The Sryin

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Nov 29, 2000


Authors note: I would like to thank Kenitra for all the help that has been given. Without Kenitra, my editor, I wouldn't have had the guts to post this and also it wouldn't look all that good, so thank you so very much. Disclaimer: I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys nor have I ever met them. I do not know if they are gay/bi/or straight. I mean no harm by writing this story. This story is just something I had thought up a few months ago. Now I'm just writing it down. Please send feedback but please do be nice.

These (( )) Mean a major time change either from in the story or helping the reader understand how much time has passed since the last part.

These ****** mean a character change as in from Brian to Kevin to someone else. Ok? So now on with the story.

email ............................

Jason walked down the ally looking for something to eat, anything to eat really. It had been at least four days since he had last eaten. He didn't know which way to turn. He had no I.D and in truth, he wasn't even human. He wasn't an alien and he looked human; only he wasn't. He was a Sryin. He didn't have the gift of the female Sryin, the power to control human men with his voice. He did, however have a wicked weapon in his voice. That's what the male Sryin were for, to keep the women safe. They could sound just as sweet as the women and sometimes even more beautiful, like himself. There was a small problem though. He wasn't like the other male Sryin's. He was gay; a human term he had learned when he first left the water world behind. Well, not left. He was forced to leave his home, his world. His mother had tried to help him as much as she could. Now he was alone in a world where you used money for everything. From what he understood of this part of the world, it was the worst part when it came to money. He now lived on the streets of New York City.

He walked out of the alley and tripped into the street. When he looked up all he saw was two headlights. All he heard was, "Brian, watch out! There's someone on the road!" Then all was darkness.


I slammed my brakes, trying to stop the car, but I still hit whatever was in the road. I jumped out of the car and ran up to the front of the car to find a guy lying there. Kevin soon joined me, looking down at the boy that couldn't be any older than Nick. I fell to my knees, trying to check for any signs of life. He was breathing lightly, but we had to get him to a doctor and quick. I started to pick him up when Kevin stopped me.

"Brian let's leave him. We can't let this get to the press," Kevin said looking at the boy.

"Then we won't. We'll say we found him Kev. We can't leave him," I said placing my arm under the boy's back. Kevin nodded slightly, grabbing his cell phone and turning away from me. I picked up the boy and carried him to the car, placing him in the back seat. "Come on Kevin, we have to move it now," I said putting the car in drive.

Kevin hopped in, looking at me with a worried look in his eyes. I pushed the pedal to the metal and raced to the nearest hospital, which was about five miles away. With it late as it was hopefully it wouldn't take long.

"Brian he's homeless even if we get him there he won't have any money to pay for it," Kevin said.

"Then I'll pay. I hit him, I'll pay and before you ask he'll stay with me," I told him.


I looked at Brian like he was nuts. "Have you lost it?" I shouted at Brian who seemed to ignore me.

Brian looked up at me. "He's a kid Kev. Would you like it if someone left Nick like that or treated him like that? Would you?" Brian asked.

I looked at Brian and shook my head no. We pulled into the emergency area and Brian picked up the kid and took him into the emergency room. I was not far behind looking at the floor thinking up a story to tell the nurse. After a few good lies and hours later, we were heroes for saving a poor kid. The doctors said he would be fine in a few weeks, but would need to be looked after. Brian said he would take care of the kid and again was made a hero. I was worried about Brian more than normal. He was putting a lot of things on the line, maybe even his life.


I couldn't help but feel guilty for almost killing a kid. Now that the kid was all cleaned up, he didn't look like such a kid. More of man, and a hottie at that, I thought to myself. I pushed that thought out of my mind. I was married now even if it was staged. In truth, this guy lying on the bed was most likely the most beautiful guy I had ever laid eyes on. He had Nick beat, hands down in my book. When he started to sit up he fell back down, then opened his eyes looking around. He looked scared out of his mind.

"It's ok, you're safe," I said to him. He looked at me and his eyes were like magic; so beautiful. "I'm Brian. I found you on the road," I said. "Do you have a name?" I asked.

"Jason," he said looking up to me.

"Just Jason? No last name?" I asked.

"Jason Sryin and thank you for helping me. I'll repay you some way," Jason said looking at me.

I now felt more guilt than before. "There's no need, I'm glad I could help you," I said.

