The Stag

By moc.oohay@gadoelanadarb

Published on Feb 6, 2009


This is a work of fiction. There is some bestiality in the first two chapters so if this offends you then STOP reading. If you are under 18 then STOP reading. I hope you enjoy it~BL

The Stag

Chapter 1

Tony always looked forward to the annual deer hunt. He liked the gale-force winds lashing the prairie trees. He liked the sounds of the rattling branches and the moans of wind as it played the electric lines and barbed-wired fences like a despondent harp. Lots of time alone in the cold so that he could dress as he wanted. He dreamed of the hunt in his sleep, the giant red stag of his ancestors and the colors of the unfamiliar steep hills in the cold.

When the alarm went off a mere three hours after he had laid down in the warm bed, he carefully got up and slipped into the mudroom where he had his hunting clothes tucked away in plastic sacks. The light of the hallway gave him enough light to silently open the bags.

He dug inside one of the three black bags lying on the floor and found the faded hunting vest. Tony slipped his fingers into one of the many pockets until he felt the silk. He quickly replaced the vest on top of the clothes in the bag and shut it.

Time for a coffee and a shower, he thought. He went upstairs where the kitchen and bath were adjoined by a common hall as not to wake his slumbering family. He checked on the members of his little tribe and they were all sound asleep. He made the strong black coffee and some buttered toast for breakfast. Those chores done, he slipped into the shower and let the water waken him. A bit more alert, he returned to the mud room and without hesitation retrieved the hunting vest.

His fingers found the silk and this time he pulled the lingerie from the pocket where he had stashed it for quick retrieval. Tony loved the softness of the fabric to the touch of his fingers. How it transformed his rough, hard body, even for a little bit, into something soft and smooth.

The tile of the floor was cold, causing his scrotum to shrink and shrivel and along with it his limp member. His nipples jutted into the frigid air. He slid the black silk panties on quickly and then slipped on the thigh-high stockings, checking to make sure that the line was in its proper place.

He didn't dawdle to feel the smooth transformation of his calves and thighs, but instead reached back into the hunting vest and got the black silk slip and slid it over his head and down his middle-aged body sighing. It felt so good and his nipples leaned into the soft fabric.

Stifling a giggle, Tony began to don the remaining articles of heavy-winter gear he needed for the hunt. Long underwear, thermal socks over the stocking feet, loose sweatpants and hoodie, topped off by the insulated coveralls.

He packed the old pick-up truck with all his gear, rifle and a small lunch and cokes. The silk moved so soft and caressed his skin deep with the bundles of clothing and he felt warm and cozy despite the single digit temperature. He loved deer hunting for may reasons.

Tony thought about that as he drank coffee and drove to his deer stand. He loved the solitude and watching all the nature, the sun coming up and the glory of colors on the hills as it rose. He loved the little birds and animals that flitted about him as he sat quietly in the stand. H e loved the good, clean meat and the buck of a rifle on his shoulder as he placed a good shot.

But he also loved the feel of the silk against his skin and the reality of actually wearing what he wanted to wear in the great outdoors. It was a part of his transgender mind that Tony had only come to accept and revere.

Tony had always wondered about being female, ever since he could remember. He had been envious of his cousins when they had formed boobs but he was also deeply ensconced in the manly traditions of his family. He hadn't realized how torn and confused his body and mind were. He wondered at times, if that had been a big part of his alcoholism.

He almost missed his turn, as he mused about his past and the influence of being transgendered had played in it. Tony hit the brakes and got the old pick-up slowed enough to navigate the turn from the oil to the gravel road.

The driving brought his mind back `into the woods,' thinking about the stalk into the blind, and the direction of the bitter cold wind as he chose his blind for opening morning. He had several blinds on his hunting grounds but this one was a new one and he thought it would be special.

