The Start of Ryan

By Xan Edwards

Published on Jan 20, 2009


Disclaimer: I have no idea how to make a disclaimer. Here I go...Please don't use my writing and claim it to be yours, that is just mean. Also, If you are from a place where reading this is illegal, where the heck are you from?? Well if it is illegal for you then I don't know how you made it this far into the sight but let me tell you that it might be wise to leave... shoo... I think that I've covered that so on to the story...

The Start of Ryan, Part 1:

There was no way that this could last. It felt so nice, and in my life I had been trained that good things never last.


My stuff was packed, finally. God it seemed like this couldn't have come a moment too soon.

College...sweet, sweet college.

For a while there it seemed as though it would never come. How do you explain a nearly straight-A student almost failing English? Not that I want to dive too deeply into all of that, I had almost lost the credit though. It was a typical Ryan type of thing to do. That's me, by the way, Ryan Stephens, and that's the kind of thing that my friends or teachers would say.

Well, I had successfully avoided flunking a class.. It had all pulled through at the last minute. It hadn't been pretty but the barely D that I pulled was enough. Of course that was the fall semester of Senior year; the year was over now.

Now my things were in the car and I happily watched my house disappear in the rear-view mirror. It wasn't that I don't love my home, I really do; my family is nice; my friends are great, I would miss them all so much. But I was so happy to be leaving. Everyone at home had their own idea of who I was, they thought of me as the person that I always had been. That is why I felt like I was trapped where a lifelong friend of mine might still see me the way I had been at 13, not who I had become at 18.

I had run in the same circles for too long. Same friends since Junior High, same friends at church for who knows how long, same activities, same city, I was tired of it all and thus the elation at watching home disappear.

"I can't believe we're taking you to college. You're my baby, you can't leave me yet." Oh Hell, here comes mom with the hysterics. My parents had divorced when I was eleven, and my mom had since remarried. Her and my stepdad had been trying to adopt a child for some time now and it was at this moment that I really wished that that kid had gotten here before now. Then I wouldn't have to go through this with her because she had something else to preoccupy her. Oh well...

"Mom, honestly you cannot cry now, we have, like, a day until you can start that" I replied back to her, a bit more curtly than I probably should've but it wasn't because I found her excessively irritating but more to the fact that when she cried I felt like crying.

I had reached the conclusion a long time ago that parents should just never cry in front of their kids, at least mine shouldn't. They would cry, I would start to tear up, they would cry more because I was crying, I would cry more, we would both sob and it was just a vicious circle of sin. Also, crying would take away the elation that I was feeling right now for going somewhere new and fresh and, since I am so wishy-washy, I might find myself deciding something rashly that I would regret. The phrase, `Ok, I'm just going to stay in town and go to college' might accidentally slip out and that would NOT be good, at all.

The car ride seemed to be taking longer than it should be and I began to wonder about that since we had been driving for seven hours and were still a bit outside of Yakima. I reflected on the trip and began realizing just how many stops for food and bathrooms breaks and coffee we had made. I realized that they were stalling, and it frustrated me a little. I mean I totally understand them wanting to take some time, but I wasn't arriving at the college today. We were only driving to Seattle today, where we would stay the night, and sometime tomorrow we would make it up to the college. I wonder why they don't wait until tomorrow to stall, I thought to myself.


We reached Seattle...eventually...the stretch from Yakima dragging for nearly four more hours, twice what it should have been. It was nearly midnight and if it hadn't been for the nearly IV-steady stream of caffeine in my blood supply I would have been conked out at this point. Instead I was humming with energy that would probably keep me up all night even though I was exhausted.

We pulled into the hotel, a seemingly nice enough run-of-the-mill name brand type that you can guarantee will be comfortable no matter where you are, and I gathered up some stuff from the car for the night. I pulled some clothes out of my duffel bag and stuffed them into my bookbag along with my toothbrush, deodorant and hair brush. When my parents got back we drove the car to a parking spot by the nearest entrance to the room and began to make our way inside. I was the only one with any energy at all and as they began getting ready for bed I explored the hotel a bit.

