The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Mar 25, 2009


The next five marches were just that...marches. The girls of the herd kept the Stag at bay from Toni and kept her firmly in the middle of the herd. The Stag was far more powerful that any of the women, but armed with the long pointy spears, he was no match for them although he did continue to keep trying. In the final two days of the march, he seemed to despair of reaching Toni and instead, began to drive the herd forward at an ever quickening pace.

Toni noticed that the trail began to incline, and that the walking became a wee bit harder. On the sixth `dawn' the trail seemed to incline more and Toni realized that they were moving towards a ridge on the horizon. The came to a nexus much sooner than usual and there the Crones stopped, although the Stag was insistent that the herd move on. After several altercations the Stag bellowed in rage and Toni thought that she could hear an answering bellow from across the ridge.

The Stag threw up his head at the sound and then trotted up the trail towards the ridge and out of sight. Nessa set up a guard to watch for him with Egna in charge and the rest of the girls began to harvest the wild flowers that grew in the glen. They began to weave fantastic garlands and the Danna and a few of the girls took Toni into the shower.

Toni loved the attention that they were giving her body, soaping and cleaning it and although she was really horny, the girls ignored her blatant advances. They really took a long time washing and drying her hair and then the girls began to style it. Weaving the tiny, yellow, fragrant flowers into many garlands. They worked for a long time. Then, satisfied with their work, Toni was led to a mirror and the girls began to apply makeup and eye shadow.

The make up was all new to Toni and she asked many questions as the girls worked. It was the first time she had seen make-up on this plane (not that any of the girls really needed it) and they laughed at her questions and naiveté. When they were finished Toni looked into the mirror and realized that she was ravishing. She felt so good and feminine.

The girls that had been weaving the garlands entered the dressing area Instead of her usual attire, Toni was bedecked in the garlands and nothing else. The natural dress enhanced her lovely form and Nessa put fine silken sandals on her feet. Satisfied, Nessa and Danann then led the girls to the table for a quick brunch of coffee and croissants.

After the brunch, the herd trooped outside into the glen where Egna and her guards were having a time with the Stag. He was getting very belligerent, pawing the ground with his mighty hooves and tearing up brush and small trees with his antlers. Egna and her assistants were having a hard time keeping him from entering the cavern and when the other girls saw this they rushed to help. Finally the Stag was turned and again, he trotted up the path, looking over his shoulder to see if the rest of the herd was following.

Contented that they were following him he led them up the incline and waited for the herd to catch up at its summit. When Toni made the top of the path, the wind switched directions, blowing from behind the herd instead in their faces. Toni looked down into the big meadow below.

It was like the nexus glens but much, much larger. There was a stone henge around the circumference of the whole valley. The path wound down at a gentle grade and went under one of the arches. The table with hand and footholds was set in the center of the henge under a huge moss-covered green arch like an alter. Behind the altar was a crystal throne that gleamed like blue neon in the moonlight. The grass around the altar was short and Toni saw that the pentacle was natural.

Inside the valley were at least seven herds, each with a buck that kept encircling the girls, only stopping to paw and thrash some brush when the saw another buck which quite often. As Toni's scent wafted into the valley all the bucks stopped abruptly and lifted their magnificent heads. They all turned and faced the newcomers and began bugling, the Stag answering them in a terrible roar. Toni's legs buckled at the bugling, her uterus was quivering like a gelatin, the wonderful tingling traveled down her brain and spread from her loins down her legs and up into her breasts.

Her herd dropped their long spears and knife belts and rushed to pick Toni up, catching her before she could fall from the pleasure rippling inside of her. As if on cue, the Stag lowered his head and the girls lashed Toni spread-eagled on his tines, using a silken like vine that had beautiful wild roses woven in it.

They picked up their weapons and with the Stag and Toni in their center proceeded down to the altar. He held his head high as the other bucks bugled and moved toward in alter in a semi-circle. The girls kept a close eye on them as the Stag lowered his head at the altar and four of the girls helped Nessa and Danann get Toni off of the tines and onto the altar that was draped in rich, white ermine fur. It was lovely and soft to the touch. She was placed on her hands and knees and she discovered that the furs had been piled deep like a giant pillow. Nessa and Danann piled yes more ermine furs beneath her, gently lifting her up until her weight was supported on the her pelvis and hands.

They tied her hands to the loops the bottom of the altar with the soft vine, then caressing her all over, they tied her ankles spread-eagle down until the soft furs were pushing on her clitoris. Toni moaned and ground into the fur. The Crones kept caressing her body softly as the tingling increased its rhythm.

Toni could see the bucks hesitantly moving towards her, the Stag facing them and bellowing. He stalked over to a huge bush and levitated it with three swipes of his antlers. Four of the bucks stopped their approach and looked anxiously back towards their herds that seemed to be spreading out and slowly moving towards the pentacle. One of them looked back at the stag then trotted off towards his herd, and then the other three followed his suit.

