The Sryin

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 3, 2001


Author's note: When you see these (()) it's a time change, when you see this *** it's either a character change or telling you which character I'm starting with. I would also like to thank Kenitra for all the help.

Disclaimer: I do not know the Backstreet Boys nor have I ever met them. This story is just something I made up. In other words it didn't happen and I don't think it could. Too bad, it would be interesting to say the least. Anyway I hope you enjoy the story.


I didn't know how I was going to tell him that I was married. I didn't know how to tell him that we could never be more than friends in the spotlight. He looked very worried and what I was about to say wouldn't help. I took his hand in mine and walked back into the house. Leighanne was waiting in the living room tapping her foot lightly on the floor.

"I turned the stove off and you'll have to start over on breakfast." She said in a very cold manner.

I looked at her. She wasn't going to be of much help. Jason walked to the armchair and sat down looking away from both of us. Leighanne moved away slightly, putting as much distance between them as she could. I took the other armchair and took a few deep breaths. Jason knew that I was in the entertainment business but didn't know that I was famous. The world tour didn't mean much to him. It only meant that I would be away. I had no idea of how I was going to break this to him.

"Ok. First off, Jason, this is my wife, but we're not really married. It was all fake. In my life I have to look and act straight almost all the time. I'm in the music entertainment business which means I'm in the spotlight a good part of the time. This also means that if we stay together that we can only look like friends. We can't hold hands or kiss or anything else while we're outside these doors. Plus we can't even do that until we make it known to the world that we're great friends. That you are my roommate, nothing more." I didn't know where I was going with this. I didn't even know if I could go on. I saw the tears streaming down his face. It was breaking my heart. Leighanne even looked saddened.

I was a little choked up and didn't know how to tell him the rest. I had to keep asking myself why I hadn't told him sooner. Things might have been different on a lot of levels. He would have had more information; could have changed his mind easier. I had taken that choice from him. Maybe I meant to. That way I wouldn't lose him so quickly. I didn't know what I was thinking. All I knew is that I was more scared than I'd ever been before. I knew I was close to losing him forever and for me that would be a long time. My now long life would be a gift with him in it. Without him, it would be a curse that I could never live with. I needed someone to talk to and so did Jason. So I called Nick and told him the whole story. He said he'd get over to my place as quick as he could. I myself had to have a long talk with Leighanne.

I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she wasn't happy. I also knew that she had a lot of questions to ask.


I was speeding and I didn't care. From what Brian just told me they were in trouble and a lot of it. I had no clue as to why Leighanne was there. Leighanne knew that her and Brian's marriage was a sham. Why was she here and who invited her? I didn't remember asking her to come? Brian had told me that Jason had almost taken her head off when he thought that Brian was in danger. I thought that was kinda sweet of him.

As I pulled into the drive, I saw the tree that Brian was talking about. If Jason had done that to Leighanne he wouldn't have just taken her head off. If Jason's race were to attack the human race we wouldn't stand a chance. I got out of the car and walked to the front door. I just walked straight in and what I saw didn't look too good.

I moved toward Jason who looked like he was in the most pain. I looked to Brian to see if he was going to be ok. "Jason would you come with me for a little while? I think we need to talk." I told him as sweetly as I could. He looked up into my eyes and it broke my heart. I held my hand out to him to take. He did so and we walked out of the room into his bedroom.


I watched Nick walk out of the room with Jason in tow. I felt Leighanne's hand on my shoulder so I turned. That was a mistake. She smacked me and then stood and paced. I was a little awe struck by her little attack. She turned and faced me. To say the least, she didn't look happy.

"How could you do that Brian? I use to think you were sweet. You just proved me wrong. That boy in there is most likely the only person in the world who didn't know who you are. You used him in that way. You didn't give him a choice and for that you're a pig. I knew what I was getting into, he didn't." She said, sitting back down this time in the armchair.

There were tears in her eyes that she couldn't hide. "I have searched the world over looking for a guy that would do what he did for you. He doesn't see you as money or fame, he only knows he loves you. He would have killed me if you hadn't stopped him. Do you have any clue as to what you have sitting in that room? Do you Brian? Cause I know a million people that would die for a guy like that. I would kill for a guy that loved me that much. Do you have any clue how lucky you are? I think you might now cause there's a good chance you'll never see him again after today." Leighanne said, standing and walking out of the room. I was in shock and I couldn't say a word.