Jason looked a bit confused, looking around like he didn't know where he was. Jason sat up, this time not falling back. "Can you help me stand up please?" He asked so sweetly, it made my heart melt.

I put the rail down that was on the side of the bed. Jason turned his legs letting them fall out of the bed and as he stood, I saw that Jason didn't have anything on under the sheet that was no longer covering him. I couldn't stop my eyes from checking him out and boy did he look good. Jason didn't seem to care that he didn't have any clothes. As he stood up, he almost fell but I caught him in time. He felt so soft, so strong in my arms. I helped him back to the bed so he could sit. I was starting to get a hard on just looking at him.

"You might want to cover up a little," I said.

Jason looked down and turned three shades of red, pulling the sheet back over his body. I couldn't help but laugh a little, looking around the room we were in. "I'm so sorry sir, I didn't know my clothing was gone," Jason said.

I looked at him smiling. "It's no problem and it's Brian, not sir," I stated looking at his eyes again. I had to take a double look. They had changed colors and they were changing again. "Well, I have a little more news for you, you'll be staying at my home until your better," I told him.

Jason looked a little shocked at first. "Thank you sir.err.Brian, but you don't have to," he said looking into my eyes.

"I'll be happy to put you up. You've been through a lot and I'd like to help," I said to him. Jason looked at me and nodded slowly.


I didn't know what to think of Brian or his kindness. My mother had once told me that humans care not for anything but themselves. Now it looked like she was being proven wrong. Then I looked into Brian's eyes, which were a beautiful blue. It reminded me of home and all that was left behind. But now I had a chance to make it in the human world. I smiled up at Brian happily. He was the most handsome man I had seen since I had gotten here.

"What happened to my clothes?" I asked trying to sound like I belonged.

Brian looked around the room. Not finding any, he left the room. I was alone again, left to think about my life. Just then, I heard two people having a small fight outside my room. My hunger was returning as well and memories of what had brought me here. I tried to stand again, this time wrapping the sheet around myself. I slowly walked to the door and leaned on the wall. One voice sounded like Brian's and the other was a bit deeper. The deeper voice was upset at something Brian was doing or had done. Then there was silence for a few minutes. I opened the door to find Brian sitting in a chair crying. I slowly walked to him, sitting beside him in my sheet. I placed my hand on his back and rubbed lightly. Brian then leaned into me wrapping his arms around me. I could hold him forever and be happy for the rest of my life. Something in my heart told me I was falling in love. I thought to myself that could not be; I didn't even know him. But he was so kind to me.

When Brian regained some control over the tears, he pulled back slightly looking up into my eyes. I thought for a second that he was going to kiss me. I wouldn't stop him. He then pulled back and sat up.

"Thank you," he simply said to me. I nodded and beat myself mentally for thinking something so dumb. "You have the most beautiful eye's I've ever seen," Brain said to me.

I was flattered by his words and couldn't help but smile. "Thank you for such kind words," I said. He just nodded. "As for your clothes, I'm going to have to get you some new ones," he told me looking at my sheet. "Do you know who I am Jason?" he asked me.

I was confused by this question. "Should I?" I asked, slowly looking into his eyes. For a second it looked like hope shined in his eyes.

"How long have you been homeless Jason?" he asked me.

"For about five years now, maybe more. It's hard to remember," I told him while a black haired man walked toward us. Brian looked up at him and frowned.


I looked at the guy and Brian sitting side by side. I couldn't stand it any longer. The guy was worming his way into Brian's heart. I couldn't yell at Brian while this guy was around, so I took Brian's arm and pulled him. "We need to talk now," I said walking away with Brian.

"What's your problem man? Let go," Brian said looking back at Jason.

"Don't you see what you're doing? You're opening up to him," I told him. I was so worried about him. He could get hurt badly. Brian would open his heart to the world if he could. He just cared too much. I looked back at the boy and saw that he wasn't a boy. He could hurt Brian in more than one way. Jason looked like he had been swimming since he was born. He could break Brian in half if he wanted. I didn't trust or like Jason in the least. "Listen, I can understand paying the bill's for his stay here, even helping him get on his feet. But living with you? Come on Brian, that's just dumb. He could break you in half, man, wise up." I was trying everything I could to change Brian's mind.

Brian seemed to be thinking over what I had just said. He looked up at me. "I don't know what it is Kevin, but I don't think he would hurt me. Something in my heart tells me he wouldn't," Brian said still looking me in the eye.

