The Steamship Cleopatra

Published on Nov 19, 2009


The Steamship Cleopatra 2

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

The Captain was demanding, handsome and knowledgeable in all things. He had been a Captain for years and expected to be obeyed and to get what he wanted. He wasn't crude and knew the human mind well, thus he rarely had to resort to an outright order, other than on the bridge.

I am partial to a wide range of sexual activities. Quite frankly, if it involves a cock, I'm willing to try it. The Captain most enjoyed his own member when it is tightly encased in another man's ass. As I mentioned before, he also liked to the first to be in the dark recesses of a man's rectum. He explained this to me once.

"My family was austere in its nature, and while my parents were concerned and kind, they were also joyless. They had been brought up to associate joy with weakness and sin. When I joined the Royal Navy I was shocked at the laxness and crudity of many of the men," he explained. "I was on the H.M.S. Endeavor when it floundered and sank in the Caribbean during a hurricane. I had become separated from the rest of the crew and was briefly stranded on an island with a Petty Officer named Tom Smith. He had been the crudest man on the ship and I was quite frankly afraid of him."

"Huring the storm, he and I had worked to get the men out of the boiler room, and while we saved them, we were thrown from the ship as it sank and survived by holding on to a fragememt of a wooden bulkhead. We were separated from the rest of the crew. I had to admit while he was crude, he had also been undeniably brave. I was just barely 20 at the time and all but naked having lost my clothes escaping from the sinking ship."

"Tom was steady as a rock and kind too. Bad sunburn made my plight even worse. I was despondent and depressed by my situation. He realized I was sinking into shock. I must have passed out. When I work the next morning I felt good and discovered my cock was in his mouth."

"I tried to push him away, but I told me to let him work his magic. "Just relax and let nature take its course," he said. I must have been too weak to resist. He sucked me until I shot off and the continued to suck me until I shot off two more times. I was drained and fell asleep. When I woke I felt fine. As a youth, I played with myself, but was terrified my parents might fine the remains of my creamy passion. When Tom sucked up my seed, there was no trace of the offending fluid. I was relieved and could relax and enjoy it."

We found a island. The island was small but had fruit to eat and a few springs. Tom was most self reliant and seemed to be in his element there. He was a big man and looked like a close relative of a bear. Furry hardly describes his pelt. The first night it rained and he used his considerable bulk to protect me and keep me warm."

"The next morning when I woke, I found his member near my mouth. He was naked of course," the Capitan said, continuing his story. "It seemed only fair that I suck him. The second my lips touched his member I felt and explosion of sensation totally beyond any previous experience. He woke and soon I drank his cock juices like a babe at his mother's breast. For the next two weeks until we were rescued I was his sex slave. He fucked me that night for the first time and I had a second explosion of sensation, well beyond that of the morning's experience. It was beautiful."

"Tom was well equipped, but not exceptional. He told me it would hurt some, but would be worth it. I fell asleep with his cock in my ass. He woke a few times and pumped himself to an orgasm. Each time it got better," the Captain explained. "Tom was a believer in what he called cock time. He thought the erection was the cake and the orgasm simply the icing on the cake. The longer you were hard and pumping in an ass or throat, the better it was. He practiced what he preached."

"The next night he let me fuck him. He opened his ass for me. I was in heaven as my cock slid deep into his rectum. Once I had done it, I couldn't get enough of it. We round-robined fucked each other through the night. Tom's ass was firm and tight, but open, so it was the perfect tool for giving pleasure and a warm receptacle for my seed."

"Did it hurt when he fucked you?" I asked.

"I think it did, but the rest was so good I didn't mind. My father was a firm believer in the "Spare the Rod and ruin the child" theory. I was use to pain. Oddly, what struck me the most was how much Tom enjoyed it. He was entirely uneducated and barely sign his name, but he had made a scientific study of the cock and its pleasure giving potential. "It's odd God decided to combine a pleasure organ with a drain, but as they say, "the lord works in mysterious ways," he said. "It's even odder he hid the magic nut up your bum hole. To make up for that oddity, he at least made your cock long enough to reach it!" We were lucky. I was young and always ready to play. Tom was randy twenty-four hours a day."

"Tom told me he liked to be the first to introduce a man to sexual pleasure. "When a man loosed his virginity he gains a lifetime of enjoyment," Tom said. "I love the be the first to give a man a taste a man seed. It's even better when I give him his first plugging, giving his nut a bath in my sperm." I asked him of I had been a responsive recipient."

"And his reply?" I asked.

"He told me as a sex partner I would be a worthy recipient of a place in the Crystal Palace. He said I said was a born to give pleasure."

While the captain worked out his approach to Robert and Batford, I had an interesting conversation with Alistair Wilson, a rather dumpy shopkeeper from Leeds. Smith had a first class cabin, and was going to Sydney to set up a millinery shop. Bearded and stocky, he was unimpressive looking, but pleasant enough. As seemed to be the case more often than not, his brother ran the main business in Leeds. He was a younger brother sent off to get him out-of-the-way. You couldn't get more out-of-the-way than Australia.