I didn't know how to start talking to Jason. He just looked so helpless. I sat down beside him on the bed and sighed. I knew this was partly my fault for not getting Brian to tell him sooner. Once I really got a good look I knew that maybe I was the only that could help him. After all we were the closest in age.

"Jason when were you born? I mean what month, if you know?" I asked him. It was a dumb question but it might take his mind off this for at least a little while.

"In the month of darkness, in the weeks of justice." He told me and now I was really confused.

I thought about it for a few minutes and it hit me. "What's after the weeks of justice?" I asked, hoping not confuse him.

"The weeks of vengeance. Why?" He asked looking more than a little confused.

I was smiling like a little kid. I think I knew when his birthday was. Why it was so important I didn't know. It just seemed to mean something. "Ok, one more question on this subject. What day and if you can please use a number." I asked him smiling slightly.

He just gave me a look that asked if I had lost it. "The fourth day the day of the dragon." He told me wondering if I understood him. Well, the dragon part did confuse me but didn't stop me from knowing the answer to my question. "What does this have to do with the problem at hand?" Jason asked. looking a bit upset.

"Nothing. I just thought it would take your mind off it long enough so you could calm down." I told him, thinking of what I should be telling him. "Ok I know we should have told you sooner who we were, but it's just so rare to find a person that doesn't know who we are. So it kinda goes to our heads that we have chance to make a real friend. Someone that knows us for who we are, not what we are. I guess it would be hard for you to understand. I'm not saying that you're dumb or anything. Just that you haven't had our lives. For us, it's a constant battle to stay on top of everything. Everything we do is in the spotlight all the time. This house, my house, all the places we stay at in this city, are kept secret. Nobody even knows we have homes here. The only people we have ever really trusted are our families and ourselves. What I'm trying to say is that we can't let our personal lives be seen. Most of the guys hide their real lives from everyone. Like me. I'm gay, but the public doesn't know that. Most likely they never will or at least I hope. In our world, we're not allowed to be ourselves, and the people in our lives know that. Now you know what it's like sorta. Do you still want to be with Brian even if it means never letting the world know it?" I asked praying for his answer to be yes. I saw the tears in his eyes and my heart stopped beating.


I was in a world of pain right then; I didn't know what to do. Leighanne had just pointed out what I had the chance of losing. I knew what I could do. I knew I could give it all up, but it wouldn't be fair to the other guys. I knew that in my heart that I couldn't quit. I'd never forgive myself. The questions in my mind kept going on and on. What would I do to keep him forever? How could I live without him? What was I going to do in the next few minutes? All I did know is that I would do whatever it took and wouldn't look back. No matter the pain, no matter the cost.

I stood up and walked toward Jason's room. Leighanne stopped me in the hallway. She still had tears in her eyes and she kept shaking her head no. I didn't understand what she was trying to say. I looked toward Jason's door and saw that it was cracked open slightly. I looked into her eyes and I understood. It was over. He couldn't take it. I had lost before I even started to fight. I backed away slowly. I couldn't stop the tears.

Leighanne rushed toward me and hugged me. If she hadn't of stopped me then, I don't know if I would have ever stopped running. She took me back into the living room.

"I don't know for sure, but it doesn't look good." She told me slowly, hoping I could grasp it. "Nick talked to him. I heard what he told him and I heard what Nick asked him." She was being the sweet friend I had known her to be. I was trying to talk but couldn't seem to get my voice to work. "Nick asked him if he still wanted to be with you. I'm sorry Brain, but he didn't answer. He only started crying." I couldn't believe my ears. I started shaking my head and started moving toward his door. Leighanne didn't try to stop me she only sighed slightly.

Once I reached the door, I could see Nick holding Jason. Nick wasn't crying but he wasn't smiling either. I could feel my heart breaking and I couldn't think of a way to fix it. It felt like the air in the room had turned to water. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I could only watch. Jason looked up into Nick's eyes and I felt jealous that Nick would get to see what I had. I used everything I had to pull myself away from the door. I leaned on the wall and sank to the floor. I could still hear everything going on.