I couldn't keep the shocked look off my face. Brian had already fallen for the guy. I backed away from Brian. I needed back up and quick. I would have to call the guys and get them down here to knock some sense into Brian. Nick could help a lot being Brian's best friend. Without even saying a word to me, Brian walked back to Jason. I turned and headed down the hall. I dialed Nick's cell phone quickly.

"Nick? This is Kevin. I need you down here now!" I said into the phone. "Yes, I know it's the middle of the night! Get the rest of the guys while you're at it." I looked back to where Brian was sitting. "It's Brian. We're at the hospital....No, Brian's fine. Just get here ok? I need some back up." I hung up before Nick could ask any more questions.


I looked down the hall, watching the dark haired man talk on a phone with no cord. Brian was sitting beside me, just watching with a weird look in his eyes. "Brian, when can we leave this place? It gives me the creeps," I asked him softly.

Brian giggled a bit. "I know what you mean. As soon as the doctors give me the ok, we're gone," Brian said looking into my eyes.

I was starting to wish I had more than a sheet wrapped around me. I looked back to my room wishing I knew where my clothes were. Brian said he would have to get me more. I owed him a great deal already. He had saved my life, and now he was giving me a place to live. I thought the best way to repay him would be to take care of his home, keep it clean and cook for him. It was the only thing I could think of.

"Brian could you help me find something to put on? I'm getting a little cold," I lied. The cold never bothered me. I had been in a lot colder places. He nodded and walked into my room looking around. I took this time to check him out.

The dark haired man was walking toward me with a very mean look on his face. If he thought he could boss me around, he had another thing coming.

"Now look, I don't know who you are, but if you hurt my cousin I'll rip you in two," he told me, which only ticked me off.

"One, I would never hurt him. Two, I owe him my life. Three, if you ever laid a finger on me, I don't think I'm the one that would be ripped in two," I said, standing up. I was just as tall as he was. I had a weapon that no human could fight. My voice could blow his head off in a second. I had only had to use my voice three times since I had been here. I hated using it and I hated fighting.

The dark haired man stepped back, his eyes going wide. He was afraid of me for some reason. It was like no one ever talked back to him. He must be use to giving orders, never taking them. Just then, Brian walked back out into the hall with a gown in his hands. He tossed it to me. I dropped the sheet and quickly put it on.

"Kevin are you giving him a hard time already?" Brain asked him directly. Kevin just backed away shaking his head. So, his name was Kevin. I would remember that name. I smiled at him daring him to say something to Brian. He didn't. He only walked down the hall pulling the phone back to his ear. Brian looked at me and shrugged it off. "Do you need help with that?" he asked me smiling. I nodded looking up into his eyes; his beautiful eyes. He walked behind me and started pulling the strings together. His hand touched my back slightly and sent chills up my spine.


I didn't know what to think of this guy. One second he looks like a child, the next, a very strong man. I had backed down. No one had ever made me back down before. He scared me. I don't know why, but he did. Although I wasn't as worried about Brian as much anymore. As much as I now hated Jason, I knew Brian would be safe with him. I looked to the doors waiting for Nick and the rest of the guys to arrive. There was still a chance to change Brian's mind if everything worked out right. There was something wrong with Jason. I didn't know what it was, but I would find out.


I helped Jason back to his bed smiling the whole way. Neither Jason nor Kevin knew that I had overheard Kevin's threat and Jason's. In some small way, I had found it funny that someone had stood up to Kevin and won. I was going to keep Jason around as long as I could. Jason was an interesting person on all counts. He didn't look like your normal guy. For one thing, he had long golden hair, a deep tan and eyes that never stopped changing colors. His voice was something else. He had an accent that I hadn't heard before. It was beautiful to hear his voice. I was betting he could sing like an angel.

Nick walked into the room, catching me by surprise. "Hey Nick, what are you doing here?" I asked him, looking behind him to see the rest of the guys.

Nick just smiled and asked me to come outside the room. I followed him out looking at the other guys as I did so. "Kevin asked us to come and talk to you. He said you were taking a homeless person in off the streets. Are you sure that's wise Bri? I mean he could be crazy?" Nick asked me looking toward Howie.

I couldn't get mad at him. He was just worried about me. I took Nick's arm and pulled him away from the others and away from the room. Once we were far enough away, I told Nick why I was taking him in.

