The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Mar 21, 2009


The herd continued their travels, arising after their lust had been sated in a nexus, some breakfast, a shower and then back on the trail. The beautiful three moons of the plane moved in mysterious orbits and Toni found it hard to gage time on this plane as it never seemed to be either dawn dusk or day but the lovely bright night.

Toni got to know all the girls in the herd quite well as she too dallied with them along the trail, stealing kisses and quickies as they meandered in the endless moonlight. She seemed to be the center of their attentions and she discovered that she liked it after the many years of feeling strange and shamed on the other plane.

After their travels they would feast and dance, sometimes in the nexus but often in the glades beneath the huge moons. Toni loved having sex in the open air, the soft grass and moss beneath her as the wind cooled the sweat of passion's heat from her and her partners' bodies. Often the Crones joined her and the Stag as they had their sex before they slept, and Toni discovered the pleasures of the small group writhing and kissing and fondling each other as they fell into satisfied sleep.

But the best is when the Stag took her and her alone to his bed. His eyes glazed with lust and admiration, his finely sculpted and strong body pumping hard into her thrilled her unlike any sensation she had ever known. And although he was by no means a gentle lover, she thrilled being at his command and longed for his touch when was leading the herd on their journey and sometimes found within her a seed of jealousy as he often availed himself to the other girls in the herd. But is was she that he took in those mighty arms at what she had come to think of as the dusk, that pleased her deep within the well of her being.

One `dawn' she awoke with a nagging pain in her abdomen and lower back. The Stag was snoring deeply beside her so she crept from the chambers and went outside in the glade to relieve herself. She noticed the spot of blood dripping from her vagina and knew that her menstrual cycle had begun. Frightened, Toni found Danann inside the nexus and awoke her out of the arms of the lovely Egna who protested weakly then rolled over and went back to sleep.

`What is wrong?' Toni heard in her mind as Danann instantly came awake sensing the unease in Toni's mind'

It's my period I think,' replied Toni wordlessly. I...I don't know what to do.' The cramps had increased as she had awakened and from being frighten Toni was now scared. Her heightened senses could smell the blood and she began to cry, afraid that the Stag would find her dirty and unattractive. Her whole mind seemed to be off-balance and strange and she felt bloated.

Quickly Danann hugged her and soothed her with both her mind and caresses. Toni was crying silently as Danann reawakened the Egna. Egna nodded then smiled and held out her hand.

"Go with Egna," Danann said, "She'll take care of you and we'll take care of the Stag."

Toni wasn't too sure that she really wanted the lovely Crones to care for the Stag but the cramps were worsening so she took Egna's hand and followed the blonde Amazon as they left the cavern of the nexus and into the glade. The breeze swept over them at the entrance and Toni could hear the Stag roar as he caught her scent. Egna quickly broke into a run, dragging Toni behind her but Toni caught a glimpse of the rest of the heard awakening and the Crones leading them as they confronted the Stag. He was standing in the room and Toni could `feel' that he was searching for her.

"We must hurry before he catches a full whiff of your scent," said Egna. Toni didn't ask why but followed the girl as she led into the deep woods on an old overgrown path. After a little bit, Egna slowed her pace, but continued to move with purpose. They came to a place on the trail that bent around a mossy rock that had a pool of steaming water in front of it. Egna pulled Toni into the pool and Toni felt that the hot water eased her pains somewhat and suddenly the blood began to flow, the water bubbling and foaming at her pussy. Toni cried and Egna held her.

After a bit Toni felt a bit better and the hot water of the pool was turning her skin red so they got out and laid on the cool moss and let the wind dry them off. Egna then walked around the pool to the tiny cliff and ducked into the little cavern that was in its face. Toni followed and discovered that is was a much smaller nexus, with room for only two or three people inside.

Egna searched amongst the cabinets that lined a wall of every nexus cave until she found a little pouch, an earthen pipe and of all things a lighter. She loaded the pipe, took a puff then handed it to Toni.

`Goddess this is good,' thought Toni as she took a deep drag. Soon the cannabis had taken effect and the cramps, although still there, were bearable. So much so that she began to question Egna about the lighter and the pipe and the pouch and all the other seemingly modern accessories that the herd used. Egna laughed at her.

"Surely you realize that the goddess moves through both space AND time? She gives us what we need whenever we need it, no more, no less. The herb is a gift; one that is has been used since time began. Didn't you notice it growing along the path and the pool? We'll harvest some while we are here, so that we will have it when we need it and for rituals."

Thus the girls spent the next few days (between Toni's cramps) to harvest and dry the herb. Egna put it in little pouches and placed them in the cabinets, explaining that now, wherever they went into a nexus the cannabis would be in them.

It was about the seventh `dawn' when the blood began to slow down and Egna went into the cave and came back with a towel and caught some of it on it. She placed it in a leather pouch, then from the door's threshold, procured a long spear and a belt with a long knife and pouches. She slung the leather pouch on her back.

"We must catch the herd now," she said, "Follow me and use all the craft that you learned in the other plane about stalking. Do not show yourself until I tell you to do so."

