The Spindle

By moc.mia@61nltih

Published on Jan 10, 2015


The Spindle; Chapter 2: The Team By: Damien James Email:

This story is complete fiction, and is not meant to offend anyone.

Overview: This will be a longer story, about the dysfunctional relationship of two high school football players.

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The Team

I skipped class, but my parents weren't home to answer the phone anyway. I got in the shower after John left. I felt my cock rising as the water came down. I kept thinking about how I could get John and my buddy both serving me by the end of the week. I heard my dad entering the house early. I knew it was him by how heavy his foot steps and movement were, like a beast entering a cave. I was proud to have a dad like him, one that didn't give a shit and knew what a real man was. The only problem was that at 18 I was now a man myself, and until I moved out, it wasn't going to be easy.

"Hurry the fuck up. I need to use the shower. Now," He growled banging hard on the door. I just ignored him, feeling my stiff cock. Something inside me made me want to stand right here and jerk off all night as he knocked, maybe teach him who he was talking to. In what seemed like a couple minutes he was back, fumbling with the knob roughly as he hit the door. Suddenly, through the fog, I saw my father standing in his suit. His dark hair and beard, and the usual furrow on his brow.

It took a second to realize that he was continuing towards me. He tore open the shower door and took hold of my shoulder. I couldn't help laughing slyly, as he pulled me out, my thick meaty cock flopping around. I slid across the tile as he placed me on the rug outside of the bathroom. I fell on my ass and was staring up at him naked. He took a towel off the rack and flung it at me on the floor, the fabric light but hardly thrown.

"You little fucking asshole. You better start listening to me. I expect you to do what I tell you. You're not some little kid. I will kick your ass right out on the street now, fucking naked. Next time you pull some shit like this I will."

"Yeah? Fucking do it," I said standing up to get closer to his face. The towel fell around my feet in my anger, even though my cock was still semi hard, and growing as I exerted my strength, my shoulder and arms flexing before him.

He looked at me as if he was going to hit me, and for a second I was wondering if I had taken my resistance too far. But somehow he glanced down between my legs, and the anger seemed to leave his eyes, as he became almost uncomfortable. He gulped, his throat and adam's apple tensing. Then he picked up the towel.

"Get dressed," he ordered and threw the towel at my face.

I did get dressed and got the hell out of the house. I was meeting my buds down by the woods. We always got weird, drinking and messing around, and even swim in the lake. We always fucked around in locker rooms, or when pissing, but being in the dark outside, and a big group, adds something hotter. I went to pick up Matt.

"How's it going man?" he says getting in, wearing his hoody and basketball shorts, sandals with socks halfway up his calves.

"Shut the fuck up," I laugh.

"Oh are you really making me do it?" he asked. I only nod, looking at him sternly.

"Every time?"

"Yup, every time," I say.

Matt pulls down his shorts, and turns away from me to show me his ass, slightly hairy but completely smooth between the mounds of muscle, where his little pink hole would be twitching. I watched that small ass running down the football field countless times, but it was always better to see it spread before me. He didn't seem to ever wear underwear. I noticed him smirking as he presented that sexy ass.

"Is that good," he says, pretending he wants to stop.

"Nope. You know the deal. You better spread those cheeks."

Matt lifts his cheeks up further, and slightly trembles, as the cool air hits the most perfect little tight pink hole, surrounded by only a little bit of soft short hair. His fingers are almost touching, as he tries to make the little boy hole visible for me. Then he laughs, lets go of his ass and pulls up the shorts.

"Are you cool now?" he asks smiling deviously at me, and adjusting his cock.

"Yeah, but don't get in my car again without just doing it. I don't ask twice."

"Ok, chill man," he said. "It won't happen again."

"I fucked the neighbor today," I said bluntly seeing what his reaction would be.

"Oh fuck man. Mike's dad? You better not tell anyone man. If people knew my dad got fucked, I'd be pissed."

"Don't worry, no one would fuck your dad," I said. He looked shocked at my little joke, but then laughed.

"Fuck you man."

"You know, he's just not hot man. Don't worry, if you had a hot dad I'd fuck him."

"You wish man. My dad would never get fucked."

"You know I could make him if I wanted to."

"Whatever. When Mike punches you in the face I'm gonna laugh."

When we got to the lake it was already getting dark. Derek, the tallest of us, was there in the bed of his truck. He's a leaner guy, but has very large limbs, dark black hair, and tan skin. His head was back, and instantly I knew what he was doing.

I got out of the car and walked over, the air smelling sweet like sweat and clean like the trees. Matt laughed and pointed when he saw.

"You think he brought the nerd?" he asked, humping the air in parody.

"Don't be a cock block man. This leaves more of you for me," I said smacking his tight ass. He moved away jokingly, and pulled down his pants showing off his ass, then pulling them back up to laugh. Derek was starting to moan louder, but he didn't stop when he saw us.