He had found it in his fall scouting. It was secluded in a deep thicket of nasty thorn bushes that lay at the base of a rock cliff that jutted out of a hill. Tony had thought that he had looked for a path to get into the rocks before, many years ago. But he had cut thistle near the plum thicket and discovered that it secluded the narrow rock path that twisted along the face of the little bluff. Once inside the pocket thorn bushes, little deer-sized `tunnels' converged at the base of a rock from which flowed a spring of cold clear water.

The rocks surrounding the spring were green in moss and lichens. Within the big rock face above the spring, he had found a little alcove. There was a large stone that pierced the rock floor of the little cave-let, forming a natural seat. Or an altar, he mused. The little alcove overlooked the spring and the tunnels. He had hunted the land for years but had never seen the little alcove before. He attributed that to the dense thicket.

Tony stealthily crept into the alcove from above. He sat down on the stone and then slid out of his vest. He got his lunch and cokes out of the vest, then reached into another pocket and got out a little tin.

He removed a sack and pipe from the tin , then reached inside the sack with two fingers to get a pinch of the herb. Placing the pinch in the bowl of the pipe, he lit the herb with his lighter. Holding his breath and the smoke in his lungs he exhaled into the north wind. He repeated this three more times, but each time he blew the smoke to another compass point. Tony took another long drag and blew the smoke onto the ground. He took the final drag and blew the smoke into the air above him.

Satisfied that the ancient ritual had been observed ,Tony leaned back into the rock, placed his rifle across his knees and began the long cold wait. He really didn't know if the ritual was correct but it was his ritual and he was sure that the Goddess of Nature would give him points for trying.

Tony's new-found spirituality was a large reason for his acceptance of his transgendered mind. Previously he had been wracked with guilt for decades until his path strayed upon the pagan's book in the used book store. It had changed his life by opening the idea that nature as a goddess was cruel, but fair. She didn't make any promises. But that She usually had some ideas cooking and mutations were a big factor in that. Tony believed that his transgendered mind and possibly his body were the result of a deep hidden mutation.

Tony shrugged as he came to the end of his thought. That's another reason he loved deer hunting. He could wrap his mind around a year's crap and come out with somewhat of a solution. Being absolutely still, breathing with the nature around, him he let his mind roam again.

He now accepted the fact that he was cross-wired, that he had one too many X gnomes. He also accepted the fact that he was really too old to do anything about it and had resigned to living with the woman inside of him. That the thought of homosexuality wasn't really interesting to him. But the thoughts being a woman and having sex as a woman was almost an obsession. Tony slowly uncrossed his legs, feeling the stockings rub against his skin.

The wind was bitter, biting into his face but the little rock alcove seemed to be shielded leaving only his face to be exposed to the elements. It was the pre-dawn period of the opening day. The world began to appear in shades of gray, getting lighter as the world spun round that faraway sun. Minutes, then hours began to slip away as hints of the pinks and lavenders of a winter sunrise began to slowly color the sky.

Tony heard the tell-tale clicking of cloven feet and he slowly raised the rifle to his shoulder and pointed it at the sound, slipping off the safety. Down the `tunnel' to his left came the sound, then the cautious head of a doe as she checked out the spring. He could now hear several sets of clicks as the deer crept into the little clearing around the spring beneath him. He kept the sights on the head of the big doe.

Tony hunted for the meat except for the first day of the season. That day he hunted for antlered deer. Sighing softly, Tony flipped the safety back on and slowly lowered the rifle, knowing full well it could be a long hard hunt until he had more meat in his sights. He waited and watched until the little herd of six deer had drank their fill of the spring.

As the last fawn left the clearing through the right `tunnel', the sunrise broke over the hills and the earth became vibrant with color. The skies were blazing in bright pinks and purples that had been promised earlier in the morning. They blazed along the horizon on the edge of the contrasted with the gray cumulus clouds that overhung the sky. The golden soft light played off of the natural colors of the rocks and the red and amber colored grasses. In the distance the hills took on blazing colors and the greens of the winter grasses shone like jewels.