Only the big blondish buck and the smaller, swarthier one kept slowly moving towards the altar. The swarthier one bugled, and then started to trot in a circular manner towards Toni. The Stag bellowed and with a snort galloped to meet the intruder. The swarthy one turned to meet him, showing the Stag his nice big rack. The Stage followed suit, the antlers glistening in the moonlight. They eyed each other for a few seconds then leaping; they lowered their heads and crashed the racks into each other, the sound booming across the canyon.

The rest of the bucks bugled and bellowed at the fight. The Stag easily forced the swarthier one to his knees, then over on his side. The Stag backed up in in that split second whirled and lashed with his hind feet catching the young buck in a rib. The breath rushed out of him and he collapsed to the ground as the Stag whirled back to face him. He slowly got to his feet then noticing that some of the other bucks were moving towards his scattered herd he trotted off to round them up.

The blondish buck pawed the ground and grunted and then the two repeated the leaping crash. This time the antlers rang long and loud as the two massive stags battled for Toni. Toni felt wanted and the sight of the fight and the Crones' caresses heightened her excitement. She moaned and tried to rape the furs. The battle continued on, with neither stag gaining the advantages and all the wile the other bucks bugling in the background, each bugle sending spasms of pleasure through her.

The turf churned beneath their feet and they grunted and bellowed as they fought. Toni felt a primal satisfaction as the two males fought on, knowing that she was the prize that they sought. The kisses and hands of the Crones kept her in a tantalizing state of arousal.

The bucks fought on and on. Finally, the Stag found and advantage

And with a mighty twist of his bull-neck gave a heave and threw the blonde buck to his knees, and giving him a direct broadside target. He lowered his head and charged in. The blonde scrambled to get clear of the lethal antlers and barely got up before the stag caught him in the hindquarters. He bellowed with pain and humiliation and ran form the Stag who chased him a bit before Toni's scent replaced the rage with lust.

The Stag galloped towards the altar and Toni could see the long tapered shaft swinging as he ran towards her. She turned her head as he ran around the alter and just managed a glace of the cock coming towards her, when his weight slammed into her pussy at full force. The tip was hard and sharp and sliced quickly into her wet gash and she moaned as the full impact of the thrust drove her clitty into the soft fur. The stag began to thrust in earnest and Toni, who had been tantalized by the Crones during the fight, had a small orgasm within the first few strokes of the rod.

Her juices flowed down the Stag's shaft and the musk of her scent mixed with the smell of the crushed flowers she was wearing. The Stag increased his intense pumping and Tony could feel the tingling sensations increase as she knew another orgasm was building. She humped back into the cock trying to keep up with the pounding of the Stag. She could feel the climax coming and she sense the closeness of the Stag so she closed her eyes in bliss and fucked harder.

She opened her eyes in surprise a moment later as a huge weight pulsed her deeper into the furs. The blonde buck had snuck around them as they were copulating and had mounted the Stag! The Stag roared but was pinned by the weight of the buck and Toni's firm vaginal grip on his fevered cock. He grunted with Toni as the buck found the Buck's anus and rammed his needle deck into him.

Toni could hold back her orgasm no longer and came hard, her thighs quivering in the soft furs. She could feel the Stag harden, then cum, his jism squirting deep inside her. The extra pounding of the Buck signaled his release inside the Stag. After he finished cumming the Buck slid off of the Stag, releasing him.

Once again in human form, the Stag took the opportunity and placed a quick swing into the Buck's midriff. The Buck, a little shaky from the sex and transformation into a human, folded like a wheezing accordion. He turned towards Toni who was tied to the altar.

The Stag reached down and all of him that Toni could see was his giant, pony-like cock swaying in front of him as he unfastened the rope holding her right hand, leaving it tied around her wrist. He did the same for the right leg too, leaving the vine in place on Toni's ankle. The Stag pulled the bundle of furs from beneath Toni, and then crawled onto remaining furs with her. He picked her up and balanced her on his cock, then slowly let her sink down upon it, impaling her with the massive thick shaft.

"Ooooooo." Toni moaned. It felt so good to have his shaft filling her again. It had seemed forever, the last few days and she had been horny. She gazed into his lust-filled eyes and saw that wanting and it thrilled her as she began to ride his cock. The huge piston began to churn inside her and she exploded gasping and panting, knowing that the Stag had just begun his fuck and that she would be cumming again soon.

Toni felt another set of hands on her hips, holding them and pressing down. Then, just one hand as the other obviously had the vine tied to her ankle. The vine tightened and it drove the Stag's cock even deeper inside of her. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that the Buck was grinning down at her. He was huge and blonde and Swedish looking, with big even teeth and startling blue eyes. She watched as he tied the vines with a couple of half-hitches securing her and the Stag to the altar. She could feel his stiff manhood rubbing up and down her crack as the Stag kept pumping hard in her gash.