"The guy can't go a minute bored without sticking his dick in something."

We went to the side of the truck, leaning against the car on each side of Derek. Holden was another kid at our school, and Derek had started hanging out with him at school and when we went out. It was probably just easier to have a mouth always ready for him. Holden was a shorter guy, but proportioned. Not bad looking at all, and even had a hot body, but he was usually reading. I always did well in school and was considered one of the smarter students, but Holden was still looked at as more of the cerebral type. None of us knew how the two even got to know each other, but here he was now just like last time, on his knee in front of Derek, completely unashamed to be serving him. Derek was completely naked, and Holden only had a pair of jeans around his ankles.

"Damn, I don't know how he takes all that down his throat," Matt said adjusting his cock through his shorts. Holden looked up at us for once, but then ignored us as he focused on his work. A perfect slut boy, serving his man. I put my hand down Matt's shorts feeling the cold skin of his ass, and squeezed, as I played with my own dick.

"Just let him suck me man. We were waiting for everyone for awhile. You fuckers are always late," Derek said holding Holden's head firmly as it bobbed up and down. "That's it baby, take it all down. I don't want to see you stop until I say so. You got it? Don't let my cock out of your mouth once," he said soothingly.

"Have you fucked him yet?" I asked, making the boy look up at me critically.

"He's mine," Derek said seriously, turning to look at both of us, but mostly just me, making sure he made eye contact for warning.

"Have you fucked him?"

"No, he doesn't want to do that," Derek said. I looked at this man and the boy on his knees just begging to be opened up and owned, but couldn't make anything of it.

"Well you should get that done before someone else beats you to it. That boy looks like he needs a cock inside of him more than he needs air to breath," Matt said laughing.

"Let's go," I said, as I saw Rob and Will coming over. We went down to the lake, across a steep hill that led down to the small body of water. We sat down hanging out, as Will, the beefiest football player, asked about Derek. He had darker features like Derek, and thick black hair, but had a wider frame and broad shoulders, over massive slabs of meat. Very manly and hot, but also the dumbest guy on the team. Rob was thinner, but still muscular and fit, with brown hair, and sexy little ass.

Will pushed Rob down playfully, but held down his face as he took out his cock and balls, and rubbed them on Rob's forehead.

"What the fuck man," Rob said.

"Shut up slut, I know you dream about this fucking cock," Will laughed.

"Is that why he sucked it," Matt laughed joining in, because Rob kept denying Will's story that the two had gotten drunk, and Rob ended up sucking his cock, begging to swallow his cum.

"I didn't suck his cock," Rob said.

"Oh, you didn't kiss it?" Will asked. "You didn't put those lips around it and moan, as I slammed your face in?"

"Fuck you guys man," Rob said, looking to me to see if I'd make fun of him.

"Rob, we think it's cool if you sucked Will's cock, I just want you to suck mine," I said, grabbing my cock to get his attention where it belonged.

"Dude we all know how you are. If I even wanted to just suck you I'd end up with a cock in my ass somehow. I've seen what you do to ass," Rob said.

Will stood over Rob, his cock insanely thick with rich veins, and huge balls swinging. Rob tried to resist at first, shyly looking down. HIs mouth was watering and hungry. His breath was fast as he gasped, his eyes saying what his words could not.

Will grabbed Rob by the back of the head and looked down into his eyes with a look of sheer power. His massive muscular legs stood firm, resolute, and tense. Rob's full lips ell open in awe. Will grabbed his cock with his free hand and shoved it into Rob's mouth, against the sweet pink lips, using the flesh like a shovel in wet dirt.

Will wasn't letting up at all, and continued to force in without any hesitation, brutally opening Rob up and showing that his mouth was only for abuse.

"Relax," I said as I rubbed Rob's shoulders, only long enough to distract him to take down his shorts down to reveal the juicy little mounds of boy ass, perky and firm. In an instant I spread his legs apart and before Rob had time to think, he had my tongue licking along the smooth opening of his ass. I spread his muscular fleshy cheeks, and licked up and down, still going around the hole. I finally got a look at the little virgin hole. It winked, and tensed, once my lips finally touched down to the sweet wet skin. I wanted to consume it, making out with his hole more intensely than I ever would his actual lips. He moaned, even through his stuffed mouth.

Matt was watching us now with his own pants around his ankles jerking as he watched the biggest men get to work. I wondered if he was thinking about when it would finally happen to him. I devoured Rob's hole, darting at the taint and slowly blowing air around the hole. I bit the sides of his cheeks lightly, and then continued to kiss, then finally stretched my tongue to full extent, making it hard and flat, and began to fuck him with it. He couldn't help spreading his cheeks out like a slut, and sitting on my face, trying to force me in further. My tongue entered the little slit, and continued only an inch if that, but it was enough to make this boy's virgin jock hole squirm and need more.