"So you almost killed him and he doesn't know?" he asked. I just nodded, looking back toward the others who were talking with Kevin.

"Kev wanted to leave him, but I couldn't," I said.

Nick looked at me, nodded then looked back toward Kevin. "Is he a nice guy Bri? I mean, can he be trusted?" Nick kept asking questions one after another. I told him what I could and he seemed more at ease with everything. "I'll tell the others what's up. I'm sure they'll be on your side," he told me, walking back to the guys smiling.

I was happy Kevin's little plan had backfired on him. Now he was going to have to deal with questions from the guys. It would teach him a lesson about staying out of my personal life. I felt a bit guilty after thinking that. He was only worried about me. Nick took AJ's arm and pulled him away from Kevin and Howie. I couldn't help but smile. Nick was on the attack.

I saw the doctor walking toward Jason's room. I headed him off at the door. He looked at me smiling. " Mr. Littrell?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, you can leave anytime, you just have to sign some papers." I nodded, looking for the papers.

The doctor was shaking his head looking over Jason's chart. "Is something wrong doc? He is going to be ok isn't he?"

The doctor nodded. "It's just that there's something weird about his blood test. I've never seen anything like it." The doctor went on. "Plus, he's healing at an alarming rate. Like I said, I've never seen anything like it before." He looked at me like I knew what was going on and was just keeping it secret. I simply nodded and asked for the papers to sign. He told me a nurse would be by soon with them. I nodded again and he left, walking past Kevin who gave him an odd look.

Once the papers were signed, I woke Jason up to leave. He smiled at me making my heart beat faster. He held his hand out to me. I took it and helped him to his feet. He was taller than me, which made me feel a little weird. He leaned on me slightly, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. It felt like it belonged there and I didn't want him to ever leave my side. What was going on in my mind? I didn't even know him, but that didn't mean I wouldn't in a few days. I helped him into a wheelchair and rolled him down the hall.

Once outside the building I helped him into my car. I wasn't even going to wait for Kevin. He could call a cab for all I cared. I was still a little mad at him. Just when I was about to pull away, Kevin came outside yelling for me to wait. I did. He hopped into to the back of the car.

"I'll drop you at A.J's place Kevin. I'm going to need my guest room for Jason," I told him looking at Jason who looked like he was going back to sleep. Kevin looked like he was about to say something then stopped.

I dropped Kevin off and took Jason to my apartment. I pulled into the driveway, parked, got out, opened the door, and turned the alarm off. I went back and looked at Jason's sleeping form. He looked like an angel. I picked him up. For someone his size, he didn't weigh that much. I carried him into the house and laid him down on the bed. He never woke up once. On the bed, he wrapped the covers around himself.

I thought about kissing his forehead but thought differently after a second. 'You don't want to scare him off do you?' I thought to myself. So I left the room and went to mine. Stripping down to my boxers, I climbed into the bed. I would take a shower in the morning after getting something to eat. I let the sleep take over then, being more tired than I first thought.

When I woke up the next morning, I heard someone moving around the house. At first, I was scared out of my mind. Then I remembered I had a guest in the house. I got up and walked into the living room. It was a lot cleaner than it had been the day before. The whole house looked a lot cleaner, as if someone had been cleaning for hours. I walked into Jason's room to find the bed made and his hospital gown lying on top of the bed.

I smelled something cooking in the kitchen. So, I walked in there only to find Jason at the stove, cooking in the nude. This was something I wouldn't mind waking up to everyday. I made a coughing noise to alert him that I was awake.

He turned around smiling. "The food we be done in a minute," he said, turning back around to flip a pancake. Well, he didn't have anything I hadn't seen before. He was a little bit better than average and his whole body was toned to perfection. There couldn't be an ounce of fat on him and I couldn't seem to look away from his body. What I didn't understand was why he was living on the streets. He could easily be a model or actor and have millions of fans.

As I looked closer, I realized that there wasn't a mark on him. No birth marks or scars of any kind. If I kept looking, it wouldn't do me any good wearing boxers. So, I walked back to my room to take a quick shower. I chose cold water over hot; someone needed to calm down. When I got out, I put on my baggiest clothes. Hanging around Jason was going to take some getting use to.

Just then the door bell rang and I didn't know who it could be. I had the next few days off. Then Nick walked into my room. His eyes were very wide and he looked a little pale.