"Nick how can you live like that? You can never be yourself. How can anyone live like that? I just don't understand and I don't know if I can be with Brian anymore. I gave up my world so I wouldn't have to hide who I am. If I stay with Brian, it would be like that again - hiding. I don't know if I can do it Nick. I didn't just give up my world; I gave everything up. My mother cried the night I left and I couldn't help her. I use to be someone important. I was a warrior. I was more than that, but that doesn't matter anymore. I love Brian with all my heart and soul, but I just don't know if I could live like that again." Jason was telling Nick his deepest fears not thinking I could hear him.

I had to ask myself what could I offer that would be enough to make up for my life. This wasn't the first time this had happened to me. I knew my life wasn't the easiest, but the others knew. There were others in my past, but they knew we could never shout it from the mountain tops. Those had ended badly because of time away from one another. This time it could be different. Jason could come on tour and sing with us. We wouldn't have to be apart ever. But to ask him to give up so much just for me... I couldn't do it, not in a hundred years. To ask him to act and do things that weren't him would be like asking him to imprison himself. I heard Nick start talking.

"I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder why I did this. I can't say that I'm not happy with myself. I am. I have many things I would never have otherwise. I would never have gotten a friend like Brian or like the other guys. I have two families now. There are other things that come with my life and I can't help but be glad I made the choice I did. I'm not saying it's the same choice you should make. I'm just asking you to think about it. Brian is one hell of a guy and he'd never hurt you intentionally. you have to know that. So please just think about it. I'm begging you. Before you decide, just think about it." Nick said, moving away from Jason and heading out of the room. I watched him leave and he saw me and closed the door. He helped me up and helped me back to the living room.


I lay back on my bed and thought for a good amount of time before I made up my mind. I knew what I could do and I knew what I had to do. I was hurting so bad I didn't know how to take it. I loved Brian and I never wanted to be without him, not for a single day. I couldn't stop the tears. I knew what I was giving up and I knew it would, in the long run, be worth it. As long as I could at least find something to replace the freedom lost. I stood slowly and walked into the living room.

Everyone was facing me when I entered. I felt a little out of place. I took a few deep breaths and I looked to Brian. I gave him the straightest face I could. I didn't want to give away my answer yet. I walked to the couch and sat down. "Have you ever wondered what it was like to fly?" I asked, getting a lot of confused looks. Before anyone could answer, I went on. "I use to know that feeling very well. Before I left home, whenever I could, I would swim. It felt like I was flying. I could move faster than any being under the sea. When I did this, I knew what it was like to be free. No one to answer to; no pain. I left all that behind and I haven't been swimming since then. I didn't want to feel something I could never really do again. I can never return to the deep oceans of my home. If I were to do that, I would be killed on sight. I have decided that as long as there isn't a pool far away that I can live the life you ask me to live." As I stopped talking and let it sink in, I saw Brian smile. It took Nick and Leighanne a little bit longer to understand what I had just said.

Brian looked at me like a ton of weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "Ok I have a few questions here. I don't understand what's going on here or where Jason is from, but I better start getting answers now." Leighanne said, getting a round of laughs from everyone. So Brian and I told Leighanne everything. Nick even learned a few things he didn't know.

It took a few hours to get everyone together. Soon enough Kevin and the other guys were sitting in the living room waiting for me to sing, which I didn't feel like doing yet so I had an idea. "Ok three of you have heard me sing but I still haven't heard you sing. So I only think it's fair if I get to hear you now. Then I'll sing and we can work something out." I told them, sitting down and placing my arm around Leighanne. I found that I liked her. She was a nice person. Once she knew who and what I was, she hugged me and didn't let go for a while. I didn't understand why she felt so sorry for me. After all I had Brian now and I always would.

Brian and the guys walked away from us and started talking. "We've decided to sing you a new song of ours. It's called I Promise You." Brian said, moving right in front of me.

