The Sryin

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 5, 2001


Title: The Sryin Part 4 E-mail:

Author's note: First, I would like to thank Kenitra for all the help in editing, it has heled me to no end, so thank you. Secondly, these (()) mean there's a time change in the story. The time changes can go anywhere from hours to years as in the last chapter. These *** mean there is either a character change or the point of view of the person that the story is starting with.

Now I'm down to begging please send me some feedback it really helps.

Disclaimer: I do not know the Backstreet Boys nor have I ever met them. This is just something I made up. In other words, it's not real and I don't think it could ever happen. Too bad, it would be interesting to see a Sryin! Anyway, on with the story.


After I got Jason to sleep, I walked back out looking for the guys.

"What's he talking about Brian? What did he do?" Kevin asked me with a very confused look on his face.

"He saved my life and in doing so he put himself in danger." I couldn't say the rest just then. I had to keep my own tears from breaking free. "In saving my life he broke a rule and it could cost him his life. He knew that when he did it, but he didn't care. Kevin, if they come for him we can't stop them. I know we can't." I was crying. I couldn't hold it back any longer. I felt Kevin's arms around me, and then I felt more arms around me. I looked up and saw Nick and Howie joining Kevin. They had overheard what I had told him.

"We won't let them get him Bri, we'll hide him. I promise you that you won't ever lose him." Kevin was trying his best to help. I knew the truth. I knew we couldn't stop them. I knew everything that Jason knew. His people couldn't be stopped. The only reason that the human race was still around was because of a promise. The old gods, the ones that now had very little power, had made the promise. They promised God never to destroy the human race and in return they could continue to live themselves. That didn't mean they couldn't attack humans every so often.


Over the years that I've known Jason, I've grown to love him like a little brother. It took a while before I could let my guard down long enough to get to know him. I found out that he was a really cool guy. Now I was faced with the prospect of losing him. The thought had never really entered my mind. I knew Jason and Brian would outlive us. That didn't bother me in the least. I was, in fact, happy about it. Now I had new information that knocked me off my feet. Not only was Jason a close friend and Brian's one and only. He was now in the band, a part of us in more than one way. I was quickly getting mad. I didn't understand why they hadn't told us this sooner. We could have been getting ready for it years ago.

Jason walked back into the room looking a bit more stable. Brian rushed to him. "You need to rest right now. Please go back to sleep." Brian was pleading with him to get some rest. I wasn't so sure that was a good idea.

Jason shook his head and sat down beside Nick, leaving enough space for Brian. Jason took a deep breath and looked at all of us. "I'm a danger to all of you now. I can't let any of you get hurt because of me. Don't start fighting over this. It won't get you anywhere. I'm not leaving, but when they come, I'm not going to fight. It'll be better that way, trust me." Jason said, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I don't want to leave but I know I have to. I'm going to make sure that none of you are hurt. Brian is already safe from the Sryin's call. The rest of you on the other hand aren't. So I'm going to make sure the Sryin's can't hurt you." He looked to Brian who was crying.

I didn't understand what he was getting at. The only way he could help us was to... "No, I'm not helping them kill you!" I shouted. "I'm not taking your life force from you. It'll leave you weak. I'm sorry Jason, but I just can't do that. Not now, not ever." I told him, catching him off guard. The tears in his eyes said a lot.

"You don't have a choice Kevin. If I don't they could make you kill yourself, and I don't want to leave Brian alone. I can increase your lifetimes by at least ten years more. Then the Sryin's won't be able to hurt you. Please? It's all I can do to help you. Let me give you something that you all gave me years ago." The tears streaming down his face looked like a waterfall.

I felt my own tears sliding down my face. I fell back into the chair I had been sitting in. Brian was shaking; his head was in his hands. Howie was rubbing Brian's back lightly and Nick was crying. AJ stood in the doorway trying his best to control himself. I was looking at Jason hoping he would reconsider. In all the time I had known him I had never been able to stand up to him for long. I didn't know why, I just couldn't. I guess I always knew he was right.