The Buck leaned over and got the vine that held her wrist and tightened it with a jerk that forced Toni to fall forward and look away. She could feel the Buck's fingers as he slide them towards the union of flesh that was jerking and quivering. She felt them as he somehow slide one, then two, then three into the cramped bucking hole. Toni sensed relief as he withdrew them, but then she felt his wet dick sliding towards her pussy. It moved slowly, as in opposition to the dick pounding inside her and then she felt it stop at her gash and begin to push against the lips.

Toni screamed in pain as the huge helmet of the Buck was forced into her already stretched cunt. The Stag groaned beneath her and the sound stimulated her ovaries and the quaking in her womb began. Toni found herself in a state of pleasure and pain and she tried to spread her legs wider as the Buck slowly inched his own huge shaft into her stuffed hole.

The Stag could feel what was going and he stopped, trying to alleviate Toni's pain since he was trapped within her. The Buck kept pushing, deeper and deeper the shaft slid in as Toni made silent gasps until it was in almost as deep as the Stag's. The Buck began to pump, slowly sliding his cock back and forth within the cramped pussy. The pain in Toni's vagina became numb, and then evolved into a renewed pleasure.

"Oh goddess fuck me," she gasped and the Stag renewed his thrusting with vigor. Both cocks started in rhythm but soon each man was pounding as hard as they physically could and Toni felt as if two wonderful jackhammers were pounding inside of her. She came again and the smell and sounds of the slapping meat excited her further and she could feel the orgasm start to rise again, this time much more intense. She was being held fast by the men and the Stag began to tweak and tease her aching nipples sending further shivers of pleasure down her spine and legs.

The Stag exploded first and the stream of cum jettisoned inside of her, and squished warm and sticky in her cramped hole and she came hard as almost simultaneously the Buck shot his wad too and her pussy became a wet, full pleasure center as all three of them collapsed, panting and moaning.

The Buck slide out first and Toni felt the vines being untied and many hands lifting her off of the Stag, and gently replacing her down in the furs beside him. The Buck crawled onto the alter with them and Toni, fearing another fight, quickly reached down and grabbed both men by their limp and wet dicks.

That calmed them as Toni well knew it would. She kept stroking the sensitive helmet and teasing their little holes with her fingers, as she lay panting for breath. She felt someone rubbing her swollen labia and she looked down and saw Egna applying the blue gel to her and Toni smiled at Egna gratefully.

Toni couldn't believe how horny she felt. It was wonderful and terrifying at the same time as she tried to imagine how both those huge phalluses had pushed their way into her little pussy. She wanted them hard again and she knew how to do it.

She rolled over the Stag with a quick kiss on the lips and then rewrapped the dicks, using them as leverage to put the men where she wanted them; side by side and sitting on the edge of the alter. Toni bent down and tried to get both cocks in her mouth, but they were just too large so she settles on somehow getting both of the little holes in there. Toni began to fuck the little orifices with her tongue, while stroking the slippery dicks with her hands.

Girls from both of the herds joined in, their hands gentle and sensual upon the threesome and soon both cocks had arisen to their full stature. By then, Toni was sucking them alternatively as the men had their hands in her hair and she would suck on one and then the other. Toni discovered that she could taste the difference in the men's spunk, even when mixed with her sweet cunt juices. The Buck, as she had come to think of the other man, had a sort of sage scent to him as opposed to the spicy scent of the Stag.

The Buck pulled away first, and the Stag followed with a resounding `pop' when the cock left Toni's mouth. The furs were re-piled upon the alter and Toni way laid on her back into them this time, her pelvis up in the air and her head close to the edge of the table. The Stag replaced his dick right away and Toni opened her throat as he rammed it down the opening.

The Buck had crawled between her legs and she could feel his shaft open her waiting lips and push itself into her sloppy wet pussy. She opened her legs wide and brought her knees up to give the Buck a better angle. He Buck complied with a swiftness and thus Toni was impaled by huge cock at both ends. She grabbed the Stag's firm, tight ass with both hands as he pounded into her face. Her clitty was swollen from the pounding that the Buck was giving her and her titties were being suckled by a rotation of the girls whose hands seemed to be everywhere.

Toni came hard, quivering in the thighs and uterus, her toes curled as the spasms of her orgasm shook her. The men kept plowing away and Toni felt the next orgasm building. She tried to bob faster and faster on the cock and pound the dick of the Buck as best she could. She could feel the men tensing and she concentrated, trying to make them all cum simultaneously.

The Buck was hitting her g-spot with every stroke and Toni writhed as Nessa played with her clitty. The Stag groaned and Toni remembered tasting the pre-cum as the Buck bellowed and unloaded his semen into her. Her orgasm overcame her as the Stag shot his load and then she was floating in the air, not stopping until a lovely boob was in front of her mouth and Toni could smell its rich goodness so she took the nipple in her mouth and began to suck.

Next: Chapter 8

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