The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Feb 28, 2009


The sounds and smells of sex woke Toni up. She awoke slowly, her nether parts and nipples aching and tender from the previous day's exertions and a bit groggy mentally.

At first she thought that yesterday was but a dream, but as she raised up on her right elbow to peer around and find the source of the sounds, her boobs on her chest swung down to her right and she looked down and saw them. Gasping, she reached down to feel her cunt. IT'S NOT A DREAM.

Out of the corner of her eyes she could see the huge man in the process of fucking one of the women that had been at the table that night. He had her legs up on his shoulders and her butt hanging of a chest of drawers and he was banging her mercilessly. The woman was moaning and sighing and her nails were digging into the man's back that seemed to be covered in nail scars.

My balls are gone! Not a dream. Oh my goddess...what about my family? Where am I? What am I going to do? Uncontrollably the emotions sprang up and with it and the tears as she tried to deal with the swirling thoughts and emotions inside of her. She lay back down on the bed and really began to cry, huddling in the fetal position.

Toni heard the man groan as he came and the woman's gasp and moans and the flesh slapping sounds as the woman tried to milk his cock with her wet and cum-filled pussy.

Toni kept crying, trying to stifle her sobs. She was scared and felt alone and bewildered.

"My...m-m-my lord," gasped the woman, "I think she awakens."

Tony tried to squash down her emotions and huddled even tighter in the fetal position as she heard the big man lurch from the drawers and walk over to the bed. She felt the furs being pulled down off her head, then off of her body, and as she reached to grab them to her the big man slide his huge strong arms underneath her and picked her up.

He brought her up to his hairy red chest and she swung her arms around his neck then buried her face in his chest. He held her tightly as she unleashed her emotions and began to sob, the emotions new and strange to her. She was scared.

The big man turned and sat down on the bed still cradling Toni and he gently moved her blondish red hair from her neck then leaned down to kiss it. Toni hugged him harder and was shaking on his warm hard body. She could feel the semen of the previous day squirt out of her and run down her crack as she sobbed.

"There, there little one," rumbled the man, "You will be all right. The goddess had need of you and your gifts so you are here." He continued to stroke her hair and kiss her neck and Toni began to feel a little bit soothed.

"You were not brought here on a whim, and for your services the goddess will care for those you left on the other plane. So there, there, mourn for them then realize you gift you have been given." Toni kept crying but felt as if soothing hands began to massage her brain as the big man's hands caressed her hair then body. She felt another set of hands join his and realized that the woman was on the bed too and then she thought she felt her massage her brain also. Toni began to relax but she kept a tight hold on the man, crushing her new boobs to his hard massive chest.

As she relaxed his hands began to wander further and further over her body and stirrings began to arise with her. He slid his hand over her tender ass the began to push a finger inside of her.

Oh no you don't.' said the woman and Tony heard her slap him both mentally and physically on the hand. Poor dear hasn't had a thing to eat since she got here and both of you could use a shower.'

She unfolded Toni out of the man's arms and then shooed him off of the bed. He spluttered as she shoved him through the hanging vines that hung over the doorway of the chamber and satisfied that he was gone, turned once again to Toni who was sniffling on the bed.

`Men!' Toni heard in her head. That stopped her sniffles as for the first time she realized that the woman was speaking to her telepathically. She heard the tinkle of the woman's laugh.

`Yes, that is another gift of the goddess. We can all use our talent as we are servants of the goddess and as she has given us the use of telepathy. It can come in handy, but then sometimes...' the woman made a swirling motion with her index finger beside the temple of her head, laughing.

Toni giggled. The woman beckoned to her and Toni slid off of the bed. As she walked, she realized how tender and a bit sore her new genitals were and her stride belied their tenderness.

`Awww, we'll fix that right away,' grinned the woman as she led Toni out of the chamber through the vines. They walked around to the other side of the throne, Toni trying to catch all the sights and sounds in what she now understood was the main chamber. And the smells.

`Croissants!!' Toni hadn't realized she was so hungry and the woman looked back at her and laughed.

Yes we'll feed you, but first,' she said wrinkling her nose, A shower.' The woman made a hard right and ducked though some more vines and the entered a room with a waterfall in it. Steam floated out of the pool beneath the falls and Toni realized that it was a hot spring. The condensation felt good to her smooth skin and Traci followed the woman into the pool gratefully.

"Ahhhhh." she moaned as she settled into the water and with a start she realized that the pretty soprano voice she heard was her own. The woman turned and came splashing towards her as Toni almost involuntarily melted back into the three foot end of the shallow pool, where hot streams of water jetted out of soft, moss covered fissures. The woman deftly caught Toni's buoyed weight with one hand under the small of her back and the other beneath the base of her skull. Toni relaxed and let the woman drag her through the water towards the rim of the pool.

