The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Apr 5, 2009


Chapter 8

Toni sucked and sucked and the milk began to flow from the breast and it was warm and rich and not at all like she had ever imagined it to be. It smelled all creamy and good and as Toni sucked she could feel some soft but strong arms fold about her, and as a gentle hand played with her hair. Toni responded by rubbing her hand up the abdomen of the one who held her and up to the other boob. A gentle hand stopped her before she got too far in the titillation.

Not now my little one,' she heard the rich alto voice boom in her head, I am saving it for later...first empty this one'. And the milk seemed to gush forth and Toni sucked and swallowed as her head was caressed. The other hand of the goddess moved down to Toni's hood. Toni opened her legs and the touch was gentle and firm and soft and perfect. Toni could feel the waves of pleasure course through her whole being and the fingers got her so close to her point and then the milk gave out.

Toni pulled away from the teat and looked up as she felt herself being moved almost effortlessly by the beautiful woman that held her.

`It's later," laughed the goddess. Her eyes sparkled and ever-changing colors, the irises growing larger and smaller and the colors blended and melded together. Her hair was golden, with traces of red in it and she had a divine pouting mouth with perfect teeth. She lifted her swollen breast to Toni who eagerly took it in her mouth.

`I am most pleased with you little one for keeping the stags from lethal harm. So I will give you this boon, but it will leave when you need it no more.' The probing fingers of the goddess had worked their way into Toni's gash and up the canal to the g-spot. Toni moaned and sucked.

This time the goddess let her play with the other nipple and Toni did, marveling at the smooth wonderful skin. The goddess began to moan and it was like wonderful rich music and Toni lost herself in the passion and again she tried to slip her hand down to the loins of the goddess.

The hand stopped her and the goddess came out of her moaning trance and giggled.

`No, not now. Now you need to finish this task before I return you with my blessing,' Toni heard in her head as the milk gushed again. Toni sucked and swallowed as the rich creamy liquid gurgled down her throat. It was divine. Toni felt the finger of the goddess take her g-spot into a very intensive orgasm and as she opened her mouth, the Buck stuck his limp, wet dick into it.

She was back on the altar in the lovely furs and the Stag's bulbous cock-head was pushing into her. Now all four Crones of the two herds were next to the table and using their hands and lips to stimulate the three lovers. She opened he mouth to let the Buck's helmet in then she began to tongue the sensitive spot on the bottom of the heart. The Stag slid his dick into her wet hole with ease in a single smooth stroke. She sighed with the Buck's cock in her mouth and she could feel it begin to engorge. She encouraged it as the base of the Stag's cock planted firmly on her clitty, pushing and rubbing down on it.

Toni's body shook with spasms as all four Crones began to suck her nipples. Their tongues intertwined over her areolas then over the super sensitive tips, first one mouth sucking then the other, the switching more like a tender kiss. Toni moaned again as the sensations in her boobs seemed electrifying almost as much as the two huge cocks that impaled her. Soon both men had their rods into her as far as they cold go and they stopped, pinning Toni between them.

The sucking of Toni's nipples by the woman made her writhe and quiver. That motion made her churn against the Stag's huge cock with her clitty. Her head bobbed on the Buck's cock making it grow thicker and harder. The sensations built upon her like a huge tidal wave and as she came the Crones bit down on her nipples and Toni felt a twinge of pain. All four women were suckling a teat as Toni came hard.

The men responded and seemed unleashed by an invisible force began to pound into her and they came, first the Buck, moaning as his jism spurted down her throat, the Stag, grunting as he rammed his meat into her as hard as her could. Toni tried to swallow every drop of the Buck's huge load and she also gripped the Stag's shaft with her vaginal muscles, milking it as it shot into her.

The Crones and the men fell away from the alter, leaving Toni in a fantastic afterglow. She curled into the soft furs and fell asleep as both herds of girls claimed the men and the Crones for more carnal delights.

Toni lay back in the tall grass of the glade staring up at the moons. Again she tried to make sense of their weird orbits but the rhythm eluded her. She rolled in the soft grass, her four milk-swollen breasts swaying in the moonlight. It had been a while since the gathering and she was remembering all that had happened to her since then.

The sex at the gathering had been wonderful but after a few days, the two herds began to drift apart. The Stag led them on a trail that took them out of the woods and into a nexus on the plains of the plane. Toni rubbed her swollen breasts subconsciously, as she did when thinking.