There wasn't much to explore. I discovered one hall on each of the four floors, same number of rooms in each hall, same overpriced snacks in the vending machine and a standard, tiny fitness room and pool and hot tub. The pool looked inviting though. It was after hours but the pool was far enough from the office that I was sure the sleepy night manager would never notice a lone swimmer. Also, I just remembered, I'm 18 now, an adult even if I don't feel like one. What could they really do to me?

I walked back to the room and told my mom that I was going to swim off some energy. I closed the door to her and my stepdad's room (it was a one bedroom suite, I was in the main room on the pullout sofa) and changed into some board shorts that I always used as swimming trunks.

I arrived to see the pool in the same state that I had left it; empty. I slipped into the water; boy was it warm, probably 75 degrees. It felt so good to stretch out in the water and loosen every muscle that had been cramped into one position all day in the car. I took a couple of strokes in the water, alternating between a backstroke and the traditional approach to swimming. It hit me then. I got the feeling of loneliness. Not the crippling kind that makes you feel depressed, but just the thought that I wish I had someone here with me to enjoy this with. It would have been so much more awesome to have someone with me to excite in that feeling of being totally secluded, in a hotel where everyone was sleeping and there was nobody to come and see what you were up to. I swam over to the steps of the shallow end, got out and walked over to the hot tub. "ADULT SUPERVISION REQUIRED!" read the sign; again I couldn't get past that knowing that now I am my supervision. I didn't have to feel rebellious about getting in; I was allowed to (except that it was still past pool closing time which preserved a bit of that apprehension). I leaned my head back against the wall and let the jets of the tub flow on my back. "That feels so good" I said aloud to myself and sunk further into the pressure of the jet and closed my eyes.

Between the sound of the jet in the hot tub and the deep relaxation I was feeling, I hadn't noticed the door open.

I was in total relaxation mode when I heard a slight "Ahem" and nearly jumped out of the water at the sound that differed from the white noise of the jets. I looked upward, and saw a boy staring back at me.

He was tall ( that was just my impression because of where I was), with brown hair, deep hazel eyes and a very thin build. His white hotel towel was draped over his chest and shoulders, both slightly toned, and his skin was so pale, the towel nearly blended into him. Okay, so that's an exaggeration, but he was quite pale. Not in a disgusting way, though, he was actually quite striking. He looked to be about fifteen.

"Do you mind if I come in?" he asked as if worried I would be upset with someone joining in the hot tub. Truth be told if it had been some fat, hairy man that talked just a little too loud, I would have been irritated, but I had no apprehensions to this shy boy vision joining me.

As he stepped down into the water, I began to scrutinize him more closely. Now I could tell that he was shorter than me, probably 5'9" or 5'10", and he was more skinny than he was muscular, his muscles not those of the boys who prematurely take up weight lifting but just of a young teen, probably barley out of puberty, whose muscles have turned from the soft flesh of younger years and developed into a more firm setting. He sheepishly kept his back to me, not bad by the way – thin shoulders that looked broad on him that came down to a slim waistline, as if embarrassed that he had scared me and weirded out that I was just some strange kid who was in the hot tub way too late. He walked to the corner of the hot tub that was farthest from me and sat down.

I was almost transfixed, but tried to hide it by only casually glancing at him, making it seem as though I was thinking "What's he doing here?" which in truth I was. I kept looking at him, his completely hairless (as far as I could tell) and smooth body, his tousled dark brown hair so perfectly shaggy and when he caught my gaze for once I didn't look away. I just gazed back at him until he cast his eyes downwards, a bit uneasy with the steady eye contact.

He looked like he was debating whether to say something and was trying to work up the courage to do it. I kept watching him curiously until finally...

"Why are you here so late?" he asked. Though it didn't seem like that was all he was thinking about.

"Couldn't I ask you the same question?" I replied, but then continued, "My family just got in about an hour ago, I thought after a day on the road it would be nice, even though it's so late. You?"

"I've been staying here for the past week. I usually come here around now." He replied. It was odd because most schools were already in session at this time, so I wondered why he was in this hotel.

