The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Feb 15, 2009


Toni sank into the deep pool and then she swam towards the surface almost as soon as she had stopped descending. The coldness of the water shocked her body and she struggled to get her breath, wildly looking for shore or maybe a rock to cling to.

She swam towards the only source of light and before long, pulled herself up on a lip of rock, shivering. She stripped off the wet silk and began to wring it out.

The big splash as the stag hit the water frightened, but didn't surprise her. She had expected him to follow somehow. The stag swam directly towards her, his magnificent rack and neck jutting out of the water. He clambered onto the ledge and lowered his head, signaling to Toni that she was to be driven again. Toni wheeled around and faced the direction the buck wanted her to go. She decided that maybe she had better see where she was going after that cold ass swim. She knotted the wet slip and began to run in front of the stag as he trotted, his antlers guiding her as the moved towards the light.

The light grew brighter as they moved towards it. Toni soon discovered that it was not a rock ledge that she had swum to, but more of a rock riverbank. The light was coming from a cavern and Toni figured that where there was light there could be warmth so she increased her pace as much as she could.

As she ran she noticed the swinging, bouncing motion and weight of her boobs and she giggled to herself despite the cold. She heard the clickity-click of the stag's hooves as he paced behind her and as she approached the rocky cavern she could see much more detail as the light increased.

The mouth of the cavern was huge as they approached it from an angle. It was lined with a glowing phosphorus moss that covered the wall and were reflected in the ripples of the underground pool.

About twenty feet into the mouth, a huge stone works had been built and a pair of enormous ancient wooden doors hung in the midst of the wall.

Her little wet feet pitter-pattered on the rock as they trotted towards the doors. When they were nearing the doors, Toni could see various nature scenes, Celtic knots and runes were carved upon the huge oaken planks. The planks were bound with enormous straps of wrought iron, and although dazed with the cold and wet, Tony could tell they were shaped in phallic symbols.

They came to a standstill directly in front of the doors and the stag began his strange bugling again. Toni gasped between her pants, for her womb and genitals began to tingle as the stag roared.

The doors began to creak open inwardly and when there was enough space open for them to pass, the stag butted her ass with his head. Exhausted and shivering Toni fell backwards, grabbing at the buck's huge rack to break her fall. The stag swept his mighty neck up, lifting her into the air and Toni quickly found footholds on the stag's long brow-tines. The stage began to trot forward into the cave and into the blinding light with Toni spread-eagle on the rack.

The cave opened into a huge cavern and the trail wound down into the sandy floor about two hundred meters below them. At the center of the floor was a strange raised table, set at the center of a pentacle and beyond that a large chair carved out of the cave's rock wall.

Toni could smell food and beverages and then noticed the tiny figures of humans in the distance. As they wound down the trail she recognized them as being female, and quite scantily clad as they bustled around the table piling furs upon it and placing platters of food on the carved rock stands next to the throne. The women all moved to meet them as the stag approached the table. They diverted their eyes, not from her, but from the stag as he trotted through them with her hanging like a trophy from his antlers.

The table had stirrups a little bit aloft of one end of the rectangular platform. A beam hung above the other end of the table supported by study posts.

Toni didn't concentrate too much on the details for her hands and feet were hanging on the stag's antlers as he trotted towards the table. As the came to the table the stag lowered his head and Toni somehow knew that she was to crawl into the furs heaped upon it.

The furs were soft, luxurious and warm and Toni didn't fight the feminine hands of the women as they wrapped her in the furs and began rubbing. Their hands were soft and gentle and once she was dried, they lifted her up and replaced the wet furs with a huge, white, thick one that covered the entire table then placed her on her back upon the fur.

Some hands gently guided her feet into the stirrups that were placed on one table's end as other hands guided her hands to the handholds that were carved from a huge wooden beam that was suspended over the other end of the table.

The stag bugled again and most of the women bustled away from Toni and the table. Five of them lit torches that were set at the points of the pentacle, then knelt there with their heads bowed. Two others stayed next to Toni at the table. One woman at the stirrups of the table, and the other at it the posts that held the beam.

The stag threw his head up and seemed to be sorting the air currents. After many inhalations, he began the bugling. Ancient Celtic music began to play softly in the background, blending in with the stag's song.

The balance of the women that were not at the pentacle points or playing music, began to dance in a circle around the pentacle, gyrating to the strange music and pawing one another lustily while chanting what to Toni sounded like a song.

The tempo and the volume of the music increased and then the stag quit bugling and walked forward scenting the air again. He stuck his nose on Toni's open crotch and then exhaled into it. He bugled again and Toni felt the strange sensations within her spreading to her spine and lower brain.