The goddess had given her an extra set of breasts, right below her other ones, and although at first she felt like a freak, it was obvious that she was expecting twins, so soon it seemed natural to her. The rest of the herd was quite excited and Toni found herself being pampered. However, there was a down-side; no one in the herd would have sex with her. Toni didn't know why, she knew that pregnant women often enjoyed sex and when she tried to asked the question she was met with a stone wall both mentally and verbally.

The pregnancy was swift and the birthing painful. It was obvious from the first day that they were born; both the Stag and the Buck had fertilized her. The fawns seemed to grow at an amazing rate and for a while, all it seemed that she had gotten done was to suckle them. But lately they had been grazing more and like now, she found herself with swollen teats and had to go hunt her fawns down for relief.

She found them at the end of the glen, surrounded by some of the herd that held the long spears and watched them as they romped and played. Toni called to them again and the fawns stopped and looked at her. Her boobs ached and complained with every bounce, every step she took.

The fawns stood still as she approached them, then she called to them again and lay down on the soft grass so they could reach down and suckle. They had grown so quickly! Toni looked up at them fondly and squirmed a little as the wet noses and tongues washed over two of her teats.

The fawns licked a little dribbling of milk, and then began to trot away, looking back at her and flicking their tails. Toni began to cry, her hormones dumping as her boobs seemed to increase in size and aching.

The Stag heard her and came striding into the little circle that always seemed to be gathered around her at feeding time. He was carrying the big bow and had a scowl on his face as he searched for the source of Toni's wails. The Crones told him and pointed at the fawns that were busy engaging in a mock fight.

"They've rejected the nipple?" he asked and the Crones nodded licking their lips. The Stag quickly tossed his weapons aside and scooped the crying Toni in his magnificent arms. Toni buried her head into his massive chest and let it all out. It felt so good to be in his arms again. He had been so aloof during her pregnancy and the nursing. She snuggled into him as hard as she could while he strode with purpose towards the cavern of the nexus.

He passed the throne and went straight for his chambers and laid her down in the furs, kissing her neck and behind her ears. Toni moaned, loving the sensations and attention. She reached down and grabbed the Stag's rock-hard cock and gave it a few soft sensual strokes. He responded by kissing on down her neck and then onto the swollen softness of her boob. Tony grabbed his head and pulled it to an aching teat, gasping as his lips sucked the nipple into his mouth.

The release of the dam made Toni quiver and she arched her back and spread her legs in anticipation. She felt the strong hand of the Stag move from her breast and trace its way down her abdomen, playing with her pubic patch for a bit, and then diving down into her wet gash. Toni was awfully close to an orgasm, but the other boobs were screaming for relief too.

As the Stag finished sucking all the milk out of her tit, he pulled his head back and began to cover her, but Toni reached out and grabbed his cock, holding it from its desired destination.

"Not until you have emptied another one," she said pulling his head to another dripping nipple. "I don't want them to be bouncing all that hard." she giggled. The Stag eagerly complied and as he drank the warm nectar down, Toni again tingled with sensations the milk flowing out of her tit and the desire in her pussy growing. The Stag jabbed two fingers into her suddenly and Toni gasped between her panting.

She clutched him to her as he worked his fingers inside her twat and suckled her. As the tit deflated, the Stag got up again and this time Toni threw her hips up into the air, awaiting her impalement.

The huge head of the Stag found her lips easily and the shaft lurched into her stretching her vaginal wall, the helmet a bulb pushing its way into her. Toni cried out as her orgasm erupted the instant her hard clit hit the shaft of the Stag. She pumped the shaft for all she was worth and screamed with pleasure as the Crones grabbed her two swollen boobs and began to feed. The Stag somehow increased his staccato pounding of her pelvis. She gripped him to her, her nails digging into his back and she was as guttural as he was in their exertions.

Oh he felt so good pounding inside of her and his lovely spicy smell and her musk and the sweetness of her milk the smells hit her brain as her second intense orgasm exploded within her radiating up and down the spinal columns and along the milk-line as the Stag pounded on, ramming her clitty as hard as he could. He exploded inside her and she could feel the hot cum squishing and slopping out of her nether lips and down into the crack of her anus.

