The Spicy Side

By moc.liamtoh@etanfoedaps

Published on Aug 1, 2009


I carried Gio home on my back- All good. I gave him a deep hug when we got to his place; said our goodbyes- still all good. I got lost getting home... I live down the block from his house- I thought something was wrong. I went through five keys before getting the right one to enter my house- My God, what did I do?

Reality bitch slapped me in the face. I realized then what I had done. I took advantage of Gio... or did I? He told me he was just sore down there. He didn't say anything when I took him home. He smiled when we hugged goodbye. He told me to call him later on... I was hoping this wasn't going anywhere. I didn't want Gio thinking I was leading him on. I wouldn't have wanted that, but deep down I felt excited.

Not even a few steps into my house, my body got all fucked up. I got lost in my own house. Kept tripping on things on the floor. Iva has the damn nerve to nag me to clean my room when she can't even pick up the house! I used the walls for guidance only to press my hand hard on a photo framed on the wall. I felt the glass shatter under my palm. I felt sharp pain as tiny shards pierced my skin. "Puta madre!" I screamed, stepping back. I heard someone rush down the staires before I slipped on something again and fell head first on a table.

Everything felt fuzzy. The room was dim and the light that peaked through the curtains was too much for my eyes to bare. Most sesnse of feeling was blocked by pressure through out my entire body, but my left hand could still very much feel the sting the glass had left me.

I knew what was up when I realized the room reaked of weed. I was in my room, on my bed in the middle of cupping therapy being performed by my older sisters. Through my blurred vision I can see Iva hand something to Maria.

"Finally you're up..." I heard Maria say, holding a round glass cup and swirling a joint inside it, filling it with smoke. Before the smoke could escape the cup, she placed it on my leg. The cup sucked on my skin, just like Gio did the night before...

"Don't tell me... you did it again?" Iva asked me. I was too out of it and, "Huh?" was all I managed to say at the moment. "Who was it, Raulie? Was it that Alejandra girl?" Maria asked. "My sex life's none of your business. I don't ask you guys who you bring home every night. At least I have the decency to go out when getting friendly,"I sighed.

In blurr, I can see their heads turn to each other and then chuckle. "So you did do it," they said. I really needed to learn to pick out my words better. "You've got to realize, Raulie, that you're the legacy of this family now that we know Theo's sterile. We can't have you going out popping babies with girls like it's a sport," Maria explained to me for what had to be the thousandth time. Lucky me it wasn't a girl that time then. I'm not even careful. Who knows? Maybe I do have a kid out there.

"You gotta stop saying that, you know there's still Mar-" "Don't say it," Iva cut me off. She clutched my left hand, "Don't say it..." "Oh Jesus let go!" She looked down. "Oh, sorry," she apologized, letting go. "What a way to ruin the moment, Raul," Maria teased, "But seriously, who was it?" I heard a crack and pressure on my head lightened. Once again, I saw them give each other a look. "We have more..." Maria said, taking broken cupping glassfrom my forehead and tossing it in the trash.

Iva sighed, looking towards the ceiling. She wasn't annoyed but recalling things. She does this often, especially in the weekends to remember the week. It's weird not seeing her do it. "Think you'll be alright for the wedding next Saturday?" she asked, "Theo would be upset if you didn't go,"

I groaned. I had forgotten all about Theo's wedding. There was no question, I had to go. My problem with it all was I had no one to take. The last time I went to a wedding, it was my Aunt's and everyone brought a date or a friend with them. I felt like a dumbass for being all alone. I had to hang out with the kids at their table.

A number of girls crossed my mind, all I know would accept until they figured out the wedding would be held so deep in Tijuana, Mexico. Alejandra, the girl in English. I knew she had a boyfriend but she had been dropping hints every now and then. I was lucky, I sat behind her. Every day I'd put my legs under her desk and lift her. She never once told me to stop and she'd giggle from time to time. I'd play with her hair, no sign of annoyance.

"I'll see," I answered. "'Kay. Just remember, you have to answer to him if you're a no-show," Iva warned and left the room with Maria. "Feel better, Raulie!" Maria practically screamed on her way out, "Happy Birthday!"and shut the door.

I lied there for a while, glass cups still sucking on my skin, not really knowing what to do. Of all the times, I could hear my cell vibrate. I tried removing the cups out. It wasn't too hard, with a pop they were off. It felt like a big tickling kiss. I could see the smoke escape the cups. I tried breathing them in but this stuff wasn't as good as the kind Gio and I had the day before. I popped the last cup off but didn't get my cell right away.

I sat up on the edge of my bed and kicked my pants off. I actually remembered that time to lock the door. I hurried over to the door making sure it was locked tightly. I stumbled back to my bed and made sure I used my right hand for guidance. I tried remembering last night. It was kind of fuzzy but I know what I did. I can remember most of it.

I liked how Gio rubbed the tip of my cock with his fingers and then smeared the precum over the slit with his thumb. Wasn't the best hand job I got but it was different. I thought it would have been better if we did it again when I'm not high so I could see how it really feels.

I could feel the blood pumping down there. All that thinking got me excited but my beat off hand wasn't in good shape for a rough wank. I'd use my right hand but it feels like a clumsy girl who's never touched a penis is trying to get me off. I must've been really hard to let it go because I had an idea.

I slid my boxers off, musk from the previous night's fun still potent, and crawled to my pillows. I knelt over one and slide back and forth. Just to be extra frisky, I pretended it was Gio under me. All it needed was a tight hole. Man, I went to town with this pillow. When I finished, I left a pool of cum on the pillow. I didn't feel like cleaning it with my sexual high gone.