Suddenly the buck's tongue shot out and licked her gash. Toni gasped and involuntarily squirmed. It felt good. The stag began to swarm his long wet tongue up and down her gash and then found the little hood of her clitty and his tip began to fondle it. Toni moaned loudly and tried to open her legs further.

The stag shot the long, strong tongue deep inside her and Toni gasped. It felt so good and she was moaning as the stag began to lick furiously. The women beside the table began to play and fondle her nipples.

It was a brand new sensation for Toni, the swirling buck's tongue deep inside her and the women tantalizing her nipples simultaneously. She writhed in ecstasy as she began to come. The women shot knowing looks at each other then both of them bent down and took a teased nipple into their mouth.

Toni's orgasm exploded three-fold and she shuddered and quaked, the juices of her cunt flowing along the stag's tongue. As she slid into spasm after spasm, her mind relaxed and suddenly she wasn't afraid. She could feel the other women in her mind, calming and soothing it as she came. Toni concentrated on the pleasure of her nether region and the stag's tongue that was still furiously plunging in and out of her pussy. She felt the women encourage her in this and Toni began to fuck the tongue as hard as she could.

Suddenly the stag backed up and Toni saw his long dick fully erect as the beast reared. Yes I want that desperately, stick that cock in me. The thought was out before Toni could stifle it and the stag lunged towards her, his forelegs hooking over the beam the Tony was using for a hand hold.

She heard a bass voice in her head reply. As you wish my dear.

One of the women held Toni's hands in the rings as the buck lunged so she couldn't instinctively try to cover herself as the beast fell upon the beam. His dick was poking her ass, trying to find her pulsating twat. Toni felt one of the women open her gash a bit, then realized that the woman was guiding the stag's dripping penis into her.

Toni gasped and began to fuck the cock as she tried to match the stag hump for hump. Her skin was flushed and her heart was racing. She felt someone rubbing her clitty as the buck pumped her balls deep. The other woman was sucking on her titty. Toni moaned, gasped and bucked. She felt the sensations rise within her again and she raced to come again.

"O Goddess," she cried as she came on the hard pumping dick. His ramming of her pussy was causing the juices to be squeezed out of her hole and down her legs. The stag slid out of her.

Toni felt a large hard, hand brush the mouth of the woman off of her nipple and coming out her daze a bit noticed that there was now a man staring down at her where the stag had been.

He was huge. About six foot eight and with flowing red hair and a beard. His eyes were a dark deep brown and large. The man was truly handsome with good features and a muscular physique. He had red hair growing over his chest and taunt flat stomach.

His legs were muscular and sturdy and Toni looked at the huge appendage that swung out at her from his loins. The stag had a long almost needle tipped penis. The man's was human, but almost to the scale of a pony.

I want it. The thought flew out of Toni's mind.

You shall have it, the bass voice replied.

The man then guided the huge helmet into her, Toni kicking out of the stirrups as the head seemed to almost split her in half. He was over her now and under the beam and she forsook her hand holds and wrapped her arms around him, forcing her cunt onto the slowing sinking mass of flesh entering her.

The cock slid up her vaginal wall, filling her completely until she could feel the man's balls on her ass. He ground into her, his pubic bone relentless on her swollen clitty.

They increased the tempo quickly. Toni was moaning and gasping, she could feel the heat rising in her body again, her heart felt as if it would explode but she kept pounding down on the cock. She knew that they were joined and she came as she felt him quiver and explode into her, their juices combining and slopping out of her and down their legs.

Your prayer has been answered. A rich alto voice said in Toni's head as the ecstasy began to fade. The man gave her a big hug as the last of his spunk shot out of him and into her.

He collapsed on top of her, crushing her new boobs between them as they lay spent. It felt good.

Too soon the man raised himself off of her, standing by the table. She felt two large hands pick her up under the armpits and he lightly raised her up off of the table. She wrapped her legs around his neck and torso, the shrinking dick between them as he carried her into a chamber behind the throne.

As they walked through the chamber Toni hazily noticed the groups of women writhing on the points of the pentacle. The women that had stayed on the points were being had by a group of three or four other women. She noticed that the two that had been by the table when the stag was fucking her had joined them also.

Inside the chamber he laid her down on a huge bed, covered in warm brown furs and then snuggled in next to her. His hand stretched out, covering, holding and caressing a boob. He placed his cock between her legs and then began kissing her neck. The sensation thrilled her and she backed into him. She opened her legs as he slid into her again.

They lay spooned together and Toni remembered thinking how wonderful it felt when it grew thick inside you and then she passed out.

Next: Chapter 3

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