The Crones kept sucking as the afterglow took effect until the second set of boobs had been depleted. The Stag staggered off of Toni and held himself up by the bed. Nessa dropped to her knees and took the cock in her mouth and began to stroke it with her throat. Danann kept licking, suckling and playing with Toni's nipples alternately as Toni cuddled with her.

Soon, Toni watched as Nessa's eyes begin to bulge as the cock began to harden in her mouth and then rise, forcing Nessa to keep adjusting to keep the monster form gagging her. The Stag had caught his breath and he reached down and grabbed Nessa off of his shaft then pulled her to the head of the bed.

He turned her towards the table then lifted the Crone upon it, making her stand doggie-style with her wet dripping pussy over Toni's mouth. Tony shot her tongue into the lovely tasting gash immediately, causing Nessa to groan. She was not surprised to discover that her tongue had competition for the hot hole. The bulb of the Stag's cock began to force Toni's tongue out of Nessa's honey-pot, so Toni moved down a bit so she could concentrate on Nessa's clit.

Toni licked both the clit and dick as the long hard shaft of the Stag stretched Nessa's lips. As the Stag began to pound into Nessa, Toni found it harder to keep her tongue on Nessa's clitty. Danann began to move down from her Toni's and began kissing her abdomen. She moved further and further down, kissing Toni in all of the sensitive areas of Toni's skin, making it tingle again. The Crone smiled at Toni with open lust then plunged her sharp agile tongue into Toni's sopping cum-filled twat. Toni opened her legs wider and lifted her hips. She wasn't really horny but it did feel wonderful.

Toni clutched the soft luscious hips of Nessa with both hands, holding herself the best she could as the Stag kept plunging into Nessa. When the Stag rammed his dick into her and held it there, Toni was soon rewarded with the sweet mixture of cum juices from the pair as the overage was pushed out of Nessa's cunt by the rhythm of the Stag. Toni lapped it all up, not forgetting to dart her tongue on Nessa's swollen clit and run it along the Stag's shaft here and there.

The Stag was holding himself up by the edge of the bed and leaning into it as he tried to catch his breath. Nessa began to crawl over Toni (not forgetting to kiss, suckle and tease all four of her nipples briefly) towards Danann. The two Crones met with a passionate kiss. Danann jumped off of the bed and almost ran over to the Stag. In a twinkling, she was on her knees with the limp wet cock in her mouth.

The Stag sighed then began to moan as Danann work her pouting lips on the shaft. Toni actually began to be concerned for the Stag, for it seemed that Crones did not intend him to get any rest. But Toni briefly forgot that train of thought as Nessa began to work her tongue magic on Toni's pussy.

Toni began writhing and moaning as she watched as the Stag's twitching member began to harden and grow again. Her sounds of pleasure seemed to stimulate the Stag. Danann took it all suddenly in her mouth and down her throat in a lunge, making the Stag gasp. He began to thrust his hips into her and she let him throat-fuck her for a few strokes. Suddenly she pulled the cock out of her mouth and then jumped on the bed in Nessa's previous location, planting her clit firmly on Toni's willing mouth. Toni barely got her tongue into Danann's hole before that huge helmet reappeared, pushing it out again. Toni switched back to the clitty and nibbled and sucked it as the cock forced its way into Danann's pussy.

Nessa was a skilled at cunnilingus and soon Toni was screaming as the orgasms shook her. After her release, Toni attacked the moving clitty again and as the Stage came, his spam squirted out of the Crone's hole and on Toni's face. Toni wriggled out from underneath Danann just as she and the Stag collapsed into the furs. Nessa crawled up to them and the three of them began caressing and fondling each other as they drifted off to sleep.

Toni wanted a shower. She has semen and cum and milk all over her and she was sticking to the furs. She hopped off of the bed and headed for the waterfall room. Enga and three of the herd were already in there as she sauntered in and they beckoned for her to join them underneath the falls.

The girls frolicked and squealed under the water and Toni had a splendid time soaping each other up and rinsing each other off. Toni suddenly realized how much she loved being in the herd. She felt very sexy and complete, even if she did have four milk-swollen breasts. The tenderness of her nipples and the ache in her boobs reminded Toni that she was going to suffer pain as she dried up. The thought of her fawns not wanting her anymore made her a bit sad but the she felt soft gentle hands come from behind her and cup her lower breasts.

Next: Chapter 9

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