(((Two Hours Later)))

I was sitting beside the rest of the guys. We we're all in a line. Jason stood before us smiling a sad smile. Then it started. His song, which none of us had heard in months. This time it was different. I could feel more than I use to. Then, like lightning, four beams of golden light shot out of Jason's chest. It hit us like a train, knocking us back a bit. I saw these images pouring into my mind. He was giving us his life force and his memories. I took a deep breath and found it a little hard to breath. Then, it all stopped and I noticed that it was at least thirty minutes later.

Jason was lying on the floor unmoving and it looked like he wasn't breathing at all. Brian was by his side trying to pick him up. Brian was sobbing. I rushed to his side and helped him pick him up. The others soon joined us and we placed him on the couch. His breathing was very shallow and he looked very pale. When I looked closer he looked much older than he was. I knew that he had taken himself to the brink of death for us. I also knew that no matter what we did, he wouldn't live much longer.


I felt the rush of power flow over me like a tidal wave. I couldn't catch my breath and I knew my son was dying. I also knew where he was and how long I had to get to him. He must have felt me when I left the ocean. He must have thought I was here to kill him or take him away. I told the men that were now under my power where to take me. I stepped into the limo and we were off. If I didn't make it in time, I would surely lose my mind and never forgive myself. I heard sirens behind us I guess we were speeding. I told my slave to pull over. I then took control the police officer and had him drive in front of us. I wouldn't be stopped again for a long while. "May God save the soul who gets in my way," I said aloud.


I knew I was dying, I could feel it creeping over me. I opened my eyes to see Brian looking down at me. I smiled. I knew when I died he wouldn't be alone. I had at least a week or maybe days, I wasn't sure. I knew, no matter what I did, I wouldn't make it. I loved Brian and I was happy that I got to know what love was. I took a deep breath as much good as it would do me. I reached out and pulled Nick to me slowly. "Please take care of him for me." I whispered into his ear pulling him into a hug. He nodded, fighting back tears he looked away.

I summoned up what power I had and pulled Brian down to my lips. I kissed him softly, closing my eyes as I felt his tear drops on my cheeks. "Help me sit up please?" I asked ever so softly. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me up. I leaned on the back of the couch, it was all I could do. I couldn't keep myself from shaking slightly. I looked down to my hands and saw that they looked old and wrinkled. I must look old and wrinkled to everyone. My beauty was gone and so was my health. I no longer cared. I was happy to have loved and been loved. Those words and thoughts kept running around in my mind. I slowly fell back into a deep sleep that I didn't wish to enter. I didn't know if I would ever wake up again. I had to talk fast and say what I should have been saying years ago. It was too late now, all I could do was pray that I would wake up again.


I shook him gently trying to wake him, but it did no good. I placed my hand over his heart and felt it beat softly. I thanked God he was still alive. I couldn't lose him yet. I picked him up and carried him to our bunk and laid him down. I walked back to the other guys looking around. I broke down crying. I couldn't stop the tears and I couldn't stop the shaking that was taking over my body.

Nick pulled me to his chest and helped me to the couch. "He told me he wasn't going to give all that much. Just enough to keep you safe," I sobbed out.

"How much did he give us Bri?" Kevin asked me.

"Almost everything he had. The only reason he stopped was because he couldn't give anymore. I couldn't stop him. I was blinded by the light." I tried to tell them as clearly as I could. I kept slamming my fist into the couch. "Kevin, we're going to have to cancel the next couple of concerts. I'm not leaving his side until I have to and we need a pool. He would like that, I know he would." I kept looking around the group to see if anyone would fight me on this. I wanted to fight, I wanted the pain to be gone.

Kevin was nodding and Nick was looking in a book of hotels. Howie was pacing and AJ was sitting back looking upward. "There's a hotel coming up in about fifteen minutes that has a huge pool." Nick said, looking to Kevin who then moved to tell the bus driver.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing and seeing any longer. I kept thinking back to that day I had the choice of either helping or hurting their relationship. I chose to help it and do what ever it took to keep them together. I didn't know if that was such a wise choice now. I looked out the window when the bus stopped, hoping it was a good hotel. From the looks of it, it was. For that I was grateful. I yelled back to Brian and Kevin who were now carrying Jason. AJ ran up to get the rooms we were going to need. Once that was done, we had rooms right beside the pool. That night I didn't sleep very well. My dreams were filled with Jason's memories. The first memory I saw was of his mother smiling down to him as she rocked him to sleep. The last memory I got before I woke up the next morning was of his mother crying as he was pulled away. I felt what he felt that day and knew the pain I myself never had. I woke up with a start looking around the room. I looked over at Howie who I was sharing my bed with. I looked to the other bed across the room and saw Brian holding onto Jason tightly. The next morning we sat by the pool with Jason. He was still asleep but we hoped he would wake up and take a swim.

