The Sryin

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 12, 2001


Title: The Sryin Part 5


Author's note: I would like to thank all those who wrote me. You know who you are. I would also like to thank Kenitra for being such a kind person and editing this story. So thank you so much for everything.

Ok let me tell you what a few things mean in the story. These *** mean a character change or the character the story is starting off with. These ((( ))) mean a time change that isn't told in the story. Please E-mail me with what you thought about the story. This is the first time I've tried this so your words mean a lot to me.

Disclaimer: I do not know or have I ever met the Backstreet Boys. This is something I made up and wrote down. In other words it's not real. I wish it was but that's not going to happen. I hope you enjoy the story. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I walked out onto the street and looked for my cab. It was gone so I walked back in and called another cab. I noticed that I was having a small problem with my balance. I also felt very light headed and cooler. I had had the woman streak my hair with different colors. I wanted to show my mother as soon as I got back. Once I was in the cab I had another idea, I would buy her a gift. I asked the driver to take me to the nearest mall. Once there I paid and walked in. I didn't bother asking him to wait. I shopped for a good two hours before leaving. Screaming fans didn't mob me for once. I guess it was my new look. I knew it wouldn't last long but I would be safe until the next concert. I got myself a new shirt and a pair of black leather pants. I got my mother a diamond ring and hoped it would fit. I also hoped she would like it enough to stay a while. I knew it wasn't best to try and buy love but maybe if she stayed.... I let the thought trail off. No need for a hopeless battle. I would show her that I can make it here in this world. I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and surprise everyone with my new look. I called another cab and headed back to the hotel. I had also gotten the guys something. I just hoped they liked it.


I stood outside of the room and waited for Jason to return. Kevin had found the note that Ariella had left. He seemed a little upset about it but nothing major. I was worried about how Jason would react to everything. I just had this feeling that he went out so he could make his mother proud. I had talked to the other guys, telling them to be ready for what was coming. I had also called Jive and told them not to cancel any more concerts. We would be leaving for the next site in a few hours. The guys were already packing, wishing we had more time off. I looked at my watch and hoped that Jason hadn't gotten himself lost again. I walked back into my room and took a seat beside Nick. He was in a very bad mood. He hadn't had a boyfriend for the last couple of months and it was driving him up the wall. "I'm going to take a shower. Tell me when Jason gets here." I told him walking into the restroom.


I nodded as Brian walked off and then thought about calling my ex. I missed the feeling of having someone's arms around me. Someone was knocking on the door lightly. I got up and answered seeing a weird looking boy standing at the door. When he looked up I saw that it was Jason. To say the least my jaw hit the floor and I was finding it hard to stand. He gave me this shocking smile and then started laughing. I think AJ has finally been topped for shocking people. His hair had at least five different colors in it that seemed to blend perfectly. It was a lot shorter than the last time I had seen it. Now it only went midway down his back. It used to reach his feet and he was a tall guy. His clothes were another thing. I had never seen him wear leather but it looked like it suited him. The skintight white shirt looked great on him. Brian was in for a huge surprise so I took Jason's arm and lead him out of the room. I yelled for AJ and Howie to get their butts out of the pool. Howie walked up and his jaw dropped like mine had.

When AJ walked up he had a huge smile plastered on his face. He wrapped his arm around Jason's shoulder and pulled him in. "Now this is style! You two could learn something from us." AJ said while he was nodding and doing a few dance moves. Jason just followed him like a good puppy. I looked down and saw that Jason had dropped his bags just outside the door. I yelled for Brian hoping he could hear me. I was going to love the look on his face.


I heard Nick yell for the others so I didn't pay any attention to it. When I heard him yell for me I jumped out of the shower and dressed quickly. I ran into the room and saw that it was empty. I walked outside the door to see AJ dancing with a weird looking guy. When I looked closer, I saw that it was Jason and my jaw hit the ground. I had forgotten about Ariella for the time being. Once all this ended, Jason walked over to me and kissed me deeply. I was a bit surprised but didn't mind it at all. His arms wrapped around me pulling me closer to his body.

"Get a room for god's sake," Howie shouted. Jason and I both flipped him off. Nick started laughing his ass off and AJ cheered. When he broke the kiss I was a bit dazed.

"I got you something while I was shopping but I want to give my mother her gift first. That's if you don't mind waiting a bit. Where is she by the way? I haven't seen her." I looked deeply into his eyes and found I didn't have the heart to tell him. I looked to Nick for help to see him shaking his head. I walked back into the room and picked up the note. I handed him the note and watched him read it. I saw his hands start to shake slightly. Then the tears came as he backed away from us slightly. Then he dropped the note and started speaking in a language I didn't understand. I walked toward him only to be pushed away as he stormed past me.