"You do know that you have a naked guy running around here right?" he asked causing me to laugh. The only member of the band that wasn't gay or bi was Kevin, and Nick just got an eye full.

"What, you didn't like the view?" I asked him causing him to blush. I just laughed a little harder, my own face turning red.

"The food's done," I heard Jason say. I walked into the dinning room with Nick right behind me.

Jason had a towel wrapped around himself. He looked at Nick and smiled, making him blush again. "This is Nick. He's one of my best friends," I told him.

He just nodded and sat down. There were three plates. Nick sat down looking at the plate. It looked great. After we ate, Jason asked to use the shower. I nodded and told him not to worry about asking again.

I sat down with Nick who looked a bit worried about me. "Brian did you two sleep together last night?" He looked at me with a lot of concern.

"No, we didn't sleep together. I guess he just feels more at home like that," I told him, looking into his eyes trying to see if he believed me.

"You don't seem to have a problem with it either," he said with a smile, punching me gently.

I didn't mind at all. Jason was someone I could watch all day and not get bored. I had to get to know him better, a lot better. I had a lot of questions to ask him such as why he was homeless. I would ask him after Nick left.

Nick looked at me smiling. "You're falling for him, aren't you?" he said. I nodded. I never lied to Nick. I couldn't. He was the one person I trusted most. His smile grew larger. "I knew it," he said and stood up. He went to the couch and picked up a bag he must have brought with him. "I got some clothes for him last night after you left," he said. He opened the bag, pulling out a pair of jeans and a black shirt. "I hope he can fit into them. They're going to be a little tight," he said smiling at me thoughtfully.

"I'll go get a pair of my boxers for him," I said, standing and walking toward my bedroom. As I passed the bathroom, I froze. The door was wide open. I looked in and he was there washing himself off. He looked better wet than dry. I hadn't thought he could look better, but I was proven wrong very quickly. It took me a few seconds to get my feet to start moving again. Maybe he used to be a nudist, I thought to myself.

After getting a pair of boxers, I went back to Nick, not even daring to look in the bathroom. When the water shut off, Jason walked back into the living room. He had a very small towel wrapped around him. "We got you some clothes, but we don't know if they will fit," I told him looking at his eyes again.

He dropped the towel, picked up the clothes, and started putting them on. As Nick had said, they were a little tight, but he looked great in them. I poked Nick in the side, causing him to jump. "See anything you want Nicky," I said smiling. His face lit up like a Christmas tree and he turned away moving his pants around a bit. Jason didn't seem to care in the least. When Nick turned back around, he was giving me the dirtiest look. I laughed at him causing Jason to look over at me, which was a huge mistake. Our eyes locked and I wasn't laughing anymore. My breath caught in my chest and my mouth opened a little bit.

Nick slapped my back almost causing me to fall over. "Wouldn't want your face to get stuck like that," he said laughing at me. Jason looked a bit confused. One of his eyebrows raised. Nick looked at his watch, his eyes getting wide. "Oh, man I'm late. Sorry Bri, but I got to go," Nick said rushing to the door and out.


I watched Nick leave and waited for Brian to say something. When Brian didn't say anything, I looked into his eyes. I couldn't stop myself, I never would be able to. He smiled, waving his hand toward the couch. I sat down and he took the armchair. He looked a little worried.

"I don't know where to start but I need to ask you some questions." I nodded. I waited for the first question. I promised myself I wouldn't lie if I didn't have to. He rubbed his hands together as if to warm up. "Why are, were, you homeless?" he asked looking into my eyes.

I took a deep breath knowing I was about to be kicked out. "Because I'm different and I'll leave if you want me to," I said standing.

"What do you mean by different?" he asked not sounding mad at all.

"When I was fifteen, I found that I liked guys more than women. So, I didn't hide it at all. My farther kicked me out and told me never to return. My friends turned their backs on me and never looked back. The only person that tried to help was my mother," I told him, the tears steaming down my face.

He looked heartbroken and sick, which caused the tears to come flooding out harder. He stood up and walked toward me. I waited for the punch. I even closed my eyes. Then I felt his arms around me, holding me tight. I cried harder and he just held me. When I stopped crying, I saw that I was sitting on the couch. His arms were still around me and my head was lying on his chest. He was softly rubbing my back and rocking me slightly. I was so at peace, I slipped away into a world of dreams.