Tony sucked in his breath. It was glorious and he was thankful to be out in it and a small part of it. He took out his pipe and repeated the ceremony just because it felt like it was the thing to do. Then he resumed his silent vigil, watching the little birds as they flitted in the branches of the trees below him. He had always meant to take a field guide and note all the birds but every year he forgot. Tony made a mental note to remember it in the morning but he knew he would probably forget it in his excitement get back into the silk.

As the sun slid across the sky to its zenith, the clouds drifted off to the east-south-east, driven by the arctic cold of the weather front. The sun burned like a slivers disk through the gray clouds as they drifted across it and the little alcove began to warm up. The cold air blasted from the north but inside the rocky the bare warmth of the winter sun seemed to shine into the nook.

Tony knew the alcove was secluded and secure. He had carefully scouted it to make sure that is was invisible for points surrounding it. He was ready for a break from sitting, and the silkiness of his undergarments were making him feel very sexy. He decided it was time for a little self-pleasure.

He slipped out of his coveralls and then the sweatpants and sweatshirt and carefully rolled each article of clothing. The air was cool but the fire in his veins was mounting so he didn't really feel the difference. Next came off the long underwear which he also carefully rolled. He placed the rifle on the ground where he could reach it.

Tony stood up from his seat and placed the rolled bundles of clothing into the hunting jacket. He rolled the jacket into a long cylinder and placed the bundle on the rock. The wind whipped into the little alcove as he did so and Tony thrilled at the feel of it against the silk on his skin. His nipples hardened against the soft fabric. He slid the panties off of one leg, leaving them hanging on the other.

When he had the bundles properly placed and balanced, he mounted them, slowly using the soft firmness of the rolls to put pressure upon the shaft of his penis. Tony shifted his genitals until the shaft of his soft prick and the ball sack were behind him, the shaft lying up his crack. He then reached behind and grabbing the semi-hard rod he positioned the tip into his anus.

He had to pull a bit on the ball sack to get his testicles clear, but then the pleasure began to build as he used his own weight against the rolled jacket and let his body sink onto the soft mound. Tony began to slowly rub the base of the cock which in turn pushed the tip against his anal ring. He spread his legs and moaned softly as he rocked. Tony slipped into his girl-mindset. He could almost feel the firmness of the shaft between his legs and the wrapping of the vagina around it. The tip got a little deeper and the pleasure increased as he moved.

He moved faster and faster and suddenly he could hold it no more and the rod stiffened and began to squirt sperm up and into the ring. Tony could feel it run down his legs as the cock throbbed and pumped. The tingles of cumming spread down his back and into his groin. He moaned in a high falsetto and kept pumping.

Suddenly he heard the stomp of a hoof behind him and the deep grunt of a buck. Startled, Tony turned his head to look over his shoulder.

The buck was huge, its antlers sweeping into almost all of his vision. It was unlike any deer that he had ever seen, a large beast reddish in color and more like an elk than a deer. He could see the fire in the stag's eyes and a fully erect penis jutting out from beneath him.

Tony tried to reach for his rifle and the buck leaped upon him with another loud grunt, knocking him sprawled across the stone, the gun clattering out of reach. Tony tried for his rifle again, but the stag lowered the huge rack and caught the rifle sling, ripping the weapon out of his hand. With a swift flick of his mighty neck, the rifle flew out of the alcove and into the spring below with a sickening splash.

The air rushed out of Tony's lungs with a grunt and the stag got his forelegs up and over his shoulders. Tony could feel the bristling hair of the creature along his back and the mighty strength of the stag's legs as they seemed to lock over his shoulders, pulling his torso back and raising his hips over the stone seat.

He felt the sharp hardness of the stag's pointed cock as it jabbed the cheeks of his butt, looking for an opening, the warm hardness probing as it slid up and down his cum-covered crack. Then Tony felt the point find his anal ring, and with a mighty heave and grunt the stag drove his hips forward and Tony involuntarily opened his legs wider.