Enga then chose a path and Toni followed. The girls traveled far past the dusk and into the dawn but still they stayed on the trail. Finally they could hear some giggling and they came upon Nessa and Talha who were locked in a Sapphic scissors, their legs splayed out as they ground their pussies into each other trying to get the ultimate friction they desired.

Egna and Toni watched them from secret, as they bucked and heaved into each other and then would lean forward for a quick nipple suck or a kiss until both women had climaxed several times. It made Toni quite horny and she reached over and tried to slide a finger into Egna's gash. Egna stayed her hand.

"Not now love," she whispered huskily, "We'll have plenty of time for us later. We'll follow them back to the herd. But be careful not to show yourself until I say."

Enga and Toni followed the now sated women as they meandered back to the slowly traveling heard. They could hear the grunts of the Stag as he fucked one of the girls long before they saw the herd. Toni could smell them, their sex juices mingling in the soft breeze and she felt herself become wet in her gash, the smells of the sex and the images of Talha and Nessa still in her mind. She lusted after the beautiful body of the hard-toned Enga as she quietly bounced and swayed in front of her.

They stalked the herd until they came to another nexus glade almost at the dusk when Enga stopped, took off the pouch and pulled the bloody towel from it. She pulled the pipe, lighter and pouch from her belt. Egna lit he pipe and took a deep toke and offered the sweet smoke to the four compass points and to the earth and then the sky. She repeated the gesture again with the towel then passed the pipe to Toni indicating that she should do likewise.

"Hold this," she said, giving Toni the spear and the belt. "Stay downwind of them and don't show yourself until it is over."

"What is over?"

"You will see," giggled Enga.

Egna watched carefully and just when it seemed that the herd was entering the cave she moved quickly. She rubbed the bloody towel on her ass and then strode boldly into the glen, making sure that she got upwind of the herd.

The Stag abruptly stopped at the entrance of the cave as he caught her scent and then leaned his head back and bugled. Toni felt the quivering inside her womb and she could smell her own musky scent as her pussy became wet with moisture.

She watched from seclusion as the Stag strode towards Enga, who was standing near he table-rock of the glade and the Stage took her in his arms and kissed her harshly. His hands ran all over her body as he tasted her and then he leaned he head back and bugled again. It was all Toni could do to stay secluded as the tingling and longing rose inside of her like a giant wave.

The Stag placed Enga on the table and then bent down and began to lick her wet cunt. Enga moaned and grabbed his hair in her hands directing him onto her clitty and the Stag licked and sucked until Enga was moaning in the ecstasy of orgasm.

The Stag broke free of her grasp and tried to mount her, but Enga flipped over, presenting her ass to him and he reached up and grabbed the hand holds over the table and then rammed his thick hard cock into her as she let out a high-pitched scream.

The Stag bugled in response and began to fuck her hard. Egna was returning the pounding moaning and panting as the heard gathered around them forming a pentacle. At the northern and southern compass points, Nessa and Danann began chanting in ancient Celt, the chant a rhythm in sync with the coupling taking place on the table.

As Tony watched, the Stag began to change form, his neck thickened and extended, his handsome face elongated and the antlers sprouted and grew from his head. He sprouted hair allover his body and his hands and feet became slender and turned into hooves. He bugled lustily as he came, and Toni watched fascinated as the jism squirted out of Egna's hole.

The Stag came down from the table and shook his mighty hear bugling, each blast making Toni's uterus contract and quiver. Egna rolled off of the able panting and some of the women gathered around her, while the others left and began to spread out among the glade as if searching. Soon Danann found her and convinced her to come out but advised her to keep downwind of the Stag. They snuck into the nexus cave and Danann began to hand out more of the long spears to some of the girls.

"What are the weapons for?" Toni asked.

Danann laughed.

"To keep the Stag at bay. It is not time yet, but he is so horny that in his antlered state, he really isn't responsible for what he does. He is far too powerful when he is antlered, but he knows that he can't win over our spears and arrows. So we let him drive us to our destination and we keep him from you until the gathering." Danann shrugged. "It is the ancient way and it is the will of the goddess."

Even so, Toni felt sorry for the poor beastie as he bellowed outside the cave. Enga returned from her shower and lay down in the furs next to Toni and Toni leaned over and kissed her, gently massaging a boob as she rubbed the blue gel over her vulva lips.

The long suppressed passion rose within Toni and she reached from the bed and found the double-headed dildo. She quickly lubed it with her spit then slid the curved shaft up inside of her. It felt so good! She then mounted Egna who spread her legs wide to receive the phallus and both girls moaned and they rammed their clits on the hard shaft and thus into each other.

Toni came first and kept grinding. As Egna's desires increased, she became the driver, flipping Toni on her back and sinking the hard cock deep into herself and Toni simultaneously. As Egna came, Toni's desires had ignited again and then both girls fucked each other hard until they came simultaneously, gasping and moaning and panting.

Remembering the pouch, Toni took out the pipe and offered it o the goddess with a prayer then passed the pipe to Egna. The girls cuddled and suckled until Toni fell asleep with Egna's nipple firmly in her mouth.

Next: Chapter 7

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