Nick put a CD in the player and walked back to the rest of the group. Beautiful music filled the room. I like it. Brain started singing first and his voice was sweet. Then the whole group joined him. I listened to the words carefully and the tears started to form. I had no idea that they could sing like that. I had never really heard a song with words either. I found that I liked songs with words better than without. Soon their song ended. Too soon for me, and I was a little saddened by that.

"What did you think?" Nick asked, sounding like it meant a great deal to him.

"I liked it a lot," I told him which made him smile. I stood and left the room real quick. I had to find something else to wear. I went through the closet and found what I was looking for. It was something I had picked out a long time ago. It was a pair of pants and a shirt that was sheer. In other words, you could look right through it. It had a golden color to it so it went with the thong I was wearing. I walked back out and got a few catcalls and whistles. Leighanne was coughing on some water she had been drinking that was now on the floor. I pushed everything back a bit. I was going to need some space this time. I was going to do things they had never seen before.

I stopped moving things around and stood still. I closed my eyes and let the feeling inside me be turned to words. I relaxed my body and let my voice take over. I opened my mouth and let the sounds of life flow outward. I heard a few people gasp. I knew what they were seeing and hearing right now. It was only the start of the song and I was only getting warmed up. I felt the warmth flow over my body. I knew that the golden glow was now shining. Now was the time to show them what happens when I let the energy control me.

I felt my feet lift off the floor slightly. I wasn't flying and I never would, but it was something to see. I could feel my hair floating around and away from me, touching them. I took a little of the control back, landing slowly. I started to dance. Now the golden glow no longer flowed just around me, it had reached out to the others. Now they could feel what I felt. I felt loved and happy but somewhere in my heart a great sadness lived. I could now pass on the images of my home, of my life and family. The song that I sung lasted longer than others in the past.

Once my song ended, I felt a little dizzy and I fell to the ground. I soon felt many arms around me helping me to the couch. Once I could open my eyes I did. "I'm fine it just took a little out of me." I told them taking a deep breath. I noticed most of their eyes were puffy and red; they had cried.


I had never felt so guilty in my whole life. I had thought this guy was out to hurt Brian. I don't think I could have been more wrong. He really did love him with all his heart and soul. I got to see something that no other human had. I got to look into someone's soul and see what they were made of.

I couldn't stop the tears even after Jason had his eyes open.

He had something from everyone in the group. He had Nick's childishness. He had Brian's never ending kindness and love. He had proven more than once he had Howie's silence. He even had AJ's wild side in clothing. He could take over as the leader of the band if I weren't here. I think that's why I feared and hated him so much. I didn't anymore. Now I thought of him as I did the rest of the group. I looked at him like he was apart of my family. I hugged him. "Welcome to the group," I whispered into his ear. He looked up at me and smiled a real smile.


I didn't know that Sryin's were real. I didn't know what was real anymore. I did on the other hand know that I wasn't going to let this kid get hurt.

"Jason what were your mother and father's names if you don't mind my asking?" I couldn't help myself I had a feeling Jason was more than just a Sryin.

"My mother's name is Ariella and my father's was Neptune." He told us, getting a few shocked looks. I wasn't shocked. It was what I waiting for.

Brian was giving me a look I didn't quite understand. "Look's like you hooked yourself a Prince Bri. What do you think about that?" AJ asked, laughing his ass off.

I was very pleased with myself just then. Now I had a million questions to ask him. Like what was out there. What was real and what wasn't? I thought about what he almost did to me after I scared Brian. I was happy I was his friend and not his enemy. I was surprised that Kevin was still alive and well. The thought hit me like a freight train. I really pitied the person who would do Brian harm. I hugged Jason then. I knew my friend would always be safe.


I was amazed to be sitting beside a demigod. I had to wonder what he could do if he knew what he really was. I was about to tell him when Kevin tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up at him and he was nodding toward the kitchen. I got up and followed him in sitting at the table.

"I need to know what you know about what he is?" Kevin asked kindly. He wasn't being such a prick anymore.

"What makes you think I know anything Kevin?" I asked, doing my best to be a smart ass.

"Because, you dip stick, I saw your eyes light up when he told us his father's name. I know you're into all that comic book stuff." Kevin was doing his best to be nice.