He was always polite and never demanding. That made him popular with the staff. The Brigadier was demanding, but the Bishop could be a real pain if he was unhappy. The Brigadier was calm and collected during the storm, but could be set off by a cold cup of tea. The Bishop was meant for a better world. Our world just didn't meet his standards.

Alistair was a piece of cake compared to them. He didn't talk much, but he did watch. After a week on the ship, I noticed his gaze increasingly focused on Vic, our Aborigine. I would guess that 80% of our passengers were uneasy or frightened with persons of another race. Vic was a good man and a good crew member. He was friendly too. The only remnant of his aboriginal life style was his aversion to clothes. As we reached warmer waters he wore as little as he could get aways with. As the passengers got use to him, that was very little indeed. Vic was notably muscular and covered in curly black hair. Alistair liked what he saw. Vic was a black Herculese.

Alistair finally got up enough nerve to talk to me. "That aboriginal chap is a fine specimen," he said. "Who is he?"

"That's Vic. He's a good man," I said.

"He looks the fierce way I think a head hunter should, but he seems to get along with the men. Is he fierce?"

"Actually he's not fierce at all. I should say he's more jolly than fierce," I replied. "Vic's playful too."

Alistair raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Really?"

I leaned close to him. "He's very playful. Does he excite you?"

Alistair nodded. "Do you think I might meet him some night?"

"That might happen," I said. "I should warn you. Vic enjoys man sex greatly, but he's not just a curiosity. He's a top man, and if you have an aversion to having his man seed up your ass, you had better not meet." Alistair nodded again and walked away.

That evening Alistair came up to me and told me he was even more excited. I told him I would talk to Vic. If I were a completely truthful man, I wouldn't have said that. Vic was as randy and horny as any man on the ship and he had a taste for white ass. While the passengers found him exotic, he found them equally exotic. He was a strong and confident man and knew he was attractive to those who like their men masculine.

One of our earlier passengers was a Professor of Languages. Dr. Millbourn too had found Vic attractive. He discovered Vic's tribe had two words for what we call sex. Sex with women for procreation was the equivalent of our word sex. The word for sexual activity between men was closer to our words pleasure and enjoyment. Complicated taboos and rituals surrounded sex with females. There were no restrictions on man sex what so ever. Man sex was a nice way the spend a dark and cold night with your chums.

When I saw Vic later that day I asked if he would like to have some fun with a passenger. "Is it that Mr. Wilson who looks at me?" he asked. Vic was a perceptive man. I nodded. All was well. I had returned to my cabin, since Mr Godwyn had recovered and returned to the bunk room. My cabin was between the crew's quarters and the first class cabins. It was a neutral area, where passengers could meet crew members without the embarrassment of being seen.

After dinner I asked Mr. Wilson to visit me. "All is arranged," I said.

At nine he appeared, very nervous and very excited. I was naked. Alistair looked shocked. "Vic likes to be naked and he likes his playmates naked," I explained.

"You're going to be here?' he asked.

"Don't worry. I'll leave if you get along well," I said. The passengers usually like a chaparone when meeting a potential head hunter.

"That's probably sensible," he said as he stripped. Alistair surprised me. He was in better shape than I would have guessed. His clothes must have been badly tailored. He was also well equipped. "I'm sorry," he said as he dropped his trousers. "I'm excited." He was semi-erect.

Vic knocked a second or two later. He was naked and fully erect. I'm not sure exactly what happened next, but I may very well have been love at first sight. It certainly was lust at first sight. Vic dropped to his knees and immediately began to suck Alistair.

When Vic came up for air, Alistair's organ was at full size and impressive. It was slightly longer in length than average, but very thick. As Vic stood, Alistair sank to his knees so he could worship Vic's member. Vic was a good eight inches and thick too. His organ was pitch black, as was his goat-like ball sack.

His knob had emerged from his thick sheath of foreskin. It was a beautiful shade of deep lavender. He had been oozing man juices so it was shiny and shimmered in the dim light of the cabin. I had sampled Vic rich ball juices a few times and liked it. His seed filled cream was prolific, and so thick it was almost lumpy. It was mother's milk for Alistair. It took me only a few seconds to realize Alistair wasn't new to this. He like the balls juices and was trying to milk Vic. He was suctioning Vic's ball brew as he deep throated the impressive cock.

Some men like sucking, but are uneasy about the cock juices. I remember being shocked the first time I tasted them. I was told they were a reward for a job well done. Getting hard is easy for men, but you know he's involved when the drool starts to flow. I had been planning to leave once they were comfortable, but I stayed to help out. They were so excited they hardly noticed I was there.

While the Captain had a taste for inexperienced virgins, I like experienced men who know the ropes. Watching Alistair and Vic go at it was like watching Michaelangelo and Leonardo in a painting contest. Both men were superbly skilled and each wanted to display his skills.

I oiled up Alistair's ass and play with his nut a little before Vic moved in. it was in working order. As soon as Vic's knob popped through to the dark side of his hole, Alistair sighed in satisfaction. Vic moaned, "Oh baby." A second later the entire cock was probing the deepest recesses of Alistair's ass. It was beautiful.

Vic was like a great virtuoso of man sec and Alistair was his willing instrument. They were totally at easy as he fornicated. I got excited and tried to ease my cock into Vic's hole. I nudged my cock into his ass. I surprised him, but he adjusted his legs to give me better access. He has a tight hole and it takes some work to get in.

When I did, I realized Vic's ass was oiled. He was ready and willing. I had sucked Vic, but never been in him. He was tight but my cock felt welcome, and he responded to my thrusts. I soon recognized his pattern of rhythmic thrusts into Alistair and matched mine to his.

"I'm getting a bit tired," Alistair said after about ten minutes. Vic pulled out and let Alistair stand. Vic looked at me and winked. I knew what he wanted. I got on the bed and Vic raised my legs and spread them wide. He cock was dripping with oil and his own cock juices. I didn't need any more lubricant. Vic made one hard thrust and was in. I almost passed out it was so good.

"Lovely," Alistair said. "I've never watched another man get fucked before." I looked up and he had his arm around Vic and the two men were smiling.

"Pretty view, isn't it," Vic said. "He knows how to take a cock."

"Do you ever get tired?"

"Never," Vic said. "I can do this for hours. I use to do this with my bothers but I haven't done two men in years." He was true to his word. He took care of both of us. He shot off in me and took a short rest. Alistair took the opportunity to fuck him. Damn of Vic didn't shoot off another time. I sampled his cream. It filled my mouth and I then kissed Alistair and we shared Vic's seed.

It wasn't over yet. We had a few more exploratory sessions. The three of us were all open minded and willing to try something new. At one time I sat on Alistair's cock as Vic pounded his ass. Alistair's seed soon joined Vic's in my ass. He shot with such force I felt him spurting. After two hours we broke it off. We all needed some rest.

I got on my bed to sleep but had several visitors later that night. Apparently Vic told several of his crew mates just how good I was. Ralph, one of the stokers visited. Ralph was a giant of a man and was hung like a stallion. Few could take his cock easily. He realized how open I was and wanted and easy fuck. I was too tired to object. One he was in, I was too excited to object. Using Vic and Alistair's sperm as ball bearings, he went deep on the first thrust. I'm not sure I had ever had Ralph's entire cock in my hole before, but I can recommend it. Usually Ralph is an ass pounder, but tonight he took his time. My warm and juicy rectum encouraged him to linger.

He was slowly thrusting when he popped. Usually he pounded like a mad man as the urge to shoot built. This time his body began to shiver and twitch as each ejaculation spurted from his cock into my cum-filled ass. There must have been twenty or thirty individual ejaculations before he pulled out. He thanked me politely and left.

Very unexpectedly, the Bishop and Rev. Winterhope appeared next. I heard a gentle knock at the door and went to answer it. I was still naked. "You have had a busy night," the Bishop said. "I have the cabin that backs up to yours. It must have been wonderful."

"Was it that loud?" I asked.

"No, not at all," he replied. "I had my ear to the wall. It was very exciting. I was hoping you might be of service to us." they entered my room. Both men wore monk-like robes. "It's warm in here," Rev. Winterhope said as he removed his robe. He was naked and erect.

I should have ben annoyed at them assuming I wanted to have more sex that night. I considered objecting, but I was interested. I fondled Winterhope's genitals and then bent over to suck him. Apparently the bishop had doffed his monk's habit and he nuzzled his cock head in my ass pucker. He didn't enter me. He played with my hole, but I wasn't sure his cock head was ever on the dark side of my sphincter.

The Bishop moved me so Winterhope could screw me. He was average in endowment, but it was effective and pleasant. When Winterhope pulled out, his cock was coated in the sperm of three men. The Bishop licked off the man'y juices and seed deposited earlier that night. The Bishop treated Winterhope's cock as a serving utensil for other men's seed. By this time my ass was relaxed and didn't close up entirely when Winterhope pulled out. I was afraid some of the brew was drooling out of my ass. The Bishop like that too.

Winterhope later told me the Bishop thought it was wrong for a man of the cloth to suck cock, but acceptable to lick a cock clean of sperm. Fornication was bad, but cleaning up the remains of fornication was acceptable.

"I assume you made your own contribution to the Bishop's pleasure," I remarked. "I noticed you are a heavy leaker."

"You noticed?" Winterhope asked. "I leak a lot, but I also shoot a lot. Shooting is the wrong word. My seed oozes, like lava. I don't shoot. I don't think the Bishop knows how many pints of my seed he eaten over the years. You won't tell him, will you? He'd be shocked!"

Next: Chapter 3

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