The Sperm Sample

By Dr Throat

Published on Apr 17, 2017



Well, it took me a while to get inspired to come up with the next story line, and this one came right out of nowhere with no prior incident or encounter to stimulate my imagination. Enjoy.

As usual, any resemblance to actual people or places is coincidental. This story is pure imagination for your enjoyment. Any comments, feel free to contact me at


At the time of this story I was 29. My name is Tim. I'm what you would describe as the all-American boy next door type. Solids looks, probably an 8 out of 10. Dirty blond hair, lean body type, clean cut, not into anything too crazy or freaky. The kind you want to settle down with.

I met my high school sweetheart Jen when we were both 16. It was very evident to us and everyone around us that we were truly each other's soulmates. Both parents gave us their blessing early on, and we became a real couple right away. An occasional tiff here or there about something minor and stupid, but no big issues between us. We stayed together all through college. Finally, when we were both 26, and we had been together for 10 years, we got married. It was time. She was the one and only person I had sex with, and same goes for her. My eyes never veered elsewhere, and she was such a complete package for me that I never needed to stray. Even at my bachelor party and all the other parties we threw for all my buddies, I was always the well-behaved one.

A year into our marriage, we decided that it was time to start working on a child. She figured we might want 2 or 3 kids eventually, with a few years in between them, so it is only natural to start the process with the first one. She went off the birth control, and we figured it will happen naturally when the time was right. We gave it a good try for more than 6 months, and we had plenty of fun doing it, but no luck. She went to her gynecologist for a general check up. She was told that sometimes coming off the birth control pills after such a long period it will take time for the body to wake up and be ready for a pregnancy. So we tried a few months more, this time with some instructions about optimal times and techniques.

There were a few more visits to the gynecologist, and then to a fertility doctor, and by now I was going to all those visits with her. Once they exhausted all the things we could have done technically wrong, they started looking into hormonal and anatomical issues. The fertility specialist sent me to have a general check up and sperm analysis with his urologist counterpart, just to make sure I'm not shooting blanks.

I insisted that I can go see the urologist on my own. Maybe I was afraid he would say something and that I would need time to process before sharing it with Jen. At age 29 I never thought I could have any health issues. The urologist was very pleasant and professional. The exam went as expected, and he even said I'm too young for a prostate exam, and that in any case it would not have any bearing on my fertility.

At the end of the exam, he indicated to his nurse to send me for a sperm analysis. She filled out a form and instructed me to go to the basement level sperm bank to get it done. I don't know what I was expecting, but I didn't think I would have to produce a sperm sample on demand right then and there. Of course, yes, logically I was there to get checked. Just the whole concept of having to jerk into a cup, in the middle of the day in a sterile lab, that's not the frame of mind I was in. I kinda associated jerking off with being alone at home in bed. Not a late afternoon medical adventure.

I also have not been one to jerk off too much in my lifetime. I had my sexual awakening early in life together with Jen. We've had a long and super healthy sex life together. To this day we have sex on the average once a day, unless one of us is out of town for business. It is usually during one of those instances that I need to satisfy my urges by helping myself out, which thankfully does not happen often. I probably don't even have a good technique. I've seen all kinds of sex toys specially for self-pleasuring and jerking off for guys, but honestly I never needed any because of a loving and equally sexually hungry wife.

So, off to the sperm bank lab. I took the elevator to the basement. I followed the signs down a maze of hallways. Sure enough, it was the last office entrance in the last hallway. Maybe they knew the discreet nature of what they wanted people to do, and wanted to give them the most privacy possible. I opened the door and walked in with the form in my hand. There was a very small reception area with only 3 chairs. There was a reception desk, and what seemed to be only one "exam room" to one side. To my relief, the person behind the reception desk was a young man of similar age to me. That was already relief. I had visions of having to jerk off in a cup as some middle-aged woman nurse, someone who could be my mother, was ticking away on her computer terminal only a few feet away on the other side of the door. So glad to see a healthy guy who could make jerking off feel less juvenile.

I walked up and introduced myself and gave him the form in my hand. The name tag said Patrick Hanlon, RN. He had a boyish face, with a straight medium brown hair that perfectly framed him. His hair continued to short scruff all around his chin. He looked athletic, but nothing too ridiculous. Pale porcelain skin to complement his hair. Pale blue eyes framed with long but definitely masculine eyelashes. He looked up a few times to make a casual eye contact as he entered some data on his computer terminal. Obviously, he was the professional, and having guys come and jerk off in a cup in a room next him was just his natural world; nothing weird to him.

He then got up from his seat and came around corner. I followed him into the exam room. A small room with one chair, one standard issue doctor's office exam bed covered with standard issue wax paper that they change between visits. Next to it a simple cabinet and on it a cup (duh!), a few hospital grade white hand towels, and what I imagine must be a patient gown. There was also a bottle of lube, just in case some people like it moist. On the wall, one of those hand sanitizer dispensers. I guess they want you to sterilize your hands after your milk your junk. No windows, no art on the walls. The whole room was all in the most drab gray colors with no sense of elegance.

Patrick told me that we need the sample in the cup, and to bring it out to him when I'm finished. He also told me that the sperm lab closes at 6:00, and that it is already 5:40. The last thing he would want to do is to rush me, but he gotta close shop. That was his hint not to take too much time. And I guess is 20 minutes is all I should realistically need for this.

He didn't really give me too much more details. The only other thing he said was that when the specimen is in the cup, to put the lid back on and make sure I hear a click when I twist it all the way closed, to make sure it is properly sealed. I guess the process should be decently self-explanatory. He left me in the room and closed the door behind him. I looked around. Still the same drab and sterile room. Was I supposed to disrobe and put the hospital gown on? Or just yank it out and go for it? I decided the latter. I leaned back on the edge of the exam bed, opened my belt and zipper, and pulled out my dick. It was as soft as it can ever get, totally not rising to the occasion. I opened the lid of the specimen cup and left it open nearby, so I won't have to struggle when the time is right. I grabbed my dick and started to fondle myself. Slowly there was more circulation down there, and the erection was coming. After all, maybe there was something wrong with my sperm count, but the equipment had never failed me in the past.

I relaxed my head back and let my mind drift. I kept stroking as I had visions of Jen straddling me and riding my dick. 10 minutes later I had not yet found the sweet spot to climax. My belt buckle kept hitting the back of my hand with every stroke, and the elastic band of my underwear was choking the base of shaft too much to get comfortable. Heck, I got the room all to myself and I need to produce results in the next 10 minutes before Patrick has to close.

I quickly took off my shirt, pants and underwear. Stark naked I climbed on the exam bed, which was already in the reclining position. My knees were bent sideways, and my crotch took center attention. At moments like this, those few rare occasions when I get to jerk off, my favorite moment to fantasize about is the third night of our honeymoon. Jen and I had some local rum at the resort, and between that and being madly in love, we were having one of those super horny nights. By 2 AM we finally closed the bars and headed to our rooms. We got into a mad fuckfest and recreated every single sexual position we have ever tried. An hour later, the alcohol totally took away our good judgement and we crept out of our room stark naked into the empty walkways of the resort all the way to the beach. We rolled around on the sand, getting washed by the occasional soft wave. We alternately made love, fell asleep on the beach, and then work up 10 minutes later to fuck again. This went on all night until the sunrise made us realize we're on the beach naked with no towels or robes. Miraculously we made it back to our room without getting caught, and to this day we laugh at our behavior that night.

As I lay there on the exam bed jacking off, I drowned myself in those fond memories hoping to climax any moment. Just then, without a knock or any advance warning, Patrick opened the door ever so slightly so he could make himself heard.

"Buddy, I don't mean to interrupt. But it's now 6 PM and we're supposed to close. You doing OK there?"

I froze in my tracks. I was in a zone and it was interrupted without even the decency of a knock. Trying to sound not frazzled, I told Patrick as matter of factly as I could that I'm having a problem reaching climax as my head is not totally into it, given the circumstances and all. With that, he just totally flung the door open and walked in as though I was there doing something as benign as reading a book.

"Oh, shit, my bad. I totally forgot to show you where we keep our props, just in case you need something to look at." I quickly covered my boner with the one hand I was using to jerk off, and lay there completely naked. Patrick walked across the room and opened the top drawer to the cabinet and pulled out a stack of porn magazines and handed them to me. I used my free hand to grab them.

"Sorry again, I forgot to give these to you in advance. Maybe these will help you do the deed easier." And the whole time he looked me straight in the eyes with total ease, even though I was hiding my now-dying boner with one hand and sitting there completely naked in front of him.

"I'll give you a few extra minutes to finish the job." He left the room and closed the door behind him again.

Well, that was odd, the way he just opened the door unannounced and then just walked in the room as though I was not doing anything private or intimate. He is the one who left me in the room and just simply closed the door behind him. Was I supposed to have locked the door behind him for privacy? Should I walk over now and lock the door? Is the door really supposed to be locked? Usually, when getting ready in the doctor's office for my annual physical exam I never lock the door. After I usually put the patient robe on, they knock and ask if I am ready before they walk in. Here, the rules seem to be a bit different. Maybe working in this kind of environment day after day makes you less sensitive.

Can't obsess about the door now. I need to come up with a specimen. I browsed the various magazines he handed to me. There was a Playboy and a Hustler, both almost vintage. There were two hard core magazines. I didn't see any poses in them I had not tried already with Jen. There was also an all men's magazine called Honcho, and a gay hardcore magazine too. I'm not too squeamish about this, and surely in the privacy of my room did not think I needed to feel betrayed those magazines could be part of a compilation offered to the sperm bank patients. After all, gay guys who go through surrogacy probably need to provide sperm samples for all the in-vitro work they have to do to get the baby conceived.

I spent the next few minutes jerking off and concentrating on the hard core magazine with the straight couples in it. I stroked and stroked, turned the pages back and forth, but just could not climax. Adding to my general melancholy of the past few months, not being a master at mastubating, and being frazzled a bit when Patrick just barged in, I just couldn't get into the zone.

Around 6:20 I heard the door open again just a slight little bit. Again, it was Patrick hiding on the other side, checking on me: "You OK there buddy?"

Again, I froze in my tracks, dick in hand. On the one hand I was annoyed at the predicament I was in, having to produce semen on demand. On the other hand, I was upset I couldn't fulfill such a simple task that any teenage boy would excel at. I replied, still with dick in hand and Patrick behind the slightly opened door: "I'm sorry, maybe I can c...". I was going to say maybe I can come another day to do this when he does not have to close shop and go home, or maybe there was a way I could fill the cup at home and bring it in, though I think they need a super fresh sample for processing. Needless to say, I never got to finish my sentence.

Before I could understand what was about to happen, Patrick swung the door wide open and said: "Let me help you with that. Tell me when you're about to shoot." He said that all in one breath as he took two and a half steps from where he was standing behind the door toward me. By the third step, he had flung my right hand away from my dick and had landed his entire face solid on my cock.

Wow! Holy, fucking, wow!!! What is this? Woooooow! I couldn't even possibly imagine this. Am I still in my fantasies, conjuring a gay fantasy having seen those gay hard core mags, or is Patrick giving me a blow job for reals right now? If I thought that him walking in on me a few minutes ago was a serious case of crossing the line, his mouth on my cock is a whole other level of wrong.

Just then a funny feeling started building up in my cock. It was a combination of immense pleasure mixed in with yearning. I've had sex only with Jen in my entire life. We knew each other's erotic zones so well by now. She knew how to treat my dick well, giving it a thorough blow job before getting my engines ready for serious pounding of her pussy. I never had anything else to compare it to. But right here right now, my cock was deciding for me that we like what we're feeling. I guess there are entire other ways of giving a great blowjob that were not familiar to me or to Jen. And Patrick knew how to treat my cock well even though we had no prior chemistry.

I looked down at my crotch, and just then Patrick looked up. He gave me a cute and mischievous wink, while smiling all at the same time. Well, as much of a smile one can give while having an entire 8 inch dick in one's mouth. I don't know what got into me, but I nodded back at him. He smiled back again, and dug himself even deeper into my crutch.

What got into me? Why did I nod? Why was my dick enjoying this complete assault? Why am I letting my dick go along with this? Meanwhile, Patrick was so far removed with this mental turmoil in my head. He looked as happy as a kid in a candy store bobbing his head up and down on my cock. He then grabbed the base of my shaft all the way down by the balls and squeezed it so hard I swear my cock grew by 2 inches. Yet he was able to devour all of it with his eager throat. Intermittently he would look up at me to check on me, and I would just look back like a deer frozen in headlights.

Just then it dawned on me what my end of the bargain was supposed to be. My entire reason for being in the sperm bank was to produce a specimen. And since I was not able to achieve the goal all on my own, Patrick was doing me a solid by stimulating me. He was lending me a helping hand, well, mouth. He was helping a brother in need. It is something that will stay between us forever, but something that a brother does for another brother to help out. My job then, was to produce that damn sperm sample already so we could be done with it.

Patrick had a magic mouth. His tongue rolled around my dick in ways Jen never knew were possible. To add extra stimulation, he would occasionally lick my balls all the way to my taint. Back and forth for what seemed like eternity, but probably for 20 minutes straight. Yup, not a drop of cum from me.

The then looked me in the face from down in my crotch area, winked again, and said: "This will relax you." With that, he put both his hands under the inner surface of my knees and flung my legs all the way up. My knees were now touching my chest, and my ass was totally exposed to him. With one motion, he dug his mouth right into my asshole and started licking the rim. I've heard about ass licking before. I guess straight couples do it too. But to me that was a little in the domain of gay people to do, and it never crossed my mind to ask Jen if she would be into it. My sex life was satisfying enough as it were, and I did not need to introduce something that could come off as awkward. But ass licking always remained a mystery to me, and here I was getting my virgin exposure to it.

A soft tongue on your rosebud can do wonders. Plus, Patrick's soft scruff was gently providing stimulation to all the erogenous zones around the hole. Every once in a while when I would skip shaving a few days on a weekend or on vacation, and then go down on Jen to eat her pussy, she would complain that the beard is too rough on her pussy, and she would rather I don't eat her out when I haven't shaven. But here, Patrick's soft scruff is just a soft stimulation around the softness of his tongue massaging my hole. I'm not sure this was going to make me cum, as was the point of this whole exercise, but I was enjoying where I was right then. I wasn't going to complain about veering off the mission.

Slowly, his tongue became more and more firm on my hole. He was more than licking me clean, he was gently trying to get through my sphincter with his tongue. And with each lick, my sphincter loosened just a little bit more to let his tongue in. After a few minutes of gentle poking like this, my sphincter was loose enough to let as much of his tongue in as was possible. His tongue was now licking my sphincter from the inside as he slid in and out. Every once in a while, he would turn his head from side to side as he was all the way in, his scruff brushing my thighs, and sending all kinds of pleasure nerves into overdrive.

After what seemed like an eternity of this, but what probably was 10 minutes, he withdrew his tongue from my sphincter. He grabbed the bottle of lube from the counter top and put a healthy portion of it into each hand. With his right hand he reached in between my thighs as they were still high up in the air to grab my dick, and with his left hand full of lube, he attacked my ass again. Nice long strokes on my dick with the right hand, as one and then two fingers from his left hand negotiated their way into my ass. I was already decently dilated from his tongue that by now the resistance was not that great. My virgin ass could take two fingers, but I was quietly hoping that he would not try more than two fingers. Meanwhile, the lube-filled right hand was stroking all 8 inches of my cock from top to bottom.

I knew again what was going to be my end of the bargain. All this for a sperm sample. Instead of staring at him, I leaned my head all the way back, closed my eyes, and let myself be carried away into another dimension. He looked like he damn well knew what he was doing, and I was gonna let him use his `expertise' to help me out. His fingers started focusing on my prostate from the inside. They say this is the male version of the G spot, and I guess they're right. Every time he rubbed my insides and squeezed my prostate, another load of precum would come out of my peephole. Load after load of precum for minutes, but not a hint of orgasm or cum. Meanwhile, I was in ecstasy, and I was not going to interrupt his rhythm. I was going to let him expertly do his thing. Yet, for all the pleasure I was getting, I just could not climax. I could never relax my mind enough to shoot.

Again, another eternity of this position, but what in reality might have been another 10 minutes, Patrick withdrew his left hand from the inside of my ass and let go of my dick with his right hand. The sudden interruption woke me up from the stupor I was in. I opened my eyes and looked at Patrick. I couldn't tell by the expression on his face if he was now getting pissed, or just tired. Here he was, going way out of line of duty to make me cum, and all I was able to offer in return was one loud groan after another. He had spent all this time pleasuring me, and I'm failing to give him the goods. I didn't know what to do.

He stood up from where he was seated in between my crotch for the last hour. He grabbed both my arms and flung me straight out of the exam bed so I was now standing up facing him, nose to nose. We were the same height and build, so our eyes locked right into each other. My erect and lube-covered 8 inch cock hit the front of his pants, smearing some of that material on his clean pants.

Patrick reached out with his left hand and grabbed the back of my neck and said: "I guess lover boy needs my secret weapon." He then used that left hand to pull my head toward his. He gave me a quick forceful kiss on the lips, no tongue. Just a quick and powerful kiss, the kind you would give your enemy just to piss him off. Boy, have I screwed up this whole thing!

He then used his left hand still behind me to turn me around 180 degrees until I was facing the exam bed. With his right hand his forced my back downward until I fell with my elbows on the exam table. Behind me I heard the sound of belt buckle being undone.

No! Is this really happening??? Have I gone too far with this? Have I been too complicit with this so far? Is he really pulling out his dick?

I didn't need to wait too long to get an answer. I heard and saw from the corner of my eyes his pants and boxer shorts drop to the floor in one swift move. He reached over to the counter with his left hand and I saw him grab the lube. After what sounded like five good squeezes of the bottle, I heard something being massaged with that gooey lotion. Just then I felt something spongy hit my rosebud. This was different from his soft tongue and his scruff. This was a bit spongy yet stiff at the same time. I knew what it was. I have one too. I finally learned how my dick feels every time I penetrate my wife.

My ass was already way dilated from his tongue and his fingers. He was able to get in with no argument from my bowels. He was in. I never looked around to see his cock; I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But by the feeling of it, his cock must be huge. Much bigger and stiffer than the two fingers he had up my ass previously. He pushed further in. I had no way of knowing if he was all the way in. Should I brace for more? How do you know if that is as big as it gets? He kept sliding in, stretching more of my ass from the inside as he penetrated deeper and deeper. Finally, I felt what must have been his soft balls hit the back of my taint, and with that I knew this is as deep as it gets. It felt like he had an entire tree trunk in me by then. I didn't know if he was particularly well-endowed, or is this just the pains of a virgin ass.

He then started with the rhythmic motions of fucking. This, I knew. I've done this to Jen practically every single day for the past 13 years we've been together. He started slow, and gently increased the pressure and the pace with each thrust. I was so familiar with this hip movement. What I was not familiar with was more shocking. Almost like an inner instinct that had been genetically hidden in me all this time, my pelvis started to respond to his thrusts. With each of his thrusts, my pelvis involuntarily anticipated his motion, and started to dance in unison with his pelvis. Every time he pushed in, my ass pushed back to make sure he gets as deep as possible. He would pull back, and my pelvis would also pull away for extra friction. Then again he would push in and my pelvis would rush to meet his cock and get it in way deeper than the last thrust. With each thrust, we perfected the rhythm even more.

Just then, Patrick started intermittently slapping my ass cheeks with his open palm. Left side, then right side, then repeat every few thrusts. Every time he slapped my ass, a tingle would go through my pelvis all the way up my spine. The first few time were a bit painful, but after a few times, just as I could feel my ass skin turning red and raw, pain was replaced with desire. It was as though my ass could not get enough of the slapping. If he slapped my left ass cheek, my right ass cheek would be jealous until it was his turn. I was squealing like a pig with pleasure. I was totally transported into a different dimension, one I never knew existed. My loud groans were only interrupted every once in a while when Patrick would say, in between thrusts and ass slaps things like: "Dude, I have to stay that I'm really enjoying your ass, more than my usual." or "Dude, your ass is so tight and so right for my cock. I can fuck you like this for days."

My entire body was in an immense state of pleasure, all without me even touching myself. I was still leaning with my elbows on the exam table as my ass was exposed to Patrick for his pleasure. Well, for the pleasure of both of us. He would intermittently grab my hips to intensify his thrusts, then slap my ass left, then right, then left again. I was his bitch, a straight married man who had been monogamous all his life. But I was loving this.

Finally, Patrick picked up the pace of the thrusts even more. There was an intense amount of friction from his dick sliding in and out of me at immense speeds. The heat from my ass traveled through my prostate toward my dick. Just when that intense heat reached the tip of my cock, Patrick yelled from behind me: "Lover boy, are your gonna come with me?"

I guess that is all the stimulation I needed. With the friction in my ass, the heat in my dick, and the thoughts of Patrick about to shoot his load in my ass, I was finally about to shoot too. I felt the cum stir in my balls as it was getting ready to make its way out. Just then, I felt a series of jerky thrusts in my ass, followed by a tingly sensation as my rectum met cum for the first time. Oh, I was about to shoot too.

But then I started to see black stars. I felt guilty beyond belief. Not because I was a married monogamous straight married man getting fucked by a stranger, and not because climaxing was all the proof that I was complicit in all this and I was enjoying it, but because I was just about to cum and spill my load all over the side of the exam table and the floor. After all this, the one thing I was here for was going to be wasted. Can we still gather it from the floor and put it in the specimen cup? Is that going to be enough? Or am I going to have to come here again for another trial? And how awkward would it be if I show up here again with Patrick on duty? I'm fucked, literally and figuratively.

But have no fear, as we have the best expert on this subject right in the room with me. Just as he was finishing his own last few thrusts of cum spurting fuck motions in me, he must have sensed that I was going to cum in unison with him. At the speed of lightning he grabbed the specimen cup with his left hand, then reached with his right hand around me to grab my cock and directed the tip to the inside of the cup. And just like in the movies, that was the same split second that my cock finally shot load after load of hot cum into the cup. He was still pumping his last few thrusts in me as I was reciprocating and providing that hot cum we were both yearning for. I must have shot a huge load, as I felt one thrust after another from my hips, feeding the cup until there was hardly any room left in it. When my dick finally slowed down, Patrick still straddling me from behind, used his right hand to squeeze any last bit of cum still in my shaft into the cup that he was holding in place with his left hand. When he was satisfied with the fruit of his work, he grabbed the lid and closed the specimen cup shut, all the while that his cock was still in me and I was frozen in my tracks. He twisted the lid shut until I heard that final click that I was originally instructed to do, indicating the sample is safe.

Once he put the specimen cup on the counter, he slapped my left ass cheek one last time with his right hand and pulled his dick out. "We're done here buddy. You can get dressed." He withdrew from behind me, grabbed one of those hand towels, and I guess used it to wipe down his dick; I was still too frozen to look around. I then saw him grab his boxers and pants and pull them up. The sounds of a zipper being closed and a belt buckle being fastened followed.

"I'll see you outside by the desk." He left the room, and closed the door behind him. That door! That lock that should have been used! I was still frozen with my elbows on the exam table, and my ass propped up. Even though Patrick's dick was long gone, the heat was still there. I felt moisture in an area of my body I was not used to touch much. I couldn't tell if lube or cum was dripping out, or is just pleasure making me hyper aware of my ass. Finally, I stood up and looked around. The same drab gray room, now a witness to the most intense sexual escapade of my life.

Finally, I grabbed one of the remaining hand towels and wiped my ass. Just lube. No cum. His man juice was safe on the other side of my sphincter. Eventually I put my clothes back on and headed to the door. The door handle with the lock in the middle seemed to laugh in my face. I opened the door and walked out. Patrick was already back at his work area behind the desk. He was ticking something on the computer in rapid sequence, as the specimen cup, now in a sterile see-through lab nylon bag, was sitting on the desk next to him.

He half looked up from the corner of his eyes, still ticking away from what seemed like a mad amount of data entry, and said in the most casual tone possible: "I've already processed your specimen for analysis. The full results usually take 5 business days. Your doctor will call you when the results are ready. And I looked up, you owe $25 for your copay, but since our accounting department terminal is already shut down, they'll send you a bill for it."

I was so stunned by how matter of factly he said all that, while only 5 minutes ago he was pounding my ass with his giant dick. I didn't know if I should respond. Should I say something? What does one say in a situation like this? It seems like he is back to being a professional, like nothing out of line every happened between us? Should I report him? How would I deal with my own embarrassment if the matter got out?

Sensing my hesitation, he looked up from the computer terminal, looked me straight in the eyes, and said: "We're done here. Take care." I fully understood that this was my signal to leave already. I came, one way or another I gave him the specimen he needed to do his job, and now I probably have kept him way too late in the lab after closing time. My head glued to the floor to avoid any more eye contact, I went toward the front entrance to leave the lab. I grasped the door handle and realized the front entrance was locked all this time. Patrick had locked the front entrance door, lest anyone enter the lab while he was having his way with my body. I gently closed the front entrance door behind me and left the building as fast as I could.

Right on the clock, I got a call from the urologist 5 days later. He told me that not only my sperm was of superior quality, but that the quantity was the biggest he had seen ever in his life. It was 5 times as much as the average specimen, and he joked that he didn't know how someone can produce so much cum in just one orgasm. With that being said, he had no doubt that I should be able to get any girl pregnant, as long she is also as fertile as me.

Turned out nothing was wrong with Jen's plumbing or eggs neither. It was a matter of bad luck that my little swimmers had not made a good match with one of her eggs so far. Like they said, sometimes these things happen after a woman who has been on birth control for such a long time tries to conceive. A couple of months later, Jen was finally pregnant.

Like clockwork again, on the due date on the 9th month Jen delivered a healthy and happy baby boy. I insisted we call him Patrick, and Jen went along with it. I wonder how many other little baby Patricks are there out in our town.

To this day, every once in a while when I need to jerk off, I fantasize about that faithful afternoon in the sperm lab. About how I was seduced and used, and how I gave in to pleasure at the price of my dignity. Jen and I had two more babies since then, and we're one big happy family. To this day, I have been monogamous expect for that one time with Patrick. I will carry that secret with me to my grave.

Whew! I had to stop a few times to jerk off in between writing this story. And proofreading it, I had to jerk off again. Hope you also shot a load or two, all over the keyboard. That would be the highest compliment.

For any comments, suggestions, or simple thanks, feel free to contact me at

I look forward to hearing from you, and to coming up with the inspiration for the next story.

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