"Well, for one, it isn't comic book stuff. It's more like history and mythology. I don't think he even knows what he really is. In truth, I'm kinda glad you stopped me from telling him." I told Kevin, rethinking everything I was about to do. I had a question in my mind and it was scaring me. I had to ask him if the gods from Greek and Roman mythology were real. If they were, then what happened to them? If nothing else, then what of the God I worshiped? I didn't know why this hadn't crossed my mind sooner.

I was starting to get worried and I think Kevin was picking up on it. "What's wrong Nick? You look like you just aged ten years." He really was worried. He sounded more like his old self than ever.

"I have to ask Jason some questions before I tell you." I told him, then I stood up and walked back to the living room. "Jason, do you have an aunt named Venus or an uncle named Mars?" I asked very lightly. My voice was almost cracking.

He looked up and nodded with a surprised look on his face. I think Leighanne caught on to what I was asking. "Yes, that's my father's brother and sister how did you know that?" He asked smiling and I wasn't about to answer. I felt really dizzy so I sat down really quick. I still had more questions but didn't know where to start.

"Did his brothers or sisters give you any gifts?" Leighanne asked, smiling.

Again he nodded and smiled like it was no big deal. "All of them gave me a gift at birth. I didn't really understand and I still don't. I really don't remember what they gave me. Just what my mother told me when I was very young. I still didn't understand what she said. It was like she was talking in riddles." Jason said, looking around the group a bit worried.

Kevin was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. "What did your mother tell you when you were little? What was the riddle if you remember?" I thanked god for Kevin and Leighanne just then.

Jason looked around the group then back to Kevin. "She said many gifts given none can be held all are within waiting to awaken. It's just a silly riddle nothing to worry about." He again smiled. It was something I was starting to think he did when he's nervous.

I was in shock and didn't know what to do. "Does your Father control the seven seas and all that Jase?" I asked him. I didn't even know I had just given him a nickname.

"He use to, I think, but a stronger force took over. They call him God. That's who my people worship. They've worshiped him for a very long time. We are told he is great and kind and that he loves all things great and small. Well, I was told that he didn't love me because of the choice I made. My mother told me it wasn't true. I tend to believe her." He told all of us and it gave me a reason to have faith again.

Brian and Kevin were both crying slightly but not out of sadness, more out of joy. Even if I had only lost faith for such a short time it was still a relief. "If I ever get a chance, I would love to meet your mother," Brian said, kissing Jason on the lips.

What Jason had said about the riddle worried me a lot. Not the whole riddle, just the last part about waiting to awaken. I had to ask myself if he was a demi-god of some sort. Then, as I thought about it, he couldn't be, a demi-god was half human. He wasn't half human so what was he? I had so many questions running through my mind, it hurt.

I was worried about Brian. I didn't think he was in danger. I just think that maybe if these powers awaken Jason might be forced to leave Brian behind. I didn't know if I was helping or hurting Brian by helping them stay together. It was like a rush of feelings I was having and I felt something else. I felt jealousy toward what Brian now had. I knew it was wrong to feel that way since I was just missing the love he had. I didn't want to take it from him in anyway shape or form. I didn't know what I was thinking anymore. I thought I might be losing my mind. As I thought about it more, I started putting the pieces together. Jason's beauty was a gift from Venus but what else did he have? What else could he do?


I didn't know what to think about Jason now. I knew he was a prince but I didn't know that he really was a prince. The more I thought about it, he was far more than a prince, and he loved me. Not what the world had always seen.

He saw who I really was and didn't care. My mind was wrapping around this idea quickly. I loved him and he loved and it would always be that way. Kevin welcomed him to the group and I knew there was going to be problems with it but I didn't care. I needed to start thinking of how we were going to swing this. Jason wasn't use to word's that was a problem. That could be fixed but it would just take time. I was thinking maybe he could start as a back up singer. Maybe add some harmony, but that still didn't sound right. I didn't know how well he would dance with new stuff. It could take years. I wasn't going to give up, not now, not ever, so I had to find a way.

(((((Three Years Later)))))


I have spent the last eight years alone in my own world. I had given up myself for immortality, and then I gave up my son for a kingdom. I soon lost my son and didn't do much to help him. I will love him forever and hope he will find a way back. I prayed to God for endless hours to watch over my baby. I had almost given up hope until a wave of emotion hit me from the land. That was three years ago. I knew what the power was. Thank god my husband didn't.