Tony moaned, then gasped as the hot prick jabbed into his virgin ass. He tried to scream but the weight of the buck kept him from gaining the air needed in his lungs, so he wound up panting in rhythm to the stag's wild thrusting. The buck was grunting as he rammed the prick hard. Tony could feel the stag's breath on his neck, the hair of the beast's belly sliding on the silk of his slip. In and out of his ass the cock jabbed, until the beast gave a long grunt and Tony could feel the warm spunk squirting into his bowels and down his legs.

The stag slid off of Tony who was shocked and temporarily disoriented by the sudden rape. The buck then began to bugle and it was then that Tony realized that it wan not a native american species, but a red deer of Europe. As the beast bugled it's triumph Tony began to feel a tingling sensation.

It started at the now cum oozing ass, then began to travel up his spine, towards the base of his skull. The stag bugled again and again, the little canyon ringing with his sound. With each bugle the tingling intensified and then began to creep deep within the marrow of his bones. With a little gasp Tony realized that he was paralyzed, his arms and legs numb, lying face-down with his hips still across the stone and his bare butt in the air.

He tried to move and the buck intensified his bugling. Tony could barely twist his head behind him and he got a glimpse of the stag just as it's limp penis began to harden and slide out of its sheath. With a mighty grunt the stag mounted Tony again, this time the shaft poking and poking at the base of his scrotum where the ball sack met the anus. The force of the beast knocked his head forward and the tingling increased as the buck kept ramming away. Uncontrollably, as if by instinct, Tony moaned as the beast lunged. Soon he noticed that he was moaning and panting . The sound seemed to increase the beast's intensity of his attack.

The shaft of the buck seemed to driving and pushing Tony's testicular sack into his body cavity. His whole nether region was on fire and sizzling with a combination of pleasure and pain. With a gasp, Tony felt his balls rammed into his body cavity, the buck shaking with effort trying to get his whole prick inside Tony.

The buck's piston kept pumping, Tony's nuts going deeper and deeper as the stag made gains in his penetration. The tingling pleasure/pain increased and Tony realized that he could feel his dick being stuffed up into the cavity along with the nut sack, as the buck got deeper and deeper into him.

With a mighty lunge the stag got his entire cock into Tony and Tony could feel the hairy balls of the stag as they slapped his raw ass, his genitals now deep inside his body cavity and being rammed by the stag. The tingling intensified threefold suddenly and spread to his nipples and Tony could feel them harden and push out against the cold soft silk of the slip. The little mounds began to jiggle and grow with weight. They seemed to get really tender. The buck humped him hard and bugled again as he came inside the tortured new orifice and at the base of Tony's skull the tingling imploded and he screamed in a high voice, the mingling sounds echoing in the canyon.

Once again the stag slid off of him and began the strange bugling. With every bugle Tony's insides shook and quivered, the stuffed genitals staying deep within his body cavity. The paralysis seemed to ebb a bit and he pushed his torso off the floor of the alcove. He glanced down at his chest and noticed that his nipples were huge, and seemed to jut into the silk.

The spaghetti straps of the slip had slid off of his shoulders and he wriggled out of them to take a look. His areolas were large and brown also and had darkened on top of two fleshy mounds. He shook his hair back and realized the it was hanging well below his neck. Where did all this hair come from? Come to think of it, where was all my chest hair? He looked down and noticed that the hair out of his arms had disappeared and that his hands seemed to be smaller. They felt funny.

Tony was still sprawled over the stone seat with his butt in the air and as the stag bugled and bugled. His nether regions inside of him shook with each hearty blast. He shot a quick look at the stag, who was looking right at him as he roared. Tony could see lust in the stag's eyes and he felt a weird moistening of his genitals deep within him.

The stag mounted him again, this time thrusting balls deep into the wet cavity with a might heave and Toni humped back and gasped with pleasure, all pain gone now. She felt the tip of the buck's dick as it churned on and over her Grafenberg spot and she sighed. The stag seemed to grunt and then began humping Toni in earnest, Toni humping back, wanting the cock to ram her hard on her clitty. She suddenly felt wet in the hole, and the dick of the buck slid in and out with a renewed fervor. Toni gasped and moaned, her voice now high pitched as she held herself off of the floor, backing into the stag.