(((Two Day's Later)))

Jason was finally awake and talking, but he was asking each of us into the room one at a time. I was next so I waited outside the door. When Kevin came out he was crying but he wouldn't look back. I went into the room worried I would leave like Kevin.

Jason was sitting up in the bed looking at me with very old eyes. Everyday he looked older and older. Right now he looked like he was in his sixties about to fall back to sleep. When I sat down beside him, he smiled at me. I guess I still thought he was beautiful because of how well he aged. His voice sounded just as it had before all of this started which was really weird.

"You were the first person of the group to reach out to me besides Brian. I don't know how to thank you enough. If it weren't for you, I would have never known what love truly felt like. Your words over the years have helped me a great deal. I love you like I would that of my own flesh and blood. There were times when I thought of running away. You would always stop me with your words. You didn't know that at the time but you will. What I'm trying to say is good bye and I've never really been that good at it before. Brian is going to need you a great deal when I'm gone. I know you know that, but I want to thank for being his best friend." He stopped and looked around the room. He placed his hand on mine and looked into my eyes. That was his good bye, so I left. I was able to hold the tears back until I was out of the room.


I looked at the hotel with the bus in the parking lot. This was where my son was and it was time I took him back. I opened the door and stepped out, pulling my dress with me. I walked to the main entrance of the building. Then I felt it - only a slight tremor of power, but it was fading fast. I didn't have time to ask where he was, I just knew. So I walked around the building until I came to a pool. Beside a door stood four men crying their eyes out. As I looked closer, I saw a light trace of a golden light. My son had marked them to keep them safe from my voice. I walked closer until they saw me. I knew some of them would know who I was.

"Where is my son?" I simply asked them. They moved to block a door like an army. I opened my mouth and started to sing I had to try, they were blocking me. It was something I wasn't use to. No one stood in my way. My voice did nothing to them, which scared me. "My son is dying. I have the right to see him. Now move or be moved." I was good with threats, but it didn't phase them. He had chosen good people for friends even if they were human. So I tried another approach. "I can save him if you let me in." This did get their attention and two moved from the door.

"You have to promise he won't be hurt." A very light haired boy said, moving toward me.

"You have my word, I would never hurt my son, that I promise you." I told them all. They parted and I walked in to see something that broke my heart.

"Who's there? Is that you Brian?" Jason asked of me. I moved to him swiftly, tilting his head up so he could see me. What I saw shook me to the core of my being. He looked three times older than I did. "Mother? Am I dead? I didn't think I'd see you again."

I cried openly, holding him to my heart. "I've come to help you my little one. You will suffer no longer, I promise you this." I had to work quickly he was dying in my arms. I backed away from the bed and stood in front of it. I placed my hands over my chest and my voice boomed out like never before. Life flowed from me into him quickly. I did not tire. I was forever and always would be. Once his life was refilled to it's fullest, I stopped and looked to him. He was sleeping soundly, recovering from his power drain.

I left the room to find five very angry men waiting for me just outside the door. I looked at each of them to see which one had the largest amount of energy. I was surprised to see the one with the largest amount had at least half. I was now very upset with these boys. I pointed to the one who Jason had to love. "You almost killed my son and the rest of you almost finished him off. If I hadn't gotten here when I did, he would be dead. How could you let him do that to himself?" I finally asked looking to my son's lover.

"The first time he used his life force we didn't know what it would do to him. The second time was to keep us safe from your kind. I tried to stop him but it didn't work." My son's lover told me.

I nodded and accepted his answer. I knew my son was thick headed. I took a deep breath and walked toward a lounge chair. As I sat down in the chair, I noticed they had followed me. "I have restored his life to that of what it would be had he never come to land. He will now out live all of you and most of your children's children." I told them, hoping they would catch my drift.