Nick gave me a worried look and went after him. I then heard shouting in the same language I didn't understand. Nick ran out of the room looking back to see if Jason was following.

"He's lost it man! He's ripping the room apart. I've never seen someone so mad in my life." He told us as he sat down on the ground. I was thinking about going in when AJ placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him to see him shaking his head.

After fifteen minutes of noise everything went silent. I opened the door slightly and looked in. Nick was right. Jason had trashed the room but now was sitting in a corner. He was rocking back and forth slightly, tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked up at me and started talking again. I didn't understand a single word. His eyes widened and he closed his mouth. I moved closer to him slowly because I did not want to upset him further.

"I'm sorry I slipped for a second there. It won't happen again, I promise." He simple said, standing and moving toward the restroom. I was now beyond confused first he's upset now he seems so normal. I went to stop him but thought differently as the door slammed.


I should have known better than to hope she would be here. I couldn't believe I had chased Nick out of the room. I had also slipped back into using my own language. My race studies all of the languages on earth. I looked into the mirror and saw someone different staring back. I washed my face and started crying again. I sank to the floor and couldn't believe I was letting this hurt so much. I heard a knock on the door and Brian's voice asking to come in. I opened the door and moved away to let him enter. Once he was inside I was in his arms crying my heart out. I held onto him with everything I had. I was more mad than depressed. I had let her fool me or worse, I fooled myself. I had really thought I had a chance of having my mother back.

I pulled back and looked into Brian's eyes. That's when I realized I had all the family I would ever need. The tears came to a halt and I smiled. I had the greatest man in my life and the best friends a person could have. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and we walked out of the room.

Nick looked up at me with a tiny bit of fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to chase you off. Can you forgive me Nicky?" I asked a lot of these guys everyday.

He just smiled and nodded which I was grateful for. "Just don't do that again, it was kinda scary ok?" He asked in a more cheerful voice.

I simply nodded and looked to everyone else. "How's Kevin doing? I haven't seen him, and if you tell me he's gone, I'm really going to throw a fit." I told them getting a laugh.

I had decided to go and talk to Kevin alone since I knew what he had to be feeling. I knocked and then entered quietly. Kevin was sitting at a desk writing a letter. "That had better not be a good bye letter. If it is I'm tying you to the bed." I said smiling, causing him to look up. His eyes widened and he blinked a few times then started to chuckle a bit. I smiled a tiny bit knowing what he must be thinking right now. "How are you doing Kevin?" I asked causing him to give me a confused look. "Oh, don't give me that look. I know what must have been running around in that mind of yours. My mother is a Sryin after all." He seemed to give in at that. I saw a small tear fall from his eye as he looked away.

I frowned and walked over, wrapping him in a hug. I backed away and took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Want to talk about it? Cause most likely I'll be the only one that'll understand you all the way." I told him hoping to get somewhere. Kevin and I had gotten closer over the years but still there was that last step never taken.

"No, I'll get over it but thanks Jason. I really mean that." He said going back to his letter. I stood and left the room wondering what was going to happen next.

The next concert went off without a hitch and we remained on top. Nsync was still fighting us for top band. It was a war that would never end. What the press didn't know is how close the two bands really were. I was still the outcast to them since they didn't know anything about me. I was saddened by the thought no one would really know who I was. The whole world would think I was just another member of a boy band. I had talked to Brian many times about our future. I knew very soon that we would have to fade away. Now the whole band would have to fade away and hide for fifty years. Brian and I had already set up different bank accounts. We were ready to fade into the backlight but now things were going to change.

It would be a very long time before any of us would start to age again. I was worried about how Nick was going to react to the fact we had to fake our deaths soon. Well, not soon in human time, but soon in our own time. For the rest of the world we would be dead in about six years. I had already started planning how Brian and I could die. It was simple. We would rent a plane and fly over the ocean. At some point we call back asking for help and then we crash. Before the plane hits the water we bail out and swim back to shore, and then go into hiding. Simple right? Well not now.

Brian had been taking classes in our off time so he could fly a plane. Now it would have to be the whole group on the plane when it crashed. It would be a sad farewell to the world and their families. Then in about one hundred years a new group would start up a tour. The name of the group was still undecided but now it would remain so. It wasn't just Brain and my choice anymore.