The pleasure increased and spread throughout her spine, legs and down to her nipples as they swung from their fleshy mounds swollen with lust. Her orgasm was deep and intense, Toni shaking and quivering as the buck kept fucking her. She felt the juices flow around the stag's cock, and out of the hole and down her legs.

A bud of pleasure remained inside her and to Toni's surprise, began to build again. The stag somehow increased his tempo and Toni shook her hair back that had fallen over her eyes and face in the mating frenzy. She and the buck orgasmied together, the semen of the beast mixing with her sweet cunt juices.

Sated, the stag slid off of her again and this time Toni could move, however she was really stiff and sore. Numb and panting, she rolled off of the seat and in a daze tried to collect her wits as she lay on the cold stone floor of the alcove. Her stockings were in tatters and seemed to be far too large for her shapely smooth legs that were now hairless. Toni peeled them and the torn panties off.

There seemed to be a new weight on her chest and she moved her tiny hands to her breasts, surprised to feel the soft and tender fleshy mounds that while not huge, seemed ample and more than filled the palm of her hand. The nipples were tender and a bit sore. She shot her hand down to her groin.

There, down where her balls and cock had been, was a patch of the softest pubic hair she had ever felt, wrapped around pussy lips that were wet and dripping with cum. She could feel the fluids leak out of her as she lay on her back gasping for air. The throbbing of her clit was new and strange to her.

She raised herself up on an elbow and took a good look at the stag. He was breathing hard with his head and massive antlers hung low to the ground after all the exertion. He shook his head and had that dull look in the eyes all males have after sex.

Toni and the stag eyed each other as they caught their breathe. The stag began to amble towards her and Toni scrambled to get to her feet, the stone cold to her feet. The slip fell off of her, for it was far too large for her new petite body. Her body felt weird to her too, as she was much shorter than Tony had been and the new boobs felt funny on her chest. She slowly reached down and picked up the garment. The stag seemed to be nonplussed about it so she slipped on the black silk slip, amazed at how good it felt to her new body and using one of the torn stockings, tied it around her middle like a belt.

The buck used his antlers and caught the rolled up hunting vest with her heavy hunting clothes and swept them into the pool. He then stood between her and the only escape rout from the alcove. She watched as the fabric absorbed the moisture and sank into dark cold water. The buck grunted and stomped his foot. He swung his antler towards the rest of Tony's clothes, and stomped his foot again.

Somehow Toni understood that the balance of the gear was to follow the rifle and the clothing into the spring. She quickly gathered it and flung it into the water, hoping for a brief distraction so that maybe she could escape. The stag seemed to watch the gear as it sank and Toni tried to swing behind him and get to the narrow path leading up and out of the alcove.

The buck whirled, its eyes blazing, the huge antler rack barring her avenue of escape. He snorted and stamped his front hoof again, the menacingly began to approach her. Toni backed back into the alcove until she could feel the rough cold wall on her butt, then she began the sidle to her left along the wall as the buck came moving towards her, his head down, the huge antlers pointed towards her.

Toni kept backing into the little alcove really frightened now. The beast outweighed her by at least half a ton and she knew she wasn't the raw physical match for it...even when she was male.

Was male?

That sent her mind spinning even faster as Toni began to grasp the transformation of the last half an hour. The snorting and head swinging of the stag brought her back to the danger at hand and almost with a start Toni realized that she was being driven. As she backed into the alcove the rock seemed to move away from her body and she kept her eyes on the stag as he kept moving her backwards into it.

Too late she felt the emptiness of air beneath her heels and she inadvertently jumped backwards as the stag leaped forward. The cold air rushed up her slip as she fell into a dark shaft and she didn't have time to scream as she hit the ice-cold water feet first.

Next: Chapter 2

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