The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Mar 8, 2009


They waded back to the rim and crawled out. There, several young women met them with huge, warm, soft towels and began to rub them dry. They also brought some sheer silk garments and following Nessa's lead, Toni let the women dress her.

The garments were of a fine dimorphic fabric into which was a cleverly weaved tartan. With a start Toni realized that it was her own family tartan. The skirt wrapped low around her hips and hung down over her butt to about the back of her knees. Then it swept up towards the thighs, tying in a little cord between her navel and pussy, leaving the genital exposed.

The bodice was made of the same material, and wrapped around her torso like a corset, underneath her boobs which were uncovered and was held in place by a little silver strap the went around her neck. The girls combed and brushed her hair, pulling it back and putting it into a flat ponytail that hung down her back.

When they were done, they pulled Toni in front of a mirror so that she could approve their work and for the first time Toni had a good look at her new body.

She was about five foot four inches tall, with her greenish blue eyes and a cascade of reddish-gold hair. She had a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her shoulders were much narrower than before of course, and her boobs jutted out, being supported by the bodice.

She swept her fingers down her flat stomach and to the little patch of pubic hair above her shorn twat as she looked at the mirror in wonder. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties as did all the women around her and she marveled at how pretty she looked. She twirled around and watched herself move in the mirror and she giggled. It was wonderful.

The growling in her belly couldn't be denied. Nessa heard it again and laughed, pulling her away from the mirror and back into the large chamber with the rest of the girls following them.

They walked over to a large table and there was a platter of croissants and pitchers of hot, black rich coffee. Toni sat down and began to eat with gusto and Nessa sat beside her to her left. The rest of the girls sat around them and joined in the breakfast.

As Toni's hunger dissipated, her curiosity increased. She tried to listen to the other conversations around her but as so many of them were telepathic in nature, she quickly lost track. As she became confused, she became frightened again. Just where am I?' What will happen to me?" What HAS happened to me?"

Nessa reached over and placed a soft smooth and on her inner thigh and that somehow calmed Toni.

There, there,' she leaned over and crooned in Toni's ear although her sensuous lips did not move, Let me fill you in. We are the servants of the earth goddess, the goddess of nature. This place is on another plane as from your earth... somewhat like another dimension. We can move through these dimensions on High Holy Days and thus were you found when the goddess heard your prayer. She sent the Stag to collect you from the nexus alter from which you prayed.

`The nexus are powerfully magical spots and they interweave the planes of reality. They also weave the fabric of time that only the goddess can pass through. Once, long ago, they were bright with power here on this planet and humans used the magic as a valuable resource.

`Then when the new faiths emerged, the essence of the power faded. We became few among the many and most of us were brought to these plane eons ago by the goddess. In her wisdom, she knew that humans would have to return to the ancient path.

"So what are you? I mean us?" Toni wasn't quite used to the instant telepathic communication yet so she spoke in her lovely melodic voice. She loved the sound of it.

Nessa and some of the girls laughed at that last thought, but Nessa gave them a quick look and suddenly Toni felt that in her mind, there was only her and Nessa. Nessa gave her a quick reassuring smile. She `felt' Nessa massage and ease her confusion and somehow that Nessa had seen quite a bit of her mind. Toni blushed.

Ha ha ha.' I think you are hot, as you say, too.' And with that Nessa grabbed Toni's hand and gently guided it to Nessa's belly, then down the open portion of her garment to her shorn pussy. Toni slid in a finger as she heard UUuuuuuuummmm' in her mind.

Well, I suppose we would be what your people would recognize as wood nymphs, although as you can see we are not small. We have all been gathered here by the grace of the goddess for either loyal service or pure hearts. UUuuuuuuummmm'.

Nessa's hand was now on Toni's boob, her soft fingers gently tracing the areola and Toni could feel her nipples harden. She snuggled into Nessa's arms and pried her finger deeper in Nessa's gash.

`UUuuuuuuummmm,' Nessa gasped and all of a sudden Toni realized that she was getting very horny by finger banging Nessa. Toni sensed that Nessa was loosing her train of thought as the ecstasy began to build inside of her, and Toni began to focus on her task.

Toni marveled at Nessa's response and the jiggling titties as Nessa writhed. She bent down and sucked one of Nessa's nipples into her mouth, continuing her finger-banging of Nessa's wet and slippery pussy.

"OOH!" cried Nessa as she grabbed Toni's head and held it to her breast, "That is wonderful."

Toni could feel the heat of Nessa's blood flush her skin and she realized that she herself was getting very wet in her own nether regions. Toni's mind rapidly slipped out of her curious to her erotic set. She continued the fucking and sucking with abandon.

"Yes! O goddess, yes! I'm, cumming," Nessa cried. Toni could feet the stickiness of Nessa's honey as the Crone orgasmied on her fingers. She kept sucking and gently biting the nipples as Nessa squirmed.

A hot, hard piece of flesh began to poke at her mouth where it was joined at Nessa's nipple and Toni looked up and saw the huge head of the Stag's cock as it tried to pry her mouth off of the bud.

She looked up at the big man and he grinned at her and nodded. He smelled clean and somewhat spicy. She licked her lips.

As Toni turned her head, the cock pushed against her lips and Toni instinctively opened her mouth as the head slid between her lips. She had never had a cock in her mouth before but she remembered what she had like when she had been male so she took her tongue and found the dripping orifice of the cock.

She tried to stick her tongue into it as far as she could and she heard the bass voice of the Stag sigh, then moan in pleasure. She swirled her tongue around the huge helmet and then she felt many hands pick her up and set her on the table, on her hands and knees The rest of the girls had joined into the act and Toni felt their hands creasing and tingling every nerve in her body until she felt as if her body was just one sensitive clitoris. Toni kept the Stag's cock in her mouth. She felt Nessa crawl underneath her and the Crone grab and knead her aching nipples. A few moments later the other Crone slipped underneath her and grabbed a nipple in her mouth as Toni's pleasures intensified.

Then Nessa took the other engorged nipple in her mouth and Toni involuntarily tried to sigh. The Stag sensed her mouth opening and he pushed his cock in her oral cavity further, past the point where Toni could use her tongue an into the space beyond her teeth.

Toni gagged and tried to pull away but the strong hands of the Stag held her head on the shaft and he began to push in deeper. Toni began to breathe through her nose and tried to open her throat to accept the huge phallus and the Stag kept pushing the fleshy spear deeper and deeper into her virgin mouth.

Toni felt hands caressing her body, and then prying fingers moved into her wet gash. The fingers kept seeking until they found her g-spot and with that Toni shuddered and gasped again. The Stag pushed in further as she tried to gasp, and then Tony felt the dick begin to move out, then back into her mouth and throat in a fucking motion. She began to bob on the cock as the many hands opened her pussy and the Crones sucked and gently bit her nipples.

The fingers in her gash disappeared and Tony felt the smooth hard plastic of a dildo enter her aching and quivering hole. She spread her legs apart as far as she could go and the girls slid the dildo deep into her as the Stag pushed his huge cock all the way done her throat, holding her head in his huge hands.

Toni found herself impaled on both ends and she loved it. She tried to rape the sliding dildo with her pussy as the cock slid in and out of her throat getting thicker and harder. The tingling began deep within her and Nessa's practiced mouth worked her nipples as Toni writhed and sucked the Stag's dick. She could feel the orgasm build and she wanted it, so she tried to suck and fuck harder and harder.

She exploded on the dildo, quaking and quivering, moaning despite the huge cock that was knocking at the back of her throat. The sensations of her throat stimulated the Stag and he could no longer contain himself and with a mighty thrust, he pushed his dick deep into her and held her head in place.

Tony felt the shaft harden the pulse as his cum shot into the back of her throat, blocking her airway, gagging her and she tried to pull away but the Stag held her firm.

The cum filled her mouth and began to seep out of her lovely lips and Tony began to swallow the rich salty liquid as the cock jerked and pulsed more cum into her. She could feel her own juices running out of her cunt and down the smooth soft thighs as she wriggled on the dildo. The Stag released her head and she backed off, but kept the dick in her mouth and began to suck it trying to extract every drop.

Toni felt the dildo slide out of er and be replaced with many tongues as the girls liked her juices and each tried to get her tongue in Toni's dripping gash.

She reached up and grabbed his nut sack and squeezed and milked it. The Stag gave a surprised gasp and gently began to caress her hair and ears as she worked. The dick pulsed and jerked again and Toni got the final squirt, swallowed as the Stag staggered backwards, his knees buckling a bit and the cock slipping out of her mouth.

She felt the strong hands of the Stag grab her underneath her armpits and pull her up. She looked into his glazed eyes and she could feel her heart melt. He leaned down to her and roughly placed his lips on hers, lick long the spilled cum from them the thick hard tongue pushed in her mouth and she responded. She molded into him and he began to play with her ass and boobs as he kissed her.

Toni was in ecstasy. She threw one arm about the Stag and reached down for his genitals with the other. The dick was limp and wet and Toni began to gently massage it flipping her finger against the sensitive spot where the helmet rounds and the little thin line reached up for the semen hole.

He felt good and hard and soft all at the same time and in her mind Toni could feel the joy and ecstasy of the women around her and the mighty tender thoughts of the Stag. Toni was in ecstasy.

A mighty bugle interrupted the revelry. Toni felt the Stag pull away from her as he stepped back to face the direction of the sound. The Stag began to stride from the table and Toni's eyes followed him lustily. The many hands quit their tantalizing caresses and they got Toni down from the table and with wash clothes and spongers gave her a quick wiping down. A fresh set of garment appeared and Toni was quickly

The Stag strode towards the sound and Toni realized for the first time that there was an outside door to the huge cavern. The Stag swiftly donned a thick leather belt. On the belt were a big long knife and some small leather pouches. As the Stag got to the thresh hold, he reached over and pulled a huge recurved bow and a quiver of arrows from the stone door jam. Checking the string for flaws, he strode out of the cavern.

Next: Chapter 5

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