My cock was throbbing, and Will was going to town on Rob's face. Rob kept getting distracted by his whorey hole finally getting opened up. I put him on his side at a better angle, and spit along my cock. I wasn't wasting time with head when Will could take my place. I started pushing in feeling the soft skin still tightly fighting my entrance. It squirmed in fear, as Rob realized what I would do. loosen, and finally tighten up with fear as Rob realized it was finally happening. But I would would win the fight, my sword was strong, and a real man can break a hole open for the first time with expert skill.

Will seemed a bit pissed or unsure about me being the first to take Rob's hole but that was too bad.

"Let me fuck him," Will said, almost boyishly.

"Nope. I'm breaking him in," I said. "Rob, you want my cock?"

"Yes," Robbed moaned, as he tried to take Will's cock back into his mouth in apology.

I started fucking in further, as Rob's pussy opened up to let me in. He was built for it, and even with his virgin hole, he was loving every second. His tight hole clamped down, he rode my cock. He was becoming too comfortable, so I slammed him against the grass. Will would have to wait. I began to slam his hole, his fingers grasping into the mud, the grass, taking his pained moans with them into no human ears. I pulled out to the head of my cock, a huge length, and hit in, like a mountain of bricks. The full force of my entire body was all ending in one full violent crash, only it was happening over and over again, forcing the perfect and tight hole to break. It was finally opening up and loosening up. I was making it mine, and any other guy would know I fucked it. I was ruining Rob's cunt, and it would always be mine once I filled his belly with my babies.

I felt the well of cum building up in my balls, and grabbed Rob's neck hugging him around the front, as my legs buckled, and I released wave after wave of warm wet sperm deep into his gut. Everything in me was fighting, was forcing, was overpowering, as he became mine and took a part of me inside him to his core.

"Take it," I ordered into his ear. He let out a final little scream and I a final grunt in unison. I fell on top of him exhausted and sweating, every muscle of my body tensing over him. I kept my cock inside letting every drop enter him. I caught my breath, my cock plugging his house with my own sperm. I forgot about Will and Matt, but they were both jerking and enjoying the show.

When I stood up and pulled up my pants, I gave Rob's ass a slap, and that was all. Will was about to crack under the pressure, and instantly fell on top of Rob, without any licking or easing. Instantly he was slamming, the only way he could or would fuck a hole. Will's cock was shorter than mine, but insanely thick, and Rob's hole was getting stretched to the limit. He was moaning into the ground, grunting, and squirming. His little cute ass was pummeled, as his legs were pried apart like a sledge hammer. Will held him in place, and forced his hole to give in, with my own cum lubing it up at least. I could see some of the warm white liquid around Rob's pussy lips, wetting Will's cock. That sweet warm cum was covering Will's cock, becoming sloppy as it dripped down his shaft to his big teen jock balls. Then Will dumped his load deep too, making sure Rob stayed filled, and flooded with young hormonal cum. Rob was on the ground still arched, his hole opened wide, as massive amounts of cum were visible inside, like a full cup ready to spill with the smallest movement.

"Damn we will have to use him again," Will said. Rob looked like he was unsure, but couldn't help enjoying the feeling of being my slut. He kept looking at my cock, licking his lips without knowing, his ass just needing it to live. Matt came, thinking he could join in, but I put out a hand and stopped him.

"What the hell man. Why can't I fuck him?"

The truth was that I was just saving him for a bored day. I knew I was going to fuck Matt eventually, and that his ass would be amazing. But it had to be done right. I didn't want him think he was like me, or even like Will or Derek. Not being opened up, or his hole made into a man's pussy, a place to take cocks, didn't mean he couldn't be turned.

"You just can't. He belongs to me and Will," I said, consenting to add Will only because he started Rob out on dick. It would be better to keep Rob's hole between the two of us rather than share him with the whole football team. Coach Keller wouldn't let Rob stay on the team if he ever found out we were using him, and besides that it was always better to have a tight hole to yourself.

We went back up the hill to our cars, and Derek was still in the same spot with Holden. We all looked in to see Holden's legs spread up around Derek's shoulders, a thick long cock entering a tight virgin hole. It looked amazing to see a hole get opened up from that angle, Holden holding on to Derek's shoulders, letting him do whatever he wanted or needed. Holden was panting like a bitch in heat, moaning in pain, yet begging for more. He was owned and needed it stretched by a man. Derek must have been cumming when we walked up, as he pulled out, showing his cock and the hole both covered in thick loads. He probably had fucked the boy several times before we came back.

Holden then played with his hole, fingering and rubbing, and then took some of Derek's cum and ate it lovingly. Derek closed up the boys legs and lifted them higher to keep in the cum, smacking the hole, and then kissed the boy, but only very quickly before spiting into his mouth.

I got into the car with Matt, who seemed pissed, but happier after seeing Holden get busted open. I dropped him off without him saying anything, but I knew he'd get over it eventually.

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