The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Jun 21, 2009


Summer Solstice, 2009. Just a note of thanks to the many people who wrote me sending their comments and suggestions about this little tale. It is my sincere wish that it is enjoyable and erotic. Perhaps the adventures of Toni will continue in another form. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the ending~BL

Chapter 9

"Can I be next dear?"

It was Egna, and she came in close and began kissing Toni's neck and behind her ears while gently caressing the swollen globes. Her soft wet fingers flowed over Toni's heated skin and she sighed at the pleasure. Toni could feel her magnificent boobs pushed against her back, seeming even softer in the clear spring water. Toni melted back into Egna's arms and let her and the buoyancy of the water hold her as she relaxed.

"Next for what?" murmured Toni as the three more of the girls came over to help hold her up in the water. Each girl also began to tease and caress a tender breast.

"Why to nurse from you. Now that the fawns are on grass, there is no sense letting this precious milk go to waste."

"Won't I have to dry up sometime?' said Toni dreamily. She loved the soft tender fingers on her skin and the warm sensuous kisses the girls placed all over her wet body.

"Yes, of course before the next gathering. But this will help you wean the fawns and we will slowly let up you dry up."

Toni sensed that once again, Egna was withholding most of the truth. She used her new-found talent to try and pry it out of Egna's mind, but again felt the stonewall. She sighed. Not from the unanswered questions, but the tantalizing fingers gently probing and sliding down her body. Toni realized that her boobs were being tested and weighed as the girls caressed them, but didn't really care too much. So far, her unanswered questions had all had a delightful twist. Toni relaxed in the water in a near state of bliss.

She was vaguely aware of the commotion at the entrance of the room. The herd had moved the complaining fawns into the pool room. The fawns got daily baths, which they hated. The girls pulled, tugged and pushed the fawns to get them into the water. The fawns were bleating their protest loudly.

As Toni heard the fawns the milk came down in a rush, engorging her tits, filling her four teats and seeping a bit out of the nipples that were being teased by the girls.

Enga noticed the dripping nipples. She quickly got her fingers wet with milk then stuck them in her mouth.

"MMMMMMmmmmmmmmm," she said.

Toni's boobs ached and the bleating of the fawns seemed to intensify them. She moaned as one of the girls stuck a finger in her pussy and took a lower breast in her mouth. The other women quickly followed suit and soon Toni was writhing in ecstasy as they four-fingered her and suckled her to orgasm. She came again and again as the four women drank her dry, their fingers gently swirling all over her body and at least two hands rubbing her clitty and stroking her cunt at a time. When the milk ran out, the women giggled and stopped. They gently dunked Toni in the water, gave her a quick rinsing and then lifted her back to her feet.

"Thank you," said Egna, giving Toni a loving kiss. Toni could taste her own milk on her lips and tongue and it tasted good and rich. The girls then began to wade to where the rest the herd had gathered. The herd had been occupied with bathing the fawns. They finally got the fawns in the pool and seemed to accept heir fate. Four of the girls noticed Egna and her three accomplices gathered around Toni, wiping their mouths. Immediately, they broke off from their chores and came towards Toni. One of them was Talha, the tall black girl and with them was another favorite of Toni's, the luscious, swarthy Maria.

"Our turn," Talha said motioning to Toni's boobs. "You girls go entertain the fawns." Egna kissed Toni again and she and her group moved towards the fawns who seemed transfixed by the scene.

The Stag stumbled into the waterfall room and lurched into the water. Enga and Nikki turned from the fawns and made their way towards him, where he floated on his back, as if exhausted.

All of a sudden, Toni realized that the Stag was in peril. Something tickled her mind and she dove underwater and swam quickly towards the floating man, beating Enga and to him.

"Come on," she said to the Stag.

"Huh?" he groggily replied.

"Come on!" Toni reached over and grabbed the Stage by his dick and pulled him towards shore. He followed as they rushed towards the shore. Toni had to let go of her hand hold as she climbed out of the pool, but she quickly regained it when it appeared that the Stag was going to lie on the bank once they got on it.

The Stag stumbled behind her, trying not to trip in Toni's shapely legs as they ran out of the waterfall room and through the banquet room out into the moon-lit glade.

The huge throne in front of the altar seemed to glow to Toni and she pulled the Stag along, giving the cock a couple of quick jerks for a good measure. Toni felt a tug in her mind and she made for the altar, dragging the Stag behind her. Toni's four enlarged boobs ached with all the bouncing but she kept up her pace.

Toni hopped on the throne, pulling the Stag up with her. A golden mist seemed to emanate from the throne and envelope them. From the seat of the throne, Toni could see Nessa come out of the nexus cave with one of the fawns following close behind her. Nessa was heading towards the altar, gathering wild flowers as she walked and the fawn was scenting the air behind her.

The mist became denser and denser and Toni lost sight of the pair as Nessa climbed the altar, rolled to her hands and knees then opened her legs wide, the fawn's nose moving towards Nessa's crotch.