I feared what had happened to my son. I felt him give some of his life to another. I didn't know how much time I had to replace that life before it was to late. I still hold memories of what he use to look like and what he use to be. I know that he must have changed by now. I miss him so badly I had withdrawn from my kingdom. I knew I couldn't just stand here any longer and wait. I had to find him whatever the cost. I was a five hundred year old woman that didn't look a day over twenty-five. I could make it in the human world. I had been there many times before my son was born. I still had clothing like the humans. I would feel out of place but that wouldn't last long.

I left my home for the first time in twenty-three years and as I got closer to the surface I feared what I would find. I looked around myself and saw nothing but water. I started swimming to where I had felt the power. It was a place I had hated the first time I saw it. I was going to New York and I was going to bring my son back with me. No man could stand in my way unless he was my son's lover. I wouldn't even try to take that from him. I did in fact feel sorry for his lover. His lover was going to lose him, once I found him that is. It took me an hour to swim to shore and thirty minutes to find a male to control. I started asking him questions about everything. I soon learned of a band that had just gotten a new member. The new band member's name was Jason Sryin.


I ran off stage taking a few deep breaths before heading to the showers. Nick and Jason still had one last song to do. Then it was back to the bus and on to another state. It had taken two years to get Jason ready for all this. It took us another year just to get Jive to let him join the group. After they heard his voice a few times they were a little confused. Then we let him do what he did best. That's what won them over.

Our first interview with Jason went off without a hitch. Jason even let AJ do his hair for this concert. Jason still hadn't cut his hair but that didn't matter, he looked good with it. Plus long hair was back in style in a big way. I stripped down and hopped into the shower, turning the water on and moving the handle around until the water was perfect. I picked up the shampoo and started washing my hair. I promised myself I'd take a better shower at the next hotel. I washed the shampoo out and washed the soap off. I jumped out and dried off quickly before putting my pants on. I ran out to the bus and waited for the others.

AJ was the first one on the bus, looking like he could pass out. That was until he saw me and started laughing. Kevin walked on the bus and looked at AJ, then me and started laughing too. I looked at myself for a second and saw that I had forgotten to put a shirt on. I flipped them off and laid back on the couch waiting for Jason. I heard two people laughing as they got on the bus. Jason looked at me and cracked up laughing.

"You're not wearing a shirt either! What's the big deal?" I asked using my best pouty voice.

"It isn't that luv. It's because your hair is purple," Jason said, giving Nick a high five.

My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe Jason had played another joke on me. I was going to have to keep him away from Nick for a while. First it was the ripped pants on stage. Thank god I wore boxers that night. Now this. I ran to the mirror and looked at my hair. "You two are so dead!" I screamed running after them. They were already off the bus when I got back to the sitting area. I ran outside to see them laughing near the back of the bus.

I chased them around the bus for a long time. I didn't know they could run so fast. Nick hadn't been that fast a few years ago. I gave up and walked back onto the bus to see Kevin laughing his ass off. "If it makes you feel any better Bri they didn't mean for it to happen to you. You got into my shower by mistake and I got yours." I looked at him and smiled.

I took his arm and lead him to the back of the bus. "I want revenge and you're going to help me." I told him slowly.

Then I heard Nick screaming for help. Kevin and I both ran to the front of the bus to see Jason lying on the floor shaking. I dropped to his side and tried to hold him still. Kevin was trying his best to help me. Once he stopped shaking he looked up at me. There was so much fear in his eyes he was crying. I was rubbing his hand.

"What's wrong Jase?" I was scared out of my mind. I had never seen anything like this happen.

"They're coming for me," he choked out, looking around like something was after him.

"Who's coming Jason? Who's coming after you?" I asked getting worried looks from the other guys. Howie took Jason's other arm and helped me sit him on the couch.

He looked up into my eyes. "My people. I felt one of them walk onto the land just then. They're coming to kill me for what I did." I wrapped my arms around him and rocked him softly. I knew what he was talking about as soon as it passed his lips.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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