They looked happy which caught me off guard. They truly wanted the best for him no matter the cost to themselves. They were earning my respect rather quickly. I looked them over carefully so I wouldn't make a mistake. Jason had already started increasing their life spans. I could make their life spans the same as his. He would be safe and in time maybe he could come home. I had already given up the idea of him coming home with me. It just wouldn't work. Having five bodyguards for my son was a good idea. They would all grow a bit younger and would have to hide that fact. Plus, no Sryin would ever be able to stop them.

"My name is Brian, I'm your son's boyfriend." He said to me, telling me what I already knew. I nodded and looked to the others. "I have a question if you don't mind. When Jason helped us, it drained him, but you don't look so drained. I was wondering why?" Brian asked me which caused me to smile.

"Simple, little one, I'm immortal. It's what I gained from marrying Neptune," I said, looking away.

They looked a little shocked from what I said. "What did you gain from having Jason?" Brian asked. I had to give it to the boy he was smart.

"I gained a kingdom and a lot of power." I told him, doing my best to keep the smile on my face.

"What did you get when you gave him up? Another kingdom? Or maybe more power? What price was high enough or low enough to make you give him up?" The one with funny hair asked me standing.

The tear trailed down my face as I looked to him. "I gained a promise that he would never be harmed as long as he didn't return. I gained a never-ending nightmare of loss. I gained sleepless nights and the constant fear I would never see him again." I spat at him viciously as my tears were falling freely.

I stood and walked away from them toward my son's room. None of them followed at first. I went into the room and looked at my sleeping son. He looked so young and alive. I had never seen him look so happy in all my life. When he was a child he always looked unhappy or lost. I smiled. He truly was happy with these people. That wouldn't last too long. In time they would die. I knew that I couldn't let that happen. I had to make them like him.

Brian walked in the door and stood behind me. "Listen, we're sorry. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's just... we have his memories and it hurts to know the pain he was in. The last time he saw you it killed him inside. There were times when he would wake up screaming for you. We just had to know why you would let this happen to him." His words were kind and well placed.

I nodded slowly and walked back out of the room. This time they were sitting around the pool. They looked a bit kinder, this time not as angry. I took my clothes off in one quick movement and jumped into the pool. Unlike my son, I needed water on my skin. The oldest one didn't take his eyes off me for a second. "I'm sorry. I need water to live. Without it I would become ash until I washed into the sea. As for why I gave him up, it was the only way to keep him alive. My husband was going to kill him. I stopped him. I made him make me a promise that has been kept. I'm not the heartless woman you think I am. If I had stood beside him, he would have been killed right in front of me. I have cried everyday since he left and I will continue to cry once I leave him again." I told them hoping they could understand.


I had once told Jason I would love to meet his mother. That was before I had all of his memories. Now that I had met the woman, I was happy that I had met her. She looked a great deal like Jason, but only her hair was shorter. Which confused me to no ends. She was older, and she was a woman and that meant her hair most likely grew faster. I stopped thinking about it for a time and looked toward Kevin. Kevin was staring at her like she was the most beautiful woman on earth.

"Do you have to leave? I mean, it's not as if you really had to go. Jason would be so happy if you stayed for a while." I asked her looking into her eyes.

I could have sworn they were Jason's eyes. "What I haven't told you is that for Jason to be safe, I can't leave. I don't want him to know that. If he knew that, he would do something very unwise. Well, not for long anyway. I have to return to the ocean before the week's up. Which brings me to what I've been thinking about. I want to make all of you live as long as Jason. I know it's a big request, but it would make it easier to know he had friends with him at all times." She was giving us a chance to stay together. All of us, not just me and Jason, but the whole group.


(((Four Hour's Later)))

I slowly started to wake from a dream that I had thought to be my death. I had seen my mother one last time. As I pulled myself from the bed, I felt much stronger than before. I walked to the door. I wanted to see the pool again once more. I opened the door to the see the pool empty. I walked toward it and slowly slid into the cool water. I sank under the water and let the air leave my lungs. I lay down on the bottle of the pool and looked to the sky. I had done this many times when I was younger. I would look to the heavens and wonder what it was like to live there.

