure. I will torture you for my amusement."

Jared went pale.

"Oh, don't worry boy. The profile on you was very clear. I wouldn't do this if you didn't crave it. The fun for me is in making you squirm and knowing that you will come back. Feel free to prove me wrong if you want. I'm going upstairs. You can dress and leave, or you can follow me If you follow me, you'll be mine to use all summer. If you leave, I'll mail your your keep in a week or two."

With that, Stone turned and walked upstairs. Jared was terrified, but had never been more turned on. He sheepishly followed the professor up the stairs and down the hall to a bedroom. The bed had restraints permanently affixed to it and it included some kind of pulley system to change positions of the retrained. The only other thing in the room was a large chest.

"Well? What are you waiting for?"

Jared laid on the bed tentatively and the professor went to work locking him in the cuffs. Once all 4 had been clicked, Professor Stone went to the pulley system and turned the crank. Jared felt his limbs being stretched apart from each other. It was starting to get painful. "Please professor? Can you back it off a little?"

"No boy. This isn't about you."

Jared was about to complain more when he saw Stone get out the key. Stone gently unlocked the boy's cock and removed it from the sheath. It sprang to life immediately. Jared was thrilled to feel his cock unrestrained at last. The feeling was short lived though. The professor wasted to time closing a metal ring around the boy's cock and balls, and then a tight parachute around his testicles. Stone connected the parachute to a bungee cord attached to the bottom of the bed. Jared tried shifting himself downwards to relieve some of the tension, but his restraints made it impossible.

Next Professor Stone clamped a pair of cables to the metal ring enclosing the boy's genitals.

"What the hell? What are you going to do to me? Please, no!"

"Relax boy. You'll be fine. I think you might actually come to enjoy this even."

The professor started manipulating something out of Jared's line of sight, but Jared know exactly what was happening. He felt the effects immediately, a slow, warm sensation of mild pain in his genitals caused him to moan and rock back and forth. The professor was right, it wasn't entirely unpleasant. In his current state of horniness, any sensation on his cock was at least a little pleasurable.

The boys moans and squirming had an obvious effect on Stone. He started to run the pronounced bulge appearing in his pants. Stone moved the dials again, and the sensation increased, radiating out from the ring across Jared's body. His squirms now made it seem like he was humping the air erratically.

"Let's leave you there for a while boy." Professor Stone took off his shirt, slowly, revealing his large, muscled torso. A mat of dark hair covered his pecs, and then thinned to a line before proceeding downwards. It expanded again into a wider trail just before disappearing into the man's waistband. He slowly folded his shirt and placed in on a chair. Then the professor unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock. Even through the pain, Jared was impressed by Stone's tool. It was large, thick, and well formed, just like the rest of the professor's body.

Finally, the professor turned the electricity off. Jared's moans turned into pants. "Those were the lowest settings boy. We only went up to a 3 out of 10. But don't worry. We'll do more of this later. For now, I want you to get to know me better."

Stone climbed up on the bed and straddled the boy's chest. His thick tool pointed directly at Jared's mouth. Jared knew what to do without having to be told. Part of him adored the sensation of the professor's penis in his mouth. He could feel the soft texture, the power of it as it gently but forcefully thrust back and forth. He savored the musky scent coming from the man's pubes as they brushed his nose. But part of him deep down was horrified. Earlier this year, he would never have imagined any of this. Giving a blowjob to a man twice his age?

The professor slowly and patiently fucked the boy's mouth, gradually going deeper. The boy gagged occasionally, but quickly learned how to accommodate him. Stone was actually quite impressed at the boy's lack of teeth.

Jared could hear his professor's deep guttural groans getting deeper and louder. Suddenly Stone pulled away and shot thick, warm ropes of cum all over the boys face. More than a little got in Jared's mouth and he found that he did not react with the disgust that he expected. He actually savored the taste a little.

"Is it my turn now?" Jared asked.

"Not even close. I'll be back in a while for round two". Stone turned the electricity back on. The sensation was more intense than ever. Stone turned and left the room, leaving Jared tugging and jerking at his restraints as the cum cooled on his face.

When Professor Stone returned, Jared had no idea how much time had passed. The electricity coursing through his body was changing intensity at seemingly random intervals. But the pain had transmuted into something else. It still hurt, but even on the higher settings, there was something more there as well. Something warm and divine as well as painful. Jared felt like he was not far from achieving orgasm this way, though he had felt that way for quite some time now.

Stone came in and turned off the juice. Jared actually whimpered slightly as it was turned off. The boy felt the pulleys change and move him into a new position, but he was too out of it to pay attention to the specifics. It wasn't until he felt the shock of some cold lube on his asshole that Jared snapped out of the daze. The professor had maneuvered Jared to his ass was hanging over the foot of the bed now arms stretched over his head, attached by a length of chain to the headboard. His ankles had been pulled up into the air, making his legs into a wide V shape. Something was around his knees, preventing him from bending them. He was immobilized again, this time in a new and even more vulnerable position.

Stone didn't finger the boy or prepare him in any way for what was coming. That wasn't his style. He carefully placed his manhood against the boy's hole and started pushing. Jared was resisting and Stone could feel how tight this hole was going to be.

"Relax boy and you'll enjoy this. That's just a suggestion though. I'll enjoy myself either way."

Jared tried to rise above his panic. He was about to be fucked. He tried to accept that. His professor was pressing slowly into him. Every fraction of an inch seemed like a mile, it felt like he was being torn apart. But then, a new sensation grasped him. Professor Stone noticed the change instantly. "Seems I've found your prostate boy."

Like the electricity before, there was pain there, but also some new intensity that made Jared's cock ache. It had been so long since he had cum and this felt so good. The pleasure eclipsed the pain. Stone moved himself the rest of the way in in one thrust. The boy gasped. Stone held himself there allowing the boy to adjust. And then he started fucking. The boy's ass was oh so very tight. He knew that wouldn't last long, so he savored it, moving his hips back and forth quickly and roughly.

Jared had never felt anything like this before. This was sex, better and more intense than any he had had before, but also completely unlike anything he had experienced before. There were many new factors. It was his first gay sex, his first sex with a much older partner, not to mention the first time anything had been up his ass before. But the most striking thing was how passive it was. This was something being done to him. It was entirely out of his control. He couldn't move at all. He couldn't increase speed slow things down. The professor gave his cock a few strokes every once in awhile, but largely ignored it, allowing it to just bounce up and down on his stomach in time with the thrusts. The pleasure wasn't something he could stop or start, or control in any way. It just was. He was completely at the mercy of this man, this mentor. And he loved it.

Even though Jared's cock was being ignored completely, he could still feel the orgasm rising, the cum gathering at the base of his cock. It was an excruciatingly long, slow build as he felt the professor's balls repeatedly brush his ass cheeks. The first long, slow gush came rushing out of his cock and shot Jared in his own face. Seconds later, another squirt, then another. The orgasm was strange. It was the most powerful he had experienced. And possibly the most pleasurable, in it's way. But it also didn't feel as satisfying as it should. Even as his cock shrunk, he felt the desire to cum rising again. He was practically as horny as he was before. But with that lack of satisfaction came another surprise. He was still enjoying being fucked. It was almost as pleasurable as before, which was good as Jared was in no condition to stop it.

The professor enjoyed the contractions squeezing his cock as the boy came. It almost sent him over the edge himself, but he would never let a slut dictate when he was done. He regained control and kept fucking the boy for another ten minutes before finally coming to a loud and grunting climax, dumping his load deep inside the boy.

"Good job boy." Jared beamed with pride despite himself. "But if you ever cum without permission again, I'm breaking the key off in your lock."

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