After the concert, Brian got the rest of the guys together. We talked for hours about how we were going to do this. Kevin was the only one of the guys that was for it all the way. It took three weeks before all the plans were set. The rest of the guys opened other bank accounts like Brian and I had done. In a few years we would all die and go into hiding. Nick kept asking to write letters to his brother and family. We all had to keep telling him 'no' over and over again.

Most of the money we made over the next few years went into the different bank accounts. Nick had finally given up on the letters. We all made wills out leaving a good amount of money to the families. I left a good amount of money to charities across the world. The world knew I had no family whatsoever. I had to wonder if my mother would hear of the death of the Backstreet Boys. If she did, she would get very worried and come to check up on us. I knew she wouldn't find us and a type of dark happiness came over me.

(((Six Years Later)))

I was sitting beside Brian in the plane, holding his hand. The guys were getting ready to jump. Brian started shouting into the mike, screaming for help. The plane started its dive while we ran to the back. I used my voice to blast the door open. I then screamed toward the front of the plane. There was no going back now; the plane was going down. I looked out at the wing that we might hit jumping out. As a group we held hands and jumped out of the plane. Once we cleared the plane, I screamed again ripping the wing from the plane.

We were free falling. It felt like we were flying. As the water got closer I got into my dive. The other guys followed my lead. When we hit the water it hurt but not that bad. Once everyone calmed down we looked up to see the plane crash into the ocean. I let a few tears fall from my eyes leaving the life we had behind. It took us two days to swim back to shore. We had stayed under the water the whole time. When we reached the beach we planned to hit, I got our new identities out of a bag I had left there a week earlier. At this point we had to change everything about our looks. I shaved my head and cried the whole time. The other guys changed their looks as well. We walked off the beach and got into a car I had left for us.

Once we got the house I had bought three weeks earlier, I turned on the news. To my surprise Nsync was on the TV. They were talking about how our deaths were a great loss to the music world. I frowned slightly and thought about calling them. I wasn't the only one that wanted to. Brian calmed us all down and got us to forget about it. Brian's family was the next family on the news. They still had hope that we would be found.

Two weeks later we were conceded dead. Since no bodies were found, MTV asked the world for a moment of silence. The world did just that. It was amazing. You could tell our world had just stopped. Nick was crying when his brother walked onto a platform and started singing Amazing Grace. His brother didn't get a chance to finish the song as he broke down crying. Everyone was crying at this point I had to rip the phone out of the wall. It was the only way to keep Nick from calling. For the next week different people would talk about how much the boys meant to them. When Leighanne started talking I got an idea. We could call her. She knew what I was and what we were. Brian had the same idea I did so we asked the guys.

For the next ten years Leighanne was the only one that came to see us. We had outside jobs and lives, so we weren't going stir crazy or anything like it. Leighanne had become a very famous actress. It seemed every time she was on a talk show people would ask her how she was doing. It helped us that the world had never forgotten us. Nsync had written a song for our memory. It was a beautiful song that we loved. Over the years, we had written some songs of our own. We were getting ready for our return, even if it was a long way off.

Leighanne got married and had a few kids that she named after Brian and myself. The world started to change and advance slowly. Brian and I remained together the whole time. AJ soon moved out on his own along with Nick. Kevin stayed with us for about three years and then he was gone. Howie moved to another state and promised to stay in touch.

Then the years flew by so quickly we found ourselves alone. The guys still came by but Leighanne had passed away along with other people we use to know. Nick's little brother was grown up and married. Aaron named his first son after Nick and his second son after Kevin. Then like a flash Aaron was gone and his kids were adults. It was sad but something we had to get use to.

(((One Hundred Years Later)))

Almost everyone had forgotten the Backstreet Boys. The memory was about to be brought back. AJ was running around back stage in a panic. We all were. It had been a long time since we had been on stage. A lot of things had changed since then. People were different.

We heard the announcer scream to the new fans we had. "Please Welcome... ... The AllStars" he shouted, causing a roar of cheers. I walked onto the stage with the rest of the guys behind me. I tapped the side of my head turning the mike on. "The first song we're going to sing tonight is dedicated to the memory of a band. This band inspired us in many ways. This goes to the memories of the Backstreet Boys. May you never be forgotten." First the music started, then AJ walked to the head of the group. "Backstreet's back alright!" He shouted and our new lives began.

END MAYBE.........

I hoped you liked the story since it was my first try at this. Please E-mail me and tell me what you think of the story. I also hoped you liked the ending. If you didn't, tell me what you didn't like. Tell me if you think I should write more. I have a few more ideas, I just didn't want to bore people. Anyway thank you so much for reading the story. E-mail:

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