I couldn't believe anyone would ever hurt such a sweet guy. It made me sick thinking about what he had gone through. He had done it all alone and for the past five years. I had the guys to back me up when I came out. I looked down to see that Jason was asleep in my arms. I saw in his face how hard his life had been, but still there was a kindness there. It made him look younger than Nick and more innocent. His hair was still wet and it smelled like the ocean breeze. I had never seen a guy with such long hair. His hair had to reach the back of his knees. I almost looked on his back for wings. To me, that's what he was, an angel, come to save me from myself. I let my hands roam down his hair. It felt like silk. I kept waiting to wake up and find it all to be a dream. I had finally found the man of my dreams and he was in my arms. I didn't want to rush him, so I wouldn't tell him I was gay yet. I would be his friend first, then maybe more. I could wait forever, if that's what it took.

(((Two Weeks Later)))


I watched Brian leave the driveway from a window in the front of the house. It was the first time I hadn't been with Brian since he had saved my life. I loved being with Brian but it did keep me from singing. I use to sing everyday before I had met him. I used my voice to mourn my loss of my home. It was a song most humans paid to hear me sing. It was my song of pain and loss but it was changing now. My song was growing happier every day. When a Sryin sings, it isn't with words. Our voices do ring out, but there aren't any words. It was hard to tell someone what it was like. I always had to sing for them to understand. If I were to sing in front of Brian, I feared he'd ask where I had learned to do so. The thought also struck me that he would put two and two together. I had told him my name was Jason Sryin, which was only partly true. My name was Jason but before I came to land, I had no last name.

So I added what I was to my name and I had a normal name. I went to my room and took most of the clothing off. I hated wearing clothes. Brian didn't mind me running around nude, but some of his friends did. I closed my eyes and started singing. My voice filled the place with a mix of happiness and sadness.


I had forgotten my planner on the table in the dinning room. When I walked into the house my heart stopped. I could hear a voice. It was a voice I had heard twice before. First, when I was a child, the voice had come from the ocean. The second time I had heard it was when I was walking through Central Park a year or so ago. I had tried to find the owner of the voice but had failed. Both times, I had been drawn to the voice. It was a voice that could never be mistaken. It was both beautiful and sad. The voice was like someone crying out for help that never came.

I slowly and silently moved to Jason's room to see him singing. His eyes were closed. My mouth opened, but no sound came out. Jason no longer looked in the least human. His hair was flowing around him like magic. Jason looked more beautiful than had ever looked before. He slowly started to dance, moving with his own song. The dance itself was something no guy should be able to pull off and look good doing it. That wasn't true with Jason. He moved like an angel. I moved out of sight before Jason had a chance to open his eyes. I leaned on a wall outside of the room, sliding down it slowly.

Memories flooded into my mind. The doctor saying he'd never seen blood like Jason's. How Jason was healing so quickly; then looking at Jason that first morning. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. No marks whatsoever. Jason was perfect in every way, as if carved from stone. The word came to me slowly. Sryin. Jason was a Sryin. I couldn't understand why I hadn't seen it sooner. I didn't understand why he hadn't told me the truth.

"Because you would have thought he was nuts" I whispered to myself. Jason's voice wasn't overpowering in anyway. I was still in control. There were so many stories about Sryin's and their evil deeds to human kind. None of the stories had said there were male Sryin's. Jason's voice was slowly starting to stop. I have to get out of here, I told myself, getting up. I made my way back to the door and left. I had a lot to think about. I pulled out of the driveway and took off quickly. When I got to Nick's house, I just sat in the car for a short time.

When I got out, I went to his door and knocked softly. Nick opened the door smiling. His smile soon slipped away. "What's wrong Brian? You look like you've seen a ghost? Did something happen to Jason? Is he ok?" I looked at him leaning against the doorframe. I felt a little faint and my heart was beating wildly. Then there was darkness, sweet painless darkness.


I caught Brian as he fell, yelling for the others to come. Kevin was the first to the door, helping me move Brian to the couch. Howie was on the phone calling an ambulance, shouting into his phone. I backed away. I couldn't watch my friend die! The tears were flowing freely.

"His heart is beating but getting weaker. Tell them to hurry," Kevin shouted. AJ was frozen in place. His mouth was open, but no sound came out. I had sunk to the floor by the open door. I saw the flashing lights and the people rushing in to help. I couldn't move or even speak. Brian was dying.


To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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