From the way I was sitting, my legs went numb. I struggled trying to cross the room to my cell. I ended up having to crawl to my desk. I reached over and grabbed my Chocolate. It wasn't a call but a text from Joey.

"hey Ra wanna go camping and fishing this friday aftr schl?"

the text said and there was another one, "I wanna mkeup 4 not going with you guyz last night," Joey has a thing for fishing, he somehow always fits fish into the current conversation, no matter how unrelated it is.

"uh i dunno. wheres it gonna b at?" I texted back. In no time I got a response. Joey's quick with his fingers it seemed. "Coronado Islands of corse. dont chu listen? i tell you guys about it all the time," "ah, is G goin?" "hasnt replied yet, Javies up for it though," "K. let me know if G goes,"

There was a larger gap between our text until he finally replied,"y?" I hate when people take their sweet ass time before replying and once they do it's not even a complete sentence let alone a single word. "just cuz, JJ," texting his nickname, trying to make the situation seem tender. Another long gap until, "k," Damnit!

I woke up to MGMT's Weekend Wars echoing in my room. It took me by suprise, it wasn't my usual taste in music but I was in desperate need of something new to listen to so Javier reccomended the indie rock band. Like always, I woke up at half an hour passed noon.

Joey never texted back; I guessed Gio never responded. He's forgetful that way. It's a miracle that he's still up and going on to school considering he practically lives on his own. I figured that's why he's always at my place.

I knew this would be a boring weekend. I needed somewhere to be, something to occupy myself. Tijuana. I grabbed my keys, got my I.D., stuffed my cell into my pocket and slid my pocket knife in my sock, just in case. I debated in calling Gio to see if he would want to join but it'd be a bad idea to bring someone like him along.

I was almost out the door when I heard creaks coming from the stairs. "Heading somewhere, Raulie?" a groggy Maria asked. "Yeah," I answered, "Might see Theo," "Hmm? Really?" she yawns, "What for?" "Do I need a reason to see my brother?" I asked. Even with my back to her, I knew she was smiling. "Got me there," she gave in and creaked back up the stairs.

I saw Gio sitting outside of his house talking with Javier as I passed in my car. I grew nervous when Javier actually looked interested in the conversation. I wondered if Gio let it slip that we did the deed on Friday. I did sort of say to keep this between us. They didn't see me pass.

Being Saturday, the line at the border to TJ was long. I looked around from my car; I noticed there were a lot of people my age. I could see a hot girl looking at me from the corner of my eye. It was weird. I had to admit, she was hot but I couldn't feel it. Something felt off and I didn't like it. I didn't get a boner. I had to think about it hard just to get a stiffie. When I think about it now, I was just trying to convince myself I could get aroused by a hot girl.

I eventually got through the gate and drove aimlessly, passing the graffiti covered streets and avoiding the street vendors. I got a lot of looks from people. I felt I should have brought Iva's beat up Honda instead. I stopped a few blocks from Theo's house. I never planned on visiting but just look at the city. He has a nice view from his house.

A bright glare caught my eye. I saw a blonde, white boy around my age who really stood out down the hill of the road I was on. He was deep in his DS game. I noticed it was a DSi when I saw the dark round circle on the light blue DS. A metal charm hung down from the DS, the source of the glare. From the look of his face, the game he was playing must have been challenging.

I wondered what someone like him was doing here but then felt racist at the thought. Not everyone who comes into Mexico has to be Latino. A tall blonde woman walked over to him and said something in a different language I couldn't recognize. He got up and they both left in a car that didn't stand out as much as they did.

I don't know how much time had passed leaning on my mustang. I was too preoccupied looking at my future world when I heard footsteps. "Que onda, niño,?" I heard. "Nada, amigo," I answered. Edgar stepped next to me, smoking. "Theo ain't home yet," he told me, breathing out a stream of smoke. "Really didn't come here for him. I just needed to get out of the house for a while,"

Edgar is Theo's room mate and right hand man, and soon, would be mine too. Theo comes to him when he can't decide on things himself. Through out the years I've learned to not go to him when I replace Theo. Edgar's smart but alcohol and drugs cloud his judgement.

"Yeah, know what you mean," he said, coughing quietly. "Wanna go to the bar? I think it's wet night," he offered. Edgar has snuck me into the clubs all over TJ. He'd always find a way to get me a private room with one of the girls. There's always a catch though. It ranged from just giving him smokes when he's in a good mood to washing his car or something he needed to get done.

"Nah, I'm good, man," I declined. I wasn't in the mood to get my cock wet. "Well, you know where to find me," he laughed and walked off but not before asking, "Getting used to your contacts yet?" I couldn't believe he remembered or even noticed. "They're getting there," I told him. "Heh," he fleered and continued on.

I must have been there for hours because the sun was shining brilliantly red, begining to set as if it was just above the city itself. There were blotches of purple where the clouds didn't cover the sky. It's strange knowing pollution is the cause of these beautiful sunsets we get every night.

"Hello, other world," I whispered to myself, "Are you getting a good connection? My world is revolving normally. Systems are all green. Reception is..." I paused, "...fuzzy."

Yeah, I'm really sorry for the delay. I know the wait wasn't worth it. I'm not used to writing on a schedule. I know what you're all thinking. "What schedule?" There really isn't one but I feel like I have to find a certain routine and a fast one to keep your attention. But for those of you who plan on sticking around thank you for being so patient with me :). E-mail me at for your thoughts.

Next: Chapter 3

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