When I was very young, I remember swimming to a beach. I sang my song near the land and watched as people looked around. A little boy, who was older than me by at least five years, started to walk towards me. I stopped singing because I didn't wish to harm him. I then left the beach and returned home. My mother had been very upset with me. She told me never to go near humans again. I could almost hear her singing again. It was a song I had heard once before when I was very sick. She sang that song to heal me that day. I slipped into a sleep then, filled with a happiness I hadn't felt since I was a child.


I was a little dizzy once Ariella stopped singing. It was different then when Jason sang. I felt different this time, almost younger than I was. As I looked at my hands, I saw that I was, in fact, younger. Not much, I could hide it but still I felt young. I had to tell Jason so I ran to the room. The bed was empty so I checked the rest of the room but nobody was there. I lost it and ran back to Kevin's room yelling like a mad man.

"He's gone! The bed's empty and so is the room." I said looking at Ariella who didn't look surprised.

"No one was there when he woke up. He doesn't know he isn't dying. Have you checked the pool yet?" She asked sweetly, maybe a little to sweetly.

I ran to the pool and didn't see him. I kept looking around. I heard Kevin scream and then dive into the water at the deepest part of the pool. I ran to the head of the pool to see Kevin pulling Jason upward. I wasn't worried I knew for fact that he was all right. Kevin placed him on the side of the pool and jumped out. He started giving Jason CPR I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Brian help me here he could die." He looked at me for a second. "Have you lost it?" He asked, returning to his CPR that he thought was helping Jason.

Jason opened his eyes and pushed Kevin off of him. "What are you doing? I was enjoying my nap." Jason said, wiping his lips and shaking his head. Kevin looked really confused and looked to me. I was rolling on the ground laughing at him.

Once I caught my breath I looked at him and started laughing again. "Jason like's to sleep under water Kevin. I've joined him a few time's. I guess we never told you." I choked out, still laughing at him.

His face turned a very bight red and he stormed off. Jason looked at me with a confused look on his face. He crawled toward me and cupped my face in his hands. His hand's moved all over my face like he was seeing me for the first time. "You look younger. How'd you do that?" He asked me, squinting and moving within inches of my face. I smiled and kissed him softly. He returned my kiss and let his hand's roam over my body.

"Not now, later, I promise. We have company." I told him breaking the kiss. He was pouting and frowning up a storm. I took his hand pulling him up with me.

"I wasn't dreaming, was I, when I saw my mother? She's here." I simply nodded, walking toward Kevin's room.

He got really quiet as he followed me. I had to wonder what was running through his mind right then. We walked into the room holding hands. Jason looked at his mother and didn't move another foot. She stood slowly and walked toward him. They didn't touch. It was as if a battle was being fought. I backed away slightly and watched their eyes shifting colors so quickly it looked as if they were glowing.


It had been many years since I had last seen my mother. She looked the same as always and she always would. I loved her with all of my heart, but I didn't know if I could l let her in my heart again. I knew she would soon be leaving from the look in her eyes. I didn't know if I could stand to see her go. I knew she had given me my life back. I knew that she had done the same to the others, making their life spans match mine. She was doing what she could to help me.

We were inches apart and still I couldn't take the last step toward her and neither could she. I took a deep breath and moved away slightly she moved forward. She placed her hands on my shoulders and pulled me into a hug that I would never forget. I started crying, lightly at first, then harder as time wore on. She kept telling me it would be all right. Her hand patted my back lightly as I cried. I didn't want to let go that's why I didn't want this to start. I pulled away from her shaking my head. I couldn't let this continue. "I can't do this I'm sorry." I told her, walking out of the room back to my own.


I watched Jason leave and couldn't understand what was going on. It got weirder when his mother didn't move to stop him. She just stood there watching him go. She took a deep breath and took a seat on the bed. I had to find a way to get her alone. I had to ask her questions about Jason. Unlike Jason, I didn't have any of her memories. Which didn't surprise me for some odd reason. Kevin and Brian went after Jason. AJ simply left. So now all I had to do was get rid of Howie. I looked at him and silently prayed he would leave. He stood there for a few minutes and then left slowly. I stood and walked to Ariella and sat down beside her. She looked up at me as if she knew what was coming.

"Jason once told us who his father was. He also told us something about gifts that were given to him. I wanted to know what those gifts were. I thought you would know since you're his mother. The reason I'm asking is simple, I need to know if he'll ever endanger Brian." I asked her slowly so she wouldn't misunderstand.

She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. "I don't know all of the gifts only some. I'll tell you what I know and remember. He gained beauty from Venus. From Mars he learned the fighting styles of the whole world, even if he doesn't know it. The list goes on wisdom, kindness, strength, speed, and health. There were more but I can't remember them or from which gods. I know he isn't a danger to you or anyone else in your group." She told me which brightened my sprits.


I let Brian go into the room first. It really wasn't my place. I would like to be sitting next to Ariella right now. I had never seen a woman like that before. She didn't care what people thought of her. She knew she was beautiful and she didn't question herself. I was falling for her and hard. I knew there couldn't be anything between us but I could dream couldn't I? Ever since Kristen and I had divorced two years ago, I hadn't looked at any other women. I looked back toward my room and saw that everyone, but Nick, had come out. I pushed those thoughts away and went in to check on Jason. Brian and Jason were asleep in each other's arms. I smiled and walked back toward my room. Just as I opened the door Nick walked out. I walked in and lay down on the other bed and looked at Ariella. I saw that she was lying back trying to sleep. I didn't want to bother her so I let myself fall to sleep.


I left as soon as everyone was asleep. I wrote a note and left it on the stand. I walked to the limo and climbed in. I knew Jason would understand but I wasn't sure about the rest, so I left. Once I was on the road long enough, I started crying and knew it wouldn't end for a while. I looked out the window and waved goodbye to my son. I would never stop missing him but at least now he was safe. I prayed he would be happy with the life he had chosen.


I woke up around noon the next day and slowly looked around the room. I saw that Nick had joined Brian and I sometime last night. I laughed to myself thinking about the surprise they were going to get when they awoke. I got dressed as quickly as I could. I strolled out of the room and looked at the pool. I decided I needed a haircut and started walking. When I reached the main desk I asked for the nearest stylist. I then asked them to call a cab. I sat in the back seat and waited until we arrived. I paid him and asked him to wait for me. He nodded, so I walked in. There wasn't any real wait so I took a seat and looked in the magazine of hairstyles.


(((One Hour Later)))

I felt that the area in front of me was empty. So I turned and wrapped my arms around Jason. I didn't feel any of his hair, which worried me a bit. He also had a shirt on which caught me a little off. I opened my eyes to see Nick smiling back at me. I jumped out of the bed shouting. Which only made Nick and the rest of the guys laugh at me. I looked down ripped the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around myself.

"Where's Jason? I remember going to sleep with him last night. When the hell did you get in bed with us?" I was yelling loudly while the rest of the guys were laughing.

Kevin came running into the room in his boxers. He looked a bit panicked he looked around the room. "Ariella's gone and it looks like she has been for a while." He told us, taking a deep breath.

Now I was worried. I walked out to the pool and looked at the bottom. He wasn't there and neither was Ariella. I walked back into the room and put on some sweats. "He's not in the pool and neither is Ariella. I think she may have taken him back with her." I told them walking toward the door, pulling Kevin along with me.

We walked to the front desk and waited until a young man walked to the counter. "Did a guy with really long hair come by here in the last couple of hours?" I asked him looking back at Kevin.

"Not that I know of but I just got here. Let me ask my manager." The man said walking into an office behind the desk.

A woman walked out and looked at us with a weird look in her eyes. "From what I can tell a boy with long hair was here. I gave him the address of a good hair stylist. Then called a cab from him. Is there anything else I can help you with sir?" She asked. I just walked back outside leaving Kevin to ask his questions. I knew that Jason wasn't with his mother. I also knew that when he returned he would be heartbroken.

Well, I hoped you liked Part Four. I didn't leave such a cliffhanger this time so maybe no one will be mad at me like last time. The next part should be out shortly since I haven't gotten a case of writer's block yet. Please send me feedback on the story and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 5

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