The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Mar 14, 2009


The many hands quit their tantalizing caresses and they got Toni down from the table hastily. With wash cloths and sponges, the girls gave her a quick wiping down. A fresh set of garments appeared and Toni was quickly redressed and her hair put back into place.

Then the girls moved towards the doorway and Toni understood that she was to follow too. As they exited out of the cavern, Toni was blinded by the light for a bit so she stood still and let her eyes adjust to the glare.

The glare came from the huge three moons that hung in the violet sky. Toni realized that it was much brighter than a moonlit night on the other plane, but not as bright as even the early dawn. She was in a glen surrounded by giant, rugged purple and black mountains.

The grass was about waist-high and soft, swaying gently in the wind. Across the glen Toni saw a tree line and just beyond the trees, stood another magnificent red deer buck that bugled when he saw her. Behind him stood a group of lovely women that gazed upwards towards the cave entrance where Toni and her herd stood, watching the Stag stride towards the buck with determined steps.

A soft gentle breeze blew into her face and washed over her still tingling skin. She marveled how it felt over her exposed genitals and especially her soft thighs that didn't have a nut sack hanging and bumping between them. It felt wonderful to her.

Toni spread her legs and threw her head back. She lifted her arms towards the sky and the breeze seemed to pick up a bit, gently tugging her nipples into a hardened state. She arched her back and closed her eyes.

"Thank you goddess," she said both out loud and from deep within her mind. In that instant, she seemed connected to something strong and powerful, both terrible and wonderful at the same time. A joy and gratitude flowed through her like nothing that she had ever known. All her fears about her new life and the loved ones in the old vanished and she felt at peace in her mind and heart for the first time in her life. Her emotions flowed from within her and she cried tears of joy.

`I am most pleased with you my child,' said the deep rich booming alto voice in her head. A glow seemed to emanate from her and spread throughout the glen. Toni felt uplifted spiritually. She lowered her head and arms slowly and as coming out of a trance looked around her.

The women all around her were kneeling, looking towards her direction. She looked over towards the new herd and noticed that the women were their knees looking at her too. The Stag and buck continued to lock glares, but both were still, as if they had been humbled. As Toni lowered her arms both groups of woman began to get up and move.

"Truly you are chosen of the goddess," said Nessa softly to her.

Toni's girls crowded around her and Toni really couldn't understand or follow the snippets of conversation that she heard. She noticed that the women of the other herd began to move towards them.

Sensing this, the strange buck wheeled, and with his massive antlers began to herd the women back into the far tree line. He looked over his shoulder and bugled again then looked directly at Toni. The Stag raised his bow in defiance towards the buck and the group disappeared into the woods. The Stag turned on his heel and returned to the group of woman who stood chattering excitedly around the confused but happy Toni.

"It has begun," the Stag said and he smiled down on Toni. "Are you ready for this?"

"For what? What has begun?" asked Toni.

He replied by throwing back his head and laughed, the moonlight beautiful on his chiseled face and body. Toni began to feel stirrings inside of her that were new. He took a step and brought her into his arms, still grasping the big recurved bow.

"I have been challenged...and you are the prize," he said.

Toni was bewildered but the Stag felt good and hard in her arms and he smelled of the sweet grass and a rich, spicy man-scent. Inwardly she knew that she was ready for whatever would happen next.

"Yes, I am ready," she whispered.

"The goddess would not have sent you if you were not," he said simply, shrugging his massive shoulders. "We are going on a journey. It is finally time of the great gathering." He raised his bow towards the sky and the woman all cheered, some of them had tears in their eyes.

Toni didn't understand any of this, but felt that somehow, she was connected to all this joy. The conversations swirled in her head again unabated and as the herd moved towards the trees at the far end of the glen, Toni began to sort things out.

Toni found herself at the center of the herd, and as they traveled leisurely across the clear cold stream they all took a drink and the Crones led them in a short prayer to the goddess.

Nessa began to teach Toni the names of the other girls in the herd. There was the tall Amazonian blonde called Enga, and the willowy black girl named Talha. The other Crone was named Danann. She was a blondish-red-haired girl with lots of freckles and alabaster skin with haunting blue eyes.

As they walked they all chatted and Toni learned that the women in the herd had at one time, been male like herself on the other plane.

Far back in the mists of time, when the magick was strong, the old priests and priestesses had sought out the transgendered. It had been a sacred honor to be chosen as the sacrifice' at the nexus during high pagan holidays. The families of the chosen girls' were treated with honor and respect amongst the people for they were the ones that actually `sacrificed' their loved ones.

As the faith began to wane and the old ways were forgotten and ignored, fewer and fewer `girls' came to the plane and the magick lessened accordingly.

It was a lot to absorb, even in the half-telepathic, half chatter of the herd as they followed the Stag along the trail through the woods.

Toni noticed that some of the girls would get quite amorous with each other as they walked, holding hands, fondling each other and kissing. They would often disappear for a bit as the herd moved along, then rejoin the group after their lust had been sated.

She loved their attire that accented their feminine form and Toni realized that she really loved the way she swayed and bounced as she walked. She didn't miss that appendage bouncing and swinging between her legs and the soft wind felt good to her pussy. She was happy. She giggled to herself with pleasure.

After a while, the Stag tuned off the path and led them to a clearing, another glade in the seemingly long and lovely woods. The girls stopped to harvest the wildflowers and made garlands, weaving the sweet smelling flora into their hair and adorning Toni in the most lovely and fragrant of their harvest.

The Stag drank from the sweet brook then walked towards the sheer cliff that towered over the glen. He seemed to disappear into the wall and the herd followed and Toni realized that they had arrived at yet another nexus. Inside, the cavern was almost identical to the previous nexus and Toni felt right at home almost immediately.

The entire herd went into the waterfall shower, stripping off their garments and frolicking together. The flowers from the garlands fell into the water scenting it with a sweet perfume.

The Stag moved in close beside Toni and began to lather her with his strong, firm hands. Toni found the soap and began to return the favor, marveling at how she enjoyed the hardness of his muscles beneath his skin, the hair on his chest and his taunt, lean abdomen. She slid her fingers on down and over his tight firm ass and pulled it towards her. She could feel the slippery smoothness of his huge, hard dick as it slipped on her soapy shaven pussy. The cock began to harden and she loved the sensation it sent through her. She began to get seriously aroused.

She felt wanted and sexy and it thrilled her to the core, making her even wetter and her senses seemed to be heightened. A new, familiar smell seemed to waft through her nostrils, tingling her taste buds in the back of her throat and she realized with a start it was her own sweet cunt.

She had always loved that smell, the scent of a woman aroused and she got wetter as she breathed it in mingled with the aroma of the flower perfumed waters and the Stag's own scent.

Suddenly he grabbed her and together they were under the falls, quickly sloshing the soap from each others bodies as their minds met and they agreed on the ultimate consummation at hand.

Cleansed, the stage swept her into his arms and carried her through the pool as she kissed his neck and nibbled his ear. She could feel the dick at full mast, banging against her as he walked. He easily carried her back to the other room behind the throne and laid her upon the furs on the bed. She spread her legs in anticipation and the huge knob began to enter her, spreading apart the wet lips and she arched her back to enhance the penetration.

His lips reached down and took a swollen nipple in his mouth and she moaned as he stopped the impalement to toy with her nipples, cupping and suckling first one breast then the other. She reached behind his neck and tried to push the mound into his mouth, and simultaneously tried to get more of the huge cock in her wanting pussy.

With a slow determine thrust, he pushed the rod deep into her, the shaft stretching and filling her vaginal walls... up and deep into her. Teasingly he held it there. As she moaned and writhed, trying to get the friction she so needed from it and marveling about how much he needed her and that she was wanted as a woman.

Her grinding at last had the desired effect and the Stag began his piston-like motion, slowly at first, then building tempo as she returned each thrust of his hips the phallus going in and out of her.

The tingling she loved increased and spread from her g-spot into her womb, then up the spine and through the nipples and she came hard, quivering and gasping and moaning but the Stag drove on, the dick piston-like in its rhythm. She spread her legs further, and he responded; fucking her harder, bringing the sensation up into her again and this time she screamed as she came and two or three strokes later she heard the grunt and felt the spunk jet into her and squish out of her hole, the smell of sex strong in the air and their bodies hot with passion. He leaned down again and she raped his mouth hungrily, wrapping her legs around him as she kept grinding, trying to keep the dick deep inside her, not wanting it to slip out. Finally he pulled away from her and the cock began to shrivel inside her and it slid out.

Exhausted, she rolled to her side and the Stag spooned next to her. She fell asleep in a daze of warmth and happiness as the Stag caressed and kissed her neck and ears as she slipped off into sleep.

She was awakened a mere fifteen minutes later as the cock, began probing her butt and hole and sleepily she lifted a leg to give it access as it slid back into her and then contented, she drifted off into deep slumber.

Next: Chapter 6

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