The mist began to swirl around them and Toni felt as if her mind expanded a very sensual feeling of pleasure and awareness. She gripped the cock of the Stage hard and could feel that he too was being affected by the mist.

Toni felt the soft strong arm of the Goddess surround her, and she instinctively turned in towards Her. The Goddess smiled down at her and lifted a breast and Toni eagerly suckled the nipple. The looked over and saw that the Stag had been attested to a teat also so she let go of her grip on him and began to caress the Goddess as she drank the rich, warm fluid.

MMmmmmmm' was the contra-alto voice in her mind, Mmmmmmmmm it's been sooo long. Drink my dears, suck as much as you want. You have earned it.'

Toni complied and began sucking in earnest, the smells and the taste of the milk somehow arousing her again and she began to feel revitalized as she drank. She heard the sounds of the Stag as he slurped the milk down voraciously.

`Thank you blessed Goddess,' Toni said mentally.

Hush my little one," the Goddess replied, You two have done much for me this past cycle, your milk has enabled more of the herd to become fertile again and you have birthed two new Stags into the herd. Drink and become replenished.

`When you accepted both the Stag and the Buck (as you call him) I gave you those extra breasts to insure both fawns had enough nourishment. I decided if you were brave and resilient enough to take both cocks into you when you were ovulating, then I should assist you for your sacrifice.'

The Goddess stroked Toni and the Stag's hair as they suckled. Toni hugged the Goddess hard as she `heard' her thoughts. Her state of arousal increased and involuntarily she began to grind against the Goddess' thigh.

Toni stopped, shocked at her own audacity, then the Goddess replied in a like manner, her silken muscled thigh grinding into Toni's labia.

"It's been sooo long," sighed the Goddess again.

The Stag burped, then disengaged himself from the teat. Toni felt as if she was rolled over on her back, although it seemed to her that the three of them were floating in space and time. The breast of the Goddess became dry and the Goddess pulled Toni up to her face and then kissed her. It was wonderful. She smelled milky and good and her thigh was grinding into Toni's aching clit.

The Goddess suddenly lifted her head from Toni's and gasped. Through their mental union, Toni could `feel' the long hard cock of the Stag enter the Goddess. Then Tony felt a big bulb of a cock push slowly into her labia. It was far too large to be the Stag's own enormous dick. Toni spread her legs as far as she could and arched her back to further the penetration.

She reached over the Goddess' firm, smooth butt until she found the cunt of the Goddess that was being very slowly fucked by the Stag. She reached around then and discovered that the huge cock that was entering her was the cock of the Goddess.

Yes, I am hermaphrodite,' Moaned the Goddess mentally And it's been sooo long..' With that, the Goddess entered Toni with a huge thrust, knocking the air out of her with the push, Toni's vaginal walls stretching to accommodate the huge girth and length of the immortal penis.

Toni was filled even more so than when both the Stag and the Buck had fucked her. The Goddess managed to lie still inside her for a bit but the sliding of the Stage within her own hungering pussy couldn't be denied and together the three began to buck and squirm.

Toni exploded with her first cosmic orgasm, and the felt the Goddess shudder and have her own female orgasm as the Stag plunged in and out of her. The cock of the Goddess kept delving deep into her and through their union Toni was one with the mind of the Goddess.

She understood now that she had been the answer to eons of prayers by the herd, ever since the Flame of Brighid had been extinguished and the Magick had fallen under persecution and rejection. Toni realized that her milk had enabled all who drank it to become fertile, that somehow it was a side of effect of her magical natural transformation.

Toni came again, nullifying her thoughts and as the orgasm shook her, she felt the orgasm of the Goddess' pussy again and in that instant knew what the Goddess truly longed for.

Reluctantly, Tony pushed herself off of the plunging phallus and pulled herself up until one of her oozing boobs was at the mouth of the Goddess. The Goddess suckled hungrily, emptying all four swollen boobs quickly as the Stag made her cum again.

Toni wiped the Goddess mouth with her hair then kissed her as the Goddess moaned. Then she slid herself back beneath the Goddess, grabbed the huge dick and positioned it at the lips of her stretched pussy.

The Goddess pounded into her and Toni squealed as she came after but a few hard thrusts. The pounding of both the Stag and the Goddess intensified and suddenly she groaned, Toni could feel his semen fall on her inner thighs, as it spurted out of the Goddess's cunt. The Goddess shook with another female orgasm and then Toni felt the cock of the Goddess grow even harder and suddenly she came, harder than she had ever come before as the spunk of the Goddess filled her and squished out of her hole.

Exhausted the threesome lay together a long time. Toni kept fondling her new nipples that had emerged beneath her second set. She knew that the Stag would return to the herd, for he was needed there. The Goddess planned to keep her, until the triplets were born, and again her milk would help replenish the magick herd.

It was the Summer Solstice, and before long, the Stag would venture into the dangerous other plane again, looking for another transgender to convert for the Goddess so the magic could renew. Toni was satisfied and caressed her lovers, contented and happy that she could be of service to them.

Well, not quite contented, she giggled as she moved down to take the enormous cock of the Goddess in her mouth and suck it back to rigidity...

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