"You enjoy the solitude, right?" I asked

"Yeah, it's a nice way to relax."

His name was David. He was sixteen years old and was home-schooled, that was why he was on vacation during the first of September. He's from Portland, but he comes and visits his aunt and uncle with his family quite often. He was definitely cute and looked younger than he really was. We talked for a long time, he was very interested when I told him that tomorrow I was starting college. He kept asking all kinds of questions, most that I couldn't even answer myself. He told me that since he was homeschooled he had worked hard enough to be able to go to college next year, and his face lit up with excitement about the idea.

He was such a beautiful sight, his face becoming animated when excited, and his eyes had a bit of a twinkle to them. I enjoyed being around him and talking to him. Over the hour or so that we talked I began thinking of ways to continue this. He had another idea.

"I've noticed something. Can I ask you a question?" he asked. I couldn't think why not. "Shoot" I said, letting him go forward. I watched in anticipation at him across the hot tub as it seemed he considered what he was going to say. It took him a while to work up the courage.

"Why did you keep staring at me when I first came in?" Uh oh. Busted. I really hadn't thought that he would draw this conclusion. I could've dismissed it, but there was his told me that I didn't want to.

"I just couldn't help noticing you, I guess." I replied, trying to pick my words very carefully.

"Do you like me?" he asked. Wow, that was forward! I decided to not beat around the bush.

"Yeah. Is that ok?"

"Um, yeah. It's ok." He replied as I let out a sigh of relief, "I like you."

There was a long period of silence that followed that made me feel a little awkward as I wondered what to say next. But he started again...

"Can I...uh?" instead of finishing the question, he got up and came to sit right next to me. I mean right next to me. Our skin was touching underneath the water and it felt so good. This boy was starting to turn me on. He carefully shifted his arm so that it was up against mine and I relished in the contact. Another long pause followed, but this one was not awkward, it was instead filled with hormonal tension.

"So, what now?" he asked

"Is that all you do? Ask questions?" I teased. I lifted my arm from its position where it was up against his on my knee, and I wrapped it around his waist. He was so thin. He glanced up at me with that and I slowly used my arm to pull him in.

"I've never done this before." He said, "even though I've wanted to I've never done anything like this with another boy.

"Do you want to?" I asked as I pulled him in tighter. His eyes were closed and he replied barely above a whisper.

"Yes." That was all that I needed.

I moved my lips into his. They were so beautiful I thought to myself, perfectly red. I moved in and our lips met. It was soft, and I just hovered there for a few seconds. Then I backed to see how he had received it. I thought I might spill right then and there as I looked at him, he looked in total ecstasy, his eyes still closed and his lips poised in the exact same position from the kiss. He barely seemed to be breathing.

I moved in again. This time our lips met and I parted his and slipped mine in. It was so amazing, the heat from his breath and his lips...his tongue, all playing with the heat from the water...I had never felt this aroused. I pulled his waist in closer to me and continued to gently explore his mouth. After some time I broke the kiss and held him back from me. I watched him as, again, he seemed stunned. Then he gasped for air.

"Oh my GOD!" he gasped, still heaving to restore oxygen to his boiling blood. "I think I forgot to breathe!"

I laughed at him as he continued to calm down. I was beside myself, I couldn't believe that I was taking the lead, I had never done that before. He had seemed so forward before but now he was the one acting like a first-timer.

"You okay?" I asked smiling at him. He looked up at me for the first time since the kiss and nearly jumped back on me.

It was a kiss of complete passion this time. His tongue and my tongue swirled around almost forcefully as our hunger begged for more. He was on top of me, no longer did I have him at the waist, but he was on top of me now, his bare chest against mine...and I could feel his hardon through his shorts. I rubbed my hands up and down his smooth body while his hands explored mine. Then I became aware of his hand traveling down. It moved past my belly button, down the treasure trail and into the waist band of my swimsuit...and his hand was on my throbbing, cut six inches.

I moaned, loudly, a moan I had never heard from myself before, as he began to stroke his hand up and down. He increased his speed and the combination of his hand and the bubbling water was almost too much for me.

"" I forced myself to say. His hand immediately stopped its motion and he pulled it out from my shorts. I pushed him back as I attempted to restrain myself. What felt like a minute passed and then I turned to him, "I wasn't ready to be done yet." Then I slipped my hands over his shorts and began to pull them down.

"Are you sure we can do that?" He asked, looking around.

"Don't worry, we're in the clear." I responded and with that I pulled his shorts completely off. It was such a sight. His bush was small, thin and curly, it complemented his lack of body hair everywhere else. Then my eyes stopped on IT. It was probably five and a half inches, a little smaller than mine, and not very thick, but his cut head was so perfect. His dick was at full salute and seemed to be begging for attention.

I wrapped my hand around his cock and slowly began to stroke. I could hear his breath catch in his lungs. I used my other hand to massage his balls and I started to suck on his nipples. He began to thrust his slim hips with the rhythm of my hand, and as he did this he used his hands to pull my shorts off and brought his hand back to my own dick.

We jacked each other simultaneously until, the combination of our lips all over each others bodies, our hands pumping furiously and our hips grinding together, we both came. As I cried out in the height of pleasure, I could feel four huge spurts escape from me and I could feel his dick grinding into mine as he shot his load. I collapsed back against the wall of the hot tub as he collapsed on top of me.

We sat there naked...just breathing...for ten more minutes, our arms locking us to each other. Then I unlocked one arm and began to run my fingers through his wet hair as he lay on me, his head against my chest. I felt so right, the feeling of my fingers absent mindedly stroking his hair, his breathing upon my naked chest, it was too right. I was completely spent and the mixture of the heat of the water and the boy laying on me, his chest moving up and down with each breath, caused me to feel drowsy. I looked down and noticed that David was asleep. I closed my eyes...

When I woke up I had absolutely no idea as to what time it was. I looked down at David, still asleep, and decided I should wake him. He groggily came to, and protested as I gently moved him from on top of me to beside me. I found my shorts and got up to look at my cell, it was 4:30 in the morning.

"I hate to do this, but I should probably leave." And I really did hate to do it, I could have sat there with that boy for hours, but I didn't want my parents to grow suspicious if they were waking up as I was coming back to the room. Unfortunately it was better to be safe than sorry. David slowly climbed out of the hot tub and walked over to me. I pulled him to me and kissed him gently, no tongue, just a conveyed sense of gratitude and love through a simple lip-kiss-only. I let go of him. He looked almost upset.

"You're the first boy I've ever done anything even remotely like that with," he said "I don't want you to leave." He seemed upset. I could understand, I really didn't want to leave him either.

"How about this," I said, "You give me your email address, and I'll email you when I get to school. The next time you come to see your aunt and uncle, email me and we'll set something up." This seemed to comfort him some and we dried off, traded emails, gathered our stuff, and walked out of the pool room. I walked with him to the door of his suite and we stole another kiss before he went in. He looked like he might whimper and I whispered to him, "We'll see each other again...soon, I promise." I blew him a kiss as he walked in the door and then I turned for my room.

Later, after I had gotten back to the suite, I stared at myself in the mirror of the bathroom as the water that I had turned on ran in the shower. Something seemed different. I was still me, not fat (or even husky) but not thin. I wasn't very muscular, and my sandy blonde hair and deep blue eyes were the same. My skin was a little pink from the water I had been in all night, but aside from that I was still the same. But I felt different somehow. I smiled as I realized it...I felt hot. I felt hot at the fact that someone had just basically spent the night with me. I felt desired, and that feeling makes you look at yourself in a newly appreciative way.

"Oh Ryan," I said to myself, "You are gonna have to be on better behavior in college." And with that I stripped off my shorts and stepped into the shower to rinse off the chlorine.



Thanks for reading the long first section. This is not my first piece ever written but it is my first ever for Nifty. If you have any comments PLEASE contact me with them at I would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks and keep reading.

Next: Chapter 2

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