There she laid Toni's head in a natural cradle of stone, lined with the same soft, cushy moss that surrounded the two fissures that bubbles hot water on their side of her, massaging her gentle skin. The woman peered down as she left Toni's head in the cradle and Toni noticed that the woman had the most startling violet eyes.

"Who are you?" Toni asked.

"I am called Nessa. The Crone of the North," as the beautiful raven-haired woman answered both aspects of Toni's question.

"Crone?" Toni couldn't keep the image of an ancient hag from jumping in her mind.

"Hush now," said the woman smiling and laying a finger on Toni's lips. "You relax. Let the water soothe you as I lather you up. We have an infinite time for questions but now you need to relax," she said in a rich alto voice. Nessa leaned down and kissed her on her lips gently and Toni relaxed and responded.

Nessa reached into the basket that was on the rim of the pool and withdrew a bar of white soap. Like a river otter, she slid underneath Toni so that Toni's ass was cradled on her pussy. Nessa soaped up her hands and began to lather up Toni's body, reaching down and starting with one foot and then the other.

Toni hadn't thought it possible but she relaxed even further, and felt her brain slip into a nice fuzzy blur. Nessa worked her way up the legs, up to the swollen gash that was being gently massaged by a small jet of hot water. Up the sides of her slender body then across her flat, tight stomach and then up her chest to her water-buoyed boobs. Her fingers swirled about Tony's nipples and the combination of the soap and gentle fingers caused them to rise and harden.

"MMMMm" Toni loved her new voice as the tingling sensations spread from her nipples, down the milk line and into her womb. She loved the feel of Nessa's soft hands caressing and fondling her globes as she `washed them'. Nessa bent down and kissed her again, this time her tongue prying and poking. Toni opened her mouth and felt the tongue slide into her, and she opened her throat and sucked and swirled her tongue against the intruder's. It was wonderful.

Nessa pulled away and reached back up into the basket and took some blue cream from glass container. The she reached down quickly and applied it to Toni's swollen nether parts. The cream was a jarring cold at first, but then it tingled a bit and in a second Toni realized that she wasn't hurting anymore. Toni looked up at Nessa wondering.

"Another benefit of serving the goddess." Nessa said, "Come, let's rinse you off." With that she lifted Toni out of the cradle and pulled her into the plume of cold spring water cascading into the pool.

Toni came to her feet on the ledge right behind the falls with a quick gasp as the cold water swept the soap from her skin almost instantly. Nessa quickly pulled her into her arms and began to kiss and caress her. Toni felt the heart quicken and her blood rush to her skin and the cold water of the outside collided with her inner warmth to produce a luscious feeling.

Toni moaned under the kiss. Nessa slide her hand down to Toni's public hair and then quickly shot a finger into her labia. Toni squirmed against it.

"Hmmm, we need to take care of that," said Nessa, "But first, how about a quick shave?" Without waiting for an answer she pulled Toni back into the cradle then from another container got some cream and a razor in the shape of a mussel. Toni reached up above her head and found some hand-hold as Nessa began to apply the cream to her armpits. She shaved them quickly and effortlessly. Nessa slide her knee under Toni's ass and raised her groin out of the water.

Toni caught and held her breathe as Nessa lathered up her pubic hair around her pussy. She looked down and saw that Nessa was leaving a small vertical patch right until about an inch from her lips. Nessa shaved her quickly, then lathered and shaved her legs.

Toni was under the waterfall again as Nessa swiftly pulled her underneath it. Nessa pulled her close quickly this time, her expert fingers at first wiping off the shaved areas, saving the pussy for last. He fingers lingered over the newly shorn area and Nessa bent down for a kiss.

Toni opened her legs as Nessa slid a finger up into the gash and began to work it, wriggling inside of her and up until she barely touched Toni's g-spot. Toni's body exploded with sensation and she felt as if she were melting into a warm fuzzy place. She let Nessa lead her back to the cradle and she lay down in the bubbling water again and spread her legs as Nessa reached up into the basket.

Nessa pulled out a long and thick black dildo out of the basket deftly opened her pussy lips as she slid the phallus into her. Toni moaned and reached above her head. There she found the handholds carved into the rock and she grasped them as Nessa began to slide the phallus in and out of her while her other hand was busy with her clitty. Toni felt as if she was floating on a wave of pleasure as the Crone worked her into an orgasm and she came hard, quivering and shaking in the bubbling water.

Nessa slid the dildo out and quickly applied the blue gel to the enlarged pussy and Toni felt the rawness of the pussy tingle, then dissipate. Nessa pulled her up to a standing position and kissed her. Toni loved the feel of the soft wet bodies intermingling and their boobs crushed together in their embrace and Nessa's hands gliding so soft on her ass.

She also realized that she was starved, and she could hear her little flat stomach complain. Nessa giggled.

"We better get you something to eat," she said